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32117174 台南市監督辦理焚化爐或掩埋場資源物質進場管制措施計畫 目前台灣地區之垃圾處理方式,漸漸傾向以焚化處理作為最終處理方式,以衛生掩埋作為最終處置方式,行政院環保署(以下簡稱環保署)為解決日益嚴重之廢棄物相關環境問題,早已展開宣導資源回收之觀念,作為垃圾減量之相關配套措施,並且於今年規劃「全分類‧零廢棄」之目標,期能將廢棄物中可回收之物質加以回收再利用,達到廢棄物減量之目的,減少進入掩埋場或焚化爐的廢棄物量,以延長相關處理設施之使用年限。台南市環保局(以下簡稱貴局)為配合落實環保署所推動之政策目標,加強轄內資源回收政策之執行,有效減少垃圾量,增加焚化爐及掩埋場之使用年限,降低垃圾清運費用,於93年度編列「台南市監督辦理焚化爐或掩埋場資源物質進場管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫依照本計畫合約執行各項工作項目,草擬「台南市環境保護局廢棄物處理廠場進場管理辦法(草擬)」,並自九十三年八月五日本計畫開始統計至九十三年十二月三十一日為止,共計執行檢查車輛3,721車次,其中載運一般事業廢棄物者共1,687車次,運送家戶垃圾等一般廢棄物者共1,985車次,私人自行載運一般廢棄物至焚化廠者共檢查49車次,檢查比例自八月起到十一月,增加11%,總檢查車次中共發現疑似違法違規者約74車次,主要違規項目為夾雜不適宜進場(廠)之廢棄物,佔59%,檢查車輛違規比例由八月之5.42%降低至十一月底之0.5%,平均檢查車輛違規比例為1.99%。本工作團隊針對八月份至十二月份之進入焚化廠處理之網路申報聯單4,205筆中,勾稽比對,其中疑似異常聯單共105筆,本工作團隊同時協助環保局進行現場稽查共401次,並且協助解除列管申請共7筆,並協助填寫「九十三年監督辦理焚化爐或掩埋場資源物質進場管制措施計畫工作成果第三及第四季季報表。 A control measure plan of Tainan city inspector general handles the crematory or buries the resources matter to enter the arena. In order to practice the direction of waste management, including recycle and waste reduction, from the Environmental Protection Administration, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City execute ‘The Entry Material Inspection Project of Incinerator and Bury Field of Tainan City’ to reduce waste quantity and clean up costs, on the other hand, it also increase service life of incinerator and bury field.The project carries out all tasks as follow according to the contract. Draw up the draft of ‘The Entry Administration Act of Waste Treatment Facilities, Tainan City’. The project inspect 3,721 vehicles which including 1,687 vehicles carry general industrial waste and 1,985 vehicles carry living waste, in addition, there were 74 private vehicles carries living waste since 5th,Aug. 2004 to 31st, Dec. 2004. The inspection rate has 11% increasing from the beginning to the end of the project. The total violations were 74 vehicles, mainly on ‘contains unsuitable material to the incinerator and bury field’ (59%). The violation rate decreased from 5.42%(Aug.) to 0.5%(Nov.), 1.99% in average.In auditing of industrial waste declaration, there were 4,205 declarations between this Aug. to Nov. Whenever, there were 105 declarations were suspicions. In addition, the project assists 401 field examinations and relieves 7 enterprises from row tube. Finally, the project helps on fill out quarter year report of ‘The Entry Material Inspection Project of Incinerator and Bury Field’ on 3rd an 4th season of the year 2004. 093 台南市環境保護局 陳峙霖
32117175 台中市93年度固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 本年度固定污染源許可審查及稽查管制計畫包含:落實法規制度、推動許可制度、整合確認固定源排放清單、加強重點行業管制、砂石場污染管制、加油站評鑑輔導管制、檔案建立及管理。各項工作成果摘要如下:一、落實法規制度■法規及管制說明會配合環保署各項新政策推動,本年度共舉辦了三場次空氣污染防制相關法規說明會,分別為「第一、二批公私場所應上網申報固定污染源空氣污染物說明會」兩場次、「空氣污染防制費相關法規說明會」一場次,總計通知168家,每場出席率均達70%以上。此外也將當日簡報、專家學者演講影片、會議意見內容及防制手冊等登載於本市固定污染源專屬網頁,便於業者後續參考運用。■污染源定期檢測作業管制環保署公告第一批應定期檢測的20類製程26種污染源中,本市內符合公告範圍且尚在運作者共計有19根次。台中市內固定污染源符合公告範圍者共計有14家(19根次)。自九十三年三月一日起,至九十三年十二月三十一日止,共計有19根次已於網路申報其檢測資料,經本計畫小組電話及現場巡查輔導與電話輔導及後續持續追蹤,申報率為100﹪■排放量網路申報管制依環保署訂定第一、二批應上網申報年排放量之固定污染源共計46家,截至九十三年十一月三十日止,第1~3季應申報之公私場所均已完成申報,使得本項作業在全省排名中為第一名,績效卓越請參閱章節3.1。■空污費催補繳管制為落實污染者付費的精神,確實推行二階段空污費依排放量繳交空污費之制度,對於未依法繳交空污費之公私場所進行催補繳作業。自九十二年度第四季至九十三年第三季為止,此四季應申報空污費徵收總金額為新台幣4,853,233元,共計495家次,排名僅因景氣波動而有些微變動,其徵收金額71﹪之主要來源為前二十大行業別,各行業93年徵收金額,排名第一為台中市焚化廠(約佔台中市空污費總徵收金額之27.85%),其次為台中菸酒廠,第三位為維他露食品股份有限公司。本計畫小組除繼續進行每季催繳動作外將配合一般巡察進行輔導,朝向每季遲繳率為零的目標。二、推動許可制度許可制度推動包含審查時程管控、許可現勘、監督檢測、檢測報告書面審查、許可證內容制定及許可證查核等。本年度總計共核發設置(變更)許可證8件、操作許可證15件、展延許可證38件、異動一款許可證5件、販賣許可申請1件,合計67件,全數符合法定審查時間內。而許可查核共完成269件次,有50件公私場所之許可核發內容與工廠現況不符,不符原因大致為定期檢測規定與紀錄規定不符、燃料、原料或產量、操作期程規定及製造流程等,經本計畫小組追蹤與輔導?家除擴廠及試車設備,已有42張許可經複查後完成改善作業,並積極再次追蹤及輔導查核不符工廠。三、整合確認固定源排放清單固定污染源污染物排放狀況對於轄區內空氣品質狀況影響甚巨,為完全掌握轄區內固定污染源污染物排放狀況,本年度完成更新418家,全年度更新排放量粒狀污染物為76.8噸/年SOx為86.49噸/年NOx為468.05噸/年VOCs為324.907噸/年,其中擴充範圍以固定污染源許可公告為最多。四、砂石場管制本市列管砂石場家數為6家砂石廠,本年度配合環保局執行全國砂石場擴大列管計畫,作業內容主要包括執行清查及建檔作業、執行稽查告發處分及建檔作業、定期提報執行成果及問題、定期召開檢討會執行成果、執行作業協調及執行道路認養等工作。本年度共計巡查24家次砂石場(廠),每季巡查重點為灑水設施及防制設備是否有正常運作,並要求執行公私場所周邊道路認養活動以減少污染源鄰近粒狀物排放生成量。五、檔案建立及管理將各污染源所有作業資料經書面記錄後,依其取得方式與資料性質,整理及分類後,歸入統一格式之工廠檔案夾中保存;同時建有完整且系統化之建檔標準作業程序,以有效管制各項電腦與文書檔案。 The taichung city government project of air pollution tax and the checking permits of the controlling stationary sources of air pollution at 2004. 093 台中市環境保護局
32117176 九十三年度固定污染源稽查檢測管制計畫 台中市環境保護局為維護空氣品質,於今年度推動三項稽查檢測管制工作,分別為(1)固定污染源排放管道之粒狀污染物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物稽查檢測工作。(2)廢棄物焚化爐排放管道及其周界空氣中戴奧辛檢測工作。(3)50家加油站加油槍氣油比與管線氣漏比檢測與複測工作。今年度檢測結果顯示固定污染源排放管道粒狀污染物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物並未超過排放標準;小型及大型焚化爐排放管道戴奧辛濃度也未超過排放標準。受檢測加油站加油槍氣油比合格比率自64.4%提昇至90.3%,加油站管線氣漏比不合格情形則已全部改善。 The Project of Inspective Sampling for Stationary Sources on 2004 The objectives of this project were to:1.Inspective sampling the concentrations of Par, SOx, NOx which emission from the flues of stationary sources. 2.Inspective sampling the concentrations of dioxin which emission from the flues of small and large types of waste incinerators.3.Both Air to Liquid Ratio test and Leak Decay test for fifty gasoline stations. 093 台中市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司:潘志恆
32117177 台中市工業區周圍環境空氣品質調查計畫 伴隨都市工業區的成立,雖然促進經濟成長,卻也造成揮發性有機物質逸散量增加及臭味污染嚴重問題。加上民眾環保意識抬頭,台中工業區引發居民陳情及抗議的事件,亟須迅速回應有效解決。鑑此,台中市環境保護局專案辦理「台中市工業區周圍環境空氣品質調查計畫」,期能藉以有效掌握揮發性有機物及工業臭味等發生原因,配合轄境內陳情案件及重大惡臭污染源等污染源,建立污染物指紋、加強巡查稽查、檢測、輔導協談等作業,促使業者妥善操作其污染防制設施,以避免惡臭逸散影響週遭居民生活,有效維護本市空氣品質。 Air Quality Investigation Project in Taichung Industrial Park Due to the established of Taichung Industrial Park, accompanied with the economic development and growth, it brings serious foul smell problems and VOC emissions. Besides, it affects the life quality of the neighborhood and causes a lot of protestation. In order to solve these problems, Taichung Environmental Protection Bureau initiated this project “Air Quality Investigation Project in Taichung Industrial Park”. The purpose of this project is to find out the roots of the industrial odor and VOC emissions and investigate on the public protest application. According to the findings from the investigation to build up the fingerprints of the pollutants, and to survey and monitor the emission sources. Simultaneously, to improve the air quality and reduce the impact of the industrial odor to the surrounding dwellers, the factories are required to operate the air pollution control device properly. 093 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 鄭國華
32117178 九十三年台中市空氣品質監測資料整合及應變計畫 本計畫主要工作,包括修正完成本市空氣污染防制計畫書並提送環保署審核、彙整台中縣、市空品監測資料,並建置「空氣品質網頁更新系統」、解析本市空氣品質並研擬改善方案,以便達成將懸浮微粒降至二級防制區之目標、建置本市空氣品質空氣品質趨於不良時之相關應變機制運作、建置中部空品區劣化應變機制及標準作業程序,以期維護台中市空氣品質,保障台中市民身活品質,維護民眾健康。以下為本計畫摘要內容:本計畫期程從簽約日(93.05.05)起至93年12月,計畫開始後即針對台中縣市空氣品質測站資料進行即時收集,並隨時掌握空氣品質變化,於計畫中完成93年1至11月空氣品質分析,並解析中部空品區氣象資料及空品監測資料,進行不良事件原因分析,確認主要貢獻源。另外為能掌握空氣品質現況本計畫建置空氣品質現況網頁更新系統,並配合每日四次自動更新,民眾可透過環保局網頁獲得空氣品質現況資訊。於空品趨於不良應變作業中,完成應變措施研擬,並於五月開始針對空氣品質趨於不良進行應變通報作業,本計畫共完成應變作業40次,於6-10月臭氧不良情形較多,進入11月份後數次空氣品質惡化皆為懸浮微粒濃度超高所造成;為提高應變效率及瞭解廠商配合意願,計畫中亦針對工廠進行應變調查,工廠希望能於應變前一天即能進行通報,應納入未來執行應變作業調整。為瞭解中科興建對台中市空氣品質影響,蒐集分析中科污染排放情形,目前中科主要污染為營建工程、基地開挖、及土石堆置為主,施工機具污染次之,建廠進度最快廠家為友達光電廠,最快於94年第二季量產,故今年尚無廠商有操作排放行為,但於分析空氣品質測站資訊發現,今年西屯測站粒狀物濃度較高,是否與中科工程開發有關,於本計畫中規劃採樣作業,於基地上下風處懸浮微粒濃度顯示有差異,但造成差異之原因受限於樣本數尚無法完全肯定結果,建議未來需要更長時期的觀察及分析。 nothing nothing 093 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32117179 九十三年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計劃-柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計劃 本年度自計畫執行起至十二月底結束為止,實際到站檢測車輛數共有1206輛次,其中1155輛次檢測排煙合乎法定規範值,51輛不合格,不合格率約為4.2%左右。而路邊攔車排煙檢測現階段共執行350輛次,其中有57輛次不合格,不合格率高達16.3%,其不合格率約為通知到檢不合格率的3.9倍。 在目視判煙執行方面,共登錄疑似排煙過量之各型柴油車輛1582輛,接受通知到本站檢驗之車輛總計523輛(至外縣市檢驗838輛),其中經排煙檢測不合格告發之車輛為42輛。另外對於柴油車輛使用油品含硫量之檢測,由中區督察大隊及環保警察配合路邊攔車排煙檢測地點,於篩選大型貨車於待測區隨車油箱取樣共計197支,其中含硫量不合格有41支,不合格率為20.8 %,平均不合格含硫量為0.526wt%。另外本專案小組亦於計劃執行期間針對非路邊攔檢(動力計檢測站及客貨運場站)抽驗油品42支,其中含硫量檢測不合格有4支,不合格率為9.5 %,平均不合格含硫量為0.259wt% 本局本年度已確實完成2,000份之宣導單張印製,並分別於路邊攔檢、寄發檢測通知單及車主到站檢驗時發放,以期能讓車主了解動力計排煙檢測之相關流程及教育車主如何降低排放黑煙,另外亦於8/19及8/20兩天分別舉辦各一場次的座談會及宣導活動,以使一般民眾及相關業者知悉動力計排煙站之位址,並熟悉環保局對柴油車排煙管制之政策。 Diesel Powered Vehicle Smoke Testing and Fuel Quality Monitoring Program On implementing this plan, till the end of the year, 1206 vehicles were tested. There were 1155 vehicles passed from the smoke emission tests. Whereas 51 vehicles, which represents 4.2% of the tested vehicles, were failed. There were 350 vehicles were performed on-road free accelerating smoke testing. It was found that 16.3% of the tested vehicles were failed. This percentage is about 4 times higher than that was tested in the smoke testing station. On performing visual smoke discriminating, 1582 vehicles were reported to be doubtfully emitted more smoke than the exhaust regulations. Among these vehicles, 523 vehicles, which were registered in Chia-Yi city, were recalled to take full load smoke examination in the station. It was found that, there were 42 vehicles failed from the tests. In this project, 197 diesel samples were taken directly from on-road vehicle fuel tanks for sulfur content analysis. 41 out from these fuel samples, about one fifth, were found to be unqualified with sulfur content. However, the unqualified rate for the fuels sampled from smoke testing station or user’s parking areas were found to be only 9.5 %. To propagate the concept of diesel smoke emissions reduction and to publicize there test sequences and procedures, 2000 relevant documents were prepared and distributed to drivers and the car owners. Technical seminar and discussion meetings were held to give open communicating opportunities to the publics. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局
32117180 揮發性(VOCs)稽查管制與輔導減量計畫 The volatility organic compo und (VOCs) is checked and controlled and coach the decrement plan 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 侯裕文
32117181 營建工程污染管制計畫 Builds the project pollution control plan 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 侯裕文
32117182 臺東縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫 1. 計畫名稱:臺東縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫2. 主管機關:臺東縣環境保護局 執行單位:鴻圖工程(股)公司3. 計畫主持人:李佳芳 聯絡人:謝明德4. 聯絡電話:(02)2506-5977 傳真號碼:(02)2508-29665. 期程:民國九十三年六月二日至九十三年十二月三十一日6. 主要執行內容:執行本計畫之工作人員及設備數計:組長1人,檢測人員4人,安全維護人員1人,行政助理1人,駐局人員1人,其綜合成效如下:一、柴油車排煙檢測截至93年12月15日止,計檢測1002輛次,其中不合格71輛次,不合格率7.09﹪,馬力比不足退驗車輛數364輛次,退驗率達25.4%。二、目視判煙通知到檢截至93年12月15日止,計執行目視判煙1825輛次,寄發到檢通知1359件。三、油品抽測截至93年12月15日止,採樣397件,送驗數140件,不合格47件,不合格率33.6%。四、辦理操作人員訓練會一場於93年6月24日於本縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測站辦理完成。五、辦理一場柴油車業者宣導說明會於93年8月20日於臺東縣勞工育樂中心二樓會議室辦理完成。六、宣導手冊及宣導品印製已製作宣導品750件、宣導海報150份、宣傳文宣共2000份。七、路邊攔查共計504輛次,不合格數52輛次,不合格率10.32%。八、民眾檢舉烏賊車獎勵摸彩活動二場,檢舉函覆處理率達99.74%。九、現有柴油車排煙檢測站各項軟硬體設備之維護校正管理,並持續推動維持柴油車檢測站CNLA實驗室相關工作。十、配合環保署評鑑查核工作,以及配合建置柴油車排煙檢測資料庫。十ㄧ、檢測站設備更新購置,包含攝影機,車輛攝影系統,溫度計與壓力計修改。十二、協助環保局進行空氣品質維護改善工作執行績效考評,提交各項考核月報表,估算污染度削減率。十三、於廣播電台、有線電視台進行託播,宣導柴油車相關檢測事宜。十四、推估總污染物削減量達4.93公噸/年。 十五、工作進度對照表項次 工作項目 合約數量 達成情形 說明 章節1 目視不合格通知 1350件 1359件 4-22 動力計檢測 1000輛 1002輛 馬力比退驗364輛次 4-3CH53 油品含硫量抽驗 140件 140件 路邊抽驗佔115件檢測站抽驗25件 4-44 路邊攔檢稽查 500輛 504輛 4-55 操作人員訓練會 1場 1場 4-1-26 業者宣導說明會 1場 1場 4-67 宣傳手冊 2000件 2000件 4-78 宣導品宣導海報 750件150件 750件150件 4-79 增設監控設備,增加監控面 4-1-14-12-510 民眾檢舉污染車輛檢測並函覆處理率達99.74%辦理獎勵民眾之摸彩活動二場 4-811 柴油車排煙檢測站各項軟硬體設備之維護校正管理 4-112 持續推動或維持柴油車檢測站CNLA實驗室相關工作 4-1013 量測不確定度評估報告 附件14 配合環保署進行評鑑。 4-915 柴油車檢測站廠房儀器設備更新與購置 4-116 總污染物削減量達4.93公噸/年 5-13 Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan 1. Name of project: Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan2. Competent Authority: Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (Taitung County EPB) Implementation Organization: United System Engineering Co. Ltd.3. Project Manager: Lee Kwei-Fang Contact: Hsieh Ming-Der4. Contact Telephone: (02)2506-6977 Fax: (02)2508-29665. Period: 2nd June 2004 to 31st December 20046. Implementation Details:Personnel employed in this project includes: Supervisor 1; Testers 4; Safety and Maintenance 1; Administrative Assistant 1; and Resident Personnel in EPB 1. The achievements are as follows:I) Diesel Vehicle Smoke Emission Tests:1002 vehicles were tested for period ended 15th December 2004, and the number of those failing the tests totaled 71 or 7.09%; those with inadequate horse power 364, reaching a rejection rate of 25.4%.II) Issuing of Notice to vehicle owners arising from Visual Inspection of Smoke :1825 visual inspections were performed for period ended 15th December 2004. the number of notices sent out was 1359.III) Random Testing of Petrol Quality:397 random testings were done for period ended 15th December 2004, with 47 failing the tests or 33.6%.IV) Training Session of Operators:One training session of operators was conducted on 24th June 2004 at the Taitung County dynamometer inspection center.V) Promotion to Diesel vehicle Operators:One promotional conference to diesel vehicle operators was conducted on 20th August 2004 at the Taitung County Workers Entertainment Center Conference Room situated on the first floor.VI) Printing of promotional Handbooks and Pamphlets:Altogether 2000 pieces of promotional pamphlets/handbooks, 750 pieces of memorabilia and 150 promotional posters were printed and delivered.VII) Roadside Spotcheks were carried out 504 times with 52 failing the tests or 10.32%.VIII) Two sessions of lucky draw for the public complainants of “Black bandit vehicles”. Up to 99.74% of such complaints were handled and replied.IX) The maintenance, alignment and management of the existing hardware and software for various equipment of the diesel vehicle inspection center was carried out, as well as the maintenance of the center’s CNLA laboratory.X) Worked with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) on assessment, review and audit of diesel vehicle smoke emission testing center for the setting up of a comprehensive database thereon.XI) The upgrading and purchase of new equipment including cameras, photographic system, thermometers and the modification of pressure meters.XII) Assisted the Taitung EPB to carry out the air quality maintenance and improvement work and implemented the assessment thereon; submitted monthly assessment reports and estimated the rate of reduction of pollution.XIII) Broadcast of promotion for diesel vehicle testing program in local stations including cable television stations.XIV) The estimate for the reduction of air pollution achieved for the period is 4.93 metric ton per year. 15. Work Schedule Comparison Table Item Description Total Number Achieved Explanation Chapter1 Notice to vehicle owners sent on failure of smoke test from visual inspections 1350 1359 4-22 Dynamometer test 1000 vehicles 1002 364 vehicles rejected 4-3CH53 Random test on sulfur in petrol 140 140 115 roadside25 in center 4-44 Roadblock random tests 500 504 4-55 Operators training session 1 1 4-1-26 Promotion to operators session 1 1 4-67 Promotional handbook 2000 2000 4-78 Promotional memorabiliaPromotion Poster 750150 750150 4-79 Addition of monitoring equipment. Increase of monitoring. 4-1-14-12-510 99.74% achieved for action and reply on vehicle pollution complaints.2 lucky draws for the public participants. 4-811 The maintenance, alignment and management of Hardware/software in inspection center. 4-112 CNLA laboratory maintenance work in vehicle inspection center. 4-1013 Report on inaccuracy assessment of measurements. attached14 Coordination with EPA on assessment. 4-915 Purchase and upgrade of instrument and equipment for inspection center 4-116 Reduction of air pollution achieved for year is 4.93 metric ton per year 5-13 093 台東縣環境保護局
32117183 固定空氣污染源稽查管制及空污費催補繳計劃 本年度許可及空污費催補繳計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發及說明會辦理、(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與維護、(5)協助環保局煙道抽測及定檢監督檢測作業、(6)空污費催繳作業、(7)稽查處份資料建檔等作業項目、(8)餐飲業前20大調查、(9)污染源輔導改善追蹤作業、(10)農廢露天燃燒輔導改善作業。在各項作業執行進度方面工作執行績效成果如表。本報告分為七個章節,第一章概述計畫緣起與本計畫各項作業項目、內容與執行進度;第二章說明計畫區背景;第三章敘述許可制度目前執行情形;第四章說明本計畫針對固定污染源管制工作之執行情形,包含稽查、檢測、處份及巡查等作業情形。第五章說明資料庫更新/擴充情形及排放量確認。第六章說明固定污染源其他相關配合事項。第七章則針對本計畫執行成果作一檢討建議及未來作業執行重點。茲將成果摘要說明如下:(1) 許可制度作業本年度自1月起受理各種類許可案件申請81件,其中已發證71件,尚有10件審查中,操作許可審查平均日數為20天,審查時間符合率為92%。許可說明會已於93.9.9辦理完成,業者出席率63%,本計畫並製作大型看板做為機動性宣導。一定規模網路申報排放量本縣三季以應申報73件次,已申報63件次,尚有10件次未申報,本計畫並對未申報者進行現場輔導24件次,以提昇申報率。許可發證後並查核48條製程,查核率為76%,查核不符者有18條製程37項次,經通知改善後追蹤結果已完成78%之改善進度。另在定檢作業上應檢根次為20根次,完成18根次之檢測申報及審查,現場監督檢測14根次。(2)稽巡查及檢測作業本年度共完成143件稽查單及25件處分書之建檔,其中一般性稽查有87件,陳情案件佔31件。巡查件數至目前並完成283件次,巡查進度101%,總巡查率為104%,巡查比例較高之行業依序為砂石、預拌混凝土、加油站、瀝青拌合等行業,符合重大污染管制策略,並經由巡查完成NOx前20大查核及焚化爐戴奧辛之查核。環保局煙道抽測有4根次、煙道戴奧辛1根次及臭味檢測3場次,檢測結果有2家臭味不合格。(3)資料庫更新、擴充及維護作業本縣EPA97資料庫經100家之資料完整性及正確性確認後,總排放量更新率61%,各污染排放量異動後,計粒狀污染物減少979.596噸/年,減少主要原因為東砂西運減緩、鄰縣砂石傾銷及輔導改善後減量。硫氧化物異動後減少了555.321噸/年,其原因為1.輔導改善使用低污染燃油2.產能降低而產生減量3.排放量的計算由許可核定量修正為實際操作產生量。氮氧化物異動後減少975.324噸/年,其減量原因如同硫氧化物減量原因2、3。揮發性有機物質大幅減少了327.225噸/年,其減量原因大部份是因新舊系統計算差異所致,另在資料庫QA/QC作業上共完成190件次之查核。(4)減量空間推估共計完成80個製程推估,TSP確實可減量製程數22個,實際減量潛勢為416.946噸/年,NOx確實可減量製程數則無,原因為目前都符合排放標準,不願花費成本設置相關防制設施,VOCs確實可減量製程數3個,減量潛勢為156.15噸/年。(5)空污費催補繳及查核作業本年度共完成三季催繳,應申報家數計122未申報家數34經由公文及現場催繳38家次後完成122家之申報,申報率100%,總徵收金額2094196元,申報排放量SOx 132.233噸,NOx 210.157噸各佔資料庫排放量48%及35%。空污費查核計完成15件,其中有4件不符合情形已經現場告知修正內容。(6)餐飲業前20大調查台東縣餐飲業約340餘家,本計畫選擇人氣較旺前20大做為調查對象,其中包含3家西式、2家速食、3家複合式、12家中式,有防制設備者有14家,每月瓦斯用量22479公斤,食用油用量7800公升。(7)輔導改善作業本年度共完成12家公私場所輔導改善,改善完成率100%,其中包含燃料油改善3家,硫氧化物共減量200.052噸/年,堆置場防塵網覆體積達222500m3粒狀物污染物共削減11.533噸/年。(8)農廢露天燃燒輔導改善作業台東縣為農業立縣,依據農委會農業改良場統計每期種稻面積約6500公頃,每年5、6月及11、12月為收割期農民為了處理稻草大部都採用焚燒方式,致產生大量煙塵常為人所詬病,本計畫為改善此現象,於是在各期稻作收割前規劃了8場次的宣導說明會,深入鄉村與農民溝通,而且製作宣導車到各村落做7天次廣播宣導,但為了防止部份農民及一般民眾之露天燃燒行為,本專案小組人員配合環保局人員定期每週二、四進行巡查,共查獲63件之燃燒行為經勸導撲滅後,估計各污染物減量為TSP 2.537噸,PM10 1.462,SOx 0.078噸,NOx 0.696噸,VOCs 3.259噸,CO 13.377噸。 The regular air pollution sources is checked and controlled and the empty dirty fee press for the plan of Taitung County Permit in the current year and the air pollution fee urge and pay arrears to plan the project of the homework to include: (1)Permit examining, authorize and prove that will handle , (2)permit checking, (3)patroll , (4)the database is upgraded and safeguarded, (5)help the flue of the Environmental Protection Agency to make spot check and examine and supervise and measure the homework definitely, (6)the air pollution fee presses for payment of the homework, (7)project of the homework of checking a materials of place and filing, etc., (8)catering trade ago it investigate heavily 20, (9) coach not improving not lasting homework pollution sources, (10) the agricultural to abolish in the open burning not if coaching , improve by homeworking. This report is divided into seven chapters, chapter one sum up the plan to genesis with this plan every homework project , content and carry out the progress; Chapter two states the plan area background ; Chapter three narrates and permits the system to carry out the situation at present; Chapter four proves that a plan controls the execution situation of the work to the regular pollution sources, include the situations of the homework , such as checking , measuring , place one and patrolling ,etc.. Chapter five prove that the database is upgraded / expanded the situation and emission to confirm . Chapter six prove that the regular pollution sources cooperates with the item other relevantly. The seventh rule and regulation carry out the achievement and do one self-criticism proposing and homework in the future and carry out the focal point to this plan. 093 台東縣環境保護局
32117184 臺中市垃圾清運民營化擴大區域委外規劃計畫 台灣近年來經濟成長與人口集中都市化,垃圾量日益增多,其性質也趨複雜。實施勞基法及週休二日制度後,使垃圾清運人事成本不斷增加。如何有效提昇垃圾清運經營效率已是規劃垃圾處理的重要課題之一。各縣市政府在面臨各項業務增加及自有財源有限的情況下,民營化可能是政府未來的重點工作。本計畫以台中市垃圾清運各公營區域清運單位為為研究對象,主要目標在分析比較清運單位的清運績效,並根據評估結果評選可改善的因子及可行的政策方案。本計畫的主要目的即在了解台中垃圾清運民營化的影響,透過民眾問卷、清運人員問卷和民代問卷得到台中市各清運區域的績效因子,應用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)及層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)評估各分區的效率因子,並應用成本效益評估提供決策者可行的政策。本計畫可歸納以下結果:1. 民營化優先次序評估結果排定如下:西區>東區>西屯區>北區>北屯區>南屯區2. 人力配置部份於民營化後之人力安置應以「加強業務之人力轉調」為主。3. 根據民代與里長問卷及電話民意調查結果顯示民眾對於各公營的清運單位均有相當的滿意程度。4. 比較民營化後之預估委外費用,預計民營化整體費用將可節省約33%。 The Program of Planning The Works of Waste Disposal Regions from Taichung City Government to Privatization. In consequence of the economic growth and urbanization of population in Taiwan in recent years, the volume of waste increases from day to day with all the more complicated properties. The manpower cost to clear away the waste has been soaring up even since the weekly 2-days-off system was enforced under Labor Law. How to promote effectively the management efficiency of waste disposal is now an essential topic in waste disposal planning. In the presence of ever-increasing workloads and limited self-financing sources, the county/city governments might make it an issue of privatization in days to come. This project’s targets at the policy-making units of public-operated waste disposal practice in Taichung City. The main purpose is to analysis and to compare the efficiency of waste disposal in Taichung City. And result in estimating at which units or factors should be improved and which policy is available for government to practice?The main purpose is to examine the effect of privatization on management efficiency of waste disposal in Taichung City. Using questionnaire survey from common people, disposal workers and policy-making units estimate the efficiency factor between public disposal district by using DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) and AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process). And provide the suitable policies for policy makers by cost-efficiency analysis.It conclude that (1) The priority of privatization between clear unit is west-district > east-district > west-tun district > north-district > north-tun district > south-tun district.(2) The reduction of personnel burden could be used for street cleaning by enhance the workloads re-assignment.(3) According to the result of policy-making and common people survey reveals that most people satisfy the disposal service by government clearing units.(4) It reveals that privatization can save 33% cost by calculating the labor, management and vehicle cost. 093 台中市環境保護局
32117185 九十三年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫-空氣品質改善維護之執行追蹤檢討計畫 空氣污染防制法自民國六十四年五月二十三日經制訂公告以來,隨著對空氣污染物排放特性掌握程度趨於成熟與完備,以及民眾對環保意識的抬高,近年來各項管制標準不斷趨嚴而管制對象也越趨於完備。行政院環保署在污染源管制上,訂定逐期加嚴的排放標準,並不斷推動油品改善工作。為使空氣品質更達先進國家的水準,自八十四年起七月開徵空氣污染防制費,並成立基金,專款專用於空氣污染防制工作,已使空氣品質不良日數逐年下降。目前已將所運用於各項空氣污染防制工作計畫,主要內容有:一、空氣品質改善及空氣污染防制政策規劃與推動空氣污染防制法相關法規研擬制定,評估空氣品質監測站網及測站代表性,並分析空氣品質趨勢及研擬對策,劃定空氣污染防制區、規劃空氣污染總量管制及空氣品質惡化緊急應變體系相關工作執行。二、 推動國際環保積極推動臭氧層保護、溫室效應防制策略、酸雨防制等及空氣污染相關國際環保公約之因應與交流活動。三、固定污染源管制行政管制方面,除訂定各行業別排放標準及加強稽查外,並建立許可制度、輔導作業、油品管制及考核補助縣市執行空氣品質改善計畫管理制度。在經濟誘因方面,為鼓勵業者主動改善,已依實際排放量徵收污染防治費,少排放污染即少繳費,並訂定空氣污染防治費減免辦法及空氣污染減量獎勵金等。四、移動污染源管制除依法規要求,執行新車型審檢,新車抽驗外,已全面實施機車排氣定檢制度,並積極推廣使用清潔替代燃料,(如LPG、CNG等)及低污染車輛(如電動輔助自行車及低污染噴射引擎機車等),以減少廢氣排放污染。嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫,早於民國82年即規劃完成,最早乃由環保署執行,然而因執行期間無法與地方進行通盤之溝通與討論、兼顧地方之需求與特性,故成效不彰。嘉義市環境保護局接手後,針對嘉義市(以下簡稱本市)空氣品質現況、空氣污染現況進行瞭解及問題分析;配合年度空氣污染排放總量分析,既存污染源改善措施及新污染源設立審核,規劃污染管制策略與執行。期望藉由該計畫之執行,整合本市各項空氣污染防制子計畫,而達到全面管制之目的,進而提升各計畫之執行品質。為評估本市空氣品質管制成效,研擬未來空氣污染物減量計畫,以持續推動空氣品質改善維護計畫,乃公告『九十三年度空氣品質改善維護之執行追蹤檢討計畫』(以下簡稱本計畫),邀集國內具空氣污染防制規劃管理等相關工作經驗及能力之技術服務機構參與計畫執行,以期能圓滿達成本市空氣品質改善維護計畫之計畫目標。 The project of Chia Yi City air quality improvement and maintenance-states improvement project -sip-e IThe project of Chia Yi City air quality improvement and maintenance wascompleted in 1993. In the beginning, it was carried out by EPA. However,during the execution period, it could not have full communication anddiscussion with local concerns, and covers the need and characteristics of localconcerns. Thus, the results were not significant. After the took over by ChiaYi City EPB, it focused on the understanding and problem analysis of presentconditions of air quality and air pollution of Chia Yi City (herein after refer toas our city), coordinated with annual total air pollution emission analysis,improvement measures for existing pollution sources and review and approvalof the installation of new pollution sources, to plan pollution control strategyand implementation. The goal is that, through the implementation of thisprogram to integrate our city"s all air pollution control subprograms, to reachthe goal of total control. This will further improve the implementation qualityof all programs.To control our city’s air pollution source characteristics and their sources,this program extensively collected our city’s weather data and the list ofemissions from all pollution sources to predict and analyze our city’s pollutionsource characteristics. During program execution, to control theimplementation schedule of all programs, and reach the evaluation goals ofEPA, we assisted EPB to call project review meeting and invited members ofcommittee that is responsible for our city’s air pollution to attend. In thefollowing are summary descriptions of the results of the implementation of thisprogram: 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局
32117186 九十三年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-空氣污染陳情案件處理計畫 一、經由主動之稽巡查作業,確實掌握時效,有效的處理工業污染問題,並減少抗爭。二、強化夜間及假日空氣污染陳情案件之處理,使違反者不再存僥倖心理,以落實服務成效。三、協助處理空氣污染陳情及一般巡查案件,並對列管之污染事件進行追蹤,有效杜絕公害維護環境空氣品質。四、彙整陳情分析統計及改善狀況之報告。五、配合SIP計畫,執行本市空氣品質惡化時管制方式及各污染物削減量管制等事項。1.3工作內容一、一般工作事宜(一)排班輪值處理夜間及假日、非上班時間之陳情案件稽巡查。(二)於重點地區(後湖里工業區、河床旁縣市交界處等)或屢次被陳情之公私場所及上級交辦案件,分級執行巡查,必要時重點埋守取締污染源。(三)陳情案件以電腦建檔並追蹤改善情形。(四)緊急事件之先驅調查及協助通報。(五)於各階段結束時應彙整執行成果並分析陳情案類別。二、其他配合工作事宜(一)配合 貴局及上級相關工作檢討會,提供計畫執行進度並彙整簡報資料,出席報告等。(二)配合進度管制,於每日應在工作日誌紀錄陳情受理、辦理情形及臨時交辦事項,並每週三前提報上週累計工作進度情形表,並每月五日前提交考核月報表,每季結束前提交考核季報表。並依據環保署績效考核辦法,自行檢討計畫執行績效。(三)配合相關作業及在各階段工作計畫結束前一個月內應就軟硬體作業辦理講習以利技術轉移。三、建立陳情案件受理之標準作業流程。四、處理空氣污染陳情案件及一般巡查合計三百件次以上。五、各階段終止前一個月內應造冊派員移交並作技術轉移,且須經驗收及確認功能正常無誤。六、應參考計畫審查意見(含服務建議書審查意見)執行本計畫。 The project of Chia Yi City air quality improvement and maintenance-Air pollution control protest case processing program SummaryThe main working items of this program are to process Chia Yi city nightprotest cases, and, coordinating with the processing of holiday air pollutionprotest cases to establish pollution source and location lists for these receivedfrequent protests, consolidate the analysis and statistics of the protests, and theimprovement status of the pollution sources received frequent protests.From program implemented this year, we discovered that, since our city ismetropolitan type, the night protects were mostly noise (such as night market,and karaoke etc.). In year 2004, there were a total of 1361 protest cases(including waste disposal application 507 cases). Not including the wastedisposal applications, noise protest cases were top on the list, totaling 469 cases.It was 34.46% of the total protest cases. Next in line is air pollution, includingstationary pollution source protest cases, open burning and odor emissions etc.,totaling 370 cases. Among them, odor protest cases were the highest, totaling167 cases. It was 45.14% of the air pollution protest cases, and 12.27% of thetotal protest cases. And, open burning protest cases were 7.64% of total protestcases. Most of them were nearby neighbors protest against open burning ofrice straw by farmers. This year, for open burning, there had been issued 4 finenotifications. Total fine is NT$ 115,000.The work items of this program include general inspection operation,resident protest case audit and inspection operation, and establishing computerfiles for audit and inspection results. At the present time, other than reports tobe submitted regularly, the required work items are all completed. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局
32117187 93年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-固定源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 摘-1摘要本計畫於93 年度,共計完成250 家固定污染源更新及擴充作業,經更新及擴充作業後,本市污染源排放量異動為Par 增加43.884 公噸/年、SOx 減少6.364 公噸/年、NOx 增加12.689 公噸/年,VOC 減少2.654 公噸/年,排放量增加原因可能與今年景氣回溫有關,另亦可能因資料庫建檔過程,排放係數之選定因輸入者不同而有所不同,進而造成排放量之誤差。在許可申請作業方面,本市第一至七批符合公告條件,需提出申請者共有71 個製程,皆已提出申請;統計各類許可證之申請案件,分別受理2 製程許可變更、3 件製程許可異動、15 件操作許可展延,共計20 個製程之申請;均已完成發證。許可核發後續查核作業,按照許可排放量、製程所屬公告批次等條件,排定查核順序,計已完成80 個製程之查核,其中經查核不符共4 家,將函文業者提出辦理許可證異動。本計畫共完成33 件公私場所提報檢測結果報告書,分別為許可定期申報24 件、變更操作許可檢測1 件、稽查檢測6 件、戴奧辛檢測1 件及自動連續監測系統RATA 比對報告1 件。前述各類檢測報告,審查過程中發現有缺或不合理者,均要求補正,各固定污源檢測結果均符合法規標準,並已完成核定。本市93 年空氣污染防制費計已徵收348,089 元,本計畫並完成5 家次催補繳。在稽巡查管制作業方面,共執行367 次的稽巡查,包括稽查82 件次及巡查作業285 件次。各項工作之計畫目標及完成情形詳見次頁表一所示。另於資料處理與電腦檔案管理方面,共完成509 件文書資料建檔及電腦建檔。經由電腦污染排放總量推估,目前本市列管之粒狀物排放量為110.262公噸/年、硫氧化物46.474 公噸/年、氮氧化物136.339 公噸/年、揮發性有機物為606.323 公噸/年、一氧化碳98.015 公噸/年。 Stationary pollution source audit control and air pollution fee payment In 2004, this program has completed 250 stationary source upgrade andexpansion operation. After upgrading and expansion operation, the change in our city’s stationary source emissions were: Par increased 43.884 ton/year, SOxreduced 6.364 ton/year, NOx increased 12.689 ton/year, and VOC reduced 2.654 ton/year. The reason of increasing in emissions may be related to the economicrecovery this year. It may also be that during the database filing process, the selection of emission coefficients are different with each person who input the data,therefore leading to difference in emissions.In the permit application operation, there were 71 applicants in groups 1 to 7 who met announcement conditions and were required to submit applications,which all did. The statistics of all permit application cases, were 2 production process permit alternations, 3 production process changes, and 15 operation permitextensions. There was a total of 20 production process applications, the certifications have been issued.For the follow up review operation after the issuance of permit, based on the permit emission quantity and production process announce groups, etc., the reviewsequences were arranged. At this time, the review of 80 production processes has been completed. Among them, 4 companies haven’t met the requirements.Letters will be issued to the company to submit permit certificate changes.This program has completed 33 cases of test reports submitted by public and private facilities. 093 嘉義市政府環境保護局
32117188 台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫 本年度台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫自93年3月31日開執行,主要的工作包含營建工程申報案件審查、工地巡查、建立台東縣境內工地資料庫、舉辦宣導說明會、發宣導海報及手冊、裸露地調查輔導改善、進行工地粒狀物檢測、辦理優良工地觀摩及表揚等。茲將成果摘要說明如下:一、營建空污費資料庫中列管之營建工程共計2,547件,今年度申報開工件數共計1,973件,開立金額22,558,440元;另自執行本計畫起營建空污費徵收件數為1,618件,徵收金額為17,991,706元。二、本年度巡查作業計畫目標數為1,300處次(含假日巡查10%),至94年2月28日止共完成1307處次營建工地巡查,其中假日巡查132處次,達成率為100%。經由巡查作業,發現有污染情形、未繳空污費就先行動工及工程逾期等案件,共111件,其中有26件未繳空污費,追徵補繳金額達392,454元。本年度營建工程粒狀物檢測執行目標數為20點檢測,目前已全數執行完成,由檢測果發現有三處工地檢測值超過法定標準值,已建議予以告發處分。三、本年度排放量推估方法主要係採用環保署委託章教授針對本土特性所發展的工地排放係數及不同污染防制措施之去除效率加以權重之後,推估本縣各列管工地施工期間每月TSP排放量與削減量,推估93年1-12月結果顯示TSP累積排放量約1,581公噸,因設置防制措施削減之量約867公噸,減量比例約54%,另統計本計畫執行期間93年4月至94年2月止結果顯示TSP累積排放量約1,253公噸,因設置防制措施削減之量約550公噸,減量比例約56%,而91、92年的逸散性粉塵排放平均控制效率分別為25%及28%,顯示因稽巡查及輔導工地設置污染防制措施的效益已逐漸顯現。四、本工作小組於93年7月5、6二日舉辦十家工地之現場輔導作業,並針對輔導委員所提改善意見進行後續追蹤,挑選出其改善情形優良之二處工地加以獎勵表揚,並於12月22日完成『九十三年度優良營建工地頒獎活動』一場次,藉由此一方式增進業者執行污染防制的意願,以減低本縣營建工地之污染情形。另於11月24日,邀請縣內營建業主及承包商,舉辦一場營建工地觀摩活動,藉此觀摩活動加強管制經驗及技術交流,並學習各營建工程在污染防制措施設置上之長處。五、計畫執行迄94年1月31日,透過積極巡查及宣導說明會,推廣營建工地參與道路認養作業,目前已累計有44家營建工地參與道路認養作業,目前洗掃總長度達8,101.8公里,其中洗街長度4,151.8公里,掃街長度3,950公里,TSP削減量為111.8公噸。除可降低車行揚塵的排放之外,對於改善及淨化環境亦具有相當的助益。六、本計畫共舉辦二場次宣導說明會,除加強宣導行政院環保署已公告之「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」相關法令外,也針對「營建空污費徵收制度」及「道路認養」相關事宜作說明,讓與會人員能充分瞭解營建工地污染防制之重要性,以期營建工程空污費徵收作業能順利執行及本縣境內環保工作推行更落實。另外本年度亦完成各種文宣資料,放置於環保局第二課供民眾索取,短片則利用宣導說明會播放。七、台東縣因幅原廣闊,偏遠及離島地區鄉鎮常因交通不便及行政機關合約書製作過程冗長而有逾期申報產生滯納金及罰鍰情形,造成鄉鎮承辦人員、民眾及收費人員諸多困擾,為改善此一現象,本計畫針對上述情形規劃二項便民措施如下:1. 提供環保署空污費網路試算系統予民眾使用。2. 依傳真、郵寄方式申報空污費。八、本年度台東縣境內裸露地調查及輔導改善作業,經巡查人員調查現勘後,共發現12處,裸露地總面積達7.8公頃,經輔導後已完成改善之面積為6.7公頃,改善完成率達86%。 The Construction Sites Pollution Controlling Plan of Taitung County This plan was started from 31 Mar, 2004. The main purposes including declaration review of construction case, construction site patrolling, established inventory for construction site in Taitung county, hold publicity of workshop, dispatch the publicity poster and handbook, investigation and improving guidance of unpaved field, particle inspection of contruction sites, transacted the reference and accoladed for quality sites. 093 台東縣環境保護局
32117189 93年度台東縣加強砂石場預拌混凝土廠空氣污染管制計畫 一、本計畫至12月22日止共巡查371家次,依據本計畫巡查資料顯示,台東縣境內共計列管27家砂石場及27家預拌混凝土廠,砂石場大部份集中於台東市及大武鄉,以流域而言,卑南溪分佈之家數最多。在預拌混凝土廠部份,台東市七家最多,其次是成功鎮、大武鄉。二、砂石場部份以物料輸送及堆置場之污染防制為巡查及宣導重點,卸料坡道應加設鋪面及自動灑水設施,堆置場應覆蓋防塵網及加設自動灑水設施。預拌廠污染防制表現比砂石場好,但其堆置場進行防制比率仍偏低,此部份仍須加強宣導。四、工廠輔導與污染物減量方面,完成共計六家砂石場及四家預拌混凝土廠輔導作業,全年粒狀污染物削減量達170.93公噸,為本年度固定污染源污染物削減量之主要來源。五、本計畫亦進行再減量潛勢討論,討論內容包含各場(廠)未來可以再加強之污染防制設施及未來可以透過防制措施增設達成之污染減量。七、於計畫初期道路認養之業者數量為15家,本計畫配合巡查作業將所有營運中之業者列入推動配合之對象,積極宣導道路認養作業。八、稽查檢測作業目前已完成檢測砂石廠22家次及預拌廠3家次,檢測結果顯示各場(廠)測值均低於「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」中TSP周界標準值500µg/Nm3。 2004 Taitung County strengthens to control air pollution of pre-blend concrete in gravel sand factory. 一、Until December 22 this project inspect 371 factories, and according to the our data, there are 27 gravel sand factories and 27 pre-blend concrete factories in Taitung county. Most are centralize in Taitung city and Ta-Wu village, in the valley most are in the Pei-Nan River. In the part of pre-blend factories, the most are Taitung then Cheng-Kung Town and Ta-Wu village. 二、In the gravel sand factories part, we focus on transporting matter and prevent the pollution in store up place, and it should add the pave and auto-sprinkler facility in unloading place. The store up place should put a cover over dust-proof net and auto-sprinkler facility. Pre-blend factories’ prevent pollution work better than the gravel sand places but the rate of preventing in the store up place is still lower. This part still needs to strengthen announcement. 四、In the part of counsel factories and reduce the pollution matter, we complete 6 gravel sand places and 4 pre-blend factories counseling work. Whole year’s granular pollution matter reduces 170.93 tons and it’s the main source in this year’s stable pollution source matters.五、This project also do the discussion on reduce more, and the content includes strengthen the prevent pollution facilities and adds the prevent facilities to reduce more. 七、At first there are 15 factories adopt the roads and this project try to harmony with the inspect work to push all industries and announce positive.八、We finish the inspection for 22 gravel sand factories and 3 pre-blend factories, and the result shows that each one’s numeral is lower than TSP’s 500µg/Nm3 of “Stable pollution source’ air pollution emission standard.” 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117190 九十三年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 台東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫係針對本縣轄區內之機車是否完成定期檢驗,藉由加強路邊稽查、辦理機車排氣免費檢測宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車定檢站等工作,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。本公司執行台東縣九十三年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫,至九十三年十二月二十日止執行成果,已完成未定檢機車稽查數18,624輛次,當中回檢共12,719輛次,回檢率約68.3%;機車攔檢數3,106輛次,檢測不合格共757輛次,不合格率約24.37%;協助台東縣環境保護局辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分相關作業其他工作成果。 2004 moving pollution source inspection and control project. Taitung county moving pollution source inspection control project focus on the motors in the area under county’s control completes the inspection or not. From strengthening to check on the road, do the activities for free to check exhaust of motors and help Environment Protection Bureau to inspect the motors’ checking station. Due to these facilities to attend to push user who use the cars to strengthen fixing and management, and teach drivers correct operation concept to reduce the pollution from cars’ waste gas then to improve air quality effectively.This company executes Taitung 2004 moving pollution source inspection and control project and the achievement until December 20, 2004, we finish checking 18624 un-inspect motors and among these there are 12719 motors come back to inspect so the rate of returning to check is about 68.3 %. We block 3106 motors and the result of not passing the check is 757 motors so the rate is about 24.37 %. We also help Taitung county Environment Protection Bureau to handle people’s state case and report and punish relative works. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117191 93年度台東縣資源回收體系責任業者及十一大行業販賣業者逆向回收、源頭減量稽查取締計畫 台灣地區近年來隨著工商業急速發展所產生的大量廢棄物,已成為最急迫需解決的環保問題,行政院環境保護署為解決日益嚴重之垃圾問題,於近年來積極宣導資源回收觀念,期能將垃圾中可回收之物質加以回收再利用,以減少進入掩埋場或焚化爐之量、延長其使用年限。根據統計,回收一噸廢紙約可拯救二十株原木。除此之外,垃圾中的金屬、玻璃、塑膠等,均是可再生、再利用的物質,我們稱之為資源垃圾,約佔總垃圾量的40%。台灣地區因面積狹小,資源有限,在垃圾處理場(廠)用地不易取得的情況下,除了透過學校教育及社區宣導垃圾分類之外,並積極推動一般廢棄物回收管制計畫。 2004 Taitung county resource recycle system industries and 11 big businesses selling adverse recycle, inspect and enforce a ban of decrease the source. In recent years with industry and commerce’s develop rapidly in Taiwan, the large number of discards become the environment problem needs to solve rapidly. The Executive Yuan Environment Protection Bureau in order to solve more and more terrible garbage problems, in the recent years tries to announce the resource recycle thoughts positively. We hope to put the matters of the garbage which can recycle to reuse from recycling the n it can decrease the count to enter bury place or incinerator and can extend their using fixed number of years. According to the statistics, retrieve a ton of the discard papers can save about 20 trees. Besides that the metal, glass, plastics of the garbage, they all could be reborn and reuse which called recourse garbage and occupy 40% in whole garbage. Because Taiwan’s measure of area is so small, our resource is limited, and in the situation we get garbage places hardly. Except to use school’s education and to classify garbage by community’s announce, and to push generally discard recycle control project hardly. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117192 93年度台東縣營建工程汙染管制計畫期末報告 台東是以觀光農業為主軸之縣,近年來為因應觀光人潮致力發展觀光設施及道路交通,另政府擴大內需政策影響下公共工程建設亦大量激增。各項土木營建工程之施工、管線埋設及道路之擴建等工程產生塵土飛揚,嚴重影響鄰近居民之生活品質。鑑於過去工地傳統之作業及管理方式,殊難應付現今大量開發行為所產生之污染,因此施工前擬定完善之施工計畫,配合適當環保專責人員、先進污染防制措施設置及良善管理,加上環保單位之輔導,方能有效控制施工期間之污染。為達成國家整體性環保計畫所訂之空氣品質目標,有效地管制營建工程是刻不容緩的任務。依據空氣污染防制法第十六條及第十七條之規定,縣(市)主管機關有徵收營建工程空氣污染防制費(以下簡稱空污費)的責任,為確保徵收制度之公平性及正確性,工作內容包括:1.根據工程資料計算正確金額之空污費。2.確定各工程皆申報空污費。3.進行營建工程污染防制設施現場查核。並專款專用於永續空氣污染防制工作,實可謂任重而道遠。基於上述理由,本計畫之推動實為必要與迫切,並應以提供充足資訊使營造業徹底改善施工習慣及提升收費作業之效率為主要使命。 2004 Taitunh County’s building engineering pollution control project. (Final report) Tourism is Taitung’s main shaft; it develops the tourism facilities and the traffic system for visitors in recent years. And government expands policy to influence more and more public constructions appear. The building’s engineering, bury the tube, and enlarge the road, these produce a lot of dust, and it influences people’s life quality nearby seriously. Because the past traditional construction site’s works and management ways, it’s hard to solve the pollution from now great quantity develop. So make a perfect before construction and harmony with suitable environment protection members, fashion prevent pollution facility, well control and environment protection organization’s guidance and assistance, it would be control the pollution effectively during the construction. In order to attend to the air quality’s goal which made by country’s environment protection project, it’s an immediately mission to control the building engineering effectively.According to the prevent air pollution’s law the 16th and the 17th, the chief organization (county or city) has the duty to request the building engineering air pollution prevention expenses. To make sure fairly and correctly, the content includes: 1.According the data of engineering to count the correct air pollution expenses. 2. Make sure each engineering all declares the air pollution expenses.3. Check the building engineering prevents pollution facilities on the spot. And it’s an important mission to have the special fund for preventing the air pollution constantly.In view of the reasons, this project is necessary and urgent, and we should provide enough information to changing the old construction habits and promote the charge effectively. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117193 93年度台東縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫 本計畫主要目的為貫徹空氣污染防制策略、強化空氣污染源管理與管制、維護空污費徵收之公平性與合理性,確保對轄境內固定污染源之許可管制與管理業務順利推動,以期達成下列主要目標:一、持續推動許可制度,加強宣導與諮詢服務,以貫徹空氣污染防制策略。二、確認固定污染源污染物排放量資料,建立資料庫,確保空污費徵收之公平性及合理性。三、辦理固定污染源許可管理相關作業,進行工廠許可審查、查核,配合污染源許可檢測、巡查作業,強化空氣污染源管理與管制追蹤。四、輔導改善農廢露天燃燒,以達空氣污染物減量,維護本縣空氣品質。五、配合第二階段空污費徵收作業進行催補繳工作,以落實污染者付費精神。六、協助辦理污染源稽查、檢測及處分相關作業,強化空氣污染源管制與追蹤。七、更新及擴充資料庫並經加值分析以提供主管機關管制策略的研擬依據。 2005 Taitung County stable air pollution source permission inspection control and urge to pay the air pollution expenses project. The main purpose of this project is to put air pollution prevent strategy into effect, strengthen air pollution source control, conserve the levy for air pollution fund fairly and reasonably, and make sure we can try to carry out the stable air pollution source permission inspection control and control work smooth going and to attend the goal in the following: 一、Carry out the permission system and strengthen announce and the asking service to implement the air pollution prevent strategy. 二、Check the stable pollution source matters’ data and to set up the file to conserve the levy for air pollution fund fairly and reasonably. 三、Do the stable air pollution source permission inspection control and check factories’ permission or not, inspect the pollution source and strengthen air pollution source control and tracing. 四、Guidance and assistance to improve burning agriculture discards outdoors, and decrease air pollution source to maintain this county’s air quality. 五、Harmony with the second stage of urging to pay the air pollution expenses to complete who pollute who need to pay. 六、Help to inspect the pollution source, check and punishment to strengthen air pollution source control and tracing. 七、Renew and expand the data bank, and after analyze the quantity to provide the data for chief organization to make the control rules. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117194 九十三年度台東縣河川流域污染防治暨人工溼地專案管理計畫 本計畫主要由行政院環境保護署補助,台東縣環境保護局委辦,計畫執行期程自簽約日(九十三年五月十八日)至九十三年十二月卅一日為止,為期約八個月。委辦內容主要包含環保例行業務、人工溼地專案管理等二大部份,惟人工溼地專案管理部份因工程簽約期程較晚,無法於本案期末報告繳交前完工,因此在與環保局溝通協調後,將本計畫工作成果區分為二部份分別提送期末報告。本報告主要以環保例行業務為主,工作成果茲說明如下:工作內容主要包含事業水污染許可審查作業(包含水污染防治措施審查及排放許可申請等)、列管事業稽巡查作業、建築物污水處理設施查核、逕流廢水現場查核等。除此之外,本計畫邀請全縣列管事業於93年6月28日、12月2日進行二場次法規說明會,以期各列管事業能針對現有定期申報制度之內容能夠充分掌握,除此之外,也藉由說明會與畜牧業者分享國內養豬低污染技術以及三段式廢水處理設備常見問題解決策略,以期有效協助業者進行廢水處理設備之操作。 2004 Taitung County’s River Basin Against Pollution and Manage the Case of Artificial Moist Soil. This project is allowanced by Environment Protect Bureau and entrust Taitung Environment Protect Bureau to do. This project is about 8 months from the date of contract (May 18,2004) to the end of December 31,2004. The main content includes two parts of environment business and manages the case of artificial moist soil. Because the date in signing the contract of the part about artificial moist soil is later, we can’t finish the work before final report. So after communicating with Environment Protect Bureau, we divide this project achievement into two parts to be the final report separately. This report focus on the environment protection’s generally business, and the detail is as following:The content is about water pollution’s license inspection (including against water pollution inspection and the apply for allowance of emission) and check the business which are controlled, sewage facilities of buildings inspection and check the liquid waste on the spot, etc…Besides, this project invites all county’s management industries to join the two laws and regulations instructions conferences on June 28 and December 2, 2004 and expect each industries can control the content about the declare system on a regular time schedule. Otherwise from the conference to share the strategy to solve the problems about the low pollution skill and three stages of liquid waste facilities and hope to help them to operate the facilities in disposing the liquid waste. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117195 93年度台東縣監督辦理焚化爐或掩埋場資源物質進場管制措施工作計畫 台東縣環保局為落實焚化爐與掩埋場資源物質進場管制之工作,及轄區內事業廢棄物之管理,積極對轄區內焚化爐、掩埋場及事業單位進行查核輔導,並建立於廢棄物管理系統,以徹底掌握廢棄物流向,俾利日後之追蹤管理。本團隊自本計畫開始起即持續協助台東縣環保局各項申請及申報資料之審查、建檔管理工作及轄區內廢棄物稽(巡)查等工作,各項工作完成率如表A-1所示,相關工作成果如下:一、規劃及執行「開放焚化爐或掩埋場供民間撿拾資源物質」方案二、焚化爐或掩埋場資源物質進場管制工作三、車輛路邊攔檢作業四、辦理轄區內廢棄物巡查工作五、協助資料庫維護更新、建檔管理工作六、辦理宣導說明會七、製作相關宣導品與宣導資料八、相關配合作業 2004 Taitung County supervises and do the entrance control of incinerator or resource matter in bury place project. Taitung county Environment Protection Bureau tries to make sure the entrance control of the incinerator and resource matter in bury and the discard in the area under control. We do the inspection work hardly of the incinerator, bury place, and industries and establish the discard control system to totally control where the discard is for tracing and control hereafter. Our team help Taitung Environment Protection Bureau constantly for each declaration, check the apply data, set up the file to control, and do the inspection for the discard in the area under control. Each works’ completion efficiency is as table A-1 and achievement is as following:一、Plan and do the case ” Open the incinerator or bury place for people to pick up the resource matter.”二、Entrance control of the incinerator or bury place. 三、Block and check the cars on the road.四、Do the inspection work for the discard in the area under the control.五、Help to renew the data bank and set up the file for control.六、Hold the declaration conference.七、Manufacture the declaration goods and data.八、Other relative works to operate in coordination. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117196 台灣東部海域環境品質調查監測計畫 一、計畫緣起及目的海洋及沿岸區域是全世界最大的生態資源區,提供了無數的資源供人類生活、休憩及工業活動等需求。二、執行方法在於監測與調查花蓮縣及台東縣海域的海水水質,以期建立海域背景資料。三、執行進度四、結論與建議1.結論此區域沿海海域水質大多能符合甲類海域水質標準。2.建議預期本年度計畫執行結束後,雖可獲得相當程度之調查分析成果,但對於台灣東部海域品質變化於整體相關性以及長期性變動趨勢之瞭解上,仍有所不足之處,因此建議本年度計畫結束後,未來仍應繼續進行此區域之監測,以有效達到海域環境品質監測與海域生態保育之目的。 East Taiwan sea area environment’s quality inspect project. 一、The Source and Purpose of The ProjectSea and the littoral area are the largest ecological resource area and they provide innumerable resource for people to live, take a rest and industry activities, etc…二、MethodTo explore and inspect the water quality in Hualian and Taitung countys’ sea and to establish the date about sea area’s background. 三、Progress四、Conclusion and Suggestion1.ConclusionThe water quality of the littoral in this region most can conform to the number one quality standard. 2.SuggestionWe expect after finishing this year’s project, though we can get quite degree inspect analysis result, it’s still insufficient to know the whole relative variation about water quality and variation trend for long term in east Taiwan’s sea area. So we suggest after the end of this year’s project, we still need to continue the inspection of this region in the future to reach the goal for inspecting sea area’s environment quality and protect the sea area’s ecological effectively. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117197 臺東縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計劃 柴油引擎車輛因為輸出馬力之經濟性,被廣泛使用在大眾運輸、商業、工程及軍用車輛上,特別是在港口區內行駛頻繁之貨櫃車,其所產生的粒狀污染物及交通問題,已有愈來愈嚴重之趨勢,導致基隆地區空氣品質急速惡化,直接影響生活品質及人體健康,所以積極降低柴油車排放物對空氣品質的衝擊,已成為政府施政的重點。ㄧ、新車牌煙管制:針對尚未進入生活環境中之車輛,要求其於設計研發及生產階段,即注意車輛空氣污染防制設備能否有效運作,並以低於排放標準為最基本要求。如環保署現正執行之新車型型式認證,即為減少高污染之車輛進入生活環境中。二、使用車輛管制:針對已進入生活環境中之車輛,要求其於定期檢驗或路邊稽查超過排放標準時,即加強維修保養工作,並進行複驗,以確認其已改善完成,減少空氣污染量之排放。 Taitung county diesel cars’ exhaust and oil inspection Because of diesel cars’ economy of power, it uses extensively in public transportation, business, engineering and cars for military use, especially the container cars in the port. Their granular pollution matters and traffic problems are getting worse and worse, and it causes Keelung’s air quality become terrible very fast. It influences life’s quality and people’s health directly, so to decrease the shock for air quality by diesel cars’ exhaust become government’s key point of policy. ㄧ、New cars’ exhaust control:We focus on the cars which not enter our life environment yet, we ask their design and production should care if the prevent air pollution facilities in car is effective or not, and the basic request is that the exhaust need lower than the standard. Like now the Environment Protection Bureau recognize for new style cars, the purpose is to reduce high pollution cars come to our environment. 二、Using cars’ control:And the cars which already in our environment, we ask them to do the inspection in periodical or when it over the exhaust standard by inspecting on the road, we ask them to do the repair or maintenance and then re-inspect again to make sure they improve it and decrease the air pollution. 093 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局
32117198 93年度空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計畫 因應空污資料庫所使用之設備其維護須由專業人員提供專業技術之維護,才能確保資料庫平台設備運作順利及正常,故執行本「空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計劃」,負責 1. 資料庫電腦相關設備之維修與更新 2.技術人員一名常駐環保局 3.教育訓練 4.提供入侵偵測, 弱點掃描及清除後門程式服務 5.加強管制垃圾郵件及網頁安全性. The maintenance plan of Tainan County Air quality data base operate platform hardware facilities in 2004 To make sure that all database facilities of air pollution working normally, they should be always maintained . In this project, we will do following: 1.Maintain all database facilities 2.On site service 3.Training 4.Offer IDS and anti-spyware 5.Solution for SPAM and Web security 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環境保護局
32117199 資源回收管理基金管理委員會行政法人化評估及相關配套措施建置計畫 本研究首先就我國資源回收制度沿革與目前資源回收基金概況及其法律架構進行通盤分析,並從法律面提出若干問題點,俾供將來研擬行政法人化建置之重要參考(第二章)。其次,探討行政法人在組織彈性、人事鬆綁、行政效能及企業化經營等特色,對於我國資源回收工作、基金管理業務之推動所具有之正面意義,以進一步確立環保署「資源回收管理基金管理委員會」行政法人化構想之必要性與可行性(第三章)。而在進行基管會行政法人建制之相關立法設計之前,採取「行政法律關係」、「行政行為形式」及「行政法律制度」等行政法學方法,逐一分析環保署「資源回收管理基金管理委員會」辦理相關業務(如與責任業者、回收商、地方政府等)所發生之法律關係、所採取之行為形式以及所運用之法律制度,以作為將來進行行政法人之組織與制度設計之重要參考依據(第四章)。最後,依據「行政法人法」(草案),本研究研擬「行政法人資源回收管理基金管理委員會設置條例」、「資源回收管理基金組織章程」及「資源回收管理基金績效評鑑辦法」,同時研議相關配套法規之修訂方向與內容(第五),並提出本研究之具體建議(六章)。 A Study Assessing the Corporatization of the Board of Recycling Fund First of all, this study makes a comprehensive analysis of the current legal regime of the recycling fund in chapter 2. Chapter 2 also indicates the crucial issues regarding the corporatization works in the future.Next, this study explores how corporatization can promote the flexibility of organization and set aside the traditional civil service employees laws. Professionalism and management efficiency will thus become the essential concern of the corporatized agency. In light of the advantages of corporatization, transforming the existing “Board of Recycling Fund” into the form of public corporation is feasible and inevitable. (Chapter 3)Chapter 4 employs jurisprudential approaches to analyze how the Board of Recycling Fund could carry out its legal mission, and how to define and manage the legal relationships between the stakeholders.Finally, this study tries to draft a number of bills, regulations, and internal guidelines. It also makes certain specific policy recommendations. 093 基管會 國立政治大學公共行政及企業管理教育中心
32117200 九十三年度台南縣揮發性有機物污染管制及減量輔導計畫 工作成果摘要本計畫自93年5月4日開始執行,各項工作進度與成果說明如下:一、揮發性有機列管行業查核完成法規列管工廠查核共計45家,其中12家有不符合法規項目。二、除第一批應申報年排放量外VOCs前80大清查共完成80家清查作業,總計清查前排放量為1,936.6(公噸/年),清查後更新為1,736.2(公噸/年)。三、列管工廠污染改善查核及輔導針對92年度15家及93年度12家查核不符合法規工廠進行複查,目前皆已完成改善。四、加油站清查作業共完成208家加油站之現場清查作業。五、減量輔導作業完成欣岱實業、瑞華實業及奇美電子二廠減量輔導作業,並由環保局發文要求廠商提出改善期程。六、列管工廠設備元件抽測共計完成2,522個設備元件抽測,並未發現洩漏。七、排放管檢測作業(一)排放管道NMHCs抽測(二)半導體業VOCs檢測(三)氣態有機化合物檢測(四)二甲基甲醯胺(DMF)檢測八、臭味污染源巡查共計完成102處次75家工廠之臭味巡查,發現有異臭者為26處次佔總巡查數26%。九、臭味官能測定共計執行周界臭味採樣官能測定13點次及排放管道臭味採樣官能測定17點次,其中周界測定有7點次未符合法規標準。十、臭味成份分析共完成泰慶皮革等3點次臭味成份分析。十一、OP-FTIR監測篩選泰慶及新力美2家進行各24小時之連續監測作業,監測結果皆發現超出臭味閾值之物質。十二、加油站檢測作業(一)氣漏檢測(二)氣油比檢測十三、加油站檢測不合格追蹤改善統計氣漏檢測合格率改善後已提升至98.2%,氣油比則提升至98.3%。十四、排放量推估作業本年度查核法規列管行業VOCs排放量為3,633.36公噸/年,非法規列管行業排放量為4,265.61公噸/年。十五、排放量調查作業以問卷方式進行排放量調查。十六、資料庫排放量比對排放量差異原因,以兩者排放量推估方式不一佔39.6 %為最多。十七、排放量資料移交及確認作業本計畫共移交97家工廠排放量資料予固定源計畫,94年4月13日確認其整體完成率僅36%。十八、逸散性污染源調查作業十九、工廠查核有害空氣污染物使用情況本計畫清查工廠共計有58家使用之原物料中包含環保署優先列管之21種有害空氣污染物。二十、減量空間評估以BACT評估本年度清查工廠之減量空間,總計各行業減量空間可達434.5噸/年。二十一、教育訓練 Tainan County VOCs Pollution Management and Instruct Reduction Project AbstractThis project was commenced to implement on May 4, 2004. The overall outcome is summarized in Table 1 and the progress for each work task is outlined in detail as below:A.Inspection of the Correspondence with Law and Regulation for Specific BusinessB.Inspection of the plants that their VOCs emission is the top 80th in Tainan County, excluding those were declared by EPA as the first group that should report their yearly VOCs emission amount to their competent authority.C.Inspection and Instruction on Pollution Improvement of the Listed Public or Private PremisesD.Inspection of the Gas StationsE.Instruction on VOCs Reduction F.Leakage Test for Equipment Units of the Listed PlantsG.Test on Discharge Pipes1.NMHCs Test2.VOCs Test For Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry3.Gaseous Organic Compounds Test4.DMF TestH.Patrol for Smelly Pollution SourceI.Functional Test for SmellJ.Components Analysis for OdorK.OP-FTIR Monitoring AssignmentL.Functional Tests on the Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems of Gas Stations 1.Determination of Dynamic Pressure Performance of Vapor Recovery Systems 2.Air to Liquid Volumetric Ratio TestM.Follow-up Review on the Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems Functional Tests of Gas StationsN.Estimation of VOCs EmissionO.Investigation of VOCs EmissionP.Comparison of the estimated VOCs emission data to the EPA97 Database and the Analysis for Their DifferencesQ.The Transfer and Confirmation on VOCs Emission Data R.Investigation of Pollution Source with Fugacity Emissions1.Investigation on Restaurants 2.Investigation on Landfills3.Patrol Assignment For Open BurningS.Case Handling for the Notification of the Air Quality DeteriorationT.Investigation of HAPs PollutionU. Investigation of the Capacity of VOCs ReductionV. Education and Promotion 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環境保護局
32117201 九十三年度移動性污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度『移動性污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自九十三年五月四日起一年,主要針對機車定期檢驗攔查(巡)查、機車排氣路邊攔檢、移動式定檢車檢測作業、定檢站查核、路邊柴油車油品抽驗、電動機車充電站巡查、宣導活動之舉辦,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行 The audit and control project for the mobile emission source The annual project-“ The audit and control project for the mobile emission source “ has been executed about 1 year since May 4, 2004. The main work is focused on the regular motocycle test-label check, random roadside inspection of the motocycle, cost-free test work by the moble inspection station, audit of the regular inspection station, random roadside spot-check for the diesel-fuel car, tour-inspection for the charging-station of the electric-motobike, propagating activity, and the planning execution for the other relative affair of the administration & advisetisement. 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
32117202 台南縣93年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢測計畫 設籍台南縣柴油車輛總數約有25,000輛次左右,其中大型客貨運車輛約有9,025輛次(大客車748輛次,大貨車8,277輛次),其餘有16,000輛次左右均為小客、貨車。台南縣因轄區廣闊,雖然行駛車輛均較集中在幾條主要道路居多,但其他較偏遠地區仍有部分柴油車輛行駛。而也由於轄區中幾條主要道路貫穿狹長的轄區南北,所以行駛過境柴油車輛也相當多。柴油車管制政策執行幾年下來,路上排放黑煙的的柴油車輛的確已經減少許多,但仍有許多車輛會因為景氣不佳,收入較少,所以不願意花較多錢作正常保養調修。在環保署修正公告檢測方式增加馬力比退驗後,實施一年多後,還是維持約有二成左右到檢車輛會被退驗,可顯見還有不當調整情形存在。在使用油品方面,目前油品含硫量標準已經降低到50ppm,各加油站也都供應低含硫的所謂超級柴油,但還是有部分車輛會因為燃油成本考量,使用非法販售之柴油。漁船用油有補助,所以價格較為便宜,也因為使用之對象不同,其含硫量也較高;有許多漁民將油料變相賣給非法業者來供應柴油車輛使用,其價格與市售柴油可以達每公升四、五元,對使用油料較多之車輛,長期使用下來其價差相當可觀,所以雖然目前抽驗不合格高額罰鍰下仍有車主會冒風險使用。但殊不知因此而提高其排放硫化物及其衍生污染物的污染量。應該檢討其油料根本的來源管制,要加以解決才能治本,因為稽查車輛用油僅能治標而已。 一、計畫執行期程本計畫執行期程自93年5月5日至94年5月4日止,執行期間共計十二個月整。二、計畫工作項目執行成果1.柴油車動力計檢測計畫目標執行全負載檢測2200輛次,統計至94年5月4日止,實際到檢2,680輛次。到檢全負載檢測2,379輛次,工作進度達成率108%。2.目視判煙計畫目標執行目視判煙通知3000輛次,計畫期間目視判煙車數28,564輛,經目視有污染之虞通知檢測數有3,025輛次,工作進度達成率100%。3.柴油油品抽測檢驗計畫目標油品抽測400件,不合格需達160件。針對受檢車輛隨機抽驗油品採取165件、路邊攔車抽測235件,合計總件數400件,工作進度100%。檢測不合格件數有169件,不合格件數達成為100%。4.實驗室認證(CNLA)維持CNLA中國國家實驗室認證之品質系統,所有儀器設備均計畫初期送校完成;於 93年4月通過展延評鑑,5月已經取得展延認證證書。5.員工教育訓練計畫期間針對計畫內容及工作,以及因應環保署評鑑注意事項,於93年6月、12月及94年4月對員工實施3次在職教育訓練。6.宣導說明會93年10月13日於環保局會議室舉辦第一場宣導說明會;94年4月4日於南科育成中心舉辦第二場宣導說明會。二場共計75人次出席,出席率75%,已達成計畫目標70%。7.環保署排煙檢測站評鑑93年6月28日接受環保署第一次排煙檢測站評鑑(成績81.7分),93年11月12日接受第二次評鑑(成績87.5分),評鑑平均成績84.6分(B級,排名全國第五)。8.民眾檢舉案件處理民眾檢舉案件均依相關程序進行查證,對成立案件進行通知檢測作業。結案案件也立即進行函覆處理作業,93年12月底函覆處理比率為96%;檢舉案件平均處理日數為37日,小於計畫要求45日;檢舉案件逾期案件比率0%;已達成計畫要求。9.告發改善完成率排煙及油品檢測不合格車輛資料均移送環保局進行告發,告發處分均立即執行禁動作業,告發改善完成率100%,已達成計畫要求80%。10.品保品管測試計畫期初跟期末各完成一次相關性測試及品保測試。測試結果顯示相關性良好。11.環保署資料庫連線已完成與環保署檢測資料庫系統連線,並按規定每日上傳檢測資料。相關通知單號也上傳欲通知車輛資料,由系統提供統一的通知單號進行通知作業。12.宣導折頁宣導折頁2500份已經完成,內容包含各縣市檢測站聯絡方式、相關法規等等。13.馬力分析經退驗車輛馬力分佈統計,馬力比集中在20~30%之間(佔70%左右);而馬力比在15%以下的,大部分有先轉速不足退驗,或測試轉速都被調整限制剛好在最大馬力轉速左右。各年度各車齡區間車輛馬力分佈情形,在93年度開始實施退驗,在各車齡區間雖已經看不到30%以下車輛,但3年內新車在30~50%間車輛就有36.3%,3~10年有62.8%,10年以上更高達69.3%,所以到檢車輛各區間馬力值分佈看來,大部分明顯還是都經過不當調修。建議1.馬力比管制成效檢討與建議雖然馬力退驗對不當調整已經有部分管制成效,但仍應檢討馬力退驗管制成效,訂出檢測馬力退驗限制,讓多次退驗車輛車主或調修廠家有所警惕與改進,可以再提高管制的正面效益。2.非法使用柴油油品車輛稽查使用中車輛稽查應繼續進行篩選抽測,以有效利用送驗數,提高送驗績效。而針對不合格率高的特營及營業大貨車加強攔車篩選查緝。3.非法油品來源管制應促使漁船用油補助措施建立有效使用量管制措施,避免流用。或是補助應有更嚴格審核或管制方式,來斷絕油品流出。4.繼續推動主動到檢與油品使用管制繼續針對轄區內機關團體、學校與企業,推動柴油車主動到檢與油品使用管制方案,主動提供相關必要協助,讓車輛主動污染改善,以及使用合格油品,提高計畫績效。 04' Tainan ,Chasis Dynamometer Smoke Test The diesel engine vehicles registered in Tainan County are in the grand amount of about 25,000 sets. Among them there are 9,025 sets of large-size passenger and transporting trucks (the passenger vehicles share 748 sets and trucks share 8,277 sets), the rest vehicles are about 16,000 set associated by small passenger cars and small trucks. After executing the controlling strategy on diesel engine vehicles in the past a few years, the black-smoke- emitting diesel engine vehicles driving along the highways Have been outstandingly reduced in amount. However, under the reason of bad economic condition and unsatisfied income level, diesel vehicle owners still are unwilling to spend more money to make normal maintenance and modification to the diesel vehicles. After EPA has revised and proclaimed the vehicle inspection & test method to increase the horsepower ratio in rejection and implemented for over one year, it still keeps about 20% of vehicle rejection ratio under vehicle tests, which shows that the improperly modulated vehicle situation is apparent. Regarding the fuel oil sorts, so far the sulfur concentration standard of fuel oil is down to 50ppm, all gas stations now are providing low-sulfur diesel fuel or called super fuel; yet, under the cost consideration, certain diesel vehicles still are consuming the illegal fuel now. Therefore, we have to review the effectiveness of controlling the fuel source and work to resolve it in order to thoroughly control and reduce the pollutant source, whereas the vehicle-fuel-auditing task can merely solve for the surface problem. 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 春迪公司 專案劉柏宏
32117203 產業溫室氣體盤查管理、策略分析、減量規劃及試行計畫之推動 本計畫為二年施政計畫,計畫目標計有六大項,包括(1)掌握國際最新發展趨勢,並推動國際交流,(2)建置國家別溫室氣體清冊審驗機制,(3)建立產業別溫室氣體盤查、登錄及資訊交流平台,(4)產業溫室氣體排放及計畫減量之登錄、驗證(verification)本土化方法建立,(5)推動主要耗能產業溫室氣體盤查試行計畫,以及(6)推動產業溫室氣體自願減量方案等。本計畫第一年度主要執行成果係藉主要耗能及新興產業溫室氣體盤查試行計畫,完成該溫室氣體Bottom up的盤查清冊與92年排放基線,並進一步據此研議我國產業溫室氣體盤查、登錄、查驗之本土化制度,制度中包括研訂產業活動強度數據蒐集、係數選用、數據品質等級管理、文件化程序建立、盤查報告書編撰等要項,內容完整極具實用參考價值,足可為我國產業未來自行建立溫室氣體排放清冊的良好實務作業指引,同時亦可有效提供第二年計畫中進一步規劃我國產業查驗機制、作業指引的充分準備。本計畫執行期間除符合前述各項工作要求外,並額外配合辦理相關論壇、座談會三場次,及協助配合新增法制化作業如「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」與「環境影響評估作業中心增產業之審查原則(草案)」之研擬,以及「產業溫室氣體盤查管理技術指引(初稿)」、「產業排放源溫室氣體盤查、申報及登錄管理辦法(草案)」等。本計畫藉由建立之產業本土化溫室氣體盤查制度與一致性實務作法的推動,開啟我國產業溫室氣體管制能力建構作業的先端,俾利國內產業界與政府相關單位對於國家未來溫室氣體管制推動方向與內容逐漸建立正確而具體之共識。 The Project for Driving of Industrial Greenhouse Gases Inventory Management, Strategy Analysis, Emissions Reduction Planning and Pilot Testing It’s a two-year policy implementation project with six objectives targeted in the project goal, including 1) to hold international new development trend and to promote for international exchange, 2) to establish national greenhouse gases (GHGs) inventory auditing mechanism, 3) to build industrial GHGs inventory management, registration and information exchange platform, 4) to establish domestic methodology for industrial GHGs emission and reduction plan registration and verification, 5) to promote major energy consuming industries GHGs inventory management pilot test, 6) to promote industrial GHGs voluntary reduction plan.During the 1st year of this project, a bottom up GHGs inventory and the 2003 emission baseline were achieved through a pilot plan on major energy consuming and new growing industries. Accordingly, further studies were carried out to establish a domestic system for GHGs inventory check, registration, and audit. It includes industrial activities and data collection, parameters selection, data quality level management, documentation protocol establishment, and audit report editing, etc. It is completed in its contents with practical reference value which could sufficiently help domestic industries to build their own GHGs inventory.To comply with project requirements, three extra seminars were held, such as “GHGs Reduction Regulation (draft)”, “Assessment principles for industries in EIA process”, “Technical Guideline for Industrial GHGs Inventory Management (preliminary draft)”, and “Industrial GHGs Inventory, Report, and Registration Management Regulation (draft)”. Through the establishment of GHGs management system for domestic industries and the promotion of consistent implementation methodology, this project has pioneered in building our nation’s capability in industrial GHGs management that brings to domestic industries and relevant governmental units with the right direction and solid promotional contents towards future national GHGs emission management. 093 空保處 財團法人中技社吳俊儀、許淑麗、趙聖傑、崔天佑、吳心萍、王宣善、戴智雯、大葉大學環工系申永順
32117204 營建工地污染管制計畫 依據「九十三年度台南縣營建工地污染管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)甄選須知規定,本計畫各項工作執行摘要如表一及表二,各工作項目成果簡要說明如下:一、分析與討論營建工程污染管制工作除延續歷年工地污染管制工作外,本計畫因應93年7月1日『營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法』的施行,故在稽巡查作業上,特別加強管理辦法的查核及輔導,藉由施行的狀況評選出優良工地加以表揚,此外在宣導說明會上也針對管理辦法加以宣導說明之。在空氣品質維護上加強洗掃街認養的部份,今年的成果比預定目標高出50%,完全達到100%以上的執行率。對於污染嚴重或工程區域大之工地進行小型檢討會,並進行現場輔導期能達成污染減量之目標,本年度著重在中山高速公路拓寬工程輔導管制的部份上。本年度於營建工地污染管制計畫加強進行縣內裸露地調查,藉由現況調查資料,作為後續管制策略擬定之依據。 Pollution Control of Construction Area According to the evaluation regulations of Yearly Air Pollution Control Plan of Tainan (hereafter calls this project) in 2003, the execution abstract of this project is listed as Table 1 and Table 2 which issuing the briefly description of each outcome of the project. 1. Analysis and DiscussionThe plan of Construction site’s pollution control is not only keeps with the project standard, but also assists “Construction site’s Air Pollution Prevention Management” that issue at July 1, 2004. Due to patrol work, we specially enhance on management’s reviewing and counseling. From the condition of progress, we selected the excellent construction site to be awarded. Moreover, we introduced and illustrated the importance of management issue on the propagandist conference. On the issue of maintaining the air quality, we encourage volunteers to clean the street dust. We have accomplished 100 % execution that is over our expectation’s 50 %. We held the miniature conference on the heavy polluted construction area. In addition, we participated in the local coach to meet the goal of pollution reduction. This year, No.1 Sun Yat-sen Freeway widening work’s coach management is our main target. The project of construction site’s pollution management control enhances investigating on county’s uncovered surface. From the investigations, we collected the necessary information in order for the follow up management policy. 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
32117205 固定空氣污染源連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及環境監測計畫 本年度計畫執行有四大目標,包括功能查核、評鑑缺失輔導改善、修定品質保證作業標準程序、輔導公私場所進行連線與提昇連線系統功能及實施噪音監測。目前台南縣第一、二、三批應列管連線煙道之行業為:電力設施及電弧爐煉鋼業,共計8家工廠13支煙道。在前置作業方面,於計畫各項工作項目執行前,工作小組與環保局承辦人員先行工作內容協調,以確認功能查核煙道、現場評鑑查核工廠名單及92年度後續輔導改善工廠,與計畫執行中應配合及注意之事項等。功能查核方面,截至94年3月底止,已完成12組相對準確度測試查核,分別為東雲P001、P802、P801、台汽電P001、奇美P058及東展P003、森霸P001、P002、P003、P004,不透光率查核含複查共完成12組,其中威致P001低範圍偏移較大。標準氣體查核完成12組,東展P003 SO2、奇美P058 SO2、NOx、森霸P001 SO2、NOx偏移較大。所有CEMS連線煙道1次連續7天連線工廠端輸出資料比對系統查核,已完成13組煙道之防弊稽查,並進行各項功能查核結果分析,以驗證分析監測數據之正確性及可用率。現場查核評鑑作業方面,本年度計畫需執行8家公私場所現場評鑑作業,包括92年度評鑑缺失完成改善追蹤複查,已完成9場次評鑑,評鑑缺失部分由各廠提出改善計畫書,以利後續進行追蹤輔導改善作業,並將各廠缺失建檔管理。希望藉此大幅提昇連線工廠整體水準,增加連線資料之正確性與可靠度。法規符合度查核方面,已完成8家公私場所之查核,查核重點項目為各監測項目全幅設定之合理性、月報格式與計算方式之正確性、是否完成即時傳輸、OP全幅設定是否可符合95年之規定,所查核之缺失已請工廠進行改善,以符合法規之規定。93年度環保署縣市考評部份,依考評要點共計需執行6根次之煙道查核,查核品質完整率達100%,考評成績達滿分,其他未列入考評之煙道亦執行查核,查核率100%。文件審查方面,包含RATA報告、OP校正查核報告、各廠月報、有效監測時數與有效率之統計、空污費比對,審查缺失皆請工廠改善,以提昇數據之正確性。連續自動監測設管理辦法於92年12月3日公告,品保手冊依據管理辦法修訂完成。維護512/512專線、傳輸模組與轉檔模組軟體修正,並於每週進行資料庫文字檔備份工作。目前連線系統運作正常。在環境噪音監測作業方面,依環保局指定之交通及環境噪音監測點,執行四季共四測點二次以上二十四小時連續噪音監測,以了解各類管制區內噪音污染情形,做為後續噪音管制區重新劃定之參考資料,共完成93年第2、3、4季與94年第1季共計96點次之噪音監測。其他工作項目方面:網頁資料更新,為了能讓民眾了解CEMS工作內容以及相關法令,工作小組將最新評鑑結果與查核結果呈現在網頁,為方便審查連線資料之正確性。本計畫成果效益為:落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施查核作業、提昇監測數據可信度與可用率、修訂標準之監測設施儀器查核及品質保證作業審查程序、輔導台南縣轄區公私場所進行連線建置作業、維護環保局連續自動監測設施軟硬體及通訊環境、提昇環保局連續自動監測設施連線系統功能與連線系統資料品保功能、每季實施定期環境監測以掌握污染排放狀況。同時經查核作業發現公私場所現行監測系統,部分監測設施操作結果不符規範及數據處理系統處理程序有誤失,致影響整體監測數據品質與結果,亦要求工廠提出改善計畫,並協助輔導改善。 Immobile Pollutants Air Pollution Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Auditing and Environment Monitoring Project In the system function auditing,12 groups of relative accuracies tests were completed.12 groups completes Opacity auditing.Among them,WEI CHIH Steel Industrial CO. P001, its low scope displacement is bigger.12 groups completed the Cylinder gas auditing.A 7-day continuously on-line factories end output material comparison for all CEMS on-line stacks has been completed for 13 sets of stacks. In the aspect of the on-site auditing , this year we evaluated 8 public and private places,including re-checking the unsatisfied factories in 2003 report.Now we have completed evaluate 9 factories.They addressed the improvement plan to against the flaws, and to help follow-up tracing and filing work.In the aspect of the Law conformation,we have completes 8 public and private places checking.The focal points are to check the equitableness of the span setting,the correctness of the monthly report and its calculation,if the real time transmission has been completed, and to check if the OP all bend setting answers to the regulation of the year of 2006.We have notified the factories to improve according to the unsatisfied part of the results,so as to meet the agreement of the law.In the aspect of document examination,the RATA report,OP correcting report, monthly report,effective monitor hours and effectiveness statistics, comparison of air pollution fee.We have notified the factories to improve according to the unsatisfied part of the results,so as to increase the reliability of the date.CEMS control method has been announced on December3,2003.The quality maintenance manual is also completed based on the method.We also ran a 24-hour continual noises monitors ,more than twice in 4 seasins, on 4 environmental noise point assigned by the Environmental Protection Bureau.This is to understand the noise pollution situation in each kind of controlled area.The result can be use as the reference for the follow-up noise controlled area planning.We completed the 2nd, 3rd, 4thseason in the year of 2004 and the 1st season in the year of 2005, in total there are 96 times of the noise monitoring. 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32117206 九十三年度台南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫 一、環境負荷變化趨勢分析台南縣從民國83年至92年間人口成長3.5%,92年達110.68萬人,較91年略微減少;工廠數於86年以後呈現減少之現象,92年達6,138家;車輛數逐年增加,其中機車與汽車成長最顯著,83至92年有40%以上之成長。二、空氣品質分析台南縣空氣品質不良(PSI>100)比例變化,由83年的3.8%下降至92年的2.1%,93年空氣品質不良比例上升至6.0%(44站日)。93年空氣品質較92年劣化為台灣中南部之普遍現象。台南縣空氣品質不良指標污染物為懸浮微粒者,從83年3.4%降低至92年之0.5%,93年大幅增加至2.74%,可能與營建工程增多及新舊儀器汰換有關;而臭氧比例呈現逐年增加趨勢,從83年0.4%上升至92年之1.5%,93年大幅增加至3.29%。其增加可能來自雲嘉南空品區整體區域發展之影響。三、空氣污染物排放量資料庫建置分析 (一)工廠聯合清查本計畫延續去年度聯合清查之方式進行本計畫、固定源管制計畫、VOCs計畫及CEMs計畫之工廠聯合清查工作共計35家。(二)營建工地排放量前十大查核完成營建工地排放量前十大工地之聯合現場查核,並進行排放量及削減量之確認。四、檢討修正本縣空氣品質管制策略(一) 模擬解析污染成因本計畫採用台灣空氣品質模式(TAQM),以89年之臭氧及懸浮微粒案例,進行探討。1.探討雲嘉南及中部空品區對台南縣臭氧之影響中部空品區排放影響臭氧空氣品質最大的地點在南投縣,對於台南縣約在10 ppb 左右,雖然濃度不會很高但影響範圍幾乎涵蓋整個台南縣。雲嘉南地區之排放量除影響本身之外,也影響至下風高屏空品區,由於此臭氧事件日在嘉義的臭氧濃度較高,故影響大多集中在嘉義市下風處及台南縣東半部的部份,越靠海影響越少。中部排放減量對台南縣影響呈現VOCs-limited形態,中部之NOx排放量對於雲嘉南空品區臭氧敏感性不大。雲嘉南NOx或VOCs排放減量控制皆可減少台南縣本身之臭氧濃度,均為VOCs-limited/NOx-limied皆可的形態。2.探討雲嘉南空品區其他縣市對台南縣之懸浮微粒貢獻。雲嘉南其他縣市對於新營測站約有22μg/m3的影響,約佔25%。在善化測站方面,雲嘉南其他縣市對於善化測站約有15μg/m3的影響,約佔15%,低於新營測站,乃因新營測站較靠近雲嘉南其他縣市排放量的主要區域。五、空氣品質劣化通報及嚴重惡化之緊急應變計畫(一)空氣品質劣化通報與分析依據環保署空品預報資料及即時監測資料,於空氣品質不易擴散之情形下進行空氣品質劣化通報加強應變作業。(二)重大空污事件之緊急應變計畫與演練依據環保局應負責事項,就現有人力物力及各相關計畫,建置『台南縣重大空氣污染事件緊急應變計畫』,並於93年11月4日搭配93年全國毒性化學物質災害應變演習,整合空污課、相關空污基金計畫及相關局室進行演練,熟悉應變系統與措施。六、檢討修正本縣空氣污染防制計畫書因應環保署對於94年各縣市空氣污染防制計畫書建議規劃內容,完成本縣94年空氣污染防制計畫書中計畫目標之初步規劃。七、追蹤檢討各項空污費補助計畫辦理成效(一)制定本縣空污計畫考評準則(二)協助辦理各項工作檢討會(三)辦理現勘查核八、彙整及考核空氣品質淨化區經營維護管理計畫進行53處歷年設置之空氣品質淨化區之平時考核,評選出優良之前10名共12處移請所屬機關敘獎相關人員,年終邀集景觀園藝專家學者進行考核,評選前四名進行公開表揚。九、空氣污染防制技術觀摩會及成果發表會辦理空氣污染防制技術觀摩會(93.9.16),辦理台南縣空氣品質管理研討會暨成果發表會(94.4.11)。十、民眾滿意度調查為進一步瞭解本縣執行空污管制作業成效,今年度新增問卷調查進行『空氣污染管制工作評估』作業。並將結果提供各相關計畫,作為未來執行參考。 2004 Tainan County Air Quality Maintainance and Management Plan 1.Enviromental Burden and ChangesFrom 1994 to 2003, the populations increase graguatly in Tainan County. In 2003 the population is around 1.1 million. The factories was decreasing since 1997 ,and there are 6,138 factories in 2003. The vehicles increase 40% in the recent 10 years.2.Air Quality TrendsThe poor air quality ( the PSI value over 100 ) ratio dropped from the 1994 level of 3.8% to 2.1% in 2003, but increased to 6% in 2004 which is over the goal 2.8%. The worse of the air quality in 2004 are similar in middle and south Taiwan.3.Air Pollution Emission (1)The united investigation on the 35 factories (2)The united investigation on the 10 bigest constructionI4.Develop Air Quality Management StrategiesThe emission reduction of the Middle Air Basin shows VOCs-limited in Tainan County.The emission reduction of the Yun-Chia-Nan Air Basin shows both NOx and VOCs could control ozone in Tainan County.5. Air Quality Worse Informing and Emergency Response Plan (1)Air Quality Worse Informing(2)Air Pollution Emergency Response Plan and Practice6.Revise Air Pollution Control PlanBase on the guide of 2005 version air pollution control plan from R.O.C. EPA, we cooperated all projects to deliver the data for compose the plan. The goal of 2005 air pollution control was planned.7.Auditing the Projects Supported by the Air Pollution Fee (1)Develop the Auditing Rule(2)Assist on Handling the Work Self-Criticism Meeting(3)On Site Auditing by CTCI and professors 8. Auditing the Management of Air-purification Areas9.Arrange Air Pollution Management Study Meeting and Air Quality Management Discussion Meeting10.Satisfactory Investigation 093 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
32117207 九十三年度「河川志工巡守及檢舉機制推動計畫」 環境問題的地理空間有其地方性與跨地域性的特點,其空間範圍不一定受現有的行政轄區所界定,故若要對污染者產生嚇阻,並達到環境改善的目的,唯有透過當地人士對污染問題長期觀察,進而串聯各地域關切此問題的人士,化關心為行動力,改造方能達成。景美溪沿岸之民眾對河川水環境保護的觀念不足,使得流域內每個人都成為附加河川負荷的加害者,亦是水體環境破壞後的受害者。而要使景美溪水質或的明顯之改善,除對事業點源污染需有效控制外,在工程面上,必須加速污水處理廠興建及污水幹管舖設;在軟體面上,必須提昇民眾對河川環境之關切。要流域內各權益關係人願意開誠佈公來討論提昇景美溪水質的策略,並堅守承諾據以執行,則需先醞釀、激發出一股向上提昇的民意。本計畫的任務為:設計一個鼓勵民眾參與河川巡守;檢討民眾污染陳情機制;促進污染舉報達成污染削減工作。計畫中並將志工水質監測制度設計於內,最主要就是要透過水質監測的責任賦予,將冷漠的民眾帶到河川旁,去發掘河川的問題及進而思考解決問題的方法。本計畫共組成六隊志工巡守隊共131名,分河段不定時進行巡守,河川志工巡守所分配之區域以自家或工作場所附近為主,俾利平時就能就近監測,且對於河川之改變也較敏感,以致可較易發現污染者,於違法污染排放時即時舉報,達到有效嚇阻之作用。除此之外,並舉辦景美溪濕地生態教學研習營,鼓勵及提倡河川附近各級學校教師將水環境監測工作,納入環境相關課程或社團活動中,帶領學生實地記錄河川污染情形、採樣及檢測,潛移默化學生環保的觀念,以此落實環保教育。 The Protection of River by volunteer and Accuse Project(2004) One of the characteristic of environmental problem is its cross-district impact. Building awareness among the general public about the environmental situation and trends in their own backyard is an important way to help the government control pollution and improve the environment. Generally, the major water pollution sources can be categorized as domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, wastewater from pig-raising farms, and other pollution sources such as non-point sources of pollution. In order to protect the living quality in the areas along the Jing-Mei River of Taipei city and to preserve the water quality in the Jing-Mei River, in addition to speed up the upgrade of sewerage system, to enhance people’s attention to the living environment is also an efficient way. The idea of community participation is through promoting a spirit of everybody act and integrating environmental protection into everyday life. To achieve this, this project has a bottom-up approach; by encouraging community participate environmental protection activities. On the other hand, environmental agencies at all levels of government are supporting these efforts through providing needed resources and technical assistance. As a result, communities are creating healthy, safe, and comfortable living environments. Communities are also maintaining unique characteristics while pursuing a self-established and self-reliant path to sustainable development. 093 台北市政府環境保護局 臺北市政府環境保護局
32117208 九十三年度加強各類噪音陳情案件及噪音源之輔導與取締計畫(娛樂場所、營業場所) 建立重大娛樂場所、營業場所噪音源(指本市九十二年遭民眾陳情件數前五十名業者)及噪音防制改善措施之基本資料庫。主要內容包括:(1)臺北市轄內重大娛樂場所、營業場所噪音源及噪音防制改善之資料蒐集。針對重大娛樂場所、營業場所基本資料庫內所建置之資料,將包括行業別、娛樂場所、營業場所之位址、噪音產生源及噪音防制設備形式、數量等。本計畫並針對其中十家噪音源場所進行現場量測,以初步瞭解不同業別之噪音背景;(2)噪音源防制及改善資料蒐集彙整。蒐集國內噪音污染防制設備廠商型錄,並建立有經驗之廠商型錄,及蒐集國內外噪音防制之技術資料;(3)製作基本資料庫網頁。重大娛樂場所、營業場所噪音源管理及輔導制度之研訂。除檢討重大娛樂場所、營業場所之現行稽查作業流程,並分析可能遭遇問題;並進而研訂重大娛樂場所、營業場所噪音污染源管理及輔導制度之標準作業程序(含制定各項作業所需表單)。此外,本計畫亦彙整本市管理輔導之成功案例以及其他各縣市於噪音管制上值得參考之做法。建置宣導網頁 (噪音防制技術) 基本架構。網頁內容包括:(1)重大娛樂場所、營業場所噪音源及噪音防制改善措施之基本資料庫;(2)噪音防制技術及具實績之國內廠商名錄查詢;(3)重大娛樂場所、營業場所噪音源管理及輔導制度之標準作業程序(可供下載使用之各項作業表單)。印製有關娛樂場所、營業場所噪音防制技術手冊五百本。內容包括:噪音的定義、噪音的來源及污染特性、噪音對人體的影響、噪音管制相關法規、噪音防制技術、噪音常見問題與解決對策、噪音防制廠商資訊、及相關單位聯絡方式等,可提供業者及民眾參考。辦理稽查人員教育訓練一場次。 Assistance and Inspection of Noise complaint Case and Noise Source for Taipei City(2004) Established the database most complained noise sources and their noise control measures among entertainment establishments and business places (50 most complained in 2003). The database included (1) the gathered information regarding the relevant noise control measures in Taipei City. Data included type of facility, address, noise source, and noise control equipments, etc. Also, in order to gain better understanding toward the acoustics of various facility types, this report measured 10 facilities out of 50 most entertainment establishments or business places. (2) Gathered information regarding noise source control and improvement measures. The information included a list of noise control equipment supplier and companies, which had experience in the installation of noise control equipments in Taiwan. Also, the information provide an overview of available noise control technology both oversea and Taiwan. (3) Built a webpage for the database. 093 台北市政府環境保護局 臺北市政府環境保護局
32117209 臺北市93年度營建工程污染管制計畫 行政院環境保護署於93 年7 月1 日開始施行營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法,營建工程之污染管制正式邁入制度化。本年度計畫完成5,680 處次工地巡查及2,817 處次之工地管理辦法查核作業,經由密集之巡查管制,營建工程粒狀物現況排放量1,754 公噸,粒狀物削減量1,719 公噸,削減率為49.50%,排放量較92 年明顯降低約40%,削減率則提升約9%。計畫舉辦六場次追蹤改善檢討會,邀請121 處未能符合管理辦法之營建工程業者與會,全面針對工程缺失部分進行追蹤改善,與會工程粒狀物之平均削減率由會前之52.56%提升至會後之68.27%。目前本市第一級工地管理辦法符合率約為66.16%、第二級符合率約為55.66%,工地各項污染防制措施之採行比例為歷年的新高,尤其廢土與建材堆置部分,未採行相關措施之比例較歷年大幅降低10~40%。計畫共推動75 處工地參與道路認養,累積認養長度29.38 公里,累積洗掃里程數為17,169.5 公里,約可削減237 公噸之TSP。計畫進行30 點次之實場塗裝揮發性有機物量測,推估建築塗料VOCs 排放係數:水性塗料為0.100kg/L,油性塗料為0.501 kg/L。進行100 處營建塗裝塗料使用情形調查,推估營建工程塗裝單位面積平均塗料用量:水性漆每m2 面積使用量為0.197 L/ m2、油性漆為0.138 L/ m2。估算臺北市建築塗裝揮發性有機物排放量為215.7 公噸/年。本年度進行七處工程20 點次施工機具之油品抽測作業,其中2 處工地所使用之柴油油品含硫量有超過「車用柴油成分及性能管制標準」中柴油成分標準規定硫含量0.035wt%之情形,已要求業者進行改善,計畫後續亦已著手輔導業者採用合法之油品,以降低施工機具運轉過程中造成之空氣污染情形。空污費勾稽部分共完成1,524 件決標工程首期空污費之勾稽作業,扣除免徵收案件,已有1,047 件工程完成首期空污費之申報,決標工程首期空污費之申報比率達86.46%。計畫編印營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法宣導摺頁8,000 份,加強對業主及承包商之宣導。並主動出擊,研擬及發行六期營建工程環保電子報,將營建工程之最新管制法令、政策及相關宣導活動以電子郵件寄發予各營建業主及承包商,加強宣導成效。 Air pollution control plan of construction site in Taipei City(2004) Air pollution controls to construction site that become institutionalized when the Environmental Protection Administration R.C.C inured the “Construction Site Air Pollution Control Facility Management Regulations” on 01/07/2004. The project of 2003 had accomplished 5680 on-site environmental inspections, and 2817 “Construction Site Air Pollution Control Facility Management Regulations” inspections. Calculated Taipei city’s particles emission from construction site according to the construction site management database system, there were 1754 tons particles released into air in 2004, and the particles decrement were 49.50%. The particles emission in 2004 were decreased about 40%, compare to 2003. There have 6 pollution pursuance improvement conferences been proceeded, which included 121 builders been invited. The achievements of the conferences have increased the percentage of particles decrement from 52.56% to 68.27%. The acceptable ratio of “Construction Site Air Pollution Control Facility Management Regulations” hitherto is 66.16% in first-degree sites, and 55.66% in secondary-degree sites. The percentage that the builders install air pollution control facilities in Taipei city achieves the most in 2004, especially in banking.75 construction sites have been adopted road-care program from April, 2004 to February, 2005; the entire length of roads were adopted amounted to 29.38 kilometers with 17169.5 kilometers been clean-up, and could reduce 237 tons Total Suspend Particle. Accomplished 30 in-site experiments to estimate volatile organic compounds emission rate: from water-based coating was 0.100 kg/L, from solvent-based coating was 0.501 kg/L. Accomplished 100 questionnaire responses to estimate the usage of coating: from water-based coating was 0.197 L/m2, from solvent-based coating was 0.138 L/m2. Calculated Taipei city’s volatile organic compounds emission from construction coating, there were 215.7 tons volatile organic compounds released into air in 2004. 093 台北市政府環境保護局 臺北市政府環境保護局
32117210 九十三年度高雄市左楠地區臭味污染來源調查及管制計畫 本計畫依據相關法規對於左營及楠梓之臭味來源工廠進行調查作業,於工廠有臭味逸散時進行相關檢測作業並提供告發之依據,藉以改善本市惡臭逸散之問題,提升本市之空氣品質。依據歷年陳情案件之分析,在左營區除針對餐飲油煙外尚須注意燃燒行為,至於在楠梓區則需將注意力集中於餐飲油煙及工業污染。夜間巡查作業發現臭味的時間以下半夜較多(46.3%),有臭味的地點集中於中油煉油廠附近、楠梓加工出口區附近道路以及五常里興楠路。臭味監測結果發現:中油五輕工廠的1,3-丁二烯、中油五芳工廠的苯及1,3-丁二烯、中油第四廢水廠的苯及甲苯、中殼潤滑油工廠的甲苯及丁酮,為該監測區域產生臭味逸散之化合物。民眾陳情區域之監測發現有丁烷、乙烯及氨等臭味物質之來源,均來自於垃圾場旁的草澶埤排水溝。綜合性污染源之監測發現甲基丙烯酸甲酯所造成臭味問題最為嚴重,推斷其來源可能為聚美企業。針對疑似為臭味污染來源之工廠進行周界臭味檢測,不符合法規之工廠有:中油高雄廠、聚美企業、日月光半導體及旺詮等工廠。本計畫尚建置一資訊管制系統,本系統包含左楠區各工廠之基本資料、近五年之陳情案件、各工廠之監測及檢測結果,使用者可依據臭味特徵及陳情地點等訊息進行檢索,以初步比對可疑之臭味來源。 2004 KaoShiung city-TsoNana region’s foul smell pollution source investigation and control project. The public or private premises that have odor emission were not allowable. The main objective of this project is to confirm odorous sources in Zuoying and Nantze district. According to the case analysis of the public nuisance dispute processing procedures, amount of odorous complaints were about dining"s lampblack and burning behavior in Zuoying district, and that were dining"s lampblack and industrial pollution in Nantze district. Odorous emission time often at late-night, there is odorous emission locus centralize in Chinese Petroleum Corporation, nantze export processing zone, and singnan road. For the OP-FTIR monitoring work on 21 locations, some chemicals concentration was higher than olfactory limit. The odorous chemicals In Chinese Petroleum Corporation were 1,3-Butadiene, benzene, toluene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone. The drain near rubbish bury was the object that people complain about odor, and the odorous chemicals were n-Butane, ethylene, ammonia. Methy Methacrylate was the important chemical in nantze export processing zone, and it is come from Jiuh Mei Enterprise. The factory that had not by the Organoleptic test were Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Jiuh Mei Enterprise, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, RAL Electronic Corporation.We set up a system of information for administration. This system include about the cases of the public nuisance dispute, the result of OP-FTIR monitoring, the chemico-physical characteristic of chemicals. User can compare to odorous sources by locus and odorous characteristic. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117211 93年高雄市加油站油品逸散揮發性有機氣體調查及管制計畫 本計畫乃配合高雄市政府環境保護局推動土壤及地下水污染調查作業,以掌握高雄市境內加油站及其他事業單位土壤及地下水污染狀況,落實行政院環保署推動土壤及地下水污染管制策略。本年度計畫主要針對高雄市境內全數加油站及23家其他事業單位,對其基本資料及污染防制措施進行調查,此外並須依照環保局指示,進行疑似污染場址土壤及地下水採樣檢測,最後則透過相關宣導會議,提昇業者對於土壤及地下水污染監測、調查及改善方法的認識,並宣揚政府對於土壤及地下水污染管制之決心及方向。整體而言,本市加油站及其他事業單位於環保局歷年積極管制下,對於土壤及地下水污染監測、防制工作已逐步落實。在土壤及地下水污染調查部分,本計畫已初步完成污染查證工作,並證實多處場址確實遭受VOC污染,惟部分場址(如中油苓雅儲運所)污染範圍仍有待進一步確認,建議可作為未來污染調查重點及方向。 2004 KaoShiung city gas station’s oil evaporates with organic gas inspection and control project. This project is harmony with Kaoshiung city’s government Environment Protection Bureau to push the investigates of soil and ground water’s pollution to control the gas stations in Kaoshiung and other career’s condition of soil and ground water’s pollution. Then to fulfill Executive Yuan environment protection office’s control stratagem of soil and ground water’s pollution. This year’s project focus on all gas stations in Kaoshiung city and 23 other organizations to do the investigation of their basic data and the pollution protect measure. Besides follow the indication of Environment Protection Bureau to do the sampling of the soil and ground water in the region, which polluted probably. Finally from the related announce conferences to promote industries to know the soil and ground water pollution’s supervise, investigate and improve ways and announce government’s determination and direction of soil and ground water pollution control. On the whole, this city’s gas stations and other industries in the control of Environment Protection Bureau in the past years, the work of soil and ground water pollution’s supervise and prevent which are done step by step. In the part of investigating of soil and ground water pollution, this project has completed the first pollution check and confirms that several regions are polluted by VOC indeed. But some area’s (like CPC Ling-Ya store up place) polluted range should be making sure further and suggest being the pollution checking focal point and direction in the future. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117212 九十三暨九十四年度高雄市固定污染源許可及管理計畫 本市自86年起至93年的列管排放量,粒狀污染物每年平均約13,000公噸、硫氧化物50,000公噸、氮氧化物40,000公噸及揮發性有機物15,000公噸;由於本市許多工廠的製程多為使用燃料的大型機械設備,因此轄區內的污染物主要仍以硫氧化物及氮氧化物的排放量為最高。高雄市前十大公私場所即佔高雄市空污費之93.8%,以行業別區分,則以電力業、鋼鐵業及石油煉製業為空污費主要來源之行業。高雄市於九十年度即推動企業道路認養計畫,今年度共有十二家工廠認養道路洗掃,但僅有七家廠商有回報洗掃情形,本執行小組已請環保局協助發文告知每月定期回報洗掃紀錄,並加強各工廠道路認養洗掃之查核作業。另為加強本市公私場所認養道路洗掃作業,本計畫於93年12月22日舉辦一場次道路洗掃認養作業說明會,加強宣導企業道路洗掃的作業內容及推動企業道路認養之決心,會中並針對本市工廠林立之髒污路段分配責任區域予各公私場所,共計70家工廠需執行道路洗掃認養作業,總認養洗掃長度約28公里,藉以確實改善本市粒狀污染物污染情況。另亦要求各廠需每月回報道路洗掃狀況統計表,本計畫將不定期前往抽查,確實落實道路洗掃管制作業。 2004 and 2005 Kaohsiung Stable pollution source allowance and control project. We had checked 410 companies and 774 processes from March 11 to Dec. 31 in 2004. According to the recent year’s emission database, the yearly average emission amount of particles is about 13,000 ton, SOx is about 50,000 ton, NOx is about 40,000 ton and VOCs is about 15,000 ton. For now, we have fewer particles but more VOCs pollutants. The main pollutants are still both SOx and NOx. And further, this program asked for the stationary source payers should return their air pollution fee religiously. Showing that top 10 payers of these factories had paid 93.8% of total air pollution fee of Kaohsiung city.KMGEPB had carried out a road-cleaning adoption policy. There were 12 plants adopted road-cleaning project in 2004, but only 7 of them had reported back to KMGEPB. For this, we had held workshop that elaborated the content about and the determination of KMGEPB at 22 Dec, 2004. During the workshop, we also divided and dispensed the dirty section to each plant. Totally, there were 70 plants should engage this program and the length has been 28 kilometer. Hoping that could improve air quality via this project. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117213 93暨94年度揮發性有機物管理計畫 全面抽查高雄市轄區內加油站共計104站次油槍油氣回收率(A/L)抽測,抽測率達55.75%,其中合格率為63.4%,經修護改善後,已全數合格。OP-FTIR於計畫中共計監測9個地點,並以監測結果為依據,進廠進行減量輔導,要求廠商進行污染防制改善。追蹤92年度5家減量輔導工廠,均未進行改善。93年度十家減量輔導對象,均要求工廠依據委員建議,提出污染防制改善計畫,俾利後續追蹤改善情形。今年度主要VOCs削減來自於加油站油槍油氣回收設施檢測維修、設備元件抽測維修、中油大林廠及高雄廠之輕油摻配工廠與儲槽區掛牌設備元件修復這四個部份。93年已初步建置完成本市VOCs污染源成份圖譜資料庫,包括石化業、半導體業及塗料業等共69家工廠、98條製程、203筆之指紋圖譜資料。 2004 and 2005 evaporate organic matter control project. The “Air to Liquid Volume Ratio” Vapor Recovery Test Procedure was performed on all 104 gasoline dispensing facilities in Kaohsiung City. Tests were done on 55.75% of the total dispensing nozzles, however; only 63.4% among what have been the first time tested passed A/L requirements specified in the applicable rules. After the reparations and maintenances were done, all dispensing nozzles tested at the follow-up tests were found qualified.The OP-FTIR monitoring work was conducted on 9 locations in this project. On-site guidance for the plants that were found to cause pollution was proceeded and the corresponding parties were requested to improve their VOCs control equipments to reduce VOCs emission according to the monitoring results.Efforts were also done on following the 5 chosen firms that were through on-site guidance from professionals or scholars and promised to reduce VOCs emission in year 2003 project, and it was found that none of them has initiated any improvement. Ten firms were chosen and gone through the on-site guidance from professionals or scholars to reduce VOCs emission this year, and all of them were asked to submit the VOCs control technologies improving plan based on professionals’ or scholars’ suggestions, in order for the competent authorities to track the status of the improvement process in the future.In this year, the major reduction of VOCs emission was found from the improvement on vapor recovery system of gas stations, the regular leakage tests and corresponded maintenance work on the process equipment components in petrochemical plants, and the repair work on leaky equipment components in the intermixing gasoline plant and storage tank areas of both Chinese Petroleum Corporation’s Ta-Lin Refinery and Kaohsiung Refinery. In 2004, this project also initiates the build up work of the fingerprinting database of VOCs pollutants. Data was collected for 69 factories of petrochemical plants, semiconductor plants and painting plants including 98 manufacturing procedures and 203 sets of fingerprinting data. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117214 固定污染源連續自動監測計畫 本年度(93年度)計畫執行六大目標如下:一、落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施設置計畫書、監測設施說明書或監測設施確認報書查核作業,提昇監測數據可信度與可用率。二、修訂標準之監測設施儀器查核程序。三、修訂標準之監測設施品質保證作業審查程序。四、擴大輔導本市轄區公私場所進行連線建置作業。五、維護 貴局連續自動監測設施軟硬體及通訊環境。六、提昇 貴局連續自動監測設施連線系統功能與連線系統資料品 保功能。為使環保局主機系統運作順利,對於主機功能與轉檔模組之轉檔定期進行維護與資料備,以提高資料之可用率,並於本年度提升連線主機性能。為了能讓民眾了解本計畫工作成果以及最新相關法令,本計畫將最新查核行程與查核結果呈現在網頁,並公佈CEMS相關活動行程以供民眾參考,網址:。環保署考核工作,於10月底前已完成19組煙道查核,符合環保署80%之工作量,第一次現場查核亦達滿分評比。截至11月底止,功能查核及評鑑工作皆已按合約進度完成,後續持續執行部分:持續進行日、月報審查及網頁更新、維護連線系統與通訊環境,並完成局端工作站性能提昇及管理系統功能之修訂。 Stable pollution source auto-surveillance continually project. This year(2004)we plan to do the 6 target as follows:一、Fulfill and surveillance the quality of facilities’ ensure system, set up project, facilities’ instructions or surveillance facilities’ ensure report to promote the data’s reliable and the efficiency of using. 二、Revise the standard surveillance machines’ checking procedure.三、Revise the standard surveillance machines’ quality ensure checking procedure.四、Expand to teach this city’s public and private places to do the on-line set up work.五、Defend your Bureau’s auto-surveillance system and communicate environment.六、Promote your Bureau’s auto-surveillance facilities’ on line and data’s quality ensure function.Try to make Environment Protection Bureau’s host transport smooth going, do the maintain and data’s spare on the regular time to promote data’s efficiency of using then promote the linking function this year.In order to let people know the achievement of this project and the latest low, this plan put the latest checking procedure and the result on the website and announce CEMS activities for people website:。Environment Protection Bureau’s has finished 19 smoking path inspections before the end of October; it’s corresponded to 80% job. First time inspect on the spot get the 100 grade.Until the end of November, follow the contract we finish the function check and judge. After that we will do the date and month report inspection and renew the website, defend the on line system, communication environment and promote the work efficiency and reedit the control system. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117215 柴油車排煙管制計畫 近年來由於經濟的快速成長,柴油引擎挾其低燃油成本及高馬力輸出的動力特性,廣泛地被應用在客貨運輸車輛與軍事、工程機械等特殊用途上,然其排放的黑煙(粒狀污染物)不僅使人產生視覺上的不適,且所含的PAHs等成份更可能引致呼吸器官癌症病變,對人體健康的危害甚鉅。為有效改善柴油車排煙所產生之空氣污染,高雄市政府環境保護局特針對使用中之柴油車採取嚴格管制策略,除加強路邊目視高污染車輛外,並積極推動排煙檢測站檢驗活動,使車主能時常注意愛車排煙狀況,並於檢測不合格時能再加以調修改善,如此,方可真正的提昇本市甚或台灣地區的空氣品質。本公司依照本計畫之計畫目標及工作項目,93年度完成動力計檢測3,711輛次,油品採集614輛次,儀器校正、保養、宣傳作業均已完成,93年度之各項工作及進度將以表1呈現並分述如下:1.柴油車排煙檢測2.目測判煙3.油品稽查管制4.員工職前教育訓練5.民眾檢舉6.維護遠端即時監控系統7.馬力分析8.污染排放削減量推估9.執行績效 Diesel oil vehicles’ waste gas emission control project. In recent years, because of economy’s grow up quickly, the low oil cost and high horsepower property of diesel oil engine which used in freight cars, military affairs and engineering machines extensively. But the black smoke (granular pollution matter), which emit not only make people feel uncomfortable in sense of sight but also cause human’s respiratory organs cancer and pathological changes from the PAHs composition. It make large of harm of human body’s health. In order to improve the air pollution from diesel oil vehicles’ gas emission effectively, Kaoshiung City government environment Protection Bureau aimed at the using diesel oil vehicles to adopt the strict control stratagem. Except to strengthen looking the high pollution cars in the road and push the activities of waste gas emission inspection actively to make owners taking care of their cars’ emit smoke condition. And to fix and improve it when they unqualified in the inspection then we’ll be promote this city even to Taiwan’s air quality.Our company depends on the goal and working items of this project. In 2004 we complete the power gauge test of 3711 cars, gather 614 cars’ oil quality, rectify the instruments, maintenance, and advertise work. Each work and the scheduled progress in 2004 will show on table 1 and the detail is as following: 1.Diesel oil vehicles waste gas emit test2.Smok emit of estimating by eyes3.Oil quality inspect control 4.Employee’s educational training before the job5.Report by people 6.Maintain the long distance of immediately watching system7.Analysis the horsepower 8.Estimate the reduce account of pollution emission9.The achievement of executing 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117216 九十三年度「特定污染源監測檢測計畫」 高雄市政府環境保護局為配合高雄市固定污染源許可稽查管制計畫、落實空氣污染防制收費辦法及改善大高雄地區之空氣品質,於是執行此特定污染源監測檢測計畫,以多方面之方式來執行污染行為之蒐證及稽查(固定污染源之無預警稽查採樣及分析、特定污染源之遙測及錄影採證、燃油含硫份之採樣分析),期望能對民眾生活品質之改善有所幫助。 在特定污染源遙測部分,本計劃共完成有四次之遙控直昇機遙測工作,地點分別為駱駝山邊、高鐵左營站、龍慶鋼鐵、大坪頂縣市交接帶,主要在測試以直昇機遙測技術應用在污染監控,所得之影帶可供主管機關研判相關事宜,而特定污染源錄影監控部分,本計劃執行期間共選定百立瀝青公司、龍慶鋼鐵及海光企業、高雄港第54及55號碼頭為監控對象,平常可藉由網際網路於特定之網址進行線上即時監控該公司之污染事宜,本系統並成功的監控到污染源之異常排放現象,並由本公司人員回報其污染事項給環保局六科之環保報案中心。官能測定室也於93.09.10完成並點收,93.09.24改善完成交予技術室使用。 2004 Specific pollution source inspect project In order to cooperate with the Kaohsiung City Stationary Pollution Source Permission Inspection and Control Project, to actively implements the Air pollution Control Charge Rules and to improve Air Quality of Great Kaohsiung Area. Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung Municipal Government decided to execute this Specific Pollution Source Monitoring and Inspection Project, using different methods to fulfill the investigation and inspection of pollution behavior including stationary pollution sources inspection, sampling and analysis without warning, remote monitoring and video record verified of the specific pollution sources, sulfur contain analysis of fuel oil. We expect that it will be a help to improve our living quality.Concerning the remote inspection and monitoring of specific pollution source, 4 times of remote-controlled inspection by remote-controlled helicopter have been performed. The places include Border of Camel Mountain, Taiwan High Speed Rail Tzuo-Ying Station, Long Ching Steel Corp., Borderline of Kaohsiung City and Country in DaPinDing. The main purpose for this work is to test if this is a feasible method for monitoring and investigating the polluted site by using remote-controlled helicopter technology. In addition, accordingly provide videotape to the government organization for review and determination of pollution behavior. Concerning the video camera real-time monitoring for specific pollution sources, this project select some sites to monitor including Pai-Li Asphalt Co., Long Ching Steel Corp, Hai Guan Enterprise, No.54 & 55 wharf of Kaohsiung Harbor. We can connect to certain website via internet to do a online real-time monitoring for pollution behavior. This system has successfully observed the abnormal emission from pollution source, which has been reported to reporting center in dept. 6th of the Environmental Protection Bureau. Sense test laboratory also has been completed in Sept. 10, 2004. Some modification has been performed in Sept. 24, 2004 and handed over to the Technology Room. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117217 九十三暨九十四年度營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收、減免查核及巡查管制計畫 93年度營建空污費資料庫中列管之營建工程共計6,015件,年度申報開工件數共計2453件,徵收金額59,022,244元;實收件數(含92年度開立件數與完工結算)共計3,553件,實收金額58,008,385元。空污費結算退費部分,因施工面積減少提出申請及因施工工期縮短提出申請者共計192件結算退費案件,核算退費金額共計327,947元。空污費減免退費部分,本年度至六月底前僅有5處工地提出申請,合計減免849,118元。93年度共完成5,097處次營建工地巡(稽)查,經由巡查作業,發現高雄市工地污染管制措施以實施管理措施及灑水噴霧為主、其中以道路工程的設置比例最高,並藉工地巡查清查出59處工地程序違建,追徵補繳金額達699,237元。本年度完成了75場次TSP檢測及56場次落塵筒檢測,完成檢測之工地包括建築RC工程67處、建築SRC工程3處、道路工程3處、區域開發工程1處、其他工程1處。由檢測結果發現,目前已有三處工地TSP檢測數據超過周界法規濃度標準值,並建議予以告發處分。排放量推估方法主要係採用環保署委託章教授針對本土特性所發展的工地排放係數及不同污染防制措施之去除效率加以權重之後,推估本市各列管工地施工期間每月TSP排放量與削減量,推估93年全年度TSP累積排放量約2,491公噸,因設置防制措施削減之量約1,030公噸,減量比例約42%,另統計本計畫執行期間93年5~12月結果顯示TSP累積排放量約1,450公噸,因設置防制措施削減之量約731公噸,減量比例約50%,顯示因稽巡查及輔導工地設置污染防制措施的效益已逐漸顯現。本工作小組於93年10月27、28、29三日舉辦十二家工地之現場評鑑活動,挑選出其中較優良之四處加以獎勵表揚,並於11月1日完成『九十三年度優良營建工地頒獎活動』一場次,藉由此一方式增進業者執行污染防制的意願,以減低本市營建工地之污染情形。另於12月8日,邀請行政院環境保護署、高雄縣政府環保局、屏東縣環保局、營建業主及承包商,舉辦一場本市營建工地觀摩活動,藉此觀摩活動加強管制經驗及技術交流,並學習各營建工程在污染防制措施設置上之長處。自93年1月1日起至93年12月31日止,平均每月均有60餘處以上工地執行回報道路認養作業,累計洗掃總長度達17,780 公里,成效顯著。除可降低車行揚塵的排放之外,對於改善淨化市容及敦親睦鄰均具有相當助益。本計畫於93年度進行輔導協調後,已完成改善之裸露地有前鎮區廣西路近民權路之空地、左營區自由二路六巷87號對面等共計7.24公頃,露天燃燒部份計畫執行共計發現93處次露天燃燒行為。其中84處次經現場制止或通報消防單位均現場立即撲滅,9處次為已燃盡,總計削減污染物TSP 0.131公噸PM100.087公噸 CO 0.247公噸NMHC 0.136公噸。 2004 and 2005 impose establish construction air pollution Preventing expenses and reduces checking and inspection control project. In 2004, totally 2453 construction sits started and NTD$ 58 million was imposed on air pollution preventive of construction sites. To simplify the procedure of construction application, one specific window had been created and averagely 5 minutes taken in general now.In order to monitor the actual air pollution control situation of construction sites, auditors of EPB implemented 5,097 times, including 759 times on holidays within 2004. Furthermore, the government public construction sites were the focus of assessment as KRTC and THSR. Each nonconformance was requested to improve at the same time, or informed against on evidence, once auditors found the nonconformance occurred at construction sites.There were 75 construction sites to measure TSP, including 67 RC construction sites, 3 SRC constructions, 3 road constructions, 1 area developing and 1 for the others. And 56 dust-tanks were taken measurement too.There was about 1,030 tons reduction of construction TSP emission, and it was about 42% reduction within 2004, which estimated the total TSP emission of construction site was about 2,491 tons.There were 12 constructions sites adopted assessment and EPB had awarded the top 4 constructions in 2004. Afterward, all the subcontractors and owners of construction sites were invited to attend the simulation presentation, to learn the advantages of pollution preventive methods. There were 694 construction sites to implement street cleaning in 2004, equal to 17780 km road length accumulated. The advantages of street cleaning are able to reduce the wine-borne dust, also to purify the appearance of the city and improve good-neighborliness earnestly.Had 4 declarations, which two for law explanation, one for lighting pollution construction method, and another one for forbidden open-air burning, been held to declare and explain how to implement pollution control in 2004. Also encourage the pollution control by way of experience or technician sharing with relation parties. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117218 九十三年及九十四年度「高雄市加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」 為了減少車行揚塵的排放量,乃針對市區髒污道路進行洗掃工作,以壓力水車將街道上之塵土沖洗至路緣,藉以改善空氣品質。本計畫93年度主要內容與成果條列於下:1.道路普查作業:每月至少進行100條以上道路普查,且每年道路普查分級長度至少800公里以上。93年度共計完成812條道路之普查作業、累計長度802.1公里。2.洗街作業:計畫期間須執行洗街至少作業量52,000公里,93年度共計完成18438.3公里之洗街作業。3.示範道路作業:針對指定道路加強巡查及洗掃,93年度共計完成309.2公里示範道路之維護。4.掃街作業查核:本計畫之掃街作業由各區清潔隊負責、委辦公司負責查核作業。93年度(7-11月份)共計完成706.74公里之掃街查核作業。5.成效評估:(1)本計畫93年度檢測15條道路之坋土負荷,推算各級道路之sL(表土淤泥負荷):A級0.4476 g/m2、B級0.7550 g/m2、C級1.2805 g/m2。(2)另進行10次之洗街效果檢測,推估最佳洗街頻率:A級8天以上、B級3.3~8天,C級3.3天以內。(3)削減量推估:TSP690公噸、PM10130公噸。6.其他配合事項(1)外縣市觀摩會:93年10月13至14日造訪台中縣環保局觀摩。(2)空氣品質惡化緊急應變:93年11月18日下午於小港區進行演練。 2004 and 2005 Kaoshiung cities strengthen sweeping the dust on the road project. For the purpose of reducting nonpoint source pollution loads produced by dust and exhaust gas from vehicles, street cleaning and washing is necessary for a urban district. In this project, we flushes off the dust and pollutant loads to the edge of roads or strom sewers by using water pressurized vehicles. Hopefully, we can improve the air quality and reduce the impact on the receiving water body. The main works and their fruitful results in 2004 are described as the following:1. Roads investigation: We invertigated the dirty levels and road conditions of more than 100 roads per month, which is totaled 812 roads (802.1 kilometers).2. Street washing tasks: According to the contract, we should wash 52,000 kilometers of streets in 2004. However, we have finished 18438.3 kilometers of street washing tasks in 2004.3. Exemplificative streets: We enhanced investigation and washing tasks for 309.2 kilometers of exemplificative streets. 4. Examination of street cleaning tasks: The sanitary team is in charge of the street cleaning tasks. In this project, we also examed 706.74 kilometers of their results.5. Effect assessment:(1) This project measured silt loads of 15 roads. The estimated sL for each level of roads are: A. 0.4476 g/m2; B. 0.7550 g/m2; C. 1.2805 g/m2.(2) In addition, we did 10 times of experiments of street washing tasks. The estimated best frequency for street washing are: A. 8 days or longer; B. 3.3-8days; C. within 3.3days. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117219 九十三年度暨九十四年度「機車排氣定期檢驗計畫」 高雄市為一工商發達的城市,空氣污染來源不外乎工廠及機動車輛所排放之廢氣,然而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變,工廠數目有減少,但是機動車輛卻有逐年上升的趨勢,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣以成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是當前重要課題。依據93年5月6日執行至93年12月31日工作成果來看,可歸納出下列幾項重要成果:1.未定檢機車巡查作業2.機車攔檢作業3.定檢站稽查、管理作業4.定檢站業務協調會5.不定期隨機抽測及氣體比對6.定檢站教育說明會7.定檢站評鑑作業8.假日戶外宣導及檢測9.大專院校環保公約推廣10.民眾檢舉11.員工教育訓練12.技術轉移說明會13.網頁維護14.媒體宣導15.提升到檢率方案16.創新作法 2004 and 2005 「Motorbike’s exhaust examination on a regular time project.」 Kaoshiung city is a progressing country of industry and commerce, air pollution’s source most are from the factories and the motorbike’s exhaust. With the change of the country’s ground using style, factories become less and less but motorbike get more and more each year. So the waste gas from the motorbike becomes the key source of air pollution in the country. How to reduce motorbike’s exhaust becomes the most important work now.According to the achievement of May 6, 2004 to the end of December, we can get the key point as following:1.unchecking motorbike’s inspection 2.Block and check the motorbike3. Inspect station’s checking and control4. Coordinate inspect station’s business 5.Spot-checking and compare the air irregularly scheduled6. Inspect station’s education conference7.Inspect station’s judge work8.Announce and inspect outdoor on holiday 9.Announce by college school’s environment convention10.Inform by people11.Employee’s education training12.Transfer the skill conference13.Maintain the website14.Announce by TV15.Promote the inspect efficiency16.Innovating way 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117220 九十三暨九十四固定污染源稽查計畫 高雄市政府環境保護局為加強執行本市轄區固定污染源之巡邏稽查以及非上班時段空氣污染陳情案件處理,並強化公害檢舉案件之處理效率,協助辦理污染源稽查管理相關作業,加強疑難案件的處理,提昇為民服務的績效,重點巡查經常露天燃燒區域、餐飲業排放油煙臭味及噴漆作業,有效遏止空氣污染行為,配合執行高屏地區空氣品質改善維護相關工作,協助落實空氣污染減量,特透過公開徵選方式,由合格的工程顧問公司執行本計畫。本年度陳情案件處理效率,已由去年0.90天,提昇為0.88天,輔導4家污染源完成空氣污染改善,民眾滿意度調查當顯示滿意及尚可者有近79.6%,表示有八成的陳情人肯定環保局為民服務的績效。 2004 and 2005 stable pollution source checking project. The Department of Environmental Protection of Kaohsiung City Government publicly levies the qualified consultative companies to carry out the project. The main goal is to deal with the cases of air pollution during the unworking hours. Besides, the efficiency and effectiveness are also the main targets of the Department of Environmental Protection of Kaohsiung City Government to service our Kaohsiung citizens. The most significant part of our work is to check out the area of usually burning something publicly, the cafeterias and restaurants which emit bad and oil smoke and the smells of spraying paint. We carry out these kinds of air pollutions and cooperate with the area of Kaohsiung and Ping Dong to improve and maintain our quality of air. According to our survey, the efficiency of handling the cases in this year has improved greatly. Last year, the average day of each case we needed was about 0.9 days. We just spent about 0.88 day on dealing with a case this year. Meanwhile, we also assisted and guided four companies which caused air pollution to improve the situation. No matter how the situations were bad, we always try our best to better the situations. We hope give all of our citizens a clean and tidy city. It’s our responsibility to build an unpolluted city. The latest survey of residents’ satisfactory about our achievement shows that about 79.6% of residents who call us to state the air pollutions give our efforts a positive affirmation. 093 高雄市政府環境保護局 高雄市環保局
32117221 93年加強街道揚塵洗掃暨作業規劃管理計畫-規劃管理計畫 空氣污染物中粒狀物為台灣地區空氣品質好壞判定之重要參考指標之一,屏東縣環保局執行「空氣品質改善維護計畫之執行追蹤檢討」,該計畫統計分析過去五年環保單位空氣品質實測資料結果顯示,懸浮微粒濃度測值大部份時間皆超出空氣品質標準,該報告亦指出懸浮微粒濃度問題是屏東縣應優先處理之項目。由於道路塵土為造成車行揚塵之粒狀空氣污染物的主要來源之一,故道路塵土清掃之成效與此項污染物排放量之削減有立即而直接之影響,因此,屏東縣環保局乃將加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫列為重點工作之一,本年度為提昇計畫品質,持續採民有民營精神,公開招標甄選顧問公司代為規劃與管理監督洗掃執行單位,達到落實洗掃工作,爭取實質的減量效益,改善屏東縣空氣品質。 2004 Strengthen streets’ dust sweeping work and control project. The granular matter in the air pollution is one of the important indicators to decide that air quality in Taiwan is good or bad. Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau do the project about tracing and self-criticism the air quality’s improving and retain. This project statistical and analyze the past 5 years’ data of air quality estimate from environment organization, and it shows that the concentration numeration of granular matter overstep the normal air quality in most time. This report also points out the concentration numeration of granular matter problem should be the first item to handle.Because of the dust on the road is one of the sources of granular air pollution when car passes. So the achievement of sweeping the dust on the road and reducing this pollution quantity has the direct influence. Due to this Pingtung county’s Environment Protection Bureau take the project of Strengthen streets’ dust sweeping work for important This year in order to promote the quality of the project, take the spirit of business by people then we choose the adviser companies in public to plan and control the sweeping work. Attend to the goal of sweeping and ask actual reducing efficiency to improve Pingtung County’s air quality. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117222 93年屏東縣空氣品質惡化緊急應變管理計畫 本計畫自93.03.10日起簽約執行,預計執行至93.12.31日。計畫目標以協助環保局推動屏東縣空氣品質不良查處作業及空品惡化緊急應變措施之研擬。具體工作項目包含(一)建制空氣品質惡化通報及查處系統,經由空品預報及即時監測,當空氣品質趨於不良時,立刻通報相關管制計畫執行查處作業;(二)研定空氣品質惡化防制措施,輔導公私場所訂定各級空氣品質惡化防制計畫;(三)建置本縣所轄三大工業區危險物品儲存資料系統及小區域空污災害事故處理應變組織架構,強化屏東縣小區域空品惡化應變能力;(四)小區域災害事故現場周界空氣污染物檢測規劃,強化災害事故現場環境監測能力;(五)其他配合辦理事項。 2004 Pingtung County’s air quality get worse- urgent emergency project. This project is from the date March 10, 2004 after signing the contract and will be finish at December 31,2004. The target is helping Environment Protection Bureau to push the job of checking Pingtung County’s bad air quality and the measures of urgent emergency. The concrete working items are including:(一)Establish the system of promulgating and checking the bad air quality system. From the control of air quality immediately to tell the related control organization to check.(二)Make the rule of preventing air quality get worse and teach them to set up the project in public or privacy places.(三)Set up the store up data about the dangerous things of three big industrial region in Pingtung and make the urgent emergency organization’s frame of the small region’s air pollution. To strengthen the bad air quality’s urgent ability of Pingtung County’s small region.(四)Plan the test of air pollution around the limit disaster region to enhance the inspection ability.(五)Others 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
32117223 93年屏東縣空氣品質監測站操作維護及品保品管計畫 本計畫經由定期對屏東縣環境保護局所屬空氣品質自動監測站之操作維護、人工測站採樣操作,並蒐集監測環境背景資料,藉以了解屏東縣空氣品質之狀況。為了確保空氣品質監測站所蒐集的監測數據具有一定的精確度與準確度,必須對監測站進行定期操作維護、校正及定期採樣來監控,使其數據具有精密度、準確度、完整性、比較性與代表性。本計畫之目標包括下列各項:一、設於本縣新園鄉鹽洲國小自動空氣品質監測站之定期維護與校正。二、本縣屏東縣政府、萬丹國中兩座人工空氣品質監測站之定期採樣及校正。經由完成計畫目標,預期執行本計畫後將達到之成效如下:一、完成一座自動空氣品質監測站及二座人工空氣品質監測站的儀器操作維護工作,並針對各站提出操作維護報告及測站的補正動作供 貴局參考並改善。二、完成監測站儀器設備操作維護檢查工作,以確保運轉正常,並使資料可用率達到合約之要求及確保數據之品質。三、落實空氣品質保證及稽查制度。 2004 Pingtung County retains operation of air quality in the surveillance station and the quality control project. This project is from retaining operation of the air quality auto-surveillance station which belong to Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau, operate the sampling by human and gather the background and information of surveillance environment to understand the air quality’s condition of Pingtung County.In order to make sure the surveillance data, which gather from the air, quality’s surveillance station has the definite accuracy and preciseness. It must retain operation, rectify, and sampling on a regular time of surveillance station and make the data accuracy, preciseness, complement, compare and representative. This project’s target in including:1. Retain and rectify the air quality’s surveillance station on a regular time in YenChou elementary school, which set up on HsinYuan village.2. Sampling and rectify the air quality’s artificial surveillance station on a regular time in Pingrung county’s government and WanTan junior high school.3. Complete the project’s target, we except to get the achievement after this project which as following:(1) Finish an auto air quality surveillance station and two artificial retain operating of machines and provide the operation report and remedy action of each station for you to compare and change.(2) Complete the job of operating and checking the facilities to make sure their work. Provide the data attend to the request and the quality of the contract.(3) Fulfill the promise of air quality and the inspect system. 093 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局
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