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Title 公共服務擴大就業計畫九十三年下半年後續配套措施--事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為有效掌握事業廢棄物產出情形及提升上網申報率,以遏止不法情事發生,故於91年7月擴大公告網路申報家數及擴大公告應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業約二萬家以上。因擴大列管家數增加一倍以上,以地方環保機關現有人力尚難清查未上網申報之事業,故為促請該等事業上網申報。配合檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書分批送審自92年2月1日實施。本計畫主要紓解事業廢棄物管理人力不足的問題,協助達成擴大列管逾四萬家事業之清查並輔導上網申報與提報清理計畫書,使上網申報率、清理計畫書檢具率大幅提昇,並提升稽查成效,降低事業違法件數。因應九十一年度擴大列管事業,訂定需於九十三年底達到90%以上事業上網申報率及事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢具送審率,以掌握八成以上事業廢棄物產出量及清理流向。透過本計畫辦理應上網申報事業3183家次、應檢具清理計畫書事業960家次之清查輔導,截至九十三年底事業上網申報率已達96%,事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢具送審率達98%,皆已達年度目標值。在配合地方環保局執行事業廢棄物管制工作方面,本計畫共完成「協助全面進行事業廢棄物現場稽查、告發及處分」10449件次,有效提升稽查成效,降低事業違法件數;「協助建立事業廢棄物基線資料庫」28486件次、「協助辦理事業廢棄物電腦連線作業管制系統」27102家次,使事業廢棄物管制資料庫之資料更趨於完整;協助檢核10766家已解除列管事業是否符合解除列管條件,並完成19893事業UTM座標標定,使事業廢棄物管制資料更加詳實;配合督導焚化廠或掩埋場進場管制措施29982件次,有效杜絕資源回收物與不適宜進場物質進場,延長焚化廠或掩埋場使用壽命。此外並完成環保署各項交辦事項5730件次。經由本計畫執行,事業廢棄物管制資料建置已漸趨完整,未來對於已申報而勾稽異常之事業應加強稽查,增進事業廢棄物管制資料完整性,確實掌握事業廢棄物清除處理流向,避免事業廢棄物遭隨意棄置而無從追查情事發生。
EngTitle The Extended Public Service Employment Program in 2004 – for industrial wastes sources and ultimate disposal control
EngAbstract In response to the 2002 expansion of industrial wastes control, the interet reporting and declaring rate is set to reach over 90% by the end 2004 so as to hold control on over 80% of the industrial wastes flow. The following has been achieved through this project, consultation provided to 3183 factories mandatory for internet reporting and 960 factories mandatory for declaring. By the end of 2004, the reporting rate reached 96%, submision rate reached 98%, all of them fulfilled this years project goal.In cooperative with local EPBs routine industrial waste control, this project achieved the following: “full scale assistance to industrial waste field auditing and prosecution and penalty processing” 10449 times, elevating the control effectiveness and decreasing vilotion cases; “assist to set baseline for industrial waste data bank” 28486 cases; “assist building industrial waste internet connection and operation system” for 27102 factories to make the contro data more complete; assist to verify the information on 10766 factories whether they are truly released from the control; and completion of 19893 facrories UTM setup to enhance the detail on industrial waste control information; to assist waste entering incineration or landfill plant for 29982 cases to prevent improper materials from entering the plant for and extension of the incinerator lifetime. In addition, another 5730 cases of EPA instructed work items were done. Carry out via this plan, the undertaking offal controls the construction of the materials intactly gradually, to already declared but should be strengthened and checked to check the unusual undertaking to colluding in the future, promote the undertaking offal and control the integrality of the materials, really master the undertaking offal and remove and deal with flow direction, prevent the undertaking offal from being thrown aside at will but have no way of tracing the feeling thing and happenning.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 惠元環保工程顧問有限公司