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32123024 空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核專案工作計畫 本委託計畫主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,以協助環境保護署建立完整的空氣品質淨化區體系,以改善並提昇我國的空氣品質,進而提供全國唯一優質的生活環境品質,本計畫可概分為十三項工作。一、新提報空氣品質淨化區基地之調查及評估(共完成47處基地)二、已核定空氣品質淨化區基地之計畫執行進度進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成43處基地)三、已設置完成空氣品質淨化區之維護管理、使用情形進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成69處基地)四、訂定空氣品質淨化區設置申請補助辦法,並將上述資料提供環保署上網五、追蹤考核評估公有苗圃現況,並分析執行成效。六、修正環境綠化育苗申請補助辦法,計畫申請格式及內容,並將上述資料提供環保署上網。七、辦理專家學者實地現勘活動八、針對空氣品質淨化區建檔,隨時更新電腦檔,並提供環保署上網基本資料。九、針對各縣市公有苗圃之現況及苗木存量有系統彙整建檔,提供環保署上網之基本資料。十、辦理空氣品質淨化區設置及環境綠化育苗成果研討會一場十一、辦理空氣品質淨化區設置申請等業務宣導說明會十二、辦理優良空氣品質淨化區之觀摩、維護管理說明會及學術研討會十三、研擬提昇空氣品質淨化區整體效益之執行方案 Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project. The purpose of this project is to provide administrative assistance to EPA for establishing air quality purification area (hereinafter called aquapu area) system and related works, and also evaluate each aquapu site for their planting, construction and maintenance quality. This project includes thirteen items of work.1.Inventory, and assessment of newly applied sites of Aquapu Areas (47 sites).2.Supervise and evaluate the implementation schedule of approved sites of Aquapu Areas (43 sites).3.Inspect and evaluate the condition of maintenance and execution of accomplished sites of Aquapu Areas (69 sites).4.Establish application and subsidy working mannual for Aquapu Areas and provide such information on EPA website.5.Inspect and evaluate all public nurseries condition and their efficacy.6.Revise the Working mannual of Application for sapling-germination for Environmental Greenization Subsidy and its application format, and provide such information on EPA website. 7.Provide on site inspection activities for project related advisors and experts. 8.Establish and update database for Aquapu Areas periodically, and provide such information on EPA website.9.Establish database of public nurseries and seedling and sapling inventory of each county/city, and provide such information on EPA website.10.Assist EPA to hold symposium on Aquapu Area and public nursery mainly for experience exchange among all participants.11.Organize promotional presentation to introduce the application requirements of Aquapu Areas.12.Organize visits to well maintained Aquapu Areas, hold maintenance/management briefings and academic seminars.13.Propose action plans for promoting overall efficacy of Aquapu Areas. 093 空保處
32123025 台灣地區歷年公害糾紛案件彙整分析專案工作計畫 本年度計畫針對自民國八十一年迄民國九十三年案件進行彙整與分析作業,計畫過程對各案件資料進行三次清查、四次查訪、二次總複查工作。目前系統收錄全國自八十一年至九十三年703筆基本資料案件。可以關聯到145件重大案件;449件紓處案件;160件調處案件;186件速報案件;58件裁決案件。每件案件皆經清查作業後,已脈絡清楚,可做為分析工作良好基礎。經由本年度查訪之經驗,管理系統做了大幅度修正,首先對於系統並非每天使用之特性,在設計原理上,堅守平樸且直接的特色,做了介面大幅度改善。並針對案件管理者,系統建立小秘書之功能;即對於未結案案件定時提醒使用者上來瀏覽更新,以利案件發展過程之記載。同時系統增加許多智慧型功能,包括速報自動發信機制、預警功能及帳號密碼結合鎖定IP的保密安全機制,凡此種種新增功能皆於今年度完成。本計畫於十月二十六、二十九日、十一月九日分別於北、中、南三區,針對縣市承辦及操作人員之輔導教育訓練會議中,教導系統使用時機及重點,所有代表都表示非常簡單好用,予以極大肯定。經統計結果,歷年公害糾紛案件共有703件,以高雄縣(164件佔23%)、桃園縣(143件佔20%)、苗栗縣(71件佔10%)最多。若以調處案件分析,則以高雄市、台南縣、雲林縣較多。而進入裁決者,則以苗栗縣、嘉義縣及高雄縣為多。調處、裁決之相對人多以台電、中油及大型企業為大宗,涉及範圍與金額較大,事件也相對較為複雜難予處理在案件之「污染樣態」分析中,仍以傳統「空氣」、「水」為最高。「空氣」為污染樣態最多者,以高雄縣 (80件佔37%)、苗栗縣 (38件佔17%)等傳統石化業重鎮為最多;以「水」為污染樣態最多者為桃園縣 (67件佔42%),由調查顯示以農業用水與工業用水之分流不佳衍生污染糾紛為多。依糾紛成因統計,以屬「已發生污染」為成因者最多,佔65%,其次為「有影響環境之虞,但實際污染未產生」佔17%,第三高者為「突發工安意外」佔14%。就「已發生污染」案件,自86年至89年逐年增加,但自89年後卻逐年減少。但「有影響環境之虞,但實際污染未產生」及「突發工安意外」兩者卻有增加趨勢,並衍生嚴重鄰避效應(NIBY not in my backyard)問題。公害糾紛紓處案件共449件,經處理結果,以「紛爭已平息」佔最多,計363件佔81%,其次為「紛爭暫平息」50件佔11%;申請調處案件有160件,其中成立者為25件佔16%,不成立者有125件佔78%。再調處案件共59件,成立者9件佔15%,不成立者48件佔81%。進入裁決程序案件有66件,經裁決後判賠有15件,判賠率為23%。裁決後再進入司法程序者有11件,司法審判結果雖賠償金額不一,但對污染責任歸屬之認定,大多與裁決內容相符。本計畫於十二月六、七日,假石門福華渡假別館辦理二天一夜「九十三年公害糾紛處理工作檢討會」,會中各縣市代表針對本報告研析內容及各轄區內公害糾紛案件特性進行充分研討與心得交換,同時也在公害鑑定植物專業上進行深入探討,每位與會人員皆認為收益良好,會議圓滿結束。 National Disputes integration and analysis The scope of the project is the cases between 1992~2004 records’checkup, organization and analysis. Through the project , there were 3 rounds of national checkup, 4 times interview via phones, or on sites, two overall reviews. This MIS collects 703 cases base information which could relate to 145 severe disputes; 449 settlements; 160 mediates; 186 quick report cases; 58 judgements. Every case had been clearly organized and related, which is a good foundation for further analysis.Through the experience of interviews and checkings, MIS made a large of adjustment. Base on the design principle the interface is easy to use and directly understood. As for the purpose of case management, the MIS provides the assistant and remind function; It will indicate the users to review the cases more often for those have not be concluded. Above to that the MIS also combines intelligent function, which includes the quick report and push-mail function, alarm function, secure protection function, etc..There were three training conference meetings taken on Oct.26、Oct.29、Nov.9 for Central, North South areas, all the representives from nationwide epbs presented very positive opinions of the programs.From the analytical results, There are 703 cases by the number of records , Kao Hsung County is the highest among the nation, after that is Tao-Yuan County , Miu-Li County. According to the number of the mediation case,.Kao Hsung County is the highest among the nation, after that is Tao-Yuan County, Yun-Lin County. As for the judgement cases, Miu-li is the highest county, after that are Guai-Yi County and Kao-Hsung County. As for the oposite for the mediations and judgements, the CPC and large enterprise are the majority of focus, These kinds of disputes also indicate more complicated situation. 093 管考處 振興發科技有限公司
32123026 九十三年度各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提昇暨維護管理(第二年)計畫 公害陳情報案中心 National Environmental protection Agencies Public Nuisance cases Accepting Center MIS Upgrade & Maintenance project Public Nuisance cases Accepting Center 093 管考處 振興發科技有限公司
32123027 奈米溶液型二氧化鈦光觸媒披覆技術開發與應用 近二十年來,紫外線/光觸媒程序受到許多的學者重視,也投入相當多的研究,最初的結果均指出能有效的去除甚至礦化水中多種有機物,處理過的物種包括有一般的有機物(揮發性有機物、酚類、酸類、氯苯類)、染料、農藥等;另外對於水中之有害陰離子,如NO2-、CN-等亦能有效的加以去除;而近來市場對光觸媒材料的需求,更因為光觸媒的抗菌殺菌以及對建築材料具有防污自淨等功能,逐漸被大眾市場所接受,甚至有迫切的需求。然而,光觸媒反應原理在科學上逐漸為學者確知及定量後,雖然已成功地開發出分解不同有機污染物的光觸媒材料,但成功商業化應用的案例並不多見,主要的原因即在於光觸媒材料本質的限制與光觸媒在載體之附著技術無法突破所致。本計畫主要目的在研究光觸媒披覆特性,並嘗試進行光觸媒改質,使得光觸媒可以有效的批覆於各類基材上。而在披覆基材選擇的部分,將以玻璃、磁磚、金屬等作為光觸媒之固定基材。經由實驗結果顯示,光觸媒批覆除了要先進行光觸媒改質外,必須配合基材前處理及噴槍、噴嘴的控制,才可以將光觸媒披覆於基材上,且披覆膜厚外觀良好。此外,在有機污染物之反應實驗中,顯示可有效分解空氣及液相中之污染物。 Titanium dioxide photocatalysis tcoating echnological development and application Heterogeneous semiconductor photocatalysis reveals an emerging demand of environmental catalysis with significant potential to detoxify noxious organic pollutants in an effective manner. A variety of semiconductor materials have been investigated for the usage due to the growing interest in the development of inexpensive and efficient methodologies to reduce environmental problems. TiO2 is the most popular semiconductor photocatalyst been investigated because of its stability, nontoxicity, availability, and cost-effectiveness, as well as its ability to degrade a variety of harmful pollutants such as VOCs and organic substance in water. However, the main obstacles for the application of photocatalyst such as coating technology and adhesion problem were not solved yet, especially for its extending practice for general customers.The objective of this research was to develop a simple and innovate processing method for photocatalyst technology and to investigate the reaction behavior of the photooxidation of both gas-phase volatile organic compounds and liquid-phase organic compound in the presence of titanium dioxide. The coverage and surface properties TiO2 layer ocated on different substrates by various coating technologies will be examined. Various substrates such as stainless steel, PMMA sheet, ceramic and glass were used in this experiment and excellent coating appearance for all materials could be achieved via unique modification of titanium dioxide. The research also includes the investigation relating to the effect of photocatalyst and base substrate on UV photocatalysis. Experimental result has been shown to be feasible to decompose gas-phase and liquid-phase organic compounds. 093 永續發展室 國立台灣科技大學
32123028 高屏溪及鳳山溪流域河川生物多樣性調查與水質生物指標建立 高屏溪是南部最重要的河川,政府為了解決高屏溪流域的河川污染,由高雄、屏東縣政府、經濟部水利署(第七河川局)及環保署等共同推動高屏溪污染整治。執行過程中包括對高屏溪流域內污染源稽查管制、上游水源區內養豬業者拆遷補償及進行高灘地溼地淨化工程等措施,不僅改善了長期河川水體污染之影響,同時也改變了河域生態環境。環保署為了瞭解高屏溪流域整治的生態效益,並瞭解現階段高屏溪水域生態之物種組成,特規劃本計畫以進行高屏溪與鳳山溪兩河川流域之生態調查,提供高屏溪流域進一步整治之生態參考。 本計畫生態調查項目包括植物性浮游生物、大型水生植物、底棲無脊椎、魚類及鳥類五大項。調查測站有高屏溪出海口、高屏溪大樹攔河堰、鳳山溪鳳山圳和?埔排水之匯流處,計有三個測站。整體而言,高屏溪大樹攔河堰及出海口河段的浮游植物、底棲生物、魚類及鳥類物種都尚稱多元,雖然豐度都不高。高屏溪大樹攔河堰地區於旱季的魚類分佈分別以高身?魚為主要優勢魚種,而雨季高身?魚為次要優勢魚種,可視為目前河川水體的代表性指標物種;出海口地區於旱季及雨季則可分別以環球海鰶和大鱗鯔作為代表性指標物種。底棲生物部分於大樹攔河堰地區旱季以翡翠貽貝為代表性指標物種,雨季則以秀麗白蝦為代表性物種;出海口地區不論旱季及雨季均以翡翠貽貝為代表性指標物種。但由綜合藻屬指數(GI)及矽藻水質優養化指標(TDI)之分析,結果顯示攔河堰及鳳山圳此二河段仍處於優養化狀態。分析底棲生物群聚之K-dominance曲線,結果也顯示攔河堰河段仍受到環境衝擊;雖然出海口河段在雨季時情況較好,但在旱季時仍受到環境衝擊。因此,為掌握高屏溪河川整治的持續效益,並提供規劃整治的生態參考,仍應繼續進行生態調查。 Establish Baseline Data in The Aquatic Ecological Aspects of The Kopin-Chi and Fong-shan River This project, funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is aiming to establish baseline data in the aquatic ecological aspects of the Kopin-Chi River and one of its tributary, Fong-shan irrigation channel. Coupled with the results of previous surveys related to its environments and ecology, attempts were also made to determine the dominant species of the river, and to evaluate the current status of the aquatic environments.In conclusion, the species compositions of phytoplankton, macrobenthos, fish and birds are varied and relatively diversified in the estuary and the Dashu damp area, though their abundances are rather limited; In the damp area, Varicorhinus alticorpus were significant dominant fish species and second dominant fish species during the dry and wet season, respectively, representing appropriate bio-indicators under current status of the river quality. In the estuary, Nematolosa come and Liza macrolepis are suggested as representative fish species for further bio-monitoring. For the macrobenthos community, Perna viridis and Exppalaemon modestus are dominant species in the damp area during the dry and wet season, respectively. In the estuary, Perna viridis is significantly dominant species either in the dry season or in the wet season. Based on the results of GI and TDI analyses, it appears that the river water in areas of the damp and the channel are still eutrophicated at present. Furthermore, the results of K-dominance analyses on the inveterbrate community also suggest that the river around the Dashu damp area is still under threatens of environmental impact. Similarly, the estuary area also shows environmental impact in the dry season, although it is less reflected during the wet season. All in all, the diversity of biotic communities along the Kopin-Chi River might explain the effect of pollution control in recent years, and further ecological monitoring is encouraged for a better understanding to the ecological recovery, providing an ecological basis for further pollution remedy sche 093 水保處 國立高雄第一科技大學 國立高雄海洋科技大學 高雄市野鳥協會
32123029 山坡地及海岸地區環境影響評估總量管制基準 總量管制是以環境承載力為基礎,用以確保環境資源的開發利用能在其環境可容受的範圍內進行之,期能降低不當開發行為所導致之環境問題與災害。藉由整體水資源、水體水質、生態、空氣品質、土壤品質、交通、土地利用、廢棄物等各因子的完整考量,整合環境承載力、涵容能力與總量管制於環境影響評估機制,將使環境影響評估之理論與實務更為完備。本計畫方法與流程首先以台灣地區環保署已委託執行山坡地地區環境影響評估總量管制計劃、海岸環境敏感地調查規劃、流域自然生態環境資源量化基準調查與規劃之計畫為對象,比較與評估歷年山坡地與海岸地區環境影響評估總量管制計畫操作方法、內容與結果,同時考量精確度、實用性、可行性、經濟性等原則,分別建構環境敏感地劃設、總量管制分析、總量管制基準與管制策略研擬、環境地理資訊系統建構之操作原則、操作流程與評估方法,並以新竹地區為例進行驗證,以為後續山坡地與海岸地區管理、環境影響評估審查之參考與應用。計畫經完整彙整歷年環保署執行與山坡地、海岸地區之總量管制、環境敏感地相關研究後,以新竹縣市為例進行各環境因子評估方法驗證,最後擬定以鄉鎮為總量管制單元之環境敏感地、空氣品質、水體水質、水資源、土壤品質、交通、土地利用、廢棄物之總量分析及管制基準研擬方法,以及環境影響評估總量管制環境資料庫架構。 Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment in Slope-Land and Coast Areas According to the environmental carrying capacity, total load control aimed to develop and use environmental resources under the acceptable capacity, reducing the impacts and hazards of unsuitable developments and uses. Meanwhile, total load control focuses on the individual environmental characteristics and carrying capacity to determine the standards of total load based on the capacities of water, air, land, soil, transportation, and so on. The approaches of this study are as follows. First, we collected and analyzed all related projects commissioned by EPA in the past, and then compared and assessed the different methods, content, and conclusions of those projects. According the compared results, we set up the operation processes of environmental sensitive area delimitation, total load control analysis, total load control standards and control strategies making and environmental geographic information system framework. After that, we apply the operation processes to a case study, the Hsin-Chu Area. The results of this project entirely included relative projects. After the case study and setting up townscape total load control and control standards of environmental sensitivity area, air quality, water quality, water source, soil quality, transportation, land use and waste, we build up geographic information system framework of total load control in environmental impact assessment. All study data were collected into this GIS framework. 093 綜計處 中國文化大學數位地球研究中心
32123030 環境振動量測資料庫之建置 本研究之目的在建置環境振動之基本資料庫,其中包括量測:1.無特定振動源下之環境振動量2.有特定振動源下之環境振動量而本計畫之環境振動量測點有1.北市住宅及住商綜合區40點;2.北部地區工業區20點;3.高鐵沿線10點。有特定振動源之量測點有1.冷卻水塔振動10點;2.捷運系統所引發之振動10點;3.施工機具振動10點。分析振動資料之方法依照國際標準化組織ISO 2631-1(1997)、ISO 2631-2(2003),日本振動管制法JIS(新幹線)、JIS C1510(1995),與未加權之振動值,共五種分析方法,而分別以加速度與速度值表示之。為符合規範之要求,ISO標準之加速度參考值為10-6m/sec2,而JIS則為10-5m/sec2。而依上述標準執行量測時,加速規的佈置應置於平坦的堅硬地面,且加速規座設置於水平面上。量測垂直及互相垂直之水平二個方向的共三個方向之振動。在振動資料之擷取,則必要注意下列幾點:1.設定之頻譜至少要涵蓋1-80Hz之頻率範圍,2.取資料時應採1/3 Octave Band之分析方式,3.每一秒鐘取一筆資料,再計算最後之平均值。由量測資料,及使用ISO相關規範計算加速度振動總量之結果,環境振動約在50~60dB左右,有特定之振動源之振動量約在60~80dB間。而量測所得之資料庫,將有助於訂定環境振動基準值,及特定振動源之管制值。 The Establishment of Data Base for Environmental Vibration The purpose of this project is to establish data base for environmental vibration in Taiwan, it includes1.Vibration measurement with no specific vibration sources.2.Vibration measurement with specific vibration source.The locations for vibration measurement without specific source include1.40 locations in Taipei City;2.20 locations inside industrial zones in Northern Taiwan;3.10 locations along the track of Taiwan High Speed Rail System.The locations for vibration measurement with specific vibration source include1.10 locations for cooling tower;2.10 locations along Taipei Rapid Transit System;3.10 locations in construction sites.Measured vibration data were processed according to several standards including ISO2631-1(1997), ISO 2631-2(2003), JIS vibration regulation on Shinkansen and JIS C1510(1995) and compared with raw vibration data, and these data were presented both in unit of acceleration and velocity. For conforming to individual standards, the reference acceleration for ISO is 10-6 m/s2, and 10-5 m/s2 for JIS standard.If the above standards were adopted, it is required that the measurement device, i.e. accelerometers should be placed on a level surface, and measuring three mutual perpendicular directions, one is vertical to the ground and two are parallel to the ground surface. And there are several steps needed to be taken to assure correct measurement,1.The frequency range should be at least cover 1to 80 Hz,2.The frequency analysis should be done in 1/3 Octave Band,3.Measurement should be taken in one second interval.From the measurement results, which were processed using procedure stated in ISO standards, the environmental vibrations, usually, are in the magnitude of about 50~60 dB. As for vibration with specific sources, the vibration magnitudes are between 60~80 dB, which is significantly higher than the environmental vibration. These measured data base will be helpful in determining the base values for environmental vibrations as well as vibration limits for differen 093 空保處 國立台灣海洋大學
32123031 九十三年度環境影響評估技術顧問機構評鑑 環境保護署於民國八十六年起即已開始辦理「環境影響評估業者評鑑」工作,並將評鑑合格名單特公告並登錄於環保署網站內,供開發單位選擇環境影響評估業者時之參考,以利環境影響評估工作之推動與執行。相關顧問公司間亦極為重視此項評鑑之結果,積極提昇本身素質、相關設備與人力。由於過去幾年已研擬建立環境影響評估業者評鑑之相關資料、評鑑模式及客觀公正之評估辦法,並由專家學者共同評估業者之技術能力與服務品質,因此,本年度持續進行此項工作,使環境影響評估業者評鑑之工作更趨普遍、周全與完美,以提高國內環境影響評估之技術水準。評鑑方法分為三大項,包括「業者基本資料審查」、「評鑑委員審查」與「環保署審查」等三部分,本年度總計有32家參加評鑑,評鑑結果為A級者有4家、準A級者有11家、B級者有13家、C級者有4家。並因應執行過程之檢討及業者至署簡報時所發現業者之缺失,提出相關建議供未來執行本計畫時參考,以便讓業者有機會改進及提升其人員之素質,以達到提升環境影響評估業者能力及環境影響評估報告書品質之目的。 Evaluation of Technical Consulting Firms on Environmental Impact Assessment in Fiscal Year 93 The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has started the work of “Technical Consulting Firms on Environmental Impact Assessment” since 1997, and announced on EPA website on the list of the firms which have passed the evaluation. The list can serve as the basis for developers to select a qualified firm and then assist the improvement of environmental impact assessment. In the past few years, information on evaluation of technical consulting firms on environmental impact assessment, an evaluation model and an objective evaluation method have been established. The technical capacity and the services of the technical consulting firms have also been evaluated by groups of experts. To improve the evaluation method of technical consulting firms on environmental impact assessment and to enhance the technical capacity of environmental impact assessment, the project of “Evaluation of Technical Consulting Firms on Environmental Impact Assessment” has been continuously implemented in Fiscal Year 93. The methods of evaluation are: “review of basic information of technical consulting firms”, “review by Evaluation Committee” and “review by EPA”. Thirty-two consulting firms have been evaluated in FY 93. Four have been evaluated as A, 11 as A-, 13 as B and 4 as C. Based on the experiences of the project implementation and the consulting firms’ oral report to EPA, the implementing organization has suggested how the project should be continuously implemented in the future, how the consulting firms should improve the knowledge of their personnel. The capacity of technical consulting firms on environmental impact assessment and the quality of environmental impact assessment report can thereby be improved. 093 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會
32123032 研擬陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準草案 本計畫實地量測並分析我國陸上運輸系統噪音30點,建立陸上運輸系統噪音資料庫,其中包括快速道路8點,國道高速公路7點,一般鐵路8點及捷運系統7點。道路系統測點考慮了道路結構(包括高架、橋樑、路塹、路堤等)、路面特性(剛性及柔性)、交通流量及車速等條件之代表性;而軌道系統測點則係考量列車種類、軌道結構(高架、平面等)、軌道特性(道碴軌道、板式軌道)、列車車輪種類(膠輪、鋼輪)、班次及車速等條件之代表性。其次,蒐集探討了歐洲、日本、美國、香港等國外之交通噪音管制標準及改善措施,並加以彙整列表比較。再斟酌我國交通噪音量測結果實況,研擬出各陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準草案,包含管制值,噪音測定程序及測定值之認定原則等。同時使該項陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準草案之基本精神能與噪音管制標準之精神趨於一致,且與先進國家之作法類似。計畫執行期間舉辦二場諮詢座談會,廣納相關交通主管機關、各縣市環保局專家學者及顧問機構等各方意見,期使本項管制標準草案周全可行。 Drafting of noise control standard for ground transportation systems In this project, the noise measurement and analysis of the domestic ground transportation system at 30 locations have been carried out. These locations include 8 for expressway noise, 7 for freeway noise, 8 for general railway noise and 7 for mass rapid transportation system noise. Typical road structures (viaduct, bridge, trench, embankment), road pavement (rigid and soft), traffic flow and vehicle speed have been selected for noise measurement. Specially, in rail track system, the type of car body, track structure (viaduct, ground surface), track bed (ballast, slab), wheel type (rubber, steel), number of runs of scheduled trains and train speed have been taking into account for selecting measurement sites.Secondly, the traffic noise criteria and improvement countermeasures in Europe, Japan, USA and Hong-Kong have been summarized in a table for comparison.Based on the traffic noise measurement results and on foreign criteria, the drafting of noise control criteria for ground transportation systems has been completed. This draft includes the noise criteria, noise measurement procedure and the principles of traffic noise assessment. Accordingly, this draft is consistent with the Noise Control Standard for other noise sources, such as factory noise, and noise criteria in this drafting exhibits similar standard with those from other countries.Two consulting meetings have been held during the project execution period. Experts and officers from the Authorities of traffic administration, local environment protection bureaus of city and county governments have been attended and made comments, to help ensure this draft to be more sound and feasible. 093 空保處 國立台灣海洋大學
32123033 事業廢棄物清理管制─管制中心整體管理資訊系統功能提昇、整合及決策支援專案計畫 本計畫之工作目標,係延續過去網路申報之成果,持續多項便民及快速之申報制度規劃,並提昇有關申報系統及管制系統的各項服務功能。此外,強化對於事業申報事業廢棄物管制基線資料之管理作業,可作為未來分析事業廢棄物產出因子之基礎。為因應管制中心龐大的資料需求,本計畫除以建置完成的管制系統協助篩選資料之外,亦協助管制中心維護功能強大的OLAP工具解決管制中心繁複、即時、多樣化的需求。除藉由定期分析、勾稽作業以得到申報異常機構名單及其趨勢外,為大量提昇勾稽作業之效能,今年度開發多各自動化的勾稽作業功能,提昇勾稽能量,有效防止不法情事發生,並提供作為政策擬定之參考。開發完成可使用GPRS或3G無線上網 PDA等行動裝置查詢基本及申報、勾稽、稽查資料之IWMS專屬網頁提供稽查現場立即察看業者即時申報資料、以提升環保單位稽查之速度、即時杜絕不法。此外,為因應大量使用者登入系統進行相關資料申報或查詢作業,而導致系統效能降低之問題,本計畫亦協助環保署調校系統效能,並建立緊急應變替代系統,加強環保署不可斷線之申報系統,以解決於斷線時所遭受民眾對於政府公信力之質疑。支援080客服人員之服務作業,建置及整合各項便民服務,並完成FAQ及電話紀錄等IWCS相關功能。以落實簡政便民之政府服務精神。 The Management of Industrial Waste Clean and Treatment ─The Management Information System of Industrial Waste Control Center Upgrading, Integrating and Policy Revision Support Project The objective of this project is to continue promotion on convenient and friendly reporting mechanism and upgrading the existing service on both Industrial Waste Report System (IWRS) and Industrial Waste Management System (IWMS). In addition, reinforcement on the industrial waste baseline information correction and management will be suitable for analyzing industrial waste production factor in the future.To satisfy huge information demand from the Industrial Waste Control Center, we assist the Center to maintain powerful OLAP system and existing IWMS in order to supply complex and versatile information in timely fashion.We develop automatic inspection function to increase the online inspection power. These automatic systems will assist the human operated regular inspection to promptly and accurately catches up illegal activity and offers policy revision reference.GPRS or 3G off-line and PDA portable devices joined to the existing system. Report, audit, and inquiry functions are developed for these new features. These features offer prompt monitoring on illegal activity. We assist the EPA to adjust the efficiency of the system. This is necessary due to the large number of users will cause lower system efficiency when doing something at the same time. We also establish emergency response report system for the Industrial Waste Control Center in case if any emergency happens.Through professional customer service on toll-free 080 consulting and other service, The FAQ for the online reporting and telephone toll-free service recording are completed within this year. These features assist public on make online report and increase mutual interaction between the government and the public, and offer convenient government service to the public. 093 廢管處 環資國際有限公司
32123034 93年度環境檢驗測定機構許可作業服務計畫 1.完成檢驗測定機構許可申請案件文件審查40件次以上。完成檢驗測定機構許可申請案件文件審查85件次,完成率213%。2.完成檢驗測定機構許可申請案件系統評鑑50件次以上。安排與執行72場次,達計畫目標50件次的144%。3.完成檢驗測定機構許可申請案件盲樣測試70件次以上。安排盲樣測試101件次達計畫目標70件次的144%。4.完成檢驗測定機構許可申請案件術科考試50件次以上。安排及準備術科考試共計166件次,達計畫目標50件次的332%。5.完成召開檢驗測定機構評鑑技術委員會10次。6.舉辦環境檢驗測定機構業者座談會一場次。7.舉辦一場次現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會。8.更新檢驗測定機構管理系統之檢測機構基本資料、許可、處分資料等60筆以上,人員異動資料200筆以上。環檢機構總共更新169筆,達計畫目標60筆的282%。檢測機構人員異動資料總計970筆,達計畫目標200筆的485%。9.發送水質水量檢測類、地下水檢測類、飲用水檢測類、空氣檢測類、事業廢棄物檢測類、土壤檢測類與毒性化學物質檢測類等盲樣測試樣品,總計二梯次至少2800項次。二次例行盲測共4363項次達計畫目標2800項次的156%。10.實施檢測機構管理施政滿意度問卷調查工作。11.辦理「2004第九屆中華民國實驗室管理與認證論文發表會」。 FY2004 ENVIRONMENT TEST LABORATORIES OPERATION SERVICE Project 1.85 cases of examination have been undertook and completed by these project team respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.2.72 cases of arrangement and preparation for system assessment have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.3.101 cases of blind test have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.4.166 cases of arrangement and preparation for technical examination have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.5.10 technical committee meetings for test laboratories assessment have been Completed.6.Held one seminar for test laboratories: The seminar for test laboratories was held on November .26th, 2004 at the Taipei City ChungSun Hall, presented by 120 attendee.7.Held one seminar on assessment technology participated by site assessment experts and technical members. This seminal was held on September 9th-10th at Sunrise Golf Country Club, present by 58.8.Updated 169 lots of data on Environmental Test Laboratories Information System, test laboratories on permit and disposition.9.Updated 970 lots of date on changed personnel from test laboratories as approved by National Institute of Environmental Analysis. 10.Completed 4363 items in two stages on permit items for approved laboratories, dispatch of blind tests and blind test results data analysis of environmental laboratories. 11.Held the 9th Conference for laboratories management and a 093 環檢所
32123035 國家環境保護計畫修正專案工作計畫 國家環境保護計畫由行政院於87年7月2日第2585次院會核定通過,核定實施以來,國家環境政策、法規、策略與措施,相繼受到永續發展推動組織改變,推動綱領訂定,行動方案頒佈,環境基本法公布,及相關環境保護法規修訂等指導原則而必須加以修訂。本計畫修訂之先,首先歸納國內外環境問題排定高、低、中問題,探討原計畫內容實施成果及需增修訂項目,標出重點修訂部分,理念及願景探討,策略及架構檢討,指標修訂等三大部份。分北、中、南三場次研討會,邀請產、官、學等相關人員共284人參加,充分討論歸納修訂方向、重點及內容。為廣徵公眾參與并建置網站,徵集各方意見,其中并邀請日本二位實際參與該國際環境基本計畫及地方環境計畫專家於此區研討會專題報告,與國內參加人員相互交流討論。於修訂過程中,搜集環境基本法等相關污染防治法規、國土綜合開發計畫、永續發展策略綱領、二十一世紀議程、新世紀國家建設計畫、國家發展重點計畫─挑戰2008、永續發展行動計畫等可相互互動之策略計畫。地方縣市永續發展計畫以及相關文獻參考資料;召開三次指導小組諮詢指導會議,確定修訂初步內容。經過各方討論及各相關計畫、與文獻資料初步內容確定為:計畫定位為依據環境基本法及相關專業法規,承續永續發展策略綱領、行動方案;與相關國家重要發展相關計畫互動,並融合各地方縣市永續發展計畫。計畫部分,為應政府組織改造中環境資源部之成立,分環境保護為主要修訂內容,以配合措施增強資源相關內容。至於計畫章節,沿用原計畫章節。策略與措施則依據國際永續發展情勢,國內環境基本法、相關環保法規、政策新目標、以及環境現況加增修訂。環境品質指標,依據上述情況加以增修訂。修訂成果列述於第四章,修訂大綱、計分理念、願景、期程、策略與措施、執行與參與機制。而環境品質指標,則依據指標訂定原理、程序、篩選因素,逐項檢核,提出增修建議。 The Revised Project of Nation Environmental Protection Master Plan Firstly, we set a process to identify the (local or global) environmental problems or issues, and determine the priority. Then we reviewed the existing NEPMP’s effectiveness and determined the major parts needed be amended. Three major parts were focused: 1. to investigate and raise the genuine concepts, visions, 2. to review the strategies, measures and framework, 3. To modified the indicators. There were three public hearing were held in northern, mid-, southern Taiwan with total 284 participants, including governmental officials, academic professors, industrial representatives and NGOs. Their opinions were collected as valuable comments and concerns. An Internet website was built to help public interaction. A conference was held in which two Japanese experienced exporters were invited to present and have discussion.After discussion and reviewing, we gradually determined the key-parts and drafted results. The orientation and role of NEPMP (amended) shall obey the Environmental Basic Law and related regulations. It shall compatible with the National Sustainability Development Policy、Action Plan、National Important Development Policies, and shall integrate with local planning reports. The content shall cover (at least) the part of environmental protection works, and environmental resource management, which need to be consistent with the Environ-Resource Department, which is in reforming stage now. The chapters are remained as the same to the existing version. The strategies, measures and framework shall reflect and follow the new global development tendency. The existing environmental quality status is considered. The indicators and targets shall be revised, but keep good extension from the existent indicator system. 093 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會
32123036 機車排氣定期檢驗站品質管理與查核 環保署自八十七年元月起全面實施機車排氣定檢制度,經過八年來的經營與努力,目前機車排氣定檢業務已上軌道,檢驗站數也高達1,972站。為有效協助、輔導及管理全國眾多機車的檢驗站,特執行本計畫,執行成果分別:(一)機車排氣檢驗站查核與管理:進行現場查核與蒐證,完成264家查核,發現有75項缺失;以實車查核方式秘密蒐證50家定檢站,發現有41項缺失,另本年度查核結果計有3家檢驗站撤銷委託資格、6家檢驗站暫停之違規處分、1家檢驗站處15,000元罰款。(二)機車排氣檢驗站檢測數量審核與經費核撥:審核通過6,776,322輛次檢測數量,刪除199,594輛次,核撥542,105,760元檢測補助經費,節省15,967,520元公帑。(三)機車排氣定檢資訊系統建置:更新機車定檢資訊管理系統網站,增加檢驗站管理、標準作業程序等功能,由環保局負責維護所轄檢驗站資料,供各界查詢。(四)評估機車排氣定檢執行成本效益:統計各檢驗站每月檢測數量,分析各縣市實際到檢率、不合格率、複驗率,檢測結果與車型、車種、車齡、行程之關係、檢驗站設置成本,推估調修後空氣污染物減量,呈報環保署及公布在機車定檢網站上供各界查詢。(五)機車排氣檢驗站品質管理制度推動與落實:研擬修訂定檢頻率及檢驗站品保品管規範等相關標準作業程序等,辦理三場檢驗站品質提升課程,調訓列管定檢站267站,舉辦九十二年全國服務優良檢驗站大會及辦理全國定檢業務執行檢討會等事項。(六)機車定檢業務轉移規畫:規劃檢驗站增設站數,辦理五場新設檢驗站上線講習、辦理四場定檢相關作業技術轉移說明會及八場檢驗站辦法說明會議。故執行本計畫將可有效提昇檢驗站品保品管,並有效協助落實定檢制度並減少機車排氣污染,期有效維護環境空氣品質。 Motorcycle-emissions-tester quality management and auditing (1) Checking and examining of Motorcycle I&M stations: Totally 264 stations were being checked through field investigation and 75 defects found;Checking By using pre-modified vehicles to check on and found 41 defects. This year, three stations’ licenses were being revoked, and six stations’ licenses were being suspended for three months. One station was fined NT$15,000.(2) Auditing the I&M test numbers and fees of the licensed stations, 6,776,322 tests were considered valid and 199,594 tests invalid. Totally NT$ 542,105,760 were subsidized to the licensed stations for the valid tests, and NT$ 15,967,520 were saved because of the invalid tests.(3) Establishment of test data system for I&M stations: Update and demonstrate the I&M test information system t. Adding station management and SOP functions. Authorize Local Environment Protection Bureau to update stations test data.(4) Evaluating the cost effectiveness of I&M tests that were being carried out by the licensed stations. Collected the information such as monthly test numbers, rate of annual test required motorcycles that actually reported to the I&M stations, test failed rate, repeat test rate, and analyze the relationship among motorcycle type, age, and traveling mileage. The evaluation also included the capital required for setting up licensed stations, estimate the emission reduction after motorcycle maintenance and the evaluation report will be posted on the web site of R.O.C. EPA.(5) Promoted quality control system for I&M stations: By modifying motorcycle emissions test cycle and quality assurance plan to improve this system. Held three Stations Quality Improvement training and 267 licensed stations were being trained. Selected the excellent stations for the year 2003 and the activities also included opinion consulting with related organizations etc.(6) Transfer in-use motorcycle emission tests plan: Estimate the feasible number for new stations setting. Executed five new stations on line training, held four consulting and eight discussion meet 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院機械工業研究所
32123037 紫外線輻射計校驗室校驗系統操作、標準建立及維護 本計畫執行時間為2004年4月1日至2004年12月31日,各項工作要項及工作內容總述如下:(1) 建立紫外線輻射計校驗系統之標準操作程序 (SOP)已依實驗室實際之運作方式完成相關技術作業程序書,請參閱「紫外線輻射計校驗實驗室品質與技術作業程序書」DP14.1 測試方法與校驗作業程序。(2) 建立工作標準 (Working Standard) 輻射計工作標準輻射計及所需之二級標準儀器於年度開始時首先完成準備,配合計劃校驗工作之需求。進行校驗室改善工程後,並依改善後之工作環境,重新建立工作標準輻射計。(3) 建立測站輻射計定期維護計畫本項工作主要配合測站輻射計更新進度進行。本年度完成環保署新購置輻射計之校驗。各測站輻射計亦進行全面校驗,將於年度結束前完成。將主動、積極與委託人 (單位) 之聯繫,加強行政與技術方面溝通。(4) 建立與維護實驗室品保系統已完成「紫外線輻射計校驗實驗室品質手冊」與「紫外線輻射計校驗實驗室品質與技術作業程序書」,請參閱附錄A與附錄B。遵循相關規範切實執行,俾增進實驗室品質。(5) 維護校驗系統為確保委託人 (單位) 之權益,並提供委託人 (單位) 滿意之品質,實驗室於品質手冊品質作業系統中明訂相關措施及作業程序,持續改善並維護校驗系統之運作。(6) 收集與分析比對資料為加強校驗結果之可信度,進行測站的現場比對,並請環保署提供其相關比對資料,進行比對與分析。本年度已完成所需之二級與三級標準並配合環保署輻射計更新計劃,完成測站現場之比對工作。(7) 國外聯繫他山之石可以攻錯,透過無遠弗屆的網際網絡持續進行相關學術與技術方面之聯繫。 Operation and Maintenance of UVICL This project is executed between April 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004. In all, following results are obtained:  Detailed recording of instrument operation output to set up reliable calibration procedure, and the SOP (stand operation procedure) of Calibration procedure; To maintain a third-level working standard; Close contact with EPA to exeute the calibration task; Set up a reliable calibration system and QA/QC operational procedure;  Calibrate of all on-site UVI instrument, and additional to help EPA to calibrate of all new “Kipp & Zonen” UVI instrument; Compare the calibration result, and set up a QA/QC operational procedure on site; Up-date regularly the forecasting parameters based on observational data. Collect international information; 093 監資處 國立台灣大學全球變遷研究中心
32123038 事業廢棄物焚化灰渣整合性管理 本計畫執行的目標主要在掌握國內現有事業廢棄物焚化設施的操作營運現況並追蹤焚化灰渣清理之流向,藉由現場調查掌握焚化灰渣的質與量特性,並評析現有事業廢棄物焚化設施停爐時,對事業廢棄物處理體系的衝擊,藉以研擬因應方案、相關管制及後續追蹤機制。於計畫執行期間,合計共完成372家事業廢棄物焚化設施基本資料的調查和更新、108家事業廢棄物焚化設施的現場調查(含83家操作中和25家已停爐之焚化爐)、100件焚化灰渣樣品檢測委託分析、7座不同焚化設施灰渣之多氯聯苯、重金屬總量、含氯有機化合物及重金屬有效溶出試驗等測試。此外,本計畫亦建置焚化處理地理資訊系統與完成了焚化灰渣之道路面層和底層的實作舖設。調查結果顯示,國內中小型事業廢棄物焚化設施有大量停爐的現象,停爐率約為60.6%,業者已逐漸由焚化處理方式改由分類回收再利用、物理處理、掩埋等其他之替代處理方式。整體焚化設施的操作現況分別為:營運中合計有99座、停爐者有256座、已完成拆除者有17座。由事業廢棄物上網申報統計數值估算,93年度較92年度減少9.6萬噸焚化灰渣的上網申報量,焚化灰渣的削減率約為11.85%,符合今年度削減5%之目標。另依據採樣分析數據顯示,整體焚化灰渣超過溶出試驗標準率約為24%,其中以鉛(15.9%~18%)和鎘(9.5%~20%)為最高。另外,焚化灰渣之17種戴奧辛化合物總量偏高,約有33%超過1 ng-TEQ/g,其中以醫療廢棄物焚化設施所產生的灰渣含戴奧辛量為最高。分析重金屬溶出試驗超過標準之數值發現,公民營廢棄物清除處理機構為最高(40.9%),醫療機構次之(36.4%)。整體而言,絕大多數之事業皆依規定進行焚化灰渣之清理,目前最終處置去處以固化處理與掩埋為主,僅有少數進行再利用。因應國內事業廢棄物處理市場之變動快速,建議未來針對事業廢棄物焚化設施及其產生之灰渣,宜持續進行許可管制、樣品抽測、流向追蹤與資料更新等,以發揮整合性管理的效能。 Integration In Managing Ash And Residue From Incineration Of Industrial Waste The objective of the project was to have a better understanding of the current operation of incineration facilities for industrial waste, and to track the treatment flow of the ash and residue produced from them. During the project period, basic data of 372 industrial wastes incinerators were checked and updated; 108 sites were visited, which include 83 in operation and 25 in stalling; 100 samples taken from various sites were analysed; and leaching tests in existence of PCBs, heavy metals, and chlorinated organic compounds were conducted on ashes from 7 sites. A geographical database of sites was established, and Application of ash as surface and bottom layer in road construction was also real-life tested.The investigation showed that high proportion of small capacity incinerators were actually in stalling, alternatives treatment methods other than incineration were adopted by many of them. Overall, there were 99 facilities in operation, 256 in stalling, 17 have been dismantled. Taking figures from the Internet Declaration System, estimated a 9.6 million tones of reduction in ash and residue were achieved in 2004 from 2003, around 11.85% in reduction rate.The analysis results showed that 24% of ash and residue exceeding the toxicity characteristic leaching test standards, with lead (15.9%~18%) and Cadmium (9.5%~20%) were the highest. Moreover, testing for 17 dioxin compounds in ash and residue sample were also tend to be high, around 33% of them exceeding 1,000 ng-TEQ/kg. For heavy metal exceeding standards, the ash of incinerated waste from both public and private run treatment site were the highest (40.9%), from medical facility come second (36.4%). Overall, most of the facilities treat the ash and residue according to the regulations, and solidify and landfill treatment were the most practiced methods, only small proportion were reused.methods, only small proportion were reused. 093 廢管處 工業技術研究院 中華大學土木工程學系 群琁地理資訊顧問股份有限公司
32123039 環境影響評估查詢系統整合建置 政府每年耗費極大量經費在環境監測與資料之蒐集上,對於如何有效管理監測資料及污染源排放資料並能持續追蹤掌握以使其發揮更大輔助功效之重要性大幅地增加。此外,缺乏整合資料的交換計劃、規劃,將使資料生產重複、資料格式不相容、資料品管、精度不一致,這些都減損了資料的價值。如何整合現有各單位生產之環境相關資料,使其空間分佈的資料特性及其他相關的屬性資料能相容,並結合相關單位計有最為便利之管道,以明確、有系統地提供使用者在進行環境影響評估及決策時有便捷的資料可茲利用,以符合環境影響評估作業之需求,成為亟待解決的工作。此亦是目前環保署積極推動「整合性環境資料庫」建置工作之目的。對於環境之管理分析上,除文數字資料庫外,具有相當地空間分佈特性,若要同時結合文數字屬性與具空間分佈特性的資料,則需結合更複雜技術。地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System , GIS)即為處理具有空間分佈特性資料的方法,其結合了資料庫管理系統及空間位相處理能力,能有效處理並分析具有空間分佈特性的資料,擷取相關資訊提供區域規劃、資源管理及環境影響評估審查等決策分析時參考。因此,環保署為有效利用資料庫管理及地理資訊系統技術等資訊工具協助環境影響評估相關業務之推動及落實執行,整合「環境影響評估個案查詢管理系統」、「環境影響評估書件查詢系統」、「環境敏感區位及特定目的區位查詢系統」、「環境影響評估所需氣象空品資料下載」、及「環境影響評估案件追蹤監督系統」等系統,提供相關作業之需求等,以提供民眾完善方便之環境影響評估相關資訊查詢系統。 The establishes for the Environmental Impact Assessment system The environmental protection bureau for the effective use of information bank management and impetus of and the realization execution information tool assistance environmental effect appraisal correlation service the and so on geography information system technology, the conformity 093 綜計處 千一資訊有限公司 東南技術學院
32123040 毒性化學物質公告列管評估、用途調查與危害評析計畫 本計畫依歷年計畫執行成果及建議事項,並以環保署「三年行動計畫」-環境中染物減量行動計畫(2)毒性化學物質公告列管與排放減量計畫委辦。本計畫執行成果包括:子計畫一完成國內外17種毒性化學物質相關法規資料蒐集,並建議壬基苯酚、鉻化砷酸銅、八溴二苯醚、五溴二苯醚、四溴雙酚A、鄰苯二甲酸二辛酯等六種擬公告列管毒性化學物質。子計畫二完成已公告列管252種毒性化學物質,進行限制目的全面性檢討,同時選擇石綿、三氧化二砷、汞、六價鉻、氧化三丁錫等毒化物目的用途進行現勘及召開毒諮會審核。子計畫三調查完成123家業者之四氯化碳運作現況,並編撰四氯化碳減量技術手冊發予業者;邀請專家學者赴12間學校單位現場輔導,其餘廠商則經由書面資料及電話訪問完成輔導。子計畫四配合聯合國環境規劃署「持久性有毒物質(PTS)區域計畫」,參照「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約(POPs) 」、「奧斯陸-巴黎公約(PTS) 」、美國環保署「持久性生物累積及毒性化學物質(PBT)」列管之化學物質名單,同時依我國「篩選毒性化學物質作業原則」及「斯德哥爾摩公約-增列化學物質之篩選標準」等,提出適合於我國之「持久性有毒物質觀察名單」33種化學物質。子計畫五則租用化學工業資料庫等適時查詢毒理資料,同時完成壬基苯酚等17種毒化物的中文毒理資料編譯及建置工作。子計畫六邀請國內專家學者等組成內部品管審查委員會,召開兩次內部審查會議。 Declared/Controlled/Evaluated, Usage Investigation and Hazard Analysis for Toxic Chemical Substances This project is comprised of six sub plans.:1.The goal of plan 1 is to complete the collection of domestic and foreign regulations and laws regarding the 17 toxic chemical substances. Moreover, it is advised to include the following six chemicals into the officially controlled toxic chemicals: Nonylphenol, Octabromodiphenyl ether, Pentabromodiphenyl ether, Tetrabrombisphenol A, Chromated Copper Arsenate and Di-n-octyl phthalate.2.The goals are to completely review the 252 officially-controlled toxic chemicals and convene a toxic consulting meeting to discuss and examine the purpose and function of toxic chemicals such as Asbestos, Tributyltin oxide, Mercury, Chromium(VI), and Arsenic trioxide.3. The goals are to complete the survey of carbon tetrachloride, which is presently utilized by 123 companies, and to compile a technical manual regarding the reduction of carbon tetrachloride and distribute to the companies. On top of that, scholars and experts were invited to such 12 schools as NTU for on-site consultation. The rest of the companies were consulted through written data and telephone interviews. It is estimated the use of carbon tetrachloride was reduced by 33%. 4. This plan aims to come up with a suitable watch list of 33 key chemical substances by referring to the controlled chemicals listed in: UNEP, POPs, PTS, List of Chemical for Priority Action of Oslo and Paris convention, PBT of US EPA. 5. It is to rent a database for chemical industry for real time query of toxicological information and to accomplish translating, editing and building up Chinese toxicology data of the 17 toxic chemicals such as nonylphenol. 6. Sub Plan 6: The purpose if to invite local experts, scholars, consultants of this project to compose an internal quality examination committee. Regarding the content of the plan and the research direction, the committee should convene two internal quality examination meetings. 093 毒管處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會
32123041 溫室氣體二氧化碳固定化光合生物反應器之開發 近年來利用生物來有效利用CO2已逐漸受到重視,生物性利用CO2,主要是將CO2作為生物生長之碳源如綠色植物和微藻類進行的光合作用,此生化過程就是利用具光合作用能力生物體中的酵素Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco),將CO2固定轉化成糖類,CO2固定之代謝循環稱為the Calvin Cycle。利用藻類來固定CO2是世界各國一項值得開發的技術,本研究由自然環境中進行固定CO2之藻類,藉由培養基之設計及影響生長因子之探討,配合生長動力模式和光合生物反應器設計,以評估藻類固定CO2之光合反應器系統之可行性。目前研究以獲得以下結果:1、藻類FJ03生長及固定CO2效率之最適化培養基各成份為NaNO3 0.5 g/l、K2HPO4 0.06 g/l、MgSO4‧7H2O 2.0 g/l、CaCl2‧2H2O 0.06 g/l、citric acid 0.06 g/l、ferric ammonium citrate 0.25 g/l、EDTA 0.001 /l、Na2CO3 0.02 g/l和trace metal solution 1 ml。2、藻類FJ03在CO2濃度5%和10%有較好的生長情形,其中CO2濃度為10%時,藻類FJ03有最好的生長情形。3、藻類FJ03生物動力參數:生長係數(Y)為0.035 mg-cell/mg-CO3-2、最大比生長率(m)為0.186 day-1、最大比基值利用率(k)為5.31 mg-CO3-2/mg VSS-day、藻類衰亡係數(b)為0.0032 day-1、無機碳Monod半飽和常數(Ks)為9.08 mg-CO3-2/L。4、在2公升之培養液中利用連續式培養藻類FJ03時,培養基添加與藻類培養液排出之流速值設定在19 ml/hour可以使反應槽中之藻類細胞濃度大約維持在OD600值約0.7上下。5、本計畫已創新設計出一套串聯式200公升藻類固定CO2光合生物反應器。在200公升之培養液中利用連續式培養藻類FJ03時,培養基添加與藻類培養液排出之流速值控制在8.34 L/h可以使反應槽中之藻類FJ03細胞濃度大約維持在OD600值約0.7上下。6、在200公升反應器進行藻類FJ03連續固定CO2,操作條件為細胞濃度大約維持在OD600值約0.7,CO2濃度10%,曝氣量為0.616 L/sec,則藻類FJ03固定CO2效率為0.371 g-CO2/L/day,每天可以生產藻類細胞乾重44.235公克。 Development of photobioreactor for carbon dioxide fixation So far, the study has obtained some results listed below:1. The components of the optimal medium for the strain FJ03 are NaNO3 0.5 g/l, K2HPO4 0.06 g/l, MgSO4•7H2O 2.0 g/l, CaCl2•2H2O 0.06 g/l, citric acid 0.06 g/l, ferric ammonium citrate 0.25 g/l, EDTA 0.001 g/l, Na2CO3 0.02 g/l and trace metal solution 1 ml.2. The concentrations of CO2 for strain FJ03 with greater growth is 10%.3. Parameters of kinetic model for the growth of strain FJ03: growth coefficient (Y) 0.035 mg-cell/mg-CO3-2, specific growth rate (m) 0.186 day-1, specific substrate utilization (k) 5.31 mg-CO3-2/mg VSS-day, death coefficient (b) 0.0032 day-1, Monod half saturation coefficient (Ks) 9.08 mg-CO3-2/L.4. In a 2 liter-continuous-culture system of strain FJ03, the biomass was able to maintain in 0.7 of the OD600 value with setting the flow rate of nutrient addition and algal culture efferent on 19 ml/hour.5. The project has successfully developed a novel 200-liter photo-bioreactor for biological fixation of CO2. The nutrient addition and algal culture efferent with the flow rate of 8.34 L/h can stably keep the production of strain FJ 03 with 0.7 of OD600 value in the 200-liter photo-bioreactor by continuous production model.6. Using the continuous cultivation model, the fixation efficiency of CO2 by strain FJ03 was 0.371 g-CO2/L/day, and the productivity of strain FJ03 is 0.221 g-cell/L/day under the operation conditions of 0.7 of biomass OD600, and 10% CO2 with sparging rate of 0.616 L/sec. 093 永續發展室 私立輔仁大學創新育成中心
32123042 空氣污染物跨境傳輸對台灣地區空氣品質影響之研究:監測系統整合與分析應用 亞洲地區近年來過度開發與經濟快速發展,所衍生跨區域環境問題日益嚴重,尤以區域大氣污染物長程輸送最為顯著,成為國際焦點與研究重點區域,並已造成對台灣空氣品質及環境的衝擊。本計畫即選定適合地點進行亞洲沙塵或生質燃燒長程傳輸懸浮微粒、雲水化學採樣分析,並進行氣塊軌跡分析,以了解懸浮微粒及雲水的物化特性及可能的污染來源。此外,整合衛星遙測、地面監測技術進行境外大氣污染物如亞洲沙塵、東南亞生質燃燒之監控與其特性分析,以掌握其自源區排放、傳送、沈降對台灣之影響。研究抵台之亞洲沙塵、東南亞生質燃燒等境外大氣污染物在懸浮微粒、降水形態之成份特性。進行上述境外大氣污染物的氣流分析,評估其可能的傳輸路徑與源區。應用與發展MODIS衛星資料在大氣污染物及台灣鄰近環境監測技術,以強化與輔助地面監測系統。由吾人觀測發現之雲水及雨水對沙塵暴具有明顯欄截及雨除的效果,更突顯沙塵對環境生態之衝擊,除沙塵影響台灣的直接證據外,中國沿岸之污染物亦與沙塵同時抵臺造成衝擊,若以其快速發展的趨勢來看,未來恐將對本地造成一定比例的境外空氣污染,建議除持續監控掌握證據外,需有相關因應措施。 Impact study of the long-range transport of air pollutants on air quality in Taiwan:Integration of observing systems and data analysis. Owing to rapid development and economic growth in Asian region, transboundary environmental problems become more severe than before, particularly for long-range transport of air pollutants. Therefore, the goals of this study are to study the Asian dust, biomass burning and acid substances via long-range transport and their impact on the air quality in Taiwan, as well as the source and receptor relationship. We integrated the surface measurements including aerosol and precipitation chemistry, and remote sensing techniques of lidar and satellite to study the emission, transport and deposition of Asian dust and biomass burning aerosols. We found that the washout and rainout effects of Asian dust can significantly eliminate the dust concentration, while it may affect the ecosystem due to wet deposition. In summary, the transport of air pollutants from China to Taiwan has become an important issue that a significant amount of observed air quality is contributed by China via long-range transport of air pollutants. 093 監資處 國立中央大學環境研究中心 國立中央大學大氣物理研究所
32123043 公害糾紛敏感地區基礎環境資料庫續增與更新(第二年計畫) 本計畫目的係為敏感公害糾紛地區環境公害污染蒐證調查及損害查估與責任鑑定業務需要,進行環境基礎資料庫建置。公害事件的發生於初期於除現場稽查蒐證調查確定污染物出處及影響範圍等事項外,更應結合相關環境背景資料庫,以輔助蒐證調查,協助污染處理,及避免洐生為環保抗爭或公害糾紛事件。所以本計畫係針對公害糾紛敏感地區,進行細部GIS(地理資訊系統)資料庫建置。而本資料庫係持續本署原公害糾紛敏感地區背景環境資料庫系統續擴建置增敏感地區數量。本計畫為二年計畫,預定續增27個公害糾紛敏感地區(電廠、工業區等)。本年度(第二年)計畫運用航遙測技術建置包括龍德、六堵、龜山、永安、全興、台中港關聯、芳苑、斗六、嘉太、臨海等十個工業區及核二電廠、協和電廠及台中火力發電廠之細部地形資料,並透過現地調查定位十個工業區內各廠商之位置與現況照片,並將建置完成之資料與原資料庫做一整合,及配合本計畫新增地區資料與實際使用需求,增修原資料庫系統功能項目。 Construction and Maintanence of basic environmental database in pollution dispute sensitive areas(Second Year) This project mainly constructed basic environmental database for the need of pollutant investigation, damage assessment, as well as the responsibilities in sensitive pollution dispute areas. In the beginning stage of a pollution case, ground-truth survey may be used to identify the pollutant sources and the damage area. Moreover, basic environmental database can provide the background information, which will assist investigation work and pollution resolving. The further public ambit or protest was ceased. This project conducted spatial database in sensitive pollution areas. This database was continuously generated from of EPA’s background environment database system in sensitive pollution- dispute areas. This is a 2-year project, 27 more sensitive areas, including electricity stations and factories, are focused .In this year(the second year), Remote sensing technology is applied to portrait detailed terrain data, which consists of Lung-Te Industrial Park、Liu-Tu Industrial Park、Gueishan Industrial Park、Yungan Industrial Park、Chiuanshing Industrial Park、Taichung-Port-Integrated Industrial Park、Fangyuan Industrial Park、Douliou Industrial Park、Jiatai Industrial Park、Kaohsung-Costal Industrial Park、Second Nuclear power plant、Shiehe power plant and Taichung power plant. We will also locate 10 industrial areas by using ground survey to obtain position and true photos. According to this information, new system functions will be considered for future new data input. 093 管考處 中華民國航空測量及遙感探測學會
32123044 台灣地區環境風險地圖建置規劃計畫 行政院國家永續發展委員會於民國九十一年六月十一日第十三次委員會議結論,於「行政院國家永續發展委員會」中新增「健康風險組」。健康風險組有主要任務四項:「訂定國家健康風險評估準則」、「健康風險相關管制及安全標準之檢討」、「特定物質及介質引起健康風險之監測」、「特定地區環境污染引起健康風險問題之探討與處理」及工作項目十七項,並由衛生署擔任召集機關,以國民健康局為衛生署主辦視窗,環保署、農委會、經濟部、勞委會、國科會及相關單位共同辦理。其中環保署主要任務為「特定物質及介質引起健康風險之監測」、「特定地區環境污染引起健康風險問題之探討與處理」,工作項目之一為依環境風險評估結果,繪製健康風險(簡稱環境風險)地圖,並依地理資訊系統呈現特定物質之風險地圖,包含:1.土壤及地下水污染物風險地圖2.空氣污染物風險地圖3.水體水質污染物風險地圖4.毒性化學物質風險地圖5.環境品質監測風險地圖在此任務下,本研究計畫之年度目標共計有三則,分別為:一、提供環保署相關處室對其所轄職權,依風險評估準則,推動環境風險地圖繪製建置先期規劃。二、建立風險地圖繪製技術及相關系統資源之整合規劃。三、依所規劃建構雛形完成一個案例,試算環境介質污染物戴奧辛之整體環境風險,並繪製其環境風險地圖。本計畫之研究方法為藉由文獻回顧、專家會議、跨部會處室會議與問卷設計,了解環境風險地圖繪製之可行性與所需行政配合事項,並依衛生署風險評估準則,規劃風險地圖之繪製程序及空間資料庫之需求分析,並以戴奧辛案例進行說明。至於風險地圖繪製所須之具備軟硬體設備如下一、軟體:1. 作業系統:Microsoft Windows 2000、Windows XP或以上。2. GIS軟體:ESRI ArcGIS 9.0、ESRI Spatial Analyst。3. 文書處理:Microsoft Office 2000或以上。二、硬體:最低需求(建議需求)1. 處理器:Pentium III-800 MHz(Pentium IV-2.4 GHz)。2. 記憶體:256 MB(512 MB)。3. 磁碟空間:1.5 GB(5 GB)。三、其他:鍵盤、滑鼠、螢幕、網路相關設備等本研究計畫之案例結果顯示,風險地圖繪製技術上可行 ,但是現行資料數量品質格式仍需進一步補充後才可進行。環境風險地圖需各處室與部會在未來研訂納入中、長程計畫,並編列相關經費與施政計畫推動才可完成。各部會處室需推動之建議工作項目如下:一、以風險評估為目的,與污染相關之農畜及水產品的污染物濃度檢測(農委會/衛生署)。 二、立即大規模進行國民暴露參數調查,以建立國人暴露資料庫,並且每五到十年更新一次(衛生署/環保署、農委會、勞委會)。三、豐富地理資訊系統中與國人及環境因子相關之數位化資料庫。 (環保署/衛生署、農委會、內政部、經濟部 )。四、各相關環境介質推估模式的可信賴區間分析(環保署 )。五、建立具完整毒理測試功能的毒物中心 (衛生署/環保署、農委會) 。 The Establishment of the Environmental risk mapping in Taiwan The Executive Yuan (Hereinafter EY), in order to enhance the protection of the environment and ecology, guarantee social fairness and justice, promote economic development, and establish a green silicon island, so as to promote citizens’ living standards and pursue national sustainable development, has set up the National Council for Sustainable Development (hereinafter NCSD)Action Plan of EPA Working Group is to illustrate risk by mapping:(1)risk mapping for soil and groundwater pollutants .(2)risk mapping for air pollutants.(3)risk mapping for water pollutants(4)risk mapping for toxic chemical substances .(5)risk mapping for environmental quality monitoring 093 毒管處 職業醫學與工業衛生研究所詹長權教授
32123045 溫泉廢水暨附設餐飲廢水水污染調查及管理制度評估計畫 行政院環境保護署配合溫泉法公布,並因應全國溫泉區近二分之一位於水源水質水量保護區情形。特藉由本計畫進行相關溫泉廢水調查及污染量之推估,並依溫泉區廢水的來源、性質,研擬管制方案,作為未來溫泉廢水管理制度及措施制訂的方向,以維護溫泉區河川水質、自然生態,並使業者永續經營。依據本計畫溫泉廢水採樣分析結果,其水質特性與溫泉泉質關係密切。全國約有65%的溫泉泉質屬碳酸氫鈉泉,其餘則為硫酸鹽泉及氯化物碳酸鹽泉等多種泉質。其中單純泡湯廢水,主要是溫度較高38~42℃、氫離子濃度介於1~9因泉質酸鹼不同變化較大,其他污染物如大腸桿菌群為500~100(CFU/100mL)、懸浮固體介於0.35~5mg/L(不含關子嶺溫泉區,關子嶺溫泉區70~115mg/L(湯屋部份))及少量特殊成分(如氯離子或硫酸根離子等)應可符合現行放流水標準。而由溫泉區實際訪查結果,顯示目前國內大部分溫泉業者採泡湯廢水與沐浴、餐飲及客房廢水混合排放方式,反而使廢水中的大腸桿菌群增高至1,150,000~60,000(CFU/100mL)及懸浮固體1~30mg/L(不含關子嶺溫泉區,關子嶺溫泉區950 mg/L)等,污染物明顯升高。經由對數個溫泉區河川上下游水質分析及水中魚類、藻類等生態調查後,初步驗證對河川生態及水質呈現不同程度之影響。若將餐飲、沐浴、客房廢水與單純泡湯廢水分流處理,應可大幅降低溫泉廢水對河川的直接衝擊。本計畫初步擬定兩種溫泉廢水管制方式,一是分管排放,其中水量較大的單純泡湯廢水,僅規範需經簡易水處理設施處理後即可排放,預期大部分業者應可適用水量小於50噸/天的較寬鬆水污法管制。方式二是混合排放,惟所有廢水全量混合,溫泉業之總排放水量可能超過50噸/天,需面對較嚴格之法令管制。另因總廢水量及水質變異均較大,廢水處理設施的硬體投資、操作及維護成本亦相對大幅增加,藉以鼓勵溫泉業者朝分管排放方式處理溫泉廢水,期有效降低溫泉區之河川污染負荷及生態影響。 The Administration system evaluation and pollution inventory for hot spring and food wastewater The Environmental Protection Administration issues the decree of Hot Spring Wastewater Management to cope with the conditions of over half of hot springs locate in the protected area of source water quality and quantity. Based on the pollution source and characteristics of hot spring, this study focuses on the hot spring wastewater investigation and pollution inventory in order to plan control schemes that may serve as the direction of administrative system and measures initiation for hot spring wastewater management in the future, as well as to maintain river water quality, ecosystem, and sustainable usage in the hot spring area. According to the analysis results, the relationship between water quality and inherent of hot spring is very closed. A 65% of hot springs are sodium bicarbonate type of spring and the rest are sulfate and/ or chlorocarbonate type. Meanwhile, the pH value of hot springs in the Yang-Ming Mountain area are 1-2 for greenish sulfate spring or 3-5 for white sulfate spring, however, the pH value may up to 9 for some basic spring. In terms of other pollutants, E. Coli count 500-100 (CFU/100mL), suspended solid 0.35-5 mg/L, and some other rare compounds (i.e. chloride and sulfate ions) that all meet with current effluent criteria.From the results of survey, most hot spring operators combine the gray and black water together and discharge to water body. It thus, the E. Coli count and suspended solid concentration are increased significantly, 1,150,000-60,000 (CFU/100mL) and 1~30 mg/L respectively. To investigate the fish and algae in the aqua system from the whole of watershed in hot spring area, the results revealed that the wastewater quality and quantity of hot spring affect the river water quality and its ecosystem remarkably. Wastewater separation and segregate treatment may significantly reduce the impacts of hot spring wastewater discharge to water body. 093 水保處 台灣大學環境工程學研究所
32123046 第三屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會計畫 本計畫旨在舉辦「第三屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會」,希望藉此學術交流的機會,集合國內相關領域之研究學者與政府相關單位以提供最新的資訊以及發表學術研究成果。研討會如期於2004年11月12日(星期五)假台灣大學思亮館國際會議廳舉行,全程順利並圓滿結束,總計與會人數超過200人。本研討會除邀請四位國際知名分別來自美國、日本與香港的國際學者進行4場主題演講外,並另安排國內專家學者亦進行6場主題演講。另藉本次研討會發表的海報論文總計有34篇,並按其題目與內容分為四大類別:1.毒理研究/人體影響、2.環境分析技術與檢測、3.生態影響/微生物降解、4.環境含量/管理。此外,亦安排論文發表結束後進行綜合座談意見交流,反應熱絡。大會並同時以問卷方式收集與會者的意見或建議。最後,亦針對最近兩年內在國際間與國內對環境荷爾蒙議題在環境管理工作上的進展略加說明,並提出未來在相關工作或政策規劃上的幾點方向性建議。 3rd Conference on Environmental Hormones and POPs The main purpose of this project is to organize the 3rd “Environmental Hormones and POPs Conference”. Through the interaction during the symposium, new information regarding the environmental hormone issue can be gathered from academic, different governmental agencies and environmental groups. The conference was held at Shi-Liang International Conference Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, at November 12, 2004, and was a success. There were at least 200 people participated. There were a total of 10 invited speakers, included 4 from United States, Japan, or Hong Kong, from either governmental or universities covering on different topics. There were a total of 34 poster presented in the conference, which covers different research areas, namely toxicology/human level, environmental analysis and detection techniques, ecotoxicology and microbial degradation, and environmental levels and management, In the end of the meeting, a 30-minute discussion was arranged, and the responses were excellent. There were several suggestions and comments from the participants, which related to lack of funding for researches on environmental hormones, information publicized, cooperation and interaction between industry, government and academic, timeframe for organizing of the conference, emphasis of epidemiological study, ecological impact assessment, etc. 093 毒管處 財團法人環境品質文教基金會
32123047 執行液化石油氣氣價補助及查核 本年度已執行92年11月至93年10月共12個月份「降低車用液化石油氣售價」補助款申請案之審查及撥款工作,總計核准LPG 3,444萬公升、核撥補助款1億3百30萬,且申請案不合格比率較去年度大幅減少約65%,顯示業者申報資料正確度大幅提昇,此外全年亦完成6次加氣站現場查核,相關查核結果均已提報環保署備查。 派駐一人在環保署負責協助補助款核銷、各種統計資料提供、相關民眾諮詢及EMAIL回復、協調召開座談會、蒐集各國資料等工作。 本計畫已蒐集LPG車相關現況,全省發氣量及每月加氣車輛數均較去年增加,部份加氣站已開始獲利,並有三座新站開工籌建中,顯示環保署補助氣價政策確實提升LPG車使用意願。 三期LPG車數量較去年度大幅增加許多,且其遙測結果與汽油車相表現相當,顯示車輛品質已有改善。且三期車多分佈在大台北地區,中南部僅佔不到30%。 已蒐集各國推廣現況及市售LPG車排污表現資料,並根據國外推廣策略及國內市場現況與民眾接受度等因素,提出5項未來建議推廣方案供參。 The Subsidy to debase the price of LP-Gas Works of reviewing subsidy application cases and allocating fund were conducted during the period from December 2003 to October 2004. The total amount subsidized for 34.44 million liter LPG was 103.32 million NTD. Drop in number of unqualified application cases comparing to previous year indicated that the auditing work of this project improved dramatically the quality of application material submitted by the applicant. Six non-periodic site checks for LPG service station around the island were carried out this year and results of the site check was sent to Environmental Protection Administration. Information regarding the operation of LPG service stations and the number of in-use vehicles was collected. Service stations sold more LPG per month this year than previous years and were able to make profit. This outcome indicated that EPA’s subsidy strategy increased the willingness to use LPG vehicles. The number of LPG vehicles converted from vehicles increased comparatively than last year. The third phase LPG vehicles’ equal to their gas vehicles counterpart in tail pipe emission according to the cross check of remote sensing data showed the quality of LPG vehicles was improved. Advantages and disadvantages of five proposals to promote the use of LPG vehicles were analyzed and given to this Administration as reference for future implementation. 093 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心
32123048 執行汽油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試計畫期末報告 本計畫主要以管理國內移動污染源之一的汽油車之排放污染,其管制制度從新車型審驗、新車抽驗,到量產車品管以及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試。從新車的各項管制到使用中車輛耐久保證里程內的排放污染確認,都屬本計畫執行之工作內容。為確實執行此一完整的管制制度,必須研究國際各主要管制制度,分析國內汽油車排放污染現況,結合環保署未來空氣污染管制策略,以擬定國內未來管制法令與獎勵措施。因此本計畫之工作重點除執行管制制度外,還包括維護排放污染管制資料庫、評估及建立汽油車排放污染總量推估模式、建立低污染環保車評核方法與獎勵措施,最重要的還是汽油車排放管制相關法令之增修定工作。以確保汽油車排放污染管制水準。而本年度計畫成果:新車型審驗部分1至10月本所共核發349合格證,涵蓋662個車型。預估整年度將會有400件以上,平均每件審查所需天數為8.5天,符合民眾期望與環保署要求。從測試結果看,2004車型年相較於2003車型年整體審驗值有不再下降的現象,2005車型年則延續2004車型年的趨勢逐漸上升。尤其是CO及NMHC都有偏高的趨勢。其中又以進口商用車最為嚴重。新車抽驗各污染物之測試值整體趨勢從1999年至今,都與審驗值類似。CO與NMHC在2004年都有上升的現象。整體而言,新車抽驗所呈現的現象,應可實際代表目前量產新車的污染情形。相較於審驗值所呈現出的現象,又有極高的相似程度。因此審驗值應可視為客觀的代表數據。召回改正調查測試本年度執行十個引擎族初步調查測試及一個引擎族確認調查測試,從民國87年執行至今,以目前使用中車輛之水準,超過標準值的機率都很低,但超過審驗值的機率就很高,應該是認證測試車輛、耐久測試及劣化係數都經車輛業者刻意控制的結果,也反應出國內車輛使用環境較為惡劣的現象。但此管制制度乃是車輛污染管制最重要的最後一關,因此建議環保署每年調查測試數量應有一定比例。落實此一管制決心,可防止業者忽略耐久保證。本年度已建制完成審驗核備文件電子化格式,並已完成上網填寫傳輸web化,審驗申請文件電子化格式也已建制完成。汽油車排氣管制資料庫內容仍持續更新維護。在建立國內移動污染源空氣污染物排放總量推估模式時,主要應用美國環保署MOBILE5b計算出各污染物的排放係數,同時著重於模式輸入參數正確性的探討及敏感度分析,進而推算出2003年台灣地區移動污染源(汽油汽車部分)的排放總量範圍,車種包括汽油小客車、營業小客車、1200CC以上商用車與1200CC以下商用車共四種。相關法令增修訂部分,本年度完成修訂「汽油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發及廢止辦法」草案,以及「汽油車測試程序與測試方法」(三期)草案。訂定低污染環保車評選方法與獎勵措施,針對進榜車型不僅公佈於環保署網站提供民眾購車參考,並於該年度新車抽驗時減免抽驗數量,且舉辦授證典禮與記者發表會,由署長在媒體面前親自頒證給進榜車輛業者代表。整體來看,環境保護的觀念已普遍受到認同,不只民眾就連產業也深知責任不可規避,而國內汽油車排放污染管制制度已行之多年,且逐期加嚴。因此,本計畫之工作也漸漸多元化,主要希望以有限的資源做更精準的管理,以期朝向管制制度周延化的目標邁進。 Final report for implement of the new model certification,conformity of production and the recall relative investigative test for in-use vehicle According to the records from January 2004 to October 2004, there were 349 certificates issued this year, which include 662 vehicle types. Over 400 certificates issued this year are expected. The dates required for certification process averaged 8.5 dates in compliance with requests of the public and R.O.C EPA. The test results for the average emission values were not lowered compared with the average emission values for the year 2003, and for the year 2005 the values were even rising. The most significant ones were the CO value and the NMHC value for imported commercial vehicles.As to the “Conformity of Production Program”, the average values for the conformity of production tests since 1999 were similar to the average values for the new vehicle exhaust emission tests. The CO value and the NMHC value for the year 2004 were up trend. The results of the conformity of production tests could represent current pollution condition of new vehicle. But the average values for the new vehicle exhaust emission tests should be objectively considered as a significant data.As to the in-use vehicles conformity tests, there were 10 engine families put to the basic test and 1 engine family put to the final test. Up to now, there were few possibilities that in-use vehicles exceed the standard values, but the average values for the new vehicle exhaust emission tests. There are two possibilities for the result. The first one is that the tested vehicles, breakdown tests, deterioration coefficient were controlled on purpose. The other one is that the environment quality was worse in Taiwan. However, the in-use vehicles conformity tests are the last and the most important part of motor vehicle exhaust emission control; therefore, a certain proportion of vehicle number under investigation tests each year is necessary. The implement of this regulatory strategy could prevent type approval applicants from ignoring the breakdown guarantee. 093 空保處 工業技術研究院 機械工業研究所
32123049 空氣品質預報動力模式及紫外線預報發展與驗證 1. 維護現有「空氣品質預報輔助系統及紫外線預報系統」,更新預報輔助系統資料庫。2. 配合本署大陸沙塵影響台灣地區之預報作業,進行大陸沙塵起沙及傳輸預報模擬,綜合預報模式與氣象預報之結果,推估沙塵侵台時間、影響範圍及濃度分布狀況,對可能侵台的大陸沙塵事件提供24至48小時之預警。今年TAQM/kosa模式對沙塵的掌握仍比NRL模式為略佳,但整體而言,今年的評分比2003年為差,這是由於1月及4月各有一個漏報與虛報的個案,一月個案的漏報原因是大氣中相對濕度及24小時溫差未達起沙條件。3. 協助發展空氣品質動力預報模式,以模擬包括生質燃燒等等本土以及外來空氣污染物濃度,提供24至48小時預測,以輔助例行性空氣品質預報作業,目前已針對本年度五個高污染個案進行模擬測試,也已將模式移植至本署機器進行自動化測試。也將化學動力預報模式資料加入改進複迴歸分析法,結果顯示有改進複迴歸分析法。4. 利用本署逆溫儀觀測資料,作為預報改進之參考依據。針對2003年逆溫儀資料與探空資料進行比對,顯示逆溫儀資料值得採用。使用逆溫層高度為變數加以改進複迴歸預報法,顯示逆溫層高度在某些個案具有很高的相關性。 Development and Verification of Forecasting Models For Air Quality and UV Index (1) Provide hardware and software maintenance of EPA’s “Air Quality Forecast Auxiliary System” and update relevant database in order to facilitate the operation of daily forecast of air quality and UV index; (2) Perform daily simulation of atmospheric dust deflation and transport from East Asia to the Taiwan area, predict the arrival time, duration, concentration and extent of dust incursion so as to provide a 48-hr advance notice. An overall evaluation of the forecast results was conducted. It was found that the TAQM/kosa model performed slightly better than the dust forecast model of US Naval Research Laboratory for the spring of 2004. However, the performance of TAQM/kosa in 2004 degraded somewhat from 2003, owing to a complete miss of a case in January and an overestimation of a case in April. For the former, we found the causes to be errors in the relative humidity and temperature fields in TAQM/kosa. (3) Develop a dynamic air quality model to provide simulations of local and foreign air pollutants including those from biomass burning in East Asia, in order to provide 24 to 48 hr forecasts to assist routine operation of air quality forecasts in the future. Five highly polluted cases have been tested with the dynamic air quality model. The model has been installed on EPA’s operation computer, and pre-operation tests of automatic daily forecasts have been performed. (4) Analyze the data quality EPA’s boundary layer temperature profiler, and analyze the applicability of these data in improving air quality forecasts. The data quality looks fine according to our preliminary analysis. We also found significant positive correlation between the inversion height that derived from the data and the concentrations of major air pollutants. However, further application of these data in the forecasts of air pollution requires in-depth understanding of the causes of the correlation. 093 監資處 國立台灣大學 大氣科學系
32123050 電動機車維修服務專案計畫 行政院87年3月5日核定「發展電動機車行動計畫」,自88年度起分四年編列63億經費進行補助研發推廣工作,環保署依行動計畫內容與經濟部負責電動機車使用環境之建立、宣導推廣及相關法令的修改工作,環保署並從84年起開始補助民眾購買電動機車以取代傳統之燃油機車,減少空氣污染與提升空氣品質。從85年度至91年度,每年補助電動機車數量從85到87年度每年百輛單位計,至88、89年度每年千輛、萬輛計,銷售量在89年度達到高峰,90、91年度則回到千輛規模,在環保署92年停止補助後銷售量則降至二位數以下。根據環保署在92年的統計,補助新購電動機車已有26,645輛,而依交通部提供資料,目前持續使用中車輛亦有18,048輛,但由於原有電動機車製造商因市場萎縮、未具經濟規模而停止生產或轉向電動車輛研發、改善及技術應用,如:高效率電動機車、輕便型電動機車、電動自行車、電動代步車、電動休閒車、電動滑板車…等,政府對於配合政策推動購買電動機車的車主,因廠商停止生產或歇業而導致車子故障無法得到有效支援的民眾,協助其處理電動機車的使用問題,因此環保署特成立本計畫以協助民眾解決維修上的相關問題。 Electric scooter maintenance and repair plan In March 5,1998,Executive Yuan decided the 「Electric scooter development plan」.It used 6300 million funds to subsidy the development and popular work. EPA and MOEA fellow the plan content to establish the environment announce and popularize and revise the law. EPA started to subsidy the common people to buy the electric scooter to replace the diesel scooter and reduce air pollution and raise the air quality from 1995.Between 1996 and 2002,the subsidy amount started to be counted by hundred in 1996 to 1998, counted by thousand and ten thousand in 1999 and 2000 and back to be counted by thousand in 2001 and 2002. After EPA stopped to subsidy in 2003,the sales volume lowered down than hundred.According to EPA statistics, all subsidy electric scooter amount is 26,645. According to MOC statistics, there are still 18,048 electric scooters in list. But the electric scooter manufacturer stop producing or transfer to other electric vehicle industry(ex: high efficient electric scooter, convenient electric scooter, electric bike, electric means of transportation, electric leisure vehicle, electric slide scooter) for the market withered, economic scale becomes small. Government wished to help electric scooter users who bought with the policy and suffered the manufacturer stopped producing or close to solve relative problems. So EPA used this plan to help people to solve the maintenance problems. 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32123051 非屬原子能游離輻射-全國地理資訊系統之建立 非游離輻射源的存在與文明進步之便利性呈現緊密之相關性,於日常生活環境中有許多不同型式之電磁輻射產生源,諸如高壓配電站、變壓器、馬達、廣播電台、無線電通訊設備、電腦設備等,其頻率範圍可從極低頻至超高頻(30 Hz~300 GHz)範圍。對人體組織產生之效應一直具有相當的爭議性,其效應包括有電刺激、熱生(Thermal)與非熱生效應,但是流行學病之研究指出長期暴露於中低功率電磁波之職業工作人員或一般人員,與心律異常、幼兒白血病、幼兒淋巴瘤、腦瘤、乳癌、異常懷孕結果(自發性流產與畸胎)、精虫數量減少、異常行為(如自殺或沮喪)之引起(Cause)或促進(Promote)有相關,雖然目前尚未有足夠具有驗證性之科學與實驗資料來界定確實之暴露強度(劑量)才算危險因子,但是目前國外正從流行病學、數學模型與工程模擬、數據量測、組織細胞之離子流與基因觀點,及動物實驗進行大規模研究,希冀能從中探知一些秘密及預防方法。有鑑於此在本計畫在本年度將針對下列委託之五項工作進行委託服務之詳實規劃與執行,以期建立相關資料庫與檢測方法,提供國人與主管機關於生活品質指標與業務決策管理之參考。本年度之工作重點包括:一、 蒐集他國對非屬原子能游離輻管理法規、措施及生物效應 相關研究報告。二、 建置及更新非屬原子能游離輻射資訊系統。 三、 非屬原子能游離輻射發射源之抽測。四、 培養台北市、台北縣、高雄市及台中市環保局監測行動電話基地台於環境中產生電磁場能力。五、 辦理電磁波業務研討會。 non-ionized radiation - The project work for the establishment of the national geography information system and the taking out non-ionized radiation sources to measure The non-ionized radiation lingering over the environment has a closed relationship to the development of the civilization. There are many different types of magnetic radiation sources surrounding around our environment. For example, high voltage electricity distributor, transformer, motor, radio station, wireless communication system, computer instrumentations and etc.The frequency range could vary from extremely low to superior high frequency range (30 MHz ~ 3 GHz). Effects of non-ionized radiation to the living tissue have been always a controversial topic. These include electric stimulation, heat and non-heat effect. However, the epidemiologic research reflected that the workers with long-term exposed to medium or low power magnetic fields are significantly related to arrhythmia, pediatric leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumor, breast cancer, unpredictable pregnancy (abortion and abnormal fetus), reduced in semen amount, and behavioral disabilities. Although current research results still cannot prove that a boundary does as a threshold to indicate a harmful factor to human body. Currently, some researches are now focused on epidemiology, mathematical modeling, engineering modeling, data measurement, tissues, cells and genetic points of view, and large-scale investigations on animal practical experiments. They try to find out some useful information and methods to reduce or prevent the potential damage.Per the EPA’s request, we established an information system that provides actual measurement results around the island. The governing authority and individuals with interests can retrieve information of non-ionized radiation in some specific areas. Additionally, we hope the system can cause the general public’s attention toward the non-ionized radiation. Eventually, it can improve the living quality of all citizens in our country. 093 空保處 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 醫學工程部
32123052 推動民眾參與河川污染巡守計畫 為協助及加速二仁溪、鹽水溪及將軍溪污染整治計畫,長榮大學聯合此三流域大專院校、團體、社區與行政院環境保護署合作執行此一民眾參與計畫,其目的在:(1)與流域內各團體建立河川保育的夥伴關係;(2)建立河川志工監測及巡守制度;(3)促進民眾團體與環保行政人員之溝通;(4)促進民眾流域環境保護觀念。 本計畫延續90年環保署「鼓勵民眾參與二仁溪河川保育」、91年「二仁溪、將軍溪志工巡守及檢舉機制推動」、92年「推動二仁溪、鹽水溪、將軍溪三流域河川巡守工作」等計畫,持續運作於長榮大學設立之「河川保育中心」,此中心負有計畫推廣、溝通、志工培訓及計畫成效評估等功能,目前計有七所大專院校、七個環保團體、二個社區、四所國小、一所高中及一個電台加入本計畫,各自依其地域及特性,志願進行河川巡守、水質監測、環境教育或計畫推廣工作,志工人數愈百人(未計算新進加入之南寧高中及依仁國小,發放之志工證共99張)。今年度重點工作在:(1)河川志工巡守觀念之推廣;(2)加強現有志工單位之聯繫;(3)協助民眾了解政府河川整治作為;(4)協調志工巡守計畫及污染源電子監視系統之整合。於(1)河川志工巡守觀念推廣方面,於社區大學開設上下學期之「網路環境佈道師」(15名學員)及一期之「河流巡守志工培訓」(8名學員)課程;深入社區、社團及學校辦理河川志工演講28場(聽講人數超過2100人);辦理七場之河川影像展。於(2)加強現有志工單位之聯繫方面,共編撰11期電子報─河流的呼喚,以email及紙本定期發送各志工團體,並於12月之志工討論會以合訂本方式印製150份。於(3)協助民眾了解政府河川整治作為方面,於12月12日辦理志工參訪暨討論會活動,共約150名志工、政府官員參與活動。於(4)協調志工巡守計畫及污染源電子監視系統之整合方面,因該系統尚未完成設置,本團隊為加強網路聯繫及未來污染源電子監視系統監看,已由台南市社區大學先行以兼任助理方式聘用林嘉德志工(熱心環境之腦性麻痺學員),預期將使此項工作有專人負責,且達人盡其才之社會功能。 於推動志工巡守架構運作,協助政府管制污染源方面,今年度共向環保署及環保局陳報台南市鹽水溪流域2處水污染源、二仁溪流域1處水污染源;台南縣鹽水溪流域3處水污染源、二仁溪流域9處水污染源及1處廢棄物常丟置點、將軍溪流域2處水污染源;高雄縣二仁溪流域1處水污染源。其中台南市部分查獲二處鹽水溪污染源污染事實;台南縣部份查獲鹽水溪永康排水一染整業及一電鍍業、將軍溪一金屬表面處理業、二仁溪一金屬表面處理業之污染事實;促使永康市王田垃圾掩埋場垃圾滲出水改善工程之規劃。 於志工水質監測方面,定點檢測12處,水質項目包含溫度、酸鹼度、溶氧、導電度及透視度(或濁度),檢測次數由4到18次,視參與單位而不同。另為協助了解工業污染較嚴重地區排水之健康影響,共執行8處水質樣點、7處底泥樣點、1處牡蠣樣點之採樣及重金屬分析。南寧高中、喜樹國小、台南市社區大學以水環境監測結合教學,推動不同年齡階層之環境教育。 此一系列計畫已建立一民眾參與河川污染整治的架構,透過民眾的巡守及污染通報,協助環保單位管制水污染源;透過污染管制會議,民眾提供地區環境特性資料及對河川整治之意見,進而參與整治策略之建議。於推動過程,我們學到以下經驗:(1)取得信任、掌握志工單位特性及保持彈性使志工計畫運作順暢;(2)結合社區大學保持河川巡守及污染批判之行動力;(3)加強地方首長投入及有害廢棄物控管有助於水污染管制。本計畫三年來結合志工投入河川環境保育之架構及經驗,應可作為環保署於各河川整治推動相關工作之參考。 Promotion of public participation in river cleanup projects A public participation program is being conducted to involve people in the pollution cleanup projects of Erhjen, Yenshui and Chiangchun rivers, which were declared as the Priority Cleanup Rivers by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration in 2002 and 2003. The objectives of this program are: (1) to form a partnership among various groups of people for river restoration; (2) to establish a river volunteer monitoring and patrolling mechanism; (3) to promote communications among stakeholders through various meetings and volunteer training courses; (4) to raise a general awareness on watershed environmental protection.The project is the 4th year of the public participation program. Prior to this project, we held stakeholder meetings, volunteer training workshops, and established an office named “River Restoration Center” in a series of project from year 2001 to 2003. The River Restoration Center was established under the joined project between Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) and Chang Jung Christian University. The center functions as promotion, communication, volunteer training, and progress evaluation for the program. Seven iversities, seven environmental NGOs,two communities, four elementary schools, one high school, and one radio station had since signed on as the volunteer groups for river patrolling, water quality monitoring, environmental education, and/or program broadcasting. The tasks that we are aiming to accomplish this year include:(1) further involving people to river patrolling; (2) enhancing communication between volunteer groups and the government agencies; (3)assisting TEPA to inform the public of river cleanup measures; (4)coordinating the integration of the river patrolling project and the pollution surveillance system. 093 水保處 長榮大學
32123053 各縣市底盤動力計排煙檢測站查核、評鑑及使用中柴油小客車污染追蹤專案工作計畫 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的問題,為環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點之一,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。環境保護署為有效管制柴油車污染排放問題,於各縣市廣設柴油車排煙檢測站,由民眾檢舉及專業人員目視判煙等方式,通知有污染之虞柴油車輛到站受檢,藉以管制柴油車黑煙排放問題。為有效提升各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站檢測品質,環保署特委託辦理柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑計畫,計畫主要針對目前操作中之排煙檢測站場站環境、檢測設備、檢測程序及報告品保品管等進行兩次查核及評鑑工作,彙整各縣市現存問題,並於各次評鑑後辦理評鑑結果檢討會,協助各縣市排煙檢測站瞭解問題並提供改善建議,確保各縣市執法之公信力與品質。於計畫期間執行兩次相關性測試,期藉此確認各排煙站檢測結果一致性,同時針對相關性不佳之原因進一步探討,提供各縣市改善方向。為解決目前重複通知到檢及外縣市代驗檢測資料回傳問題,本計畫依要求建置並導入柴油車排煙檢測資料庫系統。其他相關工作包括柴油小客車污染度追蹤檢測、不透光度與煙度比對、載重前後動力計測試、相關法規及試驗程序研商、以及未來以BOO方式推行柴油車定檢制度之可行性評估等,各項成果均於報告中有詳盡說明。 Audit, Evaluate of Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test(CDST) station and to trace used small diesel vehicle pollution Mobile pollutant source is the main cause for the urban air quality decline, the diesel vehicle exhaust emission is concerned by both environmental and transportation departments as control priority. In order to control the issue of diesel vehicle exhaust, the EPA has setting up diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect station in each local authority and together with public reported the emission fact and visual inspector to inform those may contain high level of pollutant vehicles to take the emission test. Above all is to reduce the diesel vehicle smoke emission situation.For better inspection quality in every counties and cities, the EPA has authorized a well-known consultant company to handle an evaluation project on diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect station. The main aim of the project is focusing on the condition of current operating diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect stations, inspect facilities, inspect procedures and report QA/QC for twice auditing and evaluating. In order to maintain the inspect quality and enforce the law in local authorities, the consultant held seminars after every auditing.During the project period had twice correlation test for confirm the inspect result from each station were the same, meanwhile for the correlation result that dissimilar from others, will take a deep step to investigate the cause and the event will provide local authorities for further improvement. The project has been required to established and implement the diesel vehicle inspection data base system to resolve the problem of repeated inform the same diesel vehicles to take inspection as well as the inspect result data feedback from other counties or cities. Other related works are including to traced diesel engine minibus pollution inspect, contrast between opacity and emission grade, Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test (CDST), discussion on related regulation and inspect procedure, and to evaluate the possibility of future policy direction to promote diesel vehicle regular inspect system. 093 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司
32123054 衛星等遙測科技應用於環保與公害糾紛處理(第一年)專案工作計畫 由於重大或突發性公害污染事件通常範圍廣大,生態環境遭破壞,每造成環保抗爭和公害糾紛事件。對於此類重大或突發大面積污染公害,如以傳統地面調查的方式進行,每每費時耗工,難以詳細查估。為確定污染物出處及影響範圍,與了解當地整體環境狀況,並迅整蒐集並保全相關證據,本計畫主要目標為:1.公害污染事件空間資料及相關查詢管理資訊系統之規劃與建置。2.重大、突發或敏感性公害污染事件之機動性遙測資料獲取。3.各項衛星遙測影像即時傳輸機制之規劃與建置。4.敏感公害糾紛設施鄰避變遷評估及探討分析。5.遙測技術應用推廣與教育訓練。 The Application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Environmental Protection and Public Dispute The large-scale pollution normally is accompanied with public dispute and environmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform ground investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial data collection and processing technologies to help monitor the polluted areas. There are five objectives in this project:1.Establish a database system for the use of pollution events and background information quarry.2.Use remote sensing technologies to collect the evidence when the polluted events occur.3.Propose various transmitting devices for transferring remote sensing data.4.Produce and analyze the spatial data for Not-In-My-Back-Yard utilities.5.Coordinate the training courses for regional and local EPA personnel. 093 管考處 國立中央大學太空遙測中心
32123055 執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗相關排氣管制措施及使用中機車召回改正調查測試 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為三個部份,第一個部份是執行機器腳踏車新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作。第二個部份是配合環保署相關政策之實施,協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施。第三個部份是執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜。本計畫執行至10月底止,在新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作方面,共核發120張合格證,包含444個車型,其中2003車型年核發3張合格證,包含5個車型,2004車型年核發85張合格證,包含343個車型,2005車型年核發32張合格證,包含96個車型;並已進行14輛國產車、15輛進口車之新車抽驗,其中1輛排氣管與審驗文件不符,已被環保署廢止合格證,並進行自行召回改正計畫工作,1輛初測不合格,進入複測後合格,1輛測試操作失誤,另再抽車,其餘全都合格,;亦已進行7輛進口車之污染控制元件查驗,全都合格;廠商耐久計畫申請部分,共提出23件,已完成耐久並通過劣化係數申請者有共有17件,尚在耐久里程累積中有1件,審理中有4件,1件廠商不耐久,改為申請延伸。在協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施方面,持續蒐集國外最新之機車污染排放法規動態,提供環保署作為未來法規制定之參考;本年度美國2004車型年認證數據之分析顯示,700cc以上符合我國三期標準的比例較高,700cc以下符合我國四期標準的比例較低,歐盟2004車型年認證數據之分析顯示,700cc以上完全符合我國三期標準,700cc以下符合我國四期標準的比例不低,本計畫中並行15輛高排氣量機車與15輛四期150㏄以下使用中機車之研究測試,顯示現有車輛污染離EU3仍有一段距離,150㏄以下機車之我國四期法規與EU3相關性很高,150㏄以上機車則相反;4輛符合四期排放標準之耐久研究測試部分,各車耐久結果並未能如預期般隨里程逐漸劣化或變好,會有起伏變化現象;污染推估部分,全年機車CO、HC與NOx污染量分別為218986、68625、4970噸/年;在簡化審驗作業流程部分,持續上年度之作業方式,平均審驗時程約為8.4天,符合環保署要求之10天期限內。在執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜方面, 50輛車初步調查測試結果,10個引擎族之召回改正調查測試全都合格。 Implement of the new model motorcycle certification, C.O.P inspection, the relative motorcycle emission management, and the in-used motorcycle recall investigative tests. The project for this year will continue to assist the EPA with the management of motorcycle exhaust pollution, including the certification of new vehicle model, the audit of new vehicle, examination on emission control components, etc., the project will implement the recall investigative tests for the in-used motorcycles. Until now, the project had issued 120 certificates, including 444 vehicle models. The project also had completed audits for 14 domestic motorcycles and 15 imported motorcycles, Twenty-seven of them had passed the tests. The project also had examined 7 motorcycles for their emission control components, all of them pass the examinations. The manufacturers had applied for 23 pieces of endurance tests this year.We also analyzed the USA and the EU 2004 model year motorcycle certification data. The 15 quantities of high displacement motorcycles and 15 quantities of 4th stage in-used motorcycles research tests and analysis showed that the EU3 emission regulations are more stringent than our 4th stage emission regulations.The endurance test results of 4 quantities of vehicles showed fluctuant variation among the mileage. We had development our domestic motorcycle exhaust emission estimation model with reference to the COPERTⅢ model. The emissions estimated all the year round are 218968, 68625, and 4970 tons/year for CO, HC, and NOx respectively.In the item of simplifying flow chart of certification process, the application time was 8.4 days. For the in-used vehicles investigation tests, all the 10 engine families had passed the tests. Besides, one engine family shall execute self-recall project because it’s inconsistent in exhaust pipe between new vehicle audition and certification document. The self-recall project is still proceeding. 093 空保處 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所
32123056 環保標章賣場資訊宣導活動 本計畫的目的在於提升消費者對「環保標章」的認識,增加其接觸「環保標章」商品的機會,進而鼓勵消費者購買「環保標章」商品。透過與大型賣場合作,設立宣導攤位,增加「環保標章」商品的可得性,以提升消費者的購買意願。工作人員於十月每個週末與週日共十日在「大潤發」台北內湖一店、台中忠明店及台南店設置宣導攤位,總共發送宣傳小冊超過一萬份,共有8,361位消費者參與有獎徵答,環保袋兌換達1,400 個(繳回100個),有六位消費者參與內湖一店之尋寶遊戲。本次宣導活動除達成預期目標,最大效益在於創造三贏局面,是政府、消費者、廠商合作,共同提升環保意識成功的案例。對於後續宣導重點,建議短期目標為持續宣導「環保標章」,提升消費者對「環保標章」的認識。中期目標為增加「環保標章」產品流通。長期目標為消費者持續購買「環保標章」商品。宣導「環保標章」之最終目的,是希望消費者未來在選購商品時,習慣性地檢查商品是否附有「環保標章」。因此,長期且密集的宣導有其必要。 Promoting the Green Mark Logo in Retail Stores The purpose of this project is to promote consumer awareness of the “Green Mark Logo” and to increase the accessibility of consumer products that bear the “Green Mark Logo” so we can encourage consumers to purchase “Green Mark Logo” products. Through collaborating with large chains, we set up promotion stands to disseminate relevant information. We set up promotion stands on every weekend in October at three RT-Mart stores, one in Neihu First store in Taipei, another in Taichung, and the other in Tainan. In those ten days, we dispensed more than 10,000 pamphlets promoting the “Green Mark Logo.” More than 8,300 consumers participated in lucky drawings, while more than 1,000 shopping totes that bear the “Green Mark Logo” were given to consumers. Six consumers participated in a contest held in Neihu First store on October 31, searching for products that bear the “green Mark Logo.” The outcomes of this project are satisfactory. The most remarkable effect is that this is a successful collaboration among the government, the consumer, and the business in promoting the “Green Mark Logo.” In the future, we suggest the short-term goal be the increase of consumer awareness, the mid-term goal the increase of accessibility of “Green Mark Logo” products, and the long-term goal the establishment of habitual purchase of the “Green Mark Logo.” 093 管考處 財團法人中華民國消費者文教基金會
32123057 「公共服務擴大就業計畫-環境美化及資源回收工作(環境清潔、資源回收)督導考核、人力管理、就業輔導方案」專案工作計畫 為延續「公共服務擴大就業計畫-環境美化及資源回收工作小組三項計畫( 環境清潔、資源回收、事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制)」工作,依行政院「公共服務擴大就業計畫九十三年下半年後續配套措施督導管考作業及受僱者申訴管道設置原則」, 行政院環保署成立工作小組訂定 「公共服務擴大就業計畫九十三年下半年後續配套措施各項工作督導計畫」,以落實「公共服務擴大就業計畫九十三年下半年後續配套措施各項計畫( 續辦公共服務擴大就業計畫第三期環境清潔維護工作、續辦公共服務擴大就業計畫第三期資源回收工作、新增環境清潔維護及空氣污染防制計畫,新增資源回收計畫、新增事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制計畫) 」之推動:一、 配合「公共服務擴大就業」計畫推動,雇用中高齡及身心障礙障礙等弱勢勞工,協助促進就業,降低失業率,全面落實「公共服務擴大就業」計畫精神。二、 強化各地方環保局人力管理績效以提升環保執行業務品質。三、 針對用人單位進行實地督導考核,強化人力管理並提升工作品質。四、 爲使中央了解地方公共服務擴大就業人員就業需求情形,辦理再就業輔導說明會結合勞委會、經濟部(中小企業處)及青輔會,提供各項就業輔導及職業訓練管道,提昇人力素質,增加中長期永續就業機會,提升市場就業率。五、 辦理計畫年終檢討會協助各地方環保局經驗交流與分享,增強中央與地方、地方與鄉鎮之溝通力及合作性。 The Public Service Employment Expansion Project-Environmental Beautification and Resource Recycling Program in Job Monitoring,Human Resource Management and Hireling Job Training Upholding the principles of “Extended Public Service Employment Plan – Environmental Improvement and Recycling Group (environmental cleaning, recycling, source and end management mechanisms for industrial waste), in compliance with “Monitoring and Assessment Guidelines for Second Half Year of 2004 of Extended Public Service Employment Plan and Establishment of Employee’s Complaint Channels” announced by Executive Yuan, Environmental Protection Agency of Executive Yuan assigned a committee to formulate “Task Monitoring Project for Second Half Year of 2004 of Extended Public Service Employment Plan”, in order to realize the projects developed for second half year of 2004 of Extended Public Service Employment Plan (continuation of stage 3 environmental cleaning project, continuation of stage 2 recycling project, addition of environmental maintenance and air pollution prevention project, addition of recycling project, addition of source and end management mechanisms for industrial waste).1. Coordinating “Extended Public Service Employment Plan” to employ minority labors, such as middle age and elders, disabled labors so as to facilitate employment, reduce unemployment rate, and realize the principles of “Extended Public Service Employment Plan”.2. Conduct field investigation on hiring organizations, improve the personnel management and work quality.3. To help the central government understanding the demand of “Extended Public Service Employment Plan”, employment orientations held jointly by Council of Labor Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, and National Youth Commission are organized to provide employment counseling and training channels, improve the quality of applicants, enhance the medium to long-term employment opportunity, and increase the employment rate.4. Hold annual reviews to assist local environment protection agencies to share their experiences, and facilitate the communication and cooperation between the central government and the local government, as well as the local government 093 綜計處 中華民國勞務派遣服務協會
32123058 大氣環境監測系統整合與空氣品質背景站建置之規劃與評估 本計畫已完成選定適合地點進行評估適合台灣氣候與環境狀況之垂直剖風儀規格及台灣台灣北中南三區合適之安置地點,完成適合本地操作與應用之光達規格與安置地點之評估,並已協助環保署完成光達之採購作業、儀器之安裝、測試、教育訓練與技術轉移,並且已開始進行粒狀大氣污染物之垂直剖風監測。完成鹿林山區域大氣背景站之建置之評估與規劃以及所需儀器種類與規格之建議,並且已完成和美國太空總署光達研究室合作文件之簽署,未來光達系統之觀測將加入NASA MPLNET之觀測網,以與國際觀測接軌,推動國際合作。根據台灣氣候與環境狀況之電波測量評估結果,我們建議適用之剖風儀頻帶為1250-1280MHz,1290-1300MHz以及1360 – 1400 MHz,北中南合適之安置地點為中央大學(或移動式系統),台中火力發電廠(或台中霧峰之農業試驗所),以及輔英科技大學(或其旁已復育之垃圾掩埋廠)。 Atmospheric Environment Monitoring System Integration Planning and Evaluation of Air Quality Baseline Station This project is to evaluate the system specification of low atmosphere profiler and micro pulse lidar system that is suited to be operated to monitor the vertical profile mcasurement of horizontal wind and particulate pollutant in the weather and climate condition of Taiwan. Both systems’ testing, installation, educational traning and technology transfer will also be made in this project. An evaluation and instruments planning for the air quality base line station of lu-lin mouutain has been made. The possible profiler sites and available frequency band in the north, central and south of Taiwan has been evaluated. The lidar specification that is easy to link with the international lidar network has been proposed. We already help EPA to purchase the lidar system and finish the station and whole system’s installation. The preliminary site survey, instruments planning, the design of base line station and a preliminary educational training have been finished.Base on the background radio spectrum measurement result in the climate and environment condition of Taiwan, we suggest the suitable profiler frequency band are 1250-1280MHz, 1290-1300MHz, and 1360-1400MHz. The suggest profiler sites for northern, central and sourthern Taiwan are National Central University (or a portable system), Taichung Fire Power Plant (or Taichung Agriculture Research lab) and Fu-Yin Technology Univ. (or the near by land fill park), respectively. 093 監資處 國立中央大學
32123059 進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業 依據「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章辦法」辦理進口車輛污染驗證核章,管制進口車輛均符合排放標準:1、 排氣合格證明驗證核章審核計54,778輛。2、 逐車測試合格證明審核及驗證核章計4,660輛。依計畫合約要求,辦理進口車輛污染驗證核章之相關業務:1、 對申請驗證核章車輛進行實車查驗:(1) 依排氣合格證明驗證核章車輛,計完成32輛車實車查驗。(2) 依逐車測試合格證明驗證核章車輛,計完成2輛車實車查驗。2、 就廠商申請驗證核章所檢具文件與原廠聯繫查核,計抽查7家代理商及8家貿易商。3、 廠商請資料均抽存乙份,並與海關及交通監理單位資料連線,進行資料核對與完成核章資料傳送。4、 安排六名審查人員,於台北市辦公室及環保署,辦理進口車輛驗證核章審核及資料連線5、 辦理一場進口汽車驗證核章作業說明會,並編印「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章須知」柒佰冊,以便利民眾申請。6、 一併辦理車輛噪音驗證核章業務,完成噪音合格證明驗證核章計55,404輛,完成噪音逐車測試報告驗證核章計5,225輛。規劃進口汽車空氣污染物電子驗證核章作業系統,並進行系統初步架構建置,強化資訊管理及資料連線,簡化申請流程及縮短審查時間,提高行政效率。 Air Pollutant Inspection Label Of Imported Car Based on “Method For Air Pollutant Inspection Label Of Imported Car” to carry out the inspection label for the pollution of imported car, so as to control the imported car to meet the emission standard:1、There are 54,778 imported cars with the accepted air emission certificate and inspection label.2、There are 4,660 cars with the accepted certificate and inspection label for the test of each car.Based on the requirements of contract to carry out the related tasks about the inspection label for the pollution of imported car:1、To carry out field inspection for the car applied for the inspection label:(1) There are 32 cars which based on the cars with accepted air emission certificate and inspection label. (2) There are 2 cars which based on the cars with the accepted certificate and inspection label for the test of each car.2、The documents submitted by the applicant have been checked with the original manufacturer, 7 distributors and 8 dealers have been checked randomly.3、A copy of application information has been kept, and it is connected to Customs and Traffic authorities to carry out information checking and the information transmission of inspection label.4、Six reviewers are designated to Taipei Office and EPA to carry out the review for the inspection label of imported car and information connection.5、To hold a demonstration meeting for the operation of the inspection label of imported car, and print 700 volumes of “Outline For Air Pollutant Inspection Label Of Imported Car”, so that people can apply it conveniently.6、To carry out the tasks about the inspection label for the noise of car jointly, there are 55,404 cars with the accepted noise certificate and 5,225 cars with the accepted certificate and inspection label for the test of each car.To plan electronic inspection label operation system for air pollutant of imported car, and perform the preliminary installation of system to strengthen information management and data connection, to simply the application process and shorten the review t 093 空保處 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所
32123060 九十三年度資源回收再利用推動計畫 本計畫目標為加強國內資源回收再利用,暨解決迄今相關問題(如資源回收再利用法與廢棄物清理法部分條文競合),暨藉此機會了解如輔導產品綠色設計和推動再使用再生資源等,於實際推動上的困難並提出因應建議,工作項目包括六大部分,其成果摘要如下:一、訂定「資源回收再利用推動計畫」(簡稱推動計畫)推動計畫定位為環保署研擬中「事業廢棄物管理之檢討與展望(草案)」之下位計畫,配合前述草案期程,計畫之推動分為短程(民93-96)、中程(民97-100)及長程(民101-109)三個階段進行。配合「事業廢棄物管理之檢討與展望(草案)」之規劃,將事業廢棄物作分類,明訂工業、營建、農業、國防、教育及醫療六大類廢棄物短、中、長程之減量率與再利用率、八大問題之因應策略,整合型及個別型共計34項之措施,未來規劃每二年檢討修訂其執行措施,由環保署及相關目的事業主管機關執行。推動計畫之研擬,主要藉由以下方式進行:彙整國內現行廢棄物管理相關方案及計畫,分析現況問題,參採國外(歐、日)廢棄物管理與回收再利用之策略與措施,及績效指標(聯合國、OECD、英、日)文獻資料,召開跨部會工作小組研商會議。二、輔導二項產品進行綠色設計首先經由整理歐盟整合性產品政策(Integrated Product Policy,IPP)文件及國內外推動綠色設計現況,據以擬定綠色設計指導方針。其次,依據廠商及產品篩選原則,分別選定資訊類產品(廣達電腦生產之行動電話)及家電類產品(聲寶公司之電冰箱)進行並已完成綠色設計輔導及分析。國內相關建議措施部份:行動電話含有害物質對環境衝擊較大,但目前國際間(含歐盟)均缺乏有害物質的檢驗與認定標準,故建議標準建立後,再行管制或獎勵措施,因此本計畫規劃中、長期管理措施。塑膠元件的部分佔冰箱主體的15.9%,可手動拆卸者佔7.7%,我國每年冰箱的廢棄量約為31萬台,塑膠材質的廢棄量不少,因此建議應朝向產品塑膠材質元件標示的方向規劃,並已完成草案和配套措施之研擬,以及與相關業者之研商座談會。三、規劃兩項再使用再生資源項目及其配套措施本計畫從22項可再使用之一般廢棄物項目中,選定碳粉匣與墨水匣二項為評估項目,完成其經濟及技術可行性評估報告,並提出再使用公告草案;此外,參酌國外對於此兩項物品所推動的回收再使用,多為製造業者提出自主回收計畫,因此本計畫亦額外提出「原生碳粉匣及墨水匣業者提出自主回收再使用計畫」與「依廢清法公告為應回收廢棄物項目,納入現行基管會之管理體系」方案,並已召開二場次業者座談會,會議的共識為朝向研提自願性回收計畫的方式來執行。四、研擬廢棄物清理法及資源回收再利用法配套修正草案報告內容針對美國、德國及日本資源回收相關法律架構與立法邏輯提出分析、我國廢清法與資再法法律架構與立法邏輯檢討、完成修法配套替代方案及檢討修正、並召開廢清法配套修正公聽研商會及草擬資再法修正草案,提出兩法合併與分立之優缺點評析,暨國內未來修法期程建議。五、建置資源回收再利用年報與資源平衡圖 (一) 年報:已完成我國資源回收再利用年報(初稿)架構、格式及內容之研擬,並完成前述年報申報網頁之建置,未來可開放與一般民眾瀏覽我國資源回收再利用情形,及提供各部會回傳相關年報所需資料。(二) 質量平衡圖為加強掌握物質流,以作為未來政策規劃之參考。透過蒐集歐盟和日本相關資料、彙整國內各部會廢棄物定量資訊、以及學者討論會議(含各部會代表),完成我國廢棄物部分資源平衡圖,推估得知92年度我國廢棄物總產生量為4833.9萬公噸(包含一般廢棄物770.8萬公噸、事業廢棄物2658.3萬公噸、廢紙641.3萬公噸與廢鐵 763.5萬公噸),整體之回收再利用率為54.6 %。最後,應用相關成果進行日本與我國資源平衡圖之比較。六、規劃執行機關執行再生資源再使用事宜:完成執行機關執行再生資源再使用計畫內容與審查流程之規劃。 Project of Enhancing Resources Recovery & Recycling in Taiwan for 2004 The purposes of this project are to enhance resource recycling and to solve the implementation problems.1. Draft “The Resources Recycling Action Plan”(abb. as Plan):The implementation schedule and goals are divided into short term (2004-07), medium-range (2008-11) and long term (2012-20). The Industrial Waste, based on the types of origins, are divided into six categories: constructional, industrial, medical, agricultural, national defense and educational related activities. 34 integrated and individual measures are included. 2. Plan and organize an effort of Design for Environment (DfE) with two selected products:(1)Mobile phone (MP):Hazardous substances contained in MP have greater impact on the environment. But identifying methods are not developed yet. Measures in medium range and long term are suggested. (2)Refrigerator:There are 310,000 waste refrigerators in Taiwan yearly, including 15.9% plastic parts. A plan to deal with the plastic labels of waste fridge and the related measures are drafted. 3. Draft the evaluation reports for two used products to be announced as renewable resources:The reports of economic and technical analysis and the measures for printer and ink cartridges are performed. Voluntary programs are suggested for Taiwan. 4. Draft amendments and recommendations for the Resource Recycling Act (RRA) and the Waste Disposal Act (WDA):Review and the drafted revision of RRA and WDA are finished. Plenty meetings with stakeholders have been held. The advantages and drawbacks for combining and separating of RRA and WDA are analyzed. 5. Annual report & Material flow of waste:(1) Annual report on resource recycling:The framework, format, content and the on-line reporting information system are completed.(2)Material flow of waste in Taiwan:According to the work, about 48,339,000 tons waste was generated in Taiwan in 2003, including 7,708,000 tons of General Waste, 26,583,000 tons of Industrial Waste, 6,413,000 tones of waste paper and 7,635,000 tons of waste irons. The total waste recycling ra 093 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
32123061 甲基第三丁基醚暴露風險評析(第二年) 本計畫主要目的係在檢測調查加油站MTBE之釋放濃度,並針對加油站周圍居民時間活動模式進行調查,建立加油站周圍居民食入及吸入MTBE之暴露風險評估,配合國內外MTBE相關文獻收集、整理及分析;瞭解國外MTBE管制前的評估與準備工作、管制期程及決策的考量重點等等,作為國內研擬MTBE管制規範之參考,研擬MTBE管制建議。綜合本計畫兩個年度之量測調查資料,假設居住在加油站附近居民,同時受到民井地下水或養殖用地下水中MTBE食入性暴露,以及加油過程與居住在加油站附近所受到空氣中MTBE吸入性暴露。在此假設環境狀態下居住40年期間,環境中MTBE食入及吸入性暴露所致之致癌風險值為6.2×10-7,顯示在多重暴露途徑下,其致癌風險值仍在可接受範圍(10-6)內,民眾因受到MTBE暴露引起之健康危害可能性極低。本計畫就環境影響、暴露風險、經濟因素及對煉油業者的衝擊等方面進行評估,獲取的數據與資訊顯示,國內目前並無全面性禁止MTBE使用的要素與條件。美國聯邦政府提出的能源法案中,包含計畫在2014年全面禁用MTBE。相信當美國通過含禁止使用MTBE的能源法案時,其他國家也將會同時考慮是否同步禁止使用MTBE或規劃禁用時程,建議我國在這方面也應有所準備。國內在檢討新能源政策時,建議應將MTBE是否禁用納入一併考量。 The project of the risk assessment due to the exposure to MTBE(Ⅱ) After summarizing the information of the analysis and survey of this project for the past two years, the threshold value of cancer due to ingestion and inhalation from the environment for the inhabitant who lives for 40 years is 6.2×10-7 that is based on the following assumptions or factors:(1)the inhabitant lives around the gasoline stations;(2)the inhabitant will have the MTBE exposure through the ingestion of groundwater from the inhabitant’s well or from the aquaculture;(3)the inhalation exposure of MTBE during the duration of adding fuel; It shows that under multiple paths of exposure, the threshold value of cancer is within the acceptable range (10-6). The inhabitant will have very low health hazard for the exposure of MTBE.After collecting and evaluating the data and information of the impacts from the aspects of environmental influence, exposure risk, economical factors and the impacts on the refiners, it is not necessary to ban the MTBE entirely in the country. The Energy Policy Act of the Federal Government of the United States plans to ban MTBE nationally in 2014. It is to be believed that once the United States passes the Energy Policy Act, other countries will also consider to ban MTBE synchronously or plan the schedules for banning MTBE. It suggests that our country should also prepare the necessary steps for banning MTBE. When the new energy policy of our country is discussed, no matter whether MTBE will be banned or not, it suggests that the topics of MTBE should be also included. 093 毒管處 工業技術研究院環安中心
32123062 環工技師簽證案件查核及資料庫加值程式開發維護專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署管考處於92年度主導推動技師簽證案件查核及環工技師基本資料庫之建置,目的在建立技師簽證查核機制及環工技師管理考核制度,藉由有效的查核及完善的管理,以提升環工技師簽證報告之品質及落實事前預防保證之功能。92年度透過20場次現地查核,本計畫已完成簽證查核規範及查核作業程序,並建置環工技師基本資料、業務執行及異動之建檔及資料維護工作。93年度計畫係延續92年度之工作,技師現場查核增加10場次,並擴大資料庫功能,內容朝加值功能開發與資料庫內容維護與更新兩大方向進行,以提昇本資料庫的服務功能與品質。93年度技師現場查核完成30場次。整體而言,技師簽證缺失已有明顯改善;同時本年度亦建立查核後續追蹤處理,對於可能有簽證不實之個案,進一步釐清責任歸屬,並持續加強追蹤及列管,俾符合查核實質意義。 Registered environmental protection professional engineer certification case review and database value added program development maintenance project work program In 2003, the Audit and Examination Division of Environmental Protection Bureau initiated the registered environmental protection professional engineer certification case review and establish basic database for registered environmental protection engineers. The objective is to establish registered professional engineer certification review mechanism and management and review program for registered environmental protection professional engineers. Through effective review and good management, it will upgrade the quality of registered environmental protection professional engineer report certifications and implement prevention and guarantee function. In 2003, through 20 on site review program, this program has completed certification review standard and reviewed certification operation procedure. It has established data for registered environmental protection professional engineers, carried out implementation, and file change and information maintenance program.The 2004 program is a continuation of 2003 work. There is an increase of 10 registered professional on site reviews. The function of database is expanded. The contents are leading toward value added function development and the maintenance and upgrade of database content. This is to improve the quality and service performance of this database. In 2004, 30 on site registered professional reviews have been completed. Overall, the defects of certification by registered professional engineers have significant improvement. At the same time, in this year, follow up tracking processing after review has also been established to assign responsibility to potentially incorrect certification cases, and continuously improve tracking and control to meet the real meaning of review. 093 管考處 台灣省環境工程技師公會
32123063 廢棄物焚化灰渣材料化技術研究(第二年) 國內廢棄物焚化灰渣產量逐漸增加,而掩埋場場地日益難尋,因此本計畫延續去年度計畫繼續對焚化灰渣之材料化再利用情形做一評估及確認其可行性,期望為焚化灰渣之處理提供一良好的解決途徑,並建立相關使用規範,以期達到有效焚化灰渣資源化利用的目的。 國外對焚化灰渣之再利用情形已經相當普遍,其他包含日本、荷蘭、丹麥、德國等國家,我國在92年也公布了垃圾焚化廠焚化底渣再利用規定,規定中底渣主要做為道路基層、瀝青混凝土、控制性低強度回填料(CLSM)及透水性鋪面等用途,經本研究計畫驗證結果顯示,廢棄物焚化底渣經適當之前處理後,可再利用於道路基層、瀝青混凝土、CLSM及透水磚上相關用途皆能符合相關工程規範之規定,故可作為天然材料的取代成分。依本年度之研究成果,針對去年度所擬定之材料化產品使用規範草案,再加以確認及修訂,以期作為將來訂定相關法令之參考準則,並對現行法規、政府政策、再利用市場推廣等提出建議以供主管機關施政參考。 The research of the utilization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Residues(II) This research project focuses on the utilization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Residues. About 90% of the municipal solid waste is incinerated in Taiwan, producing a huge amount of MSWI residues each year. However, Taiwan is highly urbanized and industrialized, and its disposal landfill area is scarcity. Therefore, the waste minimization is an urgent target for sustainable waste management. The reuse of MSWI residues, including bottom ash and fly ash, should be developed to solve the problems of waste disposal. In this research, MSWI bottom ash was used as a resource again, and its utilization was categorized into four promising ways: sub-base layer, bituminous concrete, controlled low strength materials (CLSM) and permeable brick. This research project also concluded a ‘ reused materials protocol’, as a recommendation for the future legislation and some suggestion about policy and market strategy. 093 廢管處 台灣大學環工所、中華大學土木所
32123064 環保糾紛民事責任相關法制之探討專案工作計畫 本研究計畫報告之內容包括:環境損害賠償責任制度之建立、環境損害賠償與補償法草案之擬定、環境損害賠償與補償法施行細則及相關辦法之擬定,德國環境責任法之全文翻譯及評析,舉辦環境糾紛公害處理實務研究班,與公害糾紛及環境保護協定宣導工作。本研究報告首先收集並分析我國關於侵權責任之法律規定,探討各種侵權責任的立法特色,就侵權責任的各項成立要件,予以比較探討後,進一步就環境損害賠償事件的各國法院實務見解,進行比較研究。各國法律見解的內容,包含我國、日本、美國、英國、德國及法國等。比較之項目包括因果關係、侵害之法益、違法性之認定、損害賠償之範圍等因素。其次,本報告對於我國各種損害補償制度,加以研究。研究之對象,包括犯罪被害人保護法、藥害救濟法、勞動基準法、傳染病防治法、強制汽車責任保險法、大眾捷運法等。此外,本報告並就外國法(日本、德國、法國、荷蘭等國)之環境損害補償制度,予以探討。本計畫不僅從事法律規定之比較研究,並就我國的實務運作,進行訪談,切實瞭解實務之運作,作為立法之參考。本報告於第七章,草擬「環境損害賠償與補償法」草案,內容包含制訂依據、採無過失責任、擴大責任主體、對物損害責任之限制、違法性之認定、因果關係之推定、與有過失及代位求償權、資訊請求權、損害賠償額之上限、自然環境破壞之回復原狀、懲罰性賠償金、債務責任之擔保(責任保險)、補償基金之設立等。本報告第七章並擬定環境損害賠償與補償之相關辦法,包括「環境損害賠償與補償法施行細則」、「環境損害基金管理及運用辦法」及「環境損害補償基金給付標準」。關於環境損害賠償與補償法之草案,可供未來立法之參考採酌。至於環境責任保險,本報告採取保守的態度,應與業界審慎評估。 Regulation Relating To The Environmental Civil Liability This report includes the following items: the establishment of environmental damages and compensation system, the draft of the Environmental Compensation and Reimbursement Act, the drafts of the Enforcement Rule of the Environmental Compensation and Reimbursement Act and its relevant regulation, the translation of German Environment Compensation Act and its comments, etc. This report collects almost all of the law governing tort liability among Taiwanese law, and examines them in terms of the requirements to establish the tort liability. Further, it explores the court decisions concerning the environmental compensation in USA, Japan, Germany, HK, and France. It focuses on the issues such as causation, infringed interests, wrongfulness, and damages, etc.Furthermore, this report makes a comparison among different laws governing tort reimbursement, including the Protection of Criminal Victims Act, the Redress of Medicine Injuries Act, the Labor Fundamental Standard Act, the Car Accident Insurance Act, etc. In addition to discussing the rules under those laws, it also makes clear the reimbursement practices through interviews.Under Chapter seven of this report, a draft of the Environmental Compensation and Reimbursement Act and the drafts of the Enforcement Rule of the Environmental Compensation and Reimbursement Act and its relevant regulations are provided in order to for the government to enact the law in the future. 093 管考處 台大法學基金會
32123065 93年度汽車排氣遙測專案工作計畫 一、汽車排氣遙測作業:完成8個遙測點之遙測作業,共計執行27個工作天,實測輛數為164,007輛,篩除無效值後得有效輛數為119,945輛,測得有效率約為73%,並於8月底前完成計畫目標數10萬輛次。二、修訂汽車排氣遙測相關法規:各舉辦一場次專家學者及環保局研商會,首先環保局研商會邀請環保署長官與各地方環保局及相關專業人士,並於會議中邀請美國Environmental Systems Products Holdings Inc.(ESP)公司副總裁Jeffrey Vogt為我們談論美國汽車排氣檢驗技術與經驗,而吳浴沂教授講解汽車廢氣污染物之排放及控制技術。第二場邀請各領域專家學者研討汽車排氣遙測相關法規。三、汽車排氣遙測檢驗站作業:完成簽約各縣市至少一站次共計55站檢驗站,並舉辦四場次說明會及於高污染通知書寄發前完成所有站次查核及連線作業。四、遙測高污染通知及相關行政作業:共寄發通知單共3970封,截至11月15日止已回檢3243輛次,另外分別於8月30日、9月1日辦理二場次環保局協調說明會,並已設置遙測網站及陳情中心專責處理民眾及檢驗站相關事宜,另依環保署核准海報樣式製作遙測宣導海報發送至各環保局及檢驗站廣為宣導。五、研擬汽油車動力計排氣檢驗規範:以蒐集國內外相關資料並評估各檢驗方式的優劣點,提出檢驗規劃草案供環保署參考。六、數據統計分析:本年度遙測實測輛數為164,007輛,篩除無效值後得有效輛數為119,945輛,其CO平均濃度0.378%、CO2平均濃度14.775%、HC平均濃度125.84ppm。 Vehicle Remote Emission Sensing Project (1) A total of eight monitoring sites were surveyed. By the end of August we had completed the target of 100,000 vehicles for remote sensing measurements, this work were for a total of twenty-seven (27) working days; 164,007 passenger cars were measured; and 119,945 valid emission data were collected; the effective rate were over seventy-three percent.(2) Held two seminars on vehicle emission control with specialists, professors and government officers in order to provide with recommendations for the future to be connected the related laws and regulations.(3) A total of fifty-five stations were singed to join vehicle emission inspection work, and every country/city had at least an emission testing station. We held four councils to explain this project, and completed careful check to all stations before notification mailing to vehicle owners with high emission. (4) According to current vehicle emission regulation, 3,970 vehicle owners in Taipei, with vehicle remote sensing measurement exceeding a predetermined screening criterion, were notified on September 17th to bring their vehicles to an designated emission station for inspection and idle emission testing to achieve reduction of vehicles emission. Up to November 15th, 3,243 vehicles were made for re-testing. On August 30th and September 1st, we held separately a council with EPA to explain the proposal of notification – set up a website and service center to answer questions related to the program objectives and inspection notification by the public; make posters and provide all EPB and emission testing stations to put up posters advertising the vehicle pollution control.(5) Collected the related information and describe the benefit and damage for each measure, and provide a proposal to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for reference.(6) In 2004, 164,007 passenger cars were measured; and 119,945 valid emission data were collected. The average emission concentrations of carbon monxide(CO) – 0.378%, carbon dioxide(CO2) – 14.775%, hydrocarbon – 125.84ppm. 093 空保處 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32123066 第十三屆中華民國企業環保獎行政作業及獲獎績優廠商觀摩研討會專案工作計畫 中華民國企業環保獎主要在於鼓勵並表揚國內推動環境保護工作績效優良的企業,也是企業推動環保的最高榮譽獎項。自民國81年設立迄今已辦理十三屆,包含本屆獲獎企業在內,計有141家(其中第一屆20家,第二屆以後各10家,本屆為11家)環保績優企業陸續接受表揚。為鼓勵致力於環保工作之企業,環保署特設立「環保榮譽獎座」,只要企業連續三年獲得中華民國企業環保獎,即可獲頒此項獎座。以今年為例,獲獎的11家企業,都是各領域環保的先鋒。頒發企業環保獎對國內環保工作的推廣以及環保人員士氣的提升有一定的指標效益。且為了協助國內企業增進推廣環保效益,依計畫編撰第十三屆企業環保獎優良廠商事蹟彙編,以全面提升我國的環境品質,增加企業之國際競爭力。 Thirteenth Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award and Demonstration Seminars The annual Enterprises Environmental Protection (EEP) Award is held to promote environmental protection work and to honor those companies that have achieved particularly impressive performance in this respect. It is the highest honor that an enterprise can receive for the promotion of environmental protection and the recipients of the Award provide models of excellence for other business enterprises The 11 recipients of the Thirteenth Annual EEP Award were: (1) China Steel Corporation - Rolling Mill Department III; (2) Chung Hung Steel Corporation - Cold-rolling Mill; (3) Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. - Fab 8; (4) DuPont Taiwan Limited - Kuan Yin Plant; (5) BaLi Incineration Plant; (6) Denso Taiwan Corp.; (7) Macronix International Co., Ltd. (8) Ford Lio Ho Motor Co., Ltd.; (9) United Microelectronics Corp. - Fab 8E; (10) Kuozui Motors - Kuan Yin Plant; (11) Liang Haw Technology Co., Ltd. - Sanhsia Plant. 093 管考處 財團法人中衛發展中心
32123067 事業廢棄物查核與輔導改善第四年專案工作計畫 本計畫為四年之延續計畫,本年度計畫目標為執行1,100 家事業、廢棄物清(處)理及再利用機構之廢棄物查核、輔導或追蹤改善等工作。主要工作重點為查核國內各類事業廢棄物之產出、清理、回收、再利用現況與廢棄物流向;輔導業者熟悉有關廢棄物管理知識與申報方法等規定,以加強事業對廢棄物清除、處理及再利用法規及技術方面之認知;建立行業或製程關聯性分析推估及編纂行業或製程技術參考手冊;查核廢棄物清除、處理及再利用機構之營運操作現況,評估其操作能力,並輔導其改善清除處理設施及營運操作管理,以達到妥善處理事業廢棄物之目的。四年累計已完成4,200 家事業、廢棄物再利用、處理及清理機構之廢棄物查核與輔導改善或追蹤及必要之採樣分析工作,並從查核行業別中,推估廢棄物的產出與原物料及產品的關係,並推估其產出因子模式,並完成10 種行業類別之「事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊」編纂及92 年度10 種行業類別稽查手冊之更新與改版工作,此外,亦協助環保署完成廢棄物處理與清理機構之主要處理設施操作參數紀錄申報制度之研擬。本計畫已如期完成期末報告前應交付之各項工作,並將相關成果建置於事業廢棄物查核與輔導計畫專案管理系統,提供主管機關隨時下載使用,報告內容除說明本年度之執行成果外,亦摘要說明各年度之執行成果。 Surveillance and Consultation Project for Enterprise Waste Management(Ⅳ) This is a project with four years executing period which is executed from 2002 and extended from the project of” Industrial Waste Examination and Counseling” in 2001. The annual objectives of this year are carrying out works of check, guidance, tracing and ameliorating for industrial waste treatment with 1,100 companies which including businesses, waste treatment facilities and waste reuse facilities. To approach the purposes of properly treated the industrial waste, the key points of this project include the items of the situation and waste flow for waste generation, clearance, recycling, and reuse; counseling businesses to be fa miliar with the management knowledge and declaration way enhancing businesses to recognize the technologies and regulations with waste clearance, treatment, and reuse; setting up the analysis and estimate relationships of wastes with industries and processes, compiling the reference manual of industries and process technologies; checking operation situations of industrial waste clearance, treatment, and reuse facilities, evaluating operation abilities of above facilities, and counseling these facilities ameliorate their hardware and operation management.In this project, the industrial waste check, counseling, ameliorating or tracing, and necessary sampling and analysis of 4,200 businesses, industrial waste clearance, treatment, and reuse facilities have finished in past three years. They have set the relationships between industrial and raw materials and products with checked industries, and the produced factor model is made simultaneously. We also edit 10 different industries’” The Inspection Manual of Ind ustrial Waste with Industries Processes” and update another 10 manuals are edited in 2003. Furthermore, this project has assisted EPA to draft the operation parameters declaration system of major treatment equipments of waste clearance and treatment facilities. The results of work items which are necessary to pay for EPA behind the ending report of this project are finished on sche 093 廢管處 工業技術研究院、中技社、綠色生產力基金會
32123068 九十三年度規劃執行機關推動民眾強制分類執行方案專案工作計畫 推動強制分類工作經驗顯示可有效提升資源回收率,減少一般廢棄物產出量,並為活化資源垃圾後端再利用管道之重要措施之ㄧ,部分執行機關並早已自行推動,顯示推動強制分類工作應已為多數民眾與執行機關所接受。然訪查並分析執行機關資源回收成效與執行成本結果顯示,雖然執行機關資源回收率普遍提升,但除台南市、嘉義市、台北縣新莊市與台東市外其餘受訪執行機關執行資源垃圾回收經濟效益均呈現負值,顯示配合強制分類政策推動,進一步檢討提升執行機關一般廢棄物與資源垃圾清運效率應為未來永續執行資源回收作業之重要基石。此外,調查並評估現階段資源垃圾細分類廠與廚餘再利用管道量能,應可滿足強制分類政策推動後資源垃圾成長量所需;然現存細分類廠之操作管理機制多無法滿足一般產業通則性勞安衛要求,並有影響一般民眾配合推動強制分類意願之虞,建議未來透過強化輔導管理工作,以協助健全整體資源回收產業發展。 FY 2004 Project of Measurement Arrangement of Public Promotion for Mandatory Source Separation Policy by Implementing Agency From the experiences of mandatory separation (MS) implementation has been demonstrated that may effectively reduce the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and increase recycling rate. It’s also proved as a critical mechanism in achieving recyclable recycling channel and well-developed recycling industry. Thus, part local municipalities in Taiwan have introduced mandatory separation into waste management policy voluntarily and the results are highly accepted by most local waste management department and the public whom involved. However, the cost-benefit analysis of recyclables collection/treatment system of 17 local representative municipalities in Taiwan shows negative except Tainan city, Chiayi city , Sinjhuang city of Taipei country and Taitung city. As an important step stone in fostering sustainable recycling industry, optimal operation evaluation and performance efficiency promotion should be taken immediately in further mandatory separation implementation process.Moreover, the capacity analysis under on-site investigation of exist Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) of recyclable and organic waste demonstrates that should be able to meet the requirement of increasing recyclable and organic waste after mandatory separation policy is enforced. However, the occupational safety and environmental prevention is extensively ignored by most exist MRFs’ managers and on-line operators. Further assistance and management consultant service for these MRFs’ business is strongly recommended which is also frequently requested by MRFs’ operators. 093 廢管處 永發環境工程顧問有限公司
32123069 廢玻璃纖維資源回收再利用製程技術與設備研發 全球的廢玻纖每年約有26萬頓,若將其重新熔融、抽絲不但不符合經濟成本且易斷絲(造成更多廢玻纖)。將廢玻纖回收再利用每年可省下200萬美元的能源支出及500萬美元的廢棄物清理費,減少70,000噸的CO2及為數可觀的NOx。 本計畫將廢玻璃纖維紗回收後進行洗滌、表面改質、裁切、乾燥、篩選製成玻璃纖維切股紗,再與尼龍混摻進行確效測試。結果顯示,利用再生之玻璃纖維切股紗製得的纖維強化尼龍,機械物性已達市售品8成以上水準。提供纖維強化材料業界,另一玻璃纖維切股紗之來源。不但落實政府”零廢棄”政策,亦可降低纖維強化塑膠工業之原料成本。 The waste glass for recycling and it s processing equipments research and development There are about 260 thousand tons of waste glass fibers each year in the world. If they were re-melted and reeled off again, not only it doesn’t conform to the economic cost, but also the quality of these glass fibers is poor as they are easy to be pulled apart, which will bring more waste glass fibers. If these waste glass fibers were recycled, it will save 2 million US dollars of energy expense and 5 million US dollars of wastes cleaning fees, and reduce 70 thousand tons of CO2 and a considerable amount of NOx each year.In this plan, after recycling waste glass fiber yarns, we have proceeded with washing, surface modification, cutting, drying, and sieving to produce recycled chopped strands. Then we have compounded these strands with the nylon and tested for its effectiveness. The result shows that the physical properties of the reinforced nylon generated from recycled chopped strands have reached over 80% level of commercial products. It provides another source to the fiber reinforced materials industrial circles. Via this plan, we can not only carry out the zero wasting policy of the government, but also reduce the raw material cost of the fiber reinforced plastics industry. 093 永續發展室 台灣招東股份有限公司
32123070 規劃建立環境用藥微生物製劑管理技術(第二年) 本年度已完成針對美國、加拿大、歐盟、澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、新加坡、台灣及中國等國家之基因改造微生物製劑管理法規之蒐集,進一步分析各國管理模式以及其管理特色,包括:應檢附文件需求、風險評估機制與程序、查驗登記機制、標示管理制度等差異;並依台灣國情、社會與經濟條件之需要,擷取各國管理模式中之優點與設計,參考國內環境用藥管理法第七點之精神,提出適合台灣施用之基因改造環境用藥微生物製劑管理模式規劃與建議草案共四份,包括:基因改造環境用藥微生物製劑管理辦法草案、提前告知程序作業要點、風險評估作業要點與緊急應變作業要點等;其中依本管理辦法草案之規範成立「基因改造環境用藥微生物製劑生物安全審查委員會」,配合使用限制之擬定,即在基因改造環境用藥微生物製劑之申請方面建議僅接受由委員會公告核准使用之「受體微生物與載體清單」者提出「提前告知程序」之申請。此外,建議通過風險評估認定為風險無虞或低度風險之基因改造環境用藥微生物製劑申請案,其後續之管理模式可比照「環境用藥管理法」之一般環境用藥微生物製劑申請程序提出查驗登記申請,以取得環境用藥許可證,唯必須於產品標示中明白標示成份中「含有基因改造微生物」字樣及其含量。環境用藥微生物製劑於合法、正確的使用前提下,具有相當高之生物安全性,但無法完全排除其危害性,因為在合法但有疏漏及不確實的操作狀況下所產出之微生物製劑商品施用於外界環境對人體、非目標生物與外在環境可能造成極大傷害,例如某些微生物不具急毒性,但不確保其不具亞慢性/慢性毒性,長期施用將導致對非目標生物產生毒害;微生物製劑生產過程品質控管不當或儀器故障導致其他微生物體之污染而不自知的結果,將由末端使用者與環境概括承受所有可能產生的風險。因此,基於防患未然之考量,仍應積極建立其專屬之緊急應變作業體系,以因應無法預期的緊急環境事件,本計畫所研擬之緊急預防措施如「基因改造環境用藥微生物製劑緊急應變作業要點」建議草案(如附件五),主要參考環保署八十六年公告之「重大公害事件環境保護機關緊急處理作業要點」與「環境用藥品重大消費事件緊急通報處理要點」,前者第二條所稱之重大公害事件包括重大空氣污染、水污染與廢棄物污染,其他具有污染嚴重、受害人數眾多,影響區域敏感等特性者亦可稱為公害事件,因此可適用於環境用藥微生物製劑相關之通報措施。將緊急預防措施分為緊急通報、現場隔離、人員搶救、災害鑑定與污染處理等步驟此外,於「環境用藥微生物製劑種類特性資料庫查詢系統」部份,本計畫已於Windows 2000作業系統架構下,利用MySQL程式介面完成常見環境用藥微生物製劑菌種特性資料之建置,並將本資料庫查詢系統架設於環保署環境用藥管理網頁,目前已完成系統功能之測式與確認,使用者與管理者可分別利用功能強大之查詢(分簡易與進階二種)與系統管理介面方面,快速進行資料檢索與維護工作。整體資料結構方面,目前收錄之微生物菌種特性資料內容包括:常見/病原/工業用等微生物分類特性(含細菌、放線菌、絲狀真菌、酵母菌與病毒等五大類)、商業應用特性、病原性、標的生物毒性、非標的生物毒性、風險等級、環保署列管情形與其他相關菌種安全性資料等,資料數共1040筆以上。 Establishment of the Management Model for Environmental Microbial Agents An extensive survey of regulations of genetically modified microbial (GMM) agents including Australia, Canada, China, European Union, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan and USA have been completed during this year. The characteristics and management model of each country including document requirements for applications, risk assessment procedures and labeling of the GMMs products had been further analyzed and compared. According to Taiwan’s domestic needs, economics and social system and the essence of the article 7th of the Environmental Agent Control Act of Taiwan, the system for management models has been designed to be implemented in Taiwan and a draft of recommendation has been made to add on the article 7th of the Environmental Agent Control Act in Taiwan. The recommended draft consists four parts: (1) Genetically modified environmental microbial agents management regulation. (2) Pre-notified procedures of the genetically modified environmental microbial agents. (3) Risk assessment procedures of the genetically modified environmental microbial agents. (4) Emergency response plan of the genetically modified environmental microbial agents. According to PART (1) of the draft, the “Biosafety Committee of Environmental Genetically Modified Microbial Agents (BCEGMMA)” would be established. Those verified and approved “recipient microorganisms and vectors” by the BCEGMMA could be produced the GMM agents with the PART (2) of the draft. The approved authorization of the GMM agents made by BCEGMMA regarded as NON- or LOW-risk would be regulated under the Environmental Agent Control Act with the notice ”This product contained Genetically Modified Organisms”. 093 毒管處 財團法人生物技術開發中心
32123071 推動購物袋及免洗餐具限制使用實施計劃 本計畫分析民眾意向調查顯示,一般消費者對自備購物袋意願與實施共識已逐漸成熟(由74.5%上升至82.1%),但對購物袋付費取得模式則仍有待加強宣導說明,此外有60%以上民眾認為應加強購物用塑膠袋限制使用對象稽查作業。有65%民眾可接受原先使用免洗餐具商家改用可重複清洗餐具,但餐具清洗衛生問題仍為導致民眾不接受使用可重複清洗餐具最主要之因素。彙整918處第一批與7682處第二批限制使用對象使用情形調查結果,推估限制使用對象購物用塑膠袋與塑膠類免洗餐具使用個數與重量數量呈現減少情形,整體購物袋與免洗餐具使用個數較政策實施前減少60.8%與13.6%,顯示政策確已一定程度減少使用拋棄式購物袋與免洗餐具效果。未來若取消厚度管制改以全面推動購物袋付費取得規定後,評估顯示對國內購物用塑膠袋製造業者衝擊應仍高於購物紙袋製造業者,建議除加強稽查落實政策實施外,可檢討管制以降低國外輸入購物袋對國內購物袋廠商之競爭影響,以降低政策對製造廠商衝擊。有關推動使用可重複清洗餐具議題部分,顯示法令規定與各種餐具使用後清除成本(如環境清潔餐具清洗成本)反映差異為造成限制對象內用餐飲無法完全使用可重複清洗餐具之重要因素。。在輔導攤販市場推動使用可重複清洗餐具工作部份,本計畫共彙整與調查206處全台市場推動意願相關資料,並輔導11處市場內用餐飲使用可重複清洗餐具工作。依據調查與輔導經驗得知,囿於攤販組織、場地使用與可運用餐具模式限制等多項因素,建議未來應以優先推動位於建築物內且具備良好管理組織運作之市場,並協調新設市場預留清洗空間以利後續使用;尤其以發展觀光主且位於海岸敏感地帶之觀光魚市(碼頭),建議可協調漁港主管機關配合推動。 The Promotion of Restriction of Shopping Bag and Disposable Tableware Implementation Project Public and restriction policy targeted stores investigations are performed to provide basic background information for evaluation of implementation of Paid Shopping Bag in Store (PSBS), Shopping Bag by Customer (SBC) and Durable Tableware for Restaurant (DTR).Polls on the public (2 investigations by phone, n1=1078,n2=1072) and the second stage restricted sites (1 investigation by on-site interview, n=1360) were taken and demonstrates that the public awareness of SBC is increasing from 74.5% to 82.1%. However, more promotion on PSBS is needed and intensive audit on restricted site is recommended by 60% investigated responses. Although 65% investigated responses agree to accept DTR, the safety of tableware is still the main consideration most consumer reject to accept DTR.The waste reduction evaluation is analyzed in accordance with the feedback of 918 first stage restricted sites and 7682 second stage restricted sites investigation and the total consumption number of shopping bag and disposable tableware decreases by the rate of 60.8% and 13.6%, respectively. If the thickness requirement is lifted with PSBS and SBS enforcement, manufactures of plastic shopping bag may have another more serious impact from the policy than paper shopping bags. To reduce the impact on local manufacturers, store audit follow-up and control the amount of shopping bag import are proposed.On the issue of DTR, regulation requirement and unfair clean-up cost (includes waste cleaning and dish washing) of used tableware are two main factors that hamper the application of DTR in restricted sites. DTR enforcement in first stage sites is viable. Public hospitals is recommended to be excluded from above enforcement.Totally 206 markets were investigated to understand their intention of DTR. At lease 11 markets were assisted for DTR. Due to several factors like the market management system, site availability for dishwashing and special requirement on dishwashing service, wharf market has potential for further DTR promotion. 093 廢管處 永發環境工程顧問有限公司
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 6001 到第 6048 筆