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Title 溫室氣體評估方法與國際合作計畫
Abstract 本計畫的目的係辦理ETSAP組織(The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme)的2005年ETSAP ANNEX IX 國際會議。本次會議除ETSAP會員國及國內專家與會外,同時邀請與我國已進行4年的MARKAL人員訓練合作計畫的中美洲友邦代表,以及東南亞臨近國家前來與會,前來瞭解最新MARKAL模型的發展,與會人員共計52員,總計有34篇報告,其中六篇為我國所發表,我國也藉此次會議與ETSAP建立進一步合作關係。 藉此次會議,我國亦與中美洲友邦舉辦雙邊會談,討論MARKAL合作計畫的進行、以及七月份貝里斯MARKAL訓練研討會的舉辦,同時也討論與中美洲友邦其他氣候變化合作計畫的推動,另外也邀請與會國際專家與國內專家針對氣候變化相關議題展開三場座談會,包括一個CDM計畫案-掩埋場沼氣發電、碳基金以及參與國際氫經濟夥伴關係組織,同時也與巴拿馬環境次長進行雙邊會談。 最後針對本次會議內容及各項討論活動的內容,彙整建議9項未來相關進一步發展方向,做為未來相關計畫推動國際合作的方向。
EngTitle GHG Evaluation Methology and International Cooperation Program
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to hold 2005 ETSAP, The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme, ANNEX IX Technical Conference. On behalf of the host and aside from those invited attendees from member countries and domestic experts we also invited attendees from Central American countries with diplomatic relation with our country, those we have cooperation program on MARKAL Model training, and some of the neighbouring southeastern Asian countries to develop the knowledge and information on contemporary MARKAL developments. There were 52 attendees in the conference and totally 34 presentation, including 6 by our country, were shown in the conference. Throughout the processing of the conference we had a meeting with Central American delegates in discussing the development of further MARKAL project, the training seminar to be held in Belize and other cooperation projects on climate change. We also held additional three forums with local experts to develop discussions on major topics including a CDM project CARIBERLATE - Caribbean Environmental Laboratory for Advanced Technological Entrepreneurship, carbon foundation - Private Financing for Certified Emission Reductions and the participation of International Partnership for the Hydrogen economy. A bilateral ministerial meeting was also held between Taiwan EPA and the Environmental Deputy Minister of Panama. Finally we compiled contents and conclusions of all activities into 9 scopes as further objectives to be implemented for possible developments on international cooperation projects.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院