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Title 廢玻璃纖維資源回收再利用製程技術與設備研發
Abstract 全球的廢玻纖每年約有26萬頓,若將其重新熔融、抽絲不但不符合經濟成本且易斷絲(造成更多廢玻纖)。將廢玻纖回收再利用每年可省下200萬美元的能源支出及500萬美元的廢棄物清理費,減少70,000噸的CO2及為數可觀的NOx。 本計畫將廢玻璃纖維紗回收後進行洗滌、表面改質、裁切、乾燥、篩選製成玻璃纖維切股紗,再與尼龍混摻進行確效測試。結果顯示,利用再生之玻璃纖維切股紗製得的纖維強化尼龍,機械物性已達市售品8成以上水準。提供纖維強化材料業界,另一玻璃纖維切股紗之來源。不但落實政府”零廢棄”政策,亦可降低纖維強化塑膠工業之原料成本。
EngTitle The waste glass for recycling and it s processing equipments research and development
EngAbstract There are about 260 thousand tons of waste glass fibers each year in the world. If they were re-melted and reeled off again, not only it doesn’t conform to the economic cost, but also the quality of these glass fibers is poor as they are easy to be pulled apart, which will bring more waste glass fibers. If these waste glass fibers were recycled, it will save 2 million US dollars of energy expense and 5 million US dollars of wastes cleaning fees, and reduce 70 thousand tons of CO2 and a considerable amount of NOx each year.In this plan, after recycling waste glass fiber yarns, we have proceeded with washing, surface modification, cutting, drying, and sieving to produce recycled chopped strands. Then we have compounded these strands with the nylon and tested for its effectiveness. The result shows that the physical properties of the reinforced nylon generated from recycled chopped strands have reached over 80% level of commercial products. It provides another source to the fiber reinforced materials industrial circles. Via this plan, we can not only carry out the zero wasting policy of the government, but also reduce the raw material cost of the fiber reinforced plastics industry.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 台灣招東股份有限公司