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Title 大氣污染物長程傳輸衝擊評估及酸雨監測分析
Abstract 本研究計畫目標為建構跨國大氣長程輸送模式整合系統,掌握、預警及評估台灣空氣品質及環境受境外輸送之衝擊,提供環保署及地方環保單位進行空氣品質管理決策之參考。並對空氣品質異常偶發事件時,修正空氣品質統計數值。規劃與建立酸雨監測網,並進行長期監測與資料分析,建立酸沈降臨界負荷指標,評估台灣地表環境對酸沈降之緩衝能力,研擬酸雨防制策略。最後將積極推動及參與跨國大氣污染相關議題之國際合作與技術交流,更新與維護台灣酸雨資訊網,強化環境教育與新知傳播。期末成果如下:1.我國酸雨計畫第一階段為1990-2000年,為因應時空的變遷,自2003-2004年開始第二階段的酸雨監測網的調整。經國內外酸雨專家之討論與提供意見,建站目的及功能性與監測方法需具新思維,目前已將第二代酸雨監測網與國際合作,採用全球相近之乾濕沉降採樣方法,以獲得國際認同之數據品質。2004年酸雨樣本可用率達87%,較美日規範要求之75%為高。2.北部仍是主要酸雨區,發生頻率在70%以上,且北部三站(彭佳嶼、鞍部以及台北站)於2003年冬季的酸雨頻率幾乎都高達100%,冬季明顯受到長程輸送污染物的影響。3.在2004年沙塵暴事件期間,對降水化學組成有明顯的改變,其會升高pH值(由4.5升高至7.6),中和雨水酸性外,也會大幅提升鈣離子在雨水中所佔的百分比(由平均之2%提升至22%)。4.福山夏季HNO3、SO2的季平均乾沈降通量為1.43與1.31 kg ha-1,而 NH4+、SO42-、NO3- 的季平均乾沈降量分別是0.69、2.42及0.42 kg ha-1,遠低於溼沈降量。福山夏季乾沉降量中氮及硫的含量和氣體貢獻所佔的比例(%)的比較,氣體所貢獻的氮約佔34% 左右;氣體所貢獻的硫約佔45%左右。此結果顯示固相粒狀物主宰乾沈降,控制懸浮微粒排放則對降低乾性酸沈降較具效益。5.吾人已建立即時的大氣環境模擬系統,並進行2001年全年之氣象場模擬,以作為酸沉降模式之氣象場,並選取長程輸送與本地生質燃燒個案,以做為情境資料庫。模擬顯示台灣北桃地區48%的硫沉降來自於境外移入。6.本研究所評估的六個森林生態系,其硫酸根的沉降量均遠超過模式所估算的臨界負荷。其中福山(134 kg ha-1 yr-1),更超過了沉降臨界負荷(8 kg ha-1 yr-1)10倍以上。若酸性沉降確會影森林的健康,則此六森林生態系已受酸沉降的潛在威脅。7.2004年空品監測資料,經扣除沙塵影響PM10修正後,可扣除PSI>100之站日數為21個站日數。此外,當PM10扣除後,O3仍大於120為 2個站日數, 純粹由O3造成PSI大於100有7個站日數。8.國際合作推動上,日本酸雨所將協助我國藉由學術交流與合作研究,參與國際酸沈降監測網,進而建立環太平洋酸沈降資訊中心,以強化提升國際環保科技之參與和能見度。此外,我方與香港進行資料交換。
EngTitle Impact study of the long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants and acid rain monitoring network
EngAbstract The goals of this study are (1) to establish an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to the EPA and local EPB for air pollution management, (2) to correct the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to plan maintain the new acid rain monitoring network and analyze the precipitation chemistry data, (4) to develop a localized critical loading of acid deposition for assessing the buffering capacity of the soil in Taiwan, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote international collaborations. To date, our achievements are highlighted below:1.The modeling system has integrated the meteorological data from CWB and NCEP, and subsequently performed daily simulations. Predicted trajectories originated from the major source points of air pollutants in East Asia have been provided on the website for precaution of the long-range transport. Meanwhile, backward trajectories starting at four locations of Taiwan are also provided for tracking the potential source regions.2.Based on a statistic model, the PSI during the abnormal event of the year of 2004 has been recalculated in consideration of Asian dust impact on PM10 measurements.3.The new acid rain monitoring network consisting of 12 sites has been operated using a new sampling protocol since January 2004. Two dry deposition sites have also been established. Our network is also extended to collaborate with EANET, NADP and CAD.4.The web site ( of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學大氣物理所