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Title 九十三年度「特定污染源監測檢測計畫」
Abstract 高雄市政府環境保護局為配合高雄市固定污染源許可稽查管制計畫、落實空氣污染防制收費辦法及改善大高雄地區之空氣品質,於是執行此特定污染源監測檢測計畫,以多方面之方式來執行污染行為之蒐證及稽查(固定污染源之無預警稽查採樣及分析、特定污染源之遙測及錄影採證、燃油含硫份之採樣分析),期望能對民眾生活品質之改善有所幫助。 在特定污染源遙測部分,本計劃共完成有四次之遙控直昇機遙測工作,地點分別為駱駝山邊、高鐵左營站、龍慶鋼鐵、大坪頂縣市交接帶,主要在測試以直昇機遙測技術應用在污染監控,所得之影帶可供主管機關研判相關事宜,而特定污染源錄影監控部分,本計劃執行期間共選定百立瀝青公司、龍慶鋼鐵及海光企業、高雄港第54及55號碼頭為監控對象,平常可藉由網際網路於特定之網址進行線上即時監控該公司之污染事宜,本系統並成功的監控到污染源之異常排放現象,並由本公司人員回報其污染事項給環保局六科之環保報案中心。官能測定室也於93.09.10完成並點收,93.09.24改善完成交予技術室使用。
EngTitle 2004 Specific pollution source inspect project
EngAbstract In order to cooperate with the Kaohsiung City Stationary Pollution Source Permission Inspection and Control Project, to actively implements the Air pollution Control Charge Rules and to improve Air Quality of Great Kaohsiung Area. Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung Municipal Government decided to execute this Specific Pollution Source Monitoring and Inspection Project, using different methods to fulfill the investigation and inspection of pollution behavior including stationary pollution sources inspection, sampling and analysis without warning, remote monitoring and video record verified of the specific pollution sources, sulfur contain analysis of fuel oil. We expect that it will be a help to improve our living quality.Concerning the remote inspection and monitoring of specific pollution source, 4 times of remote-controlled inspection by remote-controlled helicopter have been performed. The places include Border of Camel Mountain, Taiwan High Speed Rail Tzuo-Ying Station, Long Ching Steel Corp., Borderline of Kaohsiung City and Country in DaPinDing. The main purpose for this work is to test if this is a feasible method for monitoring and investigating the polluted site by using remote-controlled helicopter technology. In addition, accordingly provide videotape to the government organization for review and determination of pollution behavior. Concerning the video camera real-time monitoring for specific pollution sources, this project select some sites to monitor including Pai-Li Asphalt Co., Long Ching Steel Corp, Hai Guan Enterprise, No.54 & 55 wharf of Kaohsiung Harbor. We can connect to certain website via internet to do a online real-time monitoring for pollution behavior. This system has successfully observed the abnormal emission from pollution source, which has been reported to reporting center in dept. 6th of the Environmental Protection Bureau. Sense test laboratory also has been completed in Sept. 10, 2004. Some modification has been performed in Sept. 24, 2004 and handed over to the Technology Room.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 高雄市環保局