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Title 大氣環境監測系統整合與空氣品質背景站建置之規劃與評估
Abstract 本計畫已完成選定適合地點進行評估適合台灣氣候與環境狀況之垂直剖風儀規格及台灣台灣北中南三區合適之安置地點,完成適合本地操作與應用之光達規格與安置地點之評估,並已協助環保署完成光達之採購作業、儀器之安裝、測試、教育訓練與技術轉移,並且已開始進行粒狀大氣污染物之垂直剖風監測。完成鹿林山區域大氣背景站之建置之評估與規劃以及所需儀器種類與規格之建議,並且已完成和美國太空總署光達研究室合作文件之簽署,未來光達系統之觀測將加入NASA MPLNET之觀測網,以與國際觀測接軌,推動國際合作。根據台灣氣候與環境狀況之電波測量評估結果,我們建議適用之剖風儀頻帶為1250-1280MHz,1290-1300MHz以及1360 – 1400 MHz,北中南合適之安置地點為中央大學(或移動式系統),台中火力發電廠(或台中霧峰之農業試驗所),以及輔英科技大學(或其旁已復育之垃圾掩埋廠)。
EngTitle Atmospheric Environment Monitoring System Integration Planning and Evaluation of Air Quality Baseline Station
EngAbstract This project is to evaluate the system specification of low atmosphere profiler and micro pulse lidar system that is suited to be operated to monitor the vertical profile mcasurement of horizontal wind and particulate pollutant in the weather and climate condition of Taiwan. Both systems’ testing, installation, educational traning and technology transfer will also be made in this project. An evaluation and instruments planning for the air quality base line station of lu-lin mouutain has been made. The possible profiler sites and available frequency band in the north, central and south of Taiwan has been evaluated. The lidar specification that is easy to link with the international lidar network has been proposed. We already help EPA to purchase the lidar system and finish the station and whole system’s installation. The preliminary site survey, instruments planning, the design of base line station and a preliminary educational training have been finished.Base on the background radio spectrum measurement result in the climate and environment condition of Taiwan, we suggest the suitable profiler frequency band are 1250-1280MHz, 1290-1300MHz, and 1360-1400MHz. The suggest profiler sites for northern, central and sourthern Taiwan are National Central University (or a portable system), Taichung Fire Power Plant (or Taichung Agriculture Research lab) and Fu-Yin Technology Univ. (or the near by land fill park), respectively.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學