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Title 固定污染源空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、帳目核對暨分析計畫
Abstract 本計畫於環保署指導下順利推動空污費徵收作業,完成諮詢服務窗口之建置提供多元化便民服務,並辦理十場次空污費申報作業宣導說明會。另派駐專業人力執行空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、帳目核對暨分析作業,充分達成精省行政資源、簡化徵收作業,彰顯政府施政效能之目標。本計畫迄今共受理四季空污費申報案件建檔初審作業計20,856件,其中包括採書面申報方式15,146件及網路申報方式5,710件,統計本年度全國平均到繳率達94.8%,實收金額為1,425,239千元。為維護徵收制度之公平性,本計畫協助各縣市加強辦理催繳作業,配合本計畫建置之「空污費申報管理系統」即時篩選各季尚未申報之公私場所名單,協助地方環保局執行催繳作業,並依據收費辦法之規定篩選各季空污費指定查核名單共4,474件轉由查核單位進行複審現勘作業,以確保申報資料之正確性。此外,本計畫亦完成研訂500大公私場所排放係數,並針對優惠費率之適用條件提出建議方案,作為後續政策研修之參酌。本計畫延續歷年執行之成功經驗,整合網路傳輸及系統介面之各項工作平台加速整體作業效能,並建置完成網路審查傳輸系統。經由電腦系統之更新作業,可提供即時線上申報狀況查詢及相關資料統計分析,亦能與環保署相關網站線上系統結合更加緊密,以利執行行政管制作業。
EngTitle The Data Establishment, Primary Review, Account Verification and Analytic Plan of Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Fee Declaration
EngAbstract The project teams, under the supervision of the Environmental Protection Administration, have successfully implemented the air pollution control fee declaration, completed the establishment of consulting service offices to provide diversified convenient services to the people, and organized ten air pollution control fee declaration promotional seminars. Up to date, this plan has accepted a total number of 20, 856 applications for the data establishment and primary review of air pollution control fee declaration for four quarters (one year.) Among them, 15,146 applications were filed by written documentation whereas 5,710 applications were filed by the Internet. The annual average collection rate reaches 94.8%, and the premium collected is NT$ 1,425,239 thousands. In order to put the levy system into practice, this project teams assist different counties and cities with the consolidation of payment reminder operations. Moreover, pursuant to the stipulations governing the procedures for payment collection, a total number of 4,474 cases for different quarters were screened for the designated air pollution fee audit list, which was then transferred to the audit units for re-examination, to ensure the accuracy of the filing data. In addition to this, this project also completed the study and formulation of the emission coefficients for 500 major public and private institutes, and then suggestions were proposed in accordance with the applicable conditions for special fee rates, for the reference of follow-up policy research. Hence, this plan has repeated the successful experiences of the past years by integrating a variety of operating platforms for the Internet transmission and systems interfaces, thereby speeding up the overall operations performance.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司