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Title 93年新竹縣轄河川流域事業廢(污)水排放稽查管制及輔導改善計畫
Abstract 本計畫為推動轄內河川流域事業廢(污)水稽查及改善輔導作業,已執行事業廢水查核、輔導及改善成效追蹤,累計各式查核達359家次,並辦理事業廢水稽查採樣檢測、養豬業事業廢水處理技術宣導講習,達成削減河川流域事業廢水排放、保護河川水體水質之目標。有關各項工作成果說明如下:ㄧ、調查事業廢水排放水質水量  本計畫已查核事業廢污水排放水質、水量計102家,其中有21家違反放流水排放標準,不符合率為21%。綜合現場查核發現常見缺失可分為六大類缺失包括違反放流水標準、放流口流量計故障或未鉛封、設施或放流口未標示、專用電表未設置或未鉛封、廢(污)水處理設施/流程與許可不一致或未標示及事業廢(污)水處理設施未啟動或未正常運轉。二、配合環保局辦理稽查及特殊項目水質樣品檢驗  協助環保局執行定期及不定期稽查方面,本計畫於執行期間協助環保局完成現場稽查共87件。本計畫亦完成6家次特殊項目水質樣品檢驗。三、事業廢污水處理改善輔導  本計畫依據事業廢(污)水水質水量查核結果,篩選出現場輔導名單共計83家,根據水質化驗結果及現勘情形,將輔導對象分為A類(22)及B類(61),其中A類邀請學者專家進行現勘診斷,研訂削減污染及改善廢水處理之建議方案,而B類由本公司同仁現場輔導。
EngTitle The checking control and tutorial improvement for the undertaking abolishes (dirty) water and discharges
EngAbstract The purpose of this plan is to promote the basin undertaking of rivers and creeks while having jurisdiction over to abolish (dirty ) water and check and improve and coach the homework, carry out undertaking waste water check , coach and improve effect not to track , is it up to 359 to check while being various types of totally already, and handle the undertaking waste water and check and sample measuring , pig industry"s undertaking waste water treatment technology declare and lead lecturing and study, reach and cut down the goal that the basin undertaking waste water of rivers and creeks discharges , protects the water body water quality of rivers and creeks.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 新竹縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新竹縣政府環境保護局