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32117124 事業廢棄物清運機具管理制度規劃及監控系統維護營運計畫 環保署為有效追蹤管理事業廢棄物流向,以網際網路系統進行事業廢棄物流向管制,並利用GPS即時定位、無線通訊與GIS圖資查詢展示之結合,發展事業廢棄物清運之即時監控系統,有效進行事業廢棄物清運之即時監控,並透過勾稽比對異常等程序,提供稽查單位規劃相關稽查作業,以杜絕非法棄置。故自87年即著手開始就衛星定位即時監控系統相關技術研究發展、制度研擬、軟硬體環境等進行規劃,並於90年開始實體系統之建置,車機部分分別於91年5月及92年10月完成第一批及第二批公告列管事業廢棄物之清運車輛即應裝置之規格等,第一批公告完成249部車輛安裝GPS即時監控系統,第二批則更提昇規格後,又增約769部清運車輛納入此監控系統。共計約千餘部,如此大量之監控車輛,實是國內相關技術應用實際管制作業之先趨,亦有效落實事業廢棄物之管制工作。而隨著第三批公告之公告作業完成,預計納入列管車輛將達千餘部,後續仍將持續進行公告,納入監控之車輛更將日益增加,管制監控中心端對於後續監控作業之相關系統負載能力、系統運作效能、展圖速度及即時勾稽、檢核並即時警示等功能之有效運轉,除93年度初步建置完成並持續運作提供管制作業,並未求功能擴充完整及確保運作順暢,以避免現有系統難以負荷,因而亦持續進行功能提昇之擴充建置,已持續確實落實事業廢棄物清運流向之即時監控及完整追蹤掌握之管制作業。 Industrial Waste clearance vehicles Management System and Operation of the supervision system The environmental protection bureau flows to of of for the effective tracing management enterprise reject, carries on the enterprise reject by the Internet system to flow to the control,and union using the GPS immediate localization, the wireless communication and the GIS date inquiry demonstration, the development enterprise reject the elimination ships immediate supervisory system, effectively carries on the enterprise reject the elimination ships immediate monitoring, and the penetration cancels checks compared to exceptionally and so on the procedure, provides the examination unit to plan the correlation examination work, prevents abandons by Du. Therefore namely begins from 87 years to start on the satellite positioning immediate supervisory system correlation engineering research development, the system to grind draws up, the soft hardware environment and so on carries on the plan, and starts establishing of the entity system in 90 years, the vehicle machine are partial separately completes first batch of and the second batch of announcement row steward industry reject in 91 years in May and 92 years in October the elimination ships the vehicles namely should specification of the installment and so on, the first batch of announcement completes 249 vehicles to install the GPS immediate supervisory system, after the second batch then promotes the specification, also increases approximately 769 the elimination ships vehicles to bring into line with this supervisory system. Total approximately thousand, so massive monitor the vehicles, is solid is the domestic correlation technology application actual control work first hastens, also control work effective realization enterprise reject. 093 廢管處 千一資訊有限公司
32117125 垃圾強制分類宣導計畫 (1).媒體操作本計畫執行過程中,運用整合行銷傳播概念建立宣導架構,以媒體而言,涵蓋主要媒體形式,包括電視、報紙、廣播、雜誌、網路等,另亦針對目標對象之行為模式,分析可能的訊息接觸點,透過製作物如折頁、海報等方式與目標對象進行溝通。總體任務則在於依據目標族群,設計不同訊息與議題形式,進行不同接觸場域,宣導政策目標。本案設定之目標宣導對象以30~54歲男女為主要目標對象,其次則兼及於一般閱聽人。廣義而言,媒體資源包括廣告、新聞、節目等,其中廣告負擔告知任務,新聞、節目等形式則承擔說服、引導等任務。此外,新興媒體如網際網路也為本案所運用之媒體形式之一。以下將說明各媒體形式廣告接觸人次與廣告價值:(1). 電視類 電視廣告檔次實際執行後相較於原計畫成長近3倍,總檔次增加844檔/30秒,增加幅度高達278%。廣告總接觸人次高達3,442,650人次。電視新聞專題原計劃播出12則,執行後播出高達38則播出,總接觸人次高達11,226,363人次。電視節目安排華視、中視、民視、東森普及率高與屬性相同並收視表現佳的節目作整集配合或單元配合宣導本計畫主題,總接觸人次達212,540人次。華視新聞10秒四節新聞插播卡安排『垃圾強制分類』執行期前四日(2004 ,12/28~12/31)華視四節新聞中安排播放10秒插播卡,總接觸人次高達1,742,832人次。整體廣告總檔次為1317檔(10秒6000元計,含無線電視台)廣告效益約高達2370萬元。電視新聞38則,廣告效益約高達380萬元。電視節目廣告效益90萬元。電視插播卡廣告效益52萬元。(1).其他類雜誌與台鐵電視牆估計總接觸人次高達約17,560,000人次。(2).電影院廣告類播放時間為期一個月,估計總接觸人次高達12,240,000人次。(3).廣播類總檔次增加29檔,原檔次560檔增至587檔。廣告效益約達136萬元。(4).報紙類安排與設計廣告與廣編稿及新聞消息稿於各大報紙如期刊出,按原計畫預計刊出15篇,事後總計刊出79篇。其中配合環保署政策推動,由華視機動策劃報導部分佔50篇,廣告效益高達500萬元。依閱報率平均30萬份(四大報皆百萬以上),總接觸閱報為1,500萬人次。(5).其他類(雜誌、台鐵電視牆)三個雜誌媒體刊出、台鐵電視牆播出三個月,均依原訂計畫順利執行,廣告效益達194萬元。(6).電影院廣告播出一個月,本次共計安排全省680影廳之4,050場(每廳每日以6場計算)播放公益廣告, (平均每場以100人計算)。(2).草根實踐為令整合傳播效果極大化,在策略上,先進行垃圾分類狀況進行普查。針對普查結果,落實草根志工服務計畫,促使目標社區民眾重視此一議題,再投入志工人力、媒體的議題與廣告,一方面延續議題效果,另一方面繼續強化社區民眾認知度與執行度。草根計畫執行後期,再次進行普查(即事後評估),再次公布結果,配合政策宣導進程,成為實行評估指標參考,進入政策執行階段。依原訂工作計畫分別進行事前評估、宣導工作與事後評估,於各宣導階段投入大專志工至少2269人次,涵蓋全國十大宣導區。(1). 前置調查:重點工作:針對第一階段9個目標區採分層隨機取樣方式進行調查,根據問卷調查結果進行分析,並定義出宣導重點地區,做為第二階段分區宣導工作之設定依據。(分層係依地理區域劃分)針對9個目標區內54個行政區,每個行政區抽樣3個里,每個里隨機抽樣問卷3個垃圾集中點,共計抽樣問卷486份。(2). 宣導工作本次調查區域涵蓋全國九縣市,487垃圾收集點。在運算方法上,將問卷實質內容區分為服務與環境兩部分,並對現場聚集人數等因素分別進行加權計算,並將各里分數加總計算至各宣導區,比較各區數字,選出各目標區下,分數最高(髒亂程度最高)之宣導區,投入人力。宣導過程細部說明及過程詳如報告內容。(3). 事後評估:重點工作:針對第一階段調查結果擇定之宣導責任區,於宣導工作結束後,再以同一問卷進行調查分析,以了解整體執行成效。預計目標則包括a.了解宣導垃圾分類的執行成效及改善程度。b.檢視各區對於垃圾分類執行成效、改善程度及民眾反應,以做為未來推動環保工作的指標及依據。(三).結論首先在宣導製作物方面,在環保署的品質把關下,製作出易於民眾理解的一系列廣告宣導品,如海報、折頁、報紙與雜誌稿、電視廣告帶、廣播帶與網頁等,頗獲民眾認同與好評。另,在媒體廣告方面,在800萬的投資金額上,總廣告效益高達約3950萬,投資效益近5倍(484%)廣告總接觸人次至少超過約6040萬人次。宣導效益十分顯著。關於草根實踐部分,本計畫共投入2269人次,進行調查及宣導作業。首先針對各宣導區進行觀察作業,並根據觀察結果擇點,深入宣導區進行政策宣導,並於宣導作業完成後,進行事後評估,以瞭解各宣導區改善狀況。整體而言,草根實踐操作方式一方面延伸媒體廣宣作業效益,另一方面也與目標對象建立直接互動關係,透過現場示範操作,協助民眾瞭解強制垃圾分類政策,並瞭解民眾實際接受程度與行為影響因素,以作為未來繼續推動環保政策的參考。而就前後兩次觀察結果比較,可得知直接接觸民眾,進行人際宣導,確實有助於民眾改變垃圾投置習慣,及建立分類行為模式。徒法不足以自行,政策亦復如是,尤其牽涉民眾生活的政策更是必須在從民眾的角度思考最容易接受的方式,凸顯利益,並協助民眾度過轉換階段,其中最重要的工作就是深刻而具體的引導與協助,本案便本於此一立場,透過媒體宣導活動與草根實踐,具體完成宣導目標。(四).建議事項本專案宣導效果卓著,有效觸及目標對象,且由於操作手法新穎多元,建議未來仍可繼續採行整合行銷策略,裨利有效宣導重要政策。 The Communication Project of the Policy of Compulsory Sorting Refuse Under the instruction, and QC by the EPA, we produced a series of promotion materials, like posters, leaflet, news paper Ads, magazine Ads, radio announce, and web site. Appreciation from the public was received. With the detailed planning, and precise execution, the media investment gained the efficiency of 480% (39.5 million of media effects over 8 million of investment), total audience reached was more than 60.4 million. The effect of communication is obvious.Generally speaking, the grass root practice not only extended the effects of media operation, but also built direct interaction with the target audience. With the practice on site, the agency may help the public knowing better about the policy of compulsory sorting refuse, and collect their responses for further reference. Comparing 2 investigations, the results indicated that the direct interactions are helpful for altering people’s behaviors.Things can’t be done by themselves, so do the policies. Especially the policy related to people’s life must be considered from the perspective of ordinary people, figure out the most acceptable solution, promote the advantages, and help the people to get used to it. Among the tasks, the most important one is to guide, and assist profoundly and concretely. So the project is based.Suggestions Since the project utilized many media elements with creative ways of operations, the final result is profound, and appreciable. We suggest that the future promoting mission may well implement IMC concepts, and practice. 093 廢管處 中華電視
32117126 事業廢棄物管理制度檢討及管制清理策略規劃推動 本計畫協助進行93年度推估事業廢棄物總量推估之修正,經計算並推估93年度事業廢棄物總量約為3,007萬噸,其中以工業廢棄物約為1,500萬噸為最多,約佔50%,其次為農業廢棄物之635萬噸(約佔21.1%)、營建廢棄物之537萬噸(約佔17.9%)。評估事業廢棄物上網申報之處理屬性分類上,以再利用(含再生資源)的處理為高,合計有1,154萬噸(約佔71.6%),其次為委託或共同處理之211萬噸(約佔13.1%)、自行處理則為87萬噸(約佔5.4%)、境外處理為7.1萬噸(約佔0.04%);另外尚有暫存量約有153.8萬噸(約佔9.4%)。評估事業廢棄物總體之處理設施容量後發現,在現有的處理體系統(不含農業廢棄物和營建廢棄物)約有240萬噸的處理餘裕容量,依本計畫於預警應變機制之建議,可不需要啟動事業廢棄物預警應變機制。於事業廢棄物管理之經濟工具使用評估結果顯示,先進國家除掩埋費(稅)已於歐盟國家已有多國使用外,事業廢棄物暫存保證金或保險制度等機制,並未有其他國家有強制性使用之案例,且經評析後發現,其具行政成本高、中央與地方權責劃分不易、不具商業市場性等執行之問題,故除掩埋費(稅)可納入未來修法的考量外,本計畫不建議未來主管機關針對事業廢棄物的清理上,採強制性的經濟性管制措施。本計畫已研訂並完成事業廢棄物質量清冊格式、規劃建立事業廢棄物質量清冊之標準推估模式及定期更新機制等具體執行成果,並重新彙整近三年之質量清冊、行業別上網申報資料等,並建立未來主管機關依此模式累積歷年質量清冊資料,以利管制決策之參考使用。 Reviewing The Management Framework And Clean-up Strategy On The Industrial Wastes According to the reevaluation on figures of industrial wastes conducted by this project in 2004, the total amount of the wastes in 2004 was estimated to be around 30.07 million tonnes, with large share of 15.00 million tonnes from the processing industry (50%), 6.35 million tonnes from the farming industry (21.1%), and 5.37 million tonnes from the construction and demolition industry (18.2%). And according to the statistic figures of Internet online reporting on various categories, there were 11.54 million tonnes of industrial wastes reported as reused/ recycled (71.6%), 2.11 million tonnes as fully/ joint commissioned disposal (13.1%), 0.87 million tonnes as independent disposal (5.4%), 71 thousand tonnes as oversea disposal (0.04%), and 15.38 million tonnes were in temporary storage (9.4%). Estimating the total industrial waste treatment/disposal capacity of Taiwan, it was around 2.4 million tonnes annually, which did not include the capacity for disposal of agriculture and demolition wastes, and It was deemed to be sufficient for current demand, therefore, there was no need to initiate the emergency responding mechanism.Reviewing the economic instruments of various countries on controlling industrial waste, taxation on landfill was mostly adopted by European countries, and there was no case on adopting compulsory pre-deposition of treatment fee or insurance. Through evaluation of these instruments on their impacts on administrative costs, ruling of duties for central and local government, and commercial and market support, taxation on landfill was clearly a much feasible option to be taken into account when future amending the controlling regulation.The project so far has completed the format of monitoring and reporting inventories for industrial waste producers, establishing the standard protocol for future forecasting and regular reviewing mechanism, and compiling the past 3 years data of waste flow and online reporting statistic, to facilitate the competent agencies on policy planning. 093 廢管處 工業技術研究院 環境資源研究發展基金會
32117127 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類—北區)專案工作計畫 行政院環保署自民國86年推動「全民參與回饋式資源回收四合一計畫」,意在透過經濟市場機制,結合產源製造與資源回收體系,完成資源回收清除處理市場制度之整體規劃與管理辦法,藉由結合社區民眾、地方政府、回收拆解商及基金,開創便利且全民參與之回收管道,提高資源回收成效,以保護環境衛生,並維護資源永續利用。行政院環保署依相關規定並經公開甄選程序評選稽核認證團體,依據稽核認證作業手冊執行稽核認證作業。稽核認證作業主要功能與目的如下:一、建立確實有效之稽核方法與程序,俾使回收清除處理工作皆能順利推動。二、針對公告應回收之一般廢棄物,確實認定其回收量與處理量。三、查核並防止回收清除處理各環節中之可能弊端與風險。四、查核並輔導處理機構於回收清除處理作業上符合相關環保規範。本專案計畫回收處理機構計有77家,每次須派2名稽核人員至各回收處理機構進行認證,於本年度共計完成汽車95,543輛,機車115,529輛之稽核認證回收作業。同時本專案計畫亦就處理機構之作業程序與環境方面等執行相關查核,若發現有不符規範的情事,要求處理機構限期改善,並追蹤確認改善成效。藉由此項查核與要求,輔導處理機構於處理環節亦皆能符合相關環保規定。稽核認證場次方面,引擎稽核部分汽車計719場次,機車計635場次,合計共執行741場次﹔至於粉碎廠查驗部分,合計場次為2,639場次,其中上啟源1,714場次,集合成638場次,綠化287場次。在回收量確認部分,廢汽車申報量為102,818輛,經稽核認證後確認之回收量為95,543輛,刪除量為7,275輛﹔其中民眾申報刪除5,961輛,警環標售刪除532輛,廠商回收刪除526輛,出口查證刪除256輛﹔廢機車的申報量為120,382輛,經稽核認證後確認之回收量為115,529輛,刪除量為4,853輛,其中民眾申報刪除3,086輛,警環標售刪除325輛,廠商回收刪除881輛,機車汰舊換新刪除58輛,出口查證部分則刪除503輛。其產生之效益為減少行政補貼費支出6,878,130元。在短交逾期扣量方面,累計短交逾期扣量總數為2,720輛,機車扣量586輛、汽車扣量2,134輛﹔兩者總計效益為減少行政補貼費支出1,850,415元。而在廢車殼清運現場查驗雜質部分,自93年4月至94年3月份每車次超過50公斤而予以扣量總共1,238輛。其所得效益為減少行政補貼費用支出1,034,370元。在環境稽核部分與作業程序稽核,分別執行741場次,完成9場次再生料及衍生廢棄物之出廠流向實地追蹤查核。對所有新進稽核人員40小時教育訓練,與40小時在職訓練、計執行23場次內部稽核,合計46人次,共有13名現場稽核認證人員接受內部稽核,每名稽核認證人員接受內部稽核達3.5次,並辦理1次外部稽核。 Project of inspection and certification on the recycling waste vechicle(Northern district of Taiwan) Since 1997, EPA has launched “public participation feed-back recycling four-in-one project”, which integrated market mechanism, the production and recycling system, to achieve the overall planning and management of the resources collection, clearing, and recycling market. By means of adjusting the system and regulations, and with the integration of community public, local governments, collectors, and the recycling fund, it is to create a convenient and public participation collection way to increase resources recycling results for the protection of the environments and the sanitation as well as the sustainable utilization of the resources.In accordance with relevant regulations, EPA, through open selection procedure, evaluates and selects fair bodies, and fair bodies execute the inspection and certification operation by the promulgated inspection and certification operation manual. Main functions and purposes of the inspection and certification operation are as under:1.To establish practical, economic, efficient, open, and transparent inspection methods and procedure, so that the works of the collection, clearance, and disposal could be promoted in a fair condition.2.To ascertain the collection and processing quantities of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.3.To inspect and prevent any possible malpractices and risks in the process of the collection, clearance, and disposal.4.To check and facilitate the collection, clearance, disposal operations in recycling organizations to meet related environment protection regulations.There are 77 vehicle-recycling organizations in northern district of Taiwan. This project demands 2 inspectors at recycling organizations for each inspection and certification operation.Through the execution of this project, there are 95,543 cars and 115,529 motors inspected and certified. In the meanwhile, this project has checked the recycling process and the environment of the recycling organizations. 093 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司
32117128 土壤及地下水污染整治工作相關資訊管理支援計畫 本計畫工作重點除了將延續過去兩年完成上線之成果網頁繼續維護、更新以及新增多項單元,另外尚須建置土污基管會內部管理系統及維護土污基管會資訊安全,其預期效果除了可繼續宣導政府在土壤及地下水方面之保護決心與展示施政成果,透過內部作業電子化之方式更能有效提升工作效能。在土壤及地下水污染整治網部分,網站經由重新規劃架構,目前包括會務簡介、施政措施、污染場址資訊、國內外資訊、為民服務等共計九大單元三十七項子功能之完整架構內容。另外配合其他計畫執行成果展示或友善化之相關功能,亦開發多項查詢功能及建置「教育入門網站」或分眾導覽網站。針對內部作業資訊化部分,工作成果包括相關工作記錄表單之設計及建立標準作業流程,並依此標準作業流程建立電子化系統,以e化方式管理會內相關作業及資料,利用集中管理內部文件資料,可提供使用者迅速獲得工作所需資料以提昇工作效率,並藉由電子資料統一集中存放及備份機制,達到資料保存的目的。而為了有效管理會內圖書及電子資源,本計畫制訂一套適合土污基管會圖書之管理方式,並完成書目建檔、貼碼及上架作業,數量共計約一千六百本。另外建置圖書查詢系統,以提供會內同仁一個多元但簡易的圖書檢索功能。在提昇系統效能及網路安全管理方面,本計畫已協助將現有伺服器配備重新規劃,Tuning至最佳狀態,以期能達到分散負載增進效能之功效。另外,配合已完成之相關作業規劃及執行,擬定資訊作業之標準作業流程,撰寫操作手冊及維護手冊,同時為落實這些作業,亦每日進行系統維護監測。 Technical Support on Electronic Administrative Task for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Management Board The agenda of this project is to establish the internal management and maintain internet security of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Management Board. The project will also continue the last year’s agenda: continuous maintenance of the online reporting function, update and create more functions for online reporting. Through internal electronic operation, we can give out efficient propaganda on our government’s concern of the soil and groundwater protection and achievements. The existing web page is composed of board introduction, policy, remediation site information, remediation technology introduction, and contacting the board, totally 9 main features with 37 sub-features. The project also established the “educational introductory” web page to the reinforce inquiry function and display the achievement. The project established the web page for displaying the work record and established electronic standard operation. Electronic administrative work manages the paperwork in more efficient way and easily offers the user any information needed. Electronic administrative work also unified the data keeping and effectively perform record keeping. An electronic library is created and book information filing, coding, and shelving, are established with totally 1,600 books completed. Electronic library inquiry function is enabled so the management board staff has easy access to the records and books.For the aspect of the improving system efficiency and internet security management, the project reorganize the existing server and make tuning, in order to achieve best performance. The Project also make planning of standard operation procedure, writing user manual and carrying out daily system maintenance. 093 土污基管會 環資國際有限公司
32117129 臺中市資源回收巡查,評鑑及宣導工作計畫 鑒於92年度清查社區後其資源回收成果明顯提升,環保局乃再規劃本「台中市資源回收巡查、評鑑及宣導工作計畫」,希望藉由全面性之清查、宣導及輔導,能將台中市社區資源回收工作之成果再更向上提升,進而在九十五年資源垃圾回收率達百分之二十五以上,廚餘回收率達百分之十三以上之目標。 Taichung City , Recycle Investigate Commentary and Propaganda Planning Owing to check for 92 years the community after its resource recovery result promotes obviously, the Taichung City environmental protection bureau is to program again originally 093 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局
32117130 九十三年度應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器物品類) 一、依據「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」及稽核認證作業手冊規定,以嚴謹之稽核認證程序,核算稽核認證處理量,作為環保署核撥受補貼機構補貼費之依據。二、修訂「廢電子電器物品類回收清除處理稽核認證作業手冊」,期使各項稽核認證作業均依標準作業程序(SOP)執行。三、確認回收量與處理量,查核廢電子電器物品品質及回收來源,避免回流與重複申報。四、查核衍生廢棄物、再生料流向及追蹤物品再生/處理去處,確認回收物品妥善處理。五、查核作業環境,落實廠區污染防制工作。 The Audit and Certificate Teams for the recycling of Waste Home Appliance 1.According to the regulations specified in “Regulated Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulations” and the Audit and Certification Operation Manual, to use strict audit and certification process to calculate the audit and certification treatment amount, which will be used as the basis for EPA to appropriate the compensation fee to the compassable organization.2.To revise “Waste Electronic and Electric Appliances Recycling, Clearance, and Disposal Audit and Certification Operation Manual”, so that various audit and certification operations can be executed according to the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP).3.To identify recycling amount and treatment amount, and audit the quality and source of waste electronic and electric appliances to avoid flowing back and repeat reporting.4.To audit the flow path of derived waste, regenerated material, and trace the material regeneration/treatment whereabouts, to assure the recycled waste is treated suitably.5.To audit the operation environment, to promote pollution control work in the factory. 093 基管會 康城工程顧問股份有限公司
32117131 台灣陸生圈最佳碳量評估、管理策略及監測計畫 地球的暖化現象在逐漸受到全球的重視以後,「京都議定書」終於在2005年二月十六日起正式生效,落實溫室氣體減量,特別是在二氧化碳,從此成為世界各國努力達成的目標。而陸地生物圈由於是地球碳循環系統中重要的一環,又具有吸收大量二氧化碳的潛能,因此如何能透過「土地使用、土地使用改變與森林」(LULUCF)層面對陸生圈碳量及碳匯的經營管理就特別受各國重視,而其中良好的碳帳制度與碳匯管理體系可以藉由鼓勵造林、再造林以及都市綠地等的方式來進行。本計畫案即在介紹探討IPCC對碳量及碳匯統計上的專業要求,參考國外在土地使用及森林政策上加大碳儲存量的作法,研究台灣應該如何建立符合IPCC要求的國家碳帳調查統計準則與監測制度,並且評估環保署近年來所設置的空氣品質淨化區對增加碳儲量的之效益,進而研擬適合台灣國情的各類土地使用在專業碳匯操作上最佳的經營管理方案、碳量策略以及落實機制。此外為集思廣益,本計畫案亦邀集國內相關部會及學者專家召開碳量儲存管理研討會乙場,並提供資源整合平台,建立政策推動的共識與機制。 The Optimum Carbon Accounting、 Management and Monitoring Strategies for Taiwan s Biosphere The global warming has drawn the world’s attention to the serious over-emission of greenhouse gases, and such awareness has finally pushed the Kyoto Protocol come into effect on February 16, 2005. To implement the practical emission reduction of greenhouse gases, particularly on CO2, the world has made commitment to CO2 reduction and has worked hard to achieve the target. The terrestrial biosphere, not only plays an important role in the carbon cycle on earth but also has great potential in absorbing large amount of CO2. Therefore, international efforts emphasize a lot on forests management regarding carbon stock and carbon sequestration through various co-effective approaches from “Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)” aspects. With reasonably scientific and quantifying carbon accounting and carbon management systems, the carbon uptake enhancement can be implemented through appropriate afforestation, reforestation and urban forestry practices. This project therefore focuses on the following perspectives: introducing IPCC requirements and methodology of national carbon accounting; case study on approaches to enhance carbon stock on LULUCF from international experiences; how Taiwan can establish national carbon accounting and monitoring systems based on IPCC standards; evaluating the benefits of carbon sequestration enhancement in Aquapu areas by EPA in recent years; and also drafted the optimum management through various land use practices, national carbon strategy and implementation mechanism particularly appropriate for Taiwan. In addition, the project also held the “Terrestrial Biosphere Carbon Sequestration and Management Seminar” inviting related government departments and scholars for consensus on potential information exchange platform and policy implementation. 093 空保處 財團法人台灣發展研究院
32117132 土壤及地下水污染整治技術支援計畫 本計畫共有4項主要工作,第1項工作為協助環保署擬定「污染範圍及污染管制區劃定之技術指引」,計畫執行期間除蒐集彙整國內法規規定、污染之虞場址查證、控制場址可能污染範圍、整治場址污染範圍及污染管制區劃定公告之執行現況,進行關鍵課題探討及分析,亦針對國內外土壤及地下水污染調查方式、調查技術及模式工具進行探討及提出建議。最後研擬完成「控制場址可能污染範圍、整治場址污染範圍及污染管制區劃定作業及技術指引(草案)」。第2項工作為協助環保署擬定「農地污染改善推動方案及標準作業手冊」,計畫執行期間除蒐集彙整國內歷年農地土壤污染調查方式、管制措施及污染改善之現況,亦與縣市環保局進行訪談並辦理1場次研討會,俾透過各級環保機關之經驗交流,使未來執行時有齊一之標準。最後研擬完成「農地污染改善推動草案」、「現行處理農地污染事件標準作業手冊修正草案」及「各級環保機關處理農地污染事件標準作業手冊(草案)」。第3項工作為協助環保署推動污染場址資訊交換體系運作,計畫執行期間除協助各級環保機關將現有土壤及地下水污染場址相關資訊蒐集彙整於「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統」資料庫中,建立業務執行單位管理及查詢之共通管道與機制外,亦協助辦理系統使用說明會,並提供諮詢專線及系統維護檢查服務,後續並依各級環保機關對系統使用情形及功能提升需求之訪談意見,進行系統相關功能建置及操作介面之更新,最後完成系統分析文件及操作、維護手冊供各級環保機關參考使用。第4項工作為協助環保署展現污染整治工作成果及提供專業工作團隊協辦相關業務,計畫執行期間主要完成編撰93年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報、蒐集彙整國內外整治資訊、編撰及發行電子報行、研擬土污基管會之折頁文宣稿及辦理30小時共15場次之專題演講等工作。 Technical Assistance to Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination Project The purpose of this project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in the implementation of the following 4 major tasks.1. Preparation of “The Technical Guide for Delimiting Contaminated and Restricted Zones” In this task the suggestions on the survey methods, technologies and modeling of soil and groundwater contamination were also studied and presented. Hence, in this task a draft was completed which was called “The Technical Guide for Delimiting Contaminated and Restricted Zones”.2. Preparation of both the “Manual of Standard Procedures for Remediation of Contaminated Farmlands”, and “The Promotion Plan for the Acceptance of the Standard Procedures”3. Promotion of “The Use of the Information Exchange System for Contaminated Sites” For creating a common channel and mechanism of management and data storage and retrieval for business execution units, the “Information System for Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Sites” was established. This was done to assist different levels of EPBs in collecting and compiling relevant information on contamination. This task also entailed assisting in the preparation of instructional meetings on the usage of the “Information System”, and providing consulting hot lines and system maintenance and inspection services. Based on input from the EPBs, the “Information System” functions and interface were upgraded as part of this task. Finally, system analysis documents and operating and maintenance manuals were prepared for the EPBs.4. Presentations on the performance of the remediation efforts were made to the public and a professional support team was provided for relevant activities: 093 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
32117133 各縣市執行空氣污染品質改善維護計畫之成效彙整分析及協助考評工推動計畫 本年度完成空氣品質改善維護計畫網站之建置,將本計畫彙整之縣市計畫成果及各縣市計畫委辦狀況提供各界查詢,也納入污染查處及意見交流網頁,提供環保署及環保局資訊交換之平台。另本年度依「空氣污染防制技術諮詢小組」委員建議,特訂定「93年空氣污染防制工作優良團隊選拔辦法」,並據以執行,共選出10組優良團隊將供環保署及縣市作為94年之觀摩交流對象。各縣市93年執行績效方面,固定源許可審查時間符合辦法比率較92年退步,執行文件品質符合率以資料庫指定建檔之完整比例及許可證內容核定正確率較低,應建立內部資料庫建檔抽查制度,提升資料正確性,並加強顧問公司之專業能力。移動源機車定檢率較92年提升3.2%,柴油油品抽驗方面,不合格率以南部地區較高,顯示南部地區非法油品問題較為嚴重,建議加強宣導政府取締非法油品之決心並積極查緝。營建工地符合管理辦法比率部分,由於今年度為法規生效初期,符合之比例較低,建議加強管理辦法稽查及處分。94年考評要點已朝實質成效方向修改,固定源及逸散源指標刪除工作量要求,以查核結果評分,期望達成鼓勵縣市訂定符合地方特性之工作及目標、落實各項管制工作之執行、提升民眾滿意度及改善空氣品質之目標。移動源仍以工作量評比,建議移動源95年考評指標或評分方式朝空氣品質改善有效性方向設計。 The analysis of air quality protection outcomes of Local EPB s in 2004 This project sets up the outcomes website of air quality protection in this year. The website provides a homepage to search the executed effects and the contracting status of the implementation plans by local EPB. It also includes the pollution investigation and the opinion exchange homepages to provide a communicating platform for EPA and EPB. In the other hand, 093 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司
32117134 機車第五期排放標準及低污染機車先進技術評估 本計畫年度之主要工作要項有:(1)國內機車第五期排放標準草案研訂與(2)低污染機車先進技術評估兩項,計畫自93年6月16日開始執行至94年06月15日止各項工作內容與執行成果摘要說明如下:(一) 國內機車第五期排放標準研訂1.蒐集歐盟、日本及美國等先進國家地區機車排放管制法規現況及發展趨勢等相關資料,並蒐集聯合國WP29國際機車法規調和WMTC(World Wide Test procedure for Certification)系統發展之成果與未來動態,提供作為五期標準研議之重要參考比較資料。計畫執行期間並舉辦歐盟機車三期排放污染法規技術研討會一場次邀請國內車廠業者共同參與歐盟機車三期法規技術研討,啟動國內五期標準研議與車廠業者之低污染機車技術開發。2.完成國內五家主要機車製造廠第三/四期污染排放認證資料之蒐集與分析,資料項目包含排污認證數據資料、品管測試數據資料、引擎族耐久劣化係數資料等,並完成第三/四期機車污染排放之比較分析。由三/四期排污統計分析資料顯示;冷車測試排放較熱車測試高,另;由認證值與品管測試值變異比較,顯示四期品管變異較三期為小。3. 完成行車型態比較測試研究,選擇國內機車廠生產之四期機車車型,進行我國機車四期與歐盟EU3機車法規行車型態比較測試,計畫累計完成52車次之機車排氣污染測試(車型範圍50cc~180cc),並完成測試數據整理與比較分析。統計資料顯示;對排氣量150cc以下車型四期與EU3行車型態差異不大,排污測試結果也相近(EU3略低些)。但是;對排氣量150cc以上車型,因為EU3行車型態增加了EUDC(Extra Urban Driving Cycle)與四期行車型態差異很大,排污測試結果差異也大(EU3較高)。由行車型態動態排放資料解析顯示;無論排氣量大小,行車型態冷車階段(前195秒)之排放減量是未來國內五期標準技術對策之關鍵罩門,也是未來法規標準限值(Limited Value)持續調降予否之關鍵。4. 完成四款國內四期機車三萬公里耐久評估測試研究,並以歐盟機車三期法規(EU3)定義之測試程序為標竿研究,進行四期與EU3排污比較測試研究,四款車型順利完成三萬公里耐久其中A、C、D三款車型三萬公里耐久後仍符合四期標準,B車因油門感知器功能異常於25,000公里後開始劣化。由於四期標準與歐盟機車三期差異很大,四款耐久測試車型均為四期車,無論耐久測試前或三萬公里耐久後均無法符合EU3排放標準。5. 以歐盟規劃實施之歐盟三期機車排放管制標準(EUⅢ)、測試方法為標竿,並參考國際法規調合趨勢相關資訊,完成我國第五期排放管制標準建議草案,並召開三次諮商座談會,參與兩次「機車排氣污染管制專案研究小組會議」,通過確認五期草案內容。環保署業已於94年2月16日召開「交通工具空氣污染物排放標準第六條修正」公聽會,並完成公告WTO會員國,環保署將擇期正式公告實施五期標準。(二) 低污染機車先進技術評估:1. 執行國際低污染機車相關技術資料蒐集,完成國內外低污染機車技術資訊蒐集,並針對低污染機車技術發展現況與趨勢加以分類整理,將機車低污染技術項目整理分類為:引擎燃燒系統精進技術、後處理系統精進技術、電控技術、電噴技術、氣輔缸內直噴技術、複合動力及燃料電池複合動力等,以作為評估規劃國內低污染機車技術發展之參考。2. 蒐尋國內外已上市之低污染機車車型,並引進全球最新低排氣量噴射引擎機車HONDA Dio_Z4及HONDA Crea Stop & Go機車,其中HONDA Dio_Z4車型係採用日本京濱最先進PGM模組化噴射引擎控制模組技術,為全球第一款上市之低排氣量先進噴射引擎機車,而HONDA Crea車型則具備STOP & GO技術應用功能,為全球首款具有複合動力概念之小型機車。本計畫針對兩款車型進行並完成行車行態排污研究測試,並與國內現有50cc四期車作比較。3. 本計畫於執行國內機車第四期與歐盟EU3行車型態比較測試研究過程中,除廣泛邀請國內車廠參與比較研究測試,讓車廠業者提早進行五期低污染技術對策研究外,並針對目前四期噴射系統與化油器系統對應五期標準之低污染技術參數(含:含三元觸媒、燃油系統控制與調校),整合國內車廠、觸媒廠與系統供應廠,共同配合進行低污染機車技術參數測試研究,研究項目包括:空燃比與三元觸媒轉化效率,藉以初步瞭解國內觸媒廠商、系統廠商與車廠對應未來機車五期標準之基礎技術能力。本計畫並以一款國內量產之四期噴油車進行五期技術評估,並完成15,000公里耐久之初步工程測試評估。4. 蒐集國際低污染機車相關技術資料,完成國內外低污染機車技術資訊蒐集,並於94年3月召開「機車五期排放標準配套法規暨低污染機車先進技術評估研討會議」,邀請國內專家學者與車廠業者共同參與研討,針對低污染機車技術向與會專家學者及車廠業者提出國內外低污染機車技術之相關研究結果與說明,並共同研討適合國內發展之低污染機車技術,並彙整車廠業者意見作為國內低污染機車技術發展方案規劃之參考。5. 參考國內外低污染機車技術發展現況與趨勢,彙整國內機車廠對低污染技術研發之意見,並參考國際機車法規未來發展之趨勢,將低污染機車技術項目整理分類為:引擎燃燒系統精進技術、後處理系統精進技術、電控技術、電噴技術、氣輔缸內直噴技術、複合動力及燃料電池複合動力等低污染機車技術項目,作為國內短中長期低污染機車技術發展項目選項與評估之參考。6. 計畫綜合國內機車產業發展現況、產業國際競爭態勢、國內外低污染技術發展趨勢、國際機車法規調和發展動態及國內車廠業者對低污染技術開發之意見,提出以『低污染法規技術研究』為主軸之低污染技術研究規劃建議;建議以建立『五期與WMTC低污染技術研究』平台方式,建立國內五期法規技術Data base及WMTC系統技術,支援國內第六期機車排放法規發展,並於2010~2011與歐盟四期、日本三期同步導入WMTC系統與國際調和。 The 5th Motorcycle Emission Standard and Low Emission Motorcycle Technology Evaluation “To Develope Taiwan 5th Motorcycle Emission Standards” and “Evaluate the Low emission Motorcycle technology” are the major tasks of the project, the achievement summarized as follow:1.The 5th Motorcycle Emission Standards Development:a.Collecting the motorcycle emission regulation of Europe Union, Japan and America, comparing with the current Taiwan 4th emission regulation, to be the reference of the 5th motorcycle emission standards.b.Collecting and analysis the current motorcycle emission certification data, to be the reference of the 5th motorcycle emission standards. c.To compare the difference between 4th motorcycle test procedure and EU3, totally 52 motorcycles were tested and compared.d.Complete 4 vehicle models 30,000 km durability test, and to compare the deterioration between 4th motorcycle test procedure and EU3.e.Complete the draft of the “5th Motorcycle Emission Standards”, after discussed with motorcycle makers (agent) and reviewed by EPA “Motorcycle emission control research committee”, the contents of the 5th motorcycle standards have been confirmed.2.Low emission motorcycle technology evaluation:a.Collecting and category the global low emission technology information and evaluate the effectiveness, the information will provide to be the reference of low emission motorcycle technology evaluation.b.Sourcing the low emission motorcycle products for benchmarking test, Honda Dio_Z4 and Crea Stop & Go two models had been collected and been benchmark test.c.Collecting the local low emission motorcycle technology capability information, and several low emission parameters been studied (including: A/F control and three way cartelist).d.To reference the global low emission motorcycle technology development status and trend, to propose the short , medium and long term low emission motorcycle technology items, the suggestions will provide to EPA for reference.e.Propose the short term low emission technology developing items, provide to EPA for the reference of later on low emission mo 093 空保處 工研院機械所
32117135 優先行業指紋資料建置計畫(廢棄物處理業) 計畫目標為針對國內現存廢棄物處理業進行調查,建立該行業主要產製程指紋資料「廢棄物處理業」10家之產製程與其廢棄物(含廢水/廢液或固體廢棄物/污泥)檢測指紋資料。工作內容為:一、廢棄物特性與化學組成之指紋建置,針對國內現存廢棄物處理業進行調查,建立該行業主要產製程指紋資料,其內容包括:(一)收集彙整及分析國內廢棄物處理業廠家之原物料、製程、污染防制設施及廢棄物產質產量等相關資料,訂定篩選代表性之廠家或製程之規範,並據以選定訪查之廠家。 (二)本署資料庫及文獻資料中與產製程相關之成分指紋資料蒐集彙整。若廠家使用之原物料為商品名稱時,應由其物質安全資料(MSDS)確認其原料商品之主次要成分物質。(三)廢棄物物性、有害特性(成分)資料建立:填寫表2.2-1廢棄物物性及表2.2-2廢棄物有害特性,並經由現場訪查與簡易檢測(測定其pH值、閃火點(有機溶劑)、……)加以確認。(四)依據上述(一)至(三)收集之資料,規劃篩選採樣對象及樣品數量分配之原則,並依據該原則撰寫計畫書,規劃至少採集10家50件樣品。採樣計畫書並應於採樣前三十天送本所審核通過後據以執行。 (五)化學組成資料建立:所採集之樣品,依其製程或廢棄物來源分別執行有機及無機之分析,若由其製程或廢棄物來源可判定樣品僅無機成分或有機成分時,得僅進行無機或有機之分析,分析樣品數不得少於45件。分述如下:1.有機分析部分:(1)以GC/MS或(及) HPLC方式分析,均須使用極性及非極性兩種層析管柱進行分離,並針對樣品主成分、次要成分及微量成分進行半定量分析。若樣品為石油碳氫化合物時,以GC/FID取代GC/MS進行分析。(2)以FTIR或熱解GC進行樣品官能基或聚合物成分鑑定。(3)若樣品主成分為溶劑時,視需要應進行分餾前處理後再行分析。2.無機分析部分:(1)以ICP/OES或ICP/MS 進行樣品之主成分、次要成分及微量金屬成分半定量分析;並視需要以XRF進行分析。(2)以IC進行陰離子或鹽類之主成分、次要成分及微量成分半定量。(六)所有篩選、半定量TIC掃描圖譜或其他圖譜須製成可索引光碟,光碟片中應建立:1.有機資料包括:(1)工廠與樣品圖譜之索引資料(每一樣品必須說明其來源與形態)(2)GC/MS之TIC 圖譜(或GC/FID、HPLC之層析圖譜)(3)FTIR或熱解GC圖譜(4)表列每一樣品質譜儀分析之主要化合物、次要化合物、微量成分,及其半定量檢測結果。2.無機資料包括:(1)工廠與樣品圖譜之索引資料(每一樣品必須說明其來源與形態)(2)ICP/OES或ICP/MS之掃描圖譜(3)XRF之掃描圖譜(視需要)(4)IC圖譜(5)表列每一樣品質譜儀分析之主要化合物、次要化合物、微量成分,及其半定量檢測結果 。3.填寫表2.2-3廢棄物化學組成。(七)撰寫相關廢棄物處理業產製程之廢棄物指紋採證、特性與化學組成指紋評析報告。 The Fingerprints Database Project of Priority Industry (Waste Treatment Industry) First, fingerprint construction that offal characteristic and chemistry make up, carry on the investigation to extant offal treatment industry, to set up fingerprint materials, significant manufacture procedures about offal treatment industry. its content includes: 1.Collect and analyze offal treatment industry original supplies, manufacture procedures, pollution abatement facilities data to set up the sieve principle. and finally, according to the principle to select the factories to be investigated. 2. Use materials safety data sheet (MSDS) of material to confirm main composition and secondary composition of sample. 3.The physical property, harmful characteristic (composition): fill in table 2.2-1 and 2.2-2, and investigating and measuring simple and easily test (determine its pH value , the fire flashes point ……). 4.According to above-mentioned from (1) to (3) data that collect, to fix a plan about sample target and sample principle that quantity assign to sieve, and write the prospectus according to this principle, plan to gather 50 samples of 10 factories at least. The prospectus should also be in order to carry out after handing over our institute and verifying, passing in 30 days before. 5. To set up chemistry composition of the materials: Sample gathered, make in accordance with it manufacture procedures or offal source carry out organic and analysis of inorganic respectively, make by it manufacture procedures or offal source can judge sample inorganic composition or at the organic composition only, must only carry on the inorganic or organic analysis, it is analyzed that samples are counted and can#t be less than 45. Divide and state it as follows: 6. All screening, half quantitative TIC scan atlas and other atlas should be set up in the disc: 7.Collect data of relevant offal treatment industry procedures and compile fingerprints of chemistry characteristic and chemistry make up. finally, write the evaluation and analysis report of fingerprint. 093 環檢所 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 葉峻榕、台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 郭淑清、台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 曾建博、台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 廖宜賢、台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 賴建璋、台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 潘宗吾
32117136 工業園區環境(污泥及河川底泥)中特殊污染物調查分析研究 本計畫配合環境污染物指紋資料庫推動小組,建置重大污染源之環境污染物指紋資訊,提供環境污染物指紋鑑別或查詢。針對石化業、資料儲存媒體製造及複製業不同的製程廢棄物進行現場訪查及化學分析。石化業經10個條件篩選代表性廠家,分別是:F00123569等15家,共採集25種樣品;資料儲存媒體製造及複製業經11個條件篩選代表性廠家,分別是:F1512978等10家,共採集20種樣品。本計畫於進場採樣前需撰寫採樣計畫書,內容應詳細記載廠家基本資料,並且依照廢棄物採樣標準作業程序,對於採樣現場環境及廢棄物特性,進行採樣工作之安全措施規劃。本計畫代表性樣品分析流程包括:簡易物性測試、有機鑑定分析(GC/MS及PGC/MS)及無機鑑定分析(ICP-AES及IC)。簡易物性測試項目有六種,分別為:物理性質測試、燃燒試驗、氧化物試驗、過氧化物試驗、硫化物試驗及氰化物試驗。本計畫綜合現場訪查資料及實驗室分析資料製作環境指紋評析報告,並協助建置此二行業環境指紋資料庫。建議持續追蹤及更新環境指紋資訊,使本資料庫能提供最新之環境污染物指紋鑑別或查詢服務,應用於快速追查污染源。 The Study of Characteristic Pollutants in Sludge and Benthal Deposit within Industrial Parks This plan cooperates with the fingerprint database of environmental pollutant to promote the group, the environmental pollutant fingerprint information of the great pollution sources of construction, offer environmental pollutant fingerprint to distinguish or inquire about. To petrochemical industry , materials store media make and duplicate go on investigate and chemical analysis live different of making offal Cheng.The petrochemical industry has been screened the representativeness producer by 10 conditions , separately: 15 , such as F00123569 ,etc., gather 25 kinds of samples altogether; The materials store the media to make and duplicate and has been screened the representativeness producer by 11 terms, separately: 10 families , such as F00123569 ,etc., gather 20 kinds of samples altogether.Sampling prospectus need ago to sample to march into the factory, the content should record producer#s basic materials in detail , according to the offal standard operation procedure , the on-the-spot environment and offal characteristic for sampling , the safety measure of carrying on the sample work is planned.This plan representativeness sample is analysed the procedure includes: Simple and easy test , appraising organically analysing (GC/MS and PGC/MS ) and the inorganic determine that analyses (ICP-AES and IC ). There are six kinds of simple and easy test projects, including: The physical property testing, burnt testing, the oxide testing, the peroxide testing, the sulphide testing and the cyanide testing. This plan synthesizes the scene and lab analysis to make the evaluation and analysis report of environmental fingerprint , and help this two trade environmental fingerprint databases of construction. Propose tracking and upgrading environmental fingerprint information continuously , enable a database to offer the latest environmental pollutant fingerprint to distinguish or inquire service, apply to trace the pollution sources fast. 093 環檢所 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 賴建璋;台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 潘宗吾;台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 葉峻榕;台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 郭淑清;台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 曾建博;台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 廖宜賢
32117137 特殊指標鑑定技術的建立與調查應用計畫(一)--建立安定性同位素分析技術 本計畫目標為建立以安定性同位素分析技術為主體之環境法醫應用鑑定技術,使實際應用於環境污染案件產源追查或關聯性鑑定上,以提升國內環境法醫鑑定技術的層次與能力。本計畫建立GC-IRMS CSIA之精密度、準確度等品質績效數據。彙整24篇相關文獻,待測物包括多氯聯苯、有機氯溶劑、汽油等。應用範圍包括污染源鑑定及整治復育成效評估。建議94年度工作為「地下水有機溶劑污染案」之污染源檢驗比對鑑識和整治成效關聯性鑑定;95年度工作為「中石化安順廠址污染專案調查」污染源檢驗比對鑑識和及整治之和整治復育成效評估。ThermoFinnigan DeltaPLUS Advantage + GC/C-III interface Trace GC GC-IRMS儀器之準備包括:擬定儀器租售規格、採購標準氣體和標準品、4.4.3 準備空間與環境、裝機驗收、人員訓練、撰寫標準操作程序。儀器於2004-8-11運送至清華大學;2004-8-16開始進行裝機、3Q測試及人員操作訓練。2004-9-22完成驗收。因缺dual inlet,無法校驗質譜儀感度大於1離子/1200二氧化碳分子外,請原廠出具證明書。餘皆符合工作內容。並依據訓練內容和實作經驗,完成「GC-IRMS儀器標準操作程序」及「GC-IRMS儀器校驗程序」。探討儀器分析條件,得知:(1) Mix-B Calibrator感度在數十ng範圍,Aroclor 感度在數百ng範圍;不同物種之感度差異,差別不大。(2)以Mix-B Calibrator及CO2參考氣體,測試儀器之精密度,同日內精密度平均標準偏差0.20~0.36?(CV=0.63~1.09%),異日間精密度平均標準偏差0.29?(CV=0.93%);(3) 以Mix-B Calibrator及CO2參考氣體,測試儀器之準確度,實測值與參考值差異在0.07~0.63?間,十二種成分在0.30?以內。(4)不同品牌二氯甲烷,可以13C安定性同位素分析技術辨別,初步證實94年度計畫之可行性。建議進行94年度「地下水有機溶劑污染案」之污染源檢驗比對鑑識和整治成效關聯性鑑定。 Establishment and Application of CSIA technology Plane sec.1--Establishment of Stable Isotope Analysis technology Set up performance data of quality , such as precision, accuracy of GC-IRMS CSIA ,etc. in this plan. Gather together 24 whole relevant documents, await measuring the thing including many chlorine unite the benzene , organic chlorine solvent , petrol etc.. The range of application including pollution sources determines and renovates and replies the effect of breeding to assess. Propose that the work examined and knew and renovated the related qualification of the effect than to the ancient bronze mirror for the pollution sources of # the organic solvent polluting case of groundwater # in 2005; One year work is it is it educate effect assess to reply to renovate for # China Petrochemical Industry Anshun site of factory pollute special project investigate # pollution sources examine than know to ancient bronze mirror and and renovate. The planning to include of ThermoFinnigan DeltaPLUS Advantage + GC/C-III interface Trace GC GC-IRMS instrument: Draft that the instrument rent and sell the specification , purchases the standard gas and standard product , prepares the space and environment , installation confirmation , personnel and trains , writes S.O.P. on 4.4.3. The instrument transports to Tsing-Hua University in 2004-8-11; Begin to test installation, 3Q by 2004-8-16 and personnel operate and train. 2004-9-22 finishes confirming. Because lack dual inlet, unable check-up mass spectrograph sense degree greater than 1 ion / 1200 carbon dioxide outside the member , ask the former factory to provide the testimonial. I all accord with the working content. And according to training the content and doing experience in fact, finish # GC-IRMS instrument S.O.P. # and # GC-IRMS instrument check-up procedure #. Probe into the instrument and analyse the condition , we learn : (1)Mix-B Calibrator sense degree is on several dozen ng ranges, Aroclor sense degree is on several hundred ng ranges; One degree of differences of sense of different species, the difference is not big. (2)Consult the gas with Mix-B Calibrator and CO2, the p 093 環檢所 邵震茹
32117138 環境檢測類盲樣配製技術研究及盲測樣品供應計畫 檢測能力計畫 (Proficiency Test Program, PTP)在行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所(以下簡稱環保署環檢所)對於環境分析檢驗室的管理是一個非常重要的步驟。本盲樣配製計畫主要依據環保法規標準之管制項目,研究水質類及廢棄物類盲樣配製技術。配製之水質類及廢棄物類模擬樣品,供應環境檢測機構及各級環保單位盲樣測試所需之樣品,俾持續監督管理及有效輔導各檢驗室之檢測能力,確保檢測數據之品質。計畫主要工作重點及成果簡要說明如下:1.完成水中氯鹽、氟鹽、硫酸鹽、導電度等盲樣中,增加硬度之配製技術,建立水中硬度盲樣之配製技術。2.完成以真實樣品配製廢棄物TCLP重金屬盲樣之技術建立。3.完成水中 12 項次 41 批次 1730 瓶之盲測樣品配製,項目包括氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總磷、酚類、硼、銀、陰離子界面活性劑、六價鉻、真色色度、氰化物、硫化物等。4.完成廢棄物TCLP萃出液之9 項次 2 批次 60 組模擬樣品製備,項目包括六價鉻、砷、鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鋅、硒、汞等。5.協助環檢所盲樣配製技術建立,辦理理論介紹課程、實務操作觀摩及現地技術指導,項目包括水中氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總磷、酚類、硼、銀、陰離子界面活性劑、六價鉻、真色色度等 10 項。 Program of Research of Performance Evaluation Sample Preparation Technology and Performance Evaluation sample Supply Proficiency Test Program (PTP) is a very important work in the management of environmental analysis laboratory for National Institute of Environment Analysis (NIEA) in ROC. This program has been last for 10 years under the financial support of EPA, the main purpose of this program is working on the preparation and R/D of PE samples for EPA, which are used as Proficiency test sample for the management of environmental analysis laboratory in Taiwan. The major works of this year project include:1.Study the preparation technique of PE samples in water with Chloride, Fluoride, Sulfate, Conductivity and Hardness in one bottle, hardness is a new item in this year#s project.2.Study the technique for the preparation of TCLP PE samples with 8 heavy metals from real waste matrix.3.Preparation of PE samples for water category in the PTP tests, including Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, total phosphorous, Phenol groups, Boron, Silver, ABS, hexa-valent Chromium, Color, Cyanide, and Sulfide in water. At least, 41 batches, and 1730 bottles of PE samples had been prepared.4.Preparation of PE samples of TCLP for Waste category in the PTP tests, including hexa-valent Chromium, Cadmium, Copper, Zinc, Chromium, Lead, Arsenic, Selenium, and Mercury. Two batches and at least 60 bottles for each batch had been prepared.5.Transfer the PE sample preparation techniques established in past 10 years, including introduction in class: basic reference material, ISO/IEC Guide 31~35, how to design preparation plan, and real practice in laboratory. In first stage 10 items of preparation techniques had been transfer, those items were Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, total phosphorous, Phenol Groups, Boron, Silver, ABS, hexa-valent Chromium and Color. 093 環檢所 工研院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 吳堉鑾
32117139 鋼鐵冶煉業集塵灰之指紋技術建置計畫 近幾年來國內屢次發現不明場址被任意傾倒事業廢棄物的情形,其中發現有些不明場址被傾倒之廢棄物是屬於集塵灰類之廢棄物,因此如何有效且快速的找出任意傾倒事業廢棄物的元兇,並遏止非法棄置之歪風,是一個很重要的課題。由本計畫研究成果所建立之集塵灰鑑識方法能有效及快速的區分出鋼鐵業集塵灰與非鋼鐵業集塵灰,其區分方式是由鐵、鋅含量及XRD圖譜來研判是鋼鐵業集塵灰或非鋼鐵業集塵灰。在鋼鐵業各煉鋼廠集塵灰之指紋鑑識方法則是由以下幾個參數來作為研判工具:1. 特性:外觀、顏色、形狀、pH值、粒徑2. 物性:結晶性、表面結構3. 化性:金屬元素種類與含量、戴奧辛含量與濃度分佈、碳/硫含量、磷、錳、氟、氯含量。由上述參數所建立之指紋資料庫可作為不明場址集塵灰產源鑑識比對研判之工具,並配合廠家現場訪查與稽核及各廠家申報集塵灰量與集塵灰處理情形,與地源關係等各種因素來評論疑似來自那一廠家之集塵灰。由本計畫所建立之集塵灰指紋鑑識程序及採證方法,經由幾個案例說明評論結果對於非鋼鐵業集塵灰之鑑識與研判是有效及快速方法,對於鋼鐵業集塵灰則可由鎳、鉻、鉬、鎢、鈦來區分出碳鋼業或不銹鋼業集塵灰,再由戴奧辛含量及濃度分佈、XRD圖譜、pH值、碳/硫、磷、錳、鈣、釩等元素含量來區分碳鋼業中的型鋼、盤元、鋼筋等不同產品製造時所產生集塵灰之指紋特性,作為不明集塵灰產源追蹤鑑識比對研判,及評論可能是來自於那一個碳鋼業廠家之集塵灰。 The plan of a fingerprint identification lab method to identify the origins of ash generated from the steel industry In the past few years, we have found that industrial waste has been illegally dumped at some sites, and some of the waste was of the ash type waste. Hence, it is imperative that we identify the companies responsible for such illegal dumping in an effective, swift manner so as to prevent the occurrence of such illegal dumping in the future. A lab method has been established in this study. In the method, first, the chemical constituents such as iron and zinc and XRD may be used to determine whether such waste is from a steel factory or from a non-steel factory. If waste has been determined as coming from a steel factory, the following parameters may be used: 1. General characteristics: appearance, color, shape, pH value and the diameter of particles2. Physical characteristics: crystallinity and superficial structure3. Chemical composition: metallic elements and their quantities, the content of dioxins and its distribution, the contents of carbon and sulfur, the contents of phosphor, manganese, fluorine and chlorine. We can use these parameters along with the following to pinpoint/identify the origins of waste: (1) The data gathered from on-site interviews with and checks on the relevant factories/companies (2) Data submitted by the relevant factories/companies regarding the quantity of ash and how ash has been handled (3) Geographical proximity. In this study, this method will be illustrated by several examples. First, the chemical constituents such as Ni, Cr, Mo and Ti may be used to determine whether waste is from a stainless steel factory or from a carbon steel factory. If waste comes from a carbon steel factory, XRD, pH value and the chemical constituents such as carbon/sulfur, phosphor, manganese, calcium and vanadium may be used to pinpoint the origin(s) of waste (because different types of steel and steel products have different pH values and Chemical composition). 093 環檢所
32117140 排放管道粒狀污染物檢測比測執行計畫(Ⅱ) 模擬煙道是為內徑約60 cm,高約14 m之垂直管道,一具十五匹馬力的風車,以及前後進氣孔與出氣孔的過濾設備所組成。本計畫邀請32家檢測機構參與煙道採樣,每家檢測機構在3種風速和3種粉塵輸出量,產生共計9種組合編號下,進行2種組合編號的盲測。研究的主要目的包括維護排放管道氣、粒狀污染物檢測比測系統(模擬煙囪)正常運轉操作。進行(空氣檢測類)檢測機構之盲測業務,針對32家領有排放管道粒狀污染物檢測機構進行比測,利用歷年累積排放管道粒狀污染物檢測比測數據,建立更佳之粒狀物質量濃度統計模式,探討煙道內微粒成份(含光學特性)、粒徑分佈、數目濃度、表面積濃度、重量濃度等。 結果顯示2004年煙道粒狀污染物統計模式其迴歸模型的R2= 0.85,也就是說模型解釋的程度將近達到百分之八十五左右,相較於歷年的資料今年的粒狀污染物統計模式解釋力提升,這暗示著檢測機構對於煙道粒狀物的檢測能力上升,需要加強訓練和教育。此外,在相同微粒質量濃度下,微粒的粒徑大小會產生不同的不透光度,因此,空污費依此不透光度標準進行徵收,必須考量製成產生微粒的粒徑分佈。 Proficiency Analytical Testing Program of Stack Samplings(Ⅱ) The testing system simulating a stack is composed of an inlet filtration unit, a 15 HP blower, a 13.4 m height, 60 cm diameter stainless steel duck, and an outlet filtration (bag house collector). Three levels of velocity and three levels of dust feeding rate were chosen for operational conditions in this project year. Thirty-Two private certified laboratories were invited and randomly assigned to 2 out of 9 conditions. The main objective of the present study is to operate a pilot stack system to keep on establishing a database of measurements of stationary sources. This database was subject to further statistical analysis for performance proficiency. Other objective is to improve, operate and maintain a device (simulating a stack) for validating the measurement of particulate from stationary sources. To Produce unknown dust concentrations for evaluate the sampling performance of the private certified laboratories by the statistical analysis model of the 2001 and 2002 year. Generating different kinds and aerosol concentrations in the laboratory to evaluate number, surface, volume and mass concentrations.The results showed that a statistical model of aerosol was derived and found to be able to explain over 85% of the variation in this year, this indicated that the ability of stack particulate measurements in this year may be higher than last year for private certified laboratories. Certified laboratories need to make a strengthen training and education about stack sampling. Furthermore, aerosol particles of the same mass concentration may have different opacity readings primarily due to the difference in size distribution. Therefore, aerosol size distribution of emitted particulate matter needs to be considered if opacity meter is to be used as the continuous emission monitor. 093 環檢所
32117141 重大污染源指紋建檔計畫 依據環保署92年度委辦「環境污染物指紋建檔綱要計畫」規劃內容,環保署擬以三年期間(93年至95年)投入約7,000萬元經費,逐步建立國內主要事業別有害事業廢棄物指紋成分資料檔,並發展為環境污染物指紋檢索系統,以便日後能協助環保署及全國各縣市環保單位稽查鑑定非法棄置事業廢棄物的來源,將不法業者繩之以法無所遁形。「環境污染物指紋建檔綱要計畫」建議11個優先建立指紋庫的行業,環保署環檢所於今年的委辦計畫中分別針對其中石化原料業及資料儲存媒體製造及複製業、印刷電路板製造業、電子管製造業、光電材料及元件業、半導體業及廢棄物處理業等列為第一優先行業分別建置其指紋資料庫。本計畫的工作內容主要分兩部份:環境指紋資料庫建置和電子管製造業廢棄物特性與化學組成指紋建置。其中環境指紋資料庫建置部份實為各行業別廢棄物特性與化學組成指紋建置委辦計畫的上位計畫,針對今年各指紋資料庫委辦計畫,甚至94年至95年委辦計畫,研訂一套標準作業程序,包括各行業代表性廠家/製程篩選原則、廢棄物樣品的標準檢測作業程序及其他共同之表格等,以期各委辦計畫的作業一致化,在三年內完成廢棄物指紋成分資料建檔工作。在電子管製造業廢棄物特性與化學組成指紋建置方面,本計畫以環保署廢管處管制中心清理計畫書為主,收集彙整國內電子管製造業廠家之原物料、製程、污染防制設施、廢棄物產生種類和數量等資料,篩選具代表性廠家製程8家,採集28個樣品,選擇其中15個樣品,依上位計畫的規劃流程完成檢測工作,並將檢測結果鍵入環境指紋資料庫。 Establish the Environmental Pollutants Fingerprints Data-base The Taiwan EPA has planed to invest 70 millions NT dollars from 2004 to 2006 to stepwise build up the fingerprints database of the Taiwan major industrial sectors in accordance with the contracted project “Establish the Plan Structure of Environmental Pollutants Fingerprints Database System” in 2003. This fingerprints database will be developed to assist Taiwan to track the origin of illegal dumping of industrial waste.The above mentioned suggests the fingerprints database to be built up with high priority for eleven industrial sectors. This year the contracted project of Taiwan EPA has regarded the petrochemical raw material industry, data storage media production and copying industry, printed circuit board manufacturing industry, electric tube manufacturing industry, opto-electronics material and components industry, semi-conductor and waste treatment industry, as the industries that have the first priority to build up the fingerprints database.The major works of this project consists of two parts: the build-up of the environmental fingerprints database and the fingerprints build-up of the waste characteristics and chemical compositions of electronic tube manufacturing industry. The purpose of the project is to forge out a set of standard operation procedures for all the contracted projects of fingerprints database this year and even for the year 2005 to 2006. The content of this standard operation procedure include the screening criteria of selecting the representative plant/ process among each sector, standard testing metods and documentation of the all other forms and tables in common use. The goal is to bring a consensus operation for all the contracted projects and to accomplish the build-up of the waste fingerprints component data file in three years. 093 環檢所 喻南華
32117142 工業園區廢水及地下水中特殊污染物質調查分析研究計畫 台灣過去30多年來產業的快速發展,造就經濟高度成長,但也衍生了廢棄物處理處置的問題,加上部分業者不守法,而有廢棄物隨意棄置的情形發生。行政院環保署為掌握國內事業廢棄物產出特性與流向,擬建置各行業別事業廢棄物指紋資料庫,作為日後進行非法棄置行為追查之參考。本計畫主要以印刷電路板製造業產出之廢棄物進行特性調查,計畫執行期間首先將篩選各行業具代表性廠家,並進行實地採樣檢測。印刷電路板製造業代表性廠家之篩選原則,係針對各行業之製程予以分類,再依此行業經營有成,大型事業具有代表性、廢棄物量大、廢棄物處理方式、地理位置及非屬特定對象等因素予以綜合評定,希望能藉代表性廠家的檢測數據建置出一套可以含括印刷電路板製造業中不同製程、不同規模、不同地理位置等參數在內之指紋資料庫。為了瞭解在印刷電路板工廠較密集的工業區其廢水及地下水中之污染物質是否與工業區因印刷電路板工廠較密集而所排放的廢棄物有所關聯,本計畫亦將針對國內印刷電路板工廠密度較高的三個工業區,即中壢工業區、平鎮工業區及龜山工業區,分別就工業區廢水、地下水及雨水下水道的廢水進行採樣及檢測,以求取其關聯性。本計畫欲研究的領域包括:(一)針對國內現存印刷電路板製造業(2730)進行調查,完成25家之產製程與其廢棄物(含廢水/廢液或固體廢棄物/污泥)檢測指紋資料建置;(二)完成相關工業區廢水及地下水樣品至少5件檢測。 The Survey and Analysis of Specific Pollutants of the Wastewater and Groundwater in the Industrial Parks The rapid development of the industries has created highly economic growth in Taiwan for the past thirty years, however, it also derived the treatment and disposal problems of waste, and due to the fact that some manufacturers do not obey the laws and regulations of the wastes, therefore, the illegal dumping has occurred occasionally. In order to control the properties and distribution of these wastes, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China (EPA-ROC) has decided to set up fingerprinting databases for various industries. These fingerprinting databases will be used for illegal dumping investigation in the future. One of the goals of this project is to survey the wastes produced by printed circuit board (PCB) industry. The representative factories of all PCB industry will be selected at the beginning of this project, then the wastes of these representative factories will be sampled and analyzed. It hopes that, based on the analysis data sampled from these representative factories, a fingerprinting database can be established. This project will also sample and analyze the wastewater and groundwater of three industrial parks to understand the relationship between the wastewater and groundwater of the industrial parks and the wastes produced by the PCB factories. The content of this project includes:(1)to survey and complete the sampling and analysis of the manufacturing process wastes of 25 representative PCB factories of the PCB industry, and then to establish the fingerprinting database;(2)to complete at least 5 samples of wastewater and groundwater from the industrial parks. 093 環檢所 工業技術研究院環安中心 王吉孚
32117143 環境荷爾蒙調查研究(3/3) 本計畫以美國環保署公告方法4425為品管要求進行MVLN雌激素專一性轉錄分析法之建立與標準化,其評估項目包括冷光酵素檢量線建立、檢體溶劑選擇與用量影響評估、檢體暴露時間影響評估、雌激素標準品檢量線建立、檢測感度與精密度。冷光酵素標準曲線線性方程式為y=2274.6x-1.6944(0.01 ~ 0.16 pg/ml),相關係數(r2)達0.9985,有很好的線性關係,精密度RSD % 範圍1.40 ~ 14.43 %,冷光酵素偵測極限可達0.01 pg/ml。DMSO、Methylene chloride(MECL)、Hexane(HX)、Methanol(MEOH)、Isooctane(ISOT)與Acetone(ACT)六種溶劑對MVLN之細胞毒性大小順序為HX>DMSO>ACT MEOH>MECL ISOT,要讓MVLN細胞存活率低於80 %之溶劑濃度分別為HX 0.5 %、DMSO 2 %、ACT 8 %、MEOH 8 %、MECL>8 %、ISOT>8 %。MVLN細胞暴露於雌激素(E2)下之冷光值會隨著E2的濃度而上升,具濃度效應,其標準曲線均呈Sigmoidal curve,約1 nM已達最大效應。MVLN細胞暴露於雌激素 1、2、3天之濃度-相對雌激活性圖樣與RSD %並無太大差異,整體實驗重覆數3~6次之RSD %範圍為0.18 ~ 15.23 %。另MVLN細胞暴露於雌激素 1、2、3天之細胞檢測感度分別為1.59 pM、0.29 pM及2.54 pM。本計畫完成方法確立後進行42種塑化劑之雌激素活性檢測與四種塑化劑間的交互作用評估,結果發現42種塑化劑中有五種塑化劑Butyl benzyl phthalate( BBP,10 uM)、Bis(4-methyl-2-pentyl)phthalate (BMPP,10 uM)、Diethoxyethyl phthalate(DEEP,1,10 uM)、Hexyl-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (HEHP,10 uM) 及Monobenzyl phthalate(MBP,10 uM)呈現顯著雌激素效應(p<0.01)。這五種的對雌激素的相對力價分別為BBP(1/2.44×106)、BMPP(1/1.42×106)、DEEP(1/4.50×105)、HEHP(1/3.76×106)及MBP(1/1.81×106),此結果顯示這五種塑化劑是屬弱雌激性化學物質。在交互作用方面,結果初步推論BBP、BMPP、DEEP、HEHP可能沒有發生物種間與對雌激素間的交互作用。 Investigation on environmental hoemones (3/3) This plan established and standardized the MVLN estrogen specific transcription assay according to QC/QA criteria of USEPA method 4425. The evaluated items included establishment of luciferase standard curve, evaluation of solvent selection for sample and used quantity, evaluation of exposure time of sample, establishment of 17b-estradiol (E2) standard curve, and detection sensitivity and precision. The luciferase standard curve gave the equation of y = 2274.6X -1.6944 after linear regression(0.01 ~ 0.16 pg/ml). The correlation coefficient of the linear regression analysis achieved 0.9985. The precision and detection limit were 1.40 ~ 14.43 %(RSD) and 0.01 pg/ml, respectively. The cytotoxicity of MVLN to DMSO, methylene chloride(MECL), hexane(HX), methanol(MEOH), isooctane(ISOT)and acetone(ACT)decreased in the order of HX>DMSO>ACT  MEOH>MECL  ISOT. The luciferase induction was increased as the concentration of E2 increased. The standard curve showed sigmoidal pattern having Cmax at 1 nM. Exposure time of MVLN cells to E2 (1~3 days) did not affect significantly their concentration-estrogenicity plots. The precision of E2 in 3 to 6 replicates were 0.18 ~ 15.23 %. The detection limit for E2 exposure time of 1, 2 and 3 days were 1.59 pM, 0.29 pM and 2.54 pM, respectively. The method was further applied to estimate the estrogenicity of 42 plasticizers and interactions between 4 plasticizers. The results revealed that 5 plasticizers as butyl benzyl phthalate(BBP,10 uM)、bis(4-methyl-2-pentyl)phthalate (BMPP,10 uM)、diethoxyethyl phthalate(DEEP,1,10 uM)、hexyl-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (HEHP,10 uM) and monobenzyl phthalate(MBP,10 uM)possessed significant estrogenicity (p<0.01). In case of interaction study, the results implied that BBP, BMPP, DEEP, HEHP and E2 have possibly no interaction each other. 093 環檢所 藥學系 陳福安
32117144 空氣中揮發性有機化合物檢測干擾之研究(一) 本研究最主要的目的為探討環境檢驗所現所公告之不鏽鋼採樣-氣相層析質譜儀方法(NIEA A715.11B)中丙酮、2-丁酮、甲基異丁酮、乙晴;、丙烯晴;、乙酸乙烯酯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、氯乙烯、1,3-丁二烯、苯乙烯、六氯丁烯、甲醇及氯甲基苯等13項化合物之檢測濃度最大適用範圍及在不同氣溫(15、25及35℃)、不同相對溼度(以75﹪篩選做上下調整相對溼度)下,13項化合物檢測方法準確度之變化、樣品保存期限、容許進樣體積、除水條件及所有可能影響分析結果之干擾問題,並且研究擴增新檢測項目(如酮、醛及酯類)之可行性。 A study on interferences in the analysis of atmospheric VOCs The aim of this study is to research interference factor for13 kinds of compounds that include methanol, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, vinyl chloride, acetone, 1,3-butadiene, 2-butanone, vinyl acetate, Methyl Methacrylate, Methyl Isobtyl ketone, chlorobenzene, styrene, hexachlorobutadiene in the analysis method, 093 環檢所
32117145 九十三年度環保署委託計畫檢測數據品保查核計畫 環境檢驗所有鑑於環境數據品質的重要性,乃積極推動全國環境數據品質保證方案之實施,將環保署的業務處,均納入環境數據品質保證作業的管制。此一品保方案的要求,並適用於環保署支援之所有與環境檢測及監測相關之各種專案研究計畫。針對環保署各業務處(所),涉及環境檢測並提出品保規劃書審查之委託計畫,依據各計畫檢測工作的期程,於期中報告及期末報告前,各安排乙次訪查,依照「通過」、「修正」、「需複查」的模式執行本計畫的訪查工作。本年度特別設計表單調查各計畫經理人對數據品質之期望,以供後續赴現場訪談時列為重點。此外,依據各計畫執行單位之品保等級設計「執行單位品保品管自評表」,並於本計畫依環檢所延聘專家赴現場訪談時參考。品保規劃書是檢視計畫執行單位達成檢測數據品質目標的重要依據,事先將品保規劃書送訪查委員事先瞭解,以便執行訪查。本年度於執行環保署各業務處(所)委託計畫,品保品管現場查訪共計執行四十一案、五十一件次。本計畫配合環境檢驗所相關業務計畫舉辦「檢測數據品保品管座談會」兩場,一場於10/2假國立台灣大學第二學生活動中心舉辦,一場於12/24假國立台灣大學社會學院國際會議廳舉辦,會中對執行計畫相關人員簡報歷年訪查缺失及今年訪查相關事項,以期能避免缺失重複發生。本年度輔導規劃及執行採樣檢測業務品保品管計畫,於10/16假高雄市環保局舉行輔導講習,計有高雄市、高雄縣、台南縣、台北縣出席。12/24與桃園縣環保局進行個別輔導。。協助署內業務處訂出品保數據目標,選擇「固定污染源揮發性有機物排放量清查、處理效率效率查核暨最佳可行控制技術建立計畫」,分別與二個檢測機構建立品保數據目標範例二件。本計畫完成翻譯「Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans」2002年版,建立新版「94年度品保規劃書撰寫要項草案」、建立新版「94年度品保規劃書審核表草案」及製作新版品保規書示範本一件。 Quality Assurance Project Plan of EPA projects data audit Environmental data is very important in the policy-making process. EPA has contracted lots of projects for monitoring, collecting, and analyzing the environmental data. In order to obtain high quality data, series of control processes should be conducted including sampling, sample storage and handling, instrument calibrations and measurements and data processing.The primary goal of Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is to ensure that all environmental data, derived by contracted project, are of sufficient quality to support the data#s intended use. An audit program is necessary to make sure that the quality of QAPP has been fulfilled. This project has been conducted to evaluate the data quality of EPA contracted projects.41 EPA projects were audited for 51 times, including 10 re-audited projects. The first seminars were held on 10/16 at NTU Second Student Activity Center and the second seminar were held on 12/24 at NTU International Conference Hall of Dean of Law.Hold two meeting to assist local environmental protection bureau for configuration and execution the QAPP on 10/16 and 12/24.Assist the project of Dept. of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control, EPA to set up two sets of data quality objective (DQO).Translated the USEPA 2002「Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans」and developed the draft of new version「Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans」and 「Checklist of Quality Assurance Project Plans」. One sample plan had been developed by using the format of USEPA 2002「Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans」. The goals of this project have been fulfilled after all. 093 環檢所
32117146 九十三年度機車排氣分析儀巡迴查核檢校專案計畫 本計畫依據工作契約書之規範,已完成預定之各項工作,對於本計畫,工作小組提出之結論如下:一、本年度之總查核檢校站數為1952站次。調查結果全國定檢站共1893家,查核結果4站申請停站,59站不合格,總體不合格率為3.1%。查核不合格之定檢站均已完成複檢,複檢結果全部合格。二、本計畫實施增加複檢頻率之再查核工作,查核對象為初檢不合格之定檢站、環檢所外部查核不合格之定檢站與查核偏差較大之定檢站共400站次,再查核結果有2站仍不合格,工作人員已現場開立改善建議書並已完成複檢,複檢結果均合格。三、本計畫實施標準氣體比對作業1889站,主要分布在0-2%之間,約佔所有校正氣體的90%。四、由初檢查核不合格原因分析可知屬於儀器本身問題(包含採樣系統問題與線性偏差)之數量為48台,佔全體不合格數量比率之81.4%,屬於人為校正不確實之問題有11台,佔全體不合格數量比率之18.6%,這資料顯示定檢站人員有加強再教育之必要。五、由本年度查核資料與歷年查核資料之機齡分析結果,可知雖然分析儀機齡較高者其查核不合格率亦有較高趨勢,但機齡較低者若未經適當保養亦會有較高之不合格率。六、由91年度到93年度之查核結果來看,自全面普查以來不合格率有下降趨勢,顯見定檢站對於分析儀之檢測品質之維繫觀念已落實。 2004years vehicle emission analyzers audit and calibrate project This project according to the standard of the contract, and various works that have already completed to schedule. For the conclusion is as follows: One, this year the audit and calibrate 1952 vehicle emission analyzers, the total work is 1893 times. The result shows the 4 stations that applicant for nonworking, and 59 stations are unqualified, unqualified rate is 3.1%. The audit unqualified station all have already completed the recheck, and the recheck result is all qualified. Two, this project increases the recheck frequencies, and it is total 400 stations that contain the beginning-audited unqualified stations, and NIEA audited unqualified stations and the deviation stations. The result has 2 stations still unqualified, the staff members had already drawn improvement suggestion and had already completed the recheck, which the result was all qualified.Three, this project carries out the standard air compare to 1889 stations, the error mainly distributes between 0-2%, about have all 90%. Four, the analysis by the beginning-audited unqualified stations that is belong to the instrument problem that include sampling system and the line deviation is 48 sets, account for 81.4% of unqualified quantity ratio of all, and belongs to the problem that the factitiousness corrects the incertitude to have 11 sets, account for 18.6% of unqualified quantity ratio of all. This data manifestation settles have to reeducation.Five, examine the data from this year with examine the analyzers age analysis result of the data through the years, although the analyzers age is as higher as the unqualified rate to also have the higher trend. However, if the analyzers age is lower and less maintain, there would be the higher and unqualified rate. Six, from 2002-2004 years, the audited result shows that from overall census the unqualified rate descends the trend, the clearly shows vehicle emission analyzer station for analysis instrument of examination quality have already carried out. 093 環檢所 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32117147 環境檢驗測定機構檢驗室及採樣檢測作業系統績效查核 本計畫乃依據環保署環境檢驗所推動環境檢驗測定機構管理政策,藉由專業查核方式,以提昇檢驗機構檢驗室系統檢測數據品質。專案查核工作執行方式包括「檢驗室系統運作查核」、「現場採樣作業查核」及「盲樣績效測試」,並辦理座談會與檢測機構充分交流。本計畫自民國九十三年二月起執行,迄九十三年十一月底止,共計完成53家次檢測機構檢驗室系統運作查核(含10家次複查),查核17場次空氣類檢測作業,執行50家次現場盲樣測試(171項次盲樣測試)並辦理2場次查核一致性說明會、2場次查核委員工作會議、2次工作會議與一次期末查核說明會。 「檢驗室系統運作查核」執行檢測機構檢驗室結果顯示,多數檢測機構檢驗室管理手冊已修訂為ISO 17025品質規範,執行各類別檢測品保/品管作業皆具水準,僅少數檢測機構未能符合規範,甚或存在重大缺失,建議加強管理,以提昇檢測數據品質一致性。 檢測機構執行「空氣類檢測作業系統」各項目品質較佳者依序為「安全衛生及污染防治措施」、「檢測作業其它內容」及「管理手冊使用及修訂」。空氣類檢測作業系統品質出現缺失、瑕疵頻率較高項目依序為「組織與人員分工及訓練」、「檢測報告製作、審核及保存作業」及「品質保證及品質管制作業」。 檢測機構執行「水質類檢測作業系統」各項目品質較佳者依序為「安全衛生及污染防治措施」、「檢測報告製作、審核及保存作業」及「樣本檢測及數據追蹤管理作業」。水質類檢測作業系統品質出現缺失、瑕疵頻率較高項目依序為「品質保證及品質管制作業」、「主要儀器設備校正、使用、維護及記錄」及「管理手冊使用及修訂」。 檢測機構執行「飲用水類檢測作業系統」各項目品質較佳者依序為「檢測報告製作、審核及保存作業」、「組織與人員分工及訓練」及「安全衛生及污染防治措施」。飲用水類檢測作業系統品質出現缺失、瑕疵頻率較高項目依序為「品質保證及品質管制作業」、「檢測作業其它內容」及「主要儀器設備校正、使用、維護及記錄」。 檢測機構執行「廢棄物類檢測作業系統」各項目品質較佳者依序為「安全衛生及污染防治措施」、「檢測報告製作、審核及保存作業」及「組織與人員分工及訓練」。廢棄物類檢測作業系統品質出現缺失、瑕疵頻率較高項目依序為「樣本檢測及數據追蹤管理作業」、「樣本採集、輸送及保存作業」及「品質保證及品質管制作業」。 「空氣類檢測作業現場查核」完成17場次現場採樣查核(8場次煙道現場及9場次空品車現場)結果顯示,半數以上檢測機構現場採樣作業人員對檢測方法整體流程瞭解程度尚可,但非十分熟悉;現場作業品保/品管之確實執行程度有待加強。持續加強煙道與周界空氣現場查核頻率對提昇作業品質應屬必要。 「盲樣測試」完成50家次(171項次)查核結果,本年度空氣類盲樣測試(37項次)不合格比率(約10.8%)比去年度測試結果(不合格率約25.0%)明顯改善;水質類盲樣測試(134項次,不合格比率約3.2%)亦比去年度測試結果(約23.3%)明顯改善。 本計畫執行檢測機構初查以初查缺失意見共213項次,複查時尚未改善意見共15項次,待追蹤項目共15項次,檢驗室查核所列待改善意見改善率約93.0%。檢測機構檢驗室系統或空氣類採樣現場於本計畫執行查核所見缺失大多數都能於複查時完成改善,顯示本年度執行環境檢測機構查核過程對檢驗室系統或空氣類採樣現場之檢測數據品質具有正面效益。 Performance audit and evaluation of NIEA certified laboratories and sampling/analysis operation processes The main purpose of this project is to promote quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) programs of certified laboratories issued by NIEA. Through laboratory programs and onsite inspection, proficiency evaluation (PE) samples and communicable conferences, supervision of certified laboratory management can be fully reinforced. Among 97 laboratories certified by NIEA, 53 laboratories, 17 onsite inspection, 50 PE samples (171 items) have been facilitated in this project. Two conferences and two inspection committee meetings also accommodates the goals of this project. The inspection result indicated that the QA/QC programs and management system in most certified laboratories were satisfactory. However, there are some minor mistakes and possible problems, which should be further monitored and corrected to ensure the overall environmental sample analyses. For air category, the 17 onsite inspection (9 stack and 6 ambient air) indicated that more than half stack sampling personnel understand sampling protocols, but not familiar with QA/QC requirements. Besides, the investigation of source characteristics and factors influencing stack gas sampling should be reinforced. The ambient air monitoring encountered major problems in instrument maintaining and inspection. Further supervision by NIEA on mobile ambient air monitoring station was suggested. Forty laboratory PE tests (150 items) were also conducted this year. In the air category (64 item), 25% unqualified result revealed a slightly improvement comparing to that of the previous year (28.2%). In water category (86 items), 23.3% unqualified result revealed a significant retrogress comparing to that of the previous year (10.7%).The laboratory operational management system in all kinds of categories were also assessed and evaluated in the inspection process. The QA/QC performances were also listed for air, water and drinking water categories for demonstration in conference. Continuous laboratory and field inspection was suggested to ensure the overall analysis quality 093 環檢所 成大環工系 蔡俊鴻、輔大公衛系 劉希平
32117148 各類型排放管道中粒狀污染物粒徑分析研究 粒狀污染物為台灣地區空氣污染品質好壞判定之重要參考指標之一,為提供業者在污染防制上之改善方法,和有效的選擇適合的空氣污染防制設備,以符合空氣污染物排放標準,及探討法規之合理性,實有必要性探討煙道排氣中之微粒特性(如粒徑分析與濃度);另因隨煙道微粒特性之檢測方法,所得到之測值略有差異,本研究乃依美國與日本所公告之粒徑分析標準方法,進行兩者差異性與優劣性之比較,並探討煙道所排放粒狀物對大氣中懸浮微粒(PM10)之影響。為量測煙道所排放粒狀物之微粒特性,可使用採樣系統對煙道中氣膠微粒進行採樣,再採用重量法求取所排放粒狀物濃度。本研究目前結果得知採日本方法進行十個行業比較時,以食品業平均PM10濃度114.7 mg/Nm3最高,且以油煤業平均PM10濃度5.0 mg/Nm3最低。PM10濃度與TSP濃度比值(PM10/TSP)最高則為瀝青業,平均PM10/TSP可達0.92,且以食品業PM10/TSP最低,僅約為0.71。且以食品業σg平均值最高,可達8.59,且以陶磁業σg平均值最低,僅約為2.89。十個行業中MMD平均值最高則為油煤業,可達4.42μm,且亦以造紙業MMD最低,僅約為1.46 μm。採用美國方法所測得PM10濃度較日本方法所測得PM10濃度為大,高出約4%至2.9倍之間。美國方法所求得PM10/TSP比值最大,最小為日本方法,暨美國方法所推估之PM10排放量最大,其次為TED5.0資料庫PM10排放量,日本方法最小,美國方法所推估PM10排放量較使用日本方法所推估PM10排放量大約18%至2.5倍之間,且與TEDs5.0之PM10排放量差異約在18%至1.5倍之間。當以燃料為活動強度之計算基準時,則磚窯業、瀝青業、造紙業與油煤業排放係數分別約為0.0049 ± 0.0042、0.0009 ± 0.0003、0.0008 ± 0.0005 與0.00005 ± 0.00001 kg/kg-fuel。當以產品為活動強度之計算基準時,則磚窯業、瀝青業、造紙業與油煤業排放係數分別約為0.20 ± 0.09 、0.010 ± 0.005 、0.27 ± 0.12 與0.006 ± 0.004 kg/Ton-product。美國201A方法乃利用旋風集塵器將大於PM10微粒收集去除,再使用濾紙與捕集器進行等於與小於PM10微粒採樣工作。日本JISK0302方法乃利用分徑器與衝擊板將微粒粒徑分離與捕集。經比較日本與美國標準方法之差異性,兩種方法差異頗大,美國標準方法適用於煙道中PM10微粒採樣,另本研究建議採用日本標準方法進行煙道中粒狀物粒徑分佈分析。 Study on the In-stack Particulate Size Distribution in Different Plant The targets of this research is to study on the particle size distribution with reviewing references and compute the contribution of particle emission from stack in every industries. Furthermore, it is necessary to study on the measuring the particle size distribution in stack at brick plant, pulp plant, fuel plant, and Asphalt plant with determining the differences of benefits and drawbacks between USEPA Method 201 & 201A-“Determination of PM10 emission」and JIS K 0302「Measuring method for particle-size distribution of dust in flue gas”. The contribution of PM10 emission from stack is also determined in this study.The results showed that PM10/TSP is between 0.71 and 0.92. The PM10 concentration, as high as 114.7 mg/Nm3, in the stack at food plant is the hightest than the other plants with USEPA Method 201. The PM10 measured at Asphalt plant with USEPA Method 201 is roughly 18 ~ 200% times larger than with JIS K 0302. The MMD of particulate in stack is 2.4, 1.5, 4.4, and 2.2 μm at brick plant, pulp plant, fuel plant, and Asphalt plan, respectively. The emission rates predicted by following USEPA Method 201 is the highest and roughly two times of the emission rates predicted by following JIS K 0302. This study also suggests that the USEPA Method 201 is suitable to measure PM10 concentration. In contrast, the JIS K 0302 is suitable to determine particle size distribution. 093 環檢所 張章堂
32117149 氣候變遷對台灣環境衝擊之互動式虛擬實境展示宣導 本計畫成立目的在將氣候變遷、全球暖化造成海平面上升及極端氣候發生機率增加,結合水理數值模式的計算,將其對環境之影響,以虛擬實境及多媒體影音方式展現。(一) 氣候變遷情境假設:依據行政院環境保護署『氣候變化綱要公約國家通訊衝擊調適資料建制—氣候、水文、生態部份(一)』報告中所引用SRES(Special Report on Emissions Scenarios)之溫室氣體排放情境、A2情節(全球人口不斷增加,經濟為區域性成長,每人的經濟成長率及科技進步較其他情節破碎及緩慢。),並採用與台灣氣候相關性最高的HADCM3氣候模式,以短期(2025年)、中期(2055年)、長期(2085年)所輸出之資料進行模擬分析。(二) 洪災淹水模擬依據HADCM3氣候模式模擬,推估本世紀末海平面可能上升88cm,尖峰降雨量平均增加1.5倍,河川尖峰流量平均增加1.6倍。再依據模擬之流域及地點之不同保護標準,進行計算。(三) 虛擬實境模擬成果依據地表高程資料及航照圖,建置基隆河及鹽水溪之3D模型,並依據水理數值模式運算結果,製作流域在短期、中期及長期洪災境況情形之模擬設定。建置台北車站及億載金城周遭景物之3D模型,並配合現場取景之照片,以使模擬之場景更接近真實現況。並以互動式虛擬實境,模擬短期、中期及長期的氣候假設下,發生洪災淹水的情況。(四) 多媒體影片根據氣候變遷所造成之衝擊,針對洪、旱災接踵而來的異常現象,以及沿海保護區因海平面上升而流失等主題拍攝影片。另外再以30秒的篇幅,以氣候變遷後的情景,簡潔有力的告訴民眾,繼續漠視此一問題的後果。 Application of the Interactive Virtual Reality Technique with Numerical Simulations to Display the Environmental Impacts due to Climate Changes in Taiwan The purpose of this project is to apply the technique of virtual reality based on the results of numerical simulations for describing the effects due to climate changes and sea level rising resulted from global warming as well as extreme climate.1.Supposed situation of climate changesAccording to the EPA report(1992) 093 空保處 國立台灣大學水工試驗所
32117150 台中市指定業者輔導、登記、管制及宣導計畫 為落實責任業者、販賣業者、限用對象及回收處理業者之管制,以提供民眾方便之回收管道,本計畫擬加強回收體系上游責任業者與下游販賣業者及回收處理業者之輔導、登記、查報及巡查等工作,並針對購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用對象進行管制及宣導作業,以利資源回收相關業務之推行。 The project of counsel, enrolling, regulate and advertise for appointed industries in Taichung City. To compass the regulating of responsibility industries, sell industries, limited-use objects, and recycling treatment businesses and to provide easy ways for recycle, the purpose of this project is to increase resources recycle rate by improving counsel, enroll, survey and investigate for appointed industries, and regulate and advertise limited-use objects. 093 台中市環境保護局
32117151 乾電池及各類未登記責任業者之清查、輔導及營業〈進口〉量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本計畫共輔導600家責任業者完成辦理登記作業、申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費,已收繳之回收清除處理費金額為1,122萬7,251元。另選取214家辦理現場查核,查獲短漏金額計新台幣4,545萬7,563元,總計金額為新台幣5,668萬4,814元,益本比為6.3倍,計畫目標益本比為5倍,本工作團隊已達成計畫目標之126%。目前乾電池產業主要可分為上、中、下游,而國內乾電池大多仰賴進口,故下游為國內乾電池產業最主要部分。而下游銷售市場則主要為一般商店、賣場、夜市及10元店等。依目前乾電池市場流布情形統計,Panasonic市佔率最高(28.17%)、DURACELL次之(15.59%),而乾電池主要產地為中國大陸及東南亞。在乾電池檢驗分析部分,共計彙整285組的檢驗報告,由檢驗結果觀之,產地別為東南亞、東北亞、歐洲及美國等地者均屬未超過基準值;另有超過基準值者依序分屬中國大陸28組、無標示產地者10組。因此,對於無標示產地及中國大陸製造者,應為管理重點所在。此外,本次抽驗樣本屬前50大業者(市場佔有率達99.37%)計151組,其中發現有2家業者所輸入之部分型號乾電池,汞含量有超過基準值之情形。依據上述分析結果推估汞含量超過基準值之乾電池市場佔有率約計1.44%,目前針對汞含量超過基準值之業者確認數量後予以處分課徵4倍回收清除處理費用。而本計畫透過執行團隊縝密規劃及專業分工,在清查、輔導及查核作業各方面均已達成本計畫之各項目標,除強化營業量查核稽催作業外,亦提升各類資源回收基金稽催之成效,並符合廢棄物清理法執行之公平性及一致性。此外,就乾電池市場通情形以及低電量乾電池禁限用策略等,已提出調查研究分析報告及檢驗報告,作為環保署未來規劃相關管理作業之參考。 Audit plan for examining, assisting and conducting operating (import) volume related accounts voucher of battery and unregistered responsible enterprises This project had assisted 600 unregistered responsible dry battery enterprises to process their registrations, file their operating volumes and submit their Recycle-Clearance-Disposal Fees with total amounts of NT$11,227,251. We also selected 214 enterprises to perform on-site audit of the related book accounts and vouchers. The result shows shortages of NT$45,457,563 recycled funds which come out with the total audit amount up to NT$56,684,814, P/E ratio reaching 6.3 over the target P/E ratio of recycling originally setting at level 5. Our project team had achieved 126% of target goals. Most of our domestic battery enterprises which can be further distinguished as upstream, middle-stream and downstream battery enterprise import their products from foreign country. Among those, the main industry focuses on downstream battery enterprises including general store, supermarket, night market and 10 dollars store etc. According to the market shares survey, Panasonic which currently ranking No. 1 contains 28.17% market shares and Duracell, the second, contains 15.59% market shares. The main battery production sites are Mainland China and East-South Asia. In terms of the results of battery inspection and analysis among 285 inspection reports, the component of battery with production sites among East-South Asia, East-North Asia, Europe, and United States did not exceed the Mercury containing standards. However, there are 28 enterprises made in China and 10 enterprises unlabelled production sites which exceeding the containing standards. Therefore, the government should focus on the examination and management of those enterprises. In addition, our survey contains top 50 battery enterprises (market share reaching 99.37%) with 151 samples, we found 2 enterprises with Mercury over the standard level. According to above sampling results, we analyze the total population might contains 1.44% Mercury over the standard level. We had imposed 4 times battery Recycle-Clearance-Disposal Fees for those unqualified enterprises. 093 基管會 立本台灣聯合會計師事務所
32117152 鹵烴冷媒流佈調查與海龍管理中心建制管理 目前離心式中央空調機所用的HCFC冷媒主要為HCFC-123,然而其ODP值(0.012)與GWP值(76)與停留在大氣中的壽命皆遠小於HCFC-22,設備效率亦高於其他冷媒,因此建議延後五年停用。至於我國目前維修用途HCFC用量比例過高情形,在2010年大部份新設備改用非HCFC冷媒之後應可改善許多,環保署應同步檢討HCFC冷媒維修用途的核配制度。在車用空調方面,新車使用HCFC-22的大客車,建議與其他空調設備一起於2010年起停用於新設備;而舊車使用CFC-12的小型車輛,建議自2010年起全面禁用CFCs冷媒,並於列入監理驗車的項目之ㄧ。在海龍管理中心建構工作方面;本計畫已完成協助國防單位進行海龍移撥、台北捷運公司及公營單位進行海龍檢驗促進海龍交換再利用,不但解決海龍必需使用場所之海龍藥劑需求,亦直接降低海龍藥劑的不當使用排放。海龍管理中心的持續運作有其必要性。國際研討會已預定於9月20~21日假台北國際會議中心舉行,規劃的活動共3項,以為期一天半,邀請約20位國內外講師之研討會為主軸,同時搭配大氣層保護獎之徵選、頒獎及獲選廠商於會場展示成果等,以及針對學生所舉辦之大氣層保護繪畫比賽,並於2月底前提出邀請國外知名專家學者與會之優先建議名單。在編撰我國臭氧層保護工作回顧紀錄方面;本計畫規劃的12位主要代表性人物,在訪問過程中,受訪者敘述其心路歷程、遭遇困難的解決之道之外,也請其談談與其他產官學研各界單位的互動情形,提供寶貴的經驗記錄。 在績優大氣層保護獎甄選活動工作方面,將於8月份開始評審工作,分為初審、複審及決審三階段,獲獎者將發新聞稿公告、製作得獎專輯,於大氣層保護國際研討會中授獎,並於會場展出相關資料或設備,以表彰獲獎者對大層層保護工作之卓越成就。 Survey of Halogen carbon Refrigerant Distribution and Build up of Halon Management Center The major HCFC refrigerant currently used in centrifugal central air conditioner is HCFC-123, which has much lower ODP (0.012), ODP (0.012) and shorter lifetime of staying in atmosphere than those of HCFC-22, thus it is suggested to postpone the stop of HCFC-123 use for five more years. As for that fact that HCFC has a extraordinary high ratio of use on repair and maintenance purposes in Taiwan, this situation can been greatly improved due to the use of non HCFC refrigerant by newly installed equipments since 2010. EPA Taiwan needs to simultaneously review the allocation system of HCFC refrigerant on repair and maintenance usesWith regard to the air condition of vehicle use, the new and large passenger bus currently use HCFC-22 refrigerant. It is suggested that these new buses and other new air conditioner together stop using HCFC-22 in new equipment since 2010. It is also suggested that old and small cars that use CFC-12 fully stop using CFCs refrigerants since 2010. This rule is suggested to put into one of the checking items of vehicle testing and management As for the build-up of the halon management center, this project has completed assisting: national defense units on halon movement, Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation and public agencies on halon testing for the improvement of halon exchange and reuse. These works has not only provided the halon regent demand sites where halon uses are necessary, but also directly reduced the improper use and emission of halon regent. The continuous operation of the halon management center are important and necessary. 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32117153 複合動力低污染車輛推動方案暨汽車排污檢驗機制建置評估專案工作計畫 環保署因應2008年實施「汽油車第四期空氣污染物排放標準」,及檢討委託專業檢驗機構執行法規檢驗業務之需要,一方面建置執行法規檢驗業務應具備之有關機制及規劃設備需求,使檢驗業務之管制及運作更加完善。另一方面積極引進車上診斷系統(OBD)之新的車輛管制技術及規劃低污染複合動力電動車輛(HEV)之推動方案,以維護環境空氣品質。 本計畫完成之成果如下說明:1. 一輛HEV小客車替換一輛自用汽油車,以FTP-75測試程序評估,初步估算HEV全生命週期(12萬公里)之廢氣排放減量效益約為CO:0.04噸、NMHC:0.006噸、NOx:0.003噸、CO2:7.07噸,合計7.119噸,廢氣排放減量效益主要集中於CO2的減量。2. 完成Honda Civic-Hybrid及Toyota Prius-Π兩款複合動力電動汽車(HEV),依照「複合動力車輛排放污染測試方法」(美國UDDS 4 Phase)及「汽油汽車之測試方法」(FTP-75/UDDS 3 Phase)進行測試,比較分析各項空氣污染物排放量之變異情形,顯示在不調整電量情況下,對污染測試結果並無明顯影響。並建立複合動力電動車輛測試方法及技術。3. 根據國外HEV測試方法研究現況與國內現有法規管理架構,並佐以實車研究測試驗證,完成複合動力電動車輛測試方法與程序(草案)及召開一場技術研討會。4. 參照國外發展之經驗模式,推估國內未來五年HEV市場銷售值在樂觀的情況下,如油價飆漲、政府提供優惠購車補助等,每年市場銷售從2006年(650輛)至2010年(4,800輛),累計14,100;保守估計則是450輛至3,500輛,累計9,600輛。5. 完成汽油車第四期排放標準之檢驗設備需求規範及完成估算一套四輪傳動檢驗室建置經費成本約5,500萬(不含土地成本)。完成檢驗室設備設置之平面Layout並製作1/16比例尺之實體模型。6. 建置完成執行法規檢驗業務應具備之有關機制與規劃檢驗機構之資訊平台、完成汽油汽車專業檢驗機構之設置及管理規定(草案),完成研擬未來汽油汽車專業檢驗機構之管理機制及評估空氣污染防制費委託或補助檢測之執行方案。7. 完成法規檢驗業務需求量與檢驗機構數量之評估、建立法規檢驗之標準作業程序、提出法規檢驗業務尖峰情形應對方案及執行檢驗業務之短中長程策略施政方案。8. 協助工研院機械所規劃完成增設一套汽油汽車行車型態測定功能之廢氣排放檢驗站。協助環保署輔導審查台朔汽車公司及裕隆汽車公司檢驗室,於2005/04/01開始執行法規檢測服務及輔導審查春元公司新建之廢氣排放檢驗站於2005/05/20日開始執行法規檢測服務。9. 參考國外OBD檢驗制度之推動經驗及召開專家學者諮詢會議,完成我國汽油車OBD檢驗制度之推動方式及細部作業期程規劃及汽油汽車新車型車上診斷系統(OBD)測試程序與規範(草案)。完成一輛車之OBD系統功能對法規規定之驗證測試,以建立國內OBD系統功能之驗證測試技術及召開一場技術研討會。 Project for Launching Low-Emission Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) & Evaluating for Setting up the Vehicle Exhaust Emission Testing Capacity and management Mechanism In response to “The Fourth-Stage Standards of Gasoline Vehicle Exhaust Emission” implemented in 2008 and the review of the needs for commissioning professional testing associations to implement statutory vehicle exhaust emission testing services, the Environmental Protection Administration sets up the related mechanism for implementing statutory vehicle exhaust emission testing services and then formulates the requirements for testing equipment, so as to improve the management and operations of testing services. Moreover, with the hopes of maintaining air quality, it actively introduces a new vehicle emission pollution controlling techniques, i.e. the “OBD”, and formulates a project for Launching low-emission HEV.” 093 空保處 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所 鄭宗正
32117154 輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫 本計畫主要為協助環保署辦理「93年度推動全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作考核作業」,以及「94年度補助直轄市、縣(市)環保局辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作補助事宜」、「資源回收形象改造計畫及輔導作業」等,以期達成資源回收工作永續經營目標。「93年度全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作輔導暨考核計畫」,第一組前三名為:台北市、台中市、台南市;第二組前三名:高雄縣、台中縣、桃園縣;第三組前三名:宜蘭縣、澎湖縣、花蓮縣,第二組最佳進步獎為屏東縣獲得。協助辦理資源回收形象改造相關作業,包括硬體、規範、指導原則、補助要點之擬定,並於94年4月底協助辦理資源回收形象改造觀摩大會(苗栗市、埔里鎮),且完成全省25縣市各執行機關輔導作業。 Assisting the Executive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling. “Project for Assisting the Exeutive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling” that project is mainly for assisting EPA in implementing the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of This Country to Intensify the Assistance and Performance Evaluation of Resource Recycling “and the “Principles of Subsidizing the Environmental Protection Bureaus of Special Municipalities and Counties (cities) for Carrying out the plan for Reducing Garbage Volume and Resource Recycling for the Year 2004” in hope to reach the goal of permanent operation of resource recycling.Based on the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of Resource Recycling,” the results of performance evaluation on the executive agencies of this country in resource recycling in 2004 have been announced .The top three in first section are Taipei City ,Taichung City ,and Tainan City;the top three in second section are Kaohsung County ,Taichung County and Taoyan County;the top four in third section are Ilan County ,Penghu County , Hualien County ,and Nantou County. 093 基管會 晶淨科技股份有限公司
32117155 常用樹木對淨化揮發性有機物等空氣污染物之評估計畫 本計畫主要目的在針對台灣地區環保公園或空氣品質淨化區之常用植物,實際比較測試其淨化二氧化氮﹑二氧化硫﹑臭氧及過氧硝酸乙醯酯(PAN)等空氣污染物之能力及效率,同時篩選排放異戊二烯等污染較低之樹種,以提供環保單位進行「空氣品質淨化區」時選擇樹種之參考依據。本計畫已利用儀器測定常用樹種實際淨化空氣污染之能力,研究蒐集國內與國外低異戊二烯、低單帖類排放植物之文獻、蒐集二氧化氮、二氧化硫、過氧硝酸乙醯酯(PAN)等低排放量樹種之文獻、規劃未來之執行方針與項目、證明植物確實有淨化空氣污染物之能力與效益、提出減少生物源揮發性有機物、提出減少臭氧污染之建議。本計畫已在冬天低溫期,測知十種植物中有九種仍具有淨化二氧化氮之效益,只有黃連木不吸收。又在冬天植物之Vd值仍普遍偏低,顯示冬天植物吸收污染之能力減低很多。 本計畫已在冬天低溫期測試十種植物,發現普遍仍具有淨化二氧化硫之能力,其中以光臘樹及黃連木淨化二氧化硫之能力最高,而茄苳、相思樹、阿勃勒則較低。另發現植物吸收二氧化硫污染之能力仍隨者生理時鐘而有變化,而這些變化可能還需甚多之研究才能瞭解得很透徹。 在植物淨化臭氧方面,曾測試評估21種植物之淨化臭氧之能力,發現高低差異為10倍。又已測定十種植物對PAN之吸收沉降速率,發現植物對PAN之吸收力普遍低於臭氧、二氧化氮或二氧化硫者,且至少低10倍到 100倍,其原因為何並不可知。本計畫已在冬天低溫期,測知原屬異戊二烯高排放之樹種如楓香、水黃皮、構樹、垂葉榕等皆暫時停止異戊二烯之排放,而原本在夏天也不排放異戊二烯之樹種自然也不排放異戊二烯。本研究也對21種常見灌木及11 種常見草本植物進行異戊二烯排放量之測試,結果發現常見之灌木中只有南天竹與金葉黃槐兩種具有異戊二烯排放能力,而11種草本植物皆未見有異戊二烯之排放者。 上述研究所得﹐對於空氣品質淨化區之建構、綠化單位從事行道樹綠化或綠帶綠化者,將具實際參考及應用之價值。本計畫已針對常用約20種樹木評估其淨化二氧化氮、二氧化硫、臭氧、PAN等之能力,並綜合比較其Vd 值,將綜合淨污能力分成A、B、C、D四等級。本計畫自民國九十三年十二月三日開始執行,迄九十四年八月底已依進度完成研究工作,但未來仍建議繼續針對全年之淨污情況加以研究。 Uptake rate evaluation of common tree species against volatile organic and other air pollutants English SummaryTitle:Uptake rate evaluation of common tree species against volatile organic and other air pollutantsThis project is to evaluate the uptake rate or air-cleaning efficiency of common tree species against nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate in Taiwan and to measure the isoprene emission rates of them. A branch enclosure method using corresponding monitors was used to measure the pollutant uptake rates of more than 20 common tree species in this study. Results showed that in the winter season most of the trees still uptake the pollutants including nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, although the uptake rates were lower. The uptake rates showed significant diurnal fluctuation and this phenomenon needs more studied in the future. . Generally the air cleaning efficiency varied among different tree species, with 10 folds difference between the top and the least. The PAN uptake rates were generally 10 t0 100 times lower than those of ozone, nitrogen dioxide or sulfur dioxide. In the winter with low temperature the isoprene emission rates were near zero as compared to those in the summer. This study also screened 21 shrub, 11 herbaceous plant species for their isoprene emission rates, showing only two shrubs emitted the isoprene. A comprehensive evaluation was given to all tested common tree species and a ranking scale from A to D was adopted for ranking them on the basis of pollution uptake rates. These results suggest that the species with high uptake rates should be grown in urban areas to clean the dirty air and uptake the air pollutants and carbon dioxide. 093 空保處 國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學系
32117156 逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制計畫 本計畫係屬延續性計畫,工作內容係除延續九十二年度執行成果外,今年度擴大納入砂石場、裸露面及堆置場等逸散污染源管制,並對各縣市街道揚塵洗掃作業進行效益評估,執行成果說明如下:營建工程管制部分,93年度營建工程空氣污染防制費總申報件為68,715件,徵收金額約為10億元,粒狀污染物(TSP)總排放量約為10萬公噸,管制後之粒狀污染物削減率為44﹪,較92年提升約5﹪。營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法全國查核符合率至94年6月底止達55.6﹪,另針對執行上所遭遇問題,檢討修正管理辦法相關規範。此外為配合政府資訊E化政策,完成網路化資訊系統開發及使用。 街道揚塵洗掃效益評估方面,彙整各縣市洗掃執行方式及成效,並以實場TSP檢測及街塵採樣分析方式驗證,結果顯示洗掃作業對街塵去除效率最高可達80﹪以上,且有效之洗掃作業對空氣中PM10削減率可達7﹪,因此彙整上述結果研擬街道揚塵洗掃執行手冊(草案),期望改進國內洗掃作業執行方式,達到改善空氣品質之目的。 逸散污染源管制策略研擬部分,完成彙整分析各縣市砂石場、裸露地及廠區內堆置場資料等,並蒐集彙整日本、韓國及美國逸散污染源管制法規及經驗,經多場次專家學者諮商說明會討論後,研擬固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法(草案)將上述污染源納入管制,供環保署未來政策推動之參考。 Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions This project is an extended research which, in addition to the results from the precedented 2003 project, includes Fugitive Particulate Emissions Control of mining fields, exposed land, and piling sites. It also evaluates the effects of street sweeping and cleaning operations. The results are as followed: In the respect of air pollution control on construction sites, the 2004 Air Pollution Control Fee of Construction Sites amounts to NT$ 1 billion, totaling 68,715 cases. The volume of TSP emission is 100,000 tons. The air pollution control measure effectively reduces 44% of TSP emission, a 5% increase from the previous year. Until the end of June, 2005, 55.6% of construction sites inspected met the requirements of Air Pollution Control Regulations for Construction Sites. To address the difficulties for enforcing the Regulations, amendments must be made. In addition, an online information system should be developed to complement Central Government’s “e-Government”policy. The evaluation of street sweeping operation is conducted by analyzing local governments’ street sweeping procedures and reported results, TSP emission, and street dust samples. The evaluation shows that street sweeping removes 80% of street dust and reduce 7% of PM10 in the air. A street sweeping operation manual will be drafted accordingly in order to improve sweeping procedure and air quality. In order to form the strategy of fugitive pollution source control, a thorough and detailed analysis of each city’s mining fields, exposed land, and piling sites must be conducted. By referencing the regulations of fugitive pollution source control and experiences in Japan, South Korea, and the US, and by holding public hearings, The Management Regulations of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions of Stationary Source will be drafted as a reference for the future policy-making of Environmental Protection Agency. 093 空保處 新紀工程顧問有限公司
32117157 營建廢棄物產出、再利用情形調查及管理制度建立 近年來全球環保意識的增長,「永續發展」已成為國際間關鍵之課題。臺灣地狹人稠,自然環境與人為開發之問題層出不窮,如何調和及改善將是政府與全民的責任與挑戰。臺灣近年來產生的營建廢棄物數量相當龐大,若無善加規劃及妥善處理,將會造成嚴重的環保問題。由於營建資源取得不易、加上天然建材缺乏等問題不易解決,若能善加利用營建廢棄物(Construction and Demolition Waste, C&DW),不但可解決環境二次污染的問題,更能增加國內再生營建資源之使用,以達到「零廢棄」之「循環型社會」目標。本研究主要包含兩個部份:第一個部份主要之內容集中在現地之調查,本研究針對25家營建廢棄物處理場進行調查,整理出其現地實際操作、處理營建廢棄物之情形。本部份之研究主要目的在調查分析臺灣地區營建廢棄物的產生來源、組成成份及數量,並說明調查內容及研究成果。本研究之第二部份主要探討現行營建廢棄物之各縣市處理辨法及法源相關性之研究,比較並分析其差異點,第四章為本部份之主要研究成果。本研究希望透國內各類營建廢棄物現有收容處理場所現地調查,分析目前營建廢棄物之產出、處理及再利用之情形,進而了解目前相關管理法規與制度之缺失,並舉辦北、中、南三場產官學研座談會,藉由深入研討及研議,研擬出具體之營建廢棄物管理法規及管制制度修正方向,進而達到未來監督及控管之依據,並提出未來所應進行之相關配合事項、事權單位界定與期程之規劃,可作為未來制度實施推動之依據,第五章主要報告所有推行之具體作法。 The yield, reuse investigations and administrations of the Construction and Demolition Waste This research mainly focuses on two parts: the first part is to investigate 25 sites to collect the information associated with site practices and processing construction waste materials. The main objective of the first part is to explore the sources of C&DW generated in Taiwan, as well as their composition and quantity. The second part of this study is to examine current operation systems and related regulations, which applied to both central and local government for reuse and treatment of C&DW. The second part also figured out the differences by performing the analysis to the different investigated systems. Details of these results are reported in Chapter four.This study was to conduct site investigations on the existing collection units and distribution centers of all types of Construction and Demolition Wastes (C&DW). It also studied the current method of outputting, managing and reusing the construction wastes, and explored the flaw of the relevant management rules and regulations. In addition, three seminars, including the members of industry, academy and Government, were held respectively in the Northern, Central and Southern Taiwan to discuss on current practice and to develop practical adjustments and improvements on C&DW management rules and regulations. The adjusted and improved rules and regulations would be used to supervise and monitor the process of the reuse and treatment of construction wastes. In addition, the associated tasks of the reuse and treatment, the responsibilities of stakeholders, with associated action plan were planned for future execution. Chapter Five documents the details of this part. 093 廢管處 財團法人臺灣營建研究院
32117158 住商部門溫室氣體盤查管理、策略分析、減量規劃及試行計畫之推動 為推動住商部門溫室氣體排放減量,本計畫的工作內容主要分為五大項:掌握國際最新發展趨勢、住商部門溫室氣體放量盤查與推估、現行住商部門政策檢討、規劃試行計畫及溫室氣體減量宣導與推廣。以下即就前述五項工作的執行成果與建議說明如下:資訊蒐集與評析本計畫蒐集評析6個國家(美、英、日、德、新及韓)與4個組織(OECD, Pew Center, IGES, UNEP)之住商部門溫室氣體減量政策,歸納各國的減量政策主要為提升建築物與用電器具(或設備)之能源效率。另外,統計我國住商部門1990年至2003年能源消費資料,依此與IPCC計算方法計算出歷年CO2排放量結果,住商部門的總排放量由1990年的24.26 Mt CO2至2003年達到54.30 Mt CO2,增加124%。住商部門溫室氣體盤查本計畫依據IPCC計算方法與GHG Protocol盤查指引,分別編撰開放性場所與非開放性場所溫室氣體排放盤查手冊。藉此完成六種不同住商形態北中南共30家的溫室氣體盤查工作,計算其直接與間接排放量和單位樓板面積溫室氣體排放量。溫室氣體減量宣導與推廣本計畫完成編印宣導手冊、舉辦座談會與論壇、發行電子報及製作網站等工作、各項內容如下:(1)編印「住宅部門溫室氣體排放計量手冊」1,000本,協助一般民眾自行計算排放量,並提供簡易的溫室氣體減量方法。 (2)舉辦4場專家座談會與1場論壇,分別針對溫室氣體盤查方法、住商部門溫室氣體減量策略、日本Top Runner於我國實施的可行性等議題進行研討。(3)發行4期「住商部門溫室氣體減量電子報」,寄送5,800筆。(4)建置「住商部門溫室氣體資訊網」網站(,作為政府與民眾互動的平台。減量政策與措施的規劃本計畫分析我國現行減量相關措施,並逐一檢視日本2005「地球溫暖化對策推動大綱」與2005年4月28日公佈「京都議定書目標達成計畫」中針對住商部門所提出之減量措施於我國實施之可行性。最後,參考各國(特別是日本)減量措施與我國94年全國能源會議結論,據此規劃我國相關部會與縣市政府分別可率先推動之試行計畫。建議(1)加強一般大眾對防止地球溫暖化的認知,由行政院環保署帶動全民參與住商部門溫室氣體減量行動計畫。(2)行政院環保署宜針對所有與大氣層保護相關議題建置一入口網站,提供資訊交流平台。(3)自95年起推動兩年的商業部門的溫室氣體盤查示範計畫。建議配合經濟部能源局的能源查核制度和政府機關辦公室節約能源措施,要求用電契約容量1,000瓩的企業或機關一定要進行溫室氣體排放量盤查。 Advancing Greenhouse Gases Emissions Inventory Compiling, Reduction Strategy Analyses, Reduction Activities Planning and Pilot Project Scheming for Residential and Commercial Sectors In advancing greenhouse gases (GHG) reduction for residential and commercial sectors, this project has 5 major tasks, including 1) grasping the newest global information and tendency, 2) compiling the GHG emissions inventory from residential and commercial sectors, 3) reviewing the exist related strategies, 4) drawing up the reduction pilot projects, 5) disseminating information related to GHG reduction. 1) Information Searching and Analyzing:This project has searched and analyzed the GHG emissions reduction strategies for residential and commercial sectors in 6 countries(USA, Britain, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Korea)and 4 research institutes. 2) GHG Emissions Inventory Compiling for Residential and Commercial Sectors This project has finished 2 different inventory procedures, one for the public sites and the other for the private sites. This project has finished the GHG emissions inventories in 30 sites referring to 6 different types of buildings located in the north, middle and south of Taiwan. Furthermore, the GHG emissions calculation includes the direct emission, indirect emission and the total emissions per unit floor area. 3) GHG Reduction Information DisseminatingThis project has completed 4 different disseminating tasks and they include: a)Publishing 1,000 booklets of Calculating GHG Emissions from the Residential Sectors. b)Holding 4 expert symposiums and 1 forum and distributing GHG reduction information through these occasions. c) Publishing 4 issues of e-newsletters.d) Designing and launching an information website. The website address is Strategies PlanningThis project has analyzed the existing GHG reduction strategies in Taiwan and reviewed Japan’s strategies including “The Guidelines for Measures to Prevent Global Warming - Measures Towards 2010 to Prevent Global Warming” published in 1998 and “Kyoto Target Achievement Plan” published on 28 April 2005. In conclusion, this project has drawn up the reduction pilot projects for relat 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32117159 台灣地區光化學污染之形成、傳輸機制及其影響 蒐集2002年與2003年光化評估測站VOCs基本資料,以及中部地區臭氧及其前驅物的相關觀測資料,並與環保署空品站的NOx、臭氧、風速、風向、輻射儀等既有的監測資料,相互比較、對照分析其中光化現象並與模式相互搭配找出成因,以提供政府擬定管制策略時之參考。中部地區崇倫、草屯、竹山三個光化評估測站的非甲烷碳氫化合物觀測包含56種。取用的觀測資料顯示,甲苯或是異戊二烯之測值10月皆較6月時要低,但臭氧的濃度仍然是10月比6月高,顯示這些污染物的濃度高低或是光化反應強度皆不足以完全解釋觀測到的臭氧濃度,必須輔以其他的資料(氣象資料)及模式模擬才能做進一步的解釋。選定2002年6月與10月分別代表低與高臭氧時期的代表月份,利用TAQM針對中部空品區進行模擬,並相互比較與分析各種有可能會影響臭氧濃度的因子及其影響程度。各種影響臭氧的因數中,氣流的來向主導著中部地區空氣品質的狀況,當台灣地區在秋季吹偏北東的風時,中部地區受尾流效應影響,易有海陸風循環的現象發生,極易造成空氣污染事件。在風險評估分析方面,台灣地區揮發性有機污染物中,苯的危害性較大,不過基本上並不會有急性健康效應的發生,但在慢性致癌風險方面,有部份濃度較高的地區值得注意。 The study of formation, transportation mechanism and effects of photochemical pollutants in Taiwan The object of this project is to explore ozone problem with data of Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) in Central Taiwan, and to identify the causes of high ozone concentration by means of air quality model simulation. Two periods of interest during 2002 were selected to represent high (October) and low (June) ozone episodes. Data of ozone and its precursor collected in PAMS in Central Taiwan were compared with corresponding EPA data and model simulations.NMHC observations with PAMS stations at Tsongneng, Tsoutuen, and Jusan include 56 VOCs. Observation data shows that benzene and isoprene values were lower in October than in June. But ozone concentrations are yet higher in October than in June. This indicates that amount of pollutants and intensities of photochemical processes are not sufficient to explain the formation of ozone in this region. Other data such as meteorological variables and model simulations results must be used.TAQM simulations were performed using 2002 June and October as representative low and high ozone episodes. Analysis of these simulation results compared several parameters for ozone formation and the level of impacts. Among those considered, direction of air flow appears to be the principal control parameter for air quality in Central Taiwan. For the autumnal northeasterly air flow, Central Taiwan is strongly affected by vortex entrapment on the lee side of the mountains. Land-sea flow reversal further adds to the build up of ozone and precursors.Our risk analysis shows that benzene appears to be the most harmful among all the observed VOCs in Taiwan. Overall, there does not appear to be any risk for acute health effect. However there are limited areas with potential for chronic exposures that may lead to cancer. 093 空保處 國立中央大學大氣物理研究所
32117160 台南市中石化安順廠整治場址土壤及地下水污染範圍調查及整治工作建議計畫 本計畫針對台南市中石化安順廠整治場址進行土壤及地下水污染範圍調查及整治工作建議,總計完成之調查採樣數量土壤及底泥共計373組,地下水分80組,分樣土壤有20組、地下水4組,並設置10口標準地下水監測井及45口簡易井。調查結果顯示管制區外在員工宿舍區一點發現土壤汞濃度超過土壤污染管制標準,達24.9mg/kg,戴奧辛污染部份,在場址南側之魚塭周圍土堤及道路隨分析結果戴奧辛濃度達3,700ng I-TEQ/kg,超過土壤管制標準,底泥則於竹筏港溪鹿耳門橋東側(表層及深層)超過土壤污染管制標準達1,670ng I-TEQ/kg。管制區內包含之鹼氯工廠區、五氯酚工廠區、單一植被區、草叢區及海水貯水池均有超過土壤管制標準情況,汞污染以鹼氯工廠區最嚴重,最高達3,370 mg/kg,戴奧辛污染以五氯酚工廠區最嚴重,最高達17,600,000 ng I-TEQ/kg,且表、裡及深層(30-45 cm)之土壤中戴奧辛濃度幾乎全部超出管制標準。本計畫亦以美國試驗與材料學會(American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM)提出風險評估標準之矯正行動「Standard Guide for Risk-Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites, RBCA」進行風險評估。「第一階段風險評估」結果以舊宿舍區域之戴奧辛致癌風險高達1.24E-04為最高,該區域致癌風險的平均值亦高達5.79E-06;「第二階段風險評估計算」結果,污染評估確認區域中所承受戴奧辛致癌風險值與汞非致癌危害商數,皆遠低於一般認定可承受致癌風險值(1*10-6)與非致癌危險商數(1)基準。對後續處理本計畫建議整治、環境管理及現場封閉貯存等三個分案,其中可瞭解整治方案費用最高,預估超過50億,但可一勞永逸,解決場址污染問題;而環境管理方案費用最低,但每年需投入相當之心力,監測並評估環境管理方案之成效;現場封閉貯存則較符合未來土地使用之實際狀況。 Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Recommendation Actions in the An-Shuen Plant of the China Petrochemical Development Corporation (CPDC) located in Tainan City This project was focusing on the soil and groundwater remediation in the An-Shuen Plant of the China Petrochemical Development Corporation (CPDC) located in Tainan City (the site), with primary goals on site investigation and recommendation actions. The resulting data showed that there was a soil sample in the employee dormitory showing its mercury concentration was higher than the “Soil Contamination Control Concentration”, as high as 24.9 mg/kg. As for dioxins, samples taken from the fishery earth walls and roads on the south side of the site showed dioxins concentration of 3,700 ng I-TEQ/kg (higher than the Control Concentration). The sediment samples taken at east side of the Lu-Er-Man Bridge of the Chu-Fa-Gun Stream had dioxins concentration higher than the Control Concentration, as high as 1,670 ng I-TEQ/kg. Within the control area including the chloralkali factory, pentachlorophenol(PCP)factory, mono-phase vegetation area, grass area, and seawater storage facility, the contaminant concentrations were higher than the Control Concentration. The chloralkali factory had the most significant mercury contamination, as high as 3,370 mg/kg; PCP factory had the most significant dioxins contamination, as high as 17,600,000 ng I-TEQ/kg. This project also employed the Standard Guide for Risk-Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites, RBCA, issued by the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM, for the risk assessment. The “Primary Risk Assessment” results showed that the dioxins carcinogenic risk in the old dormitory area was the highest. The “Seconday Risk Assessment” results showed that, within the contamination verification area, the quotient value of the dioxins carcinogenic risk value over mercury non-carcinogenic risk value was much lower than the commonly accepted carcinogenic risk value (1E-06) and non-carcinogenic risk quotient value (1), respectively. As for the continued treatment, this project suggested 3 alternatives, such as remediation, environmental management, and on-site 093 土污基管會 工業技術研究院
32117161 93年度監督辦理焚化爐或掩埋場資源物質進場管制措施計畫 宜蘭縣政府環保局為落實焚化爐與掩埋場資源物質進場管制之工作,及轄區內事業廢棄物之管理,積極針對轄區內焚化爐、掩埋場及事業單位進行查核輔導,以落實廢棄物之完善管理與資源物質回收再利用工作。本團隊自本計畫開始起即持續協助宜蘭縣政府環保局各項查核、建檔管理工作。根據九十四年環保署統計資料顯示,於民國94年5月,宜蘭縣人口約46萬人,每日垃圾清運量約250萬公噸,資源回收率達27.65%,自94年2月起,利澤焚化廠已正式啟用,除了三星鄉掩埋場仍繼續使用外,其他鄉鎮市之垃圾皆載運至此進行最終處理。由於垃圾問題之普遍性及嚴重性關係到每個人的生活起居,民眾切身感受到垃圾清理服務品質之重要性,因此除了政府加強垃圾之清運,尚需民眾有垃圾減量之觀念,才能為宜蘭縣締造一個乾淨清新的生活環境。本計畫主要依據廢清法對於廢棄物管制相關規定內,執行資源物質進入焚化爐或掩埋場之管制措施。自93年9月13日完成辦理轄區內各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊辦理進場管制標準說明會後,本團隊已積極對轄區各垃圾處理廠執行攔檢工作,每日至少一場,一場至少三小時,截至94年7月15日止共完成355場次及3,854車次之進場攔檢工作,根據統計其中無發現任何違規事件之車輛視為優良者共計有857輛次,佔總查核件次的22%;發現有資源回收物品但未超過違規標準之車輛視為良,共計為2,851輛,佔總查核件次之74%;查核違規車輛共計146輛次,僅佔總查核件數的4%。各鄉鎮市進場車輛之不合格率以員山鄉、蘇澳鄉及五結鄉較高,不合格率各為10.19%、7.59%及7.20%。而統計不合格項目,違規項目以一般容器類最多,佔所有違規項目之100%,以蘇澳鄉最高。另外每月進場車輛之違規率自計畫開始之20.90%已下降至94年5月之0.00%,顯示本縣之垃圾分類與資源回收工作已見成效。為使宜蘭縣轄區內之事業廢棄物都能獲得妥善的清除與處理,本團隊持續協助宜蘭縣環保局事業廢棄物之查核工作,截至94年6月10日止共完成了457家事業機構現場查核工作,總合格家數為326家次,合格率為71.33%,不合格家數共計113家次,不合格率為24.73%,已停業者共查核18家次,佔3.94%。由統計結果顯示缺失項目件數最多為「事業廢棄物除貯存清除或處理未符合標準」,共52件佔缺失項目總數之40%,其次為「一般廢棄物應回收項目未依規定回收清除處理」,共38件次佔缺失項目總數之29%,本團隊將針對缺失事業單位及缺失項目進行輔導,以確保缺失項目之改善。為使環保局能更加掌握本縣垃圾之成分,有利於資源回收工作之規劃與推動,本團隊已於93年11月15日完成本縣七座掩埋場成分分析,分析結果發現紙類與塑膠類佔總重量平均比例為最高,分別為30.0%及27.3%,其次為廚餘類(18.6%),以宜蘭縣93年10月平均每日垃圾產生量(256公噸)來換算分析平均比例成重量,每日紙類垃圾產生量為76.8公噸,塑膠類為70.0公噸,廚餘為47.5公噸,此垃圾分類調查可提供環保局作為未來推行資源回收工作規劃之參考,若可將所有之可回收物質進行回收,則可大幅降低垃圾量。本團隊配合環保局宣導資源回收及垃圾分類之正確觀念,已於94年6月4日假羅東鎮中山公園協助羅東鎮公所辦理乙場「美麗羅東鎮」之大型宣導活動,民眾踴躍參與,成功地藉以此活動將環保相關訊息傳遞給民眾。 Supervision of Yi Lan Incinerator and Landfills for Recyclables Entrance Control Project For the purpose of reducing recyclable goods and prohibited wastes being devilvered into the incinerator and landfills, and also increasing the recycling rate, Yi Lan County Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) had consistently inspected and assisted the incinerator and landfills operators, both government and non-government organizations, and Yi Lan citizens to manage the waste properly. With the assistance of Gepec Environmental Consulting, Yi Lan County EPB had successfully inspected incinerator and landfills 355 times and more than 3,854 waste delivery trucks. Within the 3,854 waste trucks, only 146 trucks did not conform the EPB inspection standard, the substandard rate was 4%. In addition, Gepec consulting had also investigated 457 local industrial and commercial organizations and found 113 organizations did not comply the EPB standard. The substandard rate was 24%. Therefore, Yi Lan EPB and Gepec consulting had conducted conferences for the these organizations to obtain the information of the latest waste management regulations and proper waste management methods. As the result of the efforts of Yi Lan EPB and Gepec Consulting, the recycling rate in May 2005 of Yi Lan County had reached 27.65% and the waste delivery truck substandard rate had reduced to 0%. 093 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局; 技佳工程顧問公司
32117162 93年度宜蘭縣垃圾減量資源回收工作專案計畫 本資源回收計畫執行的目的,是為了加強對民眾宣導垃圾分類及資源回收的重要性,並達成提高宜蘭縣資源回收比例為目標。為此計畫工作內容可分為查核管制作業、文書審查及管理、教育宣導工作及辦理資源回考核計畫等四個方向。而計畫的期程自93.7.13至94.7.13止,以下將就各計畫執行成果予以詳述。查核管制作業主要是針對公所、社區、責任業者、十一大行業及回收處理業執行查核輔導資源回收的作業。查核方式係採取主動巡查上述對象之資源回收工作是否確實,以及是否配合主管機關之施政項目,若於查核過程中發現違反相關法令之情況,查核人員將立即通知環保局,以隨時掌握資源回收現況。本工作團隊自計畫執行開始,至94年7月15日止,於責任業者之查核工作共計完成816家次,並發現29家次之業者不符合相關規定,其違規項目以「無回收標誌」者之比例較高(48%),其次為「未登記」者11家次,佔總違規家數之38%。另宜蘭縣所指定之十一大行業共計列管556家,本案共計查核完成1,213家次,不符合規定者有16家業者,而其中又以超級市場業(30%)的比例較高,不符合規定的項目大多為未張貼回收點標示,資源回收桶設置於不顯處等缺失項目。為提高本縣之資源回收成效,本工作團隊乃極積輔導業者改善其缺失,根據複查結果顯示,16家不符合規定之業者均已完成改善工作,改善率為100%。有關回收處理業之查核作業,計畫期程內共執行101家次,查核過程中發現合維公司、峰達公司及綠芳公司等三家公司不符合相關規定,違規項目以「影響環境衛生」及「回收處理業土地登記未合格」為主,而目前上述業者也均完成相關改善或登記事項。為加強宣導資源回收工作,本工作團隊於九十三年九月十六日辦理乙場為時半天之轄內責任業者說明會,目的為了讓轄境內之事業單位了解資源回收工作的重要性,當日與會業者共計37家,出席率為63%,另為掌握本縣資源回收現況及執行成果,特於93年12月22日辦理,與會對象包含環保局長官、各鄉公所代表、執行機關等,會中針對本年度宜蘭縣之垃圾減量、資源回收之執行績效進行工作檢討。此外,為擴大宣導及教育民眾,本計畫於電視台播放資源回收相關之宣導短片,以宣導資源回收及垃圾強制分類「一包」、「ㄧ袋」、「一捆」及「一桶」之政策,播放時間分為93.12.10~94.2.9、94.1.1~1.31、94.6.14~94.6.2共計100天為期三個階段執行,而三階段所宣導的主題分別為資源回收說明回收項目方法好處、垃圾強制分類、農藥空瓶回收等。宜蘭縣保護局已於93年10月1日開始實施推動「垃圾強制分類計畫」,實施方式為民眾應將垃圾分為一般垃圾、資源回收及廚餘三大類,因此為提高資源物質之利用率,本工作團隊乃依據宜蘭垃圾處理現況,規劃資源回收細分類廠之方案,以作為環保局日後建置細分類廠之參考依據。初步評估結果顯示,一座資源回收細分類廠應可在2年內回收成本,並於每月為縣政府賺取約160~180萬之利潤。此外,為協助宜蘭縣環保局建置一套完整資源回收宣導之網頁,並透過網際網路執行電子資料之建檔、管理及報表產生之系統,本工作團隊乃著手建置網際網路資源回收宣導網頁及公所申報查詢系統。資源回收網站中分為兩大作業系統,為資源回收宣導網頁(含複合查詢及網頁介面更新管理系統)及資源回收隊申報管理系統等兩大系統,資源回宣導網頁之對象為宜蘭縣縣民以國內其他縣市之民眾,資源回收隊申報管理系統較為複雜,管理對象包括環保局資源回收隊、機關學校社區等,為一整合宜蘭縣資源回收成果之管理系統。此外,宜蘭縣之資源回收率已從93年1月至94年6月之19.25%提升至27.65%,每月回收量也增加了約1,000公噸,每人每日垃圾清運量亦自0.708公斤下降至0.543公斤。所有統計數據皆顯示宜蘭縣資源回收工作成效卓越,另外,值得一提,93年環保署資源回收考核計畫,宜蘭縣獲第三類執行機關第一名,因此宜蘭縣政府環保局為本縣資源回收工作之努力是相當值得肯定。 Waste Reduction and Recycling Project of Yi Lan County 2004 For the puspose of increasing recycling rate of Yi Lan County, Yi Lan Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) had enhanced the promotion of the importance of waste separation, reusing and recycling to the Yi Lan citizens. To successfully improve the recycling rate of the county, EPB had focused on the results of the recycling works that local councils, schools, local communities, responsible businesses, shops, and recycling organizations had carried out. Gepec Environmental Consulting had assisted EPB in inspection to ascertain that the above bodies had complied the government regulations on implementing recycling works, establishing on-site recycling facilities, and recyclables had collected and processed by EPA authorized organizations. From July 2004 to July 2005, Gepec Consulting had found 29 responsible businesses which had not registered to the EPA for producing or importing recyclable packaging or container. In addition, within 1,213 shops in Yi Lan County that Gepec Consulting had inspected found only 16 shops did not establish on-site recycling facilities for shoppers to dispose. Furthermore, Gepec consulting had consistently visited 8 local recycling organizations as to confirm each of the organizations had followed the EPA regulations and reported the recycled statistics to the EPB correctly and timely. Gepec consulting not only provided inspection work but also assisted to rectify the faults that each organization owned.To successfully promote the importance of recycling works, succession of recycling propaganda was carried out with the project execution period. Furthermore, a recycling website had been developed to provide information on recycling news, methods, items, and knowledge. Also a search system on recycling results for Yi Lan was implemented. Moreover, a detailed recycling separation facility was planned for Yi Lan EPB. 093 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局; 技佳工程顧問有限公司
32117163 奈米金在污染防治應用上的潛力評估 本研究應用台灣舊礦區篩得的奈米金轉化菌株生產生物性的奈米金材料,並與其他製程所得到的奈米金材料進行功能上的比較,以了解生物性奈米金和其他金奈米材料在污染防治上的應用潛力,在空氣污染物的評估結果顯示苯的降解效能以參考性金奈米材料最為明顯(50%),甲苯的降解效能則以化學法生產的奈米金和TiO2結合最為明顯(41%),二甲苯的降解效能則以物理法生產的奈米金和TiO2結合最具明顯效果(40%)。大部分的材料對甲醛都可達到50%的去除率,一氧化氮的去除能力則以化學性和生物性的奈米金較佳,對二氧化氮的去除則以單一材料中的物理性奈米金最好,生物性奈米金則毫無反應。而一氧化碳的去除則以參考性材料最理想。奈米金對污染物的去除能力同時可在機車廢氣的去除評估中被觀察到,唯各材料對廢氣中污染物的去除能力和單一污染物下的測試結果有所差異。生物性奈米金對Escherichia coli及Salmonella choleraesuis的抑菌能力在反應24小時幾乎已達到100%,其他奈米材料則無此現象,對於脫氮反應的影響在有奈米材料存在下普遍產生了抑制性的作用,其中較時別的現象是生物性奈米金可促進脫硝反應的進行,可使脫硝反應的時間由原先的4天縮短成3天,而在氨氮無氧氧化反應的系統中則可以加快系統中亞硝酸氮的去除。綜合本研究結果,顯示奈米金材料值得開發的領域仍很廣泛,值得於研究的深度和廣度上再進一步進行系統性的探討。 Application assessment of nano gold particles on the pollution prevention In this study, we evaluated the potentiality of air pollution control using biologically transformed nano-sized gold particles, which mediated by microorganism isolated from abandoned mining area, chemically synthesized and commercial nano-sized gold particles. For air pollutant control, the results showed that the reference material could remove 50% of benzene; chemically transformed nanogold mixed with TiO2 could remove 41% of toluene;,physically transformed nanogold mixed with TiO2 could remove 41% of xylene. Most of the tested nano-particles could remove more than 50% of formaldehyde. Biologically and chemically transformed nanogold produced the best result for nitrogen monoxide reduction. For carbon monoxide oxidation, the reference material showed the best result. All the pollutant removing results were also observed in the test, which used the motorcycle exhausted gas as the pollutant source. There were differences of the pollutant-removing rate and the ability between the single pollutant system and the motorcycle exhausted gas. There was no antimicrobial activity for Escherichia coli (BCRC16081) and Salmonella choleraesuis (BCRC10747) in 48-hour test with the physically and chemically transformed nanogold particles, but the biologically transformed nanogold significantly inhibited the bacterial growth. Most of the tested nanoparticles inhibited the nitrogen removing reaction, but the biologically transformed nanogold could shorten the time of de-nitrification from 4 days to 3 days and could also increase the de-nitrification rate in the anammox reaction tested system. All the results showed that the nonogold materials have created some new application field. For successful application of the nanogold in the environmental protection, it is necessary to do the more researches to understand the mechanisms of the pollutant removing reactions. 093 永續發展室 財團法人生物技術開發中心 張裕釧
32117164 全國廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查計畫 本計畫針對全國廢棄工廠進行通案評估,建立基本資料庫,並篩選污染潛勢較高者進行調查與查證管制,以為廢棄工廠管理之基礎。根據工業局資料,廢棄工廠達十萬家以上,為篩選代表性工廠,工作團隊彙整國內與美、歐、日等國之土水污染案例,研訂應優先關注之九大類高污染潛勢業別,並蒐集國內相關類型廢棄工廠基本資料及建置資料庫。續依現有工廠資訊,以條件式分層篩選,及藉由初步勘查、現場勘查、環境資料庫比對等方式補充場址資訊,建置量化篩選評量系統,完成初步評分,以為分期實施調查名單研訂之基礎,並經審查會確認本年度優先調查15家工廠名單。調查工作分為二階段實施,第一階段為污染調查,有疑慮者進入第二階段污染查證。經第一階段15家工廠調查,超過半數具土壤或地下水污染跡象;再經第二階段9家工廠污染查證,確認至少有6家超過污染管制標準,應列管改善,另有3家亦需適當之管理措施。此一結果顯示九大類事業之廢棄工廠污染之比例不低,可提供環保單位後續污染控制及採取因應措施之參考。另依土水法八、九條研訂之「環境場址潛在土壤污染評估辦理事業用地土壤污染檢測參考指引」及參照ASTM Phase I之精神,提供自主檢查程序與重點說明,以供工廠管理或自主檢查參考。 Investigation of Potential Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Abandoned Industrial Sites An overall evaluation of potential soil and groundwater contamination of abandoned industrial sites in Taiwan was fulfilled and the database management system of the above sites was set up in this project. In addition, 15 industrial sites regarded as high potential contaminated industrial sites were selected for exemplificative investigation and verification.Investigations were divided into two stages throughout this project. The first stage was for the pollution investigation. Sites revealed high-contaminated possibilities at the first stage would enter to the second stage for pollution verification. After 15 priority sites investigations at the first stage, over 50 percent of the investigated sites were suspected sites; and later after 9 sites verification at the second stage, the concentrations of pollutants in soil or groundwater of 6 verified sites exceeded the soil or groundwater pollution control standards in Taiwan, and the 6 sites should be declared to be control sites. Furthermore, 3 of the verified sites were suggested to be proper control. Since the results indicated high possibilities in soil or groundwater contamination of the abandoned industrial sites belonged to the 9 potential high-contaminated industries, it was recommended that the local authorities should pay more attention to the above the 9 classes of potential high-contaminated industries. 093 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司
32117165 奈米科技發展國際主要環境議題研析及因應 本計畫涵蓋命名(nomenclature)、毒理學研究資訊交換(exchange of information on human and ecological toxicology studies)、奈米科技的環境效益(environmental benefits of nanotechnology)以及風險評估的方法 (methodologies for risk assessment),其目標為○1與全球四大主軸議題同步發展,研析結論回饋國際社會與○2對全球四大主軸議題,提出具體國內因應對策,並經必要之溝通確認。本計畫將奈米名詞分為8大類並已匯集186個名詞。毒理學資訊則蒐集國內外奈米微粒、量子點、富勒烯(fullerene)以及碳奈米管之毒理學資訊,並中譯兩篇國際有關奈米毒理的重要文獻。環境效益則蒐集並歸納國內外奈米科技針對環境友善之研究與應用的成果,並加以歸納整理為五大類型。於風險管理上建立了預警原則與奈米健康風險評估架構,以因應奈米技術所帶來之潛在危害,並回應歐體於2004年Brussels舉辦之研商會所做出建立標準化風險評估之呼籲。本計畫所建議之奈米名詞分類,未來可依此架構陸續增加詞彙,以利於國內奈米研究人員使用相同語言,以及行政單位法規之研擬;毒理學資訊交換提供國內外毒理學資訊與國際接軌;環境效益分為五大類型,可作為未來奈米技術努力的方向;風險評估則已建立了工程奈米微粒之健康風險評估架構,可作為未來國內奈米風險評估之努力方向,以利於政府之奈米風險管理。 The Analysis and Response on Four Main International Issues of Nanotech Development The study areas of this project includes nomenclature, methodologies for risk assessment, the exchange of information on human and ecological toxicology studies, and the environmental benefits of nanotechnology which are stated to be the current four main issues in nanotechonology research. Its goals are (1) to develop the four main issues concurrently with international communities and feedback the study results to them, and (2) to develop concrete domestic policy on the four main issues after consultation with nanotech researchers. This project has collected 186 nanoterms which are grouped into eight categories. Toxicological information of nanomaterials including nanopartilces, quantum dots, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes has been collected. Two well-known articles on nanotoxicology are also translated into Chinese. Potential environmental benefits based on the results of research and environmentally friendly applications of nanotech are also collected and analyzed, and then classified into five categories. This project has established a preliminary framework for health risk assessment and identified the need for further work. To manage and regulate risks associated with nanotech, a Precautionary Principle is also suggested to help prevent or reduce risks before the completed development of the above mentioned standardized approach. The suggested classification of nanoterms can be used to continue adding new ones over the next 3 years. Information gathered on nanotoxicology will serve as good references concurrently for domestic and international researchers in the pursuits of nanotoxicology. The classification of environmental benefits into five categories will provide a direction for the environmental nanotechnology. The established framework for health assessment of risks associated with nanomaterials can be used to continue the development of a standardized approach for the assessment of nanotechnology risks to human health, the environment, consumers and workers. 093 永續發展室 國立中山大學環境工程研究所
32117166 奈米技術在高性能氧氣氣體感測器應用之研究 機器腳踏車所排出的廢氣是造成空氣污染的主因之一。台灣居住環境狹窄,機器腳踏車又是主要的短程交通工具。機器腳踏車所造成的空氣污染逐日嚴重的危害我們的身體健康。歐洲與美國加州都已訂定嚴格的機器腳踏車廢氣排放標準,而且與汽車排放標準相距不遠。為達到此一標準,將閉路式電子噴油系統應用至機器腳踏車,已是必然趨勢。綜觀國內各大機車製造廠,大多對對閉路式電子噴油系統仍保持觀望態度,其中原因之一乃在於國內所能提供之相關零組件多以汽車適用為主,真正符合機器腳踏車所設計之零組件非常稀少,更遑論要能具相當自主性。在電子噴油系統中,氧氣感測器為關鍵性零組件,機器腳踏車由於排氣量小、路程短、避震差,以汽車氧氣感測器直接應用在機車電子噴油系統中,並不適當。反而,應針對機器腳踏車使用環境的需求,發展更靈敏、反應更快速、更微小的氧氣感測器。因此本計畫的目的即在於利用奈米技術,包括以奈米粉體電泳沈積法製備高緻密度(達理論密度值98%以上)的氧化鋯電解質薄膜,以降低其所貢獻的電阻,提升離子傳導速率,結果發現,以奈米粉體電泳法可將1mm厚氧化鋯電解質降低至50μm以下;電阻值也明顯低於傳統厚壁式,合成介孔電極材料,大幅提升電極表面積至50m2/g以上。至於感測性質之量測,也將氧化鋯薄膜兩側以交互循環方式通入氫氣/空氣或空氣/空氣,所量測電壓最高達0.86V,最滴至0.04V,顯示以奈米粉體電泳法所得氧化鋯電解質薄膜,經高溫燒結緻密化後,以達完全氣密效果,發揮其感測功能。若將氧化鋯電解質薄膜應用在機器腳踏車用之氧氣感測器,將可有效縮短反應時間,也有助於其微小化,以促進其廣泛應用之可能性。 Application of Nano-technology on Oxygen Sensor The exhaust from motorcycles is one the major source causing air pollution in Taiwan. However, the motorcycle is very popular due to its convenience and compact size. Thus, more strict regulation is needed to control the exhaust of the motorcycles. The closed-loop engine management system (EMS) may be the best solution to control the exhaust of motorcycles effectively. The oxygen sensor is the key component in the closed-loop EMS. To use oxygen sensor in motorcycles, more strict requirements are needed because motorcycles use much smaller engine, turn on/off frequently, provide limited space. In other words, a more efficient oxygen sensor is needed in a motorcycle. In this study, a thin-film type oxygen sensor was developed using advanced nanotechnology. A zirconia thin film was deposited on a porous substrate using electrophoretic deposition method. After sintering at 1400℃, a gas-tight film was obtained. The resistance from the thin-film zirconia is significantly lower than that of 1mm thick zirconia. Also, mesoporous zirconia powder with very high surface area was developed using self-assembly surfactant as a template. The specific surface area can reach as high as 50 m2/g. The electrochemical test was conducted on EPD deposited thin film cell. One side of the cell was exposed to air. The other side of cell was exposed to hydrogen-containing atmosphere or air alternatively. Consequently, the maximum voltage obtained was 0.86 V and the lowest voltage obtained was 0.04 V. These results show that the zirconia thin film is fully densified and completely covered the substrate. Thus, EPD process is a feasible technology to enhance the performance of oxygen sensor that may be used in motorcycles. 093 永續發展室 國立成功大學材料工程及科學學系
32117167 運輸部門溫室氣體盤查管理、策略分析、減量規劃及試行計畫之推動 本計畫中收集了英國、日本、德國、加拿大、美國、澳洲、新加坡及韓國等主要國家的排放量計算與減量措施等。各主要國家運輸部門溫室氣體統計方法、基線建立方法遵循IPCC所建議方式,為Top-down的方式使用總和度較高的資料我國亦採用同樣原則進運輸部門溫室氣體統計。各主要國家、組織對於運輸部門減量措施皆在滿足運輸需求及運輸安全的前提下,以提高燃油效率、使用低GHG替代燃料、減少車行旅程為主要目標,並配合經濟誘因及提供方便性等措施,以減緩運輸部門溫室氣體排放成長。以臺灣能源平衡表為主,統計國內運輸部門不同交通工具之溫室氣體排放量,如2003年為37,885 Gg CO2 Eq.,其中公路運輸為90%。利用迴歸模式進行運輸部門各類能源使用量及溫室氣體排放量預測,2025年合計各類交通工具推估排放量為57,438 Gg CO2 Eq.,較2003年增加約58%,其中以公路運輸仍佔90%以上。辦理四場次會議及座談會,釐清溫室氣體排放量統計及推估採用方法、使用資料之可靠性及正確性,檢討盤查手冊編撰方式、內容,研討京都議定書生效後運輸業面臨挑戰等等議題,共計55人次參與。94年5月9日辦理「運輸部門溫室氣體減量論壇」會議,以再造都市綠色交通網、國內貨物運輸系統結構及改善空間、國際清潔車輛發展趨勢、國內生質燃料之使用及發展等四大主題進行研討,共計140人參與。措施執行與其他國家相比,在車輛運具改善部分仍有所不足,至於緩和運輸活動的成長,及清潔大眾運輸工具推廣兩個面向則應持續努力。比較國外運輸部門減量措施,近程可採用之技術及行動為:提升新車燃油效率、減低使用中車輛燃油消耗、減少車行旅程、增加替代燃料、增進貨運效率等。長程可採用之技術及行動為:低GHG排放之能源供應、車輛效率提升、智慧型運輸系統基礎建設等。檢視日本「新大綱措施」包含能源效率提昇、駕駛習慣改善、道路管理、貨運效率、大眾運輸等五大類別,相對於國內推動執行評估及建議配合事項。在後京都時期,純粹由工業部門減量將無法滿足減量要求,運輸部門需採取較強烈之減量行動抑制成長率。若比照OECD國家年平均成長率為1.5%,2025年需減量7,734千噸,減量百分比14.1%。依據2005年全國能源會議結論運輸部門初步提列減量目標檢視原已提列運輸部門行動方案可達之減量顯示,其大致上可達2010 年節能目標及2015年CO2減量目標,但尚無法達成2020及2025年目標量,需採用更積極強制之措施才能達到2025年目標量。建議總量指標及平均量指標、可再生能源使用率指標之為減量指標。在國際交流方面:建議美國環保署Smartway Transportation Partnership專案、世界資源研究院城市交通改善及世界企業永續發展協會永續運輸專案(WBCSD Sustainbale Mibility)等三個單位作為後續發展國際交流合作的選擇對象,並規劃合作方式及期程。配合環保署組團參加2004年12月於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯舉辦之第十次締約國大會,由計畫主持人劉國棟經理,並特聘清華大學科技法律研究所范建得教授為顧問隨團參加。編撰運輸部門溫室體盤查手冊,內容包含七章及二個附錄。製作電子報發行,已發行四期電子報,發送3327人次。 The Green House Gas management planning for the transportation departments Main countries set up the method and follow the way that IPCC proposes in each GHG statistical method to get base-line of transportation sector. Main country or organization proposes decrement method in transportation sector based on the premise that it meets transportation demand and transportation safety, the main goal improves the efficiency of the fuel, uses low GHG emission fuels, reduces vehicle traveling mileages, combines economic inducement and offer, to slow down the growth. Using Taiwan energy#s balance table as principle to assess the emission of GHG in transportation sector, the result is 37,885 Gg CO2 eq in 2003. Predicted emission of GHG in transportation sector will be 57,438 Gg CO2 eq in 2025. 5 meetings and forums were held to distinguish greenhouse gas emission statistical and predicted estimate method of adopting, the dependability and exactness of the data, examine compile manual, and discuss the possible problems after Kyoto Protocol executed.Compared with other countries, the vehicle energy efficiency is still low in Taiwan. To reduce transport activity, and to use clean masses transport system are important tasks. More decrement measures should be considered. Based on the conclusion of national energy meeting (2005), decrement goal in transportation sector can roughly reach the energy-conserving goal of 2015 years and CO2 decrement goal of 2010 years, but it is still unable to reach the target emission for 2020 and 2025 years. To accomplish the reduction amount for year 2025, it needs to execute more forced controlling measures. The total emission index, the average quantity index, and the regenerated energy rate of utilization index are proposed for the decrement index. 093 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司
32117168 全國地下水水質預警監測網整體規劃計畫 本計畫共蒐集893口場置性監測井基本資料,主要分佈於工業區、大型獨立工廠、掩埋場、加油站、及污染查證等場址;針對其中設置時間超過2年且使用率較低之監測井,進行現勘、功能檢查與維護作業,總計執行356口;並就其中45口缺乏井細部設計資料或功能異常之監測井進行井底攝影工作,經井況評估確定己不能進行採樣之監測井為66口占總數之7.4%。另針對水質資料較缺乏或曾發現污染之113口監測井執行水質檢測,其中超出管制標準之污染物項目皆屬於氯化碳氫化合物,分別為1,2-二氯乙烷(2口均位於高雄縣林園工業區)、三氯乙烯與氯乙烯(各2口分別位於高雄市前鎮區與高雄縣林園工業區)。北部地區高污染潛勢區採用「兩階段篩選」方法,首先建立高污染潛勢區候選名單,再由污染潛勢與水文地質綜合指標評定各區污染潛勢之高低,篩選出二十處區域;污染潛勢分析及模擬部分則引進模式參數並以可量化預警效益之美國MEMO模式來規劃井位;評估各潛勢區之既設監測井與污染潛勢高低,以及是否曾發生污染事件之歷史背景,使各區增設監測井控制於最少1站、最多4站之數量,同時配合各區域既設之場置性或區域性監測井,建構完整之預警監測系統。本計畫規劃結果共需增設60口監測井。彙整監測井調查與維護工作成果,匯入「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊管理系統」中,並研訂「地下水監測井管理及水質監測作業手冊」(草案),內容包括監測井(網)類別說明、監測井管理制度介紹、監測井維護作業流程與方式、地下水水質監測、及「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊管理系統」介紹等,作為相關單位後續進行監測井管理維護與水質檢測工作之參考。 Development of National Groundwater Quality Detection Monitoring Program This plan collected basic data from a total of 893 site-specific monitoring wells; the locations of these wells are mostly in factories, dumping sites, gas stations, and potential contaminated sites. The 356 wells that were established over 2 years and seldom used were re-visited, checked and maintained their functions. Television Inspection system was conducted for 45 of the 356 wells, which were either lack of design detail information or malfunctioning. After the whole assessments, 66 out of 356 wells (7.4%) were confirmed as malfunction and unable conduct sampling process. Groundwater quality analyses were conducted for 113 wells, which were either lack of groundwater quality data or contaminated substances found previously. The results of the analyses showed that the concentrations of some chlorinated-hydrocarbon compounds were higher than the Groundwater Pollution Control Standards. 1,2-Dichloroethane was found in 2 wells located in Linyuan Industrial Area. Trichloroethylene and vinylchloride were found one located in Chien Chin District; another located in Linyun Industrial Area. To establish the “Potential Pollution Zone” in Northern Taiwan, “Two Stages Screening” method was used. First of all, constructed a Possible Potential Pollution Zone List; Secondly, combined the potential polluted index and hydrogeology index to evaluate the pollution degree of each zone and then select the top 20 areas. In analyzing and simulating the “Potential Pollution Zone“, MEMO model was used for planning the locations of new monitoring wells. After evaluating the historical pollution events of the areas, 1 to 4 monitoring wells were suggested in each area cooperating the existing site-specific monitoring wells and regional monitoring wells. As a result, 60 monitoring wells were planned to complete the construction the “Pre-warning Monitoring Well System”. 093 督察總隊 瑞昶科技股份有限公司
32117169 九十三年嘉縣揮發性有機物及農工臭味稽查管制計畫.DOC 本計畫於民國九十三年一月簽約,依據合約及工作計畫書內容,按照計畫進度來進行相關作業之準備與執行,且完成作業成果(詳期末報告),茲將其內容摘要說明如下: (一)陳情案件管制中心(二)露天燃燒等陳情案件查處九十三年一月至九十三年二月二十九日止共處理露天燃燒案件計36件次 (三)民眾滿意度調查工作計畫執行期間,報案中心共計完成民眾滿意度調查案件38件,調查結果計非常滿意有5件,滿意案件計有5件,尚可計有4件,非常不滿意計有1件,3次電話無人接聽或電話錯誤者計有9件 (四)工作檢討及教育訓練(五)配合環保局提交各類考核報表,及環保署考評 (六)完成九十二年公害陳情案件處理白皮書編撰 2004 Emission organic matter and farm work bad smells inspection control project This project signs a contract in January, 2004, and depend on the contract and working plan’s content to follow the progress to prepare and do the interrelated jobs and get the achievement. The detail of the contents as following:(一)Report case control central.(二)Burning outdoors cases disposeFrom 2004 January to February 29, we got 36 cases of burning outdoors.During the period of statistic, because of making rounds of inspection, the burning cases stop happening, and the burning outdoors’ TSP is 0.2409 ton, NOX is 0.0466ton, NMHC is 0.1438 ton, and CO is 1.3232 ton.u Make round and inspection and harmony with Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan bad air quality examine.Go to the section has outdoor burning to inspection, and try to reduce this condition and air pollution. (三)Satisfaction of people investigation (四)Job self-criticism and education training(五)Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau to sent each assess forms and judging (六)Complete editing 2003 environmental pollution writing cases 093 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局
32117170 92年台南市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催繳補計畫 本計畫自自民國92年6月至民國92年底止,共計執行7個月,計畫工作項目執行進度如表一所示,考評預期成績計算整理如表二。以下簡要說明各項工作成果。一、許可審查作業二、許可證查核作業三、宣導說明會作業四、資料庫擴充更新作業五、煙道監督檢測作業六、巡查作業七、固定污染源稽查建檔作業八、資料庫維護作業九、工廠輔導改善追蹤作業十、空污費催補繳作業十一、排放量申報確認作業十二、定檢申報建檔 2003 Tainan City stable pollution sources license inspection control and project of pushing to pay for air pollution fine. This project is from 2003 June to the end of 2003, and there are total seven months. The working items’ progress of project are as table1 and the result of test expect grades are as table2.The achievements are as following:(1) License inspection(2) Check the allowance(3) Announcement conference(4) Renew and expand the databank(5) Smoking road watching inspection(6) Inspect and test working(7) Key in the data of stable polluted source.(8) Defend the data bank.(9) Improvement and track(10) Push to pay the air pollution fine(11) Make sure the report of emission(12) Set up the data about time checking 093 台南市環境保護局 台南市環保局
32117171 國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析專案工作計畫 環保署科顧室自1998年2月,即開始規劃利用網路,推動定期蒐集國際環保訊息工作。本年度計畫經公開招標後,於2004年3月9日正式簽約日起執行。本計畫之工作內容分為 (1) 蒐集、篩選、摘譯國際資訊;(2)分析國際環保趨勢;(3)協助傳播國際環保資訊等三部分。經統計至2004年11月23日止,共計37週執行成果,共篩選並摘譯國際環保訊息計1303則(37週),平均每週提供約35.2則譯稿,每週提報國際訊息週報共37次,每日發送國際訊息予訂閱之讀者,配合永續發展委員會開會提出國際訊息報告1次,配合署長永續會報告提出日本開徵碳稅國際訊息報告1次,依環保署指定題目完成專題報告8篇及完成國際環保趨勢分析季報2次﹙第三次季報編印中﹚等,本公司提供之服務已能完全符合合約之要求。 International Environmental Protection Information Collection and Trend Analysis Project Nowadays, international environmental regulations are getting diverse and stricter, having a direct impact on related control measures and industries in Taiwan. Not only prompting environmental protection of internationalization has become government’s policy, also international environmental protection matters have increased dramatically. Gathering information about the international environmental protection dynamics will therefore help international cooperation with other countries. In February 1998, the EPA planned to use Internet, and so as to perform regular collection of international environmental protection news. On March 9 2004 the project was conducted after the public bid ended.According to the contents of the contract signed, the project are divided into three parts, as follows: (1) collection, selection and translation of international news; (2) analysis of international environmental protection trend; (3) Assistance in promulgating international environmental protection news. During the 8-month project implementation, there were in total, 1303 pieces of news selected and translated, and there were 37 issues of international news weekly published. On average, 35 articles translated were provided for the EPA each week. Daily international news was distributed to subscribers, 1 report on the news were presented in coordination with the meeting of the Sustainable Development Committee and 1 report on news about Japan government’s tax on carbon dioxide emissions as reference for the minister. Moreover, 2 issues of analysis periodical of international environmental protection trend were published. It is concluded that Hui-Kou Consulting Co. has accomplished the mission in accordance with the contract signed. 093 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司
32117172 環境水樣中腸病毒檢測技術之建立及地下水、飲用水污染調查 腸道病毒已被證明和許多經由水體傳播之痢疾案例有關,並引起許多公共衛生上的問題。大約有超過140種以上的腸道病毒會經由糞便排放而污染水體。本計畫之目的,包括評估水體中腸病毒經各種濃縮、流洗方式處理後腸病毒之回收狀況。為評估各種水體病毒的濃縮狀況,我們所選擇的水體包括醫院廢水、水廠原水、水廠清水,以及經調整酸鹼值和鹽類濃度之水體。另外,我們也評估PCR分析過程之各項操作條件,並以定量PCR進行病毒含量之相對定量分析。而經本計畫評估之最佳分析流程,乃用於進行環境水樣腸病毒存在性分析。核酸分析步驟包括:RNA萃取、RT-PCR反應、PCR產物分析以及環境中PCR反應之干擾因子探討。本計畫總共從十三個採樣點採集二十個水樣進行腸病毒分析。其中十四個水樣來自以表面水為水源之水廠的原水及清水,三個來自於以地下水為水源之水廠原水,三個來自於簡易自來水設施。檢測結果顯示,七個表面水水廠原水樣本中,有四個樣本檢測出腸病毒,七個表面水水廠清水樣本中,有五個樣本檢測出腸病毒,三個地下水樣本中,有一個檢測出腸病毒,至於三個簡易自來水水樣則有兩個檢測出腸病毒。而上述樣本進行腸病毒細胞培養之結果,皆呈陰性反應。 Development of Enteroviruses Detecting Techniques and Survey of Enteroviruses in the Groundwater and Drinking Water Enteric viruses have been associated with many outbreaks of waterborne nonbacterial gastroenteritis and are a public health concern. The objective of this project is to evaluate series of procedures to concentrate viruses by adsorption to and elution from various charged membranes for various types of water. To ensure the best possible evaluation for detection of viruses in different kinds of water type samples, the hospital wastewater, raw, treated, and adjusted pHs and electrolyte treated water samples were provided. These concentration procedures were combined with various PCR methods in order to detect enteroviruses in environmental water samples. The relative recovery efficiencies of enterovirus were also evaluated by Real-Time PCR. The optimum procedures designed for enteroviruses detection of the environmental water samples were done in this study. The nucleic acid analyzing method for enteroviruses includes the following steps: RNA extraction, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and analysis of the PCR-products. The contents of environmental inhibitors after virus concentration are suspected to have some inhibitory effect on viruses PCR detection. It should be considered while detecting enteric viruses in environmental samples. Environmental water samples were taken from thirteen prescreened locations around the island. A total of twenty water samples were obtained during 2 months. Results revealed that four out of seven raw water samples and five out of seven treated water samples from surface water treatment plants were detected positive for enteroviruses. One out of three ground water samples and two out of three small units water samples were detected positive for enteroviruses. It is advised that the Taiwan EPA keeps investigating this related research, so as to scientifically estimate the long-term potential health risk. 093 環檢所
32117173 台中市九十三年柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫 行政院環境保護署採取「清潔車輛」以及「清潔燃料」兩大策略防制移動性污染源,並透過考評制度要求地方環保單位落實相關政策,其管制策略包含柴油車的管制工作。目前台中市環保局針對柴油車的管制措施,主要是通知並要求車輛執行動力計煙度計檢測。 The test project of exhaust smoke at dynamometer for diesel automobiles on 2004 in Taichung The Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan adopt two important measures in movably pollution are depurative automobiles and depurative fuel, and than require of the region Environmental Protection Bureau by pass examinational system to attain an objective for correlatively policy. So the confined policy embrace confined stewardship of diesel mobiles. Now The Environmental Protection Bureau in Taichung City be aimed at confined stewardship of diesel mobiles, mostly to require and notify the car execution for exhaust smoke at dynamometer. 093 台中市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 101 到第 150 筆