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Title 環境水質(中區)採樣監測計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要針對中區六縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質原有20條河川主支流,69個監測站,於每個月監測一次。自92年4月起,增加中港溪玄寶大橋及烏溪流域烏溪的中二高2個測站,共計71個監測站。自93年1月起,增加大甲溪迎賓橋、烏溪流域烏溪的清流橋及南港溪的新生橋,共計74個監測站。自93年4月起,停止監測中港溪玄寶大橋及烏溪流域烏溪的中二高2個測站,共計72個監測站。而烏溪的中彰大橋自92年5月底開始進行工程,附近並無適當替代點可供採樣;大甲溪石岡壩則在本年度7月份,因水災沖毀,管理單位於現場設置封鎖線,禁止人員進入而無法採樣。93年度污染較嚴重的河川有中港溪流域下游、大里溪、鹿港溪、新虎尾溪流域及北港溪流域。海域水質計有4個沿海區域,19個監測站,於每季監測一次,93年度季均能符合甲類海域環境品質標準。近岸休憩海域水質計有3個休憩海域,9個監測站,於6~9月每兩週監測一次。水庫水質原計有7個水庫,22個監測站,於每季監測一次,在93年度第3季時,增加大埔水庫及德基水庫(五表),計有8個水庫,24個監測站。霧社水庫、鯉魚潭水庫在第3季時上升為優養。此現象值得相關單位早日提出因應對策,以維護水庫水質。地下水水質計有6縣市,90個監測井,主要不合格項目以氨氮、錳為主。而在苗栗的成功國小、彰化的新寶國小、雲林的文光國小湖口分校及口湖國小青蚶分校,則特殊地質背景之可能。
EngTitle The plan of sampling and monitoring with Environmental Water-Quality
EngAbstract The project is focused on monitoring the water quality of all kind of water body of the central region of Taiwan (Included Taichung , MiaoLee , ChangHua , NanTou , YunLin etc.)The purpose of the project is to hold the change trend of water quality through the time. The results will be used to evaluate water body contamination. It can be references for EPA making environmental pollution prevention strategies.River:The total amount of monitoring station are 72.The Chung-Chang Bridge (ACROSS Wu-stream)was under construction from May,2003,there were no suitable. replaced location for sampling. During 2004,the results indicated that. the pollution situation of the dowastream of Chung-Kang-stream, Dn-Li-stream, Lu-Kan-stream, and Hsin-Hu-Wei stream, Pei-Kang-stream are more serious.Seawater:There are 19 monitoring stations for 4 off-store areas , and they will be taken samples every season . During 2004, the results (just included spring summer . Fall) were under the criterion of class a seawater quality.Beach:There are 9 monitoring station for 3 beach areas. Samples were taken biweekly from June to September.Reservior:There are 24 monitoring stations for 8 reserviors , and they were taken water samples every season. According to the monitoring results. The WuShe and LiYuTan reservoir has been observed from general-eutrophication to eutrophication during the third season and from eutrophication to general-eutrophication during the fourth season.Groundwater:There 90 monitoring well in central Region of Taiwan. Ammonia (NH3-N) and Manganese(Mn)were the major items . It may be caused by geology at ChengKung primary school (MaioLee), Hsin-Bao primary school (ChangHua), WenKuang primary school (YunLin , HuKou branch) and KouHu primary school (YunLin,ChingHan branch).
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 佳美環境科技股份有限公司