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Title 環工技師簽證案件查核及資料庫加值程式開發維護專案工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署管考處於92年度主導推動技師簽證案件查核及環工技師基本資料庫之建置,目的在建立技師簽證查核機制及環工技師管理考核制度,藉由有效的查核及完善的管理,以提升環工技師簽證報告之品質及落實事前預防保證之功能。92年度透過20場次現地查核,本計畫已完成簽證查核規範及查核作業程序,並建置環工技師基本資料、業務執行及異動之建檔及資料維護工作。93年度計畫係延續92年度之工作,技師現場查核增加10場次,並擴大資料庫功能,內容朝加值功能開發與資料庫內容維護與更新兩大方向進行,以提昇本資料庫的服務功能與品質。93年度技師現場查核完成30場次。整體而言,技師簽證缺失已有明顯改善;同時本年度亦建立查核後續追蹤處理,對於可能有簽證不實之個案,進一步釐清責任歸屬,並持續加強追蹤及列管,俾符合查核實質意義。
EngTitle Registered environmental protection professional engineer certification case review and database value added program development maintenance project work program
EngAbstract In 2003, the Audit and Examination Division of Environmental Protection Bureau initiated the registered environmental protection professional engineer certification case review and establish basic database for registered environmental protection engineers. The objective is to establish registered professional engineer certification review mechanism and management and review program for registered environmental protection professional engineers. Through effective review and good management, it will upgrade the quality of registered environmental protection professional engineer report certifications and implement prevention and guarantee function. In 2003, through 20 on site review program, this program has completed certification review standard and reviewed certification operation procedure. It has established data for registered environmental protection professional engineers, carried out implementation, and file change and information maintenance program.The 2004 program is a continuation of 2003 work. There is an increase of 10 registered professional on site reviews. The function of database is expanded. The contents are leading toward value added function development and the maintenance and upgrade of database content. This is to improve the quality and service performance of this database. In 2004, 30 on site registered professional reviews have been completed. Overall, the defects of certification by registered professional engineers have significant improvement. At the same time, in this year, follow up tracking processing after review has also been established to assign responsibility to potentially incorrect certification cases, and continuously improve tracking and control to meet the real meaning of review.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 台灣省環境工程技師公會