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Title 九十三年度台東縣河川流域污染防治暨人工溼地專案管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要由行政院環境保護署補助,台東縣環境保護局委辦,計畫執行期程自簽約日(九十三年五月十八日)至九十三年十二月卅一日為止,為期約八個月。委辦內容主要包含環保例行業務、人工溼地專案管理等二大部份,惟人工溼地專案管理部份因工程簽約期程較晚,無法於本案期末報告繳交前完工,因此在與環保局溝通協調後,將本計畫工作成果區分為二部份分別提送期末報告。本報告主要以環保例行業務為主,工作成果茲說明如下:工作內容主要包含事業水污染許可審查作業(包含水污染防治措施審查及排放許可申請等)、列管事業稽巡查作業、建築物污水處理設施查核、逕流廢水現場查核等。除此之外,本計畫邀請全縣列管事業於93年6月28日、12月2日進行二場次法規說明會,以期各列管事業能針對現有定期申報制度之內容能夠充分掌握,除此之外,也藉由說明會與畜牧業者分享國內養豬低污染技術以及三段式廢水處理設備常見問題解決策略,以期有效協助業者進行廢水處理設備之操作。
EngTitle 2004 Taitung County’s River Basin Against Pollution and Manage the Case of Artificial Moist Soil.
EngAbstract This project is allowanced by Environment Protect Bureau and entrust Taitung Environment Protect Bureau to do. This project is about 8 months from the date of contract (May 18,2004) to the end of December 31,2004. The main content includes two parts of environment business and manages the case of artificial moist soil. Because the date in signing the contract of the part about artificial moist soil is later, we can’t finish the work before final report. So after communicating with Environment Protect Bureau, we divide this project achievement into two parts to be the final report separately. This report focus on the environment protection’s generally business, and the detail is as following:The content is about water pollution’s license inspection (including against water pollution inspection and the apply for allowance of emission) and check the business which are controlled, sewage facilities of buildings inspection and check the liquid waste on the spot, etc…Besides, this project invites all county’s management industries to join the two laws and regulations instructions conferences on June 28 and December 2, 2004 and expect each industries can control the content about the declare system on a regular time schedule. Otherwise from the conference to share the strategy to solve the problems about the low pollution skill and three stages of liquid waste facilities and hope to help them to operate the facilities in disposing the liquid waste.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台東縣環保局