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Title 九十三年度高雄市左楠地區臭味污染來源調查及管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據相關法規對於左營及楠梓之臭味來源工廠進行調查作業,於工廠有臭味逸散時進行相關檢測作業並提供告發之依據,藉以改善本市惡臭逸散之問題,提升本市之空氣品質。依據歷年陳情案件之分析,在左營區除針對餐飲油煙外尚須注意燃燒行為,至於在楠梓區則需將注意力集中於餐飲油煙及工業污染。夜間巡查作業發現臭味的時間以下半夜較多(46.3%),有臭味的地點集中於中油煉油廠附近、楠梓加工出口區附近道路以及五常里興楠路。臭味監測結果發現:中油五輕工廠的1,3-丁二烯、中油五芳工廠的苯及1,3-丁二烯、中油第四廢水廠的苯及甲苯、中殼潤滑油工廠的甲苯及丁酮,為該監測區域產生臭味逸散之化合物。民眾陳情區域之監測發現有丁烷、乙烯及氨等臭味物質之來源,均來自於垃圾場旁的草澶埤排水溝。綜合性污染源之監測發現甲基丙烯酸甲酯所造成臭味問題最為嚴重,推斷其來源可能為聚美企業。針對疑似為臭味污染來源之工廠進行周界臭味檢測,不符合法規之工廠有:中油高雄廠、聚美企業、日月光半導體及旺詮等工廠。本計畫尚建置一資訊管制系統,本系統包含左楠區各工廠之基本資料、近五年之陳情案件、各工廠之監測及檢測結果,使用者可依據臭味特徵及陳情地點等訊息進行檢索,以初步比對可疑之臭味來源。
EngTitle 2004 KaoShiung city-TsoNana region’s foul smell pollution source investigation and control project.
EngAbstract The public or private premises that have odor emission were not allowable. The main objective of this project is to confirm odorous sources in Zuoying and Nantze district. According to the case analysis of the public nuisance dispute processing procedures, amount of odorous complaints were about dining"s lampblack and burning behavior in Zuoying district, and that were dining"s lampblack and industrial pollution in Nantze district. Odorous emission time often at late-night, there is odorous emission locus centralize in Chinese Petroleum Corporation, nantze export processing zone, and singnan road. For the OP-FTIR monitoring work on 21 locations, some chemicals concentration was higher than olfactory limit. The odorous chemicals In Chinese Petroleum Corporation were 1,3-Butadiene, benzene, toluene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone. The drain near rubbish bury was the object that people complain about odor, and the odorous chemicals were n-Butane, ethylene, ammonia. Methy Methacrylate was the important chemical in nantze export processing zone, and it is come from Jiuh Mei Enterprise. The factory that had not by the Organoleptic test were Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Jiuh Mei Enterprise, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, RAL Electronic Corporation.We set up a system of information for administration. This system include about the cases of the public nuisance dispute, the result of OP-FTIR monitoring, the chemico-physical characteristic of chemicals. User can compare to odorous sources by locus and odorous characteristic.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 高雄市環保局