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Title 應用於揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)回收之膜組初步開發
Abstract 石化工業中常會產生具揮發性之有機化合物廢氣,若未經處理直接排放至大氣中,除了影響動植物健康外,亦造成資源與經濟的浪費,因此有必要加以回收。傳統VOCs處理方式有焚燒法、活性碳吸附、冷凝法等,雖可符合法規要求,但後續處理及成本花費仍有改善的空間。薄膜分離程序屬較新之清潔製程技術,若搭配冷凍技術,亦可達到法規要求,更可減低能源的消耗。薄膜有相當多種型態,其中模組化(module)的薄膜型式其處理面積高,可提升處理能力;常見的模組形式有板框式、中空纖維式與螺捲式等,在評估現有市場、欲處理物性質、處理效益等因素後選擇螺捲式模組做為本計劃的開發目標。為了解螺捲式過濾器(spiral wound module)內間隔網(spacers)構造對流體流動及分離效率的影響,本研究計劃委託中原大學薄膜技術研發中心以計算流體力學套裝軟體FLUENTTM來進行求解,並找尋出間隔網的最佳設計條件。本研究針對不同彎曲度、不同內外層纖維大小之排列方式、及不同孔隙度的間隔網和薄膜透過率進行探討。研究結果發現當間隔網彎曲度到圓心角60 o左右時,可以得到最小的壓降增加率和最大的剪應率增加率,顯示圓心角60 o為最佳設計曲率。另外並將研究對象由水相延伸至非水相之甲苯、異戊烷等流體,針對三種不同性質的流體在相同操作之壓力及薄膜透過率也就是薄膜孔徑大小下,探討滲透量及濃縮量和流體黏度之關係。當黏度越小,所獲得的透過量越大。流態呈現不穩定時,可藉由改變間隔網之立體結構進而達到改善之效果。計劃的執行過程裡,進行了單片不同大小的膜材的測試及模組組裝與實測。單片膜材測試的結果顯示在較低流速時油氣通過膜材的速度較載氣快約26倍(選擇率26),不過在較高流量的情況下膜材並無明顯的選擇性,此現象值得注意並探討;此外並完成了膜組的製備與模組的組裝與初步測試。以氣相層析儀分析的結果初步發現模組的削減率可達73.4%,而進料濃度在操作過後可增濃8.67%,但實際濃度有待以檢量線再確認。本計劃初步開發之模組主要是應用在油氣的回收程序上,但VOCs的種類相當多,且許多作業環境亦會產生VOCs,若針對不同作業環境設計系統與選用適當之物質製備薄膜(組),亦可應用在相關處理程序上。由此可知,此模組具有相當高的商業化潛力。
EngTitle Membrane module develop in recovering volatile organic compounds
EngAbstract The exhaust gas of petrifaction industry contain volatile organic compounds(VOCs),it is not only hurtfully to animals and plants without controlling but also lost lots of energy and cost,so it is necessary to be recovered. Membrane is a new technology in cleaning process,it have more effects ability to recover VOCs with condensation technology and reduce the cost and energy. Membranes in module type have high working area, simple operation and it can#t buy form the market easily,so the spiral wound module is our target to develop. The most important part in the spiral-wound module is spacer. The spacer serves both as mechanical stabilizer for channel geometry and turbulence promoters for reducing polarization phenomena near the membrane surface. A sub-project concerning spacer design has been delegated to the R&D Center of Membrane Technology,Chung Yuan University. Effect of spacer design on fluid flow and separation efficiency in a spiral-wound module was conducted using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) technique. Three kinds of fluids,water,toluene and isopentane are adopted for this study.Results showed that increase of the curvature of spacer will result in increase of pressure drop and shear rate.An optimum curvature of 60o of spacer provided a minimum pressure drop and a maximum shear rate at wall are suggested in designing of the spacer.Results also depicts that properties of fluid could affect the flow pattern and shear stress contour in spiral-wound module. Result shows that the selectivity is 26 in small flow rate system, but it is strength in high flow rate system. The concentration is reducing 73.4% in retentate side and increasing 8.67% in permeate side. We can use membrane technology in recovering VOCs process and it can also use in similar processes by changing different kinds of membrane module or adjusting operation system and conditions.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 瑞弘冷凍科技股份有限公司