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Title 奈米技術在高性能氧氣氣體感測器應用之研究
Abstract 機器腳踏車所排出的廢氣是造成空氣污染的主因之一。台灣居住環境狹窄,機器腳踏車又是主要的短程交通工具。機器腳踏車所造成的空氣污染逐日嚴重的危害我們的身體健康。歐洲與美國加州都已訂定嚴格的機器腳踏車廢氣排放標準,而且與汽車排放標準相距不遠。為達到此一標準,將閉路式電子噴油系統應用至機器腳踏車,已是必然趨勢。綜觀國內各大機車製造廠,大多對對閉路式電子噴油系統仍保持觀望態度,其中原因之一乃在於國內所能提供之相關零組件多以汽車適用為主,真正符合機器腳踏車所設計之零組件非常稀少,更遑論要能具相當自主性。在電子噴油系統中,氧氣感測器為關鍵性零組件,機器腳踏車由於排氣量小、路程短、避震差,以汽車氧氣感測器直接應用在機車電子噴油系統中,並不適當。反而,應針對機器腳踏車使用環境的需求,發展更靈敏、反應更快速、更微小的氧氣感測器。因此本計畫的目的即在於利用奈米技術,包括以奈米粉體電泳沈積法製備高緻密度(達理論密度值98%以上)的氧化鋯電解質薄膜,以降低其所貢獻的電阻,提升離子傳導速率,結果發現,以奈米粉體電泳法可將1mm厚氧化鋯電解質降低至50μm以下;電阻值也明顯低於傳統厚壁式,合成介孔電極材料,大幅提升電極表面積至50m2/g以上。至於感測性質之量測,也將氧化鋯薄膜兩側以交互循環方式通入氫氣/空氣或空氣/空氣,所量測電壓最高達0.86V,最滴至0.04V,顯示以奈米粉體電泳法所得氧化鋯電解質薄膜,經高溫燒結緻密化後,以達完全氣密效果,發揮其感測功能。若將氧化鋯電解質薄膜應用在機器腳踏車用之氧氣感測器,將可有效縮短反應時間,也有助於其微小化,以促進其廣泛應用之可能性。
EngTitle Application of Nano-technology on Oxygen Sensor
EngAbstract The exhaust from motorcycles is one the major source causing air pollution in Taiwan. However, the motorcycle is very popular due to its convenience and compact size. Thus, more strict regulation is needed to control the exhaust of the motorcycles. The closed-loop engine management system (EMS) may be the best solution to control the exhaust of motorcycles effectively. The oxygen sensor is the key component in the closed-loop EMS. To use oxygen sensor in motorcycles, more strict requirements are needed because motorcycles use much smaller engine, turn on/off frequently, provide limited space. In other words, a more efficient oxygen sensor is needed in a motorcycle. In this study, a thin-film type oxygen sensor was developed using advanced nanotechnology. A zirconia thin film was deposited on a porous substrate using electrophoretic deposition method. After sintering at 1400℃, a gas-tight film was obtained. The resistance from the thin-film zirconia is significantly lower than that of 1mm thick zirconia. Also, mesoporous zirconia powder with very high surface area was developed using self-assembly surfactant as a template. The specific surface area can reach as high as 50 m2/g. The electrochemical test was conducted on EPD deposited thin film cell. One side of the cell was exposed to air. The other side of cell was exposed to hydrogen-containing atmosphere or air alternatively. Consequently, the maximum voltage obtained was 0.86 V and the lowest voltage obtained was 0.04 V. These results show that the zirconia thin film is fully densified and completely covered the substrate. Thus, EPD process is a feasible technology to enhance the performance of oxygen sensor that may be used in motorcycles.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立成功大學材料工程及科學學系