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Title 事業廢棄物焚化灰渣整合性管理
Abstract 本計畫執行的目標主要在掌握國內現有事業廢棄物焚化設施的操作營運現況並追蹤焚化灰渣清理之流向,藉由現場調查掌握焚化灰渣的質與量特性,並評析現有事業廢棄物焚化設施停爐時,對事業廢棄物處理體系的衝擊,藉以研擬因應方案、相關管制及後續追蹤機制。於計畫執行期間,合計共完成372家事業廢棄物焚化設施基本資料的調查和更新、108家事業廢棄物焚化設施的現場調查(含83家操作中和25家已停爐之焚化爐)、100件焚化灰渣樣品檢測委託分析、7座不同焚化設施灰渣之多氯聯苯、重金屬總量、含氯有機化合物及重金屬有效溶出試驗等測試。此外,本計畫亦建置焚化處理地理資訊系統與完成了焚化灰渣之道路面層和底層的實作舖設。調查結果顯示,國內中小型事業廢棄物焚化設施有大量停爐的現象,停爐率約為60.6%,業者已逐漸由焚化處理方式改由分類回收再利用、物理處理、掩埋等其他之替代處理方式。整體焚化設施的操作現況分別為:營運中合計有99座、停爐者有256座、已完成拆除者有17座。由事業廢棄物上網申報統計數值估算,93年度較92年度減少9.6萬噸焚化灰渣的上網申報量,焚化灰渣的削減率約為11.85%,符合今年度削減5%之目標。另依據採樣分析數據顯示,整體焚化灰渣超過溶出試驗標準率約為24%,其中以鉛(15.9%~18%)和鎘(9.5%~20%)為最高。另外,焚化灰渣之17種戴奧辛化合物總量偏高,約有33%超過1 ng-TEQ/g,其中以醫療廢棄物焚化設施所產生的灰渣含戴奧辛量為最高。分析重金屬溶出試驗超過標準之數值發現,公民營廢棄物清除處理機構為最高(40.9%),醫療機構次之(36.4%)。整體而言,絕大多數之事業皆依規定進行焚化灰渣之清理,目前最終處置去處以固化處理與掩埋為主,僅有少數進行再利用。因應國內事業廢棄物處理市場之變動快速,建議未來針對事業廢棄物焚化設施及其產生之灰渣,宜持續進行許可管制、樣品抽測、流向追蹤與資料更新等,以發揮整合性管理的效能。
EngTitle Integration In Managing Ash And Residue From Incineration Of Industrial Waste
EngAbstract The objective of the project was to have a better understanding of the current operation of incineration facilities for industrial waste, and to track the treatment flow of the ash and residue produced from them. During the project period, basic data of 372 industrial wastes incinerators were checked and updated; 108 sites were visited, which include 83 in operation and 25 in stalling; 100 samples taken from various sites were analysed; and leaching tests in existence of PCBs, heavy metals, and chlorinated organic compounds were conducted on ashes from 7 sites. A geographical database of sites was established, and Application of ash as surface and bottom layer in road construction was also real-life tested.The investigation showed that high proportion of small capacity incinerators were actually in stalling, alternatives treatment methods other than incineration were adopted by many of them. Overall, there were 99 facilities in operation, 256 in stalling, 17 have been dismantled. Taking figures from the Internet Declaration System, estimated a 9.6 million tones of reduction in ash and residue were achieved in 2004 from 2003, around 11.85% in reduction rate.The analysis results showed that 24% of ash and residue exceeding the toxicity characteristic leaching test standards, with lead (15.9%~18%) and Cadmium (9.5%~20%) were the highest. Moreover, testing for 17 dioxin compounds in ash and residue sample were also tend to be high, around 33% of them exceeding 1,000 ng-TEQ/kg. For heavy metal exceeding standards, the ash of incinerated waste from both public and private run treatment site were the highest (40.9%), from medical facility come second (36.4%). Overall, most of the facilities treat the ash and residue according to the regulations, and solidify and landfill treatment were the most practiced methods, only small proportion were reused.methods, only small proportion were reused.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院 中華大學土木工程學系 群琁地理資訊顧問股份有限公司