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Title 九十三年及九十四年度「高雄市加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」
Abstract 為了減少車行揚塵的排放量,乃針對市區髒污道路進行洗掃工作,以壓力水車將街道上之塵土沖洗至路緣,藉以改善空氣品質。本計畫93年度主要內容與成果條列於下:1.道路普查作業:每月至少進行100條以上道路普查,且每年道路普查分級長度至少800公里以上。93年度共計完成812條道路之普查作業、累計長度802.1公里。2.洗街作業:計畫期間須執行洗街至少作業量52,000公里,93年度共計完成18438.3公里之洗街作業。3.示範道路作業:針對指定道路加強巡查及洗掃,93年度共計完成309.2公里示範道路之維護。4.掃街作業查核:本計畫之掃街作業由各區清潔隊負責、委辦公司負責查核作業。93年度(7-11月份)共計完成706.74公里之掃街查核作業。5.成效評估:(1)本計畫93年度檢測15條道路之坋土負荷,推算各級道路之sL(表土淤泥負荷):A級0.4476 g/m2、B級0.7550 g/m2、C級1.2805 g/m2。(2)另進行10次之洗街效果檢測,推估最佳洗街頻率:A級8天以上、B級3.3~8天,C級3.3天以內。(3)削減量推估:TSP690公噸、PM10130公噸。6.其他配合事項(1)外縣市觀摩會:93年10月13至14日造訪台中縣環保局觀摩。(2)空氣品質惡化緊急應變:93年11月18日下午於小港區進行演練。
EngTitle 2004 and 2005 Kaoshiung cities strengthen sweeping the dust on the road project.
EngAbstract For the purpose of reducting nonpoint source pollution loads produced by dust and exhaust gas from vehicles, street cleaning and washing is necessary for a urban district. In this project, we flushes off the dust and pollutant loads to the edge of roads or strom sewers by using water pressurized vehicles. Hopefully, we can improve the air quality and reduce the impact on the receiving water body. The main works and their fruitful results in 2004 are described as the following:1. Roads investigation: We invertigated the dirty levels and road conditions of more than 100 roads per month, which is totaled 812 roads (802.1 kilometers).2. Street washing tasks: According to the contract, we should wash 52,000 kilometers of streets in 2004. However, we have finished 18438.3 kilometers of street washing tasks in 2004.3. Exemplificative streets: We enhanced investigation and washing tasks for 309.2 kilometers of exemplificative streets. 4. Examination of street cleaning tasks: The sanitary team is in charge of the street cleaning tasks. In this project, we also examed 706.74 kilometers of their results.5. Effect assessment:(1) This project measured silt loads of 15 roads. The estimated sL for each level of roads are: A. 0.4476 g/m2; B. 0.7550 g/m2; C. 1.2805 g/m2.(2) In addition, we did 10 times of experiments of street washing tasks. The estimated best frequency for street washing are: A. 8 days or longer; B. 3.3-8days; C. within 3.3days.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 高雄市環保局