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Title 事業廢棄物清除處理機構環評追蹤及事業廢棄物清理查核計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作目標之一係為協助環保署執行追蹤開發單位的環評工作落實情形,藉由收集比對歷年的環境監測資料及現場操作紀錄,以進一步了解業者實際狀況,及其排放污染物可能對當地環境品質所造成之影響。  本計畫另一工作目標係針對兩縣市轄區的事業廢棄物清除處理機構及事業進行查核工作,以確實瞭解其廢棄物產出與流向平衡關係,廢棄物清除處理現況,以作為未來相關廢棄物管理政策研擬及追蹤考核之參考。  本計畫共達成下列成果:1.完成93年度13家公民營處理及清理機構環評追蹤工作,包括現地追蹤及彙整廠商改善計畫,以利後續環評追蹤工作之進行。2.完成高雄縣與台中縣二縣市共240家公民營廢棄物清除處理機構和事業之廢棄物清理查核作業。3.完成二場次廢棄物清理查核說明會及二場次查核成效說明會。4.完成之廢棄物清理查核資訊電子化作業。
EngTitle Monitoring of environmental impact assessment work by waste clearance and disposal organizations
EngAbstract One of the objectives of this project is to monitor for the EPA the progress of environmental impact assessment (EIS and/or EIA) carried out by development units. The actual condition of the units involved and the impact of their emission of pollutants are further ascertained by collecting and comparing the environmental monitoring data and site operation records over the years.Another objective of the project is to inspect the business waste clearance and disposal organizations and businesses of the relevant districts of the two counties, in order to ascertain the yield and flow of their waste as well as the progress of their waste clearance and disposal work. Such information can be used as reference in the formulation of the relevant waste control policies and follow-up examination in the future.The results of this project are described below:1.Accomplishment of the follow-up examination of the environmental impact assessment work carried by 13 publicly or privately owned clearance and disposal organizations, including site investigation and compilation of improvement plans proposed by the organizations, in order to facilitate future follow-up examination of environment impact assessment.2.Completion of inspection of the waste clearance and disposal work of 240 publicly or privately run waste clearance and disposal organizations and businesses.3.Completion of two presentations of waste clearance and disposal inspection work and another two on the inspection results.4.Completion of electronification of data relating to waste clearance and disposal inspection.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會