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Title 第十三屆中華民國企業環保獎行政作業及獲獎績優廠商觀摩研討會專案工作計畫
Abstract 中華民國企業環保獎主要在於鼓勵並表揚國內推動環境保護工作績效優良的企業,也是企業推動環保的最高榮譽獎項。自民國81年設立迄今已辦理十三屆,包含本屆獲獎企業在內,計有141家(其中第一屆20家,第二屆以後各10家,本屆為11家)環保績優企業陸續接受表揚。為鼓勵致力於環保工作之企業,環保署特設立「環保榮譽獎座」,只要企業連續三年獲得中華民國企業環保獎,即可獲頒此項獎座。以今年為例,獲獎的11家企業,都是各領域環保的先鋒。頒發企業環保獎對國內環保工作的推廣以及環保人員士氣的提升有一定的指標效益。且為了協助國內企業增進推廣環保效益,依計畫編撰第十三屆企業環保獎優良廠商事蹟彙編,以全面提升我國的環境品質,增加企業之國際競爭力。
EngTitle Thirteenth Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award and Demonstration Seminars
EngAbstract The annual Enterprises Environmental Protection (EEP) Award is held to promote environmental protection work and to honor those companies that have achieved particularly impressive performance in this respect. It is the highest honor that an enterprise can receive for the promotion of environmental protection and the recipients of the Award provide models of excellence for other business enterprises The 11 recipients of the Thirteenth Annual EEP Award were: (1) China Steel Corporation - Rolling Mill Department III; (2) Chung Hung Steel Corporation - Cold-rolling Mill; (3) Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. - Fab 8; (4) DuPont Taiwan Limited - Kuan Yin Plant; (5) BaLi Incineration Plant; (6) Denso Taiwan Corp.; (7) Macronix International Co., Ltd. (8) Ford Lio Ho Motor Co., Ltd.; (9) United Microelectronics Corp. - Fab 8E; (10) Kuozui Motors - Kuan Yin Plant; (11) Liang Haw Technology Co., Ltd. - Sanhsia Plant.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中衛發展中心