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Title 廚餘高溫生物醱酵及養殖藻魚之綠色產業技術開發計畫
Abstract 本計畫以高溫厭氧醱酵之方式進行廚餘資源化再利用,在目前廚餘再利用以養豬為主,堆肥為輔之情況下,協助開闢多元化管道之出路。試驗現場位於台南縣七股鄉昭日環保健康世界股份有限公司(本計畫配合廠商)之生態農場,反應槽為一矩形不銹鋼製槽體,長×寬×高=4.55 m×1.80 m×1.80 m,內部分隔為前後二室,分別為酸化槽(1.2 m3)及醱酵槽(12.4 m3),透過加熱棒方式控制反應槽溫度於55℃,前後二槽均配有攪拌機以避免污泥的沈降,除溫度外,亦配備氧化還原電位(ORP)及pH計。系統啟動時以養豬廢水厭氧污泥植種,並逐漸增加廚餘進料,試驗前期曾因未能及時控制酸化槽及醱酵槽pH的下降,導致酸敗發生,因此補充約8m3之污泥再植種,待系統穩定後進料量逐漸由100L/d增加至試驗末期之500L/d(每週進料五天),系統之體積負荷介於1.1~4.3 kg TCOD/m3-d,水力停留時間則由68天逐漸降至27天,TCOD之去除率介於76.8~92.5%,SS及VSS之去除率則分別介於64.3~79.6%及73.1~85.4%之間,在500L/d之進料下每日產氣量約4000 L,甲烷約佔總產氣之52~66%。考慮到厭氧生物處理之可能抑制問題,鈉離子檢測結果均未達1000 mg/L,不過進料廚餘中油脂濃度高達約25000 mg/L,經酸化水解後仍有約14000 mg/L,出流濃度則約為3000-4000 mg/L,仍可能造成抑制現象。後續計畫在技術面,可透過MBR的應用提升系統內有效污泥濃度,增加體積負荷、降低水力停留時間,以減少硬體投資成本,使本工法更具商業推廣價值。不過在商業化之實場厭氧醱酵資源化利用場出現前,建議環保署以政策性之措施,建立示範場,作為各縣市推動廚餘資源化利用出路除養豬、堆肥之外的第三條通路。
EngTitle Green Technology Development of Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion and Aquaculture using Kitchen Waste
EngAbstract In this project, thermophilic anaerobic digestion of the kitchen waste was investigated. With the majority of the source separated kitchen waste is used in the feedstock of pig production and in composting, this project aims to provide an engineered option for kitchen waste recycling. The pilot plant is located in the farm in Tainan county. Dimension of the reactor is 4.55 m (L) x 1.80 m (W) x 1.80 m (H), and was separated into two compartments: the acidogenesis chamber (volume = 1.2 m3) and the methanogenesis (volume = 12.4 m3). Thermophilic condition of the reactor was maintained through the heaters installed in both chambers at about 55oC. In addition to the temperature and pH sensors, ORP sensor was also installed in the methanogenesis chamber. System was started with the seeding of the anaerobic sludge from a nearby pig farm. When the system became stable, influent of the kitchen waste was from 100 L/d and gradually increased to 500 L/d (with 5 days per week). Volumetric loading rates (VLR) of the system were between 1.1-4.3 kg TCOD/m3-d, and the hydraulic retention times (HRT) of the reactor was decreased from 68 days down to 27 days. Removal efficiencies of TCOD, SS, and VSS were between 76.8-92.5%, 64.3-79.6%, and 73.1-85.4%, respectively. Under the flowrate of 500 L/d, gas production was found to be around 4000 L/d, with the methane content between 52-66%. Sodium concentration in the reactor was found to be less than 1000 mg/L, but the O&G in the influent was found to be around 25000 mg/L, after the acidogenesis about 8000-14000 mg/L remained, and even in the methanogenesis stage about 3000-4000 mg/L of O&G was observed. When the O&G levels are higher than 20000 mg/L, retardation and possible inhibition might occur. It is suggested that the EPA should set up some demonstration plants to encourage local governments to adopt the TAnD approach as an option for kitchen waste recycling and reuse.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立屏東科技大學創新育成中心