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Title 廢物品類最適回收處理技術與再生市場之調查分析
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為提升目前公告應回收廢物品類、廢乾電池及新增公告項目之處理回收技術,並瞭解及掌握其回收處理管道和再生料市場現況,特委辦本計畫,以瞭解16項應回收廢物品(含廢機動車輛、廢電子電器四項、廢資訊四項、廢鉛蓄電池、廢乾電池、廢輪胎、廢潤滑油、廢照明光源及新增公告之廢電扇及廢鍵盤兩項)之國內外回收處理技術、再利用方式及再生料市場情形,並評估回收處理機構至環保科技園區設廠可行性、辦理廠商輔導及技術交流會議等工作,期藉由技術提昇來改善二次料再利用率及再生料品質。本計畫先確認16項廢物品調查項目後,即進行資料調查與分析工作,並製作調查表單,對於回收處理廠商進行140場次之現場輔導,同時召開4場技術交流會議,在會中藉由回收處理技術之介紹,推動廠商改善處理方式或設備。最後於各項資料收集彙整後,也對後續法制作業制訂與相關配套措施提供參考意見。
EngTitle Investigation and analysis of the optimal recycling and reprocessing technologies and the market of reprocessed material
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration is currently trying to improve the recycling and reprocessing technologies of 16 due-to-recycle products. The recycling and reprocessing channels of these products and the market of reprocessed material are also under investigation. The purpose of this project is to achieve the goals mentioned above. The 16 due-to-recycle products include waste vehicle, motorcycle, electric and electronic product, information technology product, lead storage battery, battery, tire, lubricant, fluorescent lamp, electric fan, and computer keyboard. Information of recycling and reprocessing channels and technologies in foreign countries such as European Union, North America, Japan, and Korea was collected. The feasibility of establishment of recycling and reprocessing plant in the Environmental Science and Technology Park was also studied. Four ‘Workshop on Recycling and Reprocessing Technology’ meetings were held to promote the improvement of reprocessed material quality and the usage rate of the material.This project was started with confirming which 16 due-to-recycle items should be investigated. Then related information was collected and analyzed. At the same time, the basic information and the evaluation of recycling and reprocessing plants were collected and done through field investigation. There were totally 70 plants investigated in field and each one was visited twice in this study. Finally, based on the synthesized information through this entire project, the research team made suggestions for recycling regulation changes in the future.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會