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Title 九十三年度應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器物品類)
Abstract 一、依據「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」及稽核認證作業手冊規定,以嚴謹之稽核認證程序,核算稽核認證處理量,作為環保署核撥受補貼機構補貼費之依據。二、修訂「廢電子電器物品類回收清除處理稽核認證作業手冊」,期使各項稽核認證作業均依標準作業程序(SOP)執行。三、確認回收量與處理量,查核廢電子電器物品品質及回收來源,避免回流與重複申報。四、查核衍生廢棄物、再生料流向及追蹤物品再生/處理去處,確認回收物品妥善處理。五、查核作業環境,落實廠區污染防制工作。
EngTitle The Audit and Certificate Teams for the recycling of Waste Home Appliance
EngAbstract 1.According to the regulations specified in “Regulated Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulations” and the Audit and Certification Operation Manual, to use strict audit and certification process to calculate the audit and certification treatment amount, which will be used as the basis for EPA to appropriate the compensation fee to the compassable organization.2.To revise “Waste Electronic and Electric Appliances Recycling, Clearance, and Disposal Audit and Certification Operation Manual”, so that various audit and certification operations can be executed according to the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP).3.To identify recycling amount and treatment amount, and audit the quality and source of waste electronic and electric appliances to avoid flowing back and repeat reporting.4.To audit the flow path of derived waste, regenerated material, and trace the material regeneration/treatment whereabouts, to assure the recycled waste is treated suitably.5.To audit the operation environment, to promote pollution control work in the factory.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司