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Title 事業廢棄物建置基線資料及流向管制計畫
Abstract 行政院環保署事業廢棄物管制中心,為使業者依法妥善進行貯存清理行為並符合申報要求,落實事業廢棄物管制工作,有賴具有相關技術或輔導經驗之機構與人員協助辦理輔導之工作,特成立「事業廢棄物建置基線資料與流向管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),以輔導及強化事業負責人、申報人及受託清理人對相關環保法規之認知,並依法配合辦理事業廢棄物管制工作。事業廢棄物管制公告事業應以網路傳輸方式申報廢棄物之產出、貯存、清除、處理、再利用、輸出及輸入情形。至94年12月31日止,列管基線資料事業家數40,558家,應上網申報事業共計17,203家,已有16,293家事業已上網申報,申報率為95.21%;應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業名單,三批次合計13,740家,已送審13,460家,送審率達98%,審查通過率亦達92.5%,皆已達年度目標值。另外,在解除應上網申報事業名單中,現場檢核32,742家事業,其中判定恢復應上網申報有845家。?了統合清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,完成彙編十四類(155行業細項)行業別之「原物料、產品及廢棄物對應關聯表」、「事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例」及「審查作業手冊」,以為事業機構及主管機關作業之憑藉。目前,清理計畫書分別利用人工與電腦檢核事業,其中,人工檢核針對第一、二批清理計畫書,包括檢核73個行業別,總共6,362家事業;電腦檢核則針對第三批清理計書,檢核119個行業別,總共6,114家事業。針對全國事業廢棄物,截至94年12月31日止,一般事業廢棄物申報量為11,206,600公噸,有害事業廢棄物申報量則為1,074,625公噸,總計12,281,225公噸,其清理行為主要為再利用方式,佔70%,其次為佔19%之委託或共同處理。針對事業廢棄物進行流向追蹤勾稽,共完成勾稽19,378家次,將勾稽異常名單進行輔導作業並提交管制中心進行後續查察,更成立47項專案進行追蹤,目前移送家數2,206家,稽查總家數1,815家,其中告發183家並處分23家。對於事業申報資料進行QA/QC作業,遏止環境犯罪發生。本計畫執行成果可歸納為四點:1.基線資料趨向完整與合理,2.事業機構對廢棄物申報習慣已見成效,3.掌握80%事業廢棄物之流向,有效嚇阻不法棄置情事發生,4.透過申報資料的完整性,可評估清除處理設施設否足夠,進而作為民眾投資方向之參考依據。
EngTitle The Industrial Wastes Database Management and Flow Control Administration Project
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration Industrial Wastes Management Center was established for the purpose to form a professional organization that could provide technical consultation and assistance to the industrial plants owners, operators and wastes disposal contractors to thoroughly understand and in compliance with relevant environmental protection regulations, so therefore the Industrial Wastes Database Management and Flow Control Administration Project (this project) was established to carry out the tasks. The Industrial Wastes Management Center has publicized the categories of industries required for periodical on-line declaration of their wastes production, storage, disposal, treatment, reuse, exporting and importing status. Until December 23, 2005, the database showed 40,558 plants listed under control and out of the 17,203 plants required for on-line declaration, 16,293 plants have complied with this requirement, the on-line declaration compliance rate is 95.21%. And, from the 13,740 Plants required to submit Industrial Wastes Disposal Plan in 3 stages, 13,460 plants have submitted, making the submission rate at 98%, and the approval of the submitted plans has also reached 92.5%, both the submission and approval rates have reached the project goal set for this year. In addition, field auditing has been conducted to the list of 32,742 plants exempted from on-line declaration to get 845 plants back on the on-line declaration requirement. In order to unify and improve the Disposal Plan editing and review quality, this project completed the edition of the 14 industrial categories (155 industries) – “Raw Material, Products and Wastes Listing”, “Industrial Wastes Disposal Plan Reference Guide” and “Review Operation Handbook”, for industrial sectors and environmental bureaus operation guidance. Currently, the Disposal Plans have been reviewed by manual inspection and computerized program. The stage 1 and stage 2 submitted disposal plans were reviewed by manually for 73 industries for a total of 6,362 plants. The stage 3 submitted Disposal Plans were reviewed by computer program for 119 industries for a total of 6,114 plants. The nationwide industrial wastes statistics up to December 31, 2005, showed the declared amounts were 11,206,600 tons for general industrial wastes, 1,074,624 tons for hazardous industrial wastes, which gave a total of 12,281,225 tons. The statistics further showed reuse to be the major disposal method, occupying 70% of the wastes generated, followed by contracted or joint treatment that occupied 19%. This project runs routine cross-checks of industrial wastes flow and lists suspicious plants for follow-up and consultation. A total of 19,378 plants were checked, 47 special task projects were conducted, 2,206 plants were investigated, 1,815 plants were audited, among them 183 plants were prosecuted, and 23 plants were fined. The QA/QC of industries declared information has successfully prevented environmental crimes from occurring. To summarize, this project has achieved the following 4 points: 1. the database has been improved for its integrity and rationality, 2. the industrial units have got into the habit of periodical on-line declaration, 3. the industrial wastes cross-checks continued to improve its efficiency, 4. the industrial wastes management will continue consultation together with its expanded control program.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 惠元環境資源股份有限公司