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Title 有害事業廢棄物固化處理廠及固化物掩埋場環境管理查核
Abstract 本計畫完成現況調查及現場查核國內3家民營有害事業廢棄物固化處理廠,16座公民營焚化廠之固化處理設施,2個民營固化物掩埋場,15個公民營衛生掩埋場。除現場查核外,本計畫完成駐場查核3家固化處理廠。固化處理廠之查核範圍包括環境管理,進出廠管制,申報資料,及現場作業等。固化物掩埋場之查核範圍包括環境管理,進場管制,申報資料及現場作業等。本計畫針對不同養生階段及不同掩埋時間之固化物進行採樣,並做重金屬溶出試驗及單軸抗壓強度試驗,以了解其穩定性。本計畫收集國內外固化處理技術與環境相容性及可替代性技術之研究資料,並擬定「有害廢棄物固化處理設施管理規範(草案)」及「固化體獨立分區掩埋設施規範(草案)」。
EngTitle Environmental audit on hazardous industrial wastes solidification plants, and landfills for solidified wastes
EngAbstract This project accomplished survey and site audit on 3 commercial hazardous industrial waste solidification plants, 16 solidification facilities of public and private owned incineration plants, 2 commercial landfills for solidified wastes and 15 public owned sanitary landfills.In addition to plant audit, this project also conducted resident audit on operation of three solidification treatment plants for solidified wastes.The audit scope for solidification treatment plants includes environment management, gate control, report filing and site audit. The audit scope for landfills includes environmental management, entrance control, report filing and site audit.Sampling of solidified wastes of various curing periods and years in landfill was conducted to analyze the stability of solidified wastes with heavy metal leaching tests and single axial pressure tests.This project collect domestic and foreign solidification treatment technology, environmental compatibility and alternative technology, this project has drafted two guidelines such as “Draft guidelines for management of hazardous waste solidification facilities.” and “Draft guidelines for independent isolated landfill facilities.”
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司