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Title 93年度汽車排氣遙測專案工作計畫
Abstract 一、汽車排氣遙測作業:完成8個遙測點之遙測作業,共計執行27個工作天,實測輛數為164,007輛,篩除無效值後得有效輛數為119,945輛,測得有效率約為73%,並於8月底前完成計畫目標數10萬輛次。二、修訂汽車排氣遙測相關法規:各舉辦一場次專家學者及環保局研商會,首先環保局研商會邀請環保署長官與各地方環保局及相關專業人士,並於會議中邀請美國Environmental Systems Products Holdings Inc.(ESP)公司副總裁Jeffrey Vogt為我們談論美國汽車排氣檢驗技術與經驗,而吳浴沂教授講解汽車廢氣污染物之排放及控制技術。第二場邀請各領域專家學者研討汽車排氣遙測相關法規。三、汽車排氣遙測檢驗站作業:完成簽約各縣市至少一站次共計55站檢驗站,並舉辦四場次說明會及於高污染通知書寄發前完成所有站次查核及連線作業。四、遙測高污染通知及相關行政作業:共寄發通知單共3970封,截至11月15日止已回檢3243輛次,另外分別於8月30日、9月1日辦理二場次環保局協調說明會,並已設置遙測網站及陳情中心專責處理民眾及檢驗站相關事宜,另依環保署核准海報樣式製作遙測宣導海報發送至各環保局及檢驗站廣為宣導。五、研擬汽油車動力計排氣檢驗規範:以蒐集國內外相關資料並評估各檢驗方式的優劣點,提出檢驗規劃草案供環保署參考。六、數據統計分析:本年度遙測實測輛數為164,007輛,篩除無效值後得有效輛數為119,945輛,其CO平均濃度0.378%、CO2平均濃度14.775%、HC平均濃度125.84ppm。
EngTitle Vehicle Remote Emission Sensing Project
EngAbstract (1) A total of eight monitoring sites were surveyed. By the end of August we had completed the target of 100,000 vehicles for remote sensing measurements, this work were for a total of twenty-seven (27) working days; 164,007 passenger cars were measured; and 119,945 valid emission data were collected; the effective rate were over seventy-three percent.(2) Held two seminars on vehicle emission control with specialists, professors and government officers in order to provide with recommendations for the future to be connected the related laws and regulations.(3) A total of fifty-five stations were singed to join vehicle emission inspection work, and every country/city had at least an emission testing station. We held four councils to explain this project, and completed careful check to all stations before notification mailing to vehicle owners with high emission. (4) According to current vehicle emission regulation, 3,970 vehicle owners in Taipei, with vehicle remote sensing measurement exceeding a predetermined screening criterion, were notified on September 17th to bring their vehicles to an designated emission station for inspection and idle emission testing to achieve reduction of vehicles emission. Up to November 15th, 3,243 vehicles were made for re-testing. On August 30th and September 1st, we held separately a council with EPA to explain the proposal of notification – set up a website and service center to answer questions related to the program objectives and inspection notification by the public; make posters and provide all EPB and emission testing stations to put up posters advertising the vehicle pollution control.(5) Collected the related information and describe the benefit and damage for each measure, and provide a proposal to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for reference.(6) In 2004, 164,007 passenger cars were measured; and 119,945 valid emission data were collected. The average emission concentrations of carbon monxide(CO) – 0.378%, carbon dioxide(CO2) – 14.775%, hydrocarbon – 125.84ppm.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司