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Title 九十三年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫
Abstract 近年來由於各項工程興建,經濟活動頻繁,大量使用交通工具載運貨物及旅客,因此也大量產生空氣污染物。一般而言,交通工具所產生之空氣污染物主要為一氧化碳、碳氫化合物、硫氧化物及粒狀物,對於空氣品質的劣化有相當大之影響,並直接危害人民健康;其中又以柴油車排放黑煙民眾感受最直接、反應最激烈,因此近年來管制柴油車排放黑煙已成為環保主要重點之一,各縣市環境保護主管機關亦開放免費電話及網站供民眾檢舉烏賊車。目前一般車主對車輛日常保養多不重視,有必要以法規強制要求車主,使對其所有之車輛進行保養調修,控制使用中車輛的排放能符合標準。為有效改善柴油車排煙所產生之空氣污染,屏東縣環保局特針對使用中之柴油車採取嚴格管制策略,除加強路邊稽查取締外,並積極推動排煙檢測站檢驗活動,使車主能時常注意愛車排煙狀況,且於檢測不合格時能加以調修改善,如此,方可真正提昇本縣甚或台灣地區空氣品質。這亦是本計畫執行的最大意義所在!
EngTitle 2004 diesel vehicle power amounting and waste gas inspect project.
EngAbstract In recently years because of establishing each construction and the economic activities frequently, large number of using traffic tools to transport commodity and travelers causes a lot of air pollution matters. Generally speaking, the main air pollution matter are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, oxysulfide and granular matters which make a lot of influence for destroying the air quality and damage people’s health immediately. Among these diesel vehicle emission waste gas which people feel the most and the response the most violent. So it becomes the key point of environment protection in recent years and each county and city’s environment protection organization open the free line and website for people to accuse. Now most drivers don’t attach importance to their car’s daily maintenance, so it necessary to request owner by lows to force them to do the maintenance and adjust of cars. And control the car that is using could conform to the standard. In order to improve the air pollution which made by diesel vehicles’ waste gas, Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau take diesel vehicles for important to do the strict control strategy. Not only strength inspect on the road but also push the waste gas checking activities actively to make owners take care of their cars’ emission condition and adjust and improving when not pass the test. Then we’ll promote this county even Taiwan’s air quality, and it’s also the biggest meaning of this project.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環保局