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Title 固定污染源空氣污染防制費查核、分析及監督管理計畫
Abstract 為實現「污染者付費」之社會正義原則,並且以經濟誘因方式,促使公私場所主動減少污染排放量,進而達到改善空氣品質之目標,行政院環境保護署自八十四年七月一日起開始徵收空氣污染防制費。環保署經檢討空污費徵收與審查架構後,將審查管制流程區分為「建檔篩選」、以及「複審查核」等兩大段落之工作。本年度在書面複審部分,完成1,679件審查,符合合約規定之工作量1,600件之進度要求;現場查核部分,已完成943件之現場查核工作,符合合約規定之工作量900件之進度要求;無異常案件應補繳金額為19萬3仟元、異常案件應補繳金額為1,859萬8仟元及CEMS申報案件須補繳金額高達2,851萬元。在配合之CEMS現場查核工作部分,發現各業者出現之問題,主要仍集中於「監測數據未能落於全幅設定值之20~80%之間」、「全幅偏移計算錯誤」、「監測儀器失控或停爐定義不明確」、「污染源廢氣引流無申報」、「監測設施未進行乾濕基校正」、「DAS系統電腦時間不符」、「儀器裝設可變電阻」、「流率監測位置設置錯誤」、「量測數據小於儀器偵測極限」以及「系統性偏差」等問題。在研修固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收審查制度方面,提出「評估低污染性氣體燃料徵收作業之可行性」、「評估以排放係數法取代檢測申報方式的可行性」、「評估CEMS以『月平均排放濃度』為費率基準之修訂案」以及「評估以排放量作為費率級距」等空污費制度之修改;空污費法規之修改包括「以CEMS申報之案件應每季提送申報資料,並進行全面性審查」、「新增鋅及鋁二級冶煉澆鑄成型設備的係數」、「收費辦法中有關檢測排放量之計算方式規定宜一致」及「以排放量大小作為費率調整之依據」;並針對美國聯邦政府及部份已建立完整收費架構之州及地方政府,摘要解析排放收費制度相關內容,以供台灣地區研修空氣污染防制費制度之參考。本年度尚針對縣市召開空氣污染防制費申報現場查核作業訓練、考評各縣市執行空氣品質維護或改善工作之績效、空氣污染防制費申報書面及現場查核成效檢討會等;另外針對環保技術面、經濟面、法規面等問題進行三場專家學者諮詢會,以彙整各分面對於目前空污費收費制度的意見,內容包括:(一)連續自動監測設施現場查核問題及解決方案;(二)空污費檢測申報問題及解決方案;(三)空污費徵收作業制度檢討。
EngTitle Examine, analyze and supervise in air pollution control fee of stationary pollution source
EngAbstract In order to realize "the pollution to pay fee" the social just principle, and by the economical inducement, urges the public and private place initiative reduction pollution emission, then achieved objective of the improvement air quality.In the written reexamination part, had completed 1,679 examinations; In the scene checks part, had completed 943 scenes to check the work, both of them had conformed to contract work load. At the exceptional case to be more paid 193 thousand dollars; At the unexceptional case to be more paid 18 million 598 thousand dollars and the CEMS case estimate must more paid 28 million 51 thousand dollars.At work in coordination with CEMS’s plan, detect some problems in CEMS. Like “monitor data is not between 20 and 80 percent in fully scale”; “fully scale deviating is an error of computation”; ”monitor device uncontrollable”; “pollution source bypass”; “monitor device doesn’t correct by dry-wet base”; “flow rate’s monitor is wrong” and “systematicness deviation”.The research of the air pollution fee system, included “the feasibility study of levying on the clean fuel”; “the feasibility study of using stack test to substitute for emission factor ”; “using the monthly mean concentration for the fee level of CEMS”; “using the emission quantity for the fee level ”; “the cases of CEMS need to be examined each season ”.Furthermore, convened three conference to get the suggestion and the opinion from the professors, the content includes the problems and the solutions in the scene checks about the CEMS cases, the problems and the solutions in the stack test for the air pollution free, and a review of the taxation system of air pollution.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司