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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治工作相關資訊管理支援計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作重點除了將延續過去兩年完成上線之成果網頁繼續維護、更新以及新增多項單元,另外尚須建置土污基管會內部管理系統及維護土污基管會資訊安全,其預期效果除了可繼續宣導政府在土壤及地下水方面之保護決心與展示施政成果,透過內部作業電子化之方式更能有效提升工作效能。在土壤及地下水污染整治網部分,網站經由重新規劃架構,目前包括會務簡介、施政措施、污染場址資訊、國內外資訊、為民服務等共計九大單元三十七項子功能之完整架構內容。另外配合其他計畫執行成果展示或友善化之相關功能,亦開發多項查詢功能及建置「教育入門網站」或分眾導覽網站。針對內部作業資訊化部分,工作成果包括相關工作記錄表單之設計及建立標準作業流程,並依此標準作業流程建立電子化系統,以e化方式管理會內相關作業及資料,利用集中管理內部文件資料,可提供使用者迅速獲得工作所需資料以提昇工作效率,並藉由電子資料統一集中存放及備份機制,達到資料保存的目的。而為了有效管理會內圖書及電子資源,本計畫制訂一套適合土污基管會圖書之管理方式,並完成書目建檔、貼碼及上架作業,數量共計約一千六百本。另外建置圖書查詢系統,以提供會內同仁一個多元但簡易的圖書檢索功能。在提昇系統效能及網路安全管理方面,本計畫已協助將現有伺服器配備重新規劃,Tuning至最佳狀態,以期能達到分散負載增進效能之功效。另外,配合已完成之相關作業規劃及執行,擬定資訊作業之標準作業流程,撰寫操作手冊及維護手冊,同時為落實這些作業,亦每日進行系統維護監測。
EngTitle Technical Support on Electronic Administrative Task for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Management Board
EngAbstract The agenda of this project is to establish the internal management and maintain internet security of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Management Board. The project will also continue the last year’s agenda: continuous maintenance of the online reporting function, update and create more functions for online reporting. Through internal electronic operation, we can give out efficient propaganda on our government’s concern of the soil and groundwater protection and achievements. The existing web page is composed of board introduction, policy, remediation site information, remediation technology introduction, and contacting the board, totally 9 main features with 37 sub-features. The project also established the “educational introductory” web page to the reinforce inquiry function and display the achievement. The project established the web page for displaying the work record and established electronic standard operation. Electronic administrative work manages the paperwork in more efficient way and easily offers the user any information needed. Electronic administrative work also unified the data keeping and effectively perform record keeping. An electronic library is created and book information filing, coding, and shelving, are established with totally 1,600 books completed. Electronic library inquiry function is enabled so the management board staff has easy access to the records and books.For the aspect of the improving system efficiency and internet security management, the project reorganize the existing server and make tuning, in order to achieve best performance. The Project also make planning of standard operation procedure, writing user manual and carrying out daily system maintenance.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司