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32117224 93年屏東縣固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫 本計畫主要目的為貫徹空氣污染防制策略、強化空氣污染源管理與管制、確保空污費徵收之公平性與合理性並配合高屏地區空氣品質改善,確保對轄境內固定污染源之許可管制與管理業務順利推動,以期達成下列主要目標:一、持續推動許可制度,加強宣導與諮詢服務,以貫徹空氣污染防制策略。二、確認固定污染源污染物排放量資料,建立資料庫,確保空污費徵收之公平性及合理性。三、辦理固定污染源許可管理相關作業,進行工廠許可審查、查核,配合污染源許可檢測、巡查作業,強化空氣污染源管理與管制追蹤。四、配合高屏地區空氣品質改善專案相關執行工作,以達空氣污染物減量,維護本縣空氣品質。五、配合第二階段空污費徵收作業進行催補繳工作,以落實污染者付費精神。六、協助辦理污染源稽查、檢測及處分相關作業,強化空氣污染源管制與追蹤。七、更新及擴充資料庫並經加值分析以提供主管機關管制策略的研擬依據。 2004 Pingtung stable pollution source license inspection control and hurry and make a deferred payment of air pollution charge project. The main purpose of this project is to complete the strategy of preventing air pollution, strength to control the air pollution’s source and make sure the fair and reasonable charge of imposing air pollution charge and correspond to Kaoshung and Pingtung section’s improve. And ensure the stable pollution resource’s license control and business can smooth go then to attend to the target as follows:一、Push the license system constantly and strength the announce and consult service to finish the air pollution preventing strategy. 二、Make sure the stable pollution source matter emission data and establish the data bank to make sure the fair and reasonable charge of imposing air pollution charge. 三、Do the stable pollution source license control related affairs, and do the factory’s license checking, inspect and correspond to pollution source checking and make the rounds of inspection. Strength controls the air pollution source and tracing.四、Correspond to Kaoshung and Pingtung section’s air quality improving related affairs and to reduce air pollution matter to protect this county’s air quality. 五、Correspond to the second stage for imposing the air pollution charge of hurry and make a deferred payment to be the spirit of paying by polluted people. 六、Help to do the pollution source inspection, checking and punishment and strength to control the air pollution source and tracing. 七、Renew and expand the data bank and analyze the data then provide the basis for the chief government organization to make the rule. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117225 93年屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫之目的在協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行,協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合未來總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。本計畫期望透過各類計畫空氣品質改善效益檢討分析、追蹤檢討空污計畫辦理成效,提供研擬九十四年度空污執行計畫及目標之執行作業的參考方向;而藉由空氣品質資料解析與空氣污染源排放特性分析等執行作業探討項目,給予未來管制策略研擬之參考,以為屏東縣環保局修正及研擬短中長程管制計畫與策略,並依據研擬出之短中長程管制策略,規劃未來空氣品質改善執行計畫之內容,作為環保局改善空氣品質之建議方針。 2004 Pingtung County’s air quality control and develop project This project’s purpose is to help Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau control each subproject’s content, progress and the method. From executing the project to help Environment Protection Bureau to handle the air pollution’s related conference data to self-criticism the achievement and the direction of the air pollution project this year and assemble the power efficiency to attend to the target of improving the air quality. Besides correspond to the whole quantity control plan in the future, we try to discuss the direction of improving the air quality, plan the short-term, middle term and long-term control target to provide Pingtung Environment Protection Bureau the suggestion of doing air pollution control in the future.This project expects from each plan of improving air quality to do the self-criticism, analyze and tracing the achievement of air pollution project then provide the direction of drafting 2005 air pollution preventing project and target. And from the discussion items of analyzing the air quality’s data and the property of air pollution source emission, provide the suggestion for the control strategy in the future to be the model for Pingtung Environment Protection Bureau to fix short, middle and long term control project and strategy. And according that to set up short, middle and long term control project and strategy and plan the content about improving the air quality in the future to be the suggestion for Environment Protection Bureau to improving air quality. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117226 93年砂石場清查列管專案計畫 砂石場(廠)的開採、作業區、運輸道路及裸露堆置場等,若無有效的污染防制措施,極易產生粉塵逸散,造成附近地區空氣、水質 、噪音、廢棄物及土壤…等污染問題,對其生活環境品質影響甚鉅。有鑑於此,環保署自八十八年八月起即推動全國性『砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』,針對無適當防制措施致引起塵土飛揚或污染空氣之砂石場(廠),督導各縣市環保局依據空氣污染防制法規定,加強執行稽查告發處分作業;為此,各縣市環保局同時配合成立『砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』,全面執行砂石場(廠)清查列管,以遏止其空氣污染及噪音污染情事。一、清查與列管二、 加強追蹤管制三、廠區內原物料堆置之追蹤管制四、污染減量協談作業五、 推行聯外道路認養六、 與環保署政策之配合七、空氣檢測與模擬八、排放量與削減量 2004 Sandston factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project. Sandston factory’s extract, assignment, transport road and the stacking places, etc…If it has not efficient preventing pollution measures, it produces dust emission easily and cause the pollution problems of the air, water, noise, garbage and soil in the section nearby. And influence a lot of the living environment quality. Because of that, Environment Protection Bureau push the sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project from August, 19993. Focus on no suitable preventing strategy, which causes the flying dust, or pollute air’s sandstone factory to press each county and city’s Environment Protection Bureau to follow the rule of air pollution preventing to strength inspecting and punishment. For this reason, every county and city set up “sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project” and do the listing and control of that all round to stop the air and noise pollution. 一、Checking thoroughly and listing to control 二、 Strength tracing and control三、Tracing and controlling the original substance’s stacking in the factory四、Discuss how to reduce the pollution五、 Try to carry out a policy of claiming the road which establish contact with other county六、 Correspond to the Environment Protection Bureau’s policy七、Inspecting and simulating the air八、The amount of emission and reducing 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117227 九十三年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 近年來由於各項工程興建,經濟活動頻繁,大量使用交通工具載運貨物及旅客,因此也大量產生空氣污染物。一般而言,交通工具所產生之空氣污染物主要為一氧化碳、碳氫化合物、硫氧化物及粒狀物,對於空氣品質的劣化有相當大之影響,並直接危害人民健康;其中又以柴油車排放黑煙民眾感受最直接、反應最激烈,因此近年來管制柴油車排放黑煙已成為環保主要重點之一,各縣市環境保護主管機關亦開放免費電話及網站供民眾檢舉烏賊車。目前一般車主對車輛日常保養多不重視,有必要以法規強制要求車主,使對其所有之車輛進行保養調修,控制使用中車輛的排放能符合標準。為有效改善柴油車排煙所產生之空氣污染,屏東縣環保局特針對使用中之柴油車採取嚴格管制策略,除加強路邊稽查取締外,並積極推動排煙檢測站檢驗活動,使車主能時常注意愛車排煙狀況,且於檢測不合格時能加以調修改善,如此,方可真正提昇本縣甚或台灣地區空氣品質。這亦是本計畫執行的最大意義所在! 2004 diesel vehicle power amounting and waste gas inspect project. In recently years because of establishing each construction and the economic activities frequently, large number of using traffic tools to transport commodity and travelers causes a lot of air pollution matters. Generally speaking, the main air pollution matter are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, oxysulfide and granular matters which make a lot of influence for destroying the air quality and damage people’s health immediately. Among these diesel vehicle emission waste gas which people feel the most and the response the most violent. So it becomes the key point of environment protection in recent years and each county and city’s environment protection organization open the free line and website for people to accuse. Now most drivers don’t attach importance to their car’s daily maintenance, so it necessary to request owner by lows to force them to do the maintenance and adjust of cars. And control the car that is using could conform to the standard. In order to improve the air pollution which made by diesel vehicles’ waste gas, Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau take diesel vehicles for important to do the strict control strategy. Not only strength inspect on the road but also push the waste gas checking activities actively to make owners take care of their cars’ emission condition and adjust and improving when not pass the test. Then we’ll promote this county even Taiwan’s air quality, and it’s also the biggest meaning of this project. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117228 93年移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫 隨著經濟發展與工商社會進步,國民所得提高,民眾對於生活品質的要求及交通工具的需求也隨之提高。但由於台灣地狹人稠,而機車具有機動、迅速、便捷、經濟與停車方便等特性,適合做短距離的代步工具,因此機車成為目前台灣地區擁有率最高的個人交通工具。在台灣地區交通流量不斷遞增及活動快速增長的情形下,都會地區各種空氣污染物主要排放來源,則以機動車輛排放之污染物為主,不僅嚴重影響都會地區的空氣品質,更對民眾身體健康造成危害,加上生活型態改變及通勤時間增加,造成民眾曝露於空氣污染物的機率增加,使得民眾對於空氣品質的要求亦隨之增加。故如何降低車輛的污染排放,減少民眾置身於交通工具的污染中,進而提高民眾居住的環境品質,已成了政府施政刻不容緩的問題。因此環保署透過各項管制政策,包括:加嚴排放標準、建立稽查檢驗制度、推廣低污染車輛及汰舊換新等措施,期能將其污染排放量降低,以達到督促車輛使用人注意車輛保養維護管理,與教育車輛駕駛人正確之維護觀念,進而減低機動車輛廢氣排放之空氣污染物總量,來有效達到改善空氣品質,為空氣污染問題盡一份力量。 2004 Motive pollution source inspect and control project. - Motorbike waste gas inspects and announces activities. With the economies develop and the industry and commerce progress, people’s income increase, and the request of life quality also increase so it makes the motorbike grow up quickly. Due to Taiwan has so many people in the narrow land, motorbike get a lot of characteristics such as mobility, swift, convenience, economical and easy parking. It suits to be the tools of riding instead of walk for the short distances. So motorbike becomes to the most universality personal traffic tools now in Taiwan. Because of the traffic increase frequently and activities’ develop so fast in Taiwan, each kind of air pollution’s emission in city which take pollution matter from motorbike’s emission as the principal thing. Not only influence seriously of city’s air quality but also damage people’s health. And plus life’s style is changing and need spent more time for traffic to work, it make people exposing to the traffic tools’ pollution more which make people feel uncomfortable more. How to reduce pollution’s emission from cars, decrease let people stay in the pollution from the traffic tools and to promote people’s living environment quality which become the first mission of government. So environment Protection Bureau use each control policy including: strict standard of emission, set up the inspection system, try to spread low-polluted cars and eliminate old cars and buy a new one, and expect to reduce the pollution. Then attend to urge car’s owner take care of car’s maintenance, and educate driver the correct concept then to decrease the total amount of the air polluted matter from the motorbike and ameliorate air quality efficiency. Contribute the power for air pollution problem. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117229 九十三年度「高雄市戴奧辛監測及管理計畫」 大型都市垃圾焚化爐、小型一般廢棄物焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、一般事業廢棄物焚化爐、煉焦爐、燒結爐、電弧爐、二次鋁精煉廠、水泥窯煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度平均值分別為0.0576、10.8、0.557、0.137、0.0660、1.41、1.96、2.45、0.0621 ng I-TEQ/Nm3; 大型都市垃圾焚化爐、小型一般廢棄物焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、一般事業廢棄物焚化爐煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ排放係數平均值分別為0.366、65.1、6.15、1.05 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste;煉焦爐、燒結爐、電弧爐、水泥窯煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ分別為0.103、2.17、15.0、41.3、0.0574 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock。本計畫推估所得之高雄市PCDD/Fs年排放總量為67.3 g I-TEQ/yr,其中高雄市大型都市垃圾焚化爐、中小型廢棄物焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、事業廢棄物焚化爐、煉焦爐、燒結爐、電弧爐、鋁二級冶煉廠、銅二級冶煉廠、水泥窯、瀝青廠及火葬廠分別佔總貢獻量之0.408%、0.630%、0.011%、0.118%、1.02% 、49.6%、36.2%、9.7%、0.964%、1.09%、0.005%及0.202%。其中以燒結爐及電弧爐之PCDD/Fs年排放總量最高,其總和佔總貢獻量之85.9%。 2004 “Kaoshung City’s dioxin inspect and control project.” In big city, garbage incinerator, small general discard, medical treatment discard, generally industry junk incinerator, coking furnace, burning furnace, electric arc furnace, second aluminum excellent refine factory, cement works smoking tube and waste gas’ s whole PCDD/Fs I-TEQ standard data are 0.0576、10.8、0.557、0.137、0.0660、1.41、1.96、2.45、0.0621 ng I-TEQ/Nm3; In big city, garbage incinerator, small general discard, medical treatment discard, generally industry junk incinerator smoking tube and waste gas’ s whole PCDD/Fs I-TEQ emission average data are 0.366、65.1、6.15、1.05 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste;coking furnace, burning furnace, electric arc furnace, cement works smoking tube and waste gas’ s whole PCDD/Fs I-TEQ are 0.103、2.17、15.0、41.3、0.0574 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock. This project estimates the whole amount of CDD/Fs is 67.3 g I-TEQ/yr in Kaoshung. In big city-Kaoshung, among these that rate of garbage incinerator, small general discard, medical treatment discard, generally industry junk incinerator, coking furnace, burning furnace, electric arc furnace, second aluminum excellent refine factory, second copper excellent refine factory, cement works, asphalt factory, and cremation works are 0.408%、0.630%、0.011%、0.118%、1.02% 、49.6%、36.2%、9.7%、0.964%、1.09%、0.005%及0.202%. The most emission amount of PCDD/Fs are burning furnace and electric arc furnace, and the amount in all are taking 85.9%. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117230 93年屏東縣果樹廢枝葉代工處理第二年計畫 屏東縣環保局對改善農業廢棄物露天燃燒的工作,無論在各項管制作業、推廣示範作業及宣導措施上一向不遺餘力,目的無非為導正農民處理農業廢棄物之方式,根本解決農業廢棄物露天燃燒情形以維護空氣品質。本年度擇定潮州鎮及崁頂鄉為果樹廢枝葉代工處理之示範鄉鎮,並配合露天燃燒巡稽查管制作業,以期輔導及管制並行達到管制露天燃燒行為之目的。綜合本案整體之執行概況,在歷年來相關計畫中巡稽查管制並配合果樹代工處理最能達成改善空氣品質,又能照顧到農民需求的要求。執行廢枝葉代工處理,農民無需自行操作機械,對老化的農村人力是一大福音,而使用破碎後枝葉自製之有機堆肥對農民及環境而言都是有益無害,除了可大量減少除草劑用量及肥料用量,降低農民成本、保溼、保肥、增加有機質含量,提昇蓮霧品質、改善土壤酸鹼值及通氣性等許多好處外,對環境而言減少除草劑用量,可降低農藥對環境衝擊,同時可減少露天燃燒造成之空氣污染。另外對於經宣導後仍不願配合之農民,建議開單告發,稽查取締配合果樹代工處理及堆肥處理同時進行才能真正杜絕農業廢棄物露天燃燒問題。 2004 Pingtung County’s discard branches and leaves of fruit trees, which is handled of substitute project for the second year. Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau take the job about improving to burn the agriculture’s discard things outdoors, no matter every control assignment, spread work of example or announcement measures, they always try their best to do. The purpose is to guide people how to handle the agriculture’s discard things and solve the problem of burning the agriculture’s discard things outdoors to keep air quality. This year we choose Chao-Chou town and Kan-Ting town to be the model of handling the branches and leaves of fruit trees and harmony with the burning outdoor inspection to get the purpose of teaching and control the behavior. Synthesize the whole execute condition in this case, the best way to improve the air quality are to inspect, control and harmony with handle and substitute fruit trees in past years. It also can Take care farmer’s request. Handle and substitute the branches and leaves of fruit trees don’t need farmers to operate the machines by themselves, and it’s great news for old countryside. And use the organic fertilizer from the broken branches and leaves for farmers are all benefit, not only reduce the account of weed medicine and fertilizer but also drop down their cost, keep the moist, fertile and increase the amount of organic or raise the quality of wax apple and change the sour and soda data and breathing freely, etc… For environment, decrease using the amount of weed medicine can be less damage of it and can reduce the air pollution from burning outdoors. Besides someone who wouldn’t want to harmony with after announcing, we suggest to punish them for write tickets. Only ban harmony with handle the substitute of fruit trees and compost at the same time could actually put an end to the problem of burning the agriculture’s discard things outdoors. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117231 93年屏東縣營建工程污染管制計畫 民國91年6月19日修正公告之「空氣污染防制法」三十一條第一項明示,在各級防制區及總量管制區內「從事營建工程、粉粒狀物堆置、運送工程材料、廢棄物或其他工事應設置適當防制設施,且不得引起塵土飛揚或污染空氣」。為此環保局從85年度至92年度起陸續委託技術顧問機構公司執行「屏東縣營建工程污染管制計畫」,進行營建工程空污費徵收及巡查作業以管制、輔導營建工地。本年度計畫除延續往來執行作業外,工地輔導改善、道路及管線工程污染管制、執行作業品質維護與查核作業等,為本年度主要重點工作。另外,93年7月1日正式實施的「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」(以下稱管理辦法),明確規範營建工程施工期間相關必要污染防制設施規定及標準。有別於過去以「空污法」中之污染行為事實據以告發原則,管理辦法以污染防制設施設置有無為告發依據,其更為明確嚴格。另外,自管理辦法之正式實施將依據環保署93年5月31所日公告之新費率(環署空字第0930038434A號,參閱附件一)來計算,本年度計畫重要作業之一即為加強管理辦法及新修正空污費費率之宣導,藉由現場宣導及人員訓練會辦理與印製宣導資料,使本縣業主及承包商能依照管理辦法之規定採行污染防制設施,以避免受到處分並提升工地污染防制之成效。 2004 Pingtung County’s construct pollution control project. June 19,2002correct and announcement the first item of the 31st in “air pollution prevent low” said that do the construction, store power matter, transport engineer material, discard things or other constructions should set up the property prevent facilities and avoid flying dust or pollute air in each level of prevent and control sections. For that Environment Protection Bureau entrust the adviser company continually from 1996 to 2003 to do “Pingtung County construction pollution control project.” And impose construction air pollution expenses; make rounds of inspection, and counseling construction site. This year not only continues the assignment in the past, but also guide and improve the construction site, road and pipe engineer pollution control are the most important work this year. Besides put “ Construction air pollution prevent facilities and control rule” into effect in formal on July 1, 2004 (short name: control measures) which regulate definitely of the rule and standard about the related necessary pollution prevent facilities during the period of construct. Different to the past which take the fact of polluting in air pollution low to inform, now we have more definitely and strict way to inform which depend on does it set up the prevent pollution facilities or not. Otherwise after the control measures put into in formal which will accord to Environment Protection Bureau’s announcement about the new expenses rate (Environment Protection Bureau: Air the No 0930038434A, reference from accessory 1) to account on May 31, 2004. One of the most important assignments is to strength control measures and announces the new air pollution charge rate, which correct. By way of announce on the spot, hold the training conference and print the data to push this county’s proprietors and contractors to follow the rule to set up the pollution prevent facilities and avoid getting punishment and promote and raise the achievement of soil pollution prevention. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117232 九十三年度桃園縣環境保護白皮書 桃園縣環境保護政策之定位,上承憲法增修條文之「經濟及科學技術發展,應與環境及生態保護兼籌並顧」的原則,及依據「環境基本法」及「中華民國永續發展策略綱領」進行規劃,同時符合國家環境保護計畫和國土綜合發展計畫內容,並配合目前推動之國家建設重點發展計畫,以及縣府施政方針及民眾期許,形成桃園縣環境政策的理念架構。「九十三年度桃園縣環境保護白皮書」其內容及統計資料係以92年12月31日為彙整期限,主要呈現92年全年桃園縣環境概況及環境保護業務推動成果,透過資料的整理及相關環境數據的公開,以爭取民眾的了解和支持,進而共同參與環境保護工作。計畫理念分述如下:第一篇 揭櫫桃園縣環境保護政策與現況,內容概述桃園縣政府施政理念、桃園縣自然環境及文化、社會、經濟現況。第二篇 環境保護策略與措施檢討,就以桃園縣地方環境保護計畫之 「降低現有污染量、減輕環境負荷」、「落實環保教育、擴大全民參與」、「加強生態保育、美化生活環境」及 「提昇文化內涵、建立環保科技園區」四大環保願景執行狀況,以文字及數言據圖、表方式呈現。 Environmental protection white paper of Tao-Yuan county in 2004 Its content and statistical data are regarded December 31, 1992. It gathered together the whole environmental protection white paper in 2003 and the environmental overview of Tao-Yuan county. Also, the environmental protection achievement, through arrangement and relevant environmental data of materials being publicly, by trying the people"s understanding and support, and then participate in the environmental protection work together.Taking off the environmental protective policy of Tao-Yuan county of the present situation, the content sums up peach garden administrative idea , peach the natural environment and cultural , social , economic present situation of garden county of county government. The tactics and measure of environmental protection are examined, planned with the local environmental protection of garden county of the peach " amount of existing pollution decreased, lighten environmental load ", " implement environmental protection education, expand the whole people participate in ", " strengthen the ecological child care , beautify the living environment " and " promote cultural intension , set up the scientific and technological garden of environmental protection " four major environmental protection wish the scene to carry out the state, appear according to the picture , form way with the characters and speech of counting. 093 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局
32117233 新竹市垃圾焚化廠周界空氣及土壤中污染物濃度資料建置計畫 近年來,民眾對於環境品質要求日益嚴格,並對環保問題日益關心,因而對焚化廠所排放之污染物,對周遭環境可能的影響也引起關注。有鑑於此,為減低民眾對焚化廠所排放污染物之疑慮,實有迫切必要針對焚化廠排出之污染物(如戴奧辛、?喃類化合物等)對周遭環境所造成之影響進行評估。此計畫將延續去年度(91)周界空氣及土壤中戴奧辛濃度監測,以做為新竹市垃圾焚化廠操作之參考與公害問題改善計畫訂定之依據。其計畫結果如下:(一)周界空氣戴奧辛濃度與文獻蒐集所得各國空氣比較,不論是一般都市或焚化廠周界,新竹市焚化廠周界空氣皆屬於低濃度範圍,僅高於郊區和環境背景值。(二)土壤樣品之同源物分佈並不一致,港南國小的分佈與其他不同,推測原因為港南國小之採樣地點太過接近民眾活動範圍,可能有生物或其他污染源干擾。(三)焚化廠臭味分析方面,底灰貯坑之空氣品質較差,其次為灰渣輸送帶。(四)透過問卷調查得知與去年相比,今年民眾普遍認同焚化廠之處理過程,且也對焚化廠防治污染之能力有所信任,但仍認為焚化廠有排放戴奧辛之疑慮。 To build the database for rubbish burning factory and the thickness of pollutantion in circle air and soil In recent years, the people have required to have a higher environmental quality day by day. In addition, they also cared about the environmental protection question. In view of this, discharge the doubt of the pollutant in order to lower the people to incinerating the factory, it is essential to incinerating the pollutant that the factory discharges to be urgent.This plan will extend and wear hard thickness to monitor in circle air and soil in week in last year (91).The results of this project show that (1) In comparison, the thickness of Dioxinair is in a low thickness range in Hsinchu city. (2) The homology thing of the soil sample is distributed and inconsistent, the distribution of the south primary school of Hong Kong is different from others, infer that the sample place that the reason is the south primary school of Hong Kong is close to the people scope of activities very much, biological or other pollution sources are interfered. (3) Incinerate factory"s stink and analyse the respect, the air quality of storing the hole of bottom dust is relatively bad, secondly it is a gray dreg conveyer belt. (4) Learn through questionnaire investigation that compared with last year , this year the people generally admit that incinerate the treatment course of the factory, and believe in to some extent incinerating the ability that the factory prevent and cure pollution , but still think and incinerate the factory that discharges and wears hard doubt. 093 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市政府環境保護局
32117234 九十三年度流域整體性水污染管制計畫 環保署自民國88年起辦理包括新竹市頭前溪在內的台灣地區五條主要飲用水水源(其餘為高屏溪、淡水河、大甲溪及曾文溪)河川污染整治計畫。目的是在確保障民眾飲用水安全。93年度計畫各項工作執行成果與目標達成情形說明如下:(一)河川水質調查:頭前溪流域各測站水質皆十分良好;客雅溪流域多數檢測站顯示該流域水質情形受科學園放流水之影響頗大;三姓公溪之各測站於下游之清埤橋測站偶有銅之測值較高之情形;鹽港溪流域各測站水質普遍有中度至重度有機污染的問題,應與流域內畜牧及生活廢水的排放有關。(二)河川底泥調查:頭前溪、客雅溪、三姓公溪及鹽港溪流域各測站底泥中與相關標準比較幾乎皆符合所規定之測值。(三) 稽巡查作業:至93年12月底止專案稽查共稽查54家次,並無發現有任何廢水處理或操作異常狀況。 The comprehensive water pollution control in 2004 The environmental protection administration handled five main drinking water and source of water of Taiwan. The purpose is to guarantee to safety of people"s drinking water. The work carries out and achievement have been described follows:The investigation of water quality: It is all very good to each examine the water quality of the station in the brook land ago the head; Guest refined brook land most measuring station show this basin water quality situation set scientific garden free influence of flowing water quite heavy; Three surnamed to is it stand clear Pi bridge in low reaches is it is it have high situation of examining etc. of copper occasionally to stand to examine to examine each common small stream; Salt harbour brook land is it stand water quality degree of generally having to heavy degree of organic questions that pollutes to examine each, should relate to discharge of animal husbandry and life waste water in the basin . The investigation bottom-mud sample:check and patrolling work: The project has checked 54 times till the end of December of 1993, it have not found that there is any waste water treatment or operate the unusual state . 093 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市政府環境保護局
32117235 資源回收物清運處理暨大型垃圾清運民營化 隨著經濟發展及環保意識逐漸高漲,民眾對於政府提供服務範圍及服務品質要求日益殷切,使得與民眾生活息息相關的垃圾清運問題愈趨複雜。有鑑於此,資源回收物清運處理暨大型垃圾清運民營化研究計畫乃著手集相關資料(一)研究計畫完成: (1)「新竹市資源回收清運及分類基本資料」分析 (2)人力、機具資料收集分析 (3)路線規劃 (4)實際跟車瞭解回收資源垃圾執行情形 (5)問卷調查:初步瞭解民眾及清潔隊員對資源回收工作民營化之看法 (6)提出提升資源回率初步做法 (7)研擬「新竹市委託民營機構辦理資源回收物清運處理暨大型垃圾清運」工作計畫說帖(初稿) (8)招標文件(初稿) (9)資源回收教育宣導海報、DM及電腦動畫作品,以做為垃圾源頭減量及資源回收工作之相關宣導資料(二)提出提升資源回率之創新作法: (1)結合大賣場辦理資源回收日活動 (2)以現有焚化廠、環保教育館、環保公園等既有設施,增設資源回收物分類場、處理場,引進環保科技技術進行回收物資源化。 The resource recovery and the privatization of large-scale rubbish factory Through the economic development and the environmental consciousness run up gradually, the requirement of people for the service range and service quality are higher and higher day by day. This has made the rubbish cleaning issue more complicated. In view of this, the objective of this project is to solve the above problem and has began to collect relevant materials.(一) In this plan, several items have been completed:(1)Cassify the basic materials in " resource recovery of Hsinchu " analyse (2)Manpower , machines materials collecting and analysing (3)The route planning (4)Understand with the car actually that retrieves the resource rubbish to carry out the situation (5)Questionnaire investigation: Understand tentatively that the people and clean team member retrieve the view of job privatization on resources (6)Propose improving the preliminary method of going back rate of resource (7)Is it plan " Hsinchu city trust private organization handle resource recovery thing is it deal with to clear and large-scale rubbish clear " work program say the card (the first draft ) to grind (8)Bidding documents (first draft) (9)Resource recovery educates and declares and leads the poster , DM and computer cartoon works, regard making as the source decrement of the rubbish and resource and retrieve declaring and leading the materials relevantly of work. 093 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局
32117236 九十三年度營建工程污染管制計畫 依據行政院環保署的統計,造成台灣地區空氣品質不良的原因,主要是由臭氧及懸浮微粒所引起,近年來在環保署採取各種管制措施予以管制後,空氣品質已大幅改善。有鑑於此新竹市環境保護局積極推動轄區內各項污染管制工作,委託民間顧問公司協助執行「營建工程污染管制計畫」掌握各縣市可能產生塵土問題之裸露地面積,特別責成各縣市環保局針對轄區裸露地進行調查與掌握,以進行改善對策的擬定,提昇國人生活品質。其計畫內容及成果說明如下:一、巡查管制作業1.工地污染管制巡查共完成1,714處次2.協助執行稽查作業48件次(包含夜間及假日)3.協助發文催補繳空污費,共查獲異動工程134處次4.推動道路認養共計推動認養單位十四家次5.裸露地調查作業累計調查裸露地6處二、空污費徵收作業協助完成空污費申報773件,應徵收金額為新台幣7,550,041元三、粒狀物TSP/PM10/PM2.5檢測12處受測工地其周界粒狀物濃度值有2處超過四、工地輔導作業五、粒狀物削減量六、創意之宣導 The control plan of construction pollution in 2004 According to statistics of the environmental protection administration, the reason causing the air quality in Taiwan to be bad , mainly and suspend by the ozone the particle cause, after the environmental protection administration takes various kinds of control measures to control in recent years, air quality has been already improving by a wide margin . The environmental protection agency of Hsinchu activelies promotes in the area under one"s jurisdiction every pollution controls the work in view of this, it may produce uncovering the area of ground of dust question while grasping all counties and cities while carrying out " build project pollution and control the plan " to trust the folk consultant firm to help, especially urge the Environmental Protection Agency of all counties and cities to carry on the investigation and master uncovering to the area under one"s jurisdiction, in order to improve drafting , promote compatriot"s quality of the life of the countermeasure. 093 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局
32117237 九十三年度客雅溪流域污染源整治計畫 為改善客雅溪流域水質、恢復生態環境、提昇環境品質及增加休閒空間,新竹市環境保護局除延續以往對水污染源管制工作外,亦將依照客雅溪流域各河段的特性積極推動水域環境綠美化及開放空間整體性規劃。其計畫內容如下:一、針對客雅溪及三姓公溪流域內之列管事業及污水下水道系統(不包含新竹科學園區內納管事業)水污染源進行稽巡查作業二、養豬廢水專案稽查管制作業三、逕流廢水專案稽查管制作業四、電鍍業及金屬表面處理業污染削減專案五、配合環保局持續推動香山地區重金屬污染專案稽查計畫六、於三姓公溪重要匯入點/可疑排入點設置一組遠距離監控設施七、辦理水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會二場次八、持續推動水環境河川守望相助環保志(義)工巡守作業九、持續建置水污染源管制資料十、試算水污費費額及篩選提供異常名單十一、協助辦理其他事業水污染源管理相關業務 A renovating plan for pollution sources in Ka-Ya river valley In order to improve water quality of Ko-Ya brook land, resume the ecological environment and promotes environmental quality and increases to lie fallow in the space, the environmental protection agency of Hsinchu is besides extending to the work of controlling of pollution sources of water in the past, will also actively promote water areas environment green beautifying and open space globality to plan according to the characteristic of the refined every section of brook land of the guest. The content of this plan is shown as follows: First, to guest refined small stream and three being surnamed row running affairs industry of the common brook intra-areas and sewage sewerage system (include Hsinchu science park receive person who run affairs), ink pollution sources check and patroll the homework Second, raise pig"s waste water special project and check and manage the manufacturing Third, Jing flows the special project of waste water checks and manages the manufacturing Fourth, electroplating industry and pollution of dealing with industry of metal surface cut down the special project Fifth, cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to promote the heavy metal in the area of Fragrant Hill to pollute the special project and check the plan continuously Sixth, not at three it is the more important to remit to piece of in small stream since it is surnamed common /the suspicious to it is if ordering , set up there aren"t one group to enter Seventh, handle provention and control of water pollution relevant decree is it can is it prove to lead two sessions to declare Eighth, promote water and environmental rivers and creeks and keep watch and help defend each other continuously engineering patrol and keep the homework for the environmental protection annals (justice ) Ninth, the lasting construction water pollution sources controls the materials. 093 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局
32117238 九十三年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 新竹市九十三年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫最主要的目的在於推廣機車排氣定期檢驗的觀念,並藉由路邊未定檢機車巡查通知到檢與不定期檢測之方式加以稽查管制。(一) 截至12月份為止共完成3場次宣導活動,並檢測596輛機車;進行機車排氣宣導檢測服務8場次,總計共檢測370輛次之機車。(二)對各定檢站進行不定期資料查核,至12月份止共計完成195站次檢驗站查核與34站次不定期查核。(三)舉辦檢驗站檢測人員講習2場次共8小時,以提升檢測人員的素質與品質。(四)實施問卷調查,截至12月止已回收1,070份並進行相關統計分析。 A checking and controlling plan for moveable pollution sources The main purpose of examining the moved pollution sources regularly of Hsinchu is to popularize the idea of the exhaust of motorcycle regularly, and examine the motorcycle to patroll and notify it to examine checking and controlling with the irregular way to measure uncertainly with the roadside.(1) Up to December, there are 3 sessions have been completed, and measure 596 motorcycles; Carry on motorcycle is it is it is it is it serve 8 session to measure to lead to declare to exhaust, total measure 370 take second place the motorcycle altogether. (2) To each examining the station and checking the irregular materials definitely , finish examining the station to check and check with 34 stations of time irregularly 195 stations of time altogether till December. (3) 2 sessions of lecturing and study amount to 8 hours to hold and examine standing and measure personnel, in order to improve the quality and quality which measure personnel. (4) Implement questionnaire investigation , has already retrieved 1,070 and carried on relevant statistical analysis up to December. 093 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局
32117239 93年新竹縣河川、飲用水水質採樣研析計畫 本計畫工作內容包括河川水質採樣工作及飲用水管理相關業務工作二部份。一、河川採樣分析每季14站,共執行四季採樣分析。數據統計及研析成果如下:1.各河段符合水體分類目標分析,93年第一季監測,各河段皆無法符合水體分類目標。第二季監測,頭前溪上游油羅溪(尖石大橋)及中港溪上游峨嵋溪(南埔大橋)符合乙類水體目標。第三季監測,鳳山溪(褒忠橋及出海口),以及新豐溪(池和大橋)符合丙類水體目標。第四季監測,鳳山溪(褒忠橋及出海口)符合丙類水體目標,以及中港溪上游峨眉溪(南埔及峨眉大橋)符合乙類水體目標。鳳山溪流域由於中上游皆屬高標準的甲類水體,於第二季至第二季監測,水質雖已有改善,但仍無法符合水體分類目標,與歷年趨勢相似。新豐溪流域範圍較小,主要分布於湖口鄉及新豐鄉,自發源地起即兼具區域灌排功能,長期承受家庭、畜牧及工業的污染,各河段不易符合水體分類目標,與歷年趨勢相似。整體而言未達分類目標的原因以氨氮、總磷及生化需氧量高於分類標準為主。二、飲用水管理相關業務1.自來水水質稽查採樣,共抽驗300件,綜合分析本年度自來水檢測不合格項目以總菌落數、濁度及氨氮為主,其中濁度於9月~11月的不合格發生率明顯升高,應與颱風、暴雨及土石流的發生有直接關係。 A analysing plan for the water quality of rivers, creeks and drinking water The content of this project can be divided into two parts: the sampling of water quality and the management of drinking water.The checks and samples of the water quality, inspect 300 by random samples altogether, monia nitrogen in the current year that the running water measures the project not up to standard and relies mainly on the total colony is counted , turbid degree and ammonia nitrogen in the current year t, among them the turbid degree of incidence not up to standard in September - November obviously rises, the emergence that should flow with the typhoon , torrential rain and soil and stone has direct relations. 093 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局
32117240 93年新竹縣頭前溪流域人工濕地生態治理系統細部設計第三、四期計畫 近三十年來相關研究模擬自然濕地環境並結合廢水工程知識,發展出人工濕地應用於水污染防治上(artificial wetlands for water pollution control)之基礎研究及技術建立,成功的處理來自家庭、工業、礦業、畜牧養殖業、農業等之廢排水及受污染水體,有效去除了水中的固體物質、有機性物質、氮磷營養鹽、重金屬及病原菌等污染物,並證實人工濕地唯一種省能源、低成本、容易操作維護之廢水處理技術。 人工濕地希望充分應用河川自淨能力分解受污染之水環境,建立水環境自淨系統,並同時考量河川、河岸之遊憩、觀光價值,創造兼具生態與遊憩功能之永續性人工濕地生態淨水系統。 本計劃的基地在新竹縣頭前溪的河川高灘地,設置目的在於削減「竹東污水處理廠」排放水之污染量,並且利用人工濕地配合周邊環境景觀之整理,調和人工濕地及頭前溪河域之景觀,大到整體環境美化提升之目的。計劃初期首先針對基地與周邊環境進行完整的調查,擬定出規劃的目標以及預估之效益。之後針對人工濕地的功能與角色進行文獻收集與回顧,並且蒐集國內外相關案例進行分析評估,歸納整理出適合基地的人工濕地規劃設計與後續的為化管理機制,並藉此著手規劃設計。 The detail design of artificial wetland ecology systematic in Tao-Chen river The base of this project located at the high-beach land of Tao-Cheng river of Hsinchu county. The purpose is to reduce the discharge of the pollution amount of water of Ju-Dong sewage farm. By using the artificial wetland to cooperate with the arrangement of the surrounding environmental view, the integrated environmental beautify can be greatly to improve.The high beach of rivers and creeks of the small stream before the head of Hsinchu county of base of this plan, set up the purpose and lie in cutting down " the east sewage treatment plant of bamboo " and discharging the pollution amount of water, and utilize the artificial wetland to cooperate with the arrangement of the surrounding enviroment view , mediate the view of the river land of small stream before artificial wetland and head, even as big as the integrated environment and beautify the purpose to improve. The plan carries on the intact investigation to the base and surrounding enviroment at first in initial stage , plan to make the goal of planning and benefit estimated in advance. Later carried on document collecting and retrospect to the function and role of the artificial wetland, and collect the domestic and international relevant case and analyse the assessment , sum up the mechanism of management in order to melt of putting the artificial wetland planning and design and follow-up which suit the base in order out, and set about planning and design by this. 093 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局
32117241 93年新竹縣頭前溪流域人工濕地生態治理系統細部設計第五期計畫 近三十年來相關研究模擬自然濕地環境並結合廢水工程知識,發展出人工濕地應用於水污染防治上(artificial wetlands for water pollution control)之基礎研究及技術建立,成功的處理來自家庭、工業、礦業、畜牧養殖業、農業等之廢排水及受污染水體,有效去除了水中的固體物質、有機性物質、氮磷營養鹽、重金屬及病原菌等污染物,並證實人工濕地唯一種省能源、低成本、容易操作維護之廢水處理技術。人工濕地希望充分應用河川自淨能力分解受污染之水環境,建立水環境自淨系統,並同時考量河川、河岸之遊憩、觀光價值,創造兼具生態與遊憩功能之永續性人工濕地生態淨水系統。本計劃的基地在新竹縣頭前溪的河川高灘地,設置目的在於削減「竹東污水處理廠」排放水之污染量,並且利用人工濕地配合周邊環境景觀之整理,調和人工濕地及頭前溪河域之景觀,大到整體環境美化提升之目的。計劃初期首先針對基地與周邊環境進行完整的調查,擬定出規劃的目標以及預估之效益。本計畫的基地可運用的土地面積為0.88公頃,人工濕地主要處理南側菜圃之地表逕流水及西側大排水箱涵之放流水,預計處理水量為5000CMD。濕地設施包括有攔污柵、沉砂池、卵礫石水道、人工濕地本體、生態水池、原有設施、親水階梯、管理道路、自行車道與散步道、停車場、生態觀察平台以及解說版等。國內尚未有經過詳盡規劃的人工濕地出現,因此本計劃期望能夠成為人工濕地規劃設計的先驅案例,提供相關經驗給未來要建置的人工濕地。 The detail design of artificial wetland ecology systematic in Tao-Chen river Relevant natural wetland environment of research simulation of the past 30 years and combining the project knowledge of the waste water, develop out the artificial wetland to apply to the provention and control of water pollution Basic research and technology that (artificial wetlands for water pollution control ) are set up, successful treatment comes from the abolishing and drains off water and polluted the water body of family , industry , mining industry , animal husbandry feeding , agriculture ,etc., go to except solid material , organism material , nitrogen phosphorus nutrition salt , heavy metal and pathogen in water ,etc. pollutant effectively, and prove the waste water treatment technology maintained in artificial wetland energy , low cost , easy operation of only kind of provinces. 093 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局
32117242 93年新竹縣轄河川流域事業廢(污)水排放稽查管制及輔導改善計畫 本計畫為推動轄內河川流域事業廢(污)水稽查及改善輔導作業,已執行事業廢水查核、輔導及改善成效追蹤,累計各式查核達359家次,並辦理事業廢水稽查採樣檢測、養豬業事業廢水處理技術宣導講習,達成削減河川流域事業廢水排放、保護河川水體水質之目標。有關各項工作成果說明如下:ㄧ、調查事業廢水排放水質水量  本計畫已查核事業廢污水排放水質、水量計102家,其中有21家違反放流水排放標準,不符合率為21%。綜合現場查核發現常見缺失可分為六大類缺失包括違反放流水標準、放流口流量計故障或未鉛封、設施或放流口未標示、專用電表未設置或未鉛封、廢(污)水處理設施/流程與許可不一致或未標示及事業廢(污)水處理設施未啟動或未正常運轉。二、配合環保局辦理稽查及特殊項目水質樣品檢驗  協助環保局執行定期及不定期稽查方面,本計畫於執行期間協助環保局完成現場稽查共87件。本計畫亦完成6家次特殊項目水質樣品檢驗。三、事業廢污水處理改善輔導  本計畫依據事業廢(污)水水質水量查核結果,篩選出現場輔導名單共計83家,根據水質化驗結果及現勘情形,將輔導對象分為A類(22)及B類(61),其中A類邀請學者專家進行現勘診斷,研訂削減污染及改善廢水處理之建議方案,而B類由本公司同仁現場輔導。 The checking control and tutorial improvement for the undertaking abolishes (dirty) water and discharges The purpose of this plan is to promote the basin undertaking of rivers and creeks while having jurisdiction over to abolish (dirty ) water and check and improve and coach the homework, carry out undertaking waste water check , coach and improve effect not to track , is it up to 359 to check while being various types of totally already, and handle the undertaking waste water and check and sample measuring , pig industry"s undertaking waste water treatment technology declare and lead lecturing and study, reach and cut down the goal that the basin undertaking waste water of rivers and creeks discharges , protects the water body water quality of rivers and creeks. 093 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局
32117243 93年新竹縣寶山水庫優氧化實地調查及研究計畫 此計畫係根據93.2.05公告之「新竹縣寶山水庫優養化實地調查及研究」協助環保局進行計畫執行工作。「新竹縣寶山水庫優養化實地調查及研究」主要的工作內容包括:(1)研析寶山水庫優養化狀況,建立水體優養等級及指標;(2)蒐集優養化可能來源及種類,並研擬污染防治對策;(3)寶山水庫優養現象檢查項目為藻類、總磷、總氮,每月乙次,惟必須擇定具代表性時段;(4)必要之匯集流入點檢驗項目為總磷、總氮並查明進流量;(5)期末報告必須含前述資料整理,未來三年水庫優養化現象之推估,防範措施及建議方案;及(6)有關採樣檢測工作應依相關環保規定辦理,其品保品管計畫,納入計畫中說明,並確實執行。本計畫即針對寶山水庫調查工作之主要內容,提供技術專業服務,協助環保局提出一套適於寶山水庫判定優養化之指標,並提出水庫優養化相關防範措施及建議方案,俾利後續水庫之維護與管理。其計畫之工作內容包括:一、研析寶山水庫優養化狀況,建立水體優養等級及指標。二、蒐集優養化可能來源及種類,並研擬污染防治對策。三、寶山水庫優養現象檢查項目為藻類、總磷、總氮,每月乙次,惟必須擇定具代表性時段。四、必要之匯集流入點檢驗項目為總磷、總氮並查明進流量。五、期末報告必須含前述資料整理,未來三年水庫優養化現象之推估,防範措施及建議方案。六、有關採樣檢測工作應依相關環保規定辦理,其品保品管計畫,納入計畫中說明,並確實執行。 The on-site inspection and research for the Bao-San reservoir The main working content includes: (1)Analyse the mountains and rivers storehouse of the treasure and raise the state of melting excellently, set up water body and raise the grade and index excellently; (2)Collect excellent to is it take source and kind perhaps to raise , and grind and draft the countermeasure of prevention and control of pollution; (3)Grow the phenomenon to check the project excellently as the alga , total phosphorus , total nitrogen in the mountains and rivers storehouse of the treasure, every month second time, must select representative period definitely; (4)And finds out the flow for total phosphorus , total nitrogen in essential gathering and flowing into some projects of examining; (5)It is put the estimating of the phenomenon in order that the report must include the above-mentioned materials , precautionary measures and scheme of proposing; And (6) should stipulate and handle to measure the work in accordance with relevant environmental protection to sample relevantly, it explains to bring into plan , and really carry out. 093 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局
32117244 93年事業廢棄物稽查管制與資訊建檔計畫 新竹縣近年來各項產業發展迅速,致使環保負荷壓力加大,為此新竹縣環境保護局必須加強對污染源的管理查核工作,以確保環境品質,其中事業廢棄物的稽查管制,即為持續加強執行之重要業務,本工作團隊在計畫執行期間持續協助新竹縣環保局進行事業廢棄物之稽(巡)查作業、辦理相關案件審查及管理作業並提升網路申報率等相關工作執行成果說明如下:一、事業廢棄物之稽(巡)查作業在計畫執行期間共完成519件事業廢棄物稽(巡)查之工作、包含了例行稽(巡)查及專案稽(巡)查,相關工作執行成效說明如下: (一)例行稽(巡)查執行成效截至目前為止已有效掌握296家列管事業單位之事業廢棄物流向,遏止非法之情勢發生,查核結果顯示,事業單位未與清除處理機構簽訂合約書為轄區內事業單位最常見的缺失,其次是清理計畫書之清除處理項目與現況不相符者及無廠外遞送聯單者。本團隊針對發現缺失之事業單位進行複查之工作,共複查了32家,改善率為66%。對於尚未改善之事業機構已列為重點管制對象。 (二)專案稽查執行成效本團隊已配合環保局完成了166件專案稽查之工作,確認環保署所提供之各種可疑事業單位其廢棄物之清除處理狀況,二、辦理相關案件審查作業及管理三、辦理廢棄物採樣檢測作業四、辦理宣導說明會 The checks and controls of the undertaking offal and to build a database filing with information In Hsinchu county, every industry develops rapidly, causing the load pressure of environmental protection to strengthen in recent years must strengthen the core to tube Richard of the pollution sources and work for this environmental protection agency of Hsinchu county, soing as to ensure environmental quality, among them the check of the undertaking offal is controlled, strengthen the important business carried out continuously, this job group helps the Environmental Protection Agency of Hsinchu county to carry on the checking (patrol ) and checking the homework of the undertaking offal continuously during planning to carry out, 093 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局
32117245 93年固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 新竹縣環境保護局為有效掌握及管理轄區內固定污染源之排放狀況並改善日趨惡化之環境空氣品質,持續推動固定污染源許可審查及管制之各項作業,於今年辦理「固定污染源許可稽查管制計畫及空污費催補繳計畫」並委託康城工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行,加強固定污染源許可制度之輔導及宣導作業暨建立完整之污染源排放資料庫,藉以推展固定污染源各項管制工作,同時建置CEMS系統以掌握大型污染排放量。93年度主要重點工作包括推動固定污染源許可制度、專責人員管理、空污費催補繳、清查資料庫維護更新及稽查檢測等延續性工作,以及固定污染源排放量申報查核、法規符合度查核、連續自動監測設施建置與管理等新增工作。 目前新竹縣轄區內已列管之固定污染源為700 家,於各主要污染物排放方面:粒狀污染物排放總量為4,263.606 公噸;硫氧化物排放總量為6,8288.23公噸;氮氧化物排放總量為8,350.761公噸;以及揮發性有機物排放總量為7,198.472 公噸。整體而言,各項作業執行進度皆符合合約要求且順利達成,茲摘錄各項工作特色及具體成效如后。 93年固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 In order to grasp and manages the discharge state of the regular pollution sources in the area under one"s jurisdiction and improve the surrounding air quality worsenned day by day effectively, the environmental protection agency of Hsinchu county promote the regular pollution sources to permit being examined and controlling continuously, " the regular pollution sources permits checking and controlling planning and empty corrupt fee to urge the plan of paying " to handle this year and trust the Limited Company of project advisors of a city of the health and is responsible for carrying out, strengthen the regular coaching of permitting the system of pollution sources and declare and lead the homework and setting up intact pollution sources to discharge the database , use to promote several of regular pollution sources to control the work, at the same time the construction CEMS system , in order to grasp the large-scale emission of pollution. Worked especially mainly in 93 including promoting the regular pollution sources to permit the system, specialize in personal management , empty dirty fee is it pay arrears , check database not to is it upgrade and check continuity of measuring etc. not to work to maintain to urge, and the regular emission of pollution sources is declared and checked, regulation conformity is checked , monitors facility construction and newly-increased management ,etc. and works automatically in succession . 093 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局
32117246 93土壤污染防制工作計畫 苗栗縣環境保護局所委託之「土壤污染防制計畫」,選定包括位於頭份鎮蘆竹里、公館鄉館南村灌溉溝渠、造橋鄉談文村及竹南鎮大厝里等六個一公頃區域,21個採樣點採集表層與裡層土壤,共計42個樣品,並完成所屬農地土地清冊建置。同時於10月22日支援民眾陳情案件,完成苑裡鄉農地土壤3個採樣點,採集6個樣品於現場交付環保局。93年度的監測結果,於頭份鎮蘆竹里24個樣品中有9個樣品其重金屬—鋅超過食用作物農地之監測基準,竹南鎮大厝里6個樣品中有3個樣品重金屬—汞超過監測基準,4個樣品重金屬—鋅超過監測基準,其中甚至有1個樣品超過管制標準。頭份鎮蘆竹里調查區測值有逐漸上升的趨勢,且可能沿著鄰近排水溝渠轉移污染面,建議下年度可對溝渠沿線農地土壤重金屬含量進行調查,同時檢測分析該溝渠上、中、下段水質與底泥,以追蹤污染來源並釐清相關責任。竹南鎮大厝里目前污染量雖高,但已無污染量增加或是轉移污染面的環境,應在整治工程前持續做調查,密切控管本調查區。而公館鄉與造橋鄉調查區無明顯污染現象,且歷次測值變化不大亦低於食用作物農地之監測基準,可以考慮取消監測。 Soil pollution control in 2004 The environmental protection agency of Miaoshu county relegated the soil pollution control plan, which select six towns, 21 sampling points and 42 samples. altogether , and finish the affiliated farmland land inventory construction in 21 pieces of sampled point. Case that at the same time to support the people to give a full account on October 22, finishes 3 pieces of sampled point of township farmland and soil in the garden, gather 6 samples delivering to the Environmental Protection Agency.In the year of 93, it show that its heavy metal zinc of 9 samples exceeds the edible crop farmland in 24 samples in the reed bamboo of the first town, there are 3 pieces of sample heavy metal mercury that exceed the datum of monitoring in 6 samples in big Cuo of south town of bamboo, 4 pieces of sample heavy metal zinc exceed the datum of monitoring, among them even a sample exceeds the standard of controlling. 093 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局
32117247 93年度中港溪流域污染改善計畫 苗栗縣環保局近幾年來針對中港溪流域之污染改善,執行許多相關的管制方案,包括「中港溪流域環境整治推動計畫」、「中港溪流域水質改善計畫」、「中港溪流域污染整治實施計畫」等,已初步擬定各項污染源削減目標及整治方案,為逐步落實各項策略之執行,具體改善現況之污染,於93年度特針對中港溪流域之污染執行改善計畫,內容包括工廠廢(污)水稽查管制、河川守望相助巡守隊推廣、不明管線清查確認及未來整治方案研擬等,藉由各項工作之執行,進一步落實流域內污染源之管制,具體提升中港溪流域整體污染之改善。 計畫已完成中港溪流域稽查管制作業成果共計稽查採樣作業324廠次,實際採樣者共計133廠次,其中檢驗結果未符合者有6廠次分別是錦水畜牧場、鼎元光電竹南分公司、伸合紙業、朝陽紙業以及苗栗縣農會酪農鮮乳加工廠,已呈送環保局執行後續處份作業。此外,假日巡查部分目前已執行180廠次巡查,工作達成率已超過100﹪,主要目的是了解各工廠假日廢水排放情形,彌補環保局假日稽查管制上的缺口,結果發現部分工廠並未按照規定設置放流口告示牌,此外,目前巡查之工廠並未發現排放未經處理之廢水。 The water quality improvement plan for Chong-Kong river in 2004 In recent years the county the Environmental Protection Agency for Miaoshu to in Chong-Kong the brooks pollution of land is improve, carry out a lot of relevant control schemes, including " in promote plan of Hong Kong brook land environmental renovation ", " in Hong Kong brook land water quality improvement plan ", " in knit not managing plan Hong Kong brook land pollution ",etc., has already drafted tentatively that cuts down the goal and renovates the scheme in every pollution sources, in order to implement the execution of every tactics progressively, it is the concrete improve by pollution of present situation,at one year specially to in Hong Kong pollution , the brooks of land carry out plan of improving of, the content includes factory"s abolishing (dirty) water is checked and controlled, the rivers and creeks keep watch and help defend each other and patrol and keep the team and popularize , the unidentified pipeline check and confirm and renovate the scheme to grind and draft etc. in the future, with the execution of every work , implement the control of the pollution sources in the basin further, concrete improvement polluted wholly in brook land of Hong Kong while improving. 093 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局
32117248 飲用水簡易自來水水源水質抽驗工作計畫 此計畫是以93年4、7、10月份共完成三次採樣分析工作,針對苗栗縣境內大湖鄉、獅潭鄉、公館鄉、三義鄉、頭屋鄉、後龍鎮、苑裡鎮、南庄鄉、泰安鄉等,共19處簡易自來水場,檢測項目為大腸桿菌群、氨氮、汞、砷、硒、鉛、鉻、鐵、錳、鎘、化學需氧量、總有機碳等,共12項,並配合敏都利颱風過後之環境監測,取6處受災樣點進行大腸桿菌群與濁度分析,並於11月份進行3處水場追蹤檢驗。此計畫三次採樣檢測結果與簡易自來水飲用水水源水質標準比較不符合標準計有:重金屬方面:汞不合格有10月份1處佔全年1.8%,鉛不合格有7月份4處、10月份2處,共佔全年10.5%,錳不合格有4月份4處、7月份4處、10月份6處,共14處佔全年24.6 %,鐵不合格有4月份2處、7月份11處、10月份3處,共16處佔全年28.1 %。大腸桿菌群不合格有4月份12處、7月份7處、10月份2處,共21處佔全年36.8%。氨氮不合格有4月份3處、7月份1處,合計4處佔全年7.0%。敏督利颱風過後之環境監測,於7月22日採樣分析結果,6處僅1處大腸桿菌群與濁度超過標準值。11月份進行3處水場追蹤檢驗,結果皆符合標準。93年度檢測項目前三大不符標準,以大腸桿菌群不合格率最高佔全年36.8%,鐵不合格率次之佔全年28.1 %,錳不合格率再次之佔全年24.6 %。因鐵、錳含量屬影響適飲性物質,故應以降低大腸桿菌群含量為首要目標,建議應裝設適合設備或添加藥劑,並勤於維護水場整潔衛生。對於符合條件之水場,建議輔導設置社區自設公共給水設備,以提供較佳之水質。 The inspection for drinking water and tap water qualities In this plan, with 4 - 7 1993, finish three analytical work of sampling altogether October, it direct Miaoshu against it is in the counties lake township not large, lion pool the township , residence the township , three township, township of justice and room of head, behind Zhen Long, town , village the township , Tai"an township ,etc. not south in garden, amounts to 19 sites of simple and easy running water field, measure the project for colon bacillus group , ammonia nitrogen , mercury , arsenic , selenium , lead , chromium , iron , manganese , cadmium , chemical oxygen demand , total organic carbon, amounts to 12 items, and the environmental monitoring after cooperating with quick all favourable typhoons, fetch 6 and suffer from disaster some of kind analyse with turbid degree the colon bacillus group, and follow the trail of and examine 3 sites of water field in November. 093 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局
32117249 93年度空氣品質監測網強化及應用規劃計畫 桃園縣境內目前共有六處環保署測站、四處環保局自動測站及七處環保局人工測站,為能確保分析數據之有效性及代表性,以提供環保局了解該區域污染物濃度變化情形之重要參考,因此本計畫藉由加強測站操作維護、測站功能應用評估及特殊時地監測規劃等工作之執行,來提升及強化本縣監測網之實際功能。 Planning and the application of air quality monitoring Planning and applications of air quality mornitoriong 093 桃園縣政府環境保護局
32117250 台南縣九十三年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街洗街民有民營 本委辦計畫於93年8月3日起開始執行街道揚塵洗掃作業,至94年8月2日計劃結束為止,共計執行下列工作項目,詳列工作進度表及說明如後。一、 本計畫依實際掃街長度統計,總執行長度19726公里,距合約量19000公里,達成率為103%。實際執行洗街總長度19461.6公里,距合約量19000公里,達成率為102%。二、 塵土量係由掃街車每日清掃街道所得塵土重,掃街作業總垃圾街塵清運量達352.048公噸,街塵荷重平均為17.083(kg/km);洗街車平均每公里用水量為0.448公噸,合乎環保署用水標準。三、 本計劃累積企業認養長度為13075.7公里,超過計畫目標量8000公里,達成率163%。93年度計有「新營工業區」、「保安工業區」、「名舜(家義)瀝青廠」及「士成興業」等企業廠商加入道路洗掃認養行列,並積極推動其他企業成為新加入成員,94年度1月份企業認養增加「坤慶瀝青工業股份有限公司」及「竑榮實業有限公司」,並於每月進行現場查核。四、 空品品質劣化通報緊急出動,九十三年度洗掃街計畫由8月份計畫開始至94年8月2日為止空氣品質劣化通報共計53次,執行98站次,其中PSI>100之站數日數為18站,主要發生期間為10月至隔年2月份。為落實洗掃街執行作業,每月定期及不定期進行現場查核至少200公里,並使用GPS即時監控系統,由本公司內部及中鼎公司、環保局共同監督洗掃街作業。五、 環保署洗掃街考評成績: 除「髒污改善率」依照縣市排名得0.85分,其餘「道路等級資料建立」、「平均每日洗掃長度」及「企業認養洗掃街長度」皆已達成九十三年滿分目標,九十四年度將持續針對環保署逸散源洗掃街作業考評項目,力求圓滿達成滿分目標。六、 成效評估 本計畫利用街塵粒徑分析、問卷調查等項目進行街道揚塵洗掃作業之成效評估;單位長度塵土量平均為每公里17.96公斤,其中揚塵所佔之比例為53.78%,揚塵削減係數為每公里9.36公斤;坋土所佔平均比例為7.41%,削減係數為每公里1.34公斤。本計畫為求民調之公正性,特委託第三公正者崑山科技大學進行問卷調查,在計劃中期及末期各進行一次問卷調查,二階段別回收175及151份問卷,統計發現對於知道徵收空氣污染防制費應用於哪些環保施政措施之民眾不到四成,但民眾對於空氣品質現況在普通程度以上由第一次調查的66.8%上升至80.7%,顯示空氣品質有向上提升效果。並於第二次問卷針對受訪者對於本公司執行台南縣加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫,有80%的受訪者滿意程度在普通以上。往後將針對需改善部分加以改進,以使民眾能深切了解街道揚塵洗掃工作有助於改善空氣品質。 Project of enhancing street dust sweeping & washing of Tainan County According to the data of EPA Tainan Automatic Test-Site (Sin-ing & Sanhwa Test-site), it shows that the reason for PSI>100 is due to the aerosol and the ozone, the aerosol is mainly from the cars and the building development. The Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan County matches up with the “Project of enhancing street dust sweeping & washing” of EPA, and goes keeping the execution from last year. At first the test-sites of the county, the boundaries and population dense place, high flow of transportation and heavy dust area should be done to improve the air quality.The project is executed by scheduled progress and achieved the assessed score of EPA for street dust sweeping & washing. It results in reducing the thickness of aerosol and the rate of harmful PSI at two tested-sites. We are looking forward to promoting the cognition and support for the project from people, meeting the middle & long term aim of the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan County, and lifting up the environmental quality of residents’ life. 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環保局
32117251 桃園縣九十三年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫---期末報告 桃園縣在九十三年度針對空氣污染防制執行多項管制工作,由於各項計畫的性質不同且皆具獨立性,因此僅能在縱向聯繫上發揮功效,並無法在橫向聯繫上取得溝通協調,對於各計畫的執行成果無法有效整合。有鑑於此,必須透過空氣污染綜合防制計畫(本計畫)建立空污基金子計畫管考標準作業程序書,協助環保局督促及控管各項管制工作之執行進度及品質,並藉由召開各項會議(協調會、工作檢討會、現場查核等),達成管制計畫之縱向及橫向聯繫,追蹤協調各計畫執行成效與互動關係,控管各計畫之執行進度與執行品質,檢討修正各計畫之執行方法,並訂定各計畫減量目標與檢討達成情形,以提升各計畫之減量成效並具體整合各計畫之工作成果,縱歸93年度各項污染物之減量均達成預定減量目標。此外,隨著多年管制工作之執行及產業發展變動與相關法規之增修,導致管制策略必須定期修正檢討,因此須透過空品分析及本縣排放量之查核更新,規劃本縣空品目標與管制策略,其中在粒狀污染物方面,車行揚塵、運輸車輛及土木施工為主要來源,硫氧化物則以工業為主,氮氧化物以運輸車輛及工業為主,非甲烷碳氫化合物以工業溶劑使用及表面塗裝為主。另在空品分析方面,臭氧及懸浮微粒為本縣之主要污染物,且近兩年有上升之趨勢,應為未來管制上之重點,由於臭氧屬大區域傳輸之污染物,透過空氣品質模式模擬分析發現(2000年5月案例),本縣臭氧受台北縣污染源影響最大(40%以上),而受本身桃園縣污染源之影響約為9%~25%,另VOCS貢獻濃度又較NOX貢獻濃度為高。顯示若要有效降低臭氧濃度值,現階段除加強本縣VOCS之排放管制外,亦須持續透過北部空品區跨縣市合作會議之召開,加強鄰近縣市之共同稽查管制,方有明顯成效。經由上述之分析,本計畫亦配合環保署規定完成94年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫書之撰寫及提報作業,並訂定近程之空品改善目標及污染物減量目標,另外亦考慮本縣地方污染源特定訂定特定污染源改善目標(餐飲業油煙改善、焚化爐戴奧辛減量、全縣落塵量目標)及為民服務績效目標(惡臭陳情案件改善)。基於上述目標之訂定,整個管制策略之評估主要就現行環保署、削減量、所需經費及技術可行性評估,並區分為固定污染源管制、移動污染源管制及逸散污染源管制三個方向,期許在環保局現有經費,藉由相關管制計畫之推動,達成最佳有效之管理效率及污染物減量與空氣品質改善之目標。 Integrated Control of Air Pollutant in Taoyuan,2004—Final Term Report In Taoyuan many control work sought in air pollution prevention for 2004, the nature of the subprojects and that many are independent from each other has hindered the effects to be achieved in vertical coordination. There is a necessity to instill the integrated control of air pollutant to assist the EPB in spearheading and monitoring the progress and quality of various control world, and to define tangible bulk reduction, as well as to review the state of achievements that would help to enhance the waste reduction yield of a host of subprojects, and to achieve the implementation yield of all subprojects.Traffic permeating dust, transportation vehicles, industry and civil construction are the main source of pollutions in Taoyuan. O3 and particles are identified as the main pollutants, which are on the rise in the recent two years. By a May 2000 case air quality model simulation analysis found the county’s O3 readings are most susceptible to the pollution source found in Taipei (exceeding 40%), while the impact of the pollution source in Taoyuan alone was recorded at around 9% to 25%. The contribution of VOCs concentration was found higher than that of NOX. In order to effectively curtail the O3 concentration, it not only calls for stepping up the county’s VOCs control in the current stage, but there is also a necessary to stage plenary cross-county collaboration meetings by stepping up the joint audit and control in nearby counties.Therefore, the project has also had an integrated 2005 air pollution prevention plan compiled and submitted in support of stipulations promulgated by the EPA. The assessment of the overall control strategy rests on evaluating the required funding and technical feasibility in compliance with the existing bulk reduction stipulations set by the EPA, and on distinguishing the work into three major segments of fixed pollution source control, mobile pollution source control and permeating source control. 093 桃園縣政府環境保護局
32117252 九十三年度台南縣逸散性污染源查核管制及輔導改善計畫 由歷年環保署空氣品質監測資料顯示,每年十月至隔年二月為空氣品質不良時期,尤其以粒狀污染物的污染最為嚴重。此時期正為二期稻作收割後,農民因搶種、蟲害等等因素常會以露天燃燒的方式來處理稻草、蔗葉、玉米梗及雜草等農業廢棄物,若在氣象條件不利擴散散的情況下,為造成空氣污染的主要原因。台南縣是台灣主要的農業生產地之一,故降低農民露天燃燒為主要的重點防制工作,特執行『台南縣逸散性污染源查核管制及輔導改善計畫』。計畫執行重點為(1)裸露地清查及推動輔導改善工作;(2)露天燃燒稽巡查管制,並配合環保署雲嘉南行動進行巡查與回報(含機動巡查);(3)逸散性污染源相關法令及防制技術宣導並辦理示範觀摩。本計畫主要執行成果如下:(一) 裸露地調查方面目前完成台南縣之永康市、鹽水鎮、麻豆鎮、佳里鎮、學甲鎮、七股鄉、新市鄉、安定鄉、仁德鄉等24個鄉鎮都會區、人口密集區之裸露地調查,共計查核314筆,總裸露面積為126.4公頃;經本計畫複查後,已確實改善者總改善面積為36.7公頃,佔台南縣總裸露地面積29%。 (二) 露天燃燒稽巡查管制方面本計畫自開始執行包括例行巡查、假日巡查、民眾陳情巡查及搭配環保局共同於中山高速公路、南二高、台一線、重要縣道及二期稻作收割區稽巡查。(1) 在九十三年一月~至九十四年七月之農廢露天燃燒,以後壁鄉516件最為嚴重,其次為鹽水鎮353件,另外東山鄉319件與新營市285件比例也佔很高,此四個鄉鎮市件數約佔全部總件數之50%,約佔了一半左右的比例。(2) 93年露天燃燒巡查及露天燃燒民眾陳情案件時發現因露天燃燒而直接排放至空氣中之污染量,稻草約1,833.5噸、蔗葉391.23噸、其他植物類(包含玉米、芝麻及雜草…等)約311.06噸、樹枝葉218.88噸、樹皮木材約531.64噸及都市垃圾136.96噸。發現而立即滅火之抑制量計有:稻草約有154.34噸、蔗葉82.45噸、其他植物類(包含玉米、芝麻及雜草…等)約23.06噸、樹枝葉12.72噸、樹皮木材約212.09噸及都市垃圾3.38噸。(3)在民眾處理陳情結果上,台南縣93年1月1日至94年7月31日之露天燃燒陳情案共41件,其中稻草露天燃燒陳情案有8件,其他農廢露天燃燒陳情有19件,廢棄物露天燃燒陳情有14件,稻草類露天燃燒陳情僅佔整個露天燃燒陳情事件的19.5%,可知一般民眾對農民燃燒稻草並未視為空氣污染,除非其影響交通及住家品質才會陳情;本計畫於93年10月開始執行以來,至94年5月31日止,協助處理民眾陳情案累計14件,其中稻草露天燃燒陳情案有7件,非稻草類露天燃燒有7件。(4)本計畫為獲得改善空氣品質之良好管制成效,配合環保署及台南縣環保局,協調新營、後壁、善化等10個敏感區鄉鎮公所環保人員及村里長建立空氣品質惡化通報系統,隨時廣播呼籲農民勿露天燃燒農廢。(三)逸散性污染源相關法令及防制技術宣導方面 稻草再利用技術宣導方面於93/11/16、93/11/17及94/6/23,完成三場次之宣導暨實作觀摩宣導會;另於93/11/10增辦一場「稻草非露天燃燒防制及輔導相關事宜」協調會;此外配合媒體宣傳,如:宣導短片、跑馬燈、電台宣傳及報紙宣傳等等;並且配合海報、布條及宣傳車等相關配套措施,充分讓民眾了解相關法令、罰則以及稻草切割及現地掩埋回收再利用之技術示範及宣導。 台南縣一、二期稻作約產生120,000噸稻草,由於稻草回收商需要量有限,故農民之稻草回收均是以切割翻耕回收增加地力之方式佔最大部份,在宣導農民不要以露天燃燒稻草,如能配合補助切割翻耕其效果會更佳,亦可大量降低農民露天燃燒稻草的行為。將來如能配合廚餘回收堆肥場之設立,可考慮添加稻草亦可回收部份稻草,唯須考量人力及運費問題。 The project of Tainan County’s fugitive emission sources’ control, patrol and counsel Based on the monitoring date of air quality by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), the period of air quality deterioration is from October to February every year. This period is after the second harvest of crop, so the particle pollutants’ pollution has the most impaction on the air quality deterioration. The main reason of particle pollutants’ pollution occurred is because most farmers open burn straw, sugar cane, and corncob in order to flap out the damage caused by insect and shorten the growth period of crop under the unfavorable weather that is hard for the pollution to diffuse in the air. Tainan County is the main agriculture industry in Taiwan, so the open-field-burn is a critical issue. The goal of promoting “The project of Tainan County’s fugitive emission sources’ control, patrol and counsel” is to lower the rate of open-field-burn. The main topics of this project are as the followings: 1) Check the uncovered surface filed and promote the counseling activities2) Control the open-field-burn’s patrol and assist the project of EPA’s southern (Taiwan) patrol and report (include mobility patrol). 3) Hold the conferences which demonstrate the regulation of fugitive emission and the propaganda of preventing technology. 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
32117253 推動生質柴油及稻稈生質能處理策略分析及成本效益評估專案工作計畫 1970年代兩次石油危機時,世界各國逐漸重視與發展替代能源,以降低能源供應可能產生之效應。然而因工業化產生二氧化碳等溫室效應氣體,引起全球暖化問題,使得能源與環保問題日趨嚴重與國際化。生質物及廢棄物的生質能源利用兼具能源與環保雙重貢獻,主要原因在於使用生質能源將會減少化石燃料的使用,同時減少二氧化碳溫室氣體排放量,此舉亦可視為二氧化碳減量的貢獻。我國每年產生約15~20萬公噸廢食用油,其少數回收做為飼料或肥皂原料,多數未經回收而排入下水道造成環境污染,若能經轉製成生質柴油不僅可降低廢食用油對環境之傷害並且使用生質柴油與柴油相較可降低空氣污染。每年廢棄稻稈約有132萬公噸,若未經妥善處理將造成環境諾大之負荷與汙染。而垃圾掩埋場產生之沼氣可利用作為發電用途,若未經任何處理直接排放至大氣層則對於溫室效應產生極大之影響,因此本研究針對生質柴油、稻稈廢棄物應用及垃圾掩埋場沼氣應用等生質能進行國外資料蒐集並分析國外處理策略經驗,進而評估我國未來推動應用的競合策略規劃、經濟成本效益分析及最適推動策略建議,並且評估各種生質能的推動其相對之溫室氣體減量效益。 Promotion and strategies analysis of Biodiesel, rice-straw biomass energy The renewable energy including biomass energy has drawn much attention in the most of developed countries since 1970s. Improving energy security, decreasing vehicle contribution to air pollution and achieving reduction or even eliminating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are primary goals compelling governments to identify and commercialise alternatives to the petroleum fuels. The utilisation of biomass and waste residues can be regarded of energy and environment contributions with an impact upon the reduction of fossil fuel applications. The domestic generation of waste-cooking oil can be achieved with a value of 150 to 200 thousands tonnes which most of those are discarded to drainage system and consequently come of pollution problems. To utilise waste-cooking oil in forms of biodiesel can not only diminish the impact of it upon environment but also reduce the polluted-emission derived from diesel engine. Regarding to agricultural-waste (rice straw), 1.32 million tonnes of rice-straw waste are yielded annually. An optimism strategy should be considered in order to knock down the polluted-effect upon environment. Moreover, methane generated from landfill can be applied for power generation but directly exhaust to atmosphere will produce enormous impacts upon GHG emission. This study is aimed to analyse economic cost-benefit, GHG impact as well as optimisation of integrated strategies of biodiesel, waste rice-straw and landfill gas in Taiwan. 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32117254 94年度嘉義市牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)、八掌溪流域河川巡守、事業暗管稽查管制及水污染緊急應變計畫 本局執行「94年度嘉義市牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)、八掌溪流域河川巡守、事業暗管稽查管制及水污染緊急應變計畫」,執行期程至94年12月31日止,計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、水質改善牛稠溪各段檢測結果除了牛稠溪橋RPI值降至5.25屬於中度污染外,其餘各站均顯示為嚴重污染,尤其是盧山橋的RPI值更高達了7.25。其中牛稠溪橋BOD濃度仍居各測站之最,得分高達最高分10分,但因SS濃度降低許多和DO濃度的提升使RPI值低於嚴重污染的6.00。雖然本年度牛稠溪橋從嚴重污染成功降至中度污染,但是在BOD項目仍有努力的空間。八掌溪各段檢測結果顯示軍輝橋已從中度污染降至輕度污染(RPI值2.25),達成年度預定目標。而忠義橋RPI值為4.5,仍屬中度污染,未來將忠義橋下排水道污水改善後,期待能將忠義橋污染程度降至輕度污染。二、許可審查及資料建檔計畫期程內建檔數量共計383件,其中以巡查記錄單的建檔量256件最高。此外定期申報115件次,1月和7月各一次均已完成【1月(69件次)和7月(46件次)】,水措及許可申請案件目前已完成44件次。三、事業污染源稽查管制作業針對轄境內列管事業進行查核輔導作業,目前計畫期間共計查核256家次,其中查核畜牧業家數(目前列管4家)為11家次;查核工廠(目前列管13家)計有49家次;查核醫院(目前列管15家)計有42家次,針對後湖區稽查44家次。而污泥查核則查核24家次,分別為嘉義基督教醫院和嘉義市肉品市場各12次。已完成全部10家次合理化分析(1家停工),經由合理性分析結果選定較可疑對象有:1.新明利五金加工廠、2.志錪有限公司、3.清震實業股份有限公司和4.巨裕五金鐵鍊二廠等4家,針對這4家事業單位,除了例行性巡查、放流水採樣外,還加強晨、夜間稽查的頻率。在檢驗放流水方面共檢驗133家次,其中有放流水水質不符合該事業放流水水質標準共有11家次,均已進行處分,並輔導業者改善。四、偷排監錄作業及暗管調查於4月底和5月初分別於合適的水路上擺設水質儀器進行各5次連續自動監測,監測過程未發現本市畜牧業有偷排的行為,而在後湖區監測發現排水溝水質有異常情形,經逐步清查發現上游端的4家電鍍業者相當可疑,列為優先稽查對象。本市目前共查獲暗管4根,第1根於4月初在後湖區集中工業污水道上發現,經7日公告無人認領後予以拆除;第2根則於5月19日在世華醫院的處理設備旁查獲,已進行處分並要求其提出改善方案;第3根7月13日稽查人員於嘉義鐵線後方廢水處理設備旁發現有一不明管線開關閥,廠區內排水溝疑似廢水侵蝕的痕跡殘留,立即要求業者期限內完成改善將不明管線移除或封閉;第4根10月17日巡視遠東機械公司放流管線時,於舊處理槽體附近發現一處可疑的管路,且周遭有疑似鐵鏽的污泥殘留,因此要求業者將此管路封閉,並將放流口遷移至廠區外方便觀察的位置,以便確實掌控業者處理情形。五、水環境河川巡守志工隊實施成果在水環境巡守志工隊運作上預計辦理2場教育訓練和2場清淨河川活動,目前已辦理2場教育訓練巡守隊員人數累計124人次,及10場次清淨河川活動,參與人數累計307人次。六、其他配合辦理事項本年度預計辦理2場次法規說明會。第1場於4月21日針對69家列管事業辦理第1場,說明會出席率高達67家次;第2場於11月23日針對70家列管事業辦理第2場,說明會出席率高達65家次,主要對業者說明法令與換發應注意事項,與定期申報的相關事宜,業者出席踴躍,成效良好。預計辦理3場次生活污水減量說明會,目前已於4月23日、6月27日和10月13日辦理共3場次累計212人次,主要宣導生活污水對環境的衝擊和如何做到減少生活污水的產生,另一重點在於化糞池定期清理。 Analysis and Improvement of River Water Quality, Feasibility Study and Management Programme The Riu Chou River Water Pollution Elimination Project (WPEP) is an initiative of the Jia Yi Environmental Protection Bureau for the “Analysis and Improvement of River Water Quality, Feasibility Study and Management Programme”. As per the engagement contract (project engagement term - 14 June to 31 December 2004), End of Phase reporting must be presented periodically; as such, the project scope and deliverables are as follows 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局
32117255 限制過度包裝推動計畫 本計畫配合多次(93年度與94年度中秋節、94年度春節)指定產品包裝調查分析作業,評估先前研擬管制措施之可行性,並彙整調查分析結果與相關公聽會反映意見,檢討限制產品過度包裝管制措施內容與相關標準,據以正式公告政策內容。此外,本計畫依據公告政策內容,協助研擬相關配套措施並開發稽查作業執行平台,協助訓練地方執行機關稽查人員,為未來政策正式實施做準備。由180件指定產品包裝調查分析結果顯示,完全移轉國外相關制度管制標準並不盡然完全適用於國內產品包裝特性。以93年中秋節調查分析作業得知,產品個包裝為影響包裝空間比例值計算之重要關鍵,尤其糕餅類產品個包裝情形繁複,移轉自國外(韓國)之計算方法無法兼顧產品包裝安全與公平管制需求,以至產生空間比例為負值情形等,皆無法符合一般民眾觀感,因此確有檢討改良產品體積測量與計算方式必要。改良後包裝空間比例後之包裝體積比值,能提供包括(1).易於一般民眾判定,簡化管制標準;(2).連結包裝材質,鼓勵使用單一材質包裝材料;(3).避免量測計算後判定紛爭與(4).滿足國內產業需求,保障國內產業利益等功能,且係屬我國獨創,深具永續發展意義。配合政策推動需求,本計畫提供包括稽查作業草案、個案審查作業要點、檢驗機構收費標準、設計執行手冊與折頁與架設政策網站等,並藉由召開21場次政策說明會、3場次訓練會議、辦理市售產品包裝調查結果宣導記者會與綠色包裝評選(59件產品參選)及表揚活動等,宣導政策推動內容。然未來工作推動仍需強化政策說明與執行平台功能、持續了解管制指定產品包裝情形,並建立系統性績效評估機制,以評估檢討政策實施後執行成效。 Excessive Packaging Restriction Promotion Project The availability of previous enforcement draft is evaluated in accordance with the analysis results of packaging of designated products that were sampled at three holiday’s durations (Y2004 and Y2003 Moon Festival and Y2004 Chinese New Year). The regulated item and criteria were then reviewed by several public hearing meetings and relative recommendations were adapted to propose the final enforcement.The analysis results of local 180 designated products packaging demonstrated the incompatibility of packaging measurement and criteria of similar scheme, the characteristics of individual packaging and its measurement plays the key rules in packaging space ratio calculation. The packaging space ratio of local pastry product even shows negative value, on the basis of previous enforcement draft (revised from Korean scheme). Thus, further revision for both packaging measurement and regulated item is required. The packaging volume ratio is proposed. The advantages include (1).simplified measurement and calculation method, (2).linkage with packaging material which encourages single packaging material, (3).avoid possible measurement disputes and (4).satisfy local product packaging needs and protect nation industry’s interest. The creative management design offers an important practice example in further source reduction policy reference. To assist the implementation, the audit procedure, application procedure of exempted product permit, charge evaluation of product packaging test and implementation guideline are drafted. The draft was evaluated through 21 policy promotion meetings and 3 implementation agency training courses. Moreover, several press meetings for product packaging analysis results announcements and green design product award were hold to promote the enforcement.Necessary preparation works like enforcement content promotion, strengthen platform function, product packaging analysis and criteria for performance evaluation is recommended. 093 廢管處 財團法人環境與發展基金會
32117256 知識管理系統建置(第一階段) 行政院環保署依據行政院頒訂之「加強行政院所屬各機關研發創新實施要點」,希望推展一個具有整合與擴充性的知識管理與員工入口網的系統平台,整合單一登入的機制,一方面逐步將以往開發的個別資訊系統予以整合,同時也期望將各系統所累積的知識訊息加以合併,以利於整體性知識的再利用。凌網科技股份有限公司自2004年承接「知識管理系統建置案(第一階段)」計畫之後,即積極配合環保署監資處進行需求分析、設計、及開發工作,「知識管理系統建置案(第一階段)」專案內容包括以下個部份︰ (1). 建立環境保護署網站設計規範(94年7月15日已完成署內審查)。(2). 建構環保署內部企業入口網站、整併現有署內的網站及管理介面。(3). 發展環保署施政工作行事曆系統。(4). 建構環保署知識文件管理系統。(環保業務知識樹的分析已於94年7月已完成署內審查)(5). 建置環境資訊資源知識管理系統與整合現有環境資料庫中的詮釋資料庫。(6). 提供智慧搜尋服務。(7). 發展環保署會議室及派車管理系統,整併主管會報(重要會議紀錄)。(8). 依循「環保署網站建置規範」設計之「環保署內部企業入口網站及知識管理系統」並開發批次文件(網路文件)系統。(9). 公告管理及應用系統管理系統已上線。目前上述系統已完成上線,可是知識管理是一個持續的課題,必須隨時檢討成效並調整推動方式,方能成就一個完整的知識管理平台。故未來的工作中,建議採取以下的方式推動:(1). 成立「知識管理工作推動小組」推動知識管理相關之評比及獎勵措施。(2). 增加知識蒐集的引擎,自動自外界中收集相關的知識物件。(3). 整合現有網站的資訊,讓現有資料能得到更廣泛的應用。 ROC Environmental Knowledge Management Project ( Phase One ) The Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (EPA) hopes to develop an integrated and extendable Knowledge Management and Employee Portal System Platform to integrate the Single-Sign-On mechanism and to integrate individual legacy systems gradually based on the “Implementation Principle of Enhancing the Research and Development of Executive Yuan Subordinate Organizations” issued by Executive Yuan. It also hopes to combine the Knowledge Information accumulated from other legacy systems to facilitate the reuse of overall knowledgement.Since 2004, Hyweb Technology Co., Ltd started to cooperate with ROC Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in developing the “Knowledge Management Development Project (Phase I)” with full dedication and enthusiasm in every aspect, including Requirement Analysis, System Design and System Development. The “Knowledge Management Development Project (Phase I)” includes the following sections:(1). Building EPA Websites Design and Development Standard (Approved at 2005/7/15)(2). Rebuilding EPA Enterprise Information Portal (EIP), and integrating existing Intranets and Management Interface(3). Developing EPA Governmental Calendar System(4). Building EPA Knowledge Document Management System。(The Environmental Affair Knowledge Tree Architecture has been approved July, 2005.(5). Building Environmental Information and Knowledge Management System and developing Mata Data System and completing the integration with existing data.(6). Providing Intelligent Searching Service(7). Developing EPA Meeting Room Management System and Car Dispatching System and integrating the Document Authorization Management System into the intra system(8). In accordance with EPA Websites Design and Development Standard to design the myEPA@Work Intranet Portal and Knowledge Management System and developing the Batch Document (Networking Document) System(9). Accomplishing the announcement Management System and Application System Management InterfaceCurrently, all the above systems have been accomplished and getting on-line. However, Knowledge Management is not a one-time effort event but a continuous challenge. It takes routine reviews and methodology fine-tunes to accomplish a complete Knowledge Management Platform. Therefore, to facilitate the Platform building, the following steps are suggested.(1). Building up “Knowledge Management Improvement Team” to develop the critical performance index and incentive policy regarding Knowledge Management.(2). Enhancing the knowledge Searching Engine to collect related knowledge objects automatically.(3). Integrating the information of existing website to enrich and broaden the usage of existing data. 093 監資處 凌網科技股份有限公司
32117257 事業廢棄物建置基線資料及流向管制計畫 行政院環保署事業廢棄物管制中心,為使業者依法妥善進行貯存清理行為並符合申報要求,落實事業廢棄物管制工作,有賴具有相關技術或輔導經驗之機構與人員協助辦理輔導之工作,特成立「事業廢棄物建置基線資料與流向管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),以輔導及強化事業負責人、申報人及受託清理人對相關環保法規之認知,並依法配合辦理事業廢棄物管制工作。事業廢棄物管制公告事業應以網路傳輸方式申報廢棄物之產出、貯存、清除、處理、再利用、輸出及輸入情形。至94年12月31日止,列管基線資料事業家數40,558家,應上網申報事業共計17,203家,已有16,293家事業已上網申報,申報率為95.21%;應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業名單,三批次合計13,740家,已送審13,460家,送審率達98%,審查通過率亦達92.5%,皆已達年度目標值。另外,在解除應上網申報事業名單中,現場檢核32,742家事業,其中判定恢復應上網申報有845家。?了統合清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,完成彙編十四類(155行業細項)行業別之「原物料、產品及廢棄物對應關聯表」、「事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例」及「審查作業手冊」,以為事業機構及主管機關作業之憑藉。目前,清理計畫書分別利用人工與電腦檢核事業,其中,人工檢核針對第一、二批清理計畫書,包括檢核73個行業別,總共6,362家事業;電腦檢核則針對第三批清理計書,檢核119個行業別,總共6,114家事業。針對全國事業廢棄物,截至94年12月31日止,一般事業廢棄物申報量為11,206,600公噸,有害事業廢棄物申報量則為1,074,625公噸,總計12,281,225公噸,其清理行為主要為再利用方式,佔70%,其次為佔19%之委託或共同處理。針對事業廢棄物進行流向追蹤勾稽,共完成勾稽19,378家次,將勾稽異常名單進行輔導作業並提交管制中心進行後續查察,更成立47項專案進行追蹤,目前移送家數2,206家,稽查總家數1,815家,其中告發183家並處分23家。對於事業申報資料進行QA/QC作業,遏止環境犯罪發生。本計畫執行成果可歸納為四點:1.基線資料趨向完整與合理,2.事業機構對廢棄物申報習慣已見成效,3.掌握80%事業廢棄物之流向,有效嚇阻不法棄置情事發生,4.透過申報資料的完整性,可評估清除處理設施設否足夠,進而作為民眾投資方向之參考依據。 The Industrial Wastes Database Management and Flow Control Administration Project The Environmental Protection Administration Industrial Wastes Management Center was established for the purpose to form a professional organization that could provide technical consultation and assistance to the industrial plants owners, operators and wastes disposal contractors to thoroughly understand and in compliance with relevant environmental protection regulations, so therefore the Industrial Wastes Database Management and Flow Control Administration Project (this project) was established to carry out the tasks. The Industrial Wastes Management Center has publicized the categories of industries required for periodical on-line declaration of their wastes production, storage, disposal, treatment, reuse, exporting and importing status. Until December 23, 2005, the database showed 40,558 plants listed under control and out of the 17,203 plants required for on-line declaration, 16,293 plants have complied with this requirement, the on-line declaration compliance rate is 95.21%. And, from the 13,740 Plants required to submit Industrial Wastes Disposal Plan in 3 stages, 13,460 plants have submitted, making the submission rate at 98%, and the approval of the submitted plans has also reached 92.5%, both the submission and approval rates have reached the project goal set for this year. In addition, field auditing has been conducted to the list of 32,742 plants exempted from on-line declaration to get 845 plants back on the on-line declaration requirement. In order to unify and improve the Disposal Plan editing and review quality, this project completed the edition of the 14 industrial categories (155 industries) – “Raw Material, Products and Wastes Listing”, “Industrial Wastes Disposal Plan Reference Guide” and “Review Operation Handbook”, for industrial sectors and environmental bureaus operation guidance. Currently, the Disposal Plans have been reviewed by manual inspection and computerized program. The stage 1 and stage 2 submitted disposal plans were reviewed by manually for 73 industries for a total of 6,362 plants. The stage 3 submitted Disposal Plans were reviewed by computer program for 119 industries for a total of 6,114 plants. The nationwide industrial wastes statistics up to December 31, 2005, showed the declared amounts were 11,206,600 tons for general industrial wastes, 1,074,624 tons for hazardous industrial wastes, which gave a total of 12,281,225 tons. The statistics further showed reuse to be the major disposal method, occupying 70% of the wastes generated, followed by contracted or joint treatment that occupied 19%. This project runs routine cross-checks of industrial wastes flow and lists suspicious plants for follow-up and consultation. A total of 19,378 plants were checked, 47 special task projects were conducted, 2,206 plants were investigated, 1,815 plants were audited, among them 183 plants were prosecuted, and 23 plants were fined. The QA/QC of industries declared information has successfully prevented environmental crimes from occurring. To summarize, this project has achieved the following 4 points: 1. the database has been improved for its integrity and rationality, 2. the industrial units have got into the habit of periodical on-line declaration, 3. the industrial wastes cross-checks continued to improve its efficiency, 4. the industrial wastes management will continue consultation together with its expanded control program. 093 廢管處 惠元環境資源股份有限公司
32117258 水污染防治費徵收推動前置計畫 本計畫為配合環保署辦理水污染防治費徵收推動前置相關工作,主要工作重點區分為二階段加以執行,其中第一階段(93年底)針對水污染防治費收費辦法草案進行研修,並完成水污染防治費徵收作業流程之細部規劃,包括徵收對象、徵收項目、徵收方式及流程、計費方式、繳費流程及期程、銀行劃解程序等;第二階段(94年底)針對水污染防治費徵收行政程序細部修正,建立水污染防治費收費系統,並提出各項費率試算金額、繳費義務人影響程度及水污染改善誘因分析,另執行相關辦法草案之研修、及協助辦理相關會議及其他與水污染防治費徵收有關庶務工作。規劃水污染防治費分二階段徵收,第一階段於95年1月起向事業(含違章事業)、工業區污水下水道系統徵收,並以化學需氧量(COD)、懸浮固體(SS)為徵收項目;第二階段自98年1月起增加家戶、公共污水下水道系統、社區專用下水道系統等徵收對象,並加徵有害健康物質項目;對於費率之規劃設計,經參考國內外費率資料及國內污染防治成本及產業經濟現況下,以固定費率為基礎,優惠費率為獎勵進行設計,將費率建議值訂為12.5元/公斤 COD、0.62元/公斤 SS,另為使徵收初期的推行更為順暢,對開徵初期的費率予以打折徵收;基金分配比照空污基金,中央與地方以4:6方式分配,未來水污染防治費開徵後,環保署將視實際徵收額度,扣除行政成本後,依一定比例,分配予相關目的事業主管機關進行輔導改善,以完善水污染防治費徵收及使用。 The Water Pollution Control Fees Collection Project The project is to assist EPA in its preparation for the water pollution control fees collection program. Major works in this project were implemented at two stages. In the first stage (to be completed by the end of 2004), task works included the amendment of the Draft Regulation for Water Pollution Control Fees Collection, and completion of detail planning for the water pollution control fees collection operation including collection targets, collection items, collection methods and procedures, calculation methods, fee payment procedures and deadlines, bank accounting procedures, etc.. In the second stage (to be completed by the end of 2005), the project concentrated on detail revisions of the administrative procedures for the water pollution control fees collection and establishment of the water pollution control fees collection computer systems, as well as test calculation on fee rates and analysis on the extent of impact to fee payers and water pollution reduction incentives. The project also carried out relevant regulations revision, meetings coordination, and related administrative works. The water pollution control fees collection is divided into two stages. The first stage will start from January 2006 to collect fees from the industrial sector (including illegal industries) and industrial wastewater sewer system, based on COD and SS discharge. The second stage will start from January 2009 to include households, public wastewater sewer systems, community owned sewer systems as collection targets and expand the collection items to include health hazard materials. The Fee rates planning and design took into consideration of domestic and foreign fee rates reference material, as well as domestic pollution control cost and industrial economy situation. The fee rates were designed on the basis of fixed rates with discounted rates available as incentives. The fee rates are 12.5 NTD/KG COD and 0.62 NTD/KG SS. In order to make a smooth launch of the levy program, the fee rates will be further discounted to begin with and the fund raised will be distributed by a 4 to 6 ratio between the central and the local governments. After the water pollution control fees are collected, EPA will subsidize a certain portion of the funding to the relevant competent industry authorities for consultation and improvement within its jurisdiction to enhance water pollution control fees collection and utilization. 093 水保處 惠元環境資源股份有限公司
32117259 93年度營建工程污染管制計畫 桃園縣「九十三年度營建工程污染管制計畫」期末報告內容摘錄說明期程自93年6月起至94年5月31日止,共歷時12個月,由委辦單位康廷工程顧問企業有限公司協助環保局辦理執行工地巡查管制、空污費徵收、管理辦法查核及宣導等相關管制作業,量化執行成果請參閱1.4節之工作進度表,在背景資料彙整方面,主要針對桃園縣區域環境現況、空氣品質分析及陳情案件等背景資料進行瞭解,統計期程配合各項數據查詢來源以區分統計至93年12月止。主要工作成果摘要如下表所示,詳細之工作內容及成果則分述於各章節中。隨著空污費的徵收邁入了第八個年頭,在營建工程空污費申報作業上由申報導向轉為強調民眾對於申報品質的滿意導向,今年度持續著重於人員整體服務品質的加強。而充實空污基金方面,統計自93年6月至94年5月31日止,本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費平均每月收繳3,828,923元,催收後到繳率達九成以上,且為瞭解未申報工程的狀況,本計畫主動比對資料庫申請資料,藉由巡查來發現異動及未繳案件,共增收空污費2,700萬元。在管制面上,隨著營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法的施行(以下簡稱管理辦法),除以分級巡查、色單控管、到場輔導等行動方案,推動工地主動做好污染防制及道路認養等工作外,更投入人力逐步清查轄內一、二級工地,共完成4,456處次之工地巡查,其中一級工程管理辦法之查核達2,175處次,推動道路洗掃認養方面也盡量以大型工程為優先推動之對象,經多月的洗掃成效查核,發現營建工程認養其週邊道路是維護環境、減少粒狀空氣污染物很好的作法之一,此外,為配合環保署掌握污染源,本計畫積極調查掌握裸露地達23公頃左右,並追蹤查核改善狀況。在宣導作業的執行上,則強調環保署頒佈之管理辦法及新制空污費制度的推廣,在協助廠商瞭解、適應的前提之下,並配合大型營造廠巡迴講習的巡迴講習,一則深入瞭解工地問題,要求落實管理辦法,協助廠商解決污染,二則推廣圍籬綠美化工作,提升企業形象作法,請工地重視環境問題。此外,在污染減量的部分,計畫執行年總逸散粉塵之削減率為37.3%,已達成期初設定目標值35%,最後本計畫經由執行之經驗,提出後續達成減量目標的建議策略。 Construct Pollution Control Project of Tao-yuan County 093 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局
32117260 93年「永續發展與前瞻環境科技發展計畫─亞太經濟合作紅潮毒藻管理」 「永續發展與前瞻環境科技發展計畫—亞太經濟合作紅潮毒藻管理」,主要是配合環保署於亞太經濟合作組織海洋資源保育工作小組(APEC/MRC WG)中執行有害藻華管理計畫的後續工作,除與國內單位相關單位接洽籌備在台主辦「海洋生物技術與資源保育研討會」,撰寫計畫書「建立亞太經濟合作區域內海洋生物技術發展與管理的能力」,爭取亞太經濟合作組織的預算補助。雖提案未能獲得納入議程討論,但獲得加拿大、智利、中國的簽署聯名共同舉辦,同時也獲得泰國、越南、秘魯的支持。同時協調完成加拿大國家研究委員會所執行「藻毒分析方法與標準品、參考品在水產品安全認證上的開發與驗證」成果報告(我國為計畫總監),參加並提第17屆APEC海洋資源保育工作小組會議報告。完成蒐集國外在防範有害藻華之發生與執行相關管理計畫,配合國內沿岸地區水域有害藻華監測與管理策略,彙編「沿海水域有害藻華監控與管理策略」,以作為國內立法、行政管理、學術研究管理架構之參考。使我國在紅潮毒藻管理制度上與世界接軌。 Sustainable Development and Prospective Environmental Technology Development Program: Asia Pacific Economy Cooperation Red Tide and Toxic Algae Managmenet Research Project “Sustainable Development and Prospective Environmental Technology Development Program: Asia Pacific Economy Cooperation Red Tide and Toxic Algae Management Research Project” is to assist Environment Protection Adminitration, ROC to carry out the follow-up of Harmful Algal Bloom Management and Mitigation Program of the Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRC WG), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Within this project, several discussions and meetings with the related agencies to host a Marine Biotechnology and Resource Conservation Symposium have been carried out and a proposal named ‘Capacity Building on the Development and Management of Marine Biotechnology within APEC Region’ of this symposium related was drafted for the APEC central fund support. Unfortunately this proposal was declined for late submission but it got supports from Thailand, Vietnam, Peru, Canada, Chile and China, especially Canada, Chile and China as co-proponents. A final report of the project ‘Development and Validation of Phycotoxin Analytical Methods, Standards and Reference Materials for Seafood Product Certification and Safety’ was alsofinalized in this project and presented in the 17th APEC MRCWG meeting. This project was implemented by IMB, Canada and overseen by EPA, Taiwan. A book entitled ‘Strategy of Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Management along the Coast of Taiwan’ was also drafted in this project after searching the related information around the world and the current situation in Taiwan. This book is planned to be used as a guide book for the policy maker, management and researchers in order to build the management capacity of our country to match the world standards. 093 永續發展室 中華藻類學會
32117261 94年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-移動污染源稽查管制計畫 機車已是目前我國最普遍的私人交通工具,但是因單位面積機車數量太多,使其在都市環境走走停停的車況下,所產生的各種污染物,對人體及環境造成了相當大的危害。更由於國人長年來之使用習慣,對機車之保養維修工作十分缺乏,導致機車的污染排放亦成為空氣污染的重要來源之一。有鑑於此,環保局對機車排放廢氣的管制實施了多項措施,包括有:機車使用中車輛之定檢與攔檢工作、辦理戶外宣導、檢驗站管理等希望透過多重的把關,能徹底改善機車污染之排放。1.機車攔巡查作業截至94年12月31日已完成12,563輛次,其中攔查6,839輛次,巡查回覆5,724輛次,進度達成率為125.6%。2.二行程機車攔檢作業截至94年12月31日已完成3,684輛次,進度達成率為122.8%,不合格數為1,385輛,不合格率為37.6%,已完成複驗為1,151輛,複驗率為83.1%。3.檢驗站查核評鑑截至94年12月31日已完成360家次之查核,進度達成率為100%,其中I03及I05查核嚴重缺失已完成處份並已輔導改善。4.逾期二次通知到檢截至94年12月31日已完成21,000份通知到檢,已回覆數為9,151輛,回覆率為43.6%。5.檢驗站儀器氣體比對截至94年12月31日已完成6次180家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為125%。第1次比對有9家,第2次比對有2家,第3次比對有4家,第4次比對有4家,第5次比對有2家儀器偏差率超過6%,第6次比對有5家儀器偏差率超過6%,經實施重新校正後全部合乎規定值。6.宣導活動作業截至94年12月31日已完成1場大型、2場小型宣導活動,共計免費檢測1,586輛次,不合格236輛次,複驗217輛次,複驗率為91.9%。7.問卷調查截至94年12月31日執行成果問卷調查,針對轄區機車使用人進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷850份。8.檢驗站實車查核4月份第一次檢驗站實車查核,共執行29家30站次,有6家經查核發現缺失,其中有2家違反空氣污染防制法及檢驗站管理辦法之規定,目前2家已處分,另一次於10月份執行檢驗站實車查核,共執行28家29佔次(I03停站中),有7家經查核發現缺失,已呈報環保局並於12月22日舉辦缺失改善檢討會。9.94年度工作績效考評表依據94年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評指標及評分標準,在移動污染源機車部份可掌握分數應得12%,目前實得12%。 Chiayi City s Air Quality Improvement and Maintenance Plan of the Fiscal Year of 2005 - The Mobile Source Air Pollution Audit Monitoring Program Motorcycle becomes the most popular vehicle in Taiwan. The amount of motorcycle per unit area is too high. In urban area, motorcycle stop and go frequently, it results in serious air pollution which causes diverse effect to the human health and environment. Furthermore, most people lack of concept of maintenance that causes it becomes major source of air pollution. The Bureau of Environmental Protection conducts several control measures to the emission of motorcycle: regular check and curbside check, outdoor promotion, the management of inspection station. 1. Motorcycle curbside check and patrol checkThere are 12563 motorcycles were checked before 2005/12/31. The curbside check was completed 6839 motorcycles. The reply of patrol check was 5724 motorcycles. The rate of fulfillment is 125.6%.2. The curbside check of two stroke motorcycleThere are 3684 motorcycles were checked before 2005/12/31. The rate of fulfillment is 122.8%. There are 1385 motorcycles failed to pass the check. The failure rate is 37.6%. The completion of recheck motorcycles were 1151. The recheck rate is 83.1%.3. The audit and review of inspection stationThere are 360 times audit and review of inspection station before 2005/12/31. The rate of fulfillment is 100%. The station of I03 and I05 were found serious defect. They both get certain penalty and assist them to improve.4. Fail to check after second notificationThere are 21000 motorcycles were noticed to check before 2005/12/31. The reply of motorcycle is 9151. The rate of reply is 43.6%.5. The correlation of equipment and gas of inspection stationThere are 180 times correlation of equipment and gas of inspection station before 2005/12/31. The rate of fulfillment is 125%. The variation of some station were over the criteria of 6%. All of them were meet the criteria after the recalibration.6. Promotion activityThis project completes one large and two small scale promotion activities. There were 1586 motorcycles were inspected during the promotion. About 263 motorcycles failed to pass the check and 217 motorcycles were rechecked. The rate of recheck is 91.9%.7. Questionnaire investigationThis project conducts the questionnaire investigation before 2005/12/31. The recovery of effective questionnaire approached to 850 copies.8. The real motorcycle audit in station The first real motorcycle audit in station was held in April 2005. It conducts 30 times of audit. There are several defects were found in six stations. Two of them violated Clean Air Control Act and the rule of inspection station management. Both of them got the penalty. The second real motorcycle audit in station was held in October 2005. It conducts 29 times of audit. There are several defects were found in seven stations. The report to EPB and improvement meeting were held on 2005/12/22.9. Performance assessmentAccording to the performance index and rating criteria of air quality management plan, the target score of this project should be 12%. The real score of this project is 12% at this moment. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局第二課
32117262 94年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫 本報告資料統計日期自94年1月10日至94年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度說明如下1.柴油車動力計檢測:本計畫自94年1月10日至94年12月31日,柴油車到檢完成檢測有1909輛次,其中不合格者為81輛,不合格率為4.2%。2.在油品抽驗部分,本計畫共完成油品抽查735件,送檢驗者180件,已完成檢驗180件,總計有50件超過法規標準,不合格率27.8%。3.路邊攔檢本計畫共完成441輛,不合格數有77輛,不合格率為17.5%。民眾檢舉烏賊車案件亦較往年減少,已顯現本市柴油車管制成效。4.本計畫每兩週執行四小時假日檢測,車主確有這方面的服務需求,本站亦將持續提供假日檢測供民眾利用。5.目視判煙作業,執行柴油車目視判煙紀錄2439輛次,篩選通知到站檢驗2159輛次作業中,已到本站檢測的810輛中,有45輛檢測不合格,38輛退驗複驗,不合格率為5.6%。6.環保署檢測資料庫連線系統建置,以配合車測中心完成資料庫系統連線安裝作業並上傳測試中。7.94年度環保署動力計檢測站評鑑,本市檢測站已完成二次評鑑,總平均分數為85.58,名列A級。及94.9.23共舉辦二場次客貨運宣導座談會,針對環保署油品政策及本市環保局針對柴油車管制稽查新措施進行宣導,出席率皆有達9成以上。9.受理民眾檢舉依環保署94年民眾檢舉函覆率之計算期程及計算方式,統計至94年1月至94年12月31日,嘉義市共受理人民檢舉案件150件,函覆率達97.3%。10.本計畫今年度之更新經費共計為新台幣陸拾參萬貳仟陸佰元整。 2005 Chiayi city air quality improvement plan and diesel cars power gauge smoke emission inspection station project. In order to improve the air quality of Chiayi City and give the citizen a cleaner environment, the Chiayi City environmental protection Bureau according to the target and spirits of Air Pollution Control Act promote regular emission inspection of diesel engine vehicle. This project focuses on the vehicles that drive in Chiayi City. Through the smoking vehicle complaints to the authorities by public, and then the authorities notify the owner of vehicle to be inspected in emission inspection station. The quality of diesel fuel was tested in sampling in gas station or hold up the trucks on the curb, in order to control the illegal diesel fuel that contains higher sulfur. The statistics data in this report are dated from 2005/1/10~12/31. The performance of this project is described as follows:1. Diesel engine vehicle smoke inspection: There 1909 vehicles were inspected during 2005/1/10~12/31. About 81 vehicles were failed by the smoke check. The failure rate of the smoke check is 4.2%.2. Diesel Fuel test: This project has completed 735 diesel fuel samplings in the test of fuel quality. There are 180 samples was analyzed totally. There are 50 samples can not meet the criteria. The failure rate is 27.8%.3. This project complete 441 vehicles smoke checks on the curbside. There are 77 vehicles fail to smoke check. The failure rate is 17.5%. The report of smoking vehicle complaint was decreased.4. This project provides 4 hours holiday inspecting service which is needed by the owner of vehicle.5. The operation of smoke check by eye on the roadway completes 2439 vehicles. The notifications were sent out 2159 vehicles. There are 810 vehicles were inspected in our station. There are 45 vehicles fail to the smoke check and 38 vehicles were rechecked. The failure rate is 5.6%.6. The connection of database of EPA was established. The uploading operation was tested.7. The review of inspection station was conducted by EPA. The score of our station was 85.58 and categorized as A class. 8. There are two promotions on 2005/4/22 and 2005/9/23. The fuel policy of EPA and the control measure of Chiayi EPB were introduced to the owner of vehicle.9. The reply rate of smoking vehicle complaint in Chiayi City was 97.3%.10. The funding of this project is NT$ 632,600. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局
32117263 嘉義市牛稠溪(牛稠溪橋以上)、八掌溪(軍輝橋以上)水質整體規劃及細部設計計畫 本局執行「嘉義市牛稠溪(牛稠溪橋以上)、八掌溪(軍輝橋以上)水質整體規劃及細部設計計畫」,執行期程至94年12月31日止,計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、流域背景調查分析綜合環保署和本局的監測站對牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)流經本市河段部分之水質分析後,可發現主流部分,自盧山橋上游就有來自嘉義縣部分畜牧業的污水排入,除了華興橋站以外(丁類水體),三個主流段監測站水質標準合格率均為0。而到了牛稠溪橋後河段的水質因有來自嘉義縣民雄大排(工業廢水及生活污水)、本市三大排水、集合住宅的生活污水與後湖工業區工業廢水等大量污染物排入,使牛稠溪主流河段(流經本市部分)污染嚴重,因此牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)河段整治實在是刻不容緩。八掌溪在本市境內的軍輝橋和忠義橋RPI值分別為2.75和3.75,較93年平均RPI值(均為6)降低了許多(一部份可能與94年度雨量特別豐富有關),未來若本區段的水質改善工程完成後,可望能再降低污染程度。但是需留意的是忠義橋BOD濃度偏高,主要為2、3兩月份的監測數值較高,探究其原因可能受到橋下排入的污水,再加上枯水期流量較少所致,因此到了4月份以後,雨量變大後濃度立即下降所多。整體而言計畫區內污染不算嚴重,因此應盡早規劃保護,以免水質污染惡化。二、流域污染源調查與分析關於髒亂點調查部分,八掌溪流域共查獲4處,牛稠溪流域共查獲4處,均已清除。污染源調查部分,八掌溪部分,總計有8個主要排入之排水道,其中流量最大的為忠義橋正下方的管線所排出的污水,流量高達5,000 CMD,為本區段最大污染源。牛稠溪部分,總計約有21個主要排入牛稠溪的排水道,其中流量最大的為民雄排水系統的管線所排出的污水,流量8,000 CMD左右。另已針對八掌溪2處排水與牛稠溪5處排水,於假日與非假日各一日進行連續24小時採混合水樣(頻率每2小時採樣1次)、流量測定(頻率每2小時採樣1次)之監測調查及檢驗,其中BOD平均濃度以忠義橋正下方排水污染值最高(BOD值高達140 mg/L),而總鉻和六價鉻平均濃度以後湖區排水污染值較高。三、污染量推估與水質模式建立經推估牛稠溪(流經本市部分)各集污區污染源BOD、NH3-N與TN之排放量後,其中生化需氧量約為11,568.8 Kg/Day,以家庭污水所佔比重較大(約佔91.1%);而氨氮排放量為1,941.4 Kg/Day,亦以家庭污水所佔比重較大(約佔82.2%);而總氮排放量為3,184.3 Kg/Day,亦以家庭污水所佔比重較大(約佔83.6%)。經推估八掌溪(流經本市部分)各集污區污染源BOD、NH3-N與TN之排放量後,其中生化需氧量約為2,532.0 Kg/Day,以家庭污水所佔比重較大(約佔94.3%);而氨氮排放量為407.9 Kg/Day,亦以家庭污水所佔比重較大(約佔88.7%);而總氮排放量為694.9 Kg/Day,亦以家庭污水所佔比重較大(約佔86.8/%)。另外已將調查牛稠溪與八掌流域之水文、流量資料彙整及歷年水質資料進行參數率定,並建立兩流域之水質模式,模擬BOD、氨氮、DO水質變化情形,模擬情形良好。四、水質淨化工程規劃設計執行為改善八掌溪軍輝橋河段之水質,目標為使其由中度污染改善為輕度污染,已調查八掌溪上游河段忠義橋下有一處污染源,水量約佔5,000 CMD,水質嚴重污染,對忠義橋和軍輝橋等2測站影響相當大,除已調查出排入此處排水道之事業以三益紙業股份有限公司廢水為最大宗(許可最大排放總量為675CMD),進而從源頭管制,另外目前已針對八掌溪軍輝橋至忠義橋河段規劃水質淨化系統。由於嘉義縣環保局也有意在忠義橋下進行水質改善工程,為此環保署將兩個方案以管線連結方式串連成一個大系統,嘉義縣環保局上游段因源水水質污染相當嚴重故其工法採用礫間處理系統,將以泵浦抽忠義橋下污水約5,000 CMD,然後將處理過的水源在以管線接到下游處本局的規劃場址,因水質已經過礫間處理系統處理改善許多,所以本局直接以人工溼地方式處理。本場址的人工溼地自然淨化系統處理流程為:忠義橋下排水路的污水經嘉義縣環保局礫間處理系統淨化後,利用管路將水導入自然淨化系統中。依序流經:草澤溼地→埤塘溼地→植生浸潤床→輸管線→景觀生態池→放流流量計。淨化後的水資源進入中水再利用系統後,可供應親水公園全區的澆灌用水,多餘水量則排放回八掌溪河道中。 The water quality detail designing project for Nyo-tzo river and Ba-Zan river in Cha-yi city The project “The water quality detail designing project for Nyo-tzo river and Ba-Zan river in Cha-yi city” finished at Dec. 31st, 2005. This project is divided into four parts, which are described as followed,A. The investigation and analysis of river background informationAccording to the Nyo-tzo river (Pu-Zi river water basin) water quality analysis done by Taiwan EPA and our bureau, we found that at the main river branch, wastewater was discharged near Lu-San bridge inspection station by some stock breeding farmers. Besides Hua-sing bridge station, all the water quality qualified rates for the other three stations turned out to be zero. As for the water quality of the end session of Nyo-tzo river bridge, due to the enormous amount of wastewater discharged from Ming-shun sewage system (industrial wastewater and household wastewater), three major sewage systems in Cha-yi city, residential household wastewater and the industrial wastewater from Ho-Hu industrial park, the main Nyo-tzo river branch flows through Cha-yi city is seriously polluted.The RPI values for Ba-Zan river water quality near Guen-hue bridge and Jung-Yi bridge are 2.75 and 3.75 respectively; these values are much lower than the average RPI value of the year 2004. In the future, if the water quality improvement project is completed, the pollution level can be further reduced. However, the BOD level near Jung-Yi bridge is elevated; this is due to the more frequent inspections at the months of February and March. It can also be attributed to the wastewater discharged near the bridge, and also the lower water level due to the dry season. After April, the pollutant concentrations lowered due to the higher amount of rain. As a whole, the water pollution is not very serious, therefore, more precaution should be taken to prevent the worsen of water quality. B. Pollution sources investigation and analysisFor the investigation of pollution sources, 4 spots were found by Ba-Zan river basin, another 4 spots by Nyo-tzo river basin; they all have been cleaned up. There are 8 water discharging channels by Ba-Zan river basin; among them, the one near Jung-Yi bridge has highest water flow (up to 5,000 CMD), by far the biggest pollution source in this area. As for Nyo-tzo river basin, there are 21 main water discharging channels; Ming-shun sewage system has the highest water flow (around 8,000CMD).During the holidays and non-holidays, continuous 24-hr water sampling (mixed samples, samples being taken every two hours) has been performed at 2 water discharging channels near Ba-Zan river basin and 5 spots near Nyo-tzo river basin. Water flow measurements were also done (measurements were taken every two hours). The results showed that the average BOD concentrations is the highest near Jung-Yi bridge (BOD value is as high as 140 mg/L); average concentrations of total –Chromiun and Cr6+ have the highest values at Ho-Hu water channel. C. Estimation of the amount of pollution and water quality modelsThe amount of BOD, NH3-N and TN being produced is estimated to be 11,568.8 kg/day for BOD (household wastewater takes up higher percentage, around 94.3%), 407.9 kg/day for NH3-N (household wastewater also takes up higher percentage, around 88.7%), and 694.9 kg/day for TN (household wastewater takes up around 86.8%).In addition, the water quality data, water flow data and annual water quality data of both Nyo-tzo river basin and Ba-Zan river basin have been compiled to establish a suitable water models. How values of BOD, NH3-N and DO fluctuate within the river basins can be estimate precisely by using the models.D. Designing and enforcement of water clarification projectThis project mains to improve the water quality near Guen-hue bridge (Ba-Zan river basin) and to reduce the pollution from seriously polluted to moderately-polluted. An investigation has been done regarding one major pollution source near Jung-Yi bridge (upper Ba-Zan river basin) that has water flow of 5,000 CMD and the water is seriously polluted. This has great effect on the test stations near Jung-Yi bridge and Guen-hue bridge. San-Yi pulp-and-paper factory has been found to produce the highest amount of wastewater (water flow up to 675 CMD). Water clarification system has been planned to clean up the water body in between Guen-hue bridge (Ba-Zan river basin) and Jung-Yi bridge.Cha-Yi county EPA also has the intention to start a water clarification project near Jung-Yi bridge. Therefore, the Taiwan EPA utilized one big water pipe for connecting tow locations into one big system. The upper river in charged by Cha-Yi county EPA has serious water pollution problem, therefore, a stone-treatment system is utilized. 5,000CMD of wastewater is pumped to be treated. The treated clean water is then shipped to a designated location near the lower river. Since the water quality is improved after being treated, it is finally polished by using an artificial wetland. The water treatment process for our wetland system follows the steps,1. the wastewater discharged thorough Jung-Yi bridge water channel is treated by the stone-treatment system of Cha-Yi county EPA. 2. The water goes through a pipe into the final natural clarification system. 3. The total processes: bush wetland, swamp wetland, immersion bed, pipe, ecosystem lake, and finally, water meter. The treated water is recycled for the irrigation of the whole park, and the extra water goes back to Ba-Zan river basin. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局、環保署
32117264 嘉義市94年度空氣品質改善維護計畫-固定污染源許可稽查管制及揮發性有機物稽查管制與輔導減量計畫 本計畫已完成215家更新維護作業,其中有6家停工後篩除、清查209家。經更新及擴充作業後本市污染源排放量異動為Par減少121.54公噸/年、SOx減少57.28公噸/年、NOx減少57.15公噸/年,VOC減少60.95公噸/年,CO減少5.19公噸/年。在許可申請作業方面,本市第1至7批符合公告條件,需提出申請者共有71個製程,皆已提出申請;統計各類許可證之申請案件,分別1家設置、2家設置變更、2家操作許可申請、9家操作許可異動、3家許可展延、換發許可證3家,共計20個製程之申請;皆已完成審查並核發許可證。許可核發後續查核作業,按照許可排放量、製程所屬公告批次等條件,排定查核順序,計已完成42個製程之查核,其中經查核不符應辦理異動或變更者有7家,4家完成異動申請、1家退補件中、尚有2家因處半停工狀態而遲遲未提出申請,持續督促業者提出異動或變更申請。本計畫共有44件公私場所提報檢測結果報告書,分別為操作許可檢測4 件、許可定期申報23件,、公告第1、2批定檢16件、處分後改善報告書1件。前述各類檢測報告,審查過程中發現有缺或不合理者,均要求補正,完成審查之44件申報結果均符合法規標準,已完成核定。本市94年第1季至第3季空氣污染防制費計已徵收294,029元,本計畫並完成9家次催補繳、12次查核,目前94年第3季空污費均已完成申報。在稽巡查管制作業方面,共執行722次的稽(巡)查,包括陳情案稽查計202件、一般稽查227件,以及配合各項法令政策之巡查計293件。在資料處理與電腦檔案管理方面,共完成1134件文書資料建檔,1376件電腦建檔。經由電腦污染排放總量推估,目前本市列管之粒狀物排放量為102.62公噸/年、硫氧化物54.69公噸/年、氮氧化物290.59公噸/年、揮發性有機物為287.92公噸/年、一氧化碳176.85公噸/年。 94 Chiayi air quality improvement maintenance plan - fixed source of pollution permission examination control and VOCs counselling decrement plan This plan has completed 215 renewal and maintenance work, after including 6 to shut down and rejects,checks 209.This city source of pollution withdrawal change is Par reduces 121.54 metric ton/years after the renewal and the expansion work,SOx reduces 57.28 metric ton/years,NOx reduces 57.15 metric ton/years,VOC reduces 60.95 metric ton/years,CO reduces 5.19 metric ton/years. In the permission application work aspect,this city 1st conforms to the announcement condition to 7 batch,must propose the applicant altogether has 71 system regulations,all handed in the application;Counts application case each kind of permit, distinguishes 1 to establish,2 establishes the change,2 operates the permission application,9 operates the permission change,3 permitted extends, trades sends permit 3,application total 20 system regulation;1 establishment,1 operation permission application,1 operated the permission change,still in the examination,other then has completed the examination to send in the card. The permission issues after due investigation following checks the work,according to the permission withdrawal,the system regulation respective announcement approves the second-rate condition,sets up checks the order,the idea has completed checking of the 42 system regulation,in which after checks the symbol not to be supposed to handle the change or the change has 7,but 4 completed the change application,in 1 retire and make amends,still has 2 not to hand in the application slowly because of place half work suspension condition,will supervise asks the entrepreneur to propose the change or the change application before the year's end.This plan altogether has 44 public and private places to raise the newspaper examination result report,respectively examines 4,the permission be the operation permission reported regularly 23,after, announced 1,2 batch of regular inspections 16,the punishment improve report 1.The forecited each kind of examination report,in the examination process the discovery has lacks or not the reason,requests to supplement and correct, completes 44th the declaration results examination to conform to the laws and regulations standard,has completed the checking.In 2005,this city 1st season to the 3rd season air pollution guards against system to levy 294,029 Yuan,this plan completes 9 time to urge to pay and submit,12 times checks,at present this year 3rd season air pollution guards against system spends has completed the declaration. Is checking does an inspection to control the work aspect, altogether carries out 645 times checks (patrols) looks up, examines including state counts 191,examines 172 generally,as well as coordinates each law policy to do an inspection idea 282. In the data processing and the computer records management aspect,altogether completes 1134 copy clerk materials to construct the files,1376 computers construct the files. Discharges the total quantity by way of the computer pollution to push estimates, at present this city row tube Par is 102.62 metric ton/years,SOx 54.69 metric ton/years,NOx 290.59 metric ton/years,VOCs is 287.92 metric ton/years,CO 176.85 metric ton/years. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 侯裕文
32117265 九十三年度彰化地區PM10懸浮微粒調查分析與管制計畫 本計畫選擇彰化、二林、湖東及線西等測站,進行兩次粗粒徑(PM10-2.5)及細粒徑(PM2.5)懸浮微粒之密集採樣及其重要污染物之分析。兩次採樣期間分別為94年4月3日至94年4月9日及7月29日至8月3日,分析之項目包括陰陽離子、含碳物質及重金屬等三大類污染。調查結果發現彰化地區之大氣懸浮微粒以細粒徑懸浮微粒為主要成份,約佔PM10之70%左右,兩次採樣結果均發現細粒徑元素碳(EC)之濃度遠高於粗粒徑元素碳之濃度,顯示元素碳主要來自燃燒所排放之污染源。粗細粒徑微粒中之陰陽離子濃度其空間差異大都未達統計上之顯著,但其在時間上之差異卻相當明顯,由於第一次連續7日之採樣期間其氣團變化較大,其時間上之差異較第二次採樣結果更為明顯。第一次採樣之結果,發現陰陽離子濃度在3日及6日均有一較高濃度,但3日其硫酸銨濃度偏高而6日則硝酸銨之濃度偏高,配合逆軌跡及其他污染物資料,推斷3日之高硫酸鹽為長程傳輸之結果,而6日之高硝酸鹽則屬本土性污染之結果。在粗細粒徑微粒中衍生性鹽類之比較上,發現粗粒徑衍生性鹽類(NH4+,SO42-及NO3-)約佔粗粒徑微粒之20%左右,而細粒徑衍生性鹽類佔細粒徑微粒之百分比已超過50%,顯示細粒徑衍生性鹽類在彰化地區對PM2.5具有相當高之貢獻量,此種貢獻量又會隨事件日之嚴重性而增加。在重金屬方面,地殼元素(Fe及Al)有較高之濃度,其他元素之濃度均不高。銅元素兩次採樣彰化測站之濃度均很高,另發現吹南風或西南風時其單位粗粒徑或細粒徑懸浮微粒之Cu含量均高於吹東北風時之含量,推測彰化測站西南向可能有Cu之污染源。 PM10 particle inquisition and control a project in Chang-hua for the Year 93's High atmospheric particulate matter has become a problem in Changhua County because, except for the Siansi area, particulate matter levels (PM10) have exceeded the national air quality standard (65 g/m3) in recent years. In this study, ambient PM10 and PM2.5 were sampled at four air-quality monitoring stations, including Chang-hua, Siansi, Erhlin and Hutung during April 3 through 9, and July 29 through August 3, 2005. After collection the filters were analyzed for anions, cations, elemental carbon, organic carbon, and heavy metals. This study shows that PM2.5 was abundant in the sampled particulate matter (PM2.5/PM10=70%). The elemental carbon levels in PM2.5 were much higher than those in PM10-2.5. It suggests that most particulate matter came from combustion sources. The differences in spatial distribution of both cationic and anionic concentrations were not significant among the four air-quality monitoring stations. However, the concentrations of cations and anions changed with sampling time. Higher particulate levels were found in April 2005, compared to those sampled in August 2005. A backward trajectory model and chemical composition data were used to investigate the sources of high sulfate and nitrate levels in particulate matters. It suggests that the high sulfate and nitrate concentrations resulted from long-distance transportation sources on April 3 and local sources on April 6, respectively. Additionally, high percentages of NH4+, SO42- and NO3- were detected in the coarse particulate (20%, w/w) and fine particulate (50%, w/w), respectively. This finding suggests that these derived salts (NH4+, SO42- and NO3-) were the major composition of PM2.5 in Changhua County. As for the metals, crustal elements of Fe and Al presented high concentrations in the sampled particulate matters. The copper concentrations were profoundly high in the Changhua air-quality monitoring station when the wind directions changed to due south and southwest. It suggests that there are potential copper sources in the southwestern part of Changhua City. Further study should be conducted to confirm the copper sources. 093 彰化縣環境保護局 郭崇義,張時獻
32117266 94年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護之執行追蹤檢討計畫 本計畫自九十四年一月二十一日執行後,即著手瞭解本市空氣品質改善維護計畫各子計畫工作目標、內容與執行成果,以評估執行成效,並進一步檢討後作成建議。?了掌握本市空氣污染源特性及其來源,本計畫更廣泛收集本市氣象資料及各污染源排放清單,推估分析本市污染源排放特性。計畫執行期間為了掌握各計畫執行進度,達成環保署考評目標,則協助環保局以召開工作檢討會議方式,會中邀請負責本市之空污委員蒞臨指導,並針對各計畫進行執行成效之追蹤檢討。茲將成果說明如下:一、目前之工作重點依合約之規定,本計畫須於計畫執行後兩個月內分析本市各類排放源污染結構,檢討可行減量機制及檢討近中長程管制策略。為符合合約之規定,本計畫開始執行除執行相關之前置作業外,其餘之工作重點則著重於資料之蒐集及分析。而研擬「本市九十四年版空氣污染防制計畫書」,已於3月底提交環保署審查,並於6月初依環保署審查意見進行修訂,環保署並已於94.9.16經環保署核定通過。二、空品資料分析本年度嘉義測站不良日數共21日,本年度不良日數較91、92年度同時期2日、8日為高,較93年16日為低,在PM10濃度方面94年平均濃度為87μg/Nm3,較93年同時期82.1μg/Nm3高許多,而臭氧方面濃度24.2ppb亦較91年至93年度低,可見本年度本市空氣品質O3濃度已較歷年改善。三、各子計畫執行成果探討1.固定污染源管制計畫執行成效檢討為達成94年度環保署考評要求該計畫應持續資料庫建檔後之QA/QC,並密切注意環保署針對資料庫之檢核結果,再據以修正完成補正,以達成資料庫品質標準。其他應加強管控項目建議如下:(1)因上半年度資料庫之缺失,本年度進行修補,僅能加強現階段之更新作業結果,進行修正所達成之排放量之更新率有限(%),於下階段建議針對本市污染量前十大之固定污染源進行更新,俾能使本項作業成效大幅提升。(2)加強地方特色之管制如影響本市陳情最大之餐飲業,加強管制。其次針對每年農曆7月份嘉義市整月之普渡大拜拜,進行輔導協助推動各寺廟勿露天燃燒金紙。(3)本年度94年考評重點為法規符合度之查核,查核時以現場為主,故現場查核需落實,並要求業者確實依許可內容進行操作。2.營建工地管制計畫執行成效檢討露天燃燒案件稽查及推動空氣品質不良時期草非露天燃燒處理計畫執行成效檢討為使非露天宣導達最高效果本年度於稻作收成時進行第一次大型宣導,並於期中過後陸續進行後續十三場里宣導會。故94年度前半段重點為一般性稽巡查及協助陳情案件處理及相關資料收集,後半段重點將為宣導會。本計畫進度符合合約要求。下年度該計畫須注意重點如下:(1)持續增加空品不良季節露天燃燒稽查告發數。(2)加強測站附近及高速公路附近及飛鷹計畫經過等視野可及地區之稽巡查。3.空污陳情處理計畫管制成效檢討該計畫94年度工作量達成皆超過合約要求,在執行品質需注意如下:(1)加強陳情滿意度之調查。(2)調查陳情處理時間,以呈現陳情處理績效。4.移動污染管制成效檢討(一)移動污染源就整體而言,該計畫之執行尚稱良好,唯本年度環保署執行重點為法規符合度查核,因此在考評指標部份,稽查作業執行品質、定檢站品質管理及移動污染源空氣污染改善之滿意度須特別注意,故應加強注意各項作業之執行品質之查核。定檢站之管理手冊及QA/QC標準作業流程需落實。 (二)柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢驗計畫根據春迪公司所提報之工作成顯示量化目標大多符合進度,唯柴油車動力計檢驗數落後,雖於最後趕上進度。其次目測判煙之照片解析度宜再加強,避免造成車主爭議。在環保署考評指標尤應注意已修正考評內容之部份,並避免因此而誤導執行之方向而導致實際之考評分數低落。5.街道洗掃作業根據澄品公司所提報之工作數量成果顯示,已能符合合約量,(詳表4.2.7-1)惟在執行作業品質方仍應注意下列幾點:(1)洗街時宜儘可能規劃非密集停車時間,以落實洗街效果。(2)對於洗掃之路段績效請具體掌握,且其路線及頻率宜有機動調整機制。(3)應注意相關之績效指標,如:每公里之用水量及建立道路分級制度…等。 94 Chiayi Air quality improvement maintenance –Traces the self-investigation plan. This plan on January 21 carries out since 2005, namely begins to understand this city air quality improvement maintenance plans each sub-plan work goal, the content and carries out the achievement, appraised carries out the result, after and further examines makes the suggestion. Because must grasp this city air source of pollution characteristic and the origin, this plan more widespread collection this city meteorological data and various sources of pollution discharge the detailed list, pushes estimates analyzes this city source of pollution to discharge the characteristic. Plan execution period in order to grasp each plan to carry out the progress, achieves the environmental protection bureau examination and critique goal, then the assistance environmental protection bureau convenes the work self-criticism conference way, can hit invites to be responsible for this city smear committee member to visit the instruction spatially, and aims at each plan to carry on carries out tracing self-criticism the result. This is as follows the achievement explanation:First- Work present keyStipulation according to the contract, this plan must carry out the latter two months in the plan to analyze this city each kind to discharge the source pollution structure, the self-criticism feasible decrement mechanism and examines the near long distance control strategy. In order to conform to stipulation the contract, this plan started to carry out besides the execution correlation formerly the work, Other work key then emphatically collection of and analysis in the material. But draws up “this city in 2005 version air pollution to guard against the system plan book”, has submitted the environmental protection bureau examination in at the end of March, and carries on the revision in the beginning of June according to the environmental protection bureau examination opinion, the environmental protection bureau and passed in 94.9.16 after the environmental protection bureau checking.Second- spatial material analysisThis year Chiayi survey station not good date number altogether on 21st, this year not good date number 2002,2003 same times on 2nd, on 8th for high,2004 on 16th for low, in PM10 density aspect 2005 annual mean densities for 87μg/Nm3, 2004 same time 82.1μg/Nm3 high many, but are also low the ozone aspect density 24.2ppb 2002 to 2004, the obvious this year this city air quality O3 density has compared all previous years improvement.Third- each sub-plan carries out the achievement discussion1. fixed source of pollution control plan carries out the result self-criticismAfter in order to achieve in 2005 environmental protection bureau examination and critique to request this plan to be supposed to continue the information bank to construct the files QA/QC, and the close attention environmental protection bureau control of result in view of the information bank, according to revises again completes supplements and corrects, achieves the information bank quality standard. Other should strengthen the tube to control the project suggestion to be as follows:(1) Because on flaw of the semi-annual information bank, this year carries on patching, only can strengthen renewal work result the present stage, carries on the revision to achieve turnover rate of limitedly the withdrawal (%), in under stage suggested carries on the renewal in view of the this city level of contamination first ten big fixed sources of pollution, enables can cause this work result large promotion.(2) Strengthens control the place characteristic like to affect this city state one's case the biggest food and beverage industry, strengthens the control. Next the Chiayi entire month temple fair greatly breaks off a relationship in view of every year lunar calendar in July, to carry on counselling to assist to impel various temples not open-air burning gold paper.(3) This year examination and critique key checking of for the laws and regulations degree of conformity, checks when by scene primarily, therefore the scene checks must carry out, and requests the entrepreneur to depend on the permission content to carry on the operation truly.2. builds the work site control plan to carry out the result self-criticism open-air burning case examination and the impetus air quality not good time grass non-open-air burning processing plan carries out the result self-criticismIn order to cause the non-open-air guidance to reach highest effect this year closes in the rice when to carry on the first large-scale guidance, and one after another will from now on carry on the following 13 in guidance meeting in the time. 2005 first half of the year key check for the generality does an inspection and assists to appeal case processing and the correlation data collection, latter half section with emphasis for guidance meeting. This plan progress conforms to the contract requirement. Next fiscal year this plan must pay attention key as follows:(1) Continually increases the spatial not good season open-air burning examination to accuse the number.(2) Strengthens nearby the survey station and the highway and the hawk plan passes through and so on the fields of vision to be possible and the area checks does an inspection.3. Air pollution appeal processing plan control achievement self-investigationShould plan in 2005 working volumes to achieve all surpasses the contract request, is carrying out the quality to have to pay attention as follows: (1) Strengthens the appeal degree of satisfaction the investigation. (2) The investigation appealed the process time, presents the appeal processing achievements.4. Motion pollution control result self-criticism(1) Motion source of pollutionIs as for the whole, execution this plan still called good, only this year environmental protection bureau execution key checked for the laws and regulations degree of conformity, therefore in the examination and critique target part, the examination work carried out the quality, the regular inspection station quality control and degree of satisfaction of the motion source of pollution air pollution improvement must pay attention specially, therefore should strengthen pays attention to each work to carry out checking of the quality. The regular inspection stands the management handbook and QA/QC standard work flow must carry out.(2) Diesel car power gauge discharges fume the examination and the oil quality examination planAccording to the EVERPAR company proposed the report works the showing quantification goal mostly to conform to the progress; only the diesel car power gauge test number is backward, although in finally catches up with the progress. Next range estimate sentences picture of resolution the smoke suitably to strengthen again, avoids creating the vehicle owner to dispute. Should have to pay attention in the environmental protection bureau examination and critique target revised part of the examination and critique content, and avoids therefore misleads direction of the execution to cause the actual examination and critique score to be low.5. Streets wash sweep the work Raises work quantity achievement the newspaper according to the Champion company to demonstrate that, has been able to conform to the contract quantity, (detailed table 4.2.7-1) was only carrying out the work quality side still to be supposed to pay attention to the following several points:(1) Washes the street appropriate to the occasion to plan the non-crowded stopped time as far as possible, carries out washes the street effect.(2) Regarding washes sweeps the road section achievements please specifically to grasp, also its route and the frequency have the mobile adjustment mechanism suitably.(3) Should pay attention to achievements of target the correlation, for example: Each kilometer water consumption and establishment road classification system…And so on. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 侯裕文
32117267 94年度嘉義市露天燃燒案件稽查及推動空氣品質不良時期稻草非露天燃燒處理計劃 本計畫自2005年1月20日到12月31日,共計受理並完成露天燃燒一般巡查75筆、露天燃燒重要地點巡查366筆、露天燃燒重要地點埋伏81筆、營造工地工程一般巡查679筆、空氣污染一般巡查1筆、環境衛生稽巡查2件、空氣污染(不包含臭味)陳情稽查7件、露天燃燒陳情稽查156件以及營建工程陳情稽查186件共計1547件,整體目標達成率為100%(1547/450);非露天燃燒農業廢棄物宣導會、里宣導會完成辦理共計14場次,目標達成率為100%(14/14)。執行成果摘要說明如下:一、露天燃燒案件分析 1.污染地點及污染物來源目前完成露天燃燒一般巡查及露天燃燒陳情稽查共計225件,露天燃燒案件稽查之地點依件數依序為:住宅區,計106件,佔總數之47.1%。農田,計64件,佔總數之28.4%。其他,計22件,佔總數之9.8%。營建工地,計21件,佔總數之9.3%。工廠,計6件,佔總數之2.7%。寺廟,計6件,佔總數之2.7%。而以露天燃燒物種類依處理件數排列,依序為:枯枝落葉,計75件,佔總數之33.3%。未發現污染物,計57件,佔25.3%。事業廢棄物,計32件,佔14.2%。稻草,計45件,佔20%。垃圾,計12件,佔5.3%。金紙,計4件,佔1.8%。本市露天燃燒發生的次數超過六次以上之里別,主要分佈於本市周邊人口較不稠密之住宅區;農田、空地較多之農業區。露天燃燒的情形多為民眾於住宅周邊燃燒枯樹落葉以及工地燃燒廢棄物。而農田露天燃燒案件則主要集中於十二月第二期稻作收成時期。 2.露天燃燒發生時間露天燃燒所發生的時間以早上10時至12時為最多,共計76件,佔33.8%,其次為下午13時至16時,計75件,佔33.3%。第三為上午8時至10時,計45件,佔20%。而下午16時至18時此一時段則明顯較其他三個時段為低,計29件,佔12.9%。二、非露天燃燒方式處理農業廢棄物宣導說明會本計畫共完成一場次「非露天燃燒方式處理農業廢棄物宣導說明會」及十三場次里宣導會,宣導會辦理達成率為100%。「非露天燃燒稻草宣導說明會」於6月21日於本市環境保護局會議室舉行。十三場次之里宣導會則分別於七月、九月及十月第一期及第二期稻作收成期,於本市之荖藤、保安、竹村、後湖等村里舉行。會中邀請專家學者提供稻草切割掩埋、反璞歸真(稻草再利用)等資料供與會農會小組長、里長、農民參考。宣導會議之成效及內容,深受農會小組長、里長、農民們肯定及青睞並?其帶來助益。 94 Chiayi Open-air burning case examination and impetus air quality not good time straw not open-air burning processing plan. This plan from January 20,2005 to December 31,total accepts and completes open-air burning to do an inspection generally 75,the open-air burning important place does an inspection 366,the open-air burning important place ambushes 81,builds the work site to do an inspection generally 679,the air pollution does an inspection generally 1,the environmental sanitation checks does an inspection 2,the air pollution (does not contain fetid odor) state one's case examines 7,open-air burning state one's case examines 156 and builds the work site state one's case examines 186 total 1547,the overall goal achieves rate is 100%(1547/450);The non-open-air burning agriculture reject guidance meeting,in the guidance can complete handles the total 14 numbers of showings,the goal achieves rate is 100%(14/14).Carries out the achievement abstract explanation to be as follows:First,the open-air burning case analyzes1.pollutes the place and the pollutant origin completes Open-air burning to do an inspection generally at present and open-air burning state one's case examines total 225,place of the open-air burning case examination depends on the number of articles is in order:The residential district, counts 106,accounts for 47.1%th total. The farmland,counts 64, accounts for 28.4%th total. Other,count 22,accounts for 9.8%th total. Builds the work site,counts 21,accounts for 9.3%th total.The factory,counts 6,accounts for 2.7%th total.The temple, counts 6, accounts for 2.7%th total.But depends on the processing number of articles arrangement by the open-air burning type,is in order: The deadwood fallen leaf,counts 75,accounts for 33.3%th total.Has not discovered the pollutant,counts 57,accounts for 25.3%.The enterprise reject,counts 32,accounts for 14.2%.The straw,counts 45,accounts for 20%.Trash,counts 12,accounts for 5.3%. Jin Zhi,counts 4, accounts for 1.8%.This city open-air burning occurs the number of times surpasses six above times in village,mainly distributes in the this city peripheral population not dense residential district; farmland,open area many agricultural regions.Open-air burning situation many for populace in housing peripheral burning dead tree fallen leaf and work site burning reject. But farmland open-air burning case then mainly concentrates in the December second issue of rice closes the burning have the timeWhich time open-air burning occurs by early morning 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock for most, total 76,account for 33.8%, next for 1 pm to 16 o'clock, counts 75,accounts for 33.3%. Third for 8 AM to 10 o'clock,counts 45,accounts for 20%. When to 18 o'clock this time interval then compares other three time intervals obviously for lowly, counts 29,accounts for 12.9%.Second,non-open-air burning way processing agriculture reject guidance meeting This plan altogether complete a number of showings “Non-open-air burning way processing agriculture reject guidance meeting ”and in 13 numbers of showings the guidance meeting, the guidance can handle achieves rate is 100%.“The non-open-air burning straw guidance meeting”hold on June 21 in this city environmental protection bureau conference room. In 13 is next the guidance to be able then separately in July,in September and in October first issue of and the second issue of rice closes the time, in this city, the Lau Tan ,the Bau Ann, the Gu Chin, the Ho Hu and so on in village holds. Can hit invites the experts to provide the straw cutting to bury, the counter-uncut jade returns to original condition (The straw uses again) material for the attending peasant association group leaders, village leaders,the farmers.Result of and the content the guidance meeting, deeply the peasant association group leaders, village leaders, the farmers definitely and the favor. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 侯裕文
32117268 溫室氣體評估方法與國際合作計畫 本計畫的目的係辦理ETSAP組織(The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme)的2005年ETSAP ANNEX IX 國際會議。本次會議除ETSAP會員國及國內專家與會外,同時邀請與我國已進行4年的MARKAL人員訓練合作計畫的中美洲友邦代表,以及東南亞臨近國家前來與會,前來瞭解最新MARKAL模型的發展,與會人員共計52員,總計有34篇報告,其中六篇為我國所發表,我國也藉此次會議與ETSAP建立進一步合作關係。 藉此次會議,我國亦與中美洲友邦舉辦雙邊會談,討論MARKAL合作計畫的進行、以及七月份貝里斯MARKAL訓練研討會的舉辦,同時也討論與中美洲友邦其他氣候變化合作計畫的推動,另外也邀請與會國際專家與國內專家針對氣候變化相關議題展開三場座談會,包括一個CDM計畫案-掩埋場沼氣發電、碳基金以及參與國際氫經濟夥伴關係組織,同時也與巴拿馬環境次長進行雙邊會談。 最後針對本次會議內容及各項討論活動的內容,彙整建議9項未來相關進一步發展方向,做為未來相關計畫推動國際合作的方向。 GHG Evaluation Methology and International Cooperation Program The purpose of this project is to hold 2005 ETSAP, The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme, ANNEX IX Technical Conference. On behalf of the host and aside from those invited attendees from member countries and domestic experts we also invited attendees from Central American countries with diplomatic relation with our country, those we have cooperation program on MARKAL Model training, and some of the neighbouring southeastern Asian countries to develop the knowledge and information on contemporary MARKAL developments. There were 52 attendees in the conference and totally 34 presentation, including 6 by our country, were shown in the conference. Throughout the processing of the conference we had a meeting with Central American delegates in discussing the development of further MARKAL project, the training seminar to be held in Belize and other cooperation projects on climate change. We also held additional three forums with local experts to develop discussions on major topics including a CDM project CARIBERLATE - Caribbean Environmental Laboratory for Advanced Technological Entrepreneurship, carbon foundation - Private Financing for Certified Emission Reductions and the participation of International Partnership for the Hydrogen economy. A bilateral ministerial meeting was also held between Taiwan EPA and the Environmental Deputy Minister of Panama. Finally we compiled contents and conclusions of all activities into 9 scopes as further objectives to be implemented for possible developments on international cooperation projects. 093 空保處 工業技術研究院
32117269 土壤及地下水污染整治法疑義研議及求償事務諮詢計畫 本計劃主要工作內容係對環保機關所提出之法律問題,予以探討研析,提供法律意見,釐清複雜之法律疑義,俾利土壤及地下水污染整治法相關業務之推動;依據環保署指示,研擬「台中大甲鎮永信段農地」、「花蓮台泥廠」、「中石化安順廠」、「灌溉渠道造成之農地污染」等個案場址擬具求償規劃報告,另完成「工程合約撰擬要點」及「土污法因應行政罰法施行開立罰單及執行要點」之指導報告,協助環保機關辦理土壤求,蒐集彙整美及地下水污染整治基金求償相關法律事務;並配合環保署業務之需、英、日、澳等國外具體案例及相關規定,提供法律分析作為我國法令修法建議。另由於土壤及地下水污染整治法之規定未臻完善,除於修法過程提供必要之協助,提出增修本法之具體建議外,並蒐集法院實務案例予以分析,使行政機關瞭解法院實務之動向。此外,本計劃並依據土壤及地下水污染整治法及我國相關法令之規定及所收集之實務案例,更新既有土壤及地下水污染整治法法律實務問答集之內容,供地方環保機關參考,以解決實務上之困難。 Project on the Study of Legal Ambiguities and the Consultation of Cost Recovery concerning the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act The main contents of work in this project include: analyzing the legal issues presented by the environmental agencies and providing legal opinions concerning thereto, so as to clarify the legal ambiguities and discrepancies and facilitate the enforcement of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act; drafting reports, as per EPA’s instructions, concerning the recovery plan of remediation costs incurred in the following contamination sites: (1) Farmland at Yung Hsin Section, Ta-Chia, Taichung County. (2) Huan-Lien Factory of Taiwan Cement Corporation. (3) An-Soon Factory of China Petroleum Chemical Corporation. (4) Farmland Pollution caused by Irrigation Channel; completing the guiding reports concerning the “Main Items in the Drafting of Engineering Contracts” and the “Guidelines in the issuance of fine tickets and enforcement of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act in response to the application of the Administrative Penalty Act”; assisting the environmental agencies in recovering the remediation costs reimbursed by the Fund for Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Pollution; collecting and compiling the contamination cases and the relevant laws and regulations of foreign countries, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan and Australia and providing legal analysis thereto as suggestions for the revision of our laws and regulations. In addition to the necessary assistance and substantial suggestions in the course of said revision, the team has also collected the precedents in court practice and made analysis thereto so that the environmental agencies may catch up with the opinions of the court. The project has further renewed the Q & A Manual concerning the legal practice of Remediation Act as per the collected precedents and relevant laws and regulations so that the local environmental agencies may refer thereto and solve the encountered problems in the enforcement of the Act. 093 土污基管會 建業法律事務所
32117270 工業用鎳鎘電池清理流向清查列管計畫 鎳鎘電池為二次電池又可稱作可充式電池,電池的正、負極材料分別以鎳及鎘製成,電解液則為鹼性氫氧化鈉溶液,具有使用壽命長、充放電速率高、電壓穩定等優點。目前國內工業用鎳鎘電池報廢後,需循事業廢棄物清除處理管道處理,但因國內無合格的處理機構,需送往國外境外處理,礙於輸出作業費時,所以許多的廢工業用鎳鎘電池以廠內暫存為主,如因貯存時間長或儲存設施不當,可能造成報廢後的鎳鎘電池外殼遭受侵蝕,導致環境二次污染。另根據現場訪查得知,部份販賣業者疑似於廢工業用鎳鎘電池汰舊換新時回收舊電池,且目前的公告列管事業管理對於未公告列管的事業及非事業,較無法掌握廢工業用鎳鎘電池的流向,因此無法對於所有使用者列管,造成工業用鎳鎘電池尚無法完全掌握。本計畫將鎳鎘電池中單只重量一公斤以上者,歸類為工業用鎳鎘電池,由海關進口資料推估,民國80年至92年工業用鎳鎘電池進口量約為3,123公噸,而經由機具設備進口的工業用鎳鎘電池約為36公噸。其主要生產國家來自法國、瑞典、印度、美國及日本等國家。另本計畫現場訪查156家工業用鎳鎘電池使用及進口機構,以了解國內使用情況,其中以不斷電系統及火車列車車廂使用最多,約佔清查總量的88%。如以使用行業別分析,則以大眾運輸業及電力供應業使用數量最多,約佔清查總量的65%。由於境外處理的費用較高及使用者對於清除管道的不清楚,許多使用者將工業用鎳鎘電池暫存於廠內,而本工作團隊於現場訪查過程中,也宣導相關清除資料,自本計畫94年7月結束後至94年12月已有19.68公噸的廢工業用鎳鎘電池循合法管道清除,較93年的0.87公噸多。顯示現場輔導已達到宣導及輔導的目的。由於工業用鎳鎘電池使用時間長,且有許多非事業使用,所以使用者對於事業廢棄物清除管道不熟悉及易與鉛蓄電池混淆,但如果經由販賣業者回收廢電池,較可掌握廢工業用鎳鎘電池的流向,因此建議將工業用鎳鎘電池列為公告應回收項目,透過販賣者或進口者回收,以掌握廢電池的流向。但在公告應回收項目機制執行前,仍需經過評估階段,為避免出現廢工業用鎳鎘電池管制的空窗期,於評估階段應仍以現行公告列管事業機制管理,並新增列管事業以擴大列管範圍,且未來如果不採用公告應回收物管理,仍可採用現行公告列管事業管理,以掌握工業用鎳鎘電池的使用者,使所有廢工業用鎳鎘電池都能妥善處理。 Industrial Nickel Cadmium Battery Disposal Follow-up Auditing Control Project Nickel-Cadmium batteries are also known as secondary batteries or rechargeable batteries. The Ni-Cd battery which utilizes Nickel Oxide and Cadmium separately as its positive and negative electrode materials with an alkaline electrolyte has the advantages of a longer life cycle with faster charging and discharging rate and more stable voltage. At the present time, used industrial Ni-Cd batteries are required to be disposed of as industrial wastes, however due to no domestic organization has been certified to treat the wasted Ni-Cd batteries, they need to be shipped oversea for treatment. Hampered by the time consuming export process, many factories are storing their used Ni-Cd batteries temporarily on-premises, which could cause secondary pollution to the environment through long term storage with improper storage facilities that deteriorates the used Ni-Cd batteries. According to on-site investigation, it was suspicious that some dealers retrieved the old batteries when delivering new batteries to the factories. The industrial Ni-Cd batteries are still not being fully under control due to current regulation only applies to the listed industries and not for the non-listed industries and other users. The project only sorted out Ni-Cd batteries of over 1 kg as industrial Ni-Cd batteries. According to the custom import data, approximate 3,123 tons of Ni-Cd batteries were imported from 1991 to 2003, among them about 36 tons came with machinery equipments. They were mainly made in France, Sweden, India, US and Japan. The project also visited 156 industrial Ni-Cd batteries users and importation organizations to understand current domestic utilization of Ni-Cd batteries. Among them, the none interrupted power supply systems and the train carriages occupies for 88% of the total supply. About 65% are utilized by public transportation and electric power supply industries. Due to the high expenses for off-the-boarder treatment and non-clear channel for treatment to the users, many users are storing the used Ni-Cd batteries on premises. The project team provided information to the factories during on-site visit. By December 2005, 19.68 tons of Ni-Cd batteries have been disposed of through legal channel, comparing with the quantity (0.87 tons) in 2004, the legal disposal quantity has been significantly increased. The project has demonstrated successful achievement through promotion and consultation efforts. The industrial Ni-Cd batteries have long life cycle and are utilized by non-industrial users who are not familiar with industrial waste disposal channel and also are confused with the lead batteries. However, through dealers recovering of wasted batteries, the industrial Ni-Cd batteries can be under better control. Therefore, it is suggested that the industrial Ni-Cd batteries to be listed as mandatory recycled items. Through dealers and importers recycling of the Ni-Cd batteries to have better follow-up control. Since further evaluations are still needed before implementation of mandatory recycling, current control mechanism will still be implemented during the evaluation period and expanded to newly listed industries. Therefore, if mandatory recycling is not adopted, the industrial Ni-Cd batteries can still be properly controlled by current regulation. 093 廢管處 惠元環境資源股份有限公司
32117271 0800資源回收免費服務專線專案工作計畫 本計畫摘要內容:包含規劃建置「資源回收專線」之作業程序、方法、標準等規劃及提供完善之通報作業軟、硬體等各項設施,並提供民眾及各界公告列管回收項目之資源回收相關資訊之免費查詢、諮詢、檢舉、陳情及通報案件等服務,建立環保署與地方環警單位、協力廠商之作業模式,有效辦理民眾檢舉路邊廢車或案件追蹤等相關作業,另配合環保署教育宣導及受理案件追蹤管考工作,提昇資源回收績效。專案執行期間皆符合評選公告及合約內文之作業規範,依據訂定之話務中心營運管理、服務水平品質管理、外撥服務工作管理及系統設備功能需求作業之四大服務水平指標來檢視專案所有的服務達成狀況;專案執行二年期間共承接350,815通進線量,專人應答率高達 99% 以上,為更深入瞭解資源回收專線提供的服務與內容是否符合民眾需求及「0800客服專線」整體滿意情形,本公司執行「資源回收專線來電民眾滿意度調查」研究專案,以做為即時改進服務品質之參考,調查內容包含資源回收專線整體滿意度、語音系統服務滿意度、專人服務品質滿意度、資源回收提供服務整體滿意度等四大項指標,由調查結果可知,來電民眾對0800專線的專員服務滿意度均維持在9成以上,語音系統的滿意度也維持在8成以上,顯示專線人員素質與語音系統皆有一定水準,民眾對環保署0800專線的服務堪稱滿意。其次,建議與相關機關單位(如監理站、環警單位等)建立資訊整合作業目標,以完善解決客戶進線需求。在系統方面,提出調整語音系統主選單架構,以來電者最常查詢前三大項目問題作為提示語,並由語音判斷民眾需求引導進入系統或直接由專人處理;另一項為資源回收網建議以主題性較強業務作為網頁主宣導強項,並於主頁以彈跳視窗或跑馬燈方式突顯,讓民眾更便利運用各項系統介面。本公司本著精益求精的精神,持續加強專人各項專案訓練及系統功能調整,致力於各項專線服務滿意度持續提昇,相信可為環保署創造”五好”之資源回收專線服務:服務好、品質好、效率好、形象好、績效好。 0800 toll-free resource recycling service hotline project The project is comprised of the operating process, method and criteria by which the ‘Resource recycling hotline’ is developed and instilled by; various software and firmware facilities necessary to provide a comprehensive reporting system; as well as services of free inquiry, consultation, tip-off, grievance filing and reporting cases relating to resource recycling under general recyclable mandates. The efforts are intended to instill an operating mode among the Environmental Protection administration, local environmental enforcement agencies and the operators that would poise to facilitate the public’s reporting abandoned roadside vehicles and/or subsequent case follow-ups, in addition to supporting the EPA’s environmental awareness promotion and follow-up and monitoring on cases already lodged in that would poise to improve the resource recycling yield. The entire project execution period fully complies with the operating guideline specified under the public screening announcement and contractual stipulations, which in turn are used for drafting four major service level indicators – the call center’s operating management, level of service quality management, outbound service management and system equipment functionality requirement that are used for gauging the project’s state of service fulfillment rates. During the two-year project implementation period, the voice service section received a total volume of 350,815 calls, where the call answering rate by designated voice operators reported a 99%-plus success rate. To gain further in-sight into deciphering whether the content of the resource recycling service hotline does indeed meet the public’s demand, and the level of satisfaction toward the ‘0800 toll-free service hotline’, the project team had conducted a survey study featuring ‘Resource recycling hotline caller satisfaction poll’, as references for real-time service quality improvement. The content of the survey is comprised of four indicators - the overall level of satisfaction toward the resource recycling service; level of satisfaction toward the IVR system; level of satisfaction toward the service personnel; and level of satisfaction toward the overall resource recycling system. Survey findings yielded that over nine out of ten callers indicated satisfactory toward the proficiency of the 0800 service personnel; and eight out of ten indicated satisfactory toward the IVR system, which were indicative that the service personnel’s proficiency and the IVR system had been kept to a respectable level, and that it would be fair to indicate that the public were satisfied with the 0800 service hotline. Furthermore, the service hotline section has further recommended that an integrated information system be instilled collaborating with pertinent government agencies, i.e. Division of Motor Vehicles, Environmental Protection Administration and the like, to better address the caller’s demands.Of the system, the voice system’s framework has been proposed for change to include three most frequently asked questions by the caller as the cue, together with the caller’s response, to guide the caller to access the system or to get help from live operators; one other area has been the recommended for stepping up a resource recycling-oriented network as the main selection headings for the web page, coupled with clickable dialog box or banner, to facilitate the public in accessing various system interfaces. Upholding a refined perfection approach, the task force is committed to continuing with various project training and system functional fine-tuning and dedicating to an ongoing improvement to the level of satisfaction for all elements of the service hotline, as it is confident that it be able to man for the Environmental Protection Administration a sound resource recycling service hotline featuring good service, good quality, good efficiency, good image and good performance. 093 基管會 台灣客服科技股份有限公司
32117272 既有工業區資源循環利用專案工作計畫 近年來,國際間基於永續發展的目標,各國均選擇適當區域來推動生態化工業區,環保署亦積極推動新設4座環保科技園區,而既有工業區部分,則透過本計畫,以質量/能量平衡及循環再利用之觀點,特研析國外生態化工業區之形成背景及成功因素、篩選臨海工業區為優先推動之資源循環利用工業區、盤查臨海工業區產業資/能源之供需面,據以進一步規劃:1.廢酸與礦泥;2.廢油;3.純水與氣體;4.煤灰、爐渣、集塵灰;5.蒸汽、氮氣與氬氣等5項資源循環利用鏈結架構,統計每年總資源循環利用量近400萬公噸、二氧化碳每年減量約140萬公噸、資源循環利用總經濟效益每年約58億元、二氧化碳減量節省投資成本約632億元。為達成上述目標,本計畫已先後拜訪中鋼、中油、台電、中聯爐石及中船公司,瞭解其合作意願,此外,針對區內廠商辦理10場次說明會,協助具循環利用潛力之資/能源有效被利用,並且成立專家顧問輔導團,進行20場次現場輔導。經由本計畫積極規劃下,臨海工業區內已經有22家廠商簽署合作協議,加入資源循環利用鏈結體系,並辦理一場成果發表會,展示鏈結成果及廠商推動資源循環利用之經驗分享。本計畫依上述成功經驗研擬資源循環利用體系基本方案,將臨海工業區的成功經驗推廣到其它既有工業區,期盼藉由此生態化的鏈結,建立產業的優良形象,並且改善區內產業體質及經營條件,提昇競爭力,有效減少資/能源的浪費,以創造環保與經濟雙贏的局面。 Closed-Loop Resources Recycling in Existing Industrial Park In pursuing sustainable development, many countries have recently implemented eco-industrial parks in selected regions. The concept is to allow the industries to interact and develop a symbiotic network, making a closed-loop connection among respective inputs and outputs, in an economically viable and environmentally sound manner. This for sure helps to reduce the overall environmental loading while trying to achieve a “zero-emission” objective. Countries such as Denmark, Canada, USA, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Japan, etc. have all implemented such eco-parks.In line with the global trend, the EPA in Taiwan has embarked a demonstration project at the Lin-Hai Industrial Park in Kaohisung, to help companies within the park to establish a symbiotic resource-recycling network(s). The goal of this project is to maximize the closed-loop use of material and energy resources and to enhance the overall environmental performance of the park, thus enabling its sustainable growth.This is a final report of the project. Assessment of representative eco-industrial parks worldwide is highlighted, particularly with respect to their historical background and factors of success. Reasons for selecting Lin-Hai Industrial Park as a demonstration case are also described. Material and energy inventory of the industries within the park is reviewed, and 5 recycling networks are described. 22 companies have signed up to form this cooperative network system, with an expected benefit on an annual basis of re-utilization of 4 million tonnes of resource materials, reduction of 1.4 million tonnes of CO2, saving of NT$5.8 billion of waste disposal costs, and saving of NT$63.2 billion CO2 reduction costs. The overall eco-efficiency hence would improve by 40%. Potential problems facing these potential networks are also discussed and strategies to manage these issues are offered, as a basis and framework for mapping out further plan of action towards realization of targeted eco-industrial network systems. 093 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32117273 93年度歸仁輕航機噪音防制區劃定計畫 依據「九十三年度歸仁輕航機噪音防制區劃定計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:本計畫執行團隊依據計畫目標與工作項目之需求,進行各項工作之執行,主要工作內容計有六項包括:歸仁基地航空噪音影響分析、臨時監測工作、歸仁基地航空噪音防制區劃定工作、歸仁基地審查及巡查作業、噪音儀組校正檢定作業及室內航空噪音審核作業等項目。本計畫自93年11月起執行至95年1月25日止,已執行期滿,針對各項工作之執行,皆已完成且有具體成果。本計畫執行期間已針對歸仁基地所申報之93年第3季至94年第4季資料各季航空噪音監測申報資料進行彙整分析,就各監測站噪音變化趨勢、飛航動態資料及等噪音線影響變化等進行分析說明。目前歸仁基地之航空噪音影響範圍尚僅限於基地所在之歸仁鄉七甲村內。並針對機場周圍地區完成共計24點次航空噪音臨時監測工作,此次已完成之監測作業中,經與飛航動態資料比對後監測結果,各監測點之監測結果皆尚未達第一級航空噪音防制區之標準。另更配合環保局執行一次交通噪音量測作業。有關防制區劃定作業項目中,於計畫期間依各季歸仁基地申報資料配合臨時監測結果擬出劃定草案,並於環保局及歸仁鄉公所共計辦理三場次劃定說明會之召開,且協助環保局完成公開閱覽並已於95年3月7日正式完成公告作業,首次歸仁基地航空噪音防制區劃定範圍為歸仁鄉七甲村納入第一級航空防制區內,歸仁基地納入第二級航空噪音防制區。在其它各項工作項目中,本計畫共計進行3次機場巡查作業、完成4組移動式噪音計校正檢定工作及擬定「室內航空噪音審核作業」之流程與量測方法供環保局參考,針對各項執行成果皆於報告書中進行完整說明。 2004 Queiren Heliport Noise Control Zone Planning Project Contract regulation of the basis '2004 The Queiren Heliport Noise Control Zone Planning Project.' (hereafter referred to this project ), this project every work carries out the achievement summary as follows: This project group according to the goal of the project and demand for the working project, carrying on the execution of every work, the groundwork content has six items to include: (1) The aviation noise of the Queiren Heliport influences and analyses,(2) airport noise temporary monitoring, (3) the Queiren Heliport noise control zone planning, (4) the Queiren Heliport monitoring system check, (5) noise instrument Calibration, and (6) indoor aviation noise verify ,etc., such projects as the homework. This project since November of 2004 till January 25 , 2005, had already carried out and expired, had directed against the execution of every work, have all already finished and had concrete achievements. During this project period had already summary the Queiren Heliport monitoring seasonal report, which form 2004Q3 to 2005Q4. And analyze the every season’s aviation noise effect such as it is noise per monitoring station for variation tendency, flight information change, the noise contour moving ,etc.. The heliport aviation noise coverage , limited to Queiren Heliport in the Queiren township Liu-jia village in it only still at present . And finish the surrounding area of the airport 24 temporary monitoring of aviation noise, this time monitoring when it finish already among the works, through compared with flight information to behind monitor by result, the monitoring result of every monitoring point has not been all up to the standard of defending the making area of the first aviation noise yet. Additional, cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out of one set traffic noise monitoring examine work. During the work item for planning heliport control zone, the project group have draw up the draft plan according to the seasonal report by heliport and reference to the temporary monitoring data. And also handled the 3 times convocation meeting to the Environmental Protection Agency at Queiren Administration Office. And help the Bureau of Environment Protection Tainan Country finishing the announcement homework formally on March 7 , 2005 publicly ,The first edition for Queiren Heliport noise control zoning planning range for Queiren Heliport at the Queiren township Liu-jia village was included in the first grade, the Queiren Heliport was included in the second grade area. In other working projects , this project carries on the airport 3 times for airport noise monitoring system checking, finish 4 instrument’s calibration work, and propose draft procedure and quantity on ' indoor aviation noise verify procedure ' not to examine the method for Environmental Protection Agency's reference to assay to correct to count, carrying out the achievement and all carrying on intact in the report to several proves. 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 必凱科技股份有限公司
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 201 到第 250 筆