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Title 甲基第三丁基醚暴露風險評析(第二年)
Abstract 本計畫主要目的係在檢測調查加油站MTBE之釋放濃度,並針對加油站周圍居民時間活動模式進行調查,建立加油站周圍居民食入及吸入MTBE之暴露風險評估,配合國內外MTBE相關文獻收集、整理及分析;瞭解國外MTBE管制前的評估與準備工作、管制期程及決策的考量重點等等,作為國內研擬MTBE管制規範之參考,研擬MTBE管制建議。綜合本計畫兩個年度之量測調查資料,假設居住在加油站附近居民,同時受到民井地下水或養殖用地下水中MTBE食入性暴露,以及加油過程與居住在加油站附近所受到空氣中MTBE吸入性暴露。在此假設環境狀態下居住40年期間,環境中MTBE食入及吸入性暴露所致之致癌風險值為6.2×10-7,顯示在多重暴露途徑下,其致癌風險值仍在可接受範圍(10-6)內,民眾因受到MTBE暴露引起之健康危害可能性極低。本計畫就環境影響、暴露風險、經濟因素及對煉油業者的衝擊等方面進行評估,獲取的數據與資訊顯示,國內目前並無全面性禁止MTBE使用的要素與條件。美國聯邦政府提出的能源法案中,包含計畫在2014年全面禁用MTBE。相信當美國通過含禁止使用MTBE的能源法案時,其他國家也將會同時考慮是否同步禁止使用MTBE或規劃禁用時程,建議我國在這方面也應有所準備。國內在檢討新能源政策時,建議應將MTBE是否禁用納入一併考量。
EngTitle The project of the risk assessment due to the exposure to MTBE(Ⅱ)
EngAbstract After summarizing the information of the analysis and survey of this project for the past two years, the threshold value of cancer due to ingestion and inhalation from the environment for the inhabitant who lives for 40 years is 6.2×10-7 that is based on the following assumptions or factors:(1)the inhabitant lives around the gasoline stations;(2)the inhabitant will have the MTBE exposure through the ingestion of groundwater from the inhabitant’s well or from the aquaculture;(3)the inhalation exposure of MTBE during the duration of adding fuel; It shows that under multiple paths of exposure, the threshold value of cancer is within the acceptable range (10-6). The inhabitant will have very low health hazard for the exposure of MTBE.After collecting and evaluating the data and information of the impacts from the aspects of environmental influence, exposure risk, economical factors and the impacts on the refiners, it is not necessary to ban the MTBE entirely in the country. The Energy Policy Act of the Federal Government of the United States plans to ban MTBE nationally in 2014. It is to be believed that once the United States passes the Energy Policy Act, other countries will also consider to ban MTBE synchronously or plan the schedules for banning MTBE. It suggests that our country should also prepare the necessary steps for banning MTBE. When the new energy policy of our country is discussed, no matter whether MTBE will be banned or not, it suggests that the topics of MTBE should be also included.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院環安中心