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Title 事業廢棄物管理制度檢討及管制清理策略規劃推動
Abstract 本計畫協助進行93年度推估事業廢棄物總量推估之修正,經計算並推估93年度事業廢棄物總量約為3,007萬噸,其中以工業廢棄物約為1,500萬噸為最多,約佔50%,其次為農業廢棄物之635萬噸(約佔21.1%)、營建廢棄物之537萬噸(約佔17.9%)。評估事業廢棄物上網申報之處理屬性分類上,以再利用(含再生資源)的處理為高,合計有1,154萬噸(約佔71.6%),其次為委託或共同處理之211萬噸(約佔13.1%)、自行處理則為87萬噸(約佔5.4%)、境外處理為7.1萬噸(約佔0.04%);另外尚有暫存量約有153.8萬噸(約佔9.4%)。評估事業廢棄物總體之處理設施容量後發現,在現有的處理體系統(不含農業廢棄物和營建廢棄物)約有240萬噸的處理餘裕容量,依本計畫於預警應變機制之建議,可不需要啟動事業廢棄物預警應變機制。於事業廢棄物管理之經濟工具使用評估結果顯示,先進國家除掩埋費(稅)已於歐盟國家已有多國使用外,事業廢棄物暫存保證金或保險制度等機制,並未有其他國家有強制性使用之案例,且經評析後發現,其具行政成本高、中央與地方權責劃分不易、不具商業市場性等執行之問題,故除掩埋費(稅)可納入未來修法的考量外,本計畫不建議未來主管機關針對事業廢棄物的清理上,採強制性的經濟性管制措施。本計畫已研訂並完成事業廢棄物質量清冊格式、規劃建立事業廢棄物質量清冊之標準推估模式及定期更新機制等具體執行成果,並重新彙整近三年之質量清冊、行業別上網申報資料等,並建立未來主管機關依此模式累積歷年質量清冊資料,以利管制決策之參考使用。
EngTitle Reviewing The Management Framework And Clean-up Strategy On The Industrial Wastes
EngAbstract According to the reevaluation on figures of industrial wastes conducted by this project in 2004, the total amount of the wastes in 2004 was estimated to be around 30.07 million tonnes, with large share of 15.00 million tonnes from the processing industry (50%), 6.35 million tonnes from the farming industry (21.1%), and 5.37 million tonnes from the construction and demolition industry (18.2%). And according to the statistic figures of Internet online reporting on various categories, there were 11.54 million tonnes of industrial wastes reported as reused/ recycled (71.6%), 2.11 million tonnes as fully/ joint commissioned disposal (13.1%), 0.87 million tonnes as independent disposal (5.4%), 71 thousand tonnes as oversea disposal (0.04%), and 15.38 million tonnes were in temporary storage (9.4%). Estimating the total industrial waste treatment/disposal capacity of Taiwan, it was around 2.4 million tonnes annually, which did not include the capacity for disposal of agriculture and demolition wastes, and It was deemed to be sufficient for current demand, therefore, there was no need to initiate the emergency responding mechanism.Reviewing the economic instruments of various countries on controlling industrial waste, taxation on landfill was mostly adopted by European countries, and there was no case on adopting compulsory pre-deposition of treatment fee or insurance. Through evaluation of these instruments on their impacts on administrative costs, ruling of duties for central and local government, and commercial and market support, taxation on landfill was clearly a much feasible option to be taken into account when future amending the controlling regulation.The project so far has completed the format of monitoring and reporting inventories for industrial waste producers, establishing the standard protocol for future forecasting and regular reviewing mechanism, and compiling the past 3 years data of waste flow and online reporting statistic, to facilitate the competent agencies on policy planning.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院 環境資源研究發展基金會