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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治法疑義研議及求償事務諮詢計畫
Abstract 本計劃主要工作內容係對環保機關所提出之法律問題,予以探討研析,提供法律意見,釐清複雜之法律疑義,俾利土壤及地下水污染整治法相關業務之推動;依據環保署指示,研擬「台中大甲鎮永信段農地」、「花蓮台泥廠」、「中石化安順廠」、「灌溉渠道造成之農地污染」等個案場址擬具求償規劃報告,另完成「工程合約撰擬要點」及「土污法因應行政罰法施行開立罰單及執行要點」之指導報告,協助環保機關辦理土壤求,蒐集彙整美及地下水污染整治基金求償相關法律事務;並配合環保署業務之需、英、日、澳等國外具體案例及相關規定,提供法律分析作為我國法令修法建議。另由於土壤及地下水污染整治法之規定未臻完善,除於修法過程提供必要之協助,提出增修本法之具體建議外,並蒐集法院實務案例予以分析,使行政機關瞭解法院實務之動向。此外,本計劃並依據土壤及地下水污染整治法及我國相關法令之規定及所收集之實務案例,更新既有土壤及地下水污染整治法法律實務問答集之內容,供地方環保機關參考,以解決實務上之困難。
EngTitle Project on the Study of Legal Ambiguities and the Consultation of Cost Recovery concerning the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act
EngAbstract The main contents of work in this project include: analyzing the legal issues presented by the environmental agencies and providing legal opinions concerning thereto, so as to clarify the legal ambiguities and discrepancies and facilitate the enforcement of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act; drafting reports, as per EPA’s instructions, concerning the recovery plan of remediation costs incurred in the following contamination sites: (1) Farmland at Yung Hsin Section, Ta-Chia, Taichung County. (2) Huan-Lien Factory of Taiwan Cement Corporation. (3) An-Soon Factory of China Petroleum Chemical Corporation. (4) Farmland Pollution caused by Irrigation Channel; completing the guiding reports concerning the “Main Items in the Drafting of Engineering Contracts” and the “Guidelines in the issuance of fine tickets and enforcement of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act in response to the application of the Administrative Penalty Act”; assisting the environmental agencies in recovering the remediation costs reimbursed by the Fund for Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Pollution; collecting and compiling the contamination cases and the relevant laws and regulations of foreign countries, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan and Australia and providing legal analysis thereto as suggestions for the revision of our laws and regulations. In addition to the necessary assistance and substantial suggestions in the course of said revision, the team has also collected the precedents in court practice and made analysis thereto so that the environmental agencies may catch up with the opinions of the court. The project has further renewed the Q & A Manual concerning the legal practice of Remediation Act as per the collected precedents and relevant laws and regulations so that the local environmental agencies may refer thereto and solve the encountered problems in the enforcement of the Act.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 建業法律事務所