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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治技術支援計畫
Abstract 本計畫共有4項主要工作,第1項工作為協助環保署擬定「污染範圍及污染管制區劃定之技術指引」,計畫執行期間除蒐集彙整國內法規規定、污染之虞場址查證、控制場址可能污染範圍、整治場址污染範圍及污染管制區劃定公告之執行現況,進行關鍵課題探討及分析,亦針對國內外土壤及地下水污染調查方式、調查技術及模式工具進行探討及提出建議。最後研擬完成「控制場址可能污染範圍、整治場址污染範圍及污染管制區劃定作業及技術指引(草案)」。第2項工作為協助環保署擬定「農地污染改善推動方案及標準作業手冊」,計畫執行期間除蒐集彙整國內歷年農地土壤污染調查方式、管制措施及污染改善之現況,亦與縣市環保局進行訪談並辦理1場次研討會,俾透過各級環保機關之經驗交流,使未來執行時有齊一之標準。最後研擬完成「農地污染改善推動草案」、「現行處理農地污染事件標準作業手冊修正草案」及「各級環保機關處理農地污染事件標準作業手冊(草案)」。第3項工作為協助環保署推動污染場址資訊交換體系運作,計畫執行期間除協助各級環保機關將現有土壤及地下水污染場址相關資訊蒐集彙整於「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統」資料庫中,建立業務執行單位管理及查詢之共通管道與機制外,亦協助辦理系統使用說明會,並提供諮詢專線及系統維護檢查服務,後續並依各級環保機關對系統使用情形及功能提升需求之訪談意見,進行系統相關功能建置及操作介面之更新,最後完成系統分析文件及操作、維護手冊供各級環保機關參考使用。第4項工作為協助環保署展現污染整治工作成果及提供專業工作團隊協辦相關業務,計畫執行期間主要完成編撰93年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報、蒐集彙整國內外整治資訊、編撰及發行電子報行、研擬土污基管會之折頁文宣稿及辦理30小時共15場次之專題演講等工作。
EngTitle Technical Assistance to Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination Project
EngAbstract The purpose of this project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in the implementation of the following 4 major tasks.1. Preparation of “The Technical Guide for Delimiting Contaminated and Restricted Zones” In this task the suggestions on the survey methods, technologies and modeling of soil and groundwater contamination were also studied and presented. Hence, in this task a draft was completed which was called “The Technical Guide for Delimiting Contaminated and Restricted Zones”.2. Preparation of both the “Manual of Standard Procedures for Remediation of Contaminated Farmlands”, and “The Promotion Plan for the Acceptance of the Standard Procedures”3. Promotion of “The Use of the Information Exchange System for Contaminated Sites” For creating a common channel and mechanism of management and data storage and retrieval for business execution units, the “Information System for Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Sites” was established. This was done to assist different levels of EPBs in collecting and compiling relevant information on contamination. This task also entailed assisting in the preparation of instructional meetings on the usage of the “Information System”, and providing consulting hot lines and system maintenance and inspection services. Based on input from the EPBs, the “Information System” functions and interface were upgraded as part of this task. Finally, system analysis documents and operating and maintenance manuals were prepared for the EPBs.4. Presentations on the performance of the remediation efforts were made to the public and a professional support team was provided for relevant activities:
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司