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32117074 事業廢水污染預防及防治管理工作計畫 長久以來,國內水污染管制的方向多偏重在管末段的放流水標準行政管制,與國外先進國家的水污染防治法在管理體制、防治策略及管理措施等方面仍有差異。以美國為例,自1972年後水污染防治法歷經數次修正,陸續加入一些新規定及政策,如排放許可制度、經濟誘因、總量管制及總毒性有機物之管制。之後更進一步基於污染預防管理的考量,推動創新性的環境管理策略,有助於減少稽核、報告及管理的行政負荷,並可建立企業環保形象。至於如何將國內外各方面的經驗、條件和改善措施,納入未來之事業廢水污染預防及防治管理策略中,則為目前相當重要的課題。有鑑於此,本計畫規劃引進環境管理系統及經濟誘因管理方式,探討建立污染預防的管理架構,引導廠商實施自發性削減水污染的可行性,並評估配合相關的配套措施,包括擬定現行經濟可行處理技術、修正水污染各項許可及申報審查制度、擬定處理功能評鑑程序及修正稽核制度等,冀望能有助於解決層出不窮的水污染問題。本年度計畫的工作執行成果,可歸納為現行管理制度檢討評估、預防管理措施評估和服務業管理模式評估等三個部份。現有管理機制改善之具體措施包括:(1)由環保單位結合技師公會,以功能評鑑進行實質性審查,提昇許可資料之品質;(2)強化查核,落實檢測申報;(3)結合功能性評鑑,要求業者維持正常操作以及(4)事業管制規模合理化。而污染預防措施在推動時,需考慮針對不同法規遵守程度之業者採行不同的實施方案,以鼓勵業者自發性的持續改善水污染,並可將環保人力作更有效的調整及運用。在服務業管理模式評估部份,針對服務業中12個次行業進行50家業者的現場協談和資料收集彙整,以了解現況和問題分析。並分別透過檢討現行經濟可行處理技術、案例分析、管理制度建議、水污染許可制度及申報審查技術建立、功能評鑑程序、廢污水處理設施正常操作判定原則等的評估,提出符合現況且具體可行之建議管理方案以及法規架構。 Pollution Prevention and Pollution Reduction Management of Industrial Wastewater Taiwan’s water pollution control regulations focus on command and control of end-of-pipe treatment from the first day of the Law being passed. But pollution prevention or source reduction has been a worldwide trend since 1990. In order to provide suggestions for future amendment of Water Pollution Control Act of Taiwan, the following subtopics are included in this project: 1.Promote pollution prevention program2.Induce environmental management system and include economic incentive in pollution prevention program3.Promote voluntary pollution reduction program4.Revise existing permit system, performance report system, and site investigation system5.Establish guidelines of performance evaluation for wastewater treatment plant6.Promote total maximum daily load program, 7.Control total toxic organics in industrial wastewater discharge. The goal of this project is to elevate the efficiency of site investigation and administration work of local environmental protection bureaus through the pollution prevention program. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive review of pollution prevention programs in U.S., EU, and other Asian countries is accomplished in this report.In the first year of this three years project, we review and evaluate the existing environmental management system, propose a framework for future pollution prevention program, and apply the proposed pollution prevention system on 50 factories of 12 service industries. The accomplished works of this project and the suggestions provided to EPA for future regulation revision are summarized as following:1.Professional engineer association and local environmental protection bureau are in charge of approval and issue of discharge permits application. 2.Improve the existing site investigation system and performance track reporting system for industrial wastewater treatment plants.3.Established performance evaluation guidelines for wastewater treatment plant of service industries.4.Applied pollution prevention model to 12 different service ind 093 水保處 工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心
32117075 高高屏地區空氣品質改善推動專案 本計畫重點為針對高高屏地區,進行各項污染防制工作之整合及協調,並透過空品分析及現場實際勘查,掌握重大污染來源並結合中央與地方環保單位的力量,達成污染減量及空品目標的任務。九十三年度高高屏PSI>100之空品目標為低於6.5%,相當於全年不良日數在256站日以下,統計至12月底為止之PSI達成率分別為8.4%及334站日,超過預期之目標。透過氣象參數及污染源排放量變化解析結果發現,九十三年由於產業復甦、經濟活動頻繁、污染源排放增加,加上氣候較往年乾旱,均為造成空氣品質目標超過之原因。針對高高屏各項逸散性粒狀物污染源進行現勘,包括陸空聯合稽查6次、營建工地79處次、粒料堆置場20處次及高雄港散裝貨物堆置場2次等。陸空聯合稽查發現疑似污染29處計告發6處,營建工地有明顯污染經通報環保局計告發3件,掌握粒料堆置場防制面臨之相關問題並提出管制建議,高雄港務局並承諾將於九十四年度編列二仟餘萬之經費,進行港區逸散揚塵之改善工作。針對高高屏發生臭氧潛勢較高之物種及工廠加以分析並列出前二十大之名單,作為後續加強輔導之對象。現勘煉油廠之廢氣燃燒塔及有機溶劑使用行業之NMHC逸散情形計20餘家。發現當前廢氣燃燒塔之管制需先加強排放量之定期監測,而有機溶劑的使用管制需透過法規,要求上游廠商生產水性油墨及塗料,以降低高高屏地區揮發性有機物之排放。本計畫透過與高高屏三縣市的各項會議達成污染管制的協調與建議,促使中央與地方發揮污染管制之整體效益,達成污染物之減量分別為TSP為10,888ton/y、SOx為2,765ton/y、NOx為9,246ton/y及NMHC為4,781ton/y。在九十三年度全國空品不良日數較九十二年增加80%的情況下,高屏空品區只增加不到30%,亦反映出相關管制工作落實之成果。 Air pollution quality improve action in KKP air basin area In 2004, the Kao-Kao-Ping area PSI readings up to the end of December were 8.4% didn’t comply with the required 6.5% goals. The analysis of source emissions in the atmosphere, since 2004, showed that industrialization, increased source emissions and the increasingly arid climate were some of the reasons for the non-compliance of air quality control goals.The plan examined fugitive particulate matter for each pollution source in the Kao-Kao-Ping area included six air and land examinations. The plan examined seventy-nine construction sites, twenty particulate material heap sites and two separate cargo heap sites in Kaohsiung harbor. The air and land examinations resulted in 29 suspended cases and 6 cases of indictment; construction sites had 3 clear pollution cases and were charged by the EPB. The Bureau of Kaohsiung Harbor Affairs will budget approximately NT$20 million to improve the dust fugitive problem in the harbor areas thus controlling the heap site particulate material problems.The plan analyzed high potential ozone precursor and factories and made a list of twenty major items that required specific attention. There were more than 20 cases involving refineries flare and the usage of organic solutions involving NMHC emissions. The plan must first strengthen regular emission monitoring before it can control the flare. The usage of organic solutions needs further control measures and the primary manufacturers need to be required to produce water-based ink and paint. This would then reduce the emissions of volatile organic matter in Kao-Kao-Ping area. 093 空保處
32117076 空氣污染物排放量清冊更新管理及空氣品質折耗量推估(三) 本計畫為三年延續性計畫的第三年計畫,九十一年度及九十二年期間已推估修正完成[TEDS5.1版]以89年為基準年的排放量資料庫,並針對已建置完成排放量資料庫分析結果所發現不確定性較大的污染源類別,研擬推動中央及地方改進排放量資料不確定性的工作分工,屬較全面性及地方特性基本資料者由縣市累積調查建置,如裸露地、道路髒污分佈及露天燃燒等,本年度計畫即執行縣市資料之輔導檢核並協助各縣市解決資料建置上可能之問題;另屬全國需有一致性資料者,如不同等級髒污道路的代表性表土淤泥含量(sL值)之建立,其影響道路車行揚塵排放量大,過去較缺乏本土性數據,造成不確定性大,此建議由中央統一建置,故本年度計畫已針對不同等級髒污道路共進行360個樣本採樣分析。此外,本計畫之主要工作尚包括對於部份排放量較為異常的污染類別進行檢討分析;建立排放量推估品保作業指引手冊等,主要目標為希望逐漸減少排放量推估結果的不準確性,提昇下一個版本全國排放量推估結果的品質。今年度對於排放量的應用面方面另建立月排放量變化之活動量指標及月排放量變動趨勢之推估,以做為短期空品惡化原因分析輔助之參考;並在目前環保署固定源網頁中增加了既有排放資料庫整合查詢功能,並持續進行空氣品質質損資料之估算及檢討,提供主計處93年度綠色國民所得帳編製所需之資料。 Update and management for air pollution emission inventory and estimation for air pollution degradation of GNP(III) This year’s project is the third year of a 3-year period continuity project. In year 2002 and 2003, The [TEDS5.1](Taiwan Emission Data System) version of Air Emission Inventory database based on year 2000 had been established and the authority about responsibility of the improvement for more uncertainty emission sources had been planning in year 2003 too. One of this year’s works of the project is to audit the data of area emission sources reported from local government and assist them to resolve the problems during establishing the databank. Besides that, 360 samples of silt loading for road dust are conducted in this year’s project. In addition, the main works of the project still include:reviewing for part of the emission sources with extraordinary emissions, preparing the guideline for Quality Assurance of Emission Inventory. The purpose of above works is to reduce the uncertainty of the emission inventory gradually. In the application of the emission data, the works are covering: establishment of monthly activity indicators and estimation for the trends of monthly emissions, which could assist on the analysis for the cause of short-term air quality deterioration, setting up the query function on the web-page of stationary sources management system of TEPA, calculating and reviewing for the air pollution degradation based on the update version of air emission inventory, and providing the required information to the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) of Executive Yuan for editing the Green GNP (Gross National Product) report of year 2004. 093 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司
32117077 應回收廢棄物回收制度與費率架構檢討評估 本計畫基於整合性研究之目的,為國內相關研究計畫中第一次將廢物品與廢容器材質之各項問題集中探討,期能利用一致的定義及方法計算廢物品及廢容器各項材質之相關費率。本計畫也進一步針對制度問題方面加以研究,包括鋁容器是否應解除公告、PVC是否應限用/禁用、容器附件如何以瓶身為徵收基準、差別補貼費率制度如何落實、映像管/液晶顯示器及監視器/電視器的費率,以及是否可能以重量單位作為繳費及稽核時的徵收基準等問題。因為這些問題不僅和費率訂定有所關係,對於費率制度是否能夠永續經營也存在一定的影響。另外,本計畫除了費率因子調查估算以及協助解決制度問題部分外,更進一步建置及維護廢容器及廢物品費率決策資料庫系統。 An Study on the Fees and Institutional Setting of Waste Recycling Items Guided by the principles of integrated research, this research plan is the first of its kind in Taiwan to undertake a comprehensive examination of all the issues relating to waste objects and the materials from which discarded containers are made. The aim is to use unified definitions and methods to calculate the disposal fee rates that should be applied to different types of waste objects and to containers made from different materials. The project also involves research into systemic issues, such as whether the requirement that manufacturers of aluminum containers recycle at least half of their output should be lifted, whether the use of PVC should be restricted or prohibited, how the collection of disposal fees for container attachments can be based on the number of containers disposed of, how the system of differential subsidies should be implemented, what disposal fee rates should be set for CRT displays and LCD displays, monitors and TV sets, whether weight can be used as the basis for disposal fee payment and auditing, etc. These issues are closely linked to the setting of disposal fee rates, and will have a major impact on the government#s ability to keep the disposal fee system working effectively over the long term. In addition to the examination of issues relating to disposal fee rates, which includes surveys, estimates and recommendations for solving the various problems, the research project also covers the establishment and maintenance of a decision-making support database system for discarded containers and waste disposal fee rates. 093 基管會 中華經濟研究院
32117078 因應聯合國氣候變化綱要公約策略規劃及實務推動 一、執行成果本計畫各項工作項目包括組團參加公約相關會議促進國際交流、規劃我國可持續且實質參與公約活動之方式與未來管道、規劃及擬訂現階段因應聯合國氣候變化綱要公約策略、溫室氣體排放清冊、加強因應氣候變遷資訊傳播等,本年度計畫主要強調與國內外專家、國際機構、研究組織的互動,促進實務的經驗交流;各項工作業已順利完成,各項工作內容執行成果豐碩,分別說明如下:(一)參加公約相關會議促進國際交流方面本計畫已經參與UNFCC第20、21屆附屬機構會議,並協助環保署以非政府組織方式參與公約第十屆締約國會議,參與會議期間,進行後京都機制問卷調查,就WTO、加入RINGOs、溫室氣體清冊、經濟工具等議題,在COP10期間與友邦國家等代表進行國際交流會談,與國際及國內專家諮詢累計達100人次以上,成功促進國際交流,具擬未來交流對象建議,並於COP10代表團總結報告提出十二項具體政策建議,成果豐碩。(二)規劃及擬訂現階段因應聯合國氣候變化綱要公約策略方面具體分析英國、韓國、歐盟的因應UNFCCC經濟工具,及日本經團連各產業自願減量的作法;並對國內9家不同業別的廠商或公會進行問卷調查,除瞭解國內業界的想法外,更建立產業互動平台,促進產業對於相關議題的認識。最後針對京都議定書生效對台灣產業衝擊與因應,建議我國宜持續以無悔原則,自願性減量與教育宣導為主,配合行政管制、經濟誘因;當國際開始重視台灣的溫室氣體排放時,台灣就必須調高行政管制措施的標準;若台灣被賦予減量義務時,可能就必須開徵碳稅及實施排放交易。各種因應工具依序實施。(三)溫室氣體排放清冊具體分析國際溫室氣體規範後,認為我國宜密切關注,但目前現有計算工具仍然適用,因此延續過去作法將我國溫室氣體清冊更新至2003年,結果為我國總溫室氣體排放量為299,690.6千公噸二氧化碳當量,淨排放量為279,231.5千公噸二氧化碳當量(缺少厭氧性污水污泥處理甲烷排放數據)。分析國際實體別統計登錄制度,並審視國內實行概況後,建議我國以執行計畫方式,將top-down計畫視為各bottom-up計畫之管理者,促進計畫間資訊的交流與應用,為我國最佳運作方式。另外,亦成功彙整各種溫室氣體工規範與工具及教學簡報成一溫室氣體清冊統計光碟,提供各政府單位參考。(四)加強因應氣候變遷資訊傳播本項工作完成UNFCCC五大議題歷程資訊分析、一片文宣光碟、一份中英文說帖、三期氣候變化綱要公約資訊報導、八期氣候變化綱要公約資訊電子報,及更新維護公約資訊中英文網站。二、具體建議(一)強化行政院國家永續發展委員會氣候變遷暨京都議定書因應小組運作機制,推動整合性行動計畫行政院國家永續發展委員會已經成立跨部會的「氣候變遷暨京都議定書因應小組」,建議儘速展開運作。各工作分組之負責主管部會針對其溫室氣體排放部門進行基線調查、減量潛力、減量成本、減量策略優先順序進行評估,並在因應小組運作下整合為行動計畫--「台灣氣候變遷行動計畫」,加速推動如:建立跨部會整合體系、加強能源管理工作、編撰且遞交第二次國家通訊、研擬雙密集度減量目標(結合碳密集度及排放交易之兩機制)等。(二)進行氣候變遷脆弱性科學長期觀察,並評估氣候政策的衍生利益建議具擬氣候減緩政策(Climate Mitigation Policy)包括直接環境利益(溫室氣體減量、空氣及水污染減低效果)與非環境利益(例如就業效果等)及氣候變遷利益(如碳漏損等),推動長期性評估模型的能力建置,並加強與國際先進國家評估模型交流,規劃各部門長期調適策略。(三)關注公約與WTO關聯性的發展,避免遭受貿易制裁及限制雖然目前京都議定書沒有貿易制裁條款,但也有許多呼聲要求未來應加入,以兼顧環保與公平性。惟這議題的爭議太大,恐不易執行。比較可能的發展是各國對各項進口產品設定耗能標準,沒達到目標的便禁止進口。近來有人主張對來自這些國家的貨品課徵邊境調整稅(border tax adjustments),以維持本國產品與這些進口品的公平競爭。建議國內產品相關能源標準也應同時調高,以避免未來遭受貿易限制。(四)順應世界潮流推動綠色外交與科技外交,並積極參與國際組織,加強技術與資訊交流中美洲各國對於與我國代表團所進行之交流經驗非常寶貴,建議未來舉辦workshop,持續與我國進行實質合作交流,共同發展包括能源政策形成機制、能源科技研發成果移轉、MARKAL模型能力持續建構、衝擊調適研究、CDM能力建立等項目。部分科技研究組織對於我國能源科技發展現況表示肯定,並建議我國申請加入。(五)後京都各國立場之持續觀察與分析,適時調整我國因應策略根據本計畫諮詢多數國家或研究機構之看法,未來要求開發中國家比照與已開發國家採取同樣減量模式(即京都模式,回歸至過去某一年份之排放量)機會不高,或許可能以能源效率方式規範。但如果沒有開發中國家的參與,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約所欲達到之穩定大氣中溫室氣體濃度之目的,將不會達成。因此,開發中國家仍會被要求履行共同但程度有異之責任,至於規範時間仍待後續談判。(六)擴展溫室氣體清冊為一獨立計畫,舉辦溫室氣體清冊統計種子人員訓練課程擴展Top-down溫室氣體清冊統計工作為一獨立計畫,並扮演相關工作計畫的計畫管理者;持續關注國際規範發展,派員至附件一國家學習數據統計系統與方法,適時引進國際規範與經驗;加強國內相關計畫執行單位的合作與資訊交流,確保資源有效利用;舉辦溫室氣體清冊統計種子人員訓練課程,確保各相關部會人員瞭解溫室氣體清冊內容要項。(七)強化氣候變遷宣導教育,提升公眾意識相對於我國迄今對於提升公眾意識與將氣候變遷納入國民教育方面未有十分具體的規劃,建議應加強,並針對公務員或是產業人員進行氣候變遷訓練。 The Strategic Planning and Actions in reponse to UNFCCC Outcome of the projectThe working items of this project included participating in climate change related conferences, increasing the experience exchange with international organization and think tanks, planning the address strategy, compiling the national GHGs inventory, and promoting the public awareness.1.Participating in international events and experience exchangeThe working team has participated in COP 10, SB 20 and 21 Conferences as a NGO Observer. During the conference sessions, the working conducted bilateral meeting with Delegations from USA, Korea, and Central American, participating in RINGO activities, post Kyoto opinion survey.2.Planning the address strategy to UNFCCCAfter study UK, Korea, Japan, and EU’s strategies, the working team developing a set of strategy for Taiwan to address climate change.3.Compiling the national GHGs inventoryFollowing the IPCC’s rule, the working team compiled the national GHGs inventory. The total GHGs emission in 2003 is 279,231.5 thousand tons CO2 equivalent.4.Promoting the public awarenessThe working team published 3 issues of UNFCCC information journal, 8 issues of E-newsletter, and maintain a website. Policy Recommendations1.Strengthening the function of Addressing Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol Working Group, promoting the integrated action plans2.Implementing the long term observation on vulnerability, evaluating the co-benefits of climate policy3.Watching the interaction between UNFCCC and WTO, avoiding trade restriction or sanction4.Promoting green and technology diplomacy, participating in international organization actively and increasing the information exchange5.Observing the Parties’ position toward post Kyoto, adjusting Taiwan’s addressing strategies6.Increasing public education and promoting public awareness 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32117079 提昇一般廢棄物衛生掩埋場工程施工、營運管理及封閉復育成效工作 本計畫係針對施工中、營運中及已封閉之垃圾衛生掩埋場,進行實地查核作業,並對掩埋場施工中、營運中及已封閉管理缺失,研提因應對策與改善建議,以提昇國內垃圾掩埋場之工程管理品質及操作效能。 Evaluation Project of Construction Quality, Operational Management and Reuse of the Sanitary Landfill The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality , operation management of sanitary landfill and the municipal landfill’s reuse function during construction and operation stages in order to emhance the performance of landfill. 093 督察總隊 國立中興大學 謝永旭
32117080 93年度「科技計畫規劃管理及光碟製作」 近年來環境議題逐漸受到全民關注,如何提昇環境品質遂成為中央政府重視的課題。爰此,行政院環境保護署每年度皆辦理多項科技計畫,期應用現代科技方法於環境保護措施,讓環境品質提昇能收事半功倍之效。為達妥善管理科技計畫品質及推廣科技計畫成果等目標,93年度由本公司傾力協助環保署科技顧問室執行本項專案,具體成果包括:1.蒐集環保署92年度科技計畫並製作光碟,共羅列近7年之歷史資料,691篇研究計畫成果報告。2.編排及更新環保署科技顧問室網頁,協助將科顧室所執掌各業務項目重新規劃,計分為環保政策、永續發展、國際環保、科技研究及環保共識網路論壇等五大項目。3.規劃環保署95年度國科會國家型計畫-具有環境污染改善之功能性基因體研究,經過專家學者座談,建議環保署建立環境基因庫,並配合資源逐步建立菌種庫。4.研訂(修)環保署科技計畫管理相關法規,召開3場次法規專業人士研商會議以研擬「行政院環境保護署科學技術研究發展成果歸屬及運用辦法」草案,另召開1場次署內協商會議以凝聚署內各單位共識。5.協助環保署辦理95年度科技中程先期規劃,共彙整署內各業務單位研提之「災後都會及鄉村地區環境衛生評估指標及其實施機制之研究」等10篇計畫報告。6.辦理93年度科技計畫管理,由科顧室設計產出「包裹式審查」,依各單位業務考量,並以處室為單位,提出「委辦計畫與施政關聯圖」,以一覽施政計畫、施政重點與委辦計畫間關聯性。召開35場研析會議,分別針對奈米科技、醫療廢棄物、環境法醫等議題廣邀專家學者深入探討。辦理92年度科技計畫評鑑,邀請7位署外專家學者擔任審查委員,就27項計畫進行評鑑,評鑑結果為優良計畫計1項、良好計畫計26項。7.辦理完成「93年度科技計畫成果發表與績效檢討會」,邀請6位委員於會上就93年度各項計畫提出具體建議,以多面向的觀點針對計畫內容及成果加以廣泛探討、提供諮議。 Planning management and CD preparation For Science & Technology Projects in year 2004 In order to achieve the objectives of governing the quality of science & technology projects and launching the fruitful results of science & technology projects, the Company has given its all-out effort to help the Office of Science and Technology Advisors, Environmental Protection Administration carry out this project in year 2004. The materialized achievements includes:1.Collected the science & technology projects conducted by EPA in year 2003 with CDs prepared.2.Rearranged and renewed the web pages for the Office of Science and Technology Advisors, Environmental Protection Administration by re-planning the individual item of duties held by the Office of Science and Technology Advisors, Environmental Protection Administration with five significant items.3.Planned the National Project of National Science Council in year 2006 for Environmental Protection Administration - concerning the study of functional genes for improving the environmental pollution.4.Studied and enacted (amended) the relevant laws & regulations governing the science & technology projects of Environmental Protection Administration.5.Assisted EPA in organizing the Mid-range Preliminary Planning of Science & Technology for year 2006.6.Handled to manage the science & technology projects in year 2004. A “Package Review” was designed by Office of Science and Technology Advisors and proposed by assigning the Division & Office as an Unit and taking their respective responsibilities into consideration for them to submit a “Diagram of Entrusted Projects in Connection with the Implementation of Policy” so that the connections among plans for implementing policy, focuses of implementing policy and entrusted projects can be summarily reviewed.7.Organized to finish the “Conference for announcement of achievements and review of performances for the science & technology in year 2004”. 093 永續發展室 凌網科技股份有限公司
32117081 93年度發行國家永續發展年報及國家永續發展資訊網站更新維護 本計畫自93年4月開始執行,至94年3月底止,共完成國家永續發展中英文網站改版及資料更新、編印93年度國家永續發展年報及永續發展委會庶務工作協助,專案計畫成果如下:1. 年報編印方面:完成永續發展委員會本身及各分組資料彙整,並對績優縣市及民間團體進行專訪,文稿英譯美編後編印成冊,寄送至國內外相關單位。2. 網站改版及資料更新方面:完成永續發展委員會資訊網改版及資料更新工作,並加強英文版網頁內容,增加國際永續發展新聞等、重要文件、永續發展績優獎等單元,並持續進行網站更新工作。3. 庶務工作:駐署人員於秘書處進行全年度永續會工作協助,包含各次委員會議及工作會議,各項永續會活動,年報資料整理。 Publishing National Sustainable Development Annual Report and Project for maintaining National Sustainable Development Information Website This project from April 2004 to March 2005 has accomplished several assignments such as the publication of the annual report on National Sustainable Development for the Year 2004, reorganization and maintenance on the website of the National Council for Sustainable Development, and assistance to the work of the Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development. The results are summarized below:1. Publication of the Annual ReportInformation collected and reviewed carefully from each working group of NCSD as well as interviews of the outstanding counties/cities and NGOs on sustainable development were translated and edited into the 2004 Annual Report. After publication, the Report will be sent to related domestic and international organizations.2. Website reorganization and maintenance:In addition to completing and maintaining the website reorganization and update, improving its English content as well as adding the international sustainable development news, important document and Sustainable Development Award page have been finished.3. Assistance to the work of NCSD SecretariatAssigning one full-time manpower assisting the Secretariat’s work including meetings of the second National Sustainable Development Commission, the organization of various activities and the compilation of information for the Annual Report. 093 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司
32117082 新增及新設責任業者清查暨登記申報繳費輔導管理作業計畫 修正公告「應由製造、輸入業者負責回收、清除、 處理之物品或其容器及應負回收、清除、處理責任之業者範圍」內容增列取得藥品許可證之藥酒容器、增列其他各類平板容器及以平板製成之分離式容器蓋子及增列裝填特定物品之容器。 本計畫整體作業成果新增列管業者為470家(超過本計畫契約規定70家);新設立列管業者為465家(超過本計畫契約規定65家),合計超過本計畫契約規定135家,而其中也達到了916家本計畫輔導業者採取網路申報作業(佔本計畫總輔導業者家數935家之97.97%),已達本計畫要求目標。 因應本計畫之宣導及所須辦理之說明會及輔導作業,而陸續完成編製政令宣導資料,包含相關之資訊彙編、作業手冊、折頁、法規彙編、問答集、宣導光碟、專刊,以及提供業者服務性質之環保袋,藉由這些相關的政令宣導資料於說明會、輔導作業及其他宣導管道之發放。 輔導人員採取直接至該業者之作業場所,依照標準作業流程完成業者之輔導作業。本年度也辦理十場次之說明會,藉由說明會上之資源回收政策之宣導及網路申報方式之教學,以幫助新增新設責任業者完成整體申報作業,達成本計畫之目的。 The agendaguiding managemental Working Project of Inspecting and Registering and Reporting and Paying The Disposal Fee for New Increasing Target Goods And New Aided Company of Business The “the business range of the goods or containers for the manufacturer and importer should respondily recycling, clearaging and disposaling and it should respondily recycling, clearaging and disposaling” content increases listed the gotton medicine certificate of medicine liquid, the other categorily sheet containers, the apart covers of the containers manufacted by the sheet feeds and the containers with specified goods. All results of the project are 470 business for the new increasing listed goods business (over 70 business on the bargain of the project) and 465 business for the new aided company of business (over 65 business on the bargain of the project), and the two results amount over 135 business on the formulary bargain, thereamong 916 agendaguided business for the project used networt reporting (this share 97.97%of the 935 business for the total agendaguiding business of the project).All of above result accomplishes the satisfactory aid of the project. With the advertising and the symposiums and agendaguiding works should being managed, the advertised data of prescript including the intergrated informational data, the work books, the foldouts, the intergrated law data, the Q&A, the advertusung compact disks, the specialized magazines, and the environmental protecting bags which offers services to the business of the interrelated works is constantly finished. The agendaguiders finish the agendaguiding works for the business with standard working process by directly going to the working locations of the business. In the year there are ten symposiums for the project, and the aid of the project is accomplished to help the new increasing listed goods and new aided company of business to finish all reporting work by advertising the resource recycling policy and teaching the net reporting for the new increasing listed goods and new aided company of business. 093 基管會 環資國際有限公司 倪雅惠、環資國際有限公司 楊秀芳、環資國際有限公司 邱垂傑、環資國際有限公司 張紹欣、環資國際有限公司 呂安蓁、環資國際有限公司 王志文、環資國際有限公司 余瓊如、環資國際有限公司 陳姿君、環資國際有限公司 劉旭桓、環資國際有限公司 林穎瑄、環資國際有限公司 張博銘
32117083 空氣品質模式支援中心運作及建立(三) 空氣污染防制法第六條及第八條規定:新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染物容許增量限值。因此空氣品質模式為容許增量限值模擬之必備工具。主管機關亦需進行容許增量限值模擬結果之審查及核定。另外,在推動二級及三級防制區管制制度,並持續改善高高屏地區空氣品質過程,模式支援中心亦能提供空氣污染管制決策所需背景資料與模式資源,並協助評估空氣污染管制策略之空氣品質改善效益。本年度模式中心完成之工作成果如下:1.中心會員簡訊於本(93)年度五月起發行,截至十一月底已發行四期,皆以刊登於網站並以簡訊電子報提供給會員,使其共同參與。2.分別於93年9月2、3日、10月29日、11月26日完成三場次空氣品質模式教育訓練課程之辦理。並於5月17日辦理完成一次講習說明會,以及於6月23日辦理輔導環保署人員瞭解空氣品質模式模擬相關知識之講習會。3.在容許增量限值模式模擬申請案件中,民國92年需進行網格模式模擬案件有兩件,皆屬台中縣之案件,而需採用高斯模式進行模擬者,TSP有18件,SOx及NOx各為6件;在93年上半年核可之許可案件則均不需進行模式模擬。4.環境影響評估已審核通過案件之增量,TSP、SOx及VOC皆以雲嘉南及中部空品區成長增量較高;NOx增量主要落於雲嘉南及竹苗空品區。5.已完成2003年不良事件日之篩選與初步分析,及完成2004年與2003年上半年度空氣品質不良日數變化成因之分析。繳交空品月報之工作項目,目前已完成內容的規劃及2004年1~10月即時月報之繳交。6.已完成各項工作內容包括國內外資料收集彙整、建立空氣品質模式模擬申請及審查文件、申請案例之申請及審查演練、模式模擬申請手冊及模式模擬審查手冊等。7.在跨空品區空氣污染影響分析方面,高屏空品區受到與自身排放量相當影響之雲嘉南空品區跨區污染,也受到中部空品區排放量之影響。雲嘉南空品區則為受自己及中部空品區之影響,中部空品區及北部空品區之臭氧污染在案例日中主要皆為自身排放量所造成。在未來新設大型污染源對空氣品質之影響評估方面,通宵電廠之NOx煙流對於南投地區臭氧有相當之影響。8.大陸地區沙塵暴沙源揚沙的推估模式,已完成推估模式之建置與不同解析度之測試。衍生性懸浮微粒模擬預測性能之提昇,本計畫已完成不同方向邊界條件對內部模擬計算的影響、不同高度邊界條件對內部模擬計算的影響、以及不同距離邊界條件對內部模擬計算的影響。 Air Quality Modeling Center, Taiwan Air quality models are playing vital roles in tasks concerning the air quality planning and regulatory compliance checking. As the content of air quality models becomes more sophisticated, both in their scientific mechanisms and in their data input, a successful job requires different aspect in supports and specialties. Taiwan EPA urged by this requirement has established the Air Quality Modeling Center (AQMC), which recruits expertise and data resources in different institutes over the Island and is connected over the Internet platform to carry out its missions.In this project, it is intended to layout the organization and operation of AQMC, Taiwan. As an answer to please from the air pollution community, AQMC’s operation is aimed to serve the community needs in three major areas, namely the expertise in advanced air pollution modeling, the data acquisition needs in model input and the computational platform needs. Furthermore, to meet the continuous challenge of both the scientific and legal advancement in the community, AQMC also serves as the forum for new ideas and cooperative endeavors for future Air Quality.According to the sixth and eighth terms in the air pollution control act, the sources applied to emit or change pollutant, which the quantity is larger than a certain value, have to demonstrate that their impact on air quality is below the tolerance values by air quality model. Therefore, air quality model become a necessary tool to determine the permit of stationary source. Besides, air quality model traditionally can be used on air quality management plan, air quality impact assessment, and state implement plan, and et al. The project of air quality modeling center is designed to support various air quality models in needs of regulation, administration, and development. The results are shown briefly as follows. 093 空保處
32117084 固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施查核及輔導計畫 本計畫主要針對第一批公告列管之固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施進行查核及輔導改善,計畫目標包括:(1)提昇環保機關對於連續自動監測設施查核及管理能力(2)協助縣市環保局建置及使用連續自動監測設施連線傳輸軟體(3)健全國內固定污染源連續自動監測設施之管理制度及相關技術之推廣。目前第一批列管連線煙道依其製程別包括:鍋爐發電程序、水泥製造程序及電弧爐煉鋼程序,共計72家廠,192根次煙道,連線率100%。第二批列管連線煙道為廢棄物焚化程序,共有25家廠,62根次煙道,連線率100%。第三批為鍋爐發電程序(80~130公噸/小時)、化學製造程序及鐵礦初級熔煉之煉焦與燒結程序,共有21家廠,55根次煙道,連線率36%。連續監測設施共查核19廠20根次煙道,結果彙整如下:監測結果未能正確處理回歸(例如未正確執行乾濕基轉換及含氧修正),影響監測數據及空污費申報之比例達50%,不透光率校正誤差查核不合格率15.8%,標準氣體查核不合格率20%,零點/全幅偏移測試查核不合格率5%,訊號輸出比對查核不合格率25%,且多數呈現負偏移現象,查核結果提供作空污費審核之參考外,並實際要求公私場所改善,同時輔導協助修正缺失以符合法規要求。為推動管制計畫及考核作業之先期訓練,本計畫共舉辦兩場環保機關說明會課程內容包括,查核及監督檢測技術、管理辦法釋疑及文件審查,藉此來輔導縣市承辦人及執行單位建立查核及輔導之能力。配合縣市連線系統更新建置,舉辦二場使用說明會,示範系統實際安裝及相關問題輔導與現場協助來輔導縣市進行系統軟體更新,已成功協助17個縣市環保局完成連線系統更新建置。本計畫邀請國內外專家學者舉辦一場連續自動監測設施管理研討會,針對美國、德國目前執行情形與未來發展方向進行簡報,另邀請二家執行經驗豐富之公私場所就該廠連續自動監測系統操作、管理現況與現場與會人員進行經驗交流。本計畫舉辦揮發性有機物連續自動監測設施示範說明會一場次,邀請專家進行揮發性有機物連續自動監測設施之介紹,提供業者連續自動監測設施之設置及品保工作資訊,並進行意見交流。在監測數據管理及查核制度訂定方面,除收集美國、德國與英國等相關資料及查核經驗,建議監測數據查核制度應包括:(1)監測數據品質認定,(2)Shewhart管制圖的製作,(3)監測數據查核(模擬訊號輸入)及(4)監測數據查核(平行比對)。本計畫所有相關資料成果已發佈於專屬網站,可供縣市環保機關、公私場所相關業務負責人及一般民眾上網查詢,作為知識交換整合平台,有助於連線系統之推動。本計畫成果效益為:提昇各縣市環保局對於連續自動監測設施查核及管理能力、輔導縣市環保局完成建置及熟悉使用連續自動監測設施連線傳輸軟體、提昇傳輸軟體之管理功能、建立連續自動監測數據處理之標準查核作業方式及整合公私場所連續自動監測數據統一傳輸至環保署,減少地方及公私場所傳輸之間所產生之問題,提昇數據品質及數據可用率。同時經查核作業發現公私場所現行監測系統,部分監測設施操作結果不符規範及數據處理系統處理程序有誤失,致影響整體監測數據品質與結果,亦要求工廠提出改善計畫,並協助輔導改善作業中。 Immobile Pollutants Air Pollution Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Auditing and Counselling Project This project is mainly aiming at checking and counseling continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) from the first announcement. The project targets are to improve the checking and management abilities toward the CEMS of the environmental protection organizations, to assist Environmental Protection Bureaus to establish and to use CEMS online software, and to promote CEMS management and technique. The first group on-line stacks include boiler generating procedure, cement manufacturing procedure and arc furnace steel-making procedure. In total, there are 192 sets of stacks of 72 factories. All of them are already on-line. The second group of on-line stacks is of waste incinerating procedure, which includes 62 sets of on-line stacks of 25 factories. The third group of on-line stacks is of boiler generating procedure(80~130 ton per hour), chemical manufacturing procedure and coking and burning procedure of iron ore primary melting. In total, there are 55 sets of stacks of 21 factories. The rate of on-line is 36%.CEMS checks 20 sets of stacks of 19 factories, and the results are as below. Monitoring results are not corrected properly. (ie. Not being able to correct moisture content and revise oxygen content), therefore effects the monitoring data. Consequently, the declaration of the air pollution fee is only up to 50%. The rate of disqualification on Opacity adjustment inaccuracy checking is 15.8%, the rate of disqualification on standard air checking is 20%, and the rate of disqualification on zero / span drift checking is 5%. Moreover, the rate of refusal for signal output matching is 25%, and most of them is under a miner drift condition. The result was provided as air pollution fee verification reference. Along with our counselling, the public and private places are requested to improve and correct the defect as to meet the law demand. 093 空保處 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32117085 民眾主動報繳回收廢機動車輛作業網路傳輸資訊系統建置之可行性評估計畫 本計畫主要目的為評估建置民眾主動報繳回收廢機動車輛作業網路傳輸資訊系統之可行性評估作業,在最後提出三個最為優選之方案。並在工作期程內完成歷年廢車獎勵金退件率、審查時間變化情形之分析、針對回收商舉辦北、中、南區三場e化說明會、全省五十場回收商及拖車現場勘查作業、針對目前廢車獎勵金審查作業問題提出評估配套措施、回收廢機動車輛作業網路傳輸資訊系統建置可行性評估、研擬書面電子化傳輸方式之格式及監理單位、數位簽名、身份資料等即時查核比對方式等工作項目。在歷年廢車獎勵金退件率、審查時間變化情形之分析中,本計畫收集了歷年來奬勵金申請的退件率並分析其主要之原因,也詳列了過去審查時間的變化情形,並藉由分析退件率和審查時間之變化來推估在作業流程e化後可以達到之預期效益。本計畫依全省回收商之分部情形各在北、中、南區舉辦三場e化說明會,三場說明會之出席率平均達全台回收商數量之八成,會中除了解各回收商對e化作業之看法及配合意願外,並收集業者多項寶貴意見,業者針對說明會各項之滿意度達八成五以上本計畫依全省回收商之營量業,地區特性等挑選了全省五十場回收商及拖車現場勘查作業,以收集各方(回收商、車主、拖吊司機)對現行廢機動車輛回收報繳作業流程遇到的困難或意見,例如對於管制聯單領取填寫方式、回收獎勵金發放作業、廢機動車回收報繳作業之意見,第二是收集廢機動車輛回收報繳作業電子化之意見,以作為e化作業評估之重要參考資料。本計畫並針對目前廢車獎勵金審查作業問題,提出由現行報繳程序中各項文書與檢附資料簡化、現行審查作業流程及退補件處理作業流程修訂方案、相關法令規範之修訂方案等配套措施。在回收廢機動車輛作業網路傳輸資訊系統建置可行性評估中,本計畫將現行之文書作業流程分為民眾申請管道e化、管制聯單e化、車輛附件e化、車主收執聯e化、即時傳輸申請等五項評估項目,並從技術性、效益性、市場性三個方向來探討各評估項目的可行性,經三性分析後,已規劃出三個最可行之聯單e化方案,其中以利用PDA及數位相機並現場開立收執聯為最佳方案在研擬書面電子化傳輸方式之格式中本計畫提出了SSL安全機制和XML之傳輸格式,透過這二種機制來確保民眾資料的安全和聯單格式的正確性。 Availability Assessment on the Establishment of the Waste Vehicle Recycling Online Reporting Information Transferring System The purpose of this project is to assess the availability of establishing Waste Vehicle Recycling Online Reporting Information Transferring System. Through assessment, 3 most optimum schemes were chosen. During the project period time, the survey of waste vehicle recycling rewarding application returning rate, analysis of auditing during various time, electrification training symposium held in north, central, and south regions, on-site investigation in recycling enterprise and vehicle towing operation, recommendation about waste vehicle recycling rewarding auditing, availability assessment on the Establishment of the Waste Vehicle Recycling Online Reporting Information Transferring System, simultaneous comparison between digital signature and identity.This project collects the rewarding application-returning rate and analyzes the reason. Also, various reasons are classified and analyzed for various period of time. Expected efficiency will be achieved after the operation is electronized.Three symposiums were held in north, central, and south regions. The attending rate is up to 80% of total recycling enterprises. These symposiums collect various comments from various enterprises and their willingness of doing electronization. The satisfaction content is up to 85% and above.According to the recycling operation and local property, we choose 50 recycling enterprises and vehicle towing as on-site investigation. Basically, we collect comments from various parties (recycling enterprises, vehicle owner, and towing driver) about difficulties may exist when doing reporting on the waste vehicle recycling. For example, manifest filling, reward giving, vehicle registered as waste vehicle. Also we collect comments on “if the whole operation becomes electronized”, in order to carry out the electronizationAiming at waste vehicle rewarding application auditing, we suggest the existed process shall have its paper work simplified for reporting. Some other suggestions on amendment of auditing process and relevant regulation are also 093 基管會 環資國際有限公司
32117086 監督及輔導民間責任業者自行辦理廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收清除處理計畫 環保署於92年12月31日與中華民國保麗龍回收再生協會(以下簡稱回收協會)簽訂「廢包裝用發泡塑膠民間責任業者自辦回收清除處理合約」,自93年1月1日至96年12月31日委託回收協會試辦全國廢包裝用發泡塑膠之回收清除處理及再利用等工作。執行本計畫之目的為監督及輔導民間責任業者自辦廢包裝用發泡塑膠之回收清除處理工作。經查核輔導93年第一季至第三季回收協會業務執行狀況及財務狀況,回收協會提供資料之完整性及提報會報資料之正確性均有明顯改善,回收處理之財務收入及支出內部控制機制也已建立,未來仍需持續監督及輔導回收協會落實執行內部控制機制。此外,本計畫已規劃包括回收市場面、財務支出面、人才技術面、運作管理面等四個層面之建議方案,以提昇回收協會民間自辦廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收處理作業之管理效率。 Supervision and Facilitation of Private Responsible Parties for Self Management of Recycle and Treatment of Foam Packaging Plastics The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has signed the contract “Self Management of Recycle and Treatment of Foam Packaging Plastics by Private Responsible Parties” with the Chinese Taipei Expanded Polystylene Recycling Association (CTEPSRA) on December 31, 2003.Based on the contract, The CTEPSRA has been authorized by the EPA to implement a national program for recycle, treatment and reuse of foam packaging plastics in Taiwan from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007.The objective of this project is to supervise and facilitate the private responsible parties for self-management of recycle and treatment of foam packaging plastics.Based on the audit on the first, second and third seasons’ operation records and financial reports of the CTEPSRA, the integrity and accuracy of the data information provided by the CTEPSRA has been improved significantly.The CTEPSRA has established an internal control mechanism of financial income and expenditure for recycle and treatment. However, the internal control mechanism shall be continuously supervised and facilitated to ensure sound implementation. This project has also proposed a plan to promote the management efficiency of the CTEPSRA with respect to recycle market, financial expenditure, technical expertise, and operation management. 093 基管會 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司
32117087 93年度應回收廢棄物認證補貼資格申請案審查作業計畫 為落實資源回收且有效地管理回收處理機構,環保署於九十年重新修訂廢棄物清理法,並重新公告相關管理辦法,以強化對回收處理業者相關設施之管理標準。本計畫依循「應回收廢棄物回收處理業管理辦法」、「應回收廢棄物回收清除處理補貼申請審核管理辦法」及「(各類應回收廢棄物)回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」之規定,協助基管會制訂回收機構與處理機構進行認證補貼資格申請與審核作業;另鑑於執行過程有部份尚待改進事項,亦研擬檢討修正現行審核作業之標準作業程序,以及作業所需之文件表單檢討工作。認證補貼資格申請案之審查分書面與現場二部份,現勘審查作業依計畫要求,乃採委員制審查方式,每場次需三位委員參與,於計畫初期本團隊即依專家學者專長,提交審查委員名單送基管會核定,依北、中、南、東四區共計邀請九十六位委員參與審核作業,以確實對稽核補貼資格之審核嚴格把關。在計畫執行期間內,完成了232件書審及85家現勘審查申請案件之審查,並已將各申請案之審查結果彙整,且完成研擬了「應回收廢棄物回收處理業管理辦法」、「應回收廢棄物回收清除處理補貼申請審核管理辦法」及「(各類應回收廢棄物)回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」的修法建議,提交給基管會做為下階段法令修正之依據。於計畫執行過程,本工作團隊亦協助基管會進行說明及宣導作業。藉由期初二場座談會與三場北中南法規座談會之舉辦,說明現行業者申請常見缺失與投資抵減相關規定,並向回收處理業者說明未來相關法規之修訂建議,使廠商進一步了解未來法規之規劃與政府政策執行方向。希望藉由現有管理方式之改善,可更快速、有效地掌握一般廢棄物之回收與處理業者的作業情形,並落實環境保護之要求,提昇各類應回收廢棄物之資源再生比例,達到資源有效使用之目標。 Reimbursement approval for recycle and treatment business companies(93) In order to implement resource recycle and manage the recycle and treatment organizations more effectively, Taiwan EPA has amended the Waste Disposal and Treatment Law in 2001 and re-announced the management regulation of five items to enhance the management standards for the facilities of the recycle and treatment business companies. Therefore, this project followed the rules set in “Management Regulation for Recycle Business Companies of Mandated Recycle Items”, “Management Regulation for Reimbursement of Recycle Business Companies”, and “Standards for Waste Storage, Disposal and Treatment Facilities”, to assist the Recycle Fund Management Committee in amending standard procedure and documentation forms for the recycle and treatment business companies in their qualification and approval application processing. The reimbursement qualification approval process is divided into two parts – the documentary and the site inspection. The site inspections are carried out by review committee with at least three members attending in one review meeting. Therefore, through out this year’s project, a total of 96 members have participated in the review process.In addition, we also assisted in documentary and site inspection of the application process. During the project, 232 documents and 85 sites inspection applications have been reviewed with their results summarized together with suggestions for future amendment reference to the Regulations above. After completion of the above process, we also assisted in public information program. Five workshops were done to help business owners to understand the registration and qualification process, to explain to recycle business companies about the process flow and suggestions for future amendment reference to the law and regulation. It is desired through this management improvement that the recycle business operation can be under control in a faster and more efficient way and environmental protection demand can be met with increasingly higher resource recycle and reuse percentag 093 基管會 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司
32117088 大型垃圾焚化廠周界空氣、植物及土壤中戴奧辛含量調查 台東廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0233 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、1.37與0.892 ng I-TEQ/kg。藉由濃度之等位軌跡圖發現大氣總PCDD/Fs濃度變化與台東廠並無明顯關係,另從PCDD/Fs特徵剖面進行階層集群分析,推測台東廠周界大氣應是受到蒸氣鍋爐程序及移動性污染的影響。由上可知台東廠試運轉階段所排放之PCDD/Fs對周界環境之影響並不顯著。林內廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ濃度平均濃度分別為0.0879 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、1.79 與2.50 ng I-TEQ/kg。從PCDD/Fs特徵剖面進行主要成分分析結果顯示整個林內廠周界大氣的特徵剖面較靠近露天農廢燃燒。樹林廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.120 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、4.61 與4.00 ng I-TEQ/kg。從PCDD/Fs特徵剖面進行主要成分分析之結果,推測三多國小、柑園國小及鶯歌國中受到其他固定污染源之影響,由上可知樹林廠對於周界大氣PCDD/Fs影響輕微。 Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby municipal solid waste incinerators The mean PCDD/F concentrations in ambient air nearby Shulin, Linnei and Taidong municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are 0.120, 0.0879 and 0.0233 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in Ficus leaves nearby these three MSWIs are 4.61、1.79 and 1.37 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these three MSWIs are 4.00, 2.50 and 0.892 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. By comparing the PCDD/F concentration of maximum ground concentration sampling sites, upwind sampling sites and downwind sampling sites, the distribution of the PCDD/F concentration isopleths in the atmosphere and the result of PCA, the PCDD/F influence from MSWIs on nearby ambient air, vegetation and soil is not obvious, however, some sampling sites which are around by other stationary emission sources are found with elevated PCDD/F level.After four year’s operation, the dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby Shulin MSWI still maintain in the same level. By analyses with the t test, there is no significant difference on the dioxin level after four year’s operation. 093 空保處 正修科技大學
32117089 固定污染源空氣污染管制執行檢討、整體策略規劃及管理資訊系統更新維護計畫 本計畫協助環保署依法推動或檢討修正固定源相關制度,以強化固定污染源管制;更新維護固定污染源管理資訊系統,提供更有效之執行技術工具;整合協調固定污染源相關計畫,以符合整體管制目標,並協助地方環保單位提升管制作業執行技術及執行品質。推動或檢討修正相關制度部分,本計畫完成第一批至第七批公私場所應申請設置變更及操作許可之固定污染源修正公告,及第一批至第三批應設置空氣污染防制專責單位或人員之公私場所修正公告作業。研擬第八批許可公告草案,預估揮發性有機物污染排放量新增許可納管率15%;研擬許可審查費及證書費收費標準修正草案。其他完成草案初稿之法規計有「固定污染源硫氧化物及氮氧化物防制設施管理辦法(名稱暫訂)」草案、「臭味及厭惡性氣體周界排放標準」修正草案、及為推動整合性申報作業,涉及須檢討之6項相關法規修正條文。執行技術工具部分,完成固定源污染物排放量及定期檢測離線申報功能、固定污染源許可基本資料異動網路申請系統等,以提升行政效能、簡化行政程序;另開發固定污染源管制整體績效查詢系統、排放量查詢系統等,以強化管制成效追蹤。提升地方環保單位執行品質部份,除協助完成94至97年固定污染源管制執行績效量化指標,規劃94年固定污染源執行重點管制工作外,並藉由執行品質抽查作業,有效提升縣市管制工作執行品質約30% The project of Reviewing Stationary Sources Air Pollution Control Enforcement, Planning Control Strategy, and maintaining Computer System This project supports EPA in implementing and amending/revising the management system of stationary sources. In the meanwhile, this project provides more effective execution tools by enhancing stationary sources MIS performance, and helps EPA to coordinate/integrate the implementation resource, and audit the performance quality of EPBs.For implementing and amending/revising the management system, this project has achieved some results. Two official announcements have been issued which are concerning stationary sources designated to apply installation/operation permit and air pollution control units or personnel positions. Other than that, 4 draft regulations have also finished which are concerning newly designated permit application, permit review fee, odor emission standard, and control facilities management regulation.For establishing and enforcing the execution tools, 3 main achievements have been reached. (1)Off-line emission reporting system and stack testing reporting system of stationary sources.(2)On-line permit alteration application system.(3)Query system of execution results and pollutant emission status of stationary sources.For coordinate/integrate the implementation resource, and audit the performance quality of EPBs, the indicators for the evaluating the EPB performance have been set up. The FY94 to FY97 key controlling factors of the management for stationary sources have been established in this project. This project has effectively lifting 30% of enforcement quality of EPBs by auditing and training courses. 093 空保處 財團法人中技社環境技術發展中心 吳俊儀、魏憶琳、鄭月足、余志達 、許長嵐、何佳祥、高尚汶
32117090 九十三年度垃圾焚化廠查核評鑑及相關工作計畫 本計畫主要目的包括擔任工作秘書小組,辦理各大型垃圾焚化廠操作營運績效指標查核、彙整,營運月報審查、焚化廠查核評鑑委員會運作等事宜、歷年查核評鑑意見彙整分析、辦理垃圾焚化廠技術交流觀摩會、垃圾焚化廠轉運設施計畫審核及施工查核、協助提供垃圾資源分選興建計畫規劃相關專案諮詢及協助辦理計畫審核事宜、垃圾焚化廠(興建)相關功能資料建置、垃圾焚化廠備品資料及運用查詢系統建置、垃圾焚化廠操作營運資訊公開、歷年進廠焚化垃圾成分分析基線資料、歷年垃圾焚化廠灰渣成分、檢測、處理方式及流向資料、垃圾焚化廠營運相關法規之彙整編纂並評估建議修正事宜、蒐集並彙整六座小型垃圾焚化廠興建及操作營運之基本資料,規劃妥善監督模式等合約項目。在查核評鑑工作方面,完成93年下半年度20座大型垃圾焚化廠查核評鑑及2場次加強廠複查工作共計22場次,另外於小型垃圾焚化廠辦理勘查9場次、轉運設施和資源分選廠亦配合署內要求進行相關資料審查及現勘工作計22場次。在系統開發及查核方面包括完成焚化廠操作營運績效指標修訂、營運月報線上輔助審查、垃圾焚化廠(興建)相關功能資料建置、垃圾焚化廠備品資料及運用查詢系統建置、垃圾焚化廠操作營運資訊公開、歷年進廠焚化垃圾成分分析基線資料、歷年垃圾焚化廠灰渣成分、檢測、處理方式及流向資料等系統功能開發或修改。在相關法規彙整編纂並評估建議修正部份,本計畫持續協助署內推動「民眾協助監督垃圾焚化廠實施要點」草案,包括了歷次法規內容修正及公聽會之參與。 Assessment on the Performance of Garbage Incinerator Plant and Relative Projects The purpose of this project is to give administrative support on large scale refuse incinerator treatment performance appraisal and appraisal result categorization; the support also includes assisting operation monthly report auditing, running performance appraisal committee operation, collecting and analyzing historical appraisal result, holding incineration technology exchange symposium, auditing incinerator plant operation design and construction, professional consulting on refuse-resource selection plant construction and screening of constructor qualification, establishing plant constructing information database and its back-up filing. Also, this project is designated for assisting incinerator operation like establishing inquiry system, operation information disclosure for public, baseline information for refuse component analysis, ash component analysis on its property, testing, treatment, and waste flow. Relevant regulation and amendment comment drafting, collection and categorization of 6 mini-scale refuse incinerators operation records, drafting of the monitoring mode are also included in the project tasks. 093 督察總隊 環資國際有限公司
32117091 「清淨家園、漂亮台灣」九十三年度加強環境督導考核及成果維護執行計畫 建立環境衛生考評項目、考評標準及考核方式等相關作業程序及標準,加強推動地方環保機關進行全面環境清潔維護,藉由推動環境清潔以落實消除髒亂,確保環境整潔,提升國民生活環境品質,提昇國際形象。完成各縣市環境衛生考核作業規劃及建置研擬,以協助地方環保單位加強執行加強取締污染、全面消除髒亂、執行清溝淨灘、鼓勵舉發污染、推廣環境綠化美化、擴大教育宣導六工作要項。藉由進行定期及無預警實地檢查及民眾滿意度調查工作,督導直轄市、縣(市)環保局執行環境清潔工作績效,並將所見缺失作成紀錄,以要求主管單位清除整理,並追蹤其執行情形。發動全民參與,加強全面推動,以落實消除髒亂工作。 2004 Tasks accomplished include setting up audit procedures and standards, such as criterions and procedures for environmental hygiene inspection, the approach to promote and reinforce local authorities in achieving and maintaining overall cleanliness, so as to eliminate illegal littering and to improve living quality and boost international image.Completion of drafting an environmental hygiene inspection plan for all counties and cities to assist local environmental authorities in accomplishing six major tasks, namely heighten pollution clampdown, environmental pollution elimination, ditch drainage and beach clearing, encouragement of pollution complaint, promotion of a greener and more desirable environment, and enhancement of educational promotion. Both regular and random on-site inspections as well as public satisfaction poll were carried out to evaluate the performance of the local environmental protection authorities in implementing environmental cleanliness. Inspection reports were prepared on areas that require improvement to assist authorities in tracking down the latest implementation developments. Public participation and intensifying campaign promotion are essential in achieving the ultimate goal of environmental pollution elimination. 093 毒管處 道成國際工程顧問股份有限公司
32117092 電木複合材料技術及設備之開發 由於環保意識的抬頭,促使資源回收再利用等相關議題,受到國際社會大眾的重視。全球印刷電路板的主要應用而言,約有34.8%應用在電腦及其週邊產品,26.1%應用在汽車和消費性產品上。至於國內部份,其中有72%應用在電腦和週邊產品,19%應用在通訊產品。3C產品固然帶給人們優異的生活品質,然而其汰換率甚高,若不將此資源回收再利用,將造成重大的環境污染。本研究即用資源回收的聚烯烴(polyolefin)類塑膠與回收印刷電路基板(PCB)粉末(俗稱電木粉)形成複合材料。本計畫利用乾式研磨設備,研磨粒徑達400mesh(<30μm),已達目標值,同時建立偶合相容化技術及押出造粒技術,並建立電木複材物性及完成押出及射出成品。 Development of technology and equipments on phenolic composite With the wake up of the environment consciousness, the resource recycling issue is taken seriously by the international community. According to the research on the world PCB application, about 34.8% was applied to PC and its peripheral and 26.1% was applied to cars and consumer goods. As regards domestics, 72% was applied to PC and its peripheral and 19% was applied to communication products. Though 3C products have brought the perfect quality of life, they are easily to be weeded out. If we do not recycle this kind of resources, our environment will be polluted critically. This research is compounding the recycling polyolefin and PCB powders into a composite. Up to now, the particles have been ground into 400 mesh (<30μm) with the dry ground equipment, which has reached the target in this plan; meanwhile, we have developed the compounding and profiled extrusion techniques. The set-up of the material property and the produce of the press products will be carried out in the future. 093 永續發展室
32117093 落葉枯枝快速「免堆」技術及設備之研究開發 落葉枯枝是國內各級學校、社區及行政機關都會面臨的問題,大部份單位併入垃圾,或有少數自行堆肥,所以一般都增加大量的垃圾。若自行堆肥或採用混合醱酵設備機者,因枯枝落葉之木質素及纖維素甚高( 50~80 %),不易分解,容易日積月累而產生大量堆積及空間設備之不足,常發生二次污染問題。本研發完成開發落葉枯枝之「免堆」快速處理技術及配方,加入打碎之落葉枯枝後,在12小時內完成落葉枯枝之有機質肥料,此技術結合物理、化學及微生物之觀念,以取代傳統堆肥2~3個月之時程。本研究並完成開發一種落葉枯枝之「免堆」快速處理系統設備,包括碎解機及製解機,配合免堆技術之配方,設計適合的免堆快速處理系統設備。並經產品測定分析符合肥料登記之雜項有機質肥料之標準,並經二種蔬菜盆栽試驗証實本產品具有增進作物生產之功能的驗証。並且可提高土壤有機質含量,全氮及有效性鉀含量,及提高作物植體之全氮、鉀及鈣含量。本結果建議施用落葉免堆有機肥在5~20公噸/公頃之施用量,但一般對施加於苗圃花草樹木的表面覆蓋添加量則可加倍。本研究成果除經濟利潤及產業外,本快速免堆技術處理具有環境效益,可一日內完成生產之時間縮短,又無污水及具有資源再生之利益,並有間接增加垃圾掩埋場約1/5之空間及延長焚化場之壽命,一舉數得,若能國內全面應用此技術,將可生產約2千萬噸有機質肥料之資源再生效益,本快速免堆技術應具有推廣應用之潛能。 Developments of Composting-free Technology and Equipment for Fallen Leaves and Dried Branches Falling leaves and branches in the schools, the communities and the organizations usually cause problems. Most used as garbage or few as compost for the waste treatment of falling leaves and branches. Traditional compositing commonly causes secondary pollution problems. This project developed a fast processing of composting-free technology to treat the falling leaves and branches with in 12 hours to produce a organic fertilizer. The theory of composting-free technology combines multi-functional treatment with physical, chemical and microbiological concepts. This development can instead of the traditional compositing for 2-3 months. This research also developed a serious of facilities to the treating formula to produce a legal organic fertilizer with meets the national standard. From pot experiments with two vegetables, the results indicated that the product can increase the crop production, and soil organic content, total N and available K, as well as to increase total N, K and Ca in the crop. The results suggest that the amount of composting-free products can be used up to 5-20 tons/ha in the field application, but can be used up to double amount for the surface mulching application in seedling, flower, tree fields.The development of fast treatment is not only with economical and industrial potentials, but also with benefits of environmental protection. The technology can treat falling leaves and branches within one day for producing organic fertilizer and no waste water, as well as the reuse of the resource. The other in directed benefits is to save the life and space of garbage station and incinerator. This technology has many benefits and highly potential for the extension and application. 093 永續發展室 國立中興大學
32117094 九十三年度應回收廢棄物回收處理業輔導暨系統維護更新專案計畫 本計畫主要工作是使資源回收制度順利進行,建立資源回收資訊系統,以協助進行回收資訊的統計以及公佈,並期望能藉此提升人員之行政效率,因此主要工作業可以分成行政支援輔導工作以及系統建置維護兩大項。今年度本團隊負責協助進行登記作業的資料輸入工作,亦一併轉移而截至九十三年十月本單位今年共協助完成96件受補貼機構資料書審通過。並且藉由說明會召開,來瞭解業者以及各地方環保單位至執行狀況,三場業者說明會共計有380多位人員參加,而環保單位之業務檢討會則有90多未先進前來,參與人數刷新過往之紀錄。資源回收管理系統因應使用者之需求而進行更動,大幅改寫,共計異動程式447支,且重新更換系統主網頁,使系統操作更加簡易,另外加強人員密碼管控功能以增加安全性,對於系統內資料今年度也進行查對工作,來減少系統資料錯誤。另外協助建立廢家電及廢資訊處理業應回收廢棄物質量平衡管控系統,對於各廠之處理數量以及衍生廢棄物、再生料等產生量皆透過系統來進行統計分析,來進行廠中作業情形之管控。 recycle and treatment organizations management and countrol system rebuilding 93 This project is to provide the recycle rule working, setting up the management system, and helping calculator the recycle due. So rebuild the control system of recycle management to implement resource recycle and manage the recycle and treatment organizations more effectively.In this year we serve the EPA checking the application form. Through out this year’s project 98 documents have been reviewed. After completion of the above process, we also assisted the Fund Management Committee in its public information program. Three workshops were done to help business owners to understand the registration and qualification process.According the amended of management regulation, we rebuild the recycling management system. Through out this year’s maintain, we amend 8 system and 447 programs to improve the efficiency. Dispatching two engineers to assist EPA. They set up the data in recycling management system. We make a regular backup the data in the system total 52 times.Integrate all of the application form, to serve the populace. Rebuilding the recycle matters amount system, and diversity analyzing system. To provide the different of recycle and treatment amount analyze immediately. 093 基管會 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司
32117095 回收寶特瓶資源再利用新穎技術開發 本計畫已完成彈性體反應接枝技術,且MA 接枝率穩定,約在1% 。而回收聚酯已使用清潔且處理完成之回收料,以節省回收料處理之人力與物力。目前回收聚酯以使用130℃除濕及乾燥4小時以上為較佳之乾燥條件,再將回收聚酯與POE-g-MA以80/20比例於雙螺桿中混練成回收寶特瓶聚酯複材。物性方面,由測試結果得知,已有符合查核點之目標,可將回收寶特瓶聚酯複材製成板材、瓶子及其他應用產品。由87年~93年估計,台灣回收PET的回收量每年成長1.2%,93年回收PET有8萬噸,估計94年將突破9.6萬噸的回收量,相對的政府每年將付出龐大的回收廢棄物處理費;若設定預計每月消耗50噸的回收PET,則每年可消耗600噸的回收PET,政府可節省1200多萬元的回收廢棄物處理費。經由本計畫案的成功研發,可由資源回收料降低原料成本,增加回收寶特瓶之回收使用率,增加回收料附加價值,可節約自然資源使用,減少廢棄物產生,促進物質回收再利用,減輕環境負荷,建立資源永續利用之社會,為綠色環保盡一份責任。 The development of a new technology for PET bottle recycle In this project, we had acquired the elastomer reaction graft technique. The MA-grafted ratio was stable (i.e. about 1%). To save manpower and material resources in recycling process, we chose the recycled polyester which had been previously cleaned. A better drying condition of recycled polyester is heating at 130℃ for 4 hours. Recycled polyester was blended into POE-g-MA. The ratio was 80:20. The most suitable extruder model was employed to create recycled polyester compound. According to the result of the physical mechanical tests, the data had been higher than the check points. The recycled polyester blends can be made into the panel, bottle and other goods.By this successful project, the material cost can be reduced by using recycle material. This can also increase the value-added for the recycled bottle, economize the natural resources, reduce the trash, increase reusing ratio of the material and reduce the load of environmental. In this project, we hope to develop the society which with continuous utilization resource and accept the responsibility for the environmental protection. 093 永續發展室
32117096 未納管戴奧辛排放源改善及大型焚化爐重金屬排放調查計畫 本計畫主要針對非鐵金屬熔煉業、煉鋼業電弧爐及特定污染排放源(火葬場)進行實廠改善輔導工作,深入協助業者進行戴奧辛污染改善工程,協助國內電弧爐11排放管制根次符合FY96加嚴法規(0.5 ngI-TEQ/Nm3),並有效降低戴奧辛排放量達27.638 g/年,及協助非鐵金屬熔煉業3家(神州五金、&#31453;凱工業、宮前五金),降低戴奧辛排放量達0.133 mg-TEQ/年,並依據煉鋼業電弧爐及非鐵金屬熔煉業戴奧辛輔導改善執行成果,彙整各廠改善實務經驗及戴奧辛減量成效,及研擬「非鐵金屬熔煉業戴奧辛污染改善技術手冊」,提供業者作為戴奧辛污染改善之參考。同時,為加強業者戴奧辛處理技術與能力,建置戴奧辛污染改善控制技術網路教學系統,提供業者作為內部教育訓練教材。另外,為了解決活性碳吸附技術之廢棄物二次污染問題,本計畫進行中小型焚化爐戴奧辛最適化控制技術(替代活性碳吸附技術)評估與技術示範推廣,並辦理「持久性有機物生成、監測與控制國際研討會」及「中小型焚化爐戴奧辛控制技術示範觀摩會」,邀請國內外專家學者擔任講師,以及發表中小型焚化爐戴奧辛最適化控制技術成果示範觀摩,提供業者觀摩學習的機會。再者,為了確實掌握國內中小型焚化爐運轉操作情形,持續維護及更新國內中小型廢棄物焚化爐基本資料庫。除此之外,重金屬亦是焚化爐另一重要污染物,本計畫執行國內十九座大型垃圾資源回收焚化廠煙道重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞)檢測工作,發現各廠重金屬鉛鎘汞排放濃度遠低於法規標準,排放係數平均值則為鉛4.1×10-5,鎘6.2×10-6,汞3.0×10-5焚化每噸廢棄物之排放量(mg/Nm3-焚化每噸廢棄物),與業者93年定檢資料相近。重金屬年排放總量分別為鉛543(kg/年),鎘12.6(kg/年),汞220(kg/年);重金屬年排放係數平均值則為鉛2.12×10-4,鎘1.87×10-5,汞5.52×10-5焚化每噸廢棄物之排放量(kg/年-焚化每噸廢棄物)。相較國外焚化爐重金屬排放標準,我國規定之重金屬排放標準較歐美各國之排放標準寬鬆甚多,故大型焚化廠重金屬排放標準仍有探討空間。 Project on Improvement of Dioxin Emission for Non-restrain Source, and Investigation of Heavy Metal Emission for Large Types of Incinerators In this Project, we implemented the on-site survey and consultation of the improvement of dioxin emission for non-iron smelting industry, arc furnace in steelmaking industry and specific contamination emission source (cremator). We have finished “Technical guideline for reduction of dioxin emission for non-iron smelting industry. We also built-up an internet-learning system and classes of dioxin emission control technique. To solve the problem of secondary contamination of waste activated carbon, we assessed, demonstrated and popularized the optimized control technology of dioxin emission for small and medium incinerator (technique for replacing activated carbon adsorption method). We also held ”Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin) Conference - Sources, Monitoring, and Controls” and exhibition for reduction of dioxin emission for small and medium incinerators. To understand and manage those running status, we continually updated and maintained the databank of domestic small and medium incinerators. Except for dioxin, heavy metal is another pollutant of incinerator. We analyzed the emissions of heavy metal (lead, cadmium and mercury) from 19 incinerators of large garbage recycle plants and then compared with the data of periodical analysis from factories in last three years. We also collected and studied the strategies of management and control of heavy metal by other countries and then gave Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) the suggestion of the related policy. 093 空保處 工業技術研究院
32117097 「應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢塑膠容器類)」專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署(環保署)依「廢棄物清理法」第十八條第二項規定,訂定「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,以辦理應回收廢棄物之回收處理量稽核認證,作為環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會支付受補貼機構補貼費之依據。台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司(德國萊因)執行本計畫廢塑膠容器類稽核認證工作,針對民國93年4月至94年3月期間之17家受補貼機構進行廢塑膠容器類回收/處理量之稽核認證作業,共計稽核認證廢塑膠總回收量139,483,439公斤,處理量137,426,158公斤;不符合品管作業規定遭扣重重量為1,124,496公斤,防止溢領補貼費用達新台幣10,945,368元,對於健全資源回收體系有正面的意義。德國萊因於93年4月至94年3月間,共執行會計稽核178次、環安衛稽核178次、作業程序稽核2,510次、CCTV監視系統查核時數53,280小時,其中,稽核認證作業發生之異常狀況共計42件,主要異常為雜質或認證物品異常與不良現象,以域愷及威立公司6件最多。此外,配合環保署要求,於93年6月及7月完成四次瓶磚逐支查核作業並詳細紀錄雜質種類,以瞭解是否有外國瓶磚打散混入稽核認證瓶磚,四次查核皆無國外瓶磚打散混入之情形;另為了解受補貼機構再生料再利用情形及衍生廢棄物妥善處置,德國萊因完成衍生物流向追蹤查核14場次,查核結果大致正常。 The Third-party Auditing and Certification Project on Obligated Recyclable Waste (Waste Plastic Containers) Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated “Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulation” based on Article 18, paragraph 2 of “Waste Disposal Act”. EPA Recycling Fund Management Committee is in accordance with the audited and certificated amount by auditing and certification group to subsidy the subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland Taiwan Ltd. (TUV) was entrusted by Taiwan EPA to implement the project “ The Third-party Auditing and Certification on Obligated Recyclable Waste Plastic Containers”, from April 01, 2004 to March 31, 2005. Seventeen subsidized organizations were audited and certificated during this period. The collected and treated amounts of Waste Plastic Containers were 139,483,439 kilograms and 137,426,158 kilograms, respectively. TUV auditing and certification team found 1,124,496 kilograms of impurity and prevented to over subsidy of 10,945,368 NT dollars from Management Committee’s issuance to subsidized organizations. It was positive for waste recycling auditing and certification system.TUV executed 178 times of accounting audit and inventory check, 178 times of environment-safety-health audit, 2,510 times of facility check, 53,280 hours of CCTV monitoring check in the project. The total results of major deviation and abnormal events found through regular/irregular inspections and audits were 42, mainly including impurity of incoming shipments, as well as abnormal certified quantity. Among all inspected factories, Yu-Kai and Waylead had the most abnormal records of 6. For better understanding and management on the imported plastic bales, TUV had accomplished a special program by providing the service on “bottle-to-bottle counting inspection” for EPA in June and July 2004. The results from above inspective program indicated no abnormal bales found. To enhance the control mechanism and assure the proper treatment/disposal on wastes, TUV had accomplished 14 times of outside inspection program of “Derivative wastes tracking”. 093 基管會 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司
32117098 「應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢資訊物品類)」專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署(環保署)依「廢棄物清理法」第十八條第二項規定,訂定「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,以辦理應回收廢棄物之回收處理量稽核認證,作為環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會(基管會)支付受補貼機構補貼費之依據。台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司(德國萊因)執行本計畫廢資訊物品類稽核認證工作,針對民國93年7月至94年3月期間之10家受補貼機構進行廢資訊物品類回收/處理量之稽核認證作業,共計稽核認證廢資訊物品類稽核認證量為1,276,983台,其中,廢主機565,974台、廢監視器275,904台、廢列表機432,310台及廢筆記型電腦2,795台,不符合品管作業規定遭判退共計2,361台。防止溢領補貼費達新台幣447,980元,對健全稽核認證作業品質,具有正面意義。德國萊因於本計畫執行期間,共執行會計稽核76次;環安衛稽核76次;自動計量系統及專用電表查核1,580次;CCTV監視系統查核時數24,264小時;稽核認證作業發生之異常狀況共計53件,德國萊因除呈報主管機關外,亦加強廠商之監督改善。此外,提供環保署執行稽核認證作業改善方向及具體建議,作為相關法規及手冊修訂之參考,並於93年7月1日順利公告修正之作業手冊,以提昇稽核認證執行效率及品質。 The Third-party Auditing and Certification Project on Obligated Recyclable Waste (Information Technology Equipment) Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated “Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulation” based on the Article 18, paragraph 2 of “Waste Disposal Act”. EPA Recycling Fund Management Committee is in accordance with the audited and certificated amount by auditing and certification group to subsidy the subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland Taiwan Ltd. (TUV) was entrusted by Taiwan EPA to implement the project “ The Third-party Auditing and Certification on Obligated Recyclable Waste Information Technology (IT) Equipments ”, from July 01, 2004 to March 31, 2005. Ten subsidized organizations were audited and certificated during this period. The certificated amount of IT equipment were 1,276,983 sets including 565,974 sets of main stations, 275,904 sets of monitors, 432,310 sets of printers and 2,795 sets of notebooks. TUV auditing and certification team found 2,361 sets of unaccepted IT equipment and prevented to over subsidy of 447,980 NT dollars from Management Committee’s issuance to subsidized organizations. It was positive for waste recycling auditing and certification system.TUV executed 76 times of accounting audit and inventory check, 76 times of environment-safety-health audit, 1,580 times of facility check and 24,264 hours of CCTV monitoring check in the project. 53 major deviation and abnormal events were found during this period. TUV reported the deviation and events to EPA and also provided the concrete solutions to subsidized organizations. TUV also proposed several programs to EPA for enhancing the auditing and certification efficiency and modified “The Operational Manual”, which was announced on July 1, 2004. 093 基管會 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司
32117099 營建混合物之再生結合方法及其結合物 政府目前不遺餘力的以打造永續台灣為未來目標,本研究以解決大地水資源環境及營建混合物永續再利用問題為方向,以營建混合物中人行道拆除工程之廢棄混凝土塊及陶瓷窯燒廠生產失敗之石英磁磚為骨材,配合老鷹營造公司研發之亞克力環氧樹脂(EK307)為骨材結合劑,以此創新方法製成環保再生透水鋪面。並藉由骨材本身各項物理試驗、鋪面力學性質與破壞行為試驗、模擬現地降雨之透水試驗及懸浮固體物去除試驗,探討鋪面之性能,期能藉此找出符合使用目的之斷面配比設計。 construction hybrid material recycle and reuse Government at present gives all-out for the future objective of sustainable Taiwan. This study was treated the direction of sustainable reuse problem of the geotechnical and water-resource environment and the construction hybrid. In the case of the construction hybrid, both the discard concrete block demolished from pedestrian and the failure quartz porcelain tile produced from the china and porcelain furnace are taken as aggregates. The aggregate binder is the acrylic-epoxy resin called EK307 developed by the Lau-In Construction Company. This combination of aggregate and binder is provided as environment reuse permeation pavement. The physical test of aggregate, tests for mechanical properties and failure behavior to the aggregate, the permeation test of in-site precipitation simulation and the discard test of suspensive solid are to investigate the pavement property. The results of the present study provide the sustainable reuse of the geotechnical and water-resource environment and the construction hybrid and also provide the reference of future study. 093 永續發展室 國立台灣海洋大學創新育成中心
32117100 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(非塑膠廢容器及乾電池類)專案工作計畫 行政院環保署自民國八十六年元月起推動「全民參與回饋式資源回收四合一計畫」,意在透過經濟市場機制,結合產源製造與資源回收體系,完成資源回收清除處理市場制度之整體規劃與管理辦法,藉由制度面及法令之調整,結合社區民眾、地方政府、回收機構及基金,開創便利且全民參與之回收管道,提高資源回收成效,以保護環境衛生,並維護資源永續利用。資源回收制度最大的特色之一是由第三公正團體以超然立場與專業技術來執行稽核認證。公正團體依「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,提報稽核認證服務計畫書及稽核認證作業手冊,經稽核認證公正團體評選委員會審查並加以評選。稽核認證作業手冊經公告後,做為稽核認證團體執行稽核認證工作時之依據與規範準則。同時,稽核認證作業受稽核認證公正團體監督委員會之監督與評鑑,並予公開、透明化其稽核認證作業方法、程序及狀況。本計畫主要針對應回收廢棄物(非塑膠廢容器及廢乾電池類),進入受補貼機構之品質及數量逐批次執行認證作業,並監督資源回收後之處理程序,以確保回收清除處理作業之確實性。 Project of inspection and certification organization on regulated recyclable waste (non-plastic waste containers and waste batteries) Since January 1, 1997, EPA had launched “Public participation feed-backed resources collection four-in-one plan”,to integrate, through the economic market mechanism, production industries and resources collection system, and had established total planning and management method of the resources collection, clearance, disposal market system, so that the public citizens, local governments, collection organizations and recycling fund could be integrated through the means of the adjustment of system and regulations, with a view to create convenient and public participated collection channels, to boost resources recycling performance for environmental protection and sustainable utilization of resources.One of the major characteristic of resources collection system is to assign third bodies to execute the works of inspection and certification in impartial position and with inspection expertise. In accordance with “The regulated recyclable waste inspection and certification rules”, third bodies submit their service proposals along with operation manual for the assessment of the election committee. Inspection and certification operation manuals are to be promulgated as the standards and codes for the works of inspection and certification. This project is, mainly, to execute the quantity and quality of regulated recyclable wastes and to supervise the recycling process for assurance of the correctness of the collection, clearance and disposal operation. 093 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司
32117101 九十三年河川環境水體整體調查監測計畫〔客雅溪(含三姓公溪)與北港溪流域〕 本計畫主要針對客雅溪(含三姓公溪)與北港溪流域進行河川水體與底泥之基本性質調查及分析水體與底質之污染物含量,並進行包括螺、貝類及底棲生物等之種類及族群分佈調查,建立相關生物圖鑑資料,同時應用統計方法探討污染物的污染潛能與可能的污染來源,以提供河川污染管理之參考。藉由流域污染程度評估,來瞭解河川環境水體之背景現況,其中水體品質部分參考河川污染程度評估(RPI),底質部分引用美國紐約州環保局之重金屬危害評估等級,以最低影響標準及嚴重影響標準作為污染認定之準則,生物部分則利用魚類及大型甲殼類、水棲昆蟲(楊平世,1992)作為指標生物來判斷水質階級。同時利用多變數統計分析方法,瞭解河川水體環境因子與生物群聚之相關性,以及時間與空間之變異性。針對各測站之水質、底質與生物調查等監測結果,進行污染區段等級區分,訂定各河段之指標污染物及指標生物,作為後續監測之參考依據。 Integrated Investigation and Monitoring for the Water Quality of Ke-Ya River, San-Xing-Gong River and Bei Gang River(2004) The main purpose of this project is to investigate the basic background for the water and sediment of Ke-Ya River, San-Xing-Gong River and Bei Gang River, and to analyze the concentration of pollutant in the river water and sediment. These investigations also include findings of the distribution and varieties of conches in the area, and a biological graphic illustration is established. A statistical method is used to study the possible potential pollution and most possible source of pollution, these findings can serve as a guideline for the management of pollution control of this area.  In order to understand the environmental background of the river basin under investigation, degree of pollution of these rivers were being estimated, RPI method was used for the water quality, and the degree of potential hazard of heavy metal issued by EPB of NY State was used for sediment evaluation. The minimal and most stringent influential standards were used as the criteria for the evaluation. Fishes, crustacea and aquatic insects was used for the biological evaluation. The multi variable statistical method was used to understand the relation between water quality and biological species, also time and space dependence were studied. According to the results of the above findings, we were able to identify different degree of pollution for the whole river basin under investigation, and the prior pollutant and major bio species were identified for various section of the river, and will serve as the guideline for future monitoring. 093 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司
32117102 責任業者稽查相關法務作業計畫 本計畫目標為完成責任業者應繳納回收清除處理費追繳等相關作業、妥善處理責任業者違法案件法務相關作業、運用外在法律專業資源,提昇稽查相關作業之成效。本計畫之執行方式為提供法律諮詢、完成行政救濟答辯、移送行政執行、涉訟案件涉,涉及刑責者移送偵查案件、法律修正建議、歷年移送執行未結案件追蹤並辦理法令研習課程等。而本所於計畫執行期間實際完成行政救濟的答辯計24件、行政訴訟答辯8件、回覆法律諮詢有49件、辦理欠繳費之責任業者移送行政執行作業56件,並追蹤歷年移送執行案件之進度;更陸續提出法律修正建議共計二回;舉行兩場的法令研習。本所於執行本計畫期間,有關法律諮詢問題之提問,重複提問的情況已漸減,所詢問題也益趨深度化;業者對於訴願與行政訴訟的提起,亦由一般形式上的異議轉向實質法律的爭議,且 貴署於上開案件中的勝訴率高達75%以上;另從法令研習課程之舉辦、修法建議過程之執行,當中與環保同仁間互動之情形觀之,本計畫確實已達成協助回收清除處理費追繳之計畫目標,不論對 貴署所面臨之立即性法律問題的解決、常態性法律認知的調整、或奠定正確的法律知識等,都已達成本計畫所要求運用外在法律專業資源,提昇稽查相關作業成效之終極目標。 Project of Legal Issues Regarding Inspection of Responsible Proprietor The purpose of this project is to accomplish the assignments regarding the pursuit of recycle and disposal fees from the responsible proprietors, to properly deal with the case of the law-breaking proprietors, and to enhance the effects of inspection-related jobs by applying external professional legal resources. 093 基管會 寰瀛法律事務所 李元德 律師
32117103 固定污染源揮發性有機物排放量清查、處理設備效率查核暨最佳可行控制技術建立計畫 本計畫之目的乃針對揮發性有機物排放的主要行業製程進行基本資料查核,並且透過這些現勘查核的過程,瞭解各製程中有機溶劑使用情形,並配合排放管道中揮發性有機物的排放濃度、排放量的檢測,據以推估該行業別或各製程的排放係數,以利未來做為空氣污染防制費徵收計算的參考依據。另外在訪查中也對業者選用的防制技術及設備進行評估,以便找出該行業或製程別的最佳可行控制技術(Best Available Control Technology 、BACT),並透過示範觀摩會之辦理及防制技術手冊的撰寫印製、最佳可行性控制技術網頁的建置,加速最佳可行性控制技術資訊之擴散,進而改善業界污染防制能力達到揮發性有機物減量維護空氣品質的最終目的。本計畫完成之量化成果包括:124家工廠之現場查核,221根次排放管道NMHC檢測作業,221根次GC/MS排氣成分鑑定、209點次設備元件洩漏檢測及三個場次示範觀摩會。由整廠質量平衡調查所得的排放係數為:光電業0.227~14.602 kg/M2,光碟業0.158公克/片~0.316公克/片,乾膜光阻0.310~0.716公噸/公噸-樹脂,平版印刷業0.03~0.98kg/kg-油墨,金屬製品塗裝0.245-2.078(kg/kg-塗料),塑膠製品塗裝0.414-0.944(kg/kg-塗料),木竹製品塗裝0.71-1.90(ton/ton-塗料),塗料製造0.068~0.418 kg/kg-塗料,印染業1.89E-3~6.33E-2(公斤/公斤-產品),紙類塗佈業4.77E-02~1.26E-01 (Kg/萬m2-產品),橡膠業0.9~1.2(Kg/ Kg-溶劑),各行業間因原物料種類及產品特性差異大,因此,並無法在排放係數上進行跨行業的比較。而在廢氣成分特性方面,光電業排放物種主要為丙二醇單甲基醚酯(PGMEA)、丙二醇單甲基醚 (PGME);光碟業為四氟丙醇、二丙酮醇;銅箔基板為甲醇、甲苯、丙酮、二甲基甲醯胺;乾膜光阻為丁酮;平版印刷業為異丙醇;金屬製品塗裝為甲苯、二甲苯、乙酸乙酯和乙酸丁酯;塑膠製品甲苯、二甲苯;木竹製品塗裝為甲苯及二甲苯;塗料製造為甲苯、二甲苯;紙類塗佈業為甲苯與庚烷;橡膠業為甲苯。 Comforming VOC Emission Inventory and Abatement Device Efficiency and Establishing BACTs in Stational Pollution Sources. The main purpose for this project is to confirm of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission from industrial stational sources by on-site investigation. By analyzing these sources, one can understand the usage’s of VOCs and estimate emission to factors propose regulations to regulate the air pollution in the future. With on-site of surveys abatement devices, “Best Available Control Technology” (BACT) can also be established. Enhancing air pollution control is the final goal of this project through holding forums, composing technology manuals, and promoting BACT websites. 093 空保處 工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心
32117104 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢照明光源類)專案工作計畫 本計畫之主要目的係為正確核發回收清除處理補貼費,乃委託應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體依「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」相關規定,以嚴謹的稽核認證程序,確保稽核認證量之正確性及處理作業之妥善性。本計畫自2007年4月至2007年12月止,採駐廠之方式,於每週一至週五(國定假日除外)上午8點至下午5點針對全國3家廢照明光源之受補貼機構進行認證查驗、作業程序及環境稽核、CCTV監控等相關管理作業。期間本計畫共執行稽核認證場次達572場,認證查驗之廢照明光源達3,521,698公斤,另作業程序及環境稽核分別執行12,012項次及4,004項次,CCTV監控計達19,800小時;此外,本計畫亦配合環保署實施之分級補貼費率制度,積極輔導各受補貼機構提高處理效能、增加衍生物再利用流向,使資源回收再利用比例及汞回收比例分別達到約90%及42%以上,其中汞回收比例更較制度實施前成長約77%,確實達到輔導之成效。本計畫為確保作業品質,亦針對每位稽核認證人員施行31小時之教育訓練及6次內部稽核,以堅持貫徹作業規範,並以實際執行經驗就各項作業及成果提出檢討與改善建議,使稽核認證作業與回收清除處理體系之管理皆得以持續改善。 Project of inspection and certification fair body on the collection, clearance, disposal of the general waste (waste fluorescent light tubes) This project objective is to correctly granting subsidies to the collection, clearance, disposal organization. Accordingly, to commission inspection and certification fair body to carry out ensuring the correctness of audited and certified quantities and the perfection of disposal operation by strict auditing and certification procedures in accordance with “Regulated Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulations”. From April 2007 to December 2007, this project adopted the way of posting at factory to carry out such related management operation as certification auditing, operation procedure and environment auditing, and CCTV monitoring to 3 organizations of waste fluorescent light tubes in Taiwan who received subsidies, from Monday to Friday (except national holidays) at 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During this period, this project conducted total 572 numbers of auditing and certification, certification and inspection of 3,521,698 kg of waste fluorescent light tubes, 12,012 items and 4,004 items of operation procedures and environment auditing respectively, as well as 19,800 hours of CCTV monitoring; in addition to coordinating with the grading subsidy rate system implemented by the EPA, this project also actively guided every subsidy granted organizations in order to raise the disposal effect, increasing the recyclable direction of derived things that resource reused proportion and recyclable mercury proportion reached to more than 90% and 42% respectively, among which recyclable mercury proportion grew about 77% than before the implementation of system that indeed reaches to the effect of guidance.In order to ensure operation quality, this project also carried out educational training of 31 hours and internal auditing of 6 times to every auditing and certification staff. It insisted on carrying on operation standards and using practically performed experience to provide self-criticism and improvement suggestions in terms of various operation and achievements so that the auditing and certification operation and the management of recycle and cleaning system could be improved continuously. 093 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司
32117105 石化及電子工業區聯合污水處理廠揮發性有機物污染調查暨防制措施研訂 近年來我國空氣品質不良天數,肇因臭氧濃度超出標準之比率逐年攀高,如何降低臭氧前驅物氮氧化物、揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)之排放,為環保署近年來主要施政目標之ㄧ。早期廢(污)水處理廠僅著重於廢水處理功能良善與否,並未針對處理單元逸散之空氣污染物進行控制,然特定行業之廢水處理廠,如石化業,或大型廢(污)水處理廠,如工業區聯合污水處理廠,因揮發性有機物逸散量大,已漸被歸類為揮發性有機物排放源之ㄧ。為有效降低廢(污)水處理廠揮發性有機物排放量,並防止事業任意排放污染物至水體,改善廢(污)水處理廠鄰近區域之空氣品質,實有必要廢(污)水處理廠揮發性有機物排放進行管制。國外工業先進國家中,以美國對廢水處理廠訂有較明確之空氣污染物排放管制,其主要管制公共污水處理廠所排放之有害空氣污染物(Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAPs),並未制定水中揮發性有機物管制標準。其HAPs中與揮發性有機物相關者有二甲苯、甲苯、乙基苯、氯仿、四氯乙烯、苯以及等物質。若固定污染源單一HAP排放量超出10 公噸/年,或所有HAPs排放量超出25 噸/年,美國環保署要求其必須進行相關空污防制措施,如設置空氣污染防制設備(如加蓋、抽氣處理等),以減少HAP之排放。另美國加州和德州已另訂定更為嚴格的管制規範,如加州Rule 1176,要求污水廠入流之總碳氫化合物濃度超過5 mg/L時,就必須要設立空氣污染防制設備。本計畫共調查2處科學園區、1處石化工業區及3處綜合性工業區之聯合污水處理廠揮發性有機物特性,並針對工業區內電子、半導體、石化、製藥及造漆等使用有機溶劑之事業,進行排放廢水之揮發性有機物特性調查。依調查結果推估全國44座工業區聯合污水處理廠揮發性有機物空氣逸散量,每年約2,000公噸,其中科學園區與石化工業區因區內事業多已進行納管廢水前處理,所排放廢水中揮發性有機物較綜合性工業區為低,綜合性工業區歷次採樣,其進流廢水中揮發性有機物濃度最高可達800 mg/L(以甲醇計)。若以行業別加以比較,造漆業及製藥業所產生廢水,其廢水中揮發性有機物濃度平均較石化業、半導體及電子業為高。綜合國內歷年調查結果,一級處理設備為廢水廠揮發性有機物空氣逸散主要單元。以最佳可行控制技術(Best Available Control Technology, BACT)邏輯分析各處理單元之揮發性有機物防治措施,於油水分離池空氣逸散揮發性有機物空氣防制,建議為:(1)浮動頂蓋,(2)液面10公分處<300 ppm (以甲烷表示),(3)氣閉式固定覆罩及氣體回收系統,其回收及破壞總和效率需達95 %,(4)氣閉式固定覆罩,一定排氣管高度,油水分離池排氣不處理,達成95 %之揮發性有機物空氣逸散防制效率者。對曝氣調整池及生物處理池空氣逸散揮發性有機物空氣防制,其BACT為池面加蓋並集氣處理,廢氣處理方式有:(1)揮發性有機物濃度5,000 ~ 10,000 ppm適用熱焚化法,(2)揮發性有機物濃度1,000 ~ 10,000 ppm適用蓄熱式焚化法,(3) 揮發性有機物濃度1,000 ppm以下適用蓄熱式焚化及活性污泥注入法,(4) 揮發性有機物濃度100 ppm以下適用活性污泥注入法。本計畫建議整合廢水、空氣與廢棄物管制之資訊平台,自源頭清查含揮發性有機物廢液與廢水之產量,防止應由廢棄物處理管道處理之有機廢液,被任意傾倒至廢水處理廠處理,管末削減管制則以空氣污染防制法規為主—限制空氣中之總逸散量,水污染防治法規為輔—限制揮發性有機物僅以相的轉移自某一介面移除,而未進行妥善處理。由於揮發性有機物之環境影響主要於空氣介面,且空保處已於未來施政規劃中,逐步納入各行業之廢水處理廠為管制標的。為使 貴署施政步調具有一制性,建議以空保處管制作為為主軸,水保處配合以水污防治角度,限制污染行為者僅以相轉移方式處理含揮發性有機物廢水。建議可於現行「事業水污染防治措施管理辦法」中增訂「揮發性有機物廢水」管理措施專章,要求含揮發性有機物之事業廢(污)水,於儲留、運送、處理等過程中,須防範揮發性有機物再逸散至空氣中,而針對工業區專用下水道系統,則可要求管理單位制定允入標準,避免聯合污水處理廠無法處理之含揮發性有機物廢水排入。對尚未被空保處管制之行業別廢水處理廠,也可以審核許可證為手段,達到管制其揮發性有機物排放之目的。 Survey, Database Establishment and Polacy Draw of VOC Emission from Petroleum and Electronic Industrial Park Wastewater Treatment Plants in Taiwan As the trend of ambient ozone concentration is increasing In Taiwan in recent years, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is putting more and more effort to control the emission of ozone precursors, especially volatile organic compound (VOC) and nitrogen oxide. As industrial park wastewater treatment plant (IPWTP) is considered one of the major VOC emission sources, it is necessary to survey the VOC content and characteristics in wastewater before any VOC emission control strategy was taken. In 2004, Taiwan’s EPA granted a project to investigate 6 different type of IPWTP and to construct database for VOC characteristics in industrial wastewater. The results of investigation showed that VOC concentrations in influent wastewater of IPWTP had a broad range from 17.9 to 863 μg/L, depending on whether pretreatment was employed in factories before being discharged into IPWTP. More VOC compounds were found in wastewater from conventional industrial park than from petrochemical industrial park or recent developed science park. Mass balance method and computer model (USEPA water 8 model) were applied to predict VOCs emitted level from each unit of wastewater treatment plant. According to the results from water 8 model, VOC emission from aeration process is unignorable. 7.4% to 49.4% of VOCs in influent wastewater will be emitted from aeration process. The measured result indicates that influent wastewater of IPWTP contains different VOCs and also has different emission rate from one treatment process to another. In light of the database constructed in this project, Taiwan’s EPA and Department of Industrial Park Management has initiated the process to set up inlet VOC concentration standards of wastewater to regulate VOC emission from IPWTP. A draft of latest version of Air Pollution Control regulation in Taiwan will include regulations of VOC emission from IPWTP. 093 水保處 國立中山大學 周明顯教授,輔英科技大學 鄭文熙助理教授
32117106 環保服務業信用保證機制之探討 我國環保服務業經營的主要瓶頸在於市場與業務的開拓,其次為法規配合,再來才是資金融通的問題,故當務之急可能在協助其市場與業務的開拓,並進一步制定合宜的法規環境及強化公權力的行使,再配合相關的融資輔導,故政府應研擬完整週延之策略與具體措施,方可達到輔導產業發展的目標。若政策規劃採取融資輔導的環保服務業產業發展策略,因我國中小企業信用保證基金的信保能量規模與其他國家相較,仍明顯相對不足,故適度強化其信用保證機制的規劃,是值得慎重考慮的具體措施。以目前我國環保服務業的產業規模及短期的成長性而言,基於行政成本及實際需求的考量,不宜貿然於短期內單獨成立我國環保服務業的信用保證基金。再則,目前我國中小企業信保基金的運作尚稱順暢,其專案基金之融資保證亦廣受好評。故我國環保服務業信用保證機制的建構方案,應利用既有中小企業信保基金的運作架構,仿其他單位專案基金之模式,委託中小企業信保基金擴大辦理我國環保服務業的信用保證業務。在風險控管得宜之情形下,將可以較低的行政成本達到照顧環保服務業之融資或信保需求。俟專案基金運作一段時間後,評估其成效、優缺點並配合相關政策目標,再審慎考慮調整環保服務業信保基金的規劃。而信用證機制的理想運作,應該獲致讓保證機構、放款金融機構與借款人三方皆贏的運作結果。亦即,一方面在高信用保證利用率下,使信用保證機制的運作可創造衍生出最大的金融與經濟活動外加效果;另方面在低保證融資倒帳理賠率下,使新用保證機制可以順利持續維持其正常的運作機能。 The Credit Guarantee Mechanism of the Environmental Protection Service Industry How to coordination with the rules and regulations and how to offer financing properly are the follow-up problems. Therefore, the currently urgent tasks for the government are to help expand the market and increase sales, to set up some rules and regulations for the industry to obey, and to guide the industry with proper related financing. To guide the industrial development, the government has to propose a set of thorough and well-organized strategies and measures. While compared with the other countries, the scale of Small and Medium Business Credit Guarantee Fund in Taiwan is so obviously small that strengthening the credit guarantee mechanism has become an urgent and worthwhile task for the governmentIn viewing the industrial scale and short-term growth of environmental protection service industry in Taiwan, a credit guarantee fund so far is not suitable to recommend. At present, SMEG mechanism works well in the financial market, and its financing guarantee program supported by separate funds also wins lots of popularities. Therefore, when considering the benefits of saving time and administration cost, the model of SMEG is suggested to be adopted into the construction of the credit guarantee mechanism for the environmental protection service industry. After the specific fund runs for a period of time, we should evaluate its efficiency, merits, and demerits. For more, in accordance with the goal of related policies, we should cautiously adjust the schedule of guarantee fund for environmental protection service industry. The ideal operation of a credit guarantee mechanism should benefit the guarantee-providing organization, the loan-offering department, and the loan- applicant as well. That is, under the high rate of utilizing credit guarantee fund, the credit guarantee mechanism creates an ultra efficiency of financing and economical activities; on the other hand, the credit guarantee mechanism can still continue its normal operation in the low rate of compensation. 093 綜計處 景文技術學院
32117107 工業區水污染措施合理性分析暨污染科學蒐證作業計畫 目前國內對於水污染源之放流水標準管制的方式,主要在於管制水污染源廢水排放濃度,即一般所熟知之放流水標準,故水污染源在初期設置廢水處理廠時大都以此為基本規範,以符合法令規定。但若徒有法規而無稽查制度之配合落實,則管制成效必大打折扣,因此以往之稽查大都採勤查重罰,其目的在於嚇阻不法以保障守法,並確實督導業者設置廢水處理設施以符合法令規定。現今業者廢水處理設施大都已設置,但正常操作時需花錢而不操作卻可省錢,因此部份不法業者乃採取偷排方式,以節省其廢水處理之成本支出,故造成稽查人員為取締不法行為而疲於奔命。為此環保機關除加強提升稽查人員之專業素質外,對於有能力執行功能評鑑查證污染改善之程度(查出不法),或透過輔導改善等都是必要手段。此外,我國的工廠具規模大小變異大且家數多之特色,因此所排放之污染物之種類與數量差異亦大。面對這樣的情況,主管機關的檢測與管制工作勢必相當繁雜,並且須耗費大量的人力資源與費用支出,但在政府精簡各組織人力的計畫下,管制稽查人力的縮減將使得各人員的業務量相形繁重。而縣(市)環保局檢驗及查核人力有限、經費短缺、事業單位非法偷排手法日異翻新,以及人事受地方政治環境影響等,使得稽查取締非法偷排行為的工作更加困難。因此,若想提升環境保護之稽查管制功能,除了加強事業單位現場查核及河川稽巡查工作外,援用可行之科學蒐證方式或儀器工具,以分擔查核所需人力及物力,應為另一有效輔助查核工具。藉由上述各項管制措施及查核蒐證作業,擬使事業單位更加妥善處理其廢水,以防止環境再度遭受污染。 「Waste Water Treatment Functional Examination and Scientific Investigation of Water Pollution Control in Industrial Zone」 The current domestic discharge control measures to the water pollution sources mainly target at the waste water discharge concentration level from the water pollution sources. This measure is officially known as the waste water discharge standard. Therefore, to fulfill the standard, establishing the waste water treatment plant in a water pollution source is then becoming an indispensable requirement at the early stage of water pollution control program. However, the effectiveness of the waste water discharge standard for water pollution control works could not be achieved without a proper investigation measure. The purposes of the implementation of incessant investigation and heavy fines are to inhibit the lawlessness and to ensure every water pollution source has conformed with the legal standard.Seemingly, most factories nowadays have established waste water treatment facilities. Many of the factories do not operate the waste water treatment facilities due to the factor of cost saving. Hence, illicit discharges to the water bodies are often seen. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) consequently requires to advance the skills of the investigation personnel to be able to locate illicit discharge, to perform waste water treatment facilities functional examination, and to provide professional counseling to the proprietor. In addition, the domestic factories are various in scales, business types, and locations. Thus, pollutant types and volumes are often in vast differences. For this reason, huge human resources and administrative costs would be required for the EPA to correspond to these causes. Consequently, to successfully tackle these problems and difficulties, the environmental protection bodies would need enhanced methods and advanced scientific equipments to assist in investigation works, achieving water pollution control and reducing the environment pollution to the minimum. 093 水保處 技佳工程股份有限公司
32117108 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類─南區) 1.認證回收量/處理量稽核執行成果:(1)93年4月1日至94年3月31日執行廢車引擎100%逐一實地稽核,廢車殼清運卸載端實地清運稽核與駐廠稽核。(2)93年4月1日至94年3月31日引擎實地稽核認證通過廢汽車70,531輛與廢機車167,787輛,處理廢汽車69,233輛與廢機車164,379輛;廢車殼清運稽核共43,470,020公斤。(3)93年4月1日至94年3月31日執行廢機動車輛出口查證作業,共計查證廢汽車21,243輛與廢機車32,169輛。(4)93年4月1日至94年3月31日執行廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業(綠化、上啟源及集合成公司)駐廠稽核認證作業。共計駐廠稽核進場廢車殼154,553,470公斤,認證量核發153,631,309公斤。 2.防止補貼費用溢領執行成果 93年4月1日至94年3月31日執行彰化縣以南及花東、離島等地區之南區廢機動車輛回收業與全國廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業之稽核認證作業,累計節省14,449,654元補助金之發放。 3.機動車輛報廢回收清除處理制度檢討改造工程規劃執行成果 自93年12月起計已完成:廢機動車輛報廢回收處理制度檢討與規劃、二手零件再利用管控機制規劃、機動車輛資訊管理中心作業規劃及廢機動車輛回收/處理業進退場機制規劃等作業。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Motor Vehicles-south Region) The execution results of the Project conducted by FTIS during the project executed period, April 01, 2004 to March 31, 2005, can be summarized as following:1. Inspection and certification include certified recycled-disposal quantity execute 100% engine auditing on site of waste motor vehicle, body clearance auditing of waste motor vehicle, and factory resident auditing. certified engine quantity:70,531 cars and 167,787 motorcycles certified disposal quantity:69,223 cars and 164,379 motorcycles certified body clearance quantity:43,470,020 kg exporting verification quantity:21,243 cars and 32,169 motorcycles factory resident auditing on comminuting classifying disposal enterprises of waste motor vehicles(Green Environment Engineering Incorporation, Sun Chi Yuan E.P.T. CO., Ltd., and Gi Ho Chen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.):disposal quantity 154,553,470 kg with certified disposal quantity 153,631,309 kg2. Subsidy checking Totaled 14,449,654 NT dollars subsidy on waste motor vehicles of the recycling enterprises of southern Taiwan and comminuting classifying disposal enterprises nationwide is deducted for disqualified events.3. Motor vehicles recycle and treatment system examination and reformWaste motor vehicles recycle/treatment system revision, used components reuse management mechanism plan, motor vehicle information centre operation plan, and recycle/treatment facility licensing mechanism plan have been done since December 2004. 093 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會
32117109 高速鐵路噪音、振動之研究 本計畫主旨為利用台灣高速鐵路系統於列車試車之時機,進行試車段沿線噪音及振動量測,以建立我國高速鐵路行車時之噪音與振動資料,作為日後管制之參考。同時亦量測高速鐵路全線背景噪音及振動資料,以便日後高速鐵路全線試車時與其通過時之噪音振動頻譜比較,以瞭解高速鐵路噪音及振動特性,並歸納出叢聚性交通噪音源之鑑別方法。本計畫執行期間由於試車段長度僅20km,行車速率僅達30km/h、70km/h及120km/h三個速率,量測距離軌道中心線50m範圍內之環境噪音及地表垂向振動,即較背景噪音及振動有明顯之增量。該項衝擊量大小受行車速率、背景音量/振動值、測點位置等因素之影響。本計畫在執行期限內,由於試車車速遠不及300km/h,故建議仍應繼續利用本研究之量測方法,量測高速鐵路沿線更多測點於列車高速通過時之噪音與振動資料,才可充分掌握日後高速鐵路營運時,對環境噪音與振動之衝擊程度。 The Study of Noise and Vibration from High Speed Rail System The aim of the project is to measure the passing-by noise and vibration (NV) generated by the Taiwan High Speed Rail Transportation (HSRT) and to establish the data base during trial stage. Hopefully, this data can provide control guide of NV level of HSRT. Besides, the background NV of some selected sensitive sites alongside the overall HSRT line is also measured. Later comparisons of such kind background NV with the passing-by NV, categorization of the NV from HSRT can be attained. Meanwhile, by using the characterization, identification methodology of the NV of HSRT from other clustering traffic noise sources at a sensitive point can be induced.Even if the limited range (20km) of test section and trial speeds (30, 70 and 120 km/h) of HSRT during the execution period of the project, the environment impact of passing-by NV from HSRT is apparent. It shows that the impacts are influenced by the factors of running speed of train, background NV and measuring location etc.Owning to the trial speed of HSRT train is far less than 300 km/h during the execution period of the project, thus it is recommended that further measurements of the passing-by NV are worthy of keeping on undertaking by the methodology established in this project. It is helpful to understand and cope with the NV impact problem of HSRT beforehand. 093 空保處 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會
32117110 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢潤滑油類) 本計畫之主要目的主要以公開之稽核認證方式及標準作業流程,針對廢潤滑油受補貼回收業及處理業者進行回收量、處理量、作業程序、環境稽核及異常事件等進行查核工作。本年度計畫之執行期限自民國96年4月1日起至96年12月31日止。根據本計畫執行結果顯示,本計畫累計執行稽核場次為408場次,已符合合約最高級距之目標。在廢潤滑油認證回收量計17,565,348公升、認證處理量計17,681,094公升。於回收業作業程序查核不合格次數計有3次,其不合格原因為運送車輛未具備標示牌、緊急滅火設備不符規範及未攜帶消防設備,至於處理業查核結果不合格原因主要為消防箱前堆置雜物影響消防設備取用路線及不透水鋪面老舊破損等情形。於環境稽核不合格部分主要為卸油作業不慎導致地面油污污染情形等。有關異常事件查核共計有35件異常,針對異常發生比例最高之項目為作業程序約佔62.87%,其發生原因包含回收業收油聯單用印不全、清運車輛標示牌及滅火器不符合規範等,針對此情形已要求業者進行改善並持續追蹤改善完成。另本計畫亦對現場稽核人員實施相關教育訓練,包括新進人員職前訓練、專業集訓、定期會議訓練等三大類,並完成專業集訓1場次及定期會議訓練18場次等相關人員訓練工作,以增進整體執行人員素質及執行品質。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Lubricants) The main purposes of this project were auditing the collected and recycled quantity, operation procedure, environment safety, and abnormal events of the levied collecting industry and recycling industry for waste lubricants by using public inspection and certification methods and standard operation procedures. The project period was from April 01, 2007 to December 31, 2007. According to the results of the project, total 408 field inspections were accomplished during the project period. The number of field inspections already fulfilled the contract’s highest target. The certified collected quantity of waste lubricants was 17,565,348 liters. The certified recycled quantity of waste lubricants was 17,681,094 liters. There were 3 unqualified results of the equipment standard inspecting for the waste lubricant collecting industry. No appropriate sign on the transporting truck, unqualified fire extinguisher, and lack of fire extinguisher were the major causes. In the other hand, the unqualified results for the waste lubricant recycling industry were the pathways blocking in front of fire extinguishers and the broken waterproof RC. For the working environment safety inspection, the major cause of the unqualified results was the ground contamination during the waste lubricant unloading process. Total 35 abnormal events were found during the project period. Within the abnormal events, the subject of operation procedure inspecting showed the highest percentage 62.87%. The causes included incomplete collection receipts, unqualified sign for the transporting truck, and unqualified fire extinguisher. All the cases were traced and the improvements were verified. Besides, the project provided the educational training for the field inspectors. These trainings included the pre-job training, the professional training, and the periodical training. During the project period, all the inspectors received an annual professional training and 18 periodical trainings. Those trainings truly raised the qualities of the team members and the project executive procedure. 093 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會
32117111 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢輪胎及廢鉛蓄電池類)專案工作計畫 1. 稽核認證回收量及處理量之執行成果,統計自93年4月1日至94年1月31日為止:廢輪胎市面稽核認證量計91,124,306公斤,廢輪胎專案稽核認證量計1,377,980公斤,廢輪胎特種胎稽核認證量計1,093條;一般廢鉛蓄電池稽核認證量計25,273,523公斤,特用電池稽核認證量計2,538,268公斤,本計畫共執行處理業1,250場次稽核證作業。2. 在稽核認證量不合格情形查核部分,廢輪胎類共扣發1,477,720公斤,共防止2,419,744元之補貼費用遭溢領;廢鉛蓄電池並無補貼費用遭溢領之情形發生。3. 人員訓練之實施成果:已完成每位新進人員40小時之職前訓練及專業考核,亦於93年6月10~12日及94年1月28日共四天完成專業集訓,並於93年6月29日、93年7月1日及94年1月7日辦理現場實地稽核訓練,另藉由每月召開工作會議來辦理定期會議訓練及18場次之特別訓練,以培訓現場稽核人員各類之專業技能及溝通技巧。4. 處理業作業程序查核結果中,不合格比率以處理業之貯存情形異常為最高,占整體46.97%,原因為處理業之應回收廢棄物處理速度快,無法即時將遮雨設施妥善覆蓋所致。5. 環境稽核查核結果,以廠區環境不合格比例為最高,占整體之47.63%。6. 異常原因統計成果:廢輪胎處理廠之重大異常部分以稽核認證設備異常如進料電子磅秤及地磅故障/更換印表紙、進廠地磅故障、CCTV監視錄影系統故障及角度調整等異常共424次,佔本計畫總重大異常次數的68.17%。非重大異常部分則以機械設備異常最高,共發生326次,佔本計畫總非重大異常次數的40.45%,主要係因廢輪胎處理破碎使機械設備磨損較大,經常需要更換刀具以利處理作業的進行,故較易有設備故障、維修及保養的情形發生。廢鉛蓄電池處理廠所發生之重大異常則100%為稽核認證設備異常,非重大異常100%為機械設備異常。7. 會計稽核之執行,乃委託專業之眾信會計所人員,以每年二次之頻率執行處理業之成品、半成品及原料庫存盤點,並檢視處理業提供之相關憑證,來執行檢視及勾稽其合理性。依據會計師查核結果,顯示查核處理業中其提供之憑證皆屬合理,並未發現任何重大異常情事。另依本計畫契約書規範,針對僅經營應回收廢棄物之處理業,進行財務、營運及繼續經營之假設等進行分析,亦無有發現重大異常事件。8. 新設資源處理機構審核部分,本會共配合4家/4場次處理機構申請受補貼機構資格及新增/變更審核之現勘作業。9. 處理業違規記點成果共計53點,分析記點原因,最多的為未覆遮雨設施、未依時提供後端膠片或鋼絲流向憑證所致。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycle Waste (Waste Tires and Waste Lead Acid Batteries) 1.Results on inspection and certification amounts Certified recycled-disposal quantity on: waste tire:91,124,306kg waste tire(EPA case basis):1,377,980kg waste tire(special types):1,093 pieces waste lead acid battery(general types):25,273,523kg waste lead acid battery(special types):2,538,268kg Inspection on site:1,250 trips2. Auditing results on disqualified events 1,477,720kg certified recycled-disposal quantity on waste tire is deducted for disqualified events which is equal to 2,419,744 NT Dollars. None on waste lead acid battery is deducted for disqualified events.3. Results on training All inspectors are required to fulfill 40-hour training and examination. Pro training was held during June 2004-January 2005, and on-site inspection training was held on June 29, 2004 , July 1, 2004 and January 7, 2005. In addition, routine training and 18 special training were held through workshops monthly.4. Auditing results on operation process of recycling and disposal enterprises The major disqualified operation process is abnormal storage condition which contributes 46.97% of the total. 5. Auditing results on environmental safety and healthThe major disqualification on environmental safety and health are factory environment(47.36%).6. Auditing results on abnormal events Waste Tire: Facility abnormal is totaled 424 times which is the highest of major normal events(68.17%). Mechanical abnormal occurred 326 times and is the highest of the minor abnormal events(40.45%).Waste lead acid battery: Facility abnormal is the highest of major normal events(100%). And mechanical abnormal is the highest of the minor abnormal events(100%).7. Results on accounting audit Accounting audits were carried out by professional accountants twice a year on inventory and its relative records. None major abnormal event was found from the accounting audits. 093 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會
32117112 一般性固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制規劃及評估計畫 依據本年度一般性固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制規劃及評估計畫甄選內容,包括三大項工作項目,分別為:(1)彙整分析國內外固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制,(2)規劃國內固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制,(3)協助推動固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放減量工作。茲分別針對該三項工作項目之完成內容摘要說明如下。(一)彙整分析國內外固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制1.完成美國、歐盟、日本等國家之揮發性有機空氣污染物管制法規蒐集與解析,包括管制架構、標的、管象及方式等,並完成各國法規之優缺點比較分析。2.完成分析國內現行揮發性有機空氣污染物管制法規,包括一般性排放標準及行業別法規,建議保留一般標準原有之管制架構與內容,其管制污染物加入總揮發性有機物(NMHC)一項。3.完成國內現行揮發性有機空氣污染物檢測方法之檢討,包括排放管道及周界檢測方法,前者係評析主要檢測方法之應用特性,後者則缺烯類主要化合物檢測方法,並彙整美國標準方法以供參考4.完成國內固定源污染排放特性分析,包括不同生產操作型式及管道與逸散排放比例分佈,依製程數、煙道數、排放量之分析結果,係以塗裝作業與烘乾作業為主要污染源。5.完成不同管制方式之優缺點及適用性分析,規劃排放管道以濃度標準搭配控制效率兩項管制方式,而逸散排放則建議以容許逸散比例為管制考量方向。(二)規劃國內固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制1.完成一般性固定源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制範圍規劃,排除已公告行業別法規及刻正協商中之光電、膠帶業草案等行業,建議一般排放管制適用佔比排放量前80%之行業。2.進行一般性固定源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放管制策略規劃,管制方式區分管道及逸散排放,原「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」之管制架構維持不變,另增列非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)之管制規範。3.進行依不同生產操作型式管制之可行性評估,結果顯示其可能面臨稽查作業不易界定污染源及工廠於單一製程須同時符合多重管制標準等問題,故一般性固定源VOCs排放管制對象不以『操作型式』管制,而採用『管道+逸散』方式訂定管制標準。4.一般性固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物管道標準採『濃度標準+控制效率』之方式管制,逸散源管制規範方式建議以「容許逸散比例」為主要考量,其除較易為業者接受外,同時可促使工廠做好溶劑用量管制,兼具減量改善措施之彈性。5.對於濃度標準考量風量稀釋作用之影響且低濃度污染源較不適用控制效率管制,建議可考量以排放率搭配控制效率之方式管制。6.完成推移估算一般性固定源管道+逸散排放施以管制NMHC之所致減量為18萬公噸/年,連同行業別法規加嚴之減量為1.3萬公噸/年,合計為19.3萬公噸/年,即法規公告後之排放量預期可降至34.7萬公噸/年。7.完成一般性固定源發性有機空氣污染物排放調查作業規劃,內容包括調查對象、檢測條件、數據分析與排放因子建立、作業要求等。(三)協助推動固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物排放減量工作1.完成五場次專家諮詢會議及三場次業者座談會之召開,期藉專家學者之卓見及與業者溝通交流,以協助規劃適宜之管制方案。2.配合環保署推動相關發性有機空氣污染物管制工作,其中以篩選污染管制對象提供其他計畫檢測參考為主。 The survey and control of VOCs emission from stationary sources There are three main tasks of TEPA project in year 2004’s survey and control of VOCs emission from stationary sources. They include (1) the general survey, analysis and control strategies of national and international VOCs Air Pollutants emission from stationary sources, (2) the planning of national VOCs Air Pollutants emission control from stationary sources, (3) the assistance and conducting propaganda to set up activities to reduce VOCs Air Pollutants emission from stationary sources. 093 空保處 國立台灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心
32117113 「易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法研修及配套措施建置」專案工作計畫 易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法(以下簡稱許可辦法)自民國82年頒佈以來,因為尚未依法指定公告易發生噪音設施之噪音源,且缺少完整之配套措施,因此許可辦法無法執行。本計畫於研修許可辦法架構時,提出數點修改噪音管制法修正草案內容之建議。於許可辦法修訂本計畫建議將申請許可對象作簡化,僅需公告後設立、許可內容異動及許可證換補發需要申請。綜合近三年來陳情事件調查結果、敏感受體遭受影響程度、工程數量及現況結合許可管制可行性,並依照縣市環保局現行人力經費分析管制規模,以作為第一批公告對象。本計畫建議以夜間施工之建築房屋工程且總樓地板大於5000平方公尺作為初步管制對象。申請者必須於開工前檢具申請書(營建業主及承包造商基本資料及噪音防制措施說明書)向縣市環保局提出申請,並於申請通過且取得許可證後始得操作。在審查原則方面,經過多次專諮會議討論,建議以「信任制」的精神來作審查,如果審查案件較為複雜,縣市環保局得邀請專家委員共同進行審查作業。本計畫參考了規費法以及環境相關許可法規對於審查費及證書費的制定,訂定了本許可辦法之審查費及證書費用。同時規劃了一具有網路申報之資料庫系統。除了網路申報外,尚具備了供稽查單位及縣市環保局查詢及資料建置之功能。 The project of modifying “the regulation of frequent noise making facility installation and operation permit” and establishing the relevant measures. Since the Frequent noise making facility permit to construct and permit to operate regulation was taken effect on the date of promulgation in 1993, it has not been enforced due to lack of officially announced objects and relative measures. This project has proposed few suggestions regarding to adjust few sentences in the drafted Noise Control Act. This project also recommends to reduce the number of cases that required applying for the permit. These cases are: facility that is installed after the date of officially announcement, permit to modify, and permit to be re-issued. In combination of the investigation of the complaints from publics in last 3 years, the nuisance effect of the sensitive receptor, the number of construction works in different categories, and evaluation of manpower and budgets for local EPBs; the recommendation is to officially announce the construction work with area larger than 5000m2 plus working at night as the first managed object by EPA.The applicant must apply the permit before the construction takes place. Any construction work takes place before granting the permit is considered as offending the regulation. The application must contain the basic information of the owner and the builder, and the description of noise control measures. Each EPB as the local authority shall check the application in trust. In the case of complicated application, the local authority can seek for the help from the expertise. The application fee and the certificate fee of the permit have been proposed by referencing the articles of Charges and Fees Act. This project has also designed a layout on the structure of the database for the permit system. This database has the function allowing applicants to apply the permit via the internet and EPBs can also use the internet to access the database in order to update it. 093 空保處 道成國際工程顧問股份有限公司
32117114 廢鉛蓄電池、廢潤滑油清理流向查核計畫 1.完成與環保署協商專案工作計畫之工作重點。2.完成篩選汽車保修(養)廠、廢機動車輛回收拆解業、工廠及回收/處理業之代表性業者查核名單。3.完成實地查核家數為,汽車保修廠293家、機車行10家、廢機動車輛回收拆解業54家、工廠54家,回收/處理業30家,累計執行現場查核家數441家次。4.在汽車保修廠查核部分,多數廢鉛蓄電池及廢潤滑油回收業並未開具相關憑證予保修廠,其中僅豐田體系(北都、中都及高都等)因目前進行ISO認證作業,故對於流向證明之要求較為嚴格。在廢鉛蓄電池方面,此部分主要原因係為多數之汽車保修廠因每月拆解數量不多(每月產生量為20個以下者佔89%),產生之廢鉛蓄電池係連同廠內產生之廢五金交由廢五金回收業,故無相關流向證明;至於在廢潤滑油方面,多數之保修廠並無資源回收管道名單,故若有相關回收業至廠回收即售予該回收業,惟部分大型保修廠與廢潤滑油回收業訂有合約關係。5.在廢機動車輛拆解業查核部分,絕大多數之拆解業要求廢鉛蓄電池及廢潤滑油回收業需開立流向證明,主要原因為多數之拆解業為環保署之受補貼機構(大部分未具補貼資格之拆解業於早期亦為受稽核認證之廠商),其相關之作業模式因受稽核認證單位監督,故產生之廢鉛蓄電池及廢潤滑油流向較無問題。6.在保修廠廢鉛蓄電池及廢潤滑油產生量方面,其產生量與保修廠之維修車輛數相關,且其產生量主要來自於市場上汽車品牌佔有率較高之車系,包括TOYOTA、NISSAN及FORD等。7.在工廠廢潤滑油實地查核部分,除了少數(5.85%)自行回收混入重油中再利用之外,大部分(72.77%)均交由各類別之回收商處理之,實地查核結果,工廠廢潤滑油並無發現有導致污染或隨意棄置之情形。8.在廢潤滑油回收業查核部分,大部分(99.73%)廢潤滑油送交廢潤滑油處理業,僅有0.19%販售給建築業當作模板油,另有0.09%廢潤滑油直接當然料予以販售。9.完成台灣地區潤滑油流通量及廢潤滑油產生量推估數據, 93年國內潤滑油之使用/流通量為60.1萬公秉; 93年廢潤滑油之產生量為49.9萬公秉。10.完成台灣地區鉛蓄電池流通量及廢鉛蓄電池產生量推估數據, 93年國內鉛蓄電池之使用/流通量之總和為4.61萬公噸; 93年國內廢鉛蓄電池之產生量為5.65萬公噸。11.完成廢潤滑油、廢鉛蓄電池產生量與流布推估圖。12.完成提出廢鉛蓄電池、廢潤滑油之管理機制與改善方案。 The Inspection of Cleanning Up and Track on Waste Lead Battery and Waste Lubricant 1.Have done a discussion of woking points of project with EPA.2.Have sifted the represented inspection lists from motor vehicle maintenance factories, motor vehicle decomposition factories, industry factories, waste battery/lubricant recovery & treatment factories.3.Have done the inspection of 293 motor vehicle maintenance factories, 10 motorcycle maintenance factories, 54 motor vehicle decomposition factories, 54 industry factories and 30 waste battery/lubricant recovery & treatment factories on the spot. Total inpection numbers of factories is 441on the spot.4.In the insepection of motor vehicle maintenance factories, almost of waste battery/lubricant recovery factories did not sent receipts or documents to them but TOYOTA motorcycle maintenance factories for their ISO 14001. On waste battery, the waste battery qualities of waste battery was below 20 pieces per month for most motorcycle maintenance factories, they just sent it to waste iron recovery facories with waste iron. On waste lubricant, most motorcycle maintenance factories do not know waste oil recovery lists in Taiwan. So they just sent waste oil to anyone who come here and recover waste oil. But big motorcycle maintenance factories have contract with waste oil recovery factory always.5.In the insepection of motor vehicle decomposition factories, Almost vehicle decomposition factories request that recovery facories sent them formal receipts or documents. So it could say that the potential pollution of waste battery and waste lubricant are very low at motor vehicle decomposition factories.6.In the insepection of motor vehicle maintenance factories, the discharge quantities of waste battery and waste oil have some direct proportion with the numbers of car maintenance. And we also find that who’s car marketing is bigger such as TOYOTA, NISSAN and FORD etc., his the discharge quantity of waste battery and waste oil of vehicle maintenance factories is bigger. 093 基管會 (財)台灣產業服務基金會
32117115 資源回收相關政策及產業展望影響評估專案工作計畫 (一)透過回收處理業者調查分析及深度訪結果,發現垃圾強制分類對處理業者影響不大,且業者大多表示支持此政策之推動。而回收商對於政府實施民眾排出的家庭垃圾需採取強制分類雖給予正面的評價,但在評估對自身相關成本之影響及產業競爭狀況時則採保守之態度。(二)垃圾強制分類政策將有可能影響拾荒者的生計問題及回收商間的惡性競爭。且地方執行機關垃圾收集委外及資源垃圾標售作業對回收商生態將造成衝擊,而造趨向寡佔的巿場情況。(三)本研究規劃五項建議來提昇低回收率。(四)依據台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫之產業分類及其產銷存統計資料進行彙整說明分析,並參照現行公告應回收廢棄物之容器商品業者範圍及「相關容器使用產業概況」進行蒐集彙整。本研究整理出四項重點。(五)本研究透過調查來瞭解容器商品業者對於目前資源回收政策之建議及其傾向之訊息傳達方式,期望藉由業者之意向來擬定未來其與環保署訊息溝通之模式以利有效溝通。其調查結果有三項重點。 The resource recovers the related policy and industry outlook influence valuation project work project case 1.Through recover the inquisition analysis of handling the operator and visit the result, find the garbage categorizes compulsory to indicate the promotion of supporting this policy towards handling the operator the influence not bigly, and operator mostly. Recover the business to carry out the garbage to categorize compulsory to the government although the policy gives positive evaluation, the attitude that then adopt to keep in the valuation of the cost and the industry competition.2.The garbage categorizes the policy to collect creation compulsory the living problem of and the unfair competition that recovers business#. And the local government garbage collections outsourcing and the resource garbage sell by tender to recovering the business and will cause impact, may cause to recover the business to will[would] become few to have the market in the future.3.This research programs five suggestions to promote to loiter to accept the rate.4.The Taiwanese and economic institute for research of the basis produces to was saved by the industry classification and its production & sales of the database to statisticsed the data to carry on compiling the explanation analysis, and according to current announce and should recover the container merchandise operator#s scope and 093 基管會
32117116 廢乾電池回收宣導專案工作計畫 資訊科技的發達,造就了地球無國界、同時也打造資訊地球村,但伴隨著科技所帶來之環境生態破壞及污染,在享受科技豐碩成果之時,我們也必須面對人類對地球環境所造成之污染。本報告旨在透過整合行銷之宣傳模式,協助行政院環境保護署加深民眾廢乾電池回收的觀念,並進而宣導力行,真正落實廢乾電池回收宣導的工作。在此次宣導專案中,CF宣導帶特別邀請偶像團體─麻吉團體與張祖恩署長共同擔綱演出,並首次創新設計以RAP歌曲結合3D動畫達到另類宣導效果,在各大頻道及廣播電台強力播送之下,頗受各界好評,同時也具體加深民眾對於宣導主題之印象度。 Waste dry battery recycling promotion project report With the development of the information technology, the boundaries between countries have disappeared and at the same time a global village has been founded.In spite of the modern life that results from this advanced technology,our earthis now suffering a great deal of pollution and damages. While we are enjoying the harvest of the great technology, we are also facing serious pollution that caused byour human beings. The promotion campaign of the project applies integrated selling skills to assistEnvironmental Protection Administration (EPA)builds a strong concept for our citizens to recycle waste dry batteries.Putting every single plan into practices, we hope that the campaign plans of waste battery recycling can be truly executed in details. 093 基管會 傳暢國際事業有限公司
32117117 公告指定物品類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本專案計畫目標預計完成450家業者之查核,本期末報告內容涵括受查業者450家,共計有161家之受查業者有短漏(溢)報之情形(其中有139家受查業者有短漏報之情形,而有29家業者有溢報之情形),短漏(溢)報家數佔總查核家數約35.78%,短漏金額合計新台幣189,298,146元,益本比為13.53倍,計畫目標益本比為10倍,本所已達成計畫目標之135.26﹪。本期末報告並蒐集受查業者意見,並列入各業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供政策修訂之參考。 Examination Project toward the Operation/Importation Bookkeeping of the Mandatory Recycling Items Companies(Exclude General Batteries and Containers). This project expect to examine around 450 operations for andthis project report investigation included the total of 450 operations in the period end and there should be 35.78% of uncompleted examinees which are 132 operations have not yet completed its reported or report the account less than it should be, and 29 operations have report the account over than it should be, the total of uncompleted recycle fee is NT$189,298,146, P/E ratio will be 13.53 times, P/E ratio for project goal is 10 times, and we have met 135.26﹪of the project goal.The year-end project report also combined the examinees’ opinion, file on our working report, and divide into section and statistical analysis to provide enough information for policyamendment. 093 基管會 致遠會計師事務所
32117118 公告指定容器類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本專案計畫目標預計完成500家業者之查核,本期末報告查核內容涵括受查業者502家,其中計有241家受查業者有短漏報之情形,短漏報家數佔受查應繳費家數約48.01%,短漏金額計新台幣 243,335,573元,益本比為12.29倍,計畫目標益本比為10倍,本所已達成計畫目標之122.90%。本計畫執行以查核小組豐富的查核經驗,針對未依規定誠實申報業者,強化營業量查核稽催作業,以最迅速、最有效率方式提供環保署未依規定誠實申報業者名單以執行公權力,提升資源回收基金稽徵成效,並維持產業競爭之公平性,業績已達到本計畫目標。為使業者能正確申報營業量,本計畫採多管道的宣導資源回收相關政策,並製作宣導手冊贈送業者,輔導公告指定責任業者依法辦理業者登記、誠實申報營業量並繳交回收清除處理費。針對涉及短漏申報繳費情形嚴重的業者,配合環保署執行列管責任業者的營業量駐廠查核作業,此次駐廠查核共23家,查獲短漏申報營業量業者計18家,應補繳納回收清除處理費達129,587,328元。 Announcement to specified container enterprises with the examination project of related operation/importation bookkeeping This project expects to examine around 500 operations for and this project report investigation included the total of 502 operations in the period end. There should be 48.01% of uncompleted examinees which are 241 operations have not yet completed its reported or report the account less than it shoved be, the total of uncompleted fee is NT$243,335,573, P/E ratio will be 12.29 times, P/E ratio for project goal is 10 times, and we have met 122.90 of the project goal. 093 基管會 致遠會計師事務所
32117119 資源回收相關作業之查核稽催追蹤管制專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署資源回收管理基金管理委員會依據廢棄物清理法,為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,於九十三年與九十四年第一季推動「資源回收相關作業之查核稽催暨追蹤管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託惠元環保工程顧問公司(惠元環境資源股份有限公司),協助規劃計畫工作項目與落實執行外,並派駐環保署與各縣市環保局三十三位大專以上專職人力共同推動本計畫。本計畫歷經十五個月執行期間,在責任業者管理工作推動上之成果主要有兩大項:一、完成九十三年度資源回收基金應催收費用,經本計畫欠繳金額稽催與控管,實際提高回收基金總金額達258,317,502元整;二、93年度辦理函請各縣市違法責任業者稽查與告發案件控管作業,總控管案件總計2,995件,經各縣市環保局實際稽查處理執行率高達98.6%以上,總計告發163件,告發金額實際挹注地方財政高達93,493,119元;94年度辦理函請各縣市違法責任業者稽查與告發案件控管作業由於目前仍為本年度計畫初始時期,總控管案件總計417件。整體而言配合重點稽查取締案件推動,各縣市環保局稽查取締案件執行成果良好,且持續進行中。在販賣業者管理工作推動上,陸續完成25,378家販賣業者登記列管作業,並實際於全省現場輔導與查核58,453家販賣業者,較原計畫目標查核點數12,311家,達四倍以上。其它資源回收相關作業成果,包括就近協助環保署監督各縣市申請資源回收基金補助案件專款專用勘查與紀錄等工作,陸續於各縣市完成806點次「公共場所資源回收工作計畫」勘查,較去年度增加423點次,及57場次「補助民間團體辦理資源回收活動」紀錄,較去年度增加40場次現場紀錄。最後配合本計畫各項工作推動開發網際網路專案管理系統,完成即時資料登錄、統計、查詢與未執行案件之預警等功能。總結,藉由本計畫之推動,協助環保署於資源回收相關政策法令之落實、資源回收基金納繳率的提高、違法案件執法公平之落實與回收管道管理等工作已有顯著之執行績效。 Project of auditing, tracking and administrating the resources recycling procedures Based on Waste Disposal Act (Oct. 24, 2001), The Recycling Management Fund(RMF)of Environmental Protection Administration(EPA)enforces Responsible Enterprise to registering, declaring and paying recycling fee in the fair and consistent manner and maintain smooth recycling channel for sales enterprises. In 2004, RMF has been promoted the project 093 基管會 惠元環境資源股份有限公司
32117120 資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導暨系統建置更新維護計畫 本計畫主要目的為輔導公告指定責任業者登記、申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費等相關作業,並完成相關作業資料之審查、建檔及歸檔等工作、推動公告指定責任業者網際網路申報作業、建置自動勾稽查詢及維護相關作業系統,藉以提供相關決策分析資訊。責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃目前已完成的包含:推動網路申報推動完整方案規劃、檢討列管門檻是否合理並提出建議之列管門檻、是否取消主管機關指定代碼之評估、八大基金管理方式合併之可行性評估與推動方案,而推動網路申報推動完整方案為本計畫執行上之一大重點。公告指定責任業者營業量管理系統也建置了責任業者海關進出口資料查詢系統、輔助廢止登記辦理整合系統、上下游及海關勾稽系統、網際網路使用狀況統計查詢系統、農藥申報資料及農藥容器統計查詢系統及問題件辦理情形追蹤系統,又加入營業量管理系統功能使用紀錄查詢系統、解釋函紀錄查詢系統、申請網路申報狀況查詢系統、現金制固定報表系統等功能。網際網路申報系統已經全面上線,包含離線申報方式,利用MIS系統或EXCEL功能維護申報資料之多數業者都可使用該系統,如此將解決大部份申報問題。本計畫今年度完成14場說明會,以最佳的系統功能提升業者對於政府的信心,並宣導資源回收觀念及相關的便民服務,亦充分達成本計畫目標。 The Guidance for Resource Recycling Designated Business Reporting and Business Reporting System Establishment and Its Update Maintenance Project The purpose of this project is to complete the following agenda: guiding the target business to register and report their operation condition and pay the disposal fee; data auditing and filing; mandate target business report data online; establish and maintain automatic auditing and inquiry system. Operation Management System establishes import/export data inquiry system, registration abolishment recording system, auditing data comparison system from generation to final disposition, pesticide usage and pesticide container statistic inquiry and nuisance case tracing system, questionnaire management system, legal question record inquiry system, internet reporting account application inquiry system, cash flow-in statistic system, and general store inspection system. Disposal fee payment management system newly develops account balance correction inquiry, daily bank account auditing report, monthly bank account auditing report, repayment inquiry, downloading of the receivable on demand data system. Web page viewing for blind and web page font change are other features going to make manufacturing operation manage system as more powerful tool application.The banking information will transfer to the system by key-in the relevant record. The system can offer inquiry result based on various questions inputted, like which business still have undue payment, how much they shall pay, and etc…. Internet reporting is now open to public, including off-line reporting. Reporters utilizing MIS or EXCEL will be able to report online, which makes this reporting system more accessible to most users. We propose to have 14 symposiums complete this year, and we request various guilds in different business sector to assist us on notifying target businesses to attend the symposium. Through this powerful online report system, we will have effective propaganda on resource recycling concept to educate our fellow citizens and offer convenient service to the public. 093 基管會 環資國際有限公司 倪雅惠、環資國際有限公司 邱垂傑、環資國際有限公司 余瓊如、環資國際有限公司 張博銘
32117121 室內空氣污染物健康風險評估與管制成本效益分析 本案透過兩棟不同典型建築物之實地室內空氣品質診斷與改善,探討調查流程及改善策略成效,整體而言兩棟建築均存在有室內空氣中微生物濃度過高之問題以及通風換氣不良之問題,本研究針對A案例及B案例分別進行試型改善策略,結果顯示,有效提高通風換氣效率並降低微生物濃度。但其通風換氣效率依然低於國外相關通風規範及我國建築技術規則之通風換氣規範,進一步若要增加整體通風換氣量則需進一步討論整體通風設備規劃之工程問題,相關耗費將非常龐大。但本研究亦顯示,在不牽涉硬體工程設施情況下,室內空間使用及管理行為的調整亦能相當程度的改善室內空氣品質。在室內空氣品質與健康危害之相關性探討上,本研究利用前期室內空氣品質調查及使用者健康問卷調查,分析探討空氣污染物與病態建築症候群之相關性,結果顯示,生物性污染在本土辦公建築中對於員工相關病態建築症候群之表現,相較於其他污染物扮演最重要之角色。因此,未來有必要對於生物性危害之改善方法及控制策略進行各類測試及研究,以期未來能對國內辦公建築生物性污染問題進行有效之管理控制,以降低各類症狀發生之頻率,減少工時耗損及生產力下降之成本支出。進一步自國內現有的相關統計資料庫資源,初步對於各種室內空氣品質相關疾病在我國醫療上之成本支出進行了整合性的估算。結果發現,若能對於我國室內空氣品質有所推廣及改善,整體而言,我國每年在相關疾病的健保醫療支出上可減少37億3千萬至40億2千萬之間,為數相當可觀。且本研究粗估的數據僅包含健保醫療上的支出,並不包含其他照護成本、工時損失、生產力等,因此整體而言,改善空氣品質可獲致之健康成本應遠高於本研究所估算的37億3千萬至40億2千萬之間。 Health risks and cost benefits evaluations of controlling indoor air quality This study conducted a serious of indoor air quality investigations in two different types of buildings in Taiwan, office and school building. Data of environmental assessment showed that both types of buildings had inadequate air change rate and indoor microbial levels higher than recommendation level. Remedial strategies were then proposed, taking into account the existing design and designated function of each environment. A follow-up evaluation demonstrated that increasing air change rate could reduce microbial levels in both office buildings and school classrooms, while the air change rates were still below the minimum requirement recommended by the in Taiwan’s building code. Nonetheless, this investigation identified that improving indoor air quality by proper management of the ventilation system could be achieved without expensive re-construction.Our study has also highlighted that sick building syndromes, based on serial questionnaire surveys in Taiwan, were highly associated with microbial contamination in office buildings. This findings support the potential impact of health effects related to and medical costs resulted from airborne microbial contamination in Taiwan, and the importance of controlling for such an exposure.Cost of medical care in the diseases such as allergic respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, and acute respiratory infection were estimated according to the Nation Health Insurance database. The preliminary estimations have shown that improving indoor air quality could save about 3.7 to 4 billion NT dollars in medical care expense. This estimation might still be well underestimated for not having considered other social costs, loss of working hours and reduction in production. 093 空保處 國立成功大學環境醫學研究所
32117122 廢物品類最適回收處理技術與再生市場之調查分析 行政院環境保護署為提升目前公告應回收廢物品類、廢乾電池及新增公告項目之處理回收技術,並瞭解及掌握其回收處理管道和再生料市場現況,特委辦本計畫,以瞭解16項應回收廢物品(含廢機動車輛、廢電子電器四項、廢資訊四項、廢鉛蓄電池、廢乾電池、廢輪胎、廢潤滑油、廢照明光源及新增公告之廢電扇及廢鍵盤兩項)之國內外回收處理技術、再利用方式及再生料市場情形,並評估回收處理機構至環保科技園區設廠可行性、辦理廠商輔導及技術交流會議等工作,期藉由技術提昇來改善二次料再利用率及再生料品質。本計畫先確認16項廢物品調查項目後,即進行資料調查與分析工作,並製作調查表單,對於回收處理廠商進行140場次之現場輔導,同時召開4場技術交流會議,在會中藉由回收處理技術之介紹,推動廠商改善處理方式或設備。最後於各項資料收集彙整後,也對後續法制作業制訂與相關配套措施提供參考意見。 Investigation and analysis of the optimal recycling and reprocessing technologies and the market of reprocessed material The Environmental Protection Administration is currently trying to improve the recycling and reprocessing technologies of 16 due-to-recycle products. The recycling and reprocessing channels of these products and the market of reprocessed material are also under investigation. The purpose of this project is to achieve the goals mentioned above. The 16 due-to-recycle products include waste vehicle, motorcycle, electric and electronic product, information technology product, lead storage battery, battery, tire, lubricant, fluorescent lamp, electric fan, and computer keyboard. Information of recycling and reprocessing channels and technologies in foreign countries such as European Union, North America, Japan, and Korea was collected. The feasibility of establishment of recycling and reprocessing plant in the Environmental Science and Technology Park was also studied. Four ‘Workshop on Recycling and Reprocessing Technology’ meetings were held to promote the improvement of reprocessed material quality and the usage rate of the material.This project was started with confirming which 16 due-to-recycle items should be investigated. Then related information was collected and analyzed. At the same time, the basic information and the evaluation of recycling and reprocessing plants were collected and done through field investigation. There were totally 70 plants investigated in field and each one was visited twice in this study. Finally, based on the synthesized information through this entire project, the research team made suggestions for recycling regulation changes in the future. 093 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
32117123 運用分子生物技術提升厭氧好氧薄膜濾離生物反應器(MBR)之生物分解功能 TFT-LCD光電業製程廢水殘留未完全反應之剝離劑(如DMSO、MEA或BDG)、顯影劑(如TMAH)、表面處理劑及溶劑(如IPA)等,其有機碳,有機氮及有機硫之化學特性複雜,直接影響厭氧生物可分解率(Biodegradability)。在本研究中,採取國內三家大型LCD廢水處理場之厭氧污泥及好氧污泥,自AO process,應用厭氧酸化產氫潛能試驗(BHP test),厭氧甲烷化潛能(BMP test),缺氧脫硝產氮潛能(BNP test),以及好氧比攝氧速率(S.OUR test),等批分式生物分解試驗,測試各種功能菌類之生物活性,得以比較各廢水場現有污泥中產氫菌、甲烷化菌、脫硝菌以及硝化菌之生物活性。並應用掃描式電子顯微鏡,觀測厭氧污泥及好氧污泥之微生物社會結構及菌體型態,得以建立各廢水處理場生態型態指標。其中以MBR膜離生物反應槽截留多樣性菌體族群,最為顯著。並在本研究中將T-RFLP (Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism)分生檢測技術應用於偵測光電廢水廢水處理系統,可以定性分辨光電廢水污泥中之厭氧產氫菌、厭氧甲烷化菌、缺氧脫硝菌以及好氧硝化菌。尤其改良開發正逆雙向基因序列之修飾限制&#37238;檢測法,可以正確鑑定氨氧化菌(AOB)及亞硝酸氧化菌(NOB)之種屬分類,已達定性標準。應用T-RFLP快速分生檢測技術,可在現場採樣兩天內完成五種功能性菌類之種屬鑑定,進而提供各種菌種之生物指標,以及時調控兩段生物程序,並提升生物分解功能。康那香企業公司開發兩組不織布薄膜濾離模組,可用於厭氧生物反應槽(Anoxic MBR),以及好氧生物反應槽(Oxic MBR)之程序組合,並有效處理光電廢水中有機碳、有機氮以及氨氮。不織布膜離生物反應槽(Non-Woven MBR)模組設計改良,已可以套裝設備方式產品化,康那香企業公司已具有製造及組裝實績,並發展為環保設備產業。建議推廣應用到石化業、化工業及食品業並加強模型場研發(Pilot study),以利工程放大設計。 Application of molecular biotechnology to improve biodegradation of anaerobic/aerobic membrane bioreactor Characterization of the TFT-LCD manufacturing wastewater discharged from three plants was conducted. Relatively high ratio of organic nitrogen to organic carbon conducted from certain amount of stripper (DMSO&MEA) developer (TMAH) and chelating agents. So tow stages of anoxic denitrification and oxic nitrification processes are developed to degrade the specific organic nitrogen and ammonium. Non-woven membrane bioreactors (NW-MBR) are designed and installed with plate-frame modules of Non-woven membrane, so called KNH-MBR.Tow months of continuous flow process of tow-stage KNH-MBR have been studied to evaluate the performance of denitrification and nitrification. The anoxic MBR attended to limited degradation of organic nitrogen and denitrification, while the aerobic MBR achieved good removal efficiency of TOC COD organic nitrogen and ammonium. Extended process operation should be done with acclimated inoculation and enough biomass of denitrifier.Four methods of biodegradation batch test are conducted. The biochemical hydrogen potential (BHP) test, the BMP test, the BNP test and the specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) measurement showed the KNH-MBR anaerobic and aerobes degraded TOC, organic nitrogen and ammonium oxidation with nitrifier.The ecological indicators of various function bacteria were observed with the scanning electronic microscopy. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) was modified and developed for identification of nitrifier and denitrifier in the anoxic sludge and oxic sludge of LCD wastewater treatment plants fingerprint of bacterial species could be expressed from the T.RFLP diagram. Several species of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) were identified according to the genetic database. So molecular bio monitoring methodology could be conducted to investigate the population dynamics of the existed microbial community in the MBR process. 093 永續發展室 國立成功大學
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 51 到第 100 筆