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Title 推動購物袋及免洗餐具限制使用實施計劃
Abstract 本計畫分析民眾意向調查顯示,一般消費者對自備購物袋意願與實施共識已逐漸成熟(由74.5%上升至82.1%),但對購物袋付費取得模式則仍有待加強宣導說明,此外有60%以上民眾認為應加強購物用塑膠袋限制使用對象稽查作業。有65%民眾可接受原先使用免洗餐具商家改用可重複清洗餐具,但餐具清洗衛生問題仍為導致民眾不接受使用可重複清洗餐具最主要之因素。彙整918處第一批與7682處第二批限制使用對象使用情形調查結果,推估限制使用對象購物用塑膠袋與塑膠類免洗餐具使用個數與重量數量呈現減少情形,整體購物袋與免洗餐具使用個數較政策實施前減少60.8%與13.6%,顯示政策確已一定程度減少使用拋棄式購物袋與免洗餐具效果。未來若取消厚度管制改以全面推動購物袋付費取得規定後,評估顯示對國內購物用塑膠袋製造業者衝擊應仍高於購物紙袋製造業者,建議除加強稽查落實政策實施外,可檢討管制以降低國外輸入購物袋對國內購物袋廠商之競爭影響,以降低政策對製造廠商衝擊。有關推動使用可重複清洗餐具議題部分,顯示法令規定與各種餐具使用後清除成本(如環境清潔餐具清洗成本)反映差異為造成限制對象內用餐飲無法完全使用可重複清洗餐具之重要因素。。在輔導攤販市場推動使用可重複清洗餐具工作部份,本計畫共彙整與調查206處全台市場推動意願相關資料,並輔導11處市場內用餐飲使用可重複清洗餐具工作。依據調查與輔導經驗得知,囿於攤販組織、場地使用與可運用餐具模式限制等多項因素,建議未來應以優先推動位於建築物內且具備良好管理組織運作之市場,並協調新設市場預留清洗空間以利後續使用;尤其以發展觀光主且位於海岸敏感地帶之觀光魚市(碼頭),建議可協調漁港主管機關配合推動。
EngTitle The Promotion of Restriction of Shopping Bag and Disposable Tableware Implementation Project
EngAbstract Public and restriction policy targeted stores investigations are performed to provide basic background information for evaluation of implementation of Paid Shopping Bag in Store (PSBS), Shopping Bag by Customer (SBC) and Durable Tableware for Restaurant (DTR).Polls on the public (2 investigations by phone, n1=1078,n2=1072) and the second stage restricted sites (1 investigation by on-site interview, n=1360) were taken and demonstrates that the public awareness of SBC is increasing from 74.5% to 82.1%. However, more promotion on PSBS is needed and intensive audit on restricted site is recommended by 60% investigated responses. Although 65% investigated responses agree to accept DTR, the safety of tableware is still the main consideration most consumer reject to accept DTR.The waste reduction evaluation is analyzed in accordance with the feedback of 918 first stage restricted sites and 7682 second stage restricted sites investigation and the total consumption number of shopping bag and disposable tableware decreases by the rate of 60.8% and 13.6%, respectively. If the thickness requirement is lifted with PSBS and SBS enforcement, manufactures of plastic shopping bag may have another more serious impact from the policy than paper shopping bags. To reduce the impact on local manufacturers, store audit follow-up and control the amount of shopping bag import are proposed.On the issue of DTR, regulation requirement and unfair clean-up cost (includes waste cleaning and dish washing) of used tableware are two main factors that hamper the application of DTR in restricted sites. DTR enforcement in first stage sites is viable. Public hospitals is recommended to be excluded from above enforcement.Totally 206 markets were investigated to understand their intention of DTR. At lease 11 markets were assisted for DTR. Due to several factors like the market management system, site availability for dishwashing and special requirement on dishwashing service, wharf market has potential for further DTR promotion.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境工程顧問有限公司