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Title 93年加強街道揚塵洗掃暨作業規劃管理計畫-規劃管理計畫
Abstract 空氣污染物中粒狀物為台灣地區空氣品質好壞判定之重要參考指標之一,屏東縣環保局執行「空氣品質改善維護計畫之執行追蹤檢討」,該計畫統計分析過去五年環保單位空氣品質實測資料結果顯示,懸浮微粒濃度測值大部份時間皆超出空氣品質標準,該報告亦指出懸浮微粒濃度問題是屏東縣應優先處理之項目。由於道路塵土為造成車行揚塵之粒狀空氣污染物的主要來源之一,故道路塵土清掃之成效與此項污染物排放量之削減有立即而直接之影響,因此,屏東縣環保局乃將加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫列為重點工作之一,本年度為提昇計畫品質,持續採民有民營精神,公開招標甄選顧問公司代為規劃與管理監督洗掃執行單位,達到落實洗掃工作,爭取實質的減量效益,改善屏東縣空氣品質。
EngTitle 2004 Strengthen streets’ dust sweeping work and control project.
EngAbstract The granular matter in the air pollution is one of the important indicators to decide that air quality in Taiwan is good or bad. Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau do the project about tracing and self-criticism the air quality’s improving and retain. This project statistical and analyze the past 5 years’ data of air quality estimate from environment organization, and it shows that the concentration numeration of granular matter overstep the normal air quality in most time. This report also points out the concentration numeration of granular matter problem should be the first item to handle.Because of the dust on the road is one of the sources of granular air pollution when car passes. So the achievement of sweeping the dust on the road and reducing this pollution quantity has the direct influence. Due to this Pingtung county’s Environment Protection Bureau take the project of Strengthen streets’ dust sweeping work for important This year in order to promote the quality of the project, take the spirit of business by people then we choose the adviser companies in public to plan and control the sweeping work. Attend to the goal of sweeping and ask actual reducing efficiency to improve Pingtung County’s air quality.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環保局