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Title 常用樹木對淨化揮發性有機物等空氣污染物之評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的在針對台灣地區環保公園或空氣品質淨化區之常用植物,實際比較測試其淨化二氧化氮﹑二氧化硫﹑臭氧及過氧硝酸乙醯酯(PAN)等空氣污染物之能力及效率,同時篩選排放異戊二烯等污染較低之樹種,以提供環保單位進行「空氣品質淨化區」時選擇樹種之參考依據。本計畫已利用儀器測定常用樹種實際淨化空氣污染之能力,研究蒐集國內與國外低異戊二烯、低單帖類排放植物之文獻、蒐集二氧化氮、二氧化硫、過氧硝酸乙醯酯(PAN)等低排放量樹種之文獻、規劃未來之執行方針與項目、證明植物確實有淨化空氣污染物之能力與效益、提出減少生物源揮發性有機物、提出減少臭氧污染之建議。本計畫已在冬天低溫期,測知十種植物中有九種仍具有淨化二氧化氮之效益,只有黃連木不吸收。又在冬天植物之Vd值仍普遍偏低,顯示冬天植物吸收污染之能力減低很多。 本計畫已在冬天低溫期測試十種植物,發現普遍仍具有淨化二氧化硫之能力,其中以光臘樹及黃連木淨化二氧化硫之能力最高,而茄苳、相思樹、阿勃勒則較低。另發現植物吸收二氧化硫污染之能力仍隨者生理時鐘而有變化,而這些變化可能還需甚多之研究才能瞭解得很透徹。 在植物淨化臭氧方面,曾測試評估21種植物之淨化臭氧之能力,發現高低差異為10倍。又已測定十種植物對PAN之吸收沉降速率,發現植物對PAN之吸收力普遍低於臭氧、二氧化氮或二氧化硫者,且至少低10倍到 100倍,其原因為何並不可知。本計畫已在冬天低溫期,測知原屬異戊二烯高排放之樹種如楓香、水黃皮、構樹、垂葉榕等皆暫時停止異戊二烯之排放,而原本在夏天也不排放異戊二烯之樹種自然也不排放異戊二烯。本研究也對21種常見灌木及11 種常見草本植物進行異戊二烯排放量之測試,結果發現常見之灌木中只有南天竹與金葉黃槐兩種具有異戊二烯排放能力,而11種草本植物皆未見有異戊二烯之排放者。 上述研究所得﹐對於空氣品質淨化區之建構、綠化單位從事行道樹綠化或綠帶綠化者,將具實際參考及應用之價值。本計畫已針對常用約20種樹木評估其淨化二氧化氮、二氧化硫、臭氧、PAN等之能力,並綜合比較其Vd 值,將綜合淨污能力分成A、B、C、D四等級。本計畫自民國九十三年十二月三日開始執行,迄九十四年八月底已依進度完成研究工作,但未來仍建議繼續針對全年之淨污情況加以研究。
EngTitle Uptake rate evaluation of common tree species against volatile organic and other air pollutants
EngAbstract English SummaryTitle:Uptake rate evaluation of common tree species against volatile organic and other air pollutantsThis project is to evaluate the uptake rate or air-cleaning efficiency of common tree species against nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate in Taiwan and to measure the isoprene emission rates of them. A branch enclosure method using corresponding monitors was used to measure the pollutant uptake rates of more than 20 common tree species in this study. Results showed that in the winter season most of the trees still uptake the pollutants including nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, although the uptake rates were lower. The uptake rates showed significant diurnal fluctuation and this phenomenon needs more studied in the future. . Generally the air cleaning efficiency varied among different tree species, with 10 folds difference between the top and the least. The PAN uptake rates were generally 10 t0 100 times lower than those of ozone, nitrogen dioxide or sulfur dioxide. In the winter with low temperature the isoprene emission rates were near zero as compared to those in the summer. This study also screened 21 shrub, 11 herbaceous plant species for their isoprene emission rates, showing only two shrubs emitted the isoprene. A comprehensive evaluation was given to all tested common tree species and a ranking scale from A to D was adopted for ranking them on the basis of pollution uptake rates. These results suggest that the species with high uptake rates should be grown in urban areas to clean the dirty air and uptake the air pollutants and carbon dioxide.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學系