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Title 一般廢棄物清除處理工作之推動專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保署為推動全分類零廢棄之政策,因而擬定了三年行動計畫,並委託執行多個研究調查計畫,以規劃執行方式並落實該方案,本計畫便是其中之一。本計畫經一年執行,在學者專家之指導、環保署以及地方環保單位的配合,本計畫各工作項目之成果如下1.一般廢棄物清運民營化:完成一般廢棄物清運民營化招標文件範本、契約書草案範本、清運作業技術規範、一般廢棄物清運民營化成本效益分析指引以及其他相關配套措施,包括了既有設備、人力運用方案、民營化之監督管理方案、臨時、緊急應變處理方案等。2.一般廢棄物處理費隨量徵收:篩選出可優先推動該政策之縣市建議名單、完成一般廢棄物清除處理費隨量徵收之標準作業流程與規範、一般廢棄物清除處理費隨量徵收之推動前、推動後及緊急狀況支援等具體因應措施,以及一般廢棄物清除處理費隨量徵收相關規定之研擬。3.一般廢棄物跨區合作:完成跨區合作範圍分區之建議、推動垃圾清理跨區域合作之互惠互助機制、誘因及相關配套措施,包括行政、技術帡]務等層面、三種垃圾清理跨區域合作契約範本之研擬,並建議跨區域合作機制,各級政府應扮演的角色功能。4.廚餘回收:完成推動廚餘回收短、中、長期推動策略之規劃、廚餘回收再利用計畫及成本分析、廚餘回收再利用設施及機具識別系統建議、各項設施經費分析、跨縣市廚餘回收協調機制之研擬。5.水肥處理:完成國內水肥處理設施現況調查、水肥清理短、中、長程計畫之規劃、水肥清理設施及機具識別系統之建議、跨縣市及跨部會清理水肥之協調機制研擬、並對水肥再利用可行性提出規劃。6. 全分類:完成各縣市之基線資料分析、一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄宣導網頁、整合之一般廢棄物申報系統, 10場次一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄說明會、三場次一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄學者專家諮詢會、一場次一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄業務檢討會,並完成未來20年一般廢棄物質與量之評估、以及推動全分類之政策及措施建議。7.底渣再利用:完成4座焚化廠、1座底渣再利用機構,一年四次、三種不同粒徑底渣中,重金屬含量及戴奧辛總量之檢測,除兩個樣品含有過量之鉛金屬,其餘樣品均能符合法規對金屬含量之要求。7氯及8氯戴奧辛異構物,對各樣品中戴奧辛總量之貢獻最大,完成底渣再利用產品所含重金屬等污染物質危害性評估,並對如何防止底渣再利用產品中重金屬及戴奧辛等有害物質造成二次污染提出建議。
EngTitle The promotion plan for general waste transportation and treatment
EngAbstract During a year’s study the following achievements may be drawn from this project.1. Privatization of waste collection and transportation:compiled a proposed document concerning the commissioning of collection and transportation of household waste to the private sector. 2. User-pays household waste policy:recommended a list of cities to lead the implementation and reinforcement of this policy, an instructive flowchart of standard working procedures and related practices for the user-pay system of waste collection and transportation. 3. Co-operation general waste collection and treatment:drafted practices in relation to the co-operative incineration of waste across districts including administrative, technical and financial issues. 4. Kitchen refuse:evaluated all available organic kitchen refuse collection and transportation apparatus, treatment facilities, capacities and the usage of the final recycled products across all districts in Taiwan, a planned short-term, mid-term and long-term promotional strategies for this project are recommended.5. Household aqueous waste:the treatment capacities of household aqueous waste have been surveyed, a planned short-term, mid-term and long-term promotional strategies for this kid waste are recommended.6. Zero Waste:the baseline data analysis undertaken for each district may be used as an reference to promote the “Zero Waste” policy, complete a website promoting awareness of the “Zero Waste” concept, set-up a waste report and feedback system, ten explanatory lectures, three consultant meetings with experts, a evaluative meetings on the “Zero Waste policy”, have all achieved the desirable outcomes.7. Reuse of incineration bottom ash:samples were taken from four incinerators and one bottom ash recycling plant to analyze its contents of heavy metals and dioxins, only 2 samples contained excessive amounts of the heavy-metal lead. The most significant contributors to the dioxin levels in all samples were formed from seven and eight chlorinated dioxin isomers.
ProjectYear 093
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 中興工程顧問股份有限公司