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Title 高速鐵路噪音、振動之研究
Abstract 本計畫主旨為利用台灣高速鐵路系統於列車試車之時機,進行試車段沿線噪音及振動量測,以建立我國高速鐵路行車時之噪音與振動資料,作為日後管制之參考。同時亦量測高速鐵路全線背景噪音及振動資料,以便日後高速鐵路全線試車時與其通過時之噪音振動頻譜比較,以瞭解高速鐵路噪音及振動特性,並歸納出叢聚性交通噪音源之鑑別方法。本計畫執行期間由於試車段長度僅20km,行車速率僅達30km/h、70km/h及120km/h三個速率,量測距離軌道中心線50m範圍內之環境噪音及地表垂向振動,即較背景噪音及振動有明顯之增量。該項衝擊量大小受行車速率、背景音量/振動值、測點位置等因素之影響。本計畫在執行期限內,由於試車車速遠不及300km/h,故建議仍應繼續利用本研究之量測方法,量測高速鐵路沿線更多測點於列車高速通過時之噪音與振動資料,才可充分掌握日後高速鐵路營運時,對環境噪音與振動之衝擊程度。
EngTitle The Study of Noise and Vibration from High Speed Rail System
EngAbstract The aim of the project is to measure the passing-by noise and vibration (NV) generated by the Taiwan High Speed Rail Transportation (HSRT) and to establish the data base during trial stage. Hopefully, this data can provide control guide of NV level of HSRT. Besides, the background NV of some selected sensitive sites alongside the overall HSRT line is also measured. Later comparisons of such kind background NV with the passing-by NV, categorization of the NV from HSRT can be attained. Meanwhile, by using the characterization, identification methodology of the NV of HSRT from other clustering traffic noise sources at a sensitive point can be induced.Even if the limited range (20km) of test section and trial speeds (30, 70 and 120 km/h) of HSRT during the execution period of the project, the environment impact of passing-by NV from HSRT is apparent. It shows that the impacts are influenced by the factors of running speed of train, background NV and measuring location etc.Owning to the trial speed of HSRT train is far less than 300 km/h during the execution period of the project, thus it is recommended that further measurements of the passing-by NV are worthy of keeping on undertaking by the methodology established in this project. It is helpful to understand and cope with the NV impact problem of HSRT beforehand.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會