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Title 總量管制制度建置計畫
Abstract 本計畫為以高高屏為示範之二年之總量管制施政計畫,本計畫主要針對高高屏地區之基線認可、指定削減,與空氣污染防制計畫等內容進行規劃。本年度計畫完成之工作項目,執行成果摘要如下:(一)彙整縣市空氣污染防制計畫書成效並提出未來規劃執行建議(二)檢討修正總量管制配套法規並評估總量管制實施優選污染物(三)進行高高屏地區基線認可與指定削減試算作業(四)研訂指定削減準則(五)研擬高高屏地區減量目標與期程與空氣污染防制計畫(六)辦理排放量認可與指定削減作業講習與研商會議(七)空保處網頁維護,針對空保處網頁進行及定期維護網頁正常運作。
EngTitle Total Air Emissions Control Project
EngAbstract This is a two-year project, which has taken Kao-Kao-Pin Air Quality Management District (KKPAQMD) as an example to implement the total air emissions control scheme. For this first year, the main purposes of the project are to formulate and to prepare the draft rules and relevant documentary and procedure work of the emission inventory baselines, Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT), and the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP).The following summarize work that have been done in this year: (1) to review State Implementation Plans (SIP) and to provide the advices to states for their SIP preparation, (2) to review and amend the total air emissions control rules under the EPA’s Air Pollution Control Act and to determine the ranking of regulated pollutant, (3) to complete the pilot work of baseline emissions approval and the trial calculation tasks of RACT for NOx to the three counties in GGPAQMD, (4) to draw up the RACT draft rules, (5) to formulate the emission reduction goals and terms in GGPAQMP, (6) to hold the related conferences, seminars, and working group meetings about the emission baselines and the RACTs, and (7) to maintain the website for Department of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社