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Title 固定空氣污染源連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及環境監測計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫執行有四大目標,包括功能查核、評鑑缺失輔導改善、修定品質保證作業標準程序、輔導公私場所進行連線與提昇連線系統功能及實施噪音監測。目前台南縣第一、二、三批應列管連線煙道之行業為:電力設施及電弧爐煉鋼業,共計8家工廠13支煙道。在前置作業方面,於計畫各項工作項目執行前,工作小組與環保局承辦人員先行工作內容協調,以確認功能查核煙道、現場評鑑查核工廠名單及92年度後續輔導改善工廠,與計畫執行中應配合及注意之事項等。功能查核方面,截至94年3月底止,已完成12組相對準確度測試查核,分別為東雲P001、P802、P801、台汽電P001、奇美P058及東展P003、森霸P001、P002、P003、P004,不透光率查核含複查共完成12組,其中威致P001低範圍偏移較大。標準氣體查核完成12組,東展P003 SO2、奇美P058 SO2、NOx、森霸P001 SO2、NOx偏移較大。所有CEMS連線煙道1次連續7天連線工廠端輸出資料比對系統查核,已完成13組煙道之防弊稽查,並進行各項功能查核結果分析,以驗證分析監測數據之正確性及可用率。現場查核評鑑作業方面,本年度計畫需執行8家公私場所現場評鑑作業,包括92年度評鑑缺失完成改善追蹤複查,已完成9場次評鑑,評鑑缺失部分由各廠提出改善計畫書,以利後續進行追蹤輔導改善作業,並將各廠缺失建檔管理。希望藉此大幅提昇連線工廠整體水準,增加連線資料之正確性與可靠度。法規符合度查核方面,已完成8家公私場所之查核,查核重點項目為各監測項目全幅設定之合理性、月報格式與計算方式之正確性、是否完成即時傳輸、OP全幅設定是否可符合95年之規定,所查核之缺失已請工廠進行改善,以符合法規之規定。93年度環保署縣市考評部份,依考評要點共計需執行6根次之煙道查核,查核品質完整率達100%,考評成績達滿分,其他未列入考評之煙道亦執行查核,查核率100%。文件審查方面,包含RATA報告、OP校正查核報告、各廠月報、有效監測時數與有效率之統計、空污費比對,審查缺失皆請工廠改善,以提昇數據之正確性。連續自動監測設管理辦法於92年12月3日公告,品保手冊依據管理辦法修訂完成。維護512/512專線、傳輸模組與轉檔模組軟體修正,並於每週進行資料庫文字檔備份工作。目前連線系統運作正常。在環境噪音監測作業方面,依環保局指定之交通及環境噪音監測點,執行四季共四測點二次以上二十四小時連續噪音監測,以了解各類管制區內噪音污染情形,做為後續噪音管制區重新劃定之參考資料,共完成93年第2、3、4季與94年第1季共計96點次之噪音監測。其他工作項目方面:網頁資料更新,為了能讓民眾了解CEMS工作內容以及相關法令,工作小組將最新評鑑結果與查核結果呈現在網頁,為方便審查連線資料之正確性。本計畫成果效益為:落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施查核作業、提昇監測數據可信度與可用率、修訂標準之監測設施儀器查核及品質保證作業審查程序、輔導台南縣轄區公私場所進行連線建置作業、維護環保局連續自動監測設施軟硬體及通訊環境、提昇環保局連續自動監測設施連線系統功能與連線系統資料品保功能、每季實施定期環境監測以掌握污染排放狀況。同時經查核作業發現公私場所現行監測系統,部分監測設施操作結果不符規範及數據處理系統處理程序有誤失,致影響整體監測數據品質與結果,亦要求工廠提出改善計畫,並協助輔導改善。
EngTitle Immobile Pollutants Air Pollution Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Auditing and Environment Monitoring Project
EngAbstract In the system function auditing,12 groups of relative accuracies tests were completed.12 groups completes Opacity auditing.Among them,WEI CHIH Steel Industrial CO. P001, its low scope displacement is bigger.12 groups completed the Cylinder gas auditing.A 7-day continuously on-line factories end output material comparison for all CEMS on-line stacks has been completed for 13 sets of stacks. In the aspect of the on-site auditing , this year we evaluated 8 public and private places,including re-checking the unsatisfied factories in 2003 report.Now we have completed evaluate 9 factories.They addressed the improvement plan to against the flaws, and to help follow-up tracing and filing work.In the aspect of the Law conformation,we have completes 8 public and private places checking.The focal points are to check the equitableness of the span setting,the correctness of the monthly report and its calculation,if the real time transmission has been completed, and to check if the OP all bend setting answers to the regulation of the year of 2006.We have notified the factories to improve according to the unsatisfied part of the results,so as to meet the agreement of the law.In the aspect of document examination,the RATA report,OP correcting report, monthly report,effective monitor hours and effectiveness statistics, comparison of air pollution fee.We have notified the factories to improve according to the unsatisfied part of the results,so as to increase the reliability of the date.CEMS control method has been announced on December3,2003.The quality maintenance manual is also completed based on the method.We also ran a 24-hour continual noises monitors ,more than twice in 4 seasins, on 4 environmental noise point assigned by the Environmental Protection Bureau.This is to understand the noise pollution situation in each kind of controlled area.The result can be use as the reference for the follow-up noise controlled area planning.We completed the 2nd, 3rd, 4thseason in the year of 2004 and the 1st season in the year of 2005, in total there are 96 times of the noise monitoring.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司