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Title 九十三年度規劃執行機關推動民眾強制分類執行方案專案工作計畫
Abstract 推動強制分類工作經驗顯示可有效提升資源回收率,減少一般廢棄物產出量,並為活化資源垃圾後端再利用管道之重要措施之ㄧ,部分執行機關並早已自行推動,顯示推動強制分類工作應已為多數民眾與執行機關所接受。然訪查並分析執行機關資源回收成效與執行成本結果顯示,雖然執行機關資源回收率普遍提升,但除台南市、嘉義市、台北縣新莊市與台東市外其餘受訪執行機關執行資源垃圾回收經濟效益均呈現負值,顯示配合強制分類政策推動,進一步檢討提升執行機關一般廢棄物與資源垃圾清運效率應為未來永續執行資源回收作業之重要基石。此外,調查並評估現階段資源垃圾細分類廠與廚餘再利用管道量能,應可滿足強制分類政策推動後資源垃圾成長量所需;然現存細分類廠之操作管理機制多無法滿足一般產業通則性勞安衛要求,並有影響一般民眾配合推動強制分類意願之虞,建議未來透過強化輔導管理工作,以協助健全整體資源回收產業發展。
EngTitle FY 2004 Project of Measurement Arrangement of Public Promotion for Mandatory Source Separation Policy by Implementing Agency
EngAbstract From the experiences of mandatory separation (MS) implementation has been demonstrated that may effectively reduce the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and increase recycling rate. It’s also proved as a critical mechanism in achieving recyclable recycling channel and well-developed recycling industry. Thus, part local municipalities in Taiwan have introduced mandatory separation into waste management policy voluntarily and the results are highly accepted by most local waste management department and the public whom involved. However, the cost-benefit analysis of recyclables collection/treatment system of 17 local representative municipalities in Taiwan shows negative except Tainan city, Chiayi city , Sinjhuang city of Taipei country and Taitung city. As an important step stone in fostering sustainable recycling industry, optimal operation evaluation and performance efficiency promotion should be taken immediately in further mandatory separation implementation process.Moreover, the capacity analysis under on-site investigation of exist Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) of recyclable and organic waste demonstrates that should be able to meet the requirement of increasing recyclable and organic waste after mandatory separation policy is enforced. However, the occupational safety and environmental prevention is extensively ignored by most exist MRFs’ managers and on-line operators. Further assistance and management consultant service for these MRFs’ business is strongly recommended which is also frequently requested by MRFs’ operators.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境工程顧問有限公司