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Title 九十三年度客雅溪流域污染源整治計畫
Abstract 為改善客雅溪流域水質、恢復生態環境、提昇環境品質及增加休閒空間,新竹市環境保護局除延續以往對水污染源管制工作外,亦將依照客雅溪流域各河段的特性積極推動水域環境綠美化及開放空間整體性規劃。其計畫內容如下:一、針對客雅溪及三姓公溪流域內之列管事業及污水下水道系統(不包含新竹科學園區內納管事業)水污染源進行稽巡查作業二、養豬廢水專案稽查管制作業三、逕流廢水專案稽查管制作業四、電鍍業及金屬表面處理業污染削減專案五、配合環保局持續推動香山地區重金屬污染專案稽查計畫六、於三姓公溪重要匯入點/可疑排入點設置一組遠距離監控設施七、辦理水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會二場次八、持續推動水環境河川守望相助環保志(義)工巡守作業九、持續建置水污染源管制資料十、試算水污費費額及篩選提供異常名單十一、協助辦理其他事業水污染源管理相關業務
EngTitle A renovating plan for pollution sources in Ka-Ya river valley
EngAbstract In order to improve water quality of Ko-Ya brook land, resume the ecological environment and promotes environmental quality and increases to lie fallow in the space, the environmental protection agency of Hsinchu is besides extending to the work of controlling of pollution sources of water in the past, will also actively promote water areas environment green beautifying and open space globality to plan according to the characteristic of the refined every section of brook land of the guest. The content of this plan is shown as follows: First, to guest refined small stream and three being surnamed row running affairs industry of the common brook intra-areas and sewage sewerage system (include Hsinchu science park receive person who run affairs), ink pollution sources check and patroll the homework Second, raise pig"s waste water special project and check and manage the manufacturing Third, Jing flows the special project of waste water checks and manages the manufacturing Fourth, electroplating industry and pollution of dealing with industry of metal surface cut down the special project Fifth, cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to promote the heavy metal in the area of Fragrant Hill to pollute the special project and check the plan continuously Sixth, not at three it is the more important to remit to piece of in small stream since it is surnamed common /the suspicious to it is if ordering , set up there aren"t one group to enter Seventh, handle provention and control of water pollution relevant decree is it can is it prove to lead two sessions to declare Eighth, promote water and environmental rivers and creeks and keep watch and help defend each other continuously engineering patrol and keep the homework for the environmental protection annals (justice ) Ninth, the lasting construction water pollution sources controls the materials.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 新竹市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新竹市環境保護局