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Title 行業別固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物管制作業推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫係協助環保署進行VOCs管制推動及相關作業規劃,主要內容分為四大項工作:包括石化業、半導體業、光電業及膠帶業等法規研修工作、HAP計算篩選原則建立及五種行業HAP試算工作、美國面源資料建立之制度研析及農藥、消費性商品兩項國內調查對象及管制措施建議、建物塗裝管制建議、10場次之廢水場排放調查及相關成效整合工作等項工作。主要成果包括1.預計四項法規之修正可增加17,686公噸之排放減量,以91年所建立之空氣品質模式預估臭氧平均濃度之改善比例可達0.61%。2.根據美國排放係數圖譜資料及現有之VOC排放量申報資料試算光電、半導體、汽車表面塗裝、膠帶、石化等行業之有害空氣污染物排放量,並納入環境濃度限值考量,估算有害權重強度,初步建議之重要物種包括苯乙烯、甲醛、丙醇、間/對-二甲苯、異丙醇、甲苯及二氯甲烷等項可納入未來優先管制物種之參考。3.參酌美國經驗,規劃VOCs面源管制架構,在考量行政可行性、成本有效性、技術可行性等因素下評估優先管制對象類別,並針對農藥、消費性商品及建物塗裝等類完成管制策略研析。4.健全排放量資料,建立廢水處理場及面源之排放調查方式,改善排放清單正確性,作為未來法規研訂及落實推動之基礎。
EngTitle Individual industry VOCs control planning
EngAbstract The project assisted EPA to implement regulations and related planning work of VOCs control. These include fours highlighted work: to amend VOCs rules to petrochemical, semiconductor, TFT-LCD, and adhesive tape industries; to establish the selection criteria for HAP calculation and to complete HAP calculation programs in 5 industries; to study the US area source inventory system and to do some domestic survey work and give control measure suggestions in pesticide and consumer product categorized industries; to hold 10 meeting about emission inventory survey and related integration works to wastewater treatment plants. The chief achievements for this project are: 1. By adopting the amended 4 relevant rules, under this project estimation there will be 17,686 tons emission reduction and 0.61% enhancement of average ozone concentration by using the air quality modeling system built in 2002; 2. By referring to the US emission factors from illustrative data and current VOCs emission registry records, the project took the environmental threshold limit values into account, calculated the emissions of toxic air pollutants in the TFT-LCD, semiconductor, automotive coating, adhesive tape, and petrochemical industries, estimated the toxic intensity, and finally concluded the suggested prior control pollutant- styrene, formaldehyde, propanol, m/p- xylene, isopropanol, toluene, and dichloromethane - to the future regulation; 3. The project planned the framework of VOCs control in area source from US experiences. In addition, by considering the administrative feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and technical feasibility, it also provided the prior regulated categories after finishing control measures assessment in pesticides, consumer products, and building coating; 4. The project improved the accuracy of emission inventory and established the survey process to area source and wastewater treatment plant pollutants
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社