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Title 台灣地區各區域噪音特性調查及環境音量最佳品質之研究
Abstract 國家環境保護計畫訂定以「環境音量不合格時段數百分比」作為噪音改善績效目標之衡量指標,並訂定中長程目標值,為達成該計畫目標,藉由本計畫之執行,來檢討環境音量相關內容。一、於全國共十一個縣市,依據噪音管制法施行細則第八條之規定,於各類噪音管制區適當地點,進行每季二次二十四小時環境噪音連續監測;總計十一縣市監測結果不合格時段數百分比為16.7%。二、 於台南市及桃園市各擇一地點,實施連續三十天環境音量之監測,分析長期監測時環境音量監測數據之變化,研擬代表日選取原則。三、 彙整全國各地方環保局自民國八十九年起至九十二年環境音量監測結果,並進行環境音量趨勢分析,各時段均能音量以第四類最高,第一類最低,而第二、三類則較為接近。四、研擬環境音量監測結果判讀及數據處理原則,供各縣市環保局參考,包括測值零值、過高(高於90分貝)或過低(低於20分貝) 、人為輸入錯誤等等。五、蒐集歐盟、美國及日本有關環境音量相關資料,比較包括噪音監測儀器、量測地點、量測高度、時段區分、評估值、氣象條件等之異同。六、辦理環境音量監測相關業務三場教育訓練會議或座談會,會中並進行噪音計實測業務操作,使各地方環保局人員瞭解最新噪音管制相關知識及儀器系統,有助噪音管制業務之推動。
EngTitle The Study of Noise Survey and Environmental Noise Quality in Taiwan
EngAbstract In the “Nation Environmental Protection Plan”, the index of noise improvement is the percentage of unqualified hour-interval environmental noise. This study was established to achieve the object with reviewing the environmental noise monitoring guidelines and make in situ environmental noise measurements among the eleven cities and counties in Taiwan.1. In this study, we selected proper places in every sorts of noise control district to measure the environmental noise for two 24-hours continuous measurement each season, the whole percentage of unqualified hour-interval environmental noise for the eleven cities and counties was 16.7%2. Two sites were chosen to measure for 30 days long to analyze the variation of noise for long-term situation. One was in Taoyuan and the other was in Tainan City.3. Reviewed the local governments’ monitoring data and analyzed the data from 2000 to 2003.4. Proposed the treatment guideline of environmental noise record. 5. Collected the environmental noise regulation and directive of European Union, U.S and Japan, then compared the equipment, measurement site, measurement height, time-interval, index and weather condition among Taiwan and them.6. Three training courses were hold in April, July and September for the officials who are in charge the noise affairs in every local government. It was effective to improve the knowledge and know-how of noise.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 歐怡科技股份有限公司