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Title 推動生質柴油及稻稈生質能處理策略分析及成本效益評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 1970年代兩次石油危機時,世界各國逐漸重視與發展替代能源,以降低能源供應可能產生之效應。然而因工業化產生二氧化碳等溫室效應氣體,引起全球暖化問題,使得能源與環保問題日趨嚴重與國際化。生質物及廢棄物的生質能源利用兼具能源與環保雙重貢獻,主要原因在於使用生質能源將會減少化石燃料的使用,同時減少二氧化碳溫室氣體排放量,此舉亦可視為二氧化碳減量的貢獻。我國每年產生約15~20萬公噸廢食用油,其少數回收做為飼料或肥皂原料,多數未經回收而排入下水道造成環境污染,若能經轉製成生質柴油不僅可降低廢食用油對環境之傷害並且使用生質柴油與柴油相較可降低空氣污染。每年廢棄稻稈約有132萬公噸,若未經妥善處理將造成環境諾大之負荷與汙染。而垃圾掩埋場產生之沼氣可利用作為發電用途,若未經任何處理直接排放至大氣層則對於溫室效應產生極大之影響,因此本研究針對生質柴油、稻稈廢棄物應用及垃圾掩埋場沼氣應用等生質能進行國外資料蒐集並分析國外處理策略經驗,進而評估我國未來推動應用的競合策略規劃、經濟成本效益分析及最適推動策略建議,並且評估各種生質能的推動其相對之溫室氣體減量效益。
EngTitle Promotion and strategies analysis of Biodiesel, rice-straw biomass energy
EngAbstract The renewable energy including biomass energy has drawn much attention in the most of developed countries since 1970s. Improving energy security, decreasing vehicle contribution to air pollution and achieving reduction or even eliminating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are primary goals compelling governments to identify and commercialise alternatives to the petroleum fuels. The utilisation of biomass and waste residues can be regarded of energy and environment contributions with an impact upon the reduction of fossil fuel applications. The domestic generation of waste-cooking oil can be achieved with a value of 150 to 200 thousands tonnes which most of those are discarded to drainage system and consequently come of pollution problems. To utilise waste-cooking oil in forms of biodiesel can not only diminish the impact of it upon environment but also reduce the polluted-emission derived from diesel engine. Regarding to agricultural-waste (rice straw), 1.32 million tonnes of rice-straw waste are yielded annually. An optimism strategy should be considered in order to knock down the polluted-effect upon environment. Moreover, methane generated from landfill can be applied for power generation but directly exhaust to atmosphere will produce enormous impacts upon GHG emission. This study is aimed to analyse economic cost-benefit, GHG impact as well as optimisation of integrated strategies of biodiesel, waste rice-straw and landfill gas in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院