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Title 研擬低頻噪音管制規範及航空噪音監測紀錄提報規定
Abstract 本計畫目的之一為研擬低頻噪音管制規範,以解決日益多的冷卻水塔、馬達及PUB營業場所低頻噪音陳情,這類依照「噪音管制標準」內方法所量測結果,多數都能符合管制值,當這類案例增多時代表著「噪音管制標準」內容無法達到這類環境的保護目的,必須要進一步的研究調整。本計畫蒐集了國外有關低頻噪音量測指標及方法與低頻噪音計規格,進行冷卻水塔、冷氣機、抽風機等設施及具重低音喇叭場所共一百處之低頻噪音實地量測,研擬出管制值、低頻頻率管制範圍、量測地點、量測方式、量測儀器等內容,並舉辦二場諮詢會議及乙場儀器廠商座談會,以廣納各界意見,研擬適合我國低頻噪音量測規範,環保署已將其納入噪音管制標準第三條及及第七條條文修正,並於九十三年底召開公聽會徵求各界意見。此外亦研擬出低頻噪音陳情處理之作業程序、相關紀錄和表單。在航空噪音監測紀錄規定方面,依噪音管制法第十一條規定,航空噪音監測設備之位置、數量及監測資料之格式、方法應符合中央主管機關之規定,本計畫與民航局溝通協調研擬出草案後,邀集民航局、國防部等軍民機場主管機關及操作維護廠商,研商草案內容,會後提出公告草案版本供環保署參考。在子法修正方面,除「噪音管制標準」外,另協助環保署完成「民用航空器噪音管制辦法」、「民用航空器噪音管制標準」及「軍事機關及其所屬單位之場所工程設施及機動車輛航空器等裝備噪音管制辦法」修正建議案之研商、公聽及公告事宜。執行期間亦邀集各縣市環保局噪音管制業務主辦人員及專家學者,舉辦全國性噪音管制工作檢討會,以交換噪音管制業務心得,使我國噪音管制業務順利推動。
EngTitle The Study of Low Frequency Noise Criteria and the Code of Airport Noise Monitoring Report
EngAbstract The low frequency (L.F.) noise complaints are more and more today. The existed noise criteria are not effective to such annoyance. The purpose of this study was to assess the L.F. noise and suggest the noise control criteria to authorities. And study the existed criteria and summit the criteria refined suggestion are also completed.Different national criteria such as Germany, Japan, Denmark, Netherlands for L.F. noise were compared . 100 complaints case have been measured and studied. The sources of suite were cooling tower, air condition etc. The draft of criteria was discussed on the committee. Finally, the L.F. frequency noise criteria ware completed to authorities and will amended in Noise Control Standard article 3 and article 7. The procedure of the L.F. noise assessment specifies how to measure and judge when there is a L.F. complaint. It’s well useful to local authorities to control L.F. noise problem.The study specified the format of airport noise report that the authorities of airport must summit those reports to the local environment authorities each quarter. The draft edition was discussed with CAA officers, Military officers and contractors of noise monitoring system of airports.Incorporated with EPA to modify the existed noise related regulation, such as aircraft noise limit and control, equipments noise control for military service etc. For aircraft noise limit, the study cited the ICAO Environmental Protection Annex 16 third edition 1993 to replace the word description with formula, amend the noise limit for propeller-driven aircrafts by mass and time of application for certificate of airworthiness for the prototype, add the noise evaluation measure of A weighting maximum and sound exposure level, add the noise limit of helicopters. The regulation of equipments noise control for military service was declared for article two by EPA .The study also hold a domestic environment noise meeting for all the environment authorities and the noise experts in Taiwan to share the noise control experience
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國音響學會