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Title 執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗相關排氣管制措施及使用中機車召回改正調查測試
Abstract 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為三個部份,第一個部份是執行機器腳踏車新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作。第二個部份是配合環保署相關政策之實施,協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施。第三個部份是執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜。本計畫執行至10月底止,在新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作方面,共核發120張合格證,包含444個車型,其中2003車型年核發3張合格證,包含5個車型,2004車型年核發85張合格證,包含343個車型,2005車型年核發32張合格證,包含96個車型;並已進行14輛國產車、15輛進口車之新車抽驗,其中1輛排氣管與審驗文件不符,已被環保署廢止合格證,並進行自行召回改正計畫工作,1輛初測不合格,進入複測後合格,1輛測試操作失誤,另再抽車,其餘全都合格,;亦已進行7輛進口車之污染控制元件查驗,全都合格;廠商耐久計畫申請部分,共提出23件,已完成耐久並通過劣化係數申請者有共有17件,尚在耐久里程累積中有1件,審理中有4件,1件廠商不耐久,改為申請延伸。在協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施方面,持續蒐集國外最新之機車污染排放法規動態,提供環保署作為未來法規制定之參考;本年度美國2004車型年認證數據之分析顯示,700cc以上符合我國三期標準的比例較高,700cc以下符合我國四期標準的比例較低,歐盟2004車型年認證數據之分析顯示,700cc以上完全符合我國三期標準,700cc以下符合我國四期標準的比例不低,本計畫中並行15輛高排氣量機車與15輛四期150㏄以下使用中機車之研究測試,顯示現有車輛污染離EU3仍有一段距離,150㏄以下機車之我國四期法規與EU3相關性很高,150㏄以上機車則相反;4輛符合四期排放標準之耐久研究測試部分,各車耐久結果並未能如預期般隨里程逐漸劣化或變好,會有起伏變化現象;污染推估部分,全年機車CO、HC與NOx污染量分別為218986、68625、4970噸/年;在簡化審驗作業流程部分,持續上年度之作業方式,平均審驗時程約為8.4天,符合環保署要求之10天期限內。在執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜方面, 50輛車初步調查測試結果,10個引擎族之召回改正調查測試全都合格。
EngTitle Implement of the new model motorcycle certification, C.O.P inspection, the relative motorcycle emission management, and the in-used motorcycle recall investigative tests.
EngAbstract The project for this year will continue to assist the EPA with the management of motorcycle exhaust pollution, including the certification of new vehicle model, the audit of new vehicle, examination on emission control components, etc., the project will implement the recall investigative tests for the in-used motorcycles. Until now, the project had issued 120 certificates, including 444 vehicle models. The project also had completed audits for 14 domestic motorcycles and 15 imported motorcycles, Twenty-seven of them had passed the tests. The project also had examined 7 motorcycles for their emission control components, all of them pass the examinations. The manufacturers had applied for 23 pieces of endurance tests this year.We also analyzed the USA and the EU 2004 model year motorcycle certification data. The 15 quantities of high displacement motorcycles and 15 quantities of 4th stage in-used motorcycles research tests and analysis showed that the EU3 emission regulations are more stringent than our 4th stage emission regulations.The endurance test results of 4 quantities of vehicles showed fluctuant variation among the mileage. We had development our domestic motorcycle exhaust emission estimation model with reference to the COPERTⅢ model. The emissions estimated all the year round are 218968, 68625, and 4970 tons/year for CO, HC, and NOx respectively.In the item of simplifying flow chart of certification process, the application time was 8.4 days. For the in-used vehicles investigation tests, all the 10 engine families had passed the tests. Besides, one engine family shall execute self-recall project because it’s inconsistent in exhaust pipe between new vehicle audition and certification document. The self-recall project is still proceeding.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所